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Coming up in sportsday on bbc news. England womens goalkeeper Karen Bardsley has been ruled out of the rest of euro 2017 after breaking her leg in the Quarterfinal Win over france. Good evening. More than 3 million british gas customers are facing a big rise in their electricity bills. From september, the company will charge 12. 5 more for electricity. It means a typical household on a dualfuel tariff will see its annual bill go up by £76. British gas says its putting up prices for the first time in nearly four years because its own costs have risen. But the government and Consumer Groups have condemned the move. Heres our business editor, simonjack. Electricity, a basic need, a simple product. Its the same wherever, or whomever, you buy from. If you buy it from british gas, it will be 12. 5 more expensive from september, as the uks largest supplier hiked prices for the first time in four years. Given wholesale costs have come down over that period, why raise prices now . We do agree that, over the last few years, since we dropped Electricity Prices the last time, wholesale costs have indeed fallen by about £36 on a typical bill but weve seen these other factors of transmission and distribution costs, and Energy Policy costs, go up by nearly £100. Thats the main driver. Electricity may be a simple commodity but the factors that influence its price are complicated. 22 of the bill is made up of the companys operational expenses. Theres also 5 vat in there. The wholesale price makes up 36 of the bill. Thats the price at which the Energy Suppliers buy the energy they then sell onto us. British gas concedes that this has actually fallen since the beginning of the year. Then theres the cost of delivering the electricity to our homes. That makes up 29 of the cost. British gas says rising costs here is one reason responsible for todays hike. Figures from ofgem show these costs fell over the last year. The other one is government policy. That makes up 13 . That includes increased use of renewable energy, and promoting Energy Saving measures like insulation. British gas says they are going up. Ofgem says, yes, they are, but only by 2 . No wonder some consumers are confused. They make them as complicated as they can and people dont understand them. The bills arent very clear, i dont think. Im not sure where british gas is coming from but i guess the other option youve got is choose a different supplier. The fact the wholesale prices have stayed the same, or going down, as far as im aware. The fact theyre putting them up, for the consumer, is pretty disgusting. British gas froze prices when others raised them earlier this year, so its catching up with the rest of the pack. Consumer groups say it is the governments responsibility to take industrywide action. The government needs to urgently look at what it does for those customers who are paying over the odds. There has been so much discussion about the Energy Market and that it doesnt work for consumers. The discussion needs to end we need to see some action. According to the opposition, that action should include a cap on Energy Prices. Weve said from the labour party wed introduce a price cut initially, but also we would develop alternative Energy Supplies so that this cartel we have now cannot control pricing levels, and hold us over a barrel ever again in the future. I think theyre exploiting their customers. Policies like capping Energy Prices to support working families. The conservatives had a cap in their manifesto. It was dropped from the queens speech, and now the government wants ofgem to find ways to keep the bills down. Once again, energy is a hot political issue. Simon jack, bbc news. Our political correspondent, alex forsyth, is in westminster. I , can the governor do to keep Energy Prices down . What should the role of government be in the Energy Market scratch but this was an issue during the Election Campaign because theresa may had said if the conservatives win power than they would introduce the energy price cap. The conservatives did win power but they did not win a majority, so that plan has been shelved. That is in part because of brexit. The government has a heavy programme of legislation to get through the commons. Not every tory mp with back the idea of a price cap. This is a parliamentary battle they cannot afford. Ofgem has sufficient powers to do something about this. There is currently a consultation and ofgem is expected to bring forward proposals later this year which may help the most vulnerable customers that ministers are stressing that idea of a price cap is not entirely off the table. It is something the threat warning to energy companies. If you do not do something about this, the government might. Do not expect any significant Government Intervention on this any time soon. For now they are keen to be seen to be talking tough. Thank you. The National Crime agency says that 60 people have died in the uk in the past eight months after taking the painkilling drug fentanyl. Its 50 times more potent than heroin and is the drug that was linked to the death of the rock star prince. Now dozens more deaths are being investigated. The painkiller is usually given to cancer patients, but its increasingly being added to heroin and other class a drugs, asjune kelly reports. The rock legend prince died suddenly last year at the age of 57. Purple rain. A year on, medical examiners concluded his death was due to an accidental overdose of fenta nyl. The drugs that killed this Showbiz A List is responsible for an increasing number of deaths in the uk. Fenta nyl increasing number of deaths in the uk. Fentanyl is a painkiller used to treat cancer patients. It is 50 times stronger than heroin. It has been linked to the deaths of 60 people in the uk and there is an even more powerful substance which can be up to 10,000 times stronger than street heroin. We talk about people playing Russian Roulette with these type of drugs. It is an extremely dangerous game now with the Fentanyl Addition to be heroin. Sean, who does not want his face shown, lost his sister to a suspected fentanyl overdose. She had bought some. She knew what she bought some. She knew what she bought it was from the dealer. They found her two days later on the toilet. In most of the deaths, fe nta nyl ha d toilet. In most of the deaths, fenta nyl had been toilet. In most of the deaths, fentanyl had been mixed with heroin for a biggerfix. Fentanyl had been mixed with heroin for a bigger fix. They are that far gone on heroin and the other drugs and the lifestyle they lead, nothing matters to them. All they are bothered about is that relief, getting out of their head and getting out of their head and getting away from the world for an hour or two. Fentanyl is so lethal that this is how police were kitted up that this is how police were kitted up when they raided a suspects house. 0fficers up when they raided a suspects house. Officers had to be protected against breathing it in. Why is it coming onto british streets . We believe this is partly down to the ongoing need for dealers to be trying to compete with each other and sometimes introducing drugs into the marketplace they believe might enhance their profits. Fentanyl is what is known as the synthetic opioid. Most of the uk deaths have beenin opioid. Most of the uk deaths have been in yorkshire and the north east of england. The police are highlighting the dangers but, have addicts got the strength to heed the message . Police in london are having to adopt new tactics to deal with an upsurge in moped crime. Criminals on two wheels have been riding around the city targeting people with Mobile Phones or bags. Police say the number of incidents has tripled in the last year. Our special correspondent, lucy manning, has been investigating the growing threat from moped gangs. Last night near harrods the police and fire brigade rushed to a moped gang attack. Liquid, possibly acid, thrown at the victim as they tried to steal his watch. A few months ago in east london and a motorcyclist is surrounded by four mopeds. A Fire Extinguisher let off in his face. In london it is increasingly the crime of choice for teenage offenders. Police telling the bbc the average age of moped gangs is 15. With somejust 13. Please send me the location of where he is. Delivery driverjabed hussain was attacked three weeks ago on his moped when acid was thrown at him as they stole his bike. He is now part of a Social Media Group with hundreds of Moped Drivers warning if a gang is spotted. Another alert comes in. Just turning left to go towards my next job. Two guys on one bike. Just be careful. How often are people posting that they are seeing these mopeds around . Today, so many. Police do not stop or chase them. Theyre getting away with it. We go with jabed to meet other Delivery Drivers, some have stopped working after ten oclock at night, theyre so scared of the moped gangs. Where are you seeing the mopeds . Everywhere, everywhere around and police do not care. It is not men, it is kids. 14, 16. Your life is in danger. Some of them will come when we are just stopped at traffic lights. Someone could attack from behind. As we talk, a bike cuts across the pavement, the driver and passenger with their faces covered. Do not film me. The Delivery Drivers say this is one of the moped gangs, they threaten our team. Later we check the number plate, the bike is not taxed or insured and has changed colour. Police believe the characteristics of a stolen bike. In the last year there were 16,000 moped related crimes in london. Three times as many as the previous year. But the bbc has been told police are testing a new way of catching the attackers. Spraying them with liquid that can later be traced. Were looking at a spray that delivers a unique dna piece which sprays on them and can be traced back to them later on. If equipment or clothing or the bike is uvd. And can you use this spray on them as they are taking off . Potentially, yes. Were trying to find a way to do that safely. It is being tested under home office guidelines. Police insist they often give chase. There is a misconception that there is less pursuit and people do not pursue because they think they might get into trouble. That is not true, in fact our number of pursuits has increased over the last 18 months. You do not pursue every moped gang when a call comes in . Some do get away . That is true but the reality is by the time we get the call for most of these offences, that moped has already gone. 0nline its also brazen. Bristolbiketaker, with pictures of mopeds, masked riders and bolt cutters. Avon and Somerset Police who are investigating say the account is used to taunt the owners of stolen bikes. 0thers appear to offer keys for sale to unlock mopeds. And teenagers post videos of themselves driving recklessly, breaking traffic laws. This is believed to be riders filming themselves being chased by the police. And Police Video Shows Phone Thieves fleeing up the wrong side of the m11. The bbc has been told moped gangs are now coming into london from kent, sussex, surrey and buckinghamshire. Police believe this growing problem in the capital will spread across the country. Lucy manning, bbc news. Five Prison Officers have been taken to hospital following violence at Erlstoke Prison in wiltshire. There has also been a second day of rioting at the mount prison in hertfordshire. Its understood that prisoners seized control of part of one wing. Officials say the incident is now under control. The John Radcliffe hospital in oxford has become the first in the nhs to move patients because of concerns about fire safety following the Grenfell Tower disaster. Its closing the Inpatient Wards of the trauma unit after a review found problems with the cladding on the building and with other Fire Protection measures. A great day at the white house that was Donald Trumps assessment last night after his new director of communications, Anthony Scaramucci, was sacked even before hed formally taken up the post. But the president s take on events seemed not for the first time at odds with many observers of his us administration, as our North America editor jon sopel reports. It is being billed as the last supper. Anthony scaramucci last night having dinner at where else . The restaurant in the trump hotel just hours after hed been unceremoniously dumped. At roughly the same time came this extraordinary tweet from donald trump. A great day at the white house. What . Are you kidding . Well, no, he wasnt. The swearing in of Generaljohn Kelly as Chief Of Staff being seen as a new beginning for this administration. He will do a spectacularjob, i have no doubt, as Chief Of Staff. So, could this mark the end of whats been a turbulent, dysfunctional six months for all the president s men . The former National Security adviser was the first to go. Fired afterjust 2a days in the job, after he lied about his contacts with the russian ambassador. Three months after being fired, trumps First Communications director, the rather anonymous mike dubke, handed in his resignation. He cited personal reasons. Then came the super sacking. The high profile and brutal dismissal of the former fbi director, james coney. Infuriating the president with his investigation into links between the russians and the trump campaign. 11 days ago, it was the turn of beleaguered press secretary, sean spicer. He walked, furious that President Trump had hired Anthony Scaramucci as Communications Director. The departure of Reince Priebus came as little surprise after he was subject to a vicious Verbal Attack by Incoming Communications director scaramucci. But what goes around comes around. After just ten days into the job, mooch was front stabbed by the incoming Chief Of Staff. The profound hope among those close to President Trump is that with general kelly in charge there will be a fundamental change in the way this place operates. 0rganised, disciplined, united. But weve seen this movie before. A change in personnel leading to high expectations, followed by a swift return to normal. Time will tell. In the meantime, the late night comedians are making hay. The president has been very busy repealing and replacing his staff, most notably Anthony Scaramucci, the mooch. The mooch lasted as Communications Director for only ten days. Then he left us with nothing but memories, like a bunch of weird moves. Macarena. Hey, scaramucci. What . But some things are still refreshingly familiar. Donald trump tweeting a short time ago, only the Fake News Media and trump enemies want me to stop using social media. The only way for me to get the truth out. Change . Yes. But revolution . No. Jon sopel, bbc news, washington. The general election in june confounded pollsters and commentators, taking many by surprise. Very few had expected theresa may to lose her parliamentary majority. For the past three years the British Election study has followed a panel of the same 30,000 voters, asking Them Hundreds of questions about their political views and choice. It offers the most detailed look at the issues which most concerned the electorate. Our home editor, mark easton, has been examining the results. And what were saying is the conservatives are the largest party. They dont have an overall majority at this stage. It was the Election Result that almost no one forecast. Certainly not Prime Minister theresa may who had anticipated the result would strengthen her mandate. I felt, i suppose, devastated really. Yes, a little tear. So what happened . The Gold Standard of electoral analysis is regarded as the British Election survey which followed a panel of 30,000 voters before, during and after the campaign. Now we can reveal what was really on voters minds. Many issues were mentioned as the single most important but one came up three times more often than any other. 2017 saw the brexit election. Normally you would expect to see a balance of issues. You would see the economy particularly but you would see immigration, you would see the nhs. What was unusual about 2017 was that brexit seemed so dominant and not just in terms of the things that people were thinking about but in terms of how people actually voted. Strong and stable leadership. The conservatives wanted the election to focus on brexit. Invest in education. Invest in health. While other parties, notably labour, wanted to talk about austerity and public services. But if the tories assumed a focus on the negotiations to leave the eu would help them, they were mistaken. At the start of the campaign, labour were far behind the conservatives and while the tories did win votes, from ukip and floating voters, labour gained much more. During the campaign, the survey suggests conservative support increased just over 1 . But labour went up by 1a , more than half of floating voters went to them. They had a Good Campaign and they increasingly won over remain supporters who were looking for a home, so there might have been a tactical element there. Labour were really the only viable option for a lot of people who wanted a soft brexit. There is always churn in an election but this was predominantly one way towards labour. Undecided voters like the parties promised to retain the benefits of the eus single market, even if the leaderships position on brexit was not always crystal clear. But there was another factor at play too. At the start of the election, theresa may had a sizeable lead over Jeremy Corbyn in terms of her likability. But by polling day, the two were almost neck and neck. People were a little bit scared of corbyn at the outset but i think the more they saw of him the less that became the case. And, in contrast, may had quite a bad campaign. One could interpret the Election Result with both labour and tories getting more than 40 of the vote as a return to traditional two Party Politics but scratch the surface and its clear the divide was not about left versus right, but britains relationship with the wider world. Mark easton, bbc news, westminster. Pancreatic cancer is one of the most challenging to treat fewer than 7 of patients make it beyond five years after diagnosis. Nowa team based in birmingham believe that moving to surgery earlier than is currently the case could improve success rates. Over 9,500 people are diagnosed with the cancer each year in the uk. In a pilot scheme involving 32 patients, the average waiting time from diagnosis to surgery was cut from two months to two weeks. In the vast majority of those cases 31 patients tumours were successfully removed. Doctor says it will be two years before they can be really sure if operating earlier does extend life chances. In venezuela, two Opposition Leaders have been taken to a Military Prison by the Security Services a move that has been condemned internationally. The family of the former mayor of caracas, antonio ledezma, released this video of him being taken from his home last night. Leopoldo lopez was also detained. Theyd called for a boycott of sundays controversial vote on creating a new national assembly. In the last few days at least ten people have died in protests. In afghanistan, at least 29 people have been killed in explosions at a mosque in the western city of herat. Police said the attack took place during evening prayers and was carried out by a Suicide Bomber and another assailant, who threw a grenade at worshippers. South africas ruling party, the anc, is facing one of its worst ever crises. With the country in recession, its president , jacob zuma, has been accused of rampant corruption. Its a charge thats divided his party and hes facing a vote of no confidence next week. Today, Party Members were told if they dont back him, they should leave the anc. 0ne mp who has openly called for the president to resign has been receiving death threats. Andrew harding went to meet her. She looks nervous, and with good reason. All sorts of strange. Makhosi khoza, a member of parliament here in south africa, has been receiving death threats. You have 1a days to live, says one text. Then, ten days. Now she travels with an armed guard. Her crime to speak out in public against south africas president jacob zuma. Yeah. The stress is showing. Dr khoza is an mp for the Governing Anc but shes broken ranks, calling for the president to step down. If we get threatened, our lives get threatened because we express particular political views, that begins to tell you that you are actually officially in a dictatorship. In public, the ancs leaders still pretend theyre united. But President Zuma himself admits a ferocious Power Struggle is under way. There is a war that is silent, eroding the very existence of the African National congress. That war is about power and money. Mr zuma and his allies are accused of looting the state, of monstrous corruption, its a charge they deny but leaked e mails are fuelling new allegations and alarming many. I think every south african is very, very worried about what is happening and we are hoping for a miraculous solution. Some believe that solution could take the form of an upcoming vote here in parliament on whether to remove President Zuma from office. But theres no guarantee that disillusioned mps like dr khoza have the numbers to get rid of him. These are alarming and invigorating times for south african democracy, so much to fight for, so much at stake here right now. The fate of President Zuma, of the economy and of africas oldest liberation movement. Many, perhaps most south africans, still hope the anc can self correct. When good people keep quiet, then the evil prevails. And we want to make sure our people do not lose faith in us, simply because we have taken one or two missteps. We want to correct that. We are going to correct that. But dr khoza, in hiding now and threatened with expulsion from the anc, believes her party has sunk too far. It has not been easy to confront the reality that maybe as a liberation movement, maybe we have reached the dead end. A bleak warning from a defiant woman. Andrew harding, bbc news, south africa. Hes the fastest man in history, with eight 0lympic Golds and currently three World Records. But usain bolts glittering career is coming to an end. Hell run his last ever 100 metre race at the World Athletics Championships in london on saturday and then his final Sprint Relay A Week later. As he prepares for retirement, hes been speaking to our sports editor, dan roan. The worlds fastest man is about to say farewell but usain bolt remains the star attraction. This, the stir he caused in london today at the end of an unparalleled career. In one of his last interviews before his final 100 metres on saturday, the jamaican telling Me Retirement was the right call. I think its time for me to slow down a little bit, you know what i mean and then i decide if i want to pick it up. But for me after i retire i want to take it slow and relax a little bit. Is there no way you could be persuaded to reconsider retirement . I dont think so. I think i am just done so much, i really ifeel accomplished. I feel like i done so much, i really ifeel accomplished. Ifeel like i have done enough. Here comes usain bolt, he is pulling away he is going to win gold bolts decade long Sprinting Supremacy has entered the realm of legend with a remarkable eight 0lympic Golds and a further 11 at World Championships. He currently holds three World Records and with the personality to match the performances athletics is losing a figure who transcended his sport. If you could describe the legacy you want to leave behind, how you want to be remembered in sport, how would it be . Just simple, i just want to be one of the greats. One of the greatest. When conversations are had about greatest sports star i wanted to be a part of that conversation. I want people to say yeah, usain bolt was one of the greatest sports stars that has ever done any sports. Do you believe your World Records will be beaten, taken away one day, or will they stand forever . I havent seen anybody in this era now to do it. So, maybe a couple of years, ten years from now, i dont know. But right now, i think my record is safe so far. Bolt burst on to the Scene Injamaica 15 years ago when he starred at the world junior championships. Since then, he has become a National Hero and a true sporting superstar. And back in the north of the island where he grew up those closest to him are willing him to go out on a high. I dont know, maybe i may cry. I dont know. Ijust hope he does well there. Because if he lost, then it will be heartbroken for me. Usain bolt is a genius. I cant think, other than mohammed ali in my sporting lifetime, i cant think of anybody that has so had an impact inside or beyond their sport. With recent Doping Scandals casting a long shadow over his sport bolts often been portrayed as the saviour often been portrayed as the saviour of athletics and he issued this stark warning to those tempted to cheat. I think as long as they understand if they keep this up, the sport will die and they wont have a job. Hopefully at least understand that and they will help the sport to move forward. Arguably the greatest Track And Field has ever seen, sports ultimate showman intends to mark his retirement with more glory. The World Championships will provide final memories of a unique talent, filling the void he leaves behind could prove athletics greatest challenge. Dan roan, bbc news. And you can watch usain bolts last races before he retires on the bbc. Full coverage of the World Athletics Championships begins this friday at 7pm. Thats just about it from us. Newsnights about to begin over on bbc two in a few moments. Heres kirsty wark. International condemnation of the crackdown in venezuela. Tonight we speak to an Opposition Senator in caracas as the president s crackdown intensifies. Join me now on bbc two. Here on bbc one, its time for the news where you are

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