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The president has nothing further to add on that. The president has no further comment on this. For the third time, there is nothing further to add on that. Chelsea clinch the Premier League title. In Antonio Contes first season title. In Antonio Contes first season in charge. And coming up in Sportsday On Bbc News gloucester were hoping to win the first major trophy of the Rugby Union Club season in the final of the European Challenge Cup against stade francais. Good evening. The nhs has fallen victim to a major cyberattack. 39 Hospital Trusts and gps in scotland and across england have had to cancel routine operations, send patients home and divert ambulances. The nhs says its services have been targeted by a ransomware attack, which means nhs data is, in effect, being held hostage by hackers demanding money. Dozens of other facilities have shut down their email and Computer Systems as a precaution. The scale of the cyberattack on the nhs is unprecedented. Its been declared a Major National incident, disrupting hospitals and trusts from glasgow, dumfries and ca rlisle, blackpool and york, to some of the big Teaching Hospitals in london, and services in the south of england. The Prime Minister says the incident is part of a wider attack affecting organisations around the world. Its thought 7a countries have been affected. There was serious disruption in some parts of the nhs today, with signs warning of significant delays at a e units and some gp surgeries having to remain empty. All this the result of the biggest cyber attack in the history of the nhs. Some patients like tom, Waiting For Nonurgent surgery, were told their operations had been postponed. Its inconvenient, very frustrating for my fellow patients inside lincoln county. The nurses are absolutely fabulous, and the doctors, and also i think its a heinous crime, this hacking, because they are putting peoples lives at risk. Richard, who was due to have an operation on his leg, was also told it wouldnt happen today. It was disappointing, because ive got all. They helped me, because i was a bit nervous about it, so ill have to go through it again, i hope, not very long way. Laura, whose new baby arrived yesterday, was delayed in leaving hospital. As a precaution, they were doing all the paperwork on paper, their systems were down because of all these things that happened. Some patients going to Colchester Hospital were told what services had been affected. The gentleman just inside the door said that all the computers have gone down and, were not sure whether the doctors can see you, for whatever reason. If its x rays or breakages or whatever, theyre going to send you home. Its happened before, at this Hospital Trust covering North Lincolnshire and goole. It systems were closed for three days as a result of a cyber attack last autumn. Hundreds of operations and patient appointments were postponed. People were told to go to a e only if it was really necessary. There were warnings then that nhs it was vulnerable. And today, Staff Logging in at some other hospitals found this on their screens, with the message saying, your files are encrypted. If you want to recover them, you need to pay up. Ransomware, a hidden programme used by criminal hackers, was to blame. In a statement, nhs digital, responsible for it, said. Nhs england said it wanted to reassure patients that, in the event of emergencies, they should visit a e as normal, but some gps are warning there will be disruption at least into early next week. There will be referrals that gps have made this afternoon or wanted to make a referral that will now have to be processed on monday. Hoping that everything is back up and running. And there will be a backlog of things like repeat prescriptions, which we do electronically. Well have patients unable to book future appointments and things this afternoon, so there will be things that will give us a backlog from this, depending on how long it goes on for. The Prime Minister gave the governments response. Its an International Attack on a number of countries and organisations. The National Cyber Security Centre is working closely with nhs digital to ensure that they support the organisations concerned and that they protect patient safety. Some hospitals and gp surgeries in scotland have been caught up in the cyber attack. The scottish government, like ministers at westminster, and nhs leaders, will be trying to assess the extent of the problem and contain it over the weekend. Well, similar ramsomware attacks have been reported at organisations in 7a countries across the world, including the us, china, russia, spain and italy. Security analysts believe the incidents are all linked. It looked at first like an attack just an hospitals in the uk, but its now becoming clear that this Malicious Software has run riot around the world. Russia, the United States and many points in between have been hit by what is now a common form of cybercrime. Its become a tool of choice for an awful lot of criminals simply because its very easy to make money very quickly. You can buy ransomware online for as little as 39. Its quite cheap. At the top end of the market, it comes with a lot of support and Payment Systems to help you get your money. So how does ransomware work . It often arrives in an innocuous looking e mail. You click it, the softwa re looking e mail. You click it, the software is downloaded and spreads through june at work, software is downloaded and Spreads Throuthune at work, locking up the files on it. Then a message flashes up files on it. Then a message flashes up on files on it. Then a message flashes up on screens, Warning Files on it. Then a message flashes up on screens, warning that if you wa nt up on screens, warning that if you want your data on blogs, you will have to pay a ransom, often in bitcoin. The irony is that Security Experts think a hacking tool allegedly leaked from Americas National Security Agency in april may have been used by the attackers will stop microsoft warned about the threat this vulnerability post, it said anybody who had secured a Security Update the previous month would be ok. The worry is that many Health Service computers may not have been updated. The nhs is vulnerable, because it has not invested enough in computer security, they use old systems, and if they dont keep them patched, they will keep on getting hit by attacks like this. The Health Service will point out it is one of many organisations around the world that had by this attack. It now faces what could be a lengthy process of cleaning up its computers and making the network safe again. Our Health Editor hugh pym is at the department of health. Whats the likely impact on patients . Presumably people are busy getting the system back up and running . Officials here have been working late this evening, jeremy hunt has been here, Keeping In Touch with nhs leaders who have been trying to gather information from around the system. It is a disparate system, trying to work out what is happening ta kes trying to work out what is happening takes time. It was a key hours before the centre could get any information about how badly services we re information about how badly services were affected. There seems to be a consensus that around a0 organisations have been affected, it is not clear how many trusts, how many gp practices and other nhs groups. There are more than 200 nhs bodies in england. The priority over the weekend will be to try to help hospitals and other nhs facilities stabilise their systems and try to get back to normal. There will be a debate about how formal ball the nhs is, how much investment there has been to avoid this sort of thing, thatis been to avoid this sort of thing, that is one source said, that is a question for another day, he priority now is to stabilise the system. What about the disruption for patients . How badly will it affect them . How likelys how long is this likely to go on . Nhs leaders are making clear that Emergency Care is there as normal for people who need it, but when it comes to routine surgery tom outpatient appointments, quite a lot postponed today, it is likely that more will be postponed on monday and maybe tuesday, which will create a backlog which could run for some time, because the nhs is under such pressure. Gps say they have been affect it in some areas, that will affect it in some areas, that will affect appointments and prescriptions and so on. It is not clear how long it will last, but almost certainly well beyond the weekend. Jeremy corbyn says the War On Terror isnt working and britain needs a fresh approach. In a Speech Outlining his Foreign Policy, he said he wasnt a pacifist and could see circumstances in which he would involve britain in a war, but he warned against what he called a bomb first, talk later approach. Mr corbyn accused theresa may of pandering to donald trump, who he said was making the world a more dangerous place. Hes used to it now, all the attention, and not always friendly, though he still tries to be. Dont push each other, ok . Labours campaign is so much aboutJeremy Corbyn, his character, ideas hes held dearfor 30 years, though some in his party wish he hadnt, like defence. And today The Labour Leader was holding to his oldest and deepest convictions, writing off years of britains way of war against international terror. The fact is that the War On Terror has been driven, which has driven these interventions, has not succeeded. It has not increased our security at home. In fact, many would say just the opposite. But this, britains leader onside and alongside with donald trump, was notJeremy Corbyns answer. More talking, less fighting, yes, and a lot less cosiness with washington if labour wins. Britain deserves better than simply outsourcing our countrys security and prosperity to the whims of the trump white house. So no more handholding donald trump. A Labour Government will conduct a robust and independent Foreign Policy. In this election, its become clear that a vote for the conservatives would be a vote to escalate the war in syria, risking Military Confrontation with russia, adding to the suffering of the Syrian People and increasing global insecurity. The message when facing terrorism, time somehow to rely on peace and diplomacy. But what about britains nuclear deterrent, and Jeremy Corbyns lifelong opposition to Nuclear Defence . For a potential Prime Minister, its become a nagging question, a live election issue, and he knew it. Im often asked if, as Prime Minister, i would order the use of nuclear weapons. Its an extraordinary question, when you think about it. Would you order the indiscriminate killing of millions of people . Would you risk such contamination of the planet that no life could exist across large parts of the world . That sounded like a no. He wanted Nuclear Defence reconsidered, too. We cannot obviously decide what a review would decide, otherwise you wouldnt have a review. What do you say to supporters of British Military power, when its not clear in what circumstances you would ever order forces into battle, in or out of nato, and including strikes against Islamic State . Think back to our history. I doubt many, if any in this room would have questioned the legitimacy ultimately of the Second World War because of the catastrophe that had approached by the rise of the nazis. But controversy today is about recent conflict. British air strikes on the so called Islamic State in iraq and syria, whichJeremy Corbyn opposed. He is proud now that hejoined the marches against the iraq invasion in 2003, a war which drove down support for labour in government. Today, he wanted british raids against is reviewed. We examine what they are doing straightaway, examine what their presence is straightaway, but above all, that fits into the whole point im saying, that i would do everything i possibly could in order to reignite the whole peace process. Political opponents, out campaigning too, had their lines rehearsed and ready. A labour party led byJeremy Corbyn would simply chuck away our ability to defend ourselves. I think that is crazy, and its not the way i want to go. We see Defence Policy sucking in billions of pounds on trident at a time when our conventional Defence Forces have seen cut after cut after cut. Approval for the leaders line here today, but labour needs converts, lots of them. John pienaar, bbc news. Well, theresa may was campaigning in the north east today, in an attempt to win over labour voters. And as mr corbyn was outlining labours Foreign Policy plans, mrs may accused him of deserting proud and patriotic working class people. Here is laura kuenssberg. Labour for the many, not the few. What the tories might expect, a raw reception in much of the north east of england. The tories will ruin our environment. Will the conservatives win around here . No. It is a small selection of People Canvassing for the tories, we have a huge following for the labour. But inside, theresa may believes she can swell these polite ranks of her supporters, trying to stir up National Pride with talk of security and defence, while slamming her labour opponents, who have been in charge around here for a long time. Proud and patriotically working class people in towns and cities across britain have not deserted the labour party, Jeremy Corbyn has deserted them. We respect that parents and grandparents taught their children and grandchildren that labour was a party that shared their values and stood up for their community. But across the country today, traditional labour supporters are increasingly looking at what Jeremy Corbyn believes in and are appalled. Can she really take the tories beyond small pockets of the north east . Look at the side of the bus to see how they hope she will. Strong and stable leadership. Her name in giant letters, you almost need a Magnifying Glass for the party. We will deliver for britain. She may be well ahead in the polls, but the tory manifesto is not even published yet. How far can she really reach . I was labour a few years ago. But my views are changing. Just working life and what is happening in this country, my views are changing. Have you voted tory before . No. You will be voting for them for the first time . Yes. What is changing your mind . Strong opinions on brexit, that is what i want to see, us standing alone and moving forward that way. Getting on the road in the north east is part of a deliberate strategy, not just to try to win, but to pump up the majority. I have used every form of transport. Except horses. But however she travels, and whatever the polls say today, shifting huge numbers of votes in labour territory is a hard sell. Theresa may has already been to more than 20 labour seats, including some here in the north east that should traditionally be safe as houses. The tories say she is having a positive message, but every day they are trying to display contrast between her and Jeremy Corbyn, brutally trying to strip away labours vote. You dont get anyone more important than the Prime Minister convention suggests whole chunks of the north of england, scotland and wales just are not safe for the conservatives. But theresa may wants to persuade you the countrys future is only safe with her. The Liberal Democrats have confirmed they would legalise the sale of cannabis if theyre elected. The party would allow licensed shops to sell the drug to people over the age of 18. People would also be able to grow cannabis at home and smoke at small social clubs. A coroner has called for changes in the way schools care for pupils with severe allergies after finding that a ia year old boy who collapsed during a detention and later died could have been saved by an adrenaline injection. The coroner said staff at nasar ahmeds school in east london last november werent familiar with his condition and his medical kit contained no instructions on how to use his adrenaline epipen. Nasar ahmed loved maths and science and wanted to be a politician. He also suffered from severe asthma and food allergies. His family have heard in detail how he came to die after having an extreme allergic reaction to an ingredient in a curry he had for lunch while at school. A couple of hours after he had eaten, he told staff here that he could not breathe. There was confusion as to what might be wrong and his personal medical box was found. It contained an adrenaline pen, but there were no instructions as to how or when to use it, so nobody did. The coroner concluded that if the pen had been used promptly, and he had been administered adrenaline, there is a possibility, but not a probability, this would have changed the outcome. He died four days later in hospital. His family say the school let them and their son down. They failed their care of duty for my son. If they gave him the injection that time, within five minutes, before the ambulance, maybe that would have saved his life. The school issued a statement today, saying that following his death, we rigorously reviewed all of our Safety Procedures and are providing more training for staff across the board. The coroner will be writing several reports, including to his school, in an effort to prevent future deaths. She will also suggest to the Chief Medical Officer in england that if the pens were more widely available and understood, lives could be saved. President trump has warned the man he fired as the director of the fbi against talking to the media, and suggested that there could be Tape Recordings of their conversations. James comey had been leading an inquiry into possible collusion between trump Election Officials and russia. He was fired on tuesday. Now the president has tweeted, james comey better hope there are no tapes of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press. Well, our North American Editorjon Sopel is at the white house. Mr trump has come out fighting against his former fbi director with a threat and now a suggestion that he may secretly be recording his conversations at the white house. Yes, and those are the two things that are utterly fascinating from an extraordinary week of kind of tumult in washington. It was just the tone of that tweet from the president early this morning, suggesting to james comey, youd better keep your mouth shut or else. And, you know, im sure it is pure coincidence that this afternoon weve learned that james comey, who had been invited to testify before the Intelligence Committee next tuesday, has declined that invitation. More remarkable still is the suggestion there may be some kind of Secret Recording Devices in the white house where, wherever you are, you are being recorded, because it may be that there is a recording of a dinner that james comey had with the president shortly after donald trump took office. Inevitably, it was the only question people wanted to ask that theys briefing with sean spicer. Did President Trump record his conversations with former fbi director, Director Comey . I assume you are referring to the tweet, and ive talked to the president. The president has nothing further to add on that. Then why did he say that . Are there recording devices in the oval office or in the residence . As ive said, for the third time, there is nothing further to add on that. Does he think its appropriate to threaten somebody not to speak . Thats not a threat, its stating a fa ct. Thats not a threat, its stating a fact. Retweet speaks for itself. One reason it has been so chaotic in washington is that people stories have kept changing. White house briefing people have said one thing, the president has contradicted the few minutes later. This morning, the president tweeted that maybe the a nswer president tweeted that maybe the answer that is to stop briefings altogether because its hard to give Accurate Information when things are changing so quickly. At the end of this week, its been a rare week of tumult and turbulence. And its hard to believe that the thunderclaps are over yet. This could go on for some time yet. A brief look at some of the days other news stories. Police forces have warned of an increase in the number of young people carrying knives and other weapons in schools. They say that more than 2,500 weapons were seized in schools in england and wales in the past two years. The value of Finance Deals used to buy new cars has reached a monthly record. £3. 5 billion of loans were taken out in march, a rise of i3 on the previous year. The Financial Conduct Authority has said it will investigate whether there has been irresponsible lending. The United States has signed a number of Trade Agreements with china, in an attempt by washington to reduce its trade deficit with beijing. Among american firms to benefit will be beef and natural gas exporters, plus big Credit Card Companies such as visa and mastercard. Football, and chelsea clinched the Premier League title tonight with a 1 0 win at West Bromwich albion. It means they have their hands on the trophy with two games to spare in whats been manager Antonio Contes first season in charge. Our sports editor, dan roan, reports. Glory was within their grasp. Chelsea strolled to the title almost complete. West brom have also enjoyed their season, and victory at the hawthorns would have to be earned. The visitors enjoyed the better chances but failed to break down a stubborn defence in a cagey first half. There was added urgency after the restart. Victor moses denied by ben foster. Chelseas prostration beginning to show. In the final ten minutes, and with the game seemingly heading for a draw, the pressure finally told. Batshuayi with the crucial touch. The substitute has barely played this season, now he scored the goal to sealed the title. This is how much it meant to manager Antonio Conte. Chelsea were champions once again. It has rarely been in doubt, but this, a moment to savour for a reunited team and their coach in his debut season. From the moment he arrived in england last year, the italian has been an animated and passionate presence on the touchline but, having been top of the table for months, his teams march towards the title has been calm and assured. Every Single Player is playing to their potential, everybody from goalkeeper to centre forward, and when the squad players come in, they also perform at a very high level. So what you can see there is that Antonio Conte has created a culture of achievement, one of competition, but healthy competition, and the players have delivered. Winchelsea and watford at Stamford Bridge on monday, they and their fans will be able to celebrate a Second Premier League triumph in three seasons, re establishing this club is the dominant force in the english game. When you consider what went on here last season, its an achievement that shouldnt be underestimated. Jose mourinho was sacked after a celtic defence of the title, The Clu B Celtic defence of the title, the club finishing tenth. After a chaotic defence. Chelsea hired conte but had to wait until after the euros. There were one or two big signings, Antonio Conte, the player of the year, but the new coach has largely transformed an underperforming squad. Its not easy to adapt new methods and new philosophies, and also to work very hard, to change totally your work. If you compare the work of the season and the past. And there could yet be more success. Conte is also guided chelsea to the fa cup final. Other managers may have grabbed more headlines and created more controversy, but the italian has eclipsed them all. At the start of the season, all the talk was about Pep Guardiola against jose mourinho, the two big manchester clubs, and its dead is Antonio Contes chelsea who have prevailed, with two games to spare. Instead it is Antonio Conte this isnt like leicester city. After all, chelsea are one of the wealthiest clubs in the world and this is the fifth title triumph of the Roman Abramovich era. But this represents a real turnaround in fortu nes represents a real turnaround in fortunes and one senses that this could be a double winning season and then next big challenge for the champions again as well. The International Art festival the Venice Biennale opens tomorrow and some artists have decided to challenge the customary idea of countries having their own National Pavilions to showcase their art. This year there are pavilions for imaginary countries, complete with their own unusual form of passport control. The whole point of the Venice Biennale is for countries across the world to have their own National Pavilion in which they proudly present the work of one of their artists. But the notion of art belonging to Nation States is becoming an increasingly anachronistic concept for many artists and curators, some of whom have set up alternative pavilions, such as nsk state, an imaginary country which we are all welcome to come along and join, although they have made it a bit of an uphill struggle. This is a state without rules or regulations, rights or responsibilities although citizens do need to get themselves a passport. Youve got to do all the boring admin stuff and hand over your fee to a passport officer, who, in this instance, is a migrant seeking a european passport. So, in a way, the power dynamic is being turned on its head. You then go up this moving stair to an elevated office, where you come along and hopefully pick up your authorised passport. Thank you very much. And then there is the diaspora pavilion, showing the work of predominantly non White British artists, which is challenging the very notion of nationhood, arguing that a Multicultural Society needs a fresh approach to established ideas of borders and belonging. This is about nationalism. Its about the nation. Its about what is represented by the nation. For us, that terrain or that definition has to change. We feel diaspora is really much more appropriate, to talk about fluid communities and diversity within the uk, but also within the art movement. For some countries, though, those that maybe feel marginalised or misunderstood, biennale offers a public platform on which to show and share. Venice becomes even more important for a country like iraq, that can participate because its allowed to you know, as a National Pavilion, as defunct as that notion may be. Its one of the few venues available. These antiquities from the iraq museum form the core of the exhibition. Some have never left the country before. Others were looted after the fall of saddam hussein. They represent both Traditional Craft and contemporary politics, like much of the work at this years biennale. Will gompertz, bbc news, venice. Thats it. No one bbc news, it is time for the news where you are. Good night

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