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But its bad news for donald trump his new attempt to impose a travel ban has again been rejected by the courts. A former Team Sky Cyclist tells the bbc he broke the rules on taking supplements, but it was covered up. And what happened when a bbc team faced the volcanic fury of mount etna in sicily. On bbc london a man dies at a Construction Site Manchester United have though i only place in the quarterfinals of the europa league. Find out if they get past ross dolph at old trafford. Ross dolph. Good evening. Theresa may has signalled that she would refuse permission for a referendum on Scottish Independence before the uk leaves the European Union. The Prime Minister said the current focus needed to be on securing the best brexit deal for all of the the uk. Scotlands First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, said it was democratically unacceptable to block scotlands right to choose and that history might look back on today as the day the fate of the union was sealed. Our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg reports on the growing tensions between the two leaders. No to this. And even no to talks about a referendum. At least, not now. We should be working together, not pulling apart. Together to get that right deal for scotland, that rights deal for the uk. So i say thats myjob as Prime Minister, and so for that reason i say to the snp, now is not the time. The Prime Ministers westminster message deliberately timed to land in edinburgh. First ministers questions. Just moments after the First Ministers weekly grilling. Where Nicola Sturgeons audacious vow to hold a second referendum was the main order of the day. We dont want it, we dont need it. Why wont she listen . Can the First Minister tell us this. . Does she plan to spend the next few years leading a government or a campaign . Will scotland be guaranteed to be a full membership memberof the European Union or not. Can she guarantee that . If she cant, its all bluster, just again. Well, the band is well and truly back together, isnt it . Tory and labour combining again to talk this country down. Number tens refusal even to discuss another Independence Referendum for two years could well backfire. But these two tough, normally cautious, fifiiitiiiafis are esta faklfifi fiafifilfiz i think it would be completely unacceptable and outrageous, almost anti democratic, for a conservative government with one mp in scotland to seek to block the demoggggg heres number tens calculation a majority of scots voters chose this centre of power the last time out. And private tory focus groups over the last few months suggest their message of not now is a relief to some who simply dont want to go through the whole thing again. But for others it will be patronising, technically, it is down to westminster to say yes or no, but telling the scottish 2,;,,; ii; 77 2; at. About another referendum for two years . It. This miscalculation, this finger wagging at scotland, this theresa may laying down the law, thou shalt do this, thou shalt do that, its not going to work, its going to backfire spectacularly, and i think theresa may will rue the day she edged towards telling the scottish people what they can and cant do. Only a week ago expectations were that the snp was getting a big move ready. As they prepared for their Spring Conference that will start this weekend. Before that stage is even set, the drama whose ending will affect us all is well underway. Laura is At Westminster, well talk to her in a second. First to our scotla nd to her in a second. First to our scotland editor sarah smith who is that the snp conference, due to open in aberdeen. When we look at this in absrdsen thn we took, at this in aberdeen. Whsn we took, at this and in aberdeefigwhen we took, at this and the in aberdeefigwhen we took, at this and the escalating stand off and the escalating tensions here, what do you think the next moves are for Nicola Sturgeon . Well Nicola Sturgeon was expecting this move from the Prime Minister and they have their next moves carefully planned out. She is basically not going to take no for an answer because shes sure she can probably do well out of this argument with the Prime Minister. So the plan is the scottish the plan is that the Scottish Government will go ahead with the vote in the Scottish Parliament next week demanding another referendum, and they will win that vote, and theyll still make a formal request to the Prime Minister for another referendum, forcing her to officially deny a request that has come notjust from the snp, but that has been voted through the Scottish Parliament. Then there comes an pe rlie ment; then there torn eserr its pe rlie merit; theri there; torn eserr its not about the right argument its not about the right wrongs of Whether Scotland and wrongs of Whether Scotland be independent, it becomes an should be independent, it becomes an argument about who decides when or if scotla nd argument about who decides when or if scotland gets to make a choice about its future. Its an argument that can suit the snp very well. The know that being too tories know that being too heavy handed could easily backfire. They trying to handle heavy handed could easily backfire. They. Trying to handle this they are trying to handle this carefully, though its a they are trying to handle this carefully, thgugh its a pretty carefully, though its a pretty risky move theyve taken today. They think they can get away with it because they believe a lot of people in scotland dont want another referendum. As the snp start to make the argument that scotland is being denied its choice by westminster, that could build Support Notjust that could build suppdnthotjdst having that could build supponthotjdst having another vote, but for for having another vote, but for independence itself. Norret dude you detect any kind of possible Common Ground between these two leaders . Laura, do you detect . They have a lot in common, they are both highly driven, well respected, both known for believing in having a tight grip on government. They are absolutely both known for making their own even though they are both, decisions even though they are both, of course, under huge political from their own parties and pressure from their own parties and whoever else wants to chip in with their opinions. But on this issue these two leaders are absolutely miles apartand these two leaders are absolutely miles apart and there are powerful arguments on both sides, of course. Seen again today that although weve seen again today that although theresa mays message from westminster was very firm, she was also not ruling out a referendum the end of time. Her argument until the end of time. Her argument is it cant happen before the uk has left the eu and there must be no discussions until that point. A strong message, yes, but also not ruling it out for ever more and a day. As we were discussing only a few days ago when they all exploded, ultimately its quite hard to see if in the long term, how and snp government keeps pushing and pushing and pushing, perhaps for several yea rs, and pushing, perhaps for several years, its hard to see ultimately how westminster based government would be able to continually turned that down. One final thought. You know the other thing these two leaders are absolutely known for, despite this weeks huge Budget U Turn in westminster, neither of is known for backing down. Them is hhdialh for bachihd dew. , them is hheialh fer bachihd dew. , very them is hheiam fer bachihd dew. , very much again, laura thanks very much again, Laura Kuenssberg At Westminster and ferris oui kuenssberg At Westminster and ferris our scotland correspondent in with our scotland correspondent in aberdeen. The Conservative Party has been fined a record £70,000 for breaking the rules on Election Spending in some key marginal seats at the last election. The party claims the failure was an administrative error. But the Electoral Commission has referred the case to the metropolitan police, saying there was a realistic prospect the money had given the party an advantage. Our Home Affairs Correspondent Daniel Sandford has more details. So lets get out there, lets go campaign. The south thanet constituency in 2015, where the conservatives were battling Nigel Raaea Asaiaee as eeeeime eyes desperate to stop him farage. Desperate to stop him winning a any chance of winning a seat. Any chance of counting on your support . They poured big names and resources into it but now theyve been given the biggest everfine, £70,000, for breaking the rules on recording Election Spending. Here and elsewhere. Weve issued elsewhere. Weve never issued findings to that extent before and i think they are some of the worst in the fact that they were unable to provide evidence when we needed it and the reports were inaccurate and the spending returns did not contain things they should have done. 18,800 and 38. Craig things they should have done. 18,800 and 38. Craig mckinley the tory candidate won the seat, his official expenses after the campaign showed hed spent £14,838. Just short of the legal limit in the constituency. Now the Party Spending here is under the Conservative Party question. The Conservative Party spent thousands of pounds on hotels here in the south thanet, £15,000 in a single hotel on the hill here in ramsgate. The Electoral Commission says at least of that money . I . liaise been Incilided Iii Noise been incilided in the should have been included in the local candidates election expenses. One of the local Ukip Leading Lights told me they always felt the Conservative Party had cheated. Just sheer number of bodies, the the sheer number of bodies, the sheer number of full time staff down the sheer number of buses that here. The sheer number of buses that we re here. The sheer number of buses that were running bringing in volunteers at the weekends, or fed and watered and had money spent on them. Im on the bus. Im on the bus. The party also had egg; Conservative Party also had Battle Buses Of Activists touring other marginal seats, 29 across england. The Party Declared nearly £39,000 of transport and hotel bills but didnt transport afidhotetbiltsbut didnt declare over £63,000. The Electoral Commission says some of that £102,000 shouldve been put on local candidates expenses, possibly pushing them over their spending limits. So far 12 Police Forces have sent files to the crown prosecution service, though kent is not one of them. There was other undeclared expenditure, too, more than £108,000. Tonight at an event in london david cameron, who was leader at the time, insisted his victory was not tainted. In this country we have an independent Electoral Commission which has demonstrated its independence, quite rightly, once again today. We have the rule of law, no Political Party is above the law, all have to comply with the law. What began as a channel 4 News Investigation could still lead to criminal prosecutions and even by elections in constituencies like south thanet. Recently the Liberal Democrats and labour have also been fined for illegal expenses returns. The Electoral Commission is worried parties are starting to see the fines as a cost of doing business rather than a way of keeping British Elections fair. Daniel sandford, bbc news, ramsgate. President trump has suffered two setbacks during the day. A Senate Committee has ruled there was no evidence for the president s claim that his home at trump tower in new york had been put under surveillance by president obama. And the president s renewed attempt to impose a travel ban against six mainly muslim blocked by the courts. Our North America editor jon sopel has the latest. Saint patricks day is being celebrated in washington, but donald trump doesnt seem to be enjoying the Luck Of The Irish as his problems pile up. Remember his claim ina problems pile up. Remember his claim in a series of tweets that barack obama had tapped his phone, and that his predecessor was sick and bad . Last night the president gave an interview in which he stood by the claim. The wiretap covers a lot of different things, i think youre going to find some very interesting arguments coming to the forefront over the next two weeks. But today the Senate Intelligence committee flatly contradicted him. At the tetchy white house briefing, the president s spokesman said mr trump continue to stand by the claim coming even suggesting British Intelligence could have been involved. But again, no evidence was offered. Despite the fact that the senate iuiemegflie committee Senate Intelligence committee says. But. Does the president. You stand by it but you are mischaracterising what happened you stand by it but you are mische past rising what happened you stand by it but you are mische past night what happened you stand by it but you are mische past night in 1at happened you stand by it but you are mische past night in nashville, ed today. Past night in nashville, tennessee with just hours to go before his second attempt at a travel ban was due to come into effect, bad news. Ajudge in hawaii blocked the measure again and a frustrated mr trump let rip. Were going to fight this terrible ruling, were going to take our case as far as it needs to go, including all the way up to the supreme court. Were going to win, were going to keep oui going to win, were going to keep our citizens safe. Feed ban from these six mainly muslim countries has strong support among the people who cheered the president to the rafters last night, but governing in america requires you to work within the checks and balances of the us constitution. And there may be similar battles to come the similar battles to come over the president s budget, which was president sbudgetvwhichrwg today. It proposes a big unveiled today. It proposes a big Boost Spending for the armed forces boost sgending forethearmedrforces border security. But major cuts and border security. But major cuts to overseas aid and the environment. And the democrats say domestic programmes which help the most vulnerable. It is billions of dollars at defence while ransacking dollars at defence while ransacking m investment injobs, americas investment in jobs, education, innovation, clean energy and life saving medical research. It will leave our nation we can. No one accuse donald trump of not being can accuse donald trump of not being true to his election promises. But turning an easy Campaign Pledge into something more concrete is turning out to be extremely difficult. If most eye catching proposals are stuck in a thickjudicial and legislative mud. Jon sopel, bbc news, washington. The japanese Car Maker Toyota is to invest almost a quarter of a billion pounds to modernise its plant at burnaston, near derby. The factory, which makes the auris and avensis models, employs around 2,500 people. But the company also warned that the future success of the plant would depend on continued tariff free access to european markets after brexit. Our industry correspondent john moylan has more details. Thiewaeftfigetaej first plant in europe. For almost 25 years. 4 million cars later, and the company is investing again, laying the foundations for the future. We are determined to be competitive. That means building cars with quality, high productivity, low cost and this investment helps us hugely to be competitive for the long term. So, we think this is a huge part of preparing for the long term future. Toyota will invest £240 million to upgrade the burnaston plant. In return, the government is providing £21 million for training and research. Its all good news for the 2,500 workers at this site. To compete with toyotas plants around the world to build new cars. Now they currently make the Auris And Aventis here. A decision on whether to bring a new vehicle to this plant is expected in the next year or two. This investment can make all the difference. But as we leave the eu, all uk Car Manufacturers face the prospect of higher costs, with tariffs on the components they import and on the cars they export. Despite assurances nissan has warned it will re evaluate its uk operations once the final brexit deal is known. Today in derbyshire, as the business secretary greg clarke toured the toyota plant, the company warned that tariff free, barrier free access to europe would be vital for its success. Some go even further. If you look back at history, there were Turning Points. A peak in 1972 and 1999, and then big falls in investment. We dont want brexit to be another point of those Turning Points and a hard brexit, where we end up with Tariff Barriers Ithink Wouldthreateg in the uk and investment here. And investment has been falling. It was dewhtaetjfear around the eu referendum. So toyotas decision today will be seen as a vote of confidence in a sector which is facing challenges ahead. John moylan, bbc news, derbyshire. A brief look at some of the days other news stories. A 17 year old student has been arrested after at least eight people four people were injured in a shooting at a school in the Southern French town of grasse. The attacker, who was armed with a rifle, in a dispute with the headteacher. The man charged with the murder of an irish woman Danielle Mclaughlin in the Indian State Of Goa will also face a charge of rape. Cctv footage allegedly shows her walking with the suspect on monday the day before her body was discovered in a field by a localfarmer. The proposed takeover of sky by Rupert Murdochs 21st Century Fox is to be examined by the Industry Regulator Ofcom to see if its in the public interest. The Murdoch Family already owns a minority share. A previous attempt to take full control was abandoned in 2011, because of the phone hacking scandal. That he broke the rules governing the sport by secretly injecting himself with vitamins when riding for team sky. Josh edmondson insists he confessed at the time but alleges it was covered up. Our Sports Editor dan roan has this exclusive report. He was one of British Cyclings top young talents, a team mate to legends. But below the surface, former team sky Riderjosh Edmondson was struggling to deal with the pressure, and, for the first time, the 24 year old has broken his silence about the depression he suffered, telling me he linked it to the controversial painkiller tramadol, which he secretly took to get through training and races. The dangerous thing about it is you dont know when youre coming to your limit. So id be pushing and adenine afifl bush . . . Normally you just would be like, i cant keep going. But you just go a little bit further than that. Its not a performance enhancing drug, it doesnt make you any better, youre dead next day, feels like youre hungover. Almost. So you need it to just get through. And i think the withdrawal from that, just immediately after a race, i wasjust depressed. I was at a point where i didnt leave the house for two months, you know, so it doesnt really get much worse than that without committing suicide. While its not banned, team sky have had a strict no tramadol policy since 2013, and there is no suggestion but he then says he went a step further and broke the sports no needle rule, by self injecting a cocktail of legal vitamins he bought from italy in the build up to a major race in 2014. I bought the butterfly clips, the syringes, carnitine, folic acid, tad, damiana compositum, and b12. And id just inject that two or three times a week maybe. Especially when i wanted to lose weight, id inject carnitine more often because it was very effective. Actually putting the needle in and making sure there are no bubbles in the butterfly clip, because if there is air in it, it can give you a heart attack and people can die that way. It is a very daggtgg edmondson was then reported to team sky when vitamins and a needle was found in his room. However, team sky Say Edmondson denied using the needle and, because of concerns over his mental health, their former clinical director told me hed advised Senior Management not to report the incident to the authorities. If id done that, and i suppose im looking at safety issues, i did think there was a really big risk this lad would be pushed over the edge. He told us very clearly at the time he hadnt done the injection because he didnt know how to use the needle. He said, ive never used needles, ive never seen the needles before. This is what he told us at the time and, as i say, youve got to remember that without going into too much detail, ive got someone who is breaking down. Edmondson, however, claims he did confess at the time, but that Senior Management covered it up. They would have had to say publicly, you know, there was a kid, a young lad on our team, injecting. Injecting anythings bad, it wasnt that they were banned substances, it is against the rules to inject, self administer anything, i believe. What he is suggesting is that the team covered up what had happened because they wanted to preserve the reputation and image of team sky. That really, really isnt right. I mean i can see his interpretation, im sure some of the public will still believe that. We did it in good faith, and we did it on two counts, violated, and the second, the most important was, these revelations come with British Cycling under unprecedented scrutiny over the use of medication. Edmondson, meanwhile, said he will cooperate with the authorities and hoped his story serves as a warning to other riders. Dan roan, bbc news. In sicily, eight people includingra rbbcctelevisionfreweve mount etna, which began erupting yesterday for the third time in the space of three weeks. The e55; fie; etuiefieen ,, space Agency Satellite caught the ferocity of this explosion. The bbcs science correspondent, rebecca morelle, was one of those present and she sent this report. Its one of the worlds most active volcanoes. And for the last few weeks, mount etnas been erupting again. We were filming a lava flow that had formed overnight. Tourists had come to see it, too. The lavas so slow moving its usually considered safe. Then this happened. The hot rocks mixed with snow and ice, causing a massive explosion. Our camerawoman, rachel price, filmed as rocks, boulders and steam were hurled up into the air. We ran for our lives. Many were hit. And there were cuts, burns and bruises. But, amazingly, nothing worse. You ok . Are you ok . Erugtions atetnafarefrg uent but incidents like this, involving people, are rare. A vulcanologist said it was the most dangerous event hed experienced in his 30 year career. Is only really, iuststarting look at this. This hole was made by one of the incredibly hot pieces of Volcanic Rock that rained down upon us. We really thought we were all going to die. We had a very. Very narrowescageyll scientists will now continue to track how the eruption progresses. Our close call only shows how dangerous these Forces Of Nature can be. Rebecca morelle, bbc news, mount etna. China has declared that islamist separatists in the far west of the country are the greatest threat to the nations security. A Great Wall Of Iron to safeguard the countrys vast Western Region of xinjiang home to a community of some ten million uighurs, mostly muslim people, and the government is concerned that they are vulnerable to radicalising propaganda from syria and iraq. Widespread intimidation makes reporting from the region gained exclusive access and sent this report. Southern xinjiang, once the fabled silk road now, the front line in chinas war on terror. They call it an all out offensive, a new Great Wall Of Iron. Thousands of troops pledging to lay down their lives and shed blood. We are heading for the scene of the only confirmed attack this year. China doesnt want the world to see the police checkpoint. Filming has to be discreet. Body searches in every public building. We are the only foreign reporters to get to pishan county. Three Young Uighurs knifed a group of han chinese on the street here last month. Five victims died of their wounds. Police shot the attackers dead. The government offers huge rewards for information and some are glad of the heightened security. You dont need to be afraid, she says, this place is full of police, you can feel safe, its a lot better than before. Recent attacks here have all been local and low tech. A handful of Young Farmers armed only with knives. They show no sign of delivering the kind of large scale atrocity that will explain the governments call for an all out offensive and sending thousands of troops to this so called front line. But some say there are more attacks security the only growth business. They say it is backward here, they would get out if they could. But beijing worries about where they would go. The so called Islamic State posted this video of uighurs in iraq, promising rivers of blood in chinas heartland. Beijing fears they will come home to kill. And so religion in xinjiang is under ever growing pressure. No young people in the mosque, no beards, except the very old, and propaganda slogans urging the public to thank their Communist Party leaders. Some are grateful. Ablajan sings a tune that beijing likes. They call him xinjiangs justin bieber. A reminder that uighurs were once more famous for song, then violence. He tells his fans to seize every chance the government offers. But the relationship between uighurs and han chinese . He says he cannot talk about it. Armed swat teams are everywhere. Foreign critics warn this repression is the Recruiting Sergeant for terror. But china vows it will triumph. And, until then, every uighur is suspect. Carrie gracie, bbc news, xinjiang. An estimated 20 Million People in britain have at least one tattoo and at the current rate, its reported that around one jae i are commissioned every year. The industry is reported to be worth £100 million a year. An exhibition at the National Maritime museum cornwall is devoted our arts editor Will Gompertz has been to falmouth to take a look. Tattoos, as you know, are all the rage nowadays. You have the geometric all over design, the star wars stormtropper and, of course, your classic love heart. Do you know what, lal, im as pleased as punch with that. Thanks very much. Youre welcome. Back in the lategfie . lal hardy made his Living Tattooing Iconoclastic punks. Today hes taking part in a major museum exhibition, celebrating his artform. Times have changed. I think the perception of tattoos has changed because there is so much fantastic artwork out there. I mean, every genre and subject is covered with tattooing now. Theres so much beautiful stuff, you know there isnt a stigma

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