Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Ten 20170309 : compareme

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Ten 20170309

trade in baby chimps. one of the great artists of his generation — tributes are paid to the british painter sir howard hodgkin, who's died at the age of 8a. and coming up in sportsday on bbc news: there's an away goal for manchester united in their europa league last—16 tie. but they're held to a draw by russians fc rostov. good evening. the prime minister has insisted that the controversial change announced in the budget to increase national insurance for self—employed workers is "simpler, fairer and more progressive". theresa may refused to accept that the government had broken a manifesto pledge, saying the promise had only extended to one kind of national insurance. but the move has angered a number of conservative backbenchers and been roundly criticised by labour. our political editor laura kuenssberg reports. brussels is rarely a place where british prime ministers can find a retreat, but theresa may entered discreetly into the summit, in a hurry for the talks. not for her the grand arrivals of her other eu colleagues. not the day for number ten to stop and chat. but after a domestic debacle over her budget, she knew there was explaining to do. as the chancellor made clear yesterday, we will use this moment of change to build a stronger economy and a fairer society that works for ordinary working people by embracing genuine economic and social reform at home. you have said many times that you believe deeply that voters must be able to trust their politicians. let me read something if i may. "a conservative government will not raise vat, income tax or national insurance." as you know, that appeared in the conservative manifesto in 2015, the basis upon which voters elected a tory government. will you admit that you have broken that promise to the public? if you do not, do you not risk looking like other politicians who try to wriggle out of uncomfortable truths? the legislation was clear that it was honouring our manifesto commitment in our 2015 manifesto and no amendments or concerns were raised at the time. honouring a commitment is not exactly the same as sticking to a firm promise. we did make some difficult decisions in the budget yesterday, but those decisions allowed us to fund an ambitious, new approach to technical education, to open more than 100 new free schools and meet the growing demand for social care. the shift towards self employment is eroding the tax rates, it is making it harder to afford the public services on which ordinary working families depend and this goes some way towards fixing that. the referendum ended politics as usual, and despite the context that is that theresa may faces, she's had a relatively trouble—free time. but with real anger at home over her government's budget, not today. gavin wright is a self—employed tilerfrom norwich. he chose the tories in 2015. but now he fears he'll lose as much as £500 a year from the changes. he reckons the conservatives have slammed the door on him. cheated, annoyed. basically you vote for someone, you get told something. a year or so down the line they change their mind. they lied to you, basically, and here we are. we've all been cheated. thousands, millions of self—employed people. at home, philip hammond's budget will meet resistance from labour but the real trouble is that some tory mps are on the warpath as well. this is something that has slipped through the net and what we've got to do is make sure it doesn't get through the net. it has to be stopped. the chancellor leads to be stopped. the chancellor leads to do to be stopped. the chancellor leads todoa to be stopped. the chancellor leads to do a u—turn, quickly. to be stopped. the chancellor leads to do a u-turn, quickly. this is not sending out the message that i know every conservative member of parliament believes in, which is supporting business growth. these people are making the growth of the future. in seven months the prime minister's team has rarely felt pressure like this. they may well learn the hard way their brexit adventures in brussels are not the only fund. laura kuenssberg, bbc news, brussels. around 15% of all british workers are self—employed. under the new tax change announced yesterday, more than half of them will lose out. higher and middle earners will be hardest hit. 0ur economics editor kamal ahmed has been looking at the numbers. hairdressers, builders, minicab drivers, well—paid management consultants. the growing five million strong army of the self—employed. they tend to pay less tax and the treasury doesn't much like that. i asked the man charged by theresa may with investigating the new world of work whether phillip hammond was right to impose an increase in national insurance contributions on those who work for themselves. tax rises are never popular, but as tax rises go, this is pretty fair. it's economically rational and it strengthens the long—term resilience of the tax base. so if you're going to increase taxes, this is a pretty good way to do it. mr hammond has talked about fairness. so what are the differences between being employed directly by a company and being self—employed 7 for employed people, there's the issue of rights at work. they receive parental leave, sick pay and holiday pay. if you are self—employed, you receive none of these rights. and let's look at income. at present, an employed person on about £25,000 a year would pay national insurance of £1970. for a self—employed person, that insurance payment falls to £1630. after this new tax increase, that payment will rise to £1810. that means that the tax gap between the employed and the self—employed has narrowed. self—employed people earning less than £15—16,000 per year are actually going to be better off. the biggest hit will be about £580 a year by 2019 for people earning more than about £110,000. yeah, exactly... the self—employed aren't the only people facing a tax increase. this is kelly gilmour—grassam, who runs her own writing business. she takes some of her income in dividends from her shares in the company. the government is going to ask her, and over a million other investors with shares, to pay more tax. the people that might be thinking of making the leap to being a freelancer or setting up a small business, it might make them think twice. this isjust the one budget and we have already had quite a lot of changes. if you can imagine what might happen next year or the year after, you know, it's setting a culture of discouragement for entrepreneurship. but what about the employers of the self—employed 7 they also gain, by, for example, not making national insurance contributions. the government is looking at changing the rules for them as well. this debate about the new world of work and fairness has only just begun. kamal ahmed, bbc news. laura joins me from brussels now. we heard earlier the prime minister refusing to accept a manifesto pledge has been broken, but how much pressure is the government under, over this? i think there is a lot of pressure on them and in a way this has been one of, if not the most bumpy yesterday for theresa may's government since she took charge. backin government since she took charge. back in the heady days of the summer. back in the heady days of the summer. she's in trouble for two reasons. firstly, because of breaking that manifesto promise, even though she was trying at pains to get off on bat on a technicality, if you like, about how legislation went through the house of commons. but also because of who this tax rise will actually affect. for many tory mps, what she and the chancellor are doing is basically going after the tory tribes, going after their own people. the pm did have a couple of reassurances. she said the legislation won't come in until the autumn. she did hint at a package of measures, saying this basically couldn't be looked at in isolation. and above all, she tried ha rd to isolation. and above all, she tried hard to explain her conviction that this is fair. so whether or not in her view it was really in the ma nifesto her view it was really in the manifesto or not, whether or not it's going to be a measure that's just going to come in on its own, this in her view is something that is fairand this in her view is something that is fair and therefore it's something that has to be done. but it certainly has been a bumpy day for her, no question about that. the prime minister is in brussels, the last summit before the start of negotiations on leaving the eu. it's a crucial moment for her. 0h, negotiations on leaving the eu. it's a crucial moment for her. oh, yes, it's very sensitive. there's a sense here that the uk and the other 27 countries are sizing each other up before they sit down, facing each other across the negotiating table. 0ne other across the negotiating table. one of the biggest fights that is likely to come very early in the tricky brexit negotiations is over the bill that the uk has to settle before we actually depart. there have been suggestions in this town that the uk could be asked to stump up that the uk could be asked to stump up tens of billions of pounds, in order to pay off things like eu officials' pensions, other projects we might have committed to, but basically we've got to pay an exit bill. the foreign secretary has told the bbc that instead of paying that bill, in fact, the bbc that instead of paying that bill, infact, he's the bbc that instead of paying that bill, in fact, he's suggested that theresa may should do what margaret thatcher did, back in 1984, and instead of paying up, she should ask for money back. now, this whole issue of whether or not we should be stumping up any cash to pay to get out is something that is going to be very controversial at home, but very controversial here, in brussels. there's determination here to make sure the uk doesn't walk away, but i think that we are set at the start of the negotiations for opportune asti fight over cash. laura kuenssberg in brussels, thank u. —— a nasty fight, over cash. the health secretaryjeremy hunt says it is essential that a&e departments in england hit waiting time targets over the next year, now that extra money has been earmarked for care and health services in the budget. nhs trusts are meant to assess 95% of patients within four hours, but the latest figures suggest most are currently only reaching 85%. 0ur health editor hugh pym reports. immense pressure on hospitals, long delays for some patients. it's been one of the toughest ever winters for the nhs, with the worst performance on waiting times in england since records began. having hinted the key a&e target might be changed, the health secretary now says the 95% benchmark can and should be met. i'm personally not a great fan of targets and i'm certainly not a fan of having too many targets, but this one is critical for patient safety. how is that going to be achieved and how quickly do you think it can be achieved? it is not going to be overnight, but it is essential, and i am expecting the nhs to return to that target during the course of the next calendar year. hospitals in england have now been given a strict timetable. we hope to be in a position whereby we will deliver 90% performance by september and 95% performance by the end of march 2018. some hospitals, like this one, are consistently meeting the target. as you can see, we've got a bank of computers here that give us real—time information. technology helps them monitor the flow of patients and there is a focus on diverting them if possible to the right type of care. 0ur attendances for the past year were around about 140,000 patients. 40,000 of those we were able to get to see the gp which we have on site and that has enabled us to remove from the emergency department a lot of patients that probably did not need to be here in the first place. getting the a&e system back to the 95% target is a big commitment, given how far short of that the national performance figure now is. so can the nhs in england deliver with the money it's got? ministers said the chancellor's budget increase will help — £425 million over three years. that includes a 100 million a&e spending boost in year one. but that is a small proportion of nhs england's annual budget of 107 billion. it is a very big stretch to hit 95% next year. it will need significant investment in extra doctors, nurses and beds and in communities and hospitals and we can't see where that money is coming from. ministers say new money for social care in the community and gp facilities in hospitals will help, but they will now be judged on whether that 95% target is met in a year's time. hugh pym, bbc news. a brief look at some of the day's other other news stories. the united states has said it's deployed 400 extra troops to syria, to speed up the defeat of the islamic state group in its last stronghold, raqqa. they've been sent to support an expected assault by an allied localforce, which includes a kurdish militia. german police say several people have been injured in an axe attack at dusseldorf‘s main train station. there are no reports about how serious the injuries are. angela merkel has sharply criticised turkey's president for describing the cancellation of turkish political rallies in germany as "nazi practices". president erdogan made the comment after hearing that his ministers wouldn't be able to speak to germany's turkish community about a forthcoming referendum on constitutional reform. mrs merkel said his language wouldn't be tolerated. two people have been killed after a motorway bridge collapsed on italy's main adriatic coast highway. a temporary structure had been supporting the bridge near the north—east italian city of ancona. media reports say that two romanian workers were also injured. a national monument paying tribute to members of the military and civilians who served and worked in the wars in iraq and afghanistan has been unveiled in central london. the queen led the ceremony, watched by 2500 invited guests, including other members of the royalfamily, politicians and bereaved relatives. tony blair — who's faced strong criticism for taking the uk into the iraq conflict — was also at the ceremony, as robert hall reports. there have been many accounts of individual sacrifice during the longest and most intense period of combat operations since the second world war. this was a day to recognise the stories that have not been told. we meet in the presence of god to commemorate and give thanks for all those civilians and members of the military who have served on operations in the gulf region, iraq and afghanistan. 682 service personnel lost their lives in iraq and afghanistan. the political decisions which put them in harm's way still divide opinion. no one has ever doubted the courage and dedication of every man and every woman who travelled to a troubled region. may this memorial commemorate the lives and service of all. my son was called kris 0'neill, he was killed in iraq in 2007. at least they are all being recognised, that is the main thing. that is the main thing. with all the controversy over the iraq war, i did not even think we would get a memorial, but it shows what people power can do. but delight at public recognition was tempered by regret. a very fitting service, a very pretty memorial, but very frustrated. bereaved parents, family members, were not originally invited to this. those who were invited saw a sculpture that offered a glimpse of the past and the future. today brought a good closure to the events, both iraq, which was quite traumatic, and afghanistan, which i went to four times, which was very traumatic. there are still people out there. ileave injune. and i am leaving a team behind that will continue working. one day, sergeant mark lunn and his wife michelle will pass on their iraq experiences to their son alfie, not on his best behaviour this morning. but the queen was amused. alfie, and generations to come, will have a permanent reminder of a chapter in our history that remains unfinished business. robert hall, bbc news, westminster. fake news, corrupt, the enemy of the american people — those are just some of the attacks that president trump has repeatedly launched on a number of mainstream media outlets. but what effect have his attacks had on the journalists? the bbc‘s media editor, amol rajan, is in the united states assessing the president's impact on the media. this is what your brain has been waiting for. this is a city and country that thrives on information. but in the age of donald trump and digital media, it is getting harder for americans to sort fact from fiction. the next generation of great talk radio... a new generation of conservative talk radio hosts is making millions of americans feel like they're being heard at last. this president today, donald trump, i would go into battle for, whereas i would never have gone into battle for 0bama. proud patriot andrew wilkow broadcasts on a station that now has 30 million subscribers. the internet really opened people's eyes, because now, anybody could fact check the media. in this digital new media age, the closed guild of media companies in this country, they no longer enjoy the exclusivity. you know i have a running war with the media. you are fake news. that attack was aimed at cnn, yet they and other networks are seeing their ratings rise sharply, because of interest in trump. a lot of politics is usually in the grey area. trump is different. trump says things that are clearly untrue. his aides say things that are clearly and provably false. in some ways, it is more black and white now, which makes it easier for journalists to fact check and to be blunt and to be clear in their reporting. donald trump has provided an unexpected boost to ratings and revenues at organisations like this one. and in declaring a war against the media, perhaps this president is helping to create a golden age forjournalism. another organisation targeted by trump is the new york times. its editorial pages backed hillary clinton in the election. it actually clarified our mission in a way, you know, newspapers like mine went through a long decade or so of debating what our future looks like in the digital age. and suddenly, in comes this transformational president, and i think the answer is in a lot of ways, our future looks like our past. people expect us to find stuff out. there has been a lot of talk in the media about the responsibility to hold donald trump accountable and i'm here to tell you that it goes two ways. you don't want to say anything on the record at all? for those reporters who cover the white house, it is a challenge when journalists are excluded from the official briefings. you do your best to get the actual information out of the white house and you write a story and then they come back at you with, "oh, that's fake news." how are you supposed to write anything resembling reality if you're actually not getting their side of the story? so it kind of puts you in a double bind, which i think is their strategy. a media savvy president has damaged trust in american journalism. but for those who report on trump, it's rarely been harder or more £35935 ; i512? ki? gag 11-41? amol rajan, bbc news, washington. the man appointed by president trump to be in charge of america's environmental policies has said he doesn't believe that carbon dioxide is a primary cause of global warming — a view that's at odds with most scientific evidence. scott pruitt also described the paris climate accord, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as a bad deal. let's speak to our north america correspondent nick bryant who's and the reaction? it is a moment in the trump administration that comes as no surprise. scott pruitt is a climate change sceptic, which is why he got the job. but for many a jaw—dropping moment to hear the head of the environmental protection agency to say he's not convinced carbon dioxide is a contributor to global warming, which flies in the face of mainstream science and has been slammed by environmental groups and it contradicts his agency's website, which has policy implications. we are expecting an executive order from president trump that would roll back many of barack 0bama's environmental regulations. there is also a fierce debate in the trump administration about whether to withdraw from the paris accord, the landmark agreement. people like scott pruitt say it is a bad deal. the president's daughter and rex tillerson say america should stay in. it is a measure of how much has changed that rex tillerson, who till a few months ago was head of the largest oil company is now a moderating voice in the administration on climate change. a brief look at some of the day's other other news stories. a woman stabbed to death by her brother at a flat in wolverhampton has been named. 33—year—old ann—marie james was killed in the incident on wednesday. 36—year old melvin james is understood to have killed himself with the knife. staff atjohn lewis and waitrose — who own the company and receive a yearly bonus — have seen their bonus cut to its lowest level since the 19505. thejohn lewis partnership chairman said it had been reduced for the fourth year in a row because of uncertainty about inflation and the impact of brexit on the value of the pound. a church of england bishop has turned down a promotion after his congregation protested about his opposition to women priests. the right reverend philip north, who is currently the bishop of burnley, was selected as the next bishop of sheffield injanuary. mr north said it was clear his appointment would be ‘counter productive' to the mission of the church. arsenal manager arsene wenger said he will take arsenal manager arsene wenger said he will ta ke fa ns' arsenal manager arsene wenger said he will take fans' opinions into account when he makes up its mind whether to stay in the job. arsenal have lost five of their last seven games leading to speculation about the future of their longest serving manager. earlier this year, we brought you the story of nemleyjunior, a baby chimpanzee freed — thanks to a bbc investigation — from wildlife traffickers in ivory coast. two of the traffickers are now being prosecuted, in the first case of its kind. and the body responsible for trying to stop the illegal trade in endangered species has now tightened up its procedures. david shukman has been back to ivory coast. a heart—warming story of recovery — a baby chimpanzee, nemleyjunior, with a great appetite. an astonishing turnaround, given the trauma he's been through. poachers killed his mother and the rest of his family and then sold him to wildlife traffickers. he's learning to explore. he was freed as a result of a bbc news investigation. but he never liked to get too farfrom his keepers. he wants constant company. chimpanzees live in close families in the wild. nemleyjunior has now lost his and needs a new one. this is a key moment for nemleyjunior, meeting another chimpanzee, a slightly older female. he's never going to make it back into the wild, so the best hope is to create bonds with a new family. just a few months ago, he looked so much thinner while in the hands of animal smugglers. they were selling him for $12,500. we briefed the police and they moved in. a raid led to two arrests. a young dealer called ibrahima traore and his uncle mohamed. they're now awaiting trial — the first prosecution for wildlife trafficking that ivory coast has ever seen. and with big money involved, they're linked to another network of traffickers in guinea. the sidibe family also sold baby chimpanzees, but two of them have now been arrested, so this could be a turning point. once you get one, you arrest them, you prosecute them, you incarcerate them. that message starts to get out — that wildlife crime is no longer high profit, low risk, there is a risk here, in fact, i might go to jail. the dealers circulate videos of the chimps for sale. wildlife investigators say the arrests will slow the trade but not stop it entirely. it is just one big step, but it is a neverending battle, wildlife trafficking. so you've made progress, but it's not the end? not the end, it's like a drug, it's a never—ending battle. back at the zoo, nemleyjunior is playful. a mobile phone keeps him amused and here's the view from it. after our first report of his rescue, many of you were keen to hear more about him. well, it's reassuring to see him thriving, and also to think that with four traffickers arrested, other chimps in the jungles may be a little safer. david shukmman, bbc news, in ivory coast. the artist sir howard hodgkin has died at the age of 84. a painter and printmaker, he was a central figure in contemporary art for more than half a century and became known for his semi—abstract blocks of colour. the tate described him as one of the greatest artists of his generation, as our arts editor will gompertz reports. this is a self—portrait by howard hodgkin. it is how he saw himself, not in physical terms, but as a representation of his feelings and sensations. that was his style, to step out of time and place in order to paint memories. it is what marked him out as an artist. abstract, yet subjective. each painting was the result of the laborious stop—start process that could take years. i hate the act of painting, i always have done. people have said to me so often, amateur painters, aren't you lucky to be able to do this? and i say, no thank you. i'm not lucky. i may be lucky with the result, but having to go through the horrors of painting the picture is not something i ever look forward to. howard is really one of the great painters of his generation. he is up there with david hockney, with bridget riley. he has got an international reputation and he leaves behind him some very, very great works of art. howard hodgkin first arrived on the scene in the 1960s. he made his name in the 70s and triumphed in the 805, representing britain at the venice biennale and winning the turner prize. i am very pleased, very grateful and very surprised. matisse, degas and jackson pollock were all influences. but it was the light and life of india that he first discovered in 1964 which became his great love and inspiration. look at those colours in a row. lilac, the pink, the orange, yellow between. amazing. i think more than any other artist i can think of, howard's paintings are a celebration of life, they are an exploration of life. it is notjust life as if seen by a one—eyed cyclops. it is life in motion, it is life as experienced over many years, but more than anything else, it is viewed through sensation and emotion and through feeling. howard hodgkin might not have enjoyed picking

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Trust , Side , Double Bind , Media Savvy , More , Policies , Ki , North America , I512 , Gag , Washington , 41 , 11 , 35935 , Â 35935 , Scott Pruitt , Carbon Dioxide , Deal , Paris Climate Accord , Global Warming , Cause , Odds , Evidence , Greenhouse Gas Emissions , Nick Bryant , Reaction , Administration , Climate Change Sceptic , Surprise , Job , Contributor , Face , Head , Agency , Groups , Website , Mainstream Science , Policy Implications , Environmental Protection Agency , Executive Order , Many , Regulations , Barack 0bama , Daughter , Rex Tillerson , Say America , The Landmark Agreement , Oil Company , Voice , Melvin James , Brother , Incident , Death , Flat , Ann Marie James , Wolverhampton , 33 , 36 , Atjohn Lewis , Bonus , Knife , Bonus Cut , Level , Chairman , Waitrose , Thejohn Lewis Partnership , 19505 , Bishop , Philip North , Row , Promotion , Inflation , Pound , Uncertainty , Value , Brexit , Congregation , Women Priests , Opposition , Church Of England , Burnley , Arsene Wenger , North , Of Sheffield Injanuary , Appointment , Church , Arsenal , Ta Ke Fa Ns , Fans , Serving Manager , Account , Opinions , Five , Speculation , Games , In Guinea , Investigation , Baby Chimpanzee , Case , Body , Procedures , Endangered Species , David Shukman , Nemleyjunior , Turnaround , Appetite , Trauma , Result , Family , Rest , Learning , Poachers , Wild , Chimpanzees , Families , Keepers , Chimpanzee , Hope , Bonds , Animal Smugglers , Hands , Raid Led , 12500 , Wildlife Trafficking , Ibrahima Traore , Arrests , Dealer , Trial , Prosecution , Uncle Mohamed , Baby Chimpanzees , Network , Turning Point , Sidibe , Wildlife Crime , Battle , Risk , Chimps , Profit , Step , Dealers , Jail , Sale , Videos , Wildlife Investigators , Progress , Drug , Zoo , Mobile Phone , Artist , Report , Traffickers , Safer , Rescue , Jungles , David Shukmman , State , Art , Colour , Blocks , Printmaker , 84 , Arts Editor , Gompertz Reports , Self Portrait , Painting , Memories , Sensations , Feelings , Terms , Representation , Style , Abstract , Laborious , Stop Start , Painters , Aren T You Lucky , Horrors , Picture , David Hockney , Works Of Art , Reputation , Scene , Bridget Riley , Life , Influences , Name , The 70s , Jackson Pollock , Degas , India , Turner Prize , Venice Biennale , Matisse , 805 , 1964 , 1960 , 70 , Paintings , Lilac , Colours , Love , Inspiration , Celebration , Orange , Amazing , Cyclops , Motion , Exploration , Decision , Calls , Sensation , Feeling , Emotion ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Ten 20170309 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Ten 20170309

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trade in baby chimps. one of the great artists of his generation — tributes are paid to the british painter sir howard hodgkin, who's died at the age of 8a. and coming up in sportsday on bbc news: there's an away goal for manchester united in their europa league last—16 tie. but they're held to a draw by russians fc rostov. good evening. the prime minister has insisted that the controversial change announced in the budget to increase national insurance for self—employed workers is "simpler, fairer and more progressive". theresa may refused to accept that the government had broken a manifesto pledge, saying the promise had only extended to one kind of national insurance. but the move has angered a number of conservative backbenchers and been roundly criticised by labour. our political editor laura kuenssberg reports. brussels is rarely a place where british prime ministers can find a retreat, but theresa may entered discreetly into the summit, in a hurry for the talks. not for her the grand arrivals of her other eu colleagues. not the day for number ten to stop and chat. but after a domestic debacle over her budget, she knew there was explaining to do. as the chancellor made clear yesterday, we will use this moment of change to build a stronger economy and a fairer society that works for ordinary working people by embracing genuine economic and social reform at home. you have said many times that you believe deeply that voters must be able to trust their politicians. let me read something if i may. "a conservative government will not raise vat, income tax or national insurance." as you know, that appeared in the conservative manifesto in 2015, the basis upon which voters elected a tory government. will you admit that you have broken that promise to the public? if you do not, do you not risk looking like other politicians who try to wriggle out of uncomfortable truths? the legislation was clear that it was honouring our manifesto commitment in our 2015 manifesto and no amendments or concerns were raised at the time. honouring a commitment is not exactly the same as sticking to a firm promise. we did make some difficult decisions in the budget yesterday, but those decisions allowed us to fund an ambitious, new approach to technical education, to open more than 100 new free schools and meet the growing demand for social care. the shift towards self employment is eroding the tax rates, it is making it harder to afford the public services on which ordinary working families depend and this goes some way towards fixing that. the referendum ended politics as usual, and despite the context that is that theresa may faces, she's had a relatively trouble—free time. but with real anger at home over her government's budget, not today. gavin wright is a self—employed tilerfrom norwich. he chose the tories in 2015. but now he fears he'll lose as much as £500 a year from the changes. he reckons the conservatives have slammed the door on him. cheated, annoyed. basically you vote for someone, you get told something. a year or so down the line they change their mind. they lied to you, basically, and here we are. we've all been cheated. thousands, millions of self—employed people. at home, philip hammond's budget will meet resistance from labour but the real trouble is that some tory mps are on the warpath as well. this is something that has slipped through the net and what we've got to do is make sure it doesn't get through the net. it has to be stopped. the chancellor leads to be stopped. the chancellor leads to do to be stopped. the chancellor leads todoa to be stopped. the chancellor leads to do a u—turn, quickly. to be stopped. the chancellor leads to do a u-turn, quickly. this is not sending out the message that i know every conservative member of parliament believes in, which is supporting business growth. these people are making the growth of the future. in seven months the prime minister's team has rarely felt pressure like this. they may well learn the hard way their brexit adventures in brussels are not the only fund. laura kuenssberg, bbc news, brussels. around 15% of all british workers are self—employed. under the new tax change announced yesterday, more than half of them will lose out. higher and middle earners will be hardest hit. 0ur economics editor kamal ahmed has been looking at the numbers. hairdressers, builders, minicab drivers, well—paid management consultants. the growing five million strong army of the self—employed. they tend to pay less tax and the treasury doesn't much like that. i asked the man charged by theresa may with investigating the new world of work whether phillip hammond was right to impose an increase in national insurance contributions on those who work for themselves. tax rises are never popular, but as tax rises go, this is pretty fair. it's economically rational and it strengthens the long—term resilience of the tax base. so if you're going to increase taxes, this is a pretty good way to do it. mr hammond has talked about fairness. so what are the differences between being employed directly by a company and being self—employed 7 for employed people, there's the issue of rights at work. they receive parental leave, sick pay and holiday pay. if you are self—employed, you receive none of these rights. and let's look at income. at present, an employed person on about £25,000 a year would pay national insurance of £1970. for a self—employed person, that insurance payment falls to £1630. after this new tax increase, that payment will rise to £1810. that means that the tax gap between the employed and the self—employed has narrowed. self—employed people earning less than £15—16,000 per year are actually going to be better off. the biggest hit will be about £580 a year by 2019 for people earning more than about £110,000. yeah, exactly... the self—employed aren't the only people facing a tax increase. this is kelly gilmour—grassam, who runs her own writing business. she takes some of her income in dividends from her shares in the company. the government is going to ask her, and over a million other investors with shares, to pay more tax. the people that might be thinking of making the leap to being a freelancer or setting up a small business, it might make them think twice. this isjust the one budget and we have already had quite a lot of changes. if you can imagine what might happen next year or the year after, you know, it's setting a culture of discouragement for entrepreneurship. but what about the employers of the self—employed 7 they also gain, by, for example, not making national insurance contributions. the government is looking at changing the rules for them as well. this debate about the new world of work and fairness has only just begun. kamal ahmed, bbc news. laura joins me from brussels now. we heard earlier the prime minister refusing to accept a manifesto pledge has been broken, but how much pressure is the government under, over this? i think there is a lot of pressure on them and in a way this has been one of, if not the most bumpy yesterday for theresa may's government since she took charge. backin government since she took charge. back in the heady days of the summer. back in the heady days of the summer. she's in trouble for two reasons. firstly, because of breaking that manifesto promise, even though she was trying at pains to get off on bat on a technicality, if you like, about how legislation went through the house of commons. but also because of who this tax rise will actually affect. for many tory mps, what she and the chancellor are doing is basically going after the tory tribes, going after their own people. the pm did have a couple of reassurances. she said the legislation won't come in until the autumn. she did hint at a package of measures, saying this basically couldn't be looked at in isolation. and above all, she tried ha rd to isolation. and above all, she tried hard to explain her conviction that this is fair. so whether or not in her view it was really in the ma nifesto her view it was really in the manifesto or not, whether or not it's going to be a measure that's just going to come in on its own, this in her view is something that is fairand this in her view is something that is fair and therefore it's something that has to be done. but it certainly has been a bumpy day for her, no question about that. the prime minister is in brussels, the last summit before the start of negotiations on leaving the eu. it's a crucial moment for her. 0h, negotiations on leaving the eu. it's a crucial moment for her. oh, yes, it's very sensitive. there's a sense here that the uk and the other 27 countries are sizing each other up before they sit down, facing each other across the negotiating table. 0ne other across the negotiating table. one of the biggest fights that is likely to come very early in the tricky brexit negotiations is over the bill that the uk has to settle before we actually depart. there have been suggestions in this town that the uk could be asked to stump up that the uk could be asked to stump up tens of billions of pounds, in order to pay off things like eu officials' pensions, other projects we might have committed to, but basically we've got to pay an exit bill. the foreign secretary has told the bbc that instead of paying that bill, in fact, the bbc that instead of paying that bill, infact, he's the bbc that instead of paying that bill, in fact, he's suggested that theresa may should do what margaret thatcher did, back in 1984, and instead of paying up, she should ask for money back. now, this whole issue of whether or not we should be stumping up any cash to pay to get out is something that is going to be very controversial at home, but very controversial here, in brussels. there's determination here to make sure the uk doesn't walk away, but i think that we are set at the start of the negotiations for opportune asti fight over cash. laura kuenssberg in brussels, thank u. —— a nasty fight, over cash. the health secretaryjeremy hunt says it is essential that a&e departments in england hit waiting time targets over the next year, now that extra money has been earmarked for care and health services in the budget. nhs trusts are meant to assess 95% of patients within four hours, but the latest figures suggest most are currently only reaching 85%. 0ur health editor hugh pym reports. immense pressure on hospitals, long delays for some patients. it's been one of the toughest ever winters for the nhs, with the worst performance on waiting times in england since records began. having hinted the key a&e target might be changed, the health secretary now says the 95% benchmark can and should be met. i'm personally not a great fan of targets and i'm certainly not a fan of having too many targets, but this one is critical for patient safety. how is that going to be achieved and how quickly do you think it can be achieved? it is not going to be overnight, but it is essential, and i am expecting the nhs to return to that target during the course of the next calendar year. hospitals in england have now been given a strict timetable. we hope to be in a position whereby we will deliver 90% performance by september and 95% performance by the end of march 2018. some hospitals, like this one, are consistently meeting the target. as you can see, we've got a bank of computers here that give us real—time information. technology helps them monitor the flow of patients and there is a focus on diverting them if possible to the right type of care. 0ur attendances for the past year were around about 140,000 patients. 40,000 of those we were able to get to see the gp which we have on site and that has enabled us to remove from the emergency department a lot of patients that probably did not need to be here in the first place. getting the a&e system back to the 95% target is a big commitment, given how far short of that the national performance figure now is. so can the nhs in england deliver with the money it's got? ministers said the chancellor's budget increase will help — £425 million over three years. that includes a 100 million a&e spending boost in year one. but that is a small proportion of nhs england's annual budget of 107 billion. it is a very big stretch to hit 95% next year. it will need significant investment in extra doctors, nurses and beds and in communities and hospitals and we can't see where that money is coming from. ministers say new money for social care in the community and gp facilities in hospitals will help, but they will now be judged on whether that 95% target is met in a year's time. hugh pym, bbc news. a brief look at some of the day's other other news stories. the united states has said it's deployed 400 extra troops to syria, to speed up the defeat of the islamic state group in its last stronghold, raqqa. they've been sent to support an expected assault by an allied localforce, which includes a kurdish militia. german police say several people have been injured in an axe attack at dusseldorf‘s main train station. there are no reports about how serious the injuries are. angela merkel has sharply criticised turkey's president for describing the cancellation of turkish political rallies in germany as "nazi practices". president erdogan made the comment after hearing that his ministers wouldn't be able to speak to germany's turkish community about a forthcoming referendum on constitutional reform. mrs merkel said his language wouldn't be tolerated. two people have been killed after a motorway bridge collapsed on italy's main adriatic coast highway. a temporary structure had been supporting the bridge near the north—east italian city of ancona. media reports say that two romanian workers were also injured. a national monument paying tribute to members of the military and civilians who served and worked in the wars in iraq and afghanistan has been unveiled in central london. the queen led the ceremony, watched by 2500 invited guests, including other members of the royalfamily, politicians and bereaved relatives. tony blair — who's faced strong criticism for taking the uk into the iraq conflict — was also at the ceremony, as robert hall reports. there have been many accounts of individual sacrifice during the longest and most intense period of combat operations since the second world war. this was a day to recognise the stories that have not been told. we meet in the presence of god to commemorate and give thanks for all those civilians and members of the military who have served on operations in the gulf region, iraq and afghanistan. 682 service personnel lost their lives in iraq and afghanistan. the political decisions which put them in harm's way still divide opinion. no one has ever doubted the courage and dedication of every man and every woman who travelled to a troubled region. may this memorial commemorate the lives and service of all. my son was called kris 0'neill, he was killed in iraq in 2007. at least they are all being recognised, that is the main thing. that is the main thing. with all the controversy over the iraq war, i did not even think we would get a memorial, but it shows what people power can do. but delight at public recognition was tempered by regret. a very fitting service, a very pretty memorial, but very frustrated. bereaved parents, family members, were not originally invited to this. those who were invited saw a sculpture that offered a glimpse of the past and the future. today brought a good closure to the events, both iraq, which was quite traumatic, and afghanistan, which i went to four times, which was very traumatic. there are still people out there. ileave injune. and i am leaving a team behind that will continue working. one day, sergeant mark lunn and his wife michelle will pass on their iraq experiences to their son alfie, not on his best behaviour this morning. but the queen was amused. alfie, and generations to come, will have a permanent reminder of a chapter in our history that remains unfinished business. robert hall, bbc news, westminster. fake news, corrupt, the enemy of the american people — those are just some of the attacks that president trump has repeatedly launched on a number of mainstream media outlets. but what effect have his attacks had on the journalists? the bbc‘s media editor, amol rajan, is in the united states assessing the president's impact on the media. this is what your brain has been waiting for. this is a city and country that thrives on information. but in the age of donald trump and digital media, it is getting harder for americans to sort fact from fiction. the next generation of great talk radio... a new generation of conservative talk radio hosts is making millions of americans feel like they're being heard at last. this president today, donald trump, i would go into battle for, whereas i would never have gone into battle for 0bama. proud patriot andrew wilkow broadcasts on a station that now has 30 million subscribers. the internet really opened people's eyes, because now, anybody could fact check the media. in this digital new media age, the closed guild of media companies in this country, they no longer enjoy the exclusivity. you know i have a running war with the media. you are fake news. that attack was aimed at cnn, yet they and other networks are seeing their ratings rise sharply, because of interest in trump. a lot of politics is usually in the grey area. trump is different. trump says things that are clearly untrue. his aides say things that are clearly and provably false. in some ways, it is more black and white now, which makes it easier for journalists to fact check and to be blunt and to be clear in their reporting. donald trump has provided an unexpected boost to ratings and revenues at organisations like this one. and in declaring a war against the media, perhaps this president is helping to create a golden age forjournalism. another organisation targeted by trump is the new york times. its editorial pages backed hillary clinton in the election. it actually clarified our mission in a way, you know, newspapers like mine went through a long decade or so of debating what our future looks like in the digital age. and suddenly, in comes this transformational president, and i think the answer is in a lot of ways, our future looks like our past. people expect us to find stuff out. there has been a lot of talk in the media about the responsibility to hold donald trump accountable and i'm here to tell you that it goes two ways. you don't want to say anything on the record at all? for those reporters who cover the white house, it is a challenge when journalists are excluded from the official briefings. you do your best to get the actual information out of the white house and you write a story and then they come back at you with, "oh, that's fake news." how are you supposed to write anything resembling reality if you're actually not getting their side of the story? so it kind of puts you in a double bind, which i think is their strategy. a media savvy president has damaged trust in american journalism. but for those who report on trump, it's rarely been harder or more £35935 ; i512? ki? gag 11-41? amol rajan, bbc news, washington. the man appointed by president trump to be in charge of america's environmental policies has said he doesn't believe that carbon dioxide is a primary cause of global warming — a view that's at odds with most scientific evidence. scott pruitt also described the paris climate accord, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as a bad deal. let's speak to our north america correspondent nick bryant who's and the reaction? it is a moment in the trump administration that comes as no surprise. scott pruitt is a climate change sceptic, which is why he got the job. but for many a jaw—dropping moment to hear the head of the environmental protection agency to say he's not convinced carbon dioxide is a contributor to global warming, which flies in the face of mainstream science and has been slammed by environmental groups and it contradicts his agency's website, which has policy implications. we are expecting an executive order from president trump that would roll back many of barack 0bama's environmental regulations. there is also a fierce debate in the trump administration about whether to withdraw from the paris accord, the landmark agreement. people like scott pruitt say it is a bad deal. the president's daughter and rex tillerson say america should stay in. it is a measure of how much has changed that rex tillerson, who till a few months ago was head of the largest oil company is now a moderating voice in the administration on climate change. a brief look at some of the day's other other news stories. a woman stabbed to death by her brother at a flat in wolverhampton has been named. 33—year—old ann—marie james was killed in the incident on wednesday. 36—year old melvin james is understood to have killed himself with the knife. staff atjohn lewis and waitrose — who own the company and receive a yearly bonus — have seen their bonus cut to its lowest level since the 19505. thejohn lewis partnership chairman said it had been reduced for the fourth year in a row because of uncertainty about inflation and the impact of brexit on the value of the pound. a church of england bishop has turned down a promotion after his congregation protested about his opposition to women priests. the right reverend philip north, who is currently the bishop of burnley, was selected as the next bishop of sheffield injanuary. mr north said it was clear his appointment would be ‘counter productive' to the mission of the church. arsenal manager arsene wenger said he will take arsenal manager arsene wenger said he will ta ke fa ns' arsenal manager arsene wenger said he will take fans' opinions into account when he makes up its mind whether to stay in the job. arsenal have lost five of their last seven games leading to speculation about the future of their longest serving manager. earlier this year, we brought you the story of nemleyjunior, a baby chimpanzee freed — thanks to a bbc investigation — from wildlife traffickers in ivory coast. two of the traffickers are now being prosecuted, in the first case of its kind. and the body responsible for trying to stop the illegal trade in endangered species has now tightened up its procedures. david shukman has been back to ivory coast. a heart—warming story of recovery — a baby chimpanzee, nemleyjunior, with a great appetite. an astonishing turnaround, given the trauma he's been through. poachers killed his mother and the rest of his family and then sold him to wildlife traffickers. he's learning to explore. he was freed as a result of a bbc news investigation. but he never liked to get too farfrom his keepers. he wants constant company. chimpanzees live in close families in the wild. nemleyjunior has now lost his and needs a new one. this is a key moment for nemleyjunior, meeting another chimpanzee, a slightly older female. he's never going to make it back into the wild, so the best hope is to create bonds with a new family. just a few months ago, he looked so much thinner while in the hands of animal smugglers. they were selling him for $12,500. we briefed the police and they moved in. a raid led to two arrests. a young dealer called ibrahima traore and his uncle mohamed. they're now awaiting trial — the first prosecution for wildlife trafficking that ivory coast has ever seen. and with big money involved, they're linked to another network of traffickers in guinea. the sidibe family also sold baby chimpanzees, but two of them have now been arrested, so this could be a turning point. once you get one, you arrest them, you prosecute them, you incarcerate them. that message starts to get out — that wildlife crime is no longer high profit, low risk, there is a risk here, in fact, i might go to jail. the dealers circulate videos of the chimps for sale. wildlife investigators say the arrests will slow the trade but not stop it entirely. it is just one big step, but it is a neverending battle, wildlife trafficking. so you've made progress, but it's not the end? not the end, it's like a drug, it's a never—ending battle. back at the zoo, nemleyjunior is playful. a mobile phone keeps him amused and here's the view from it. after our first report of his rescue, many of you were keen to hear more about him. well, it's reassuring to see him thriving, and also to think that with four traffickers arrested, other chimps in the jungles may be a little safer. david shukmman, bbc news, in ivory coast. the artist sir howard hodgkin has died at the age of 84. a painter and printmaker, he was a central figure in contemporary art for more than half a century and became known for his semi—abstract blocks of colour. the tate described him as one of the greatest artists of his generation, as our arts editor will gompertz reports. this is a self—portrait by howard hodgkin. it is how he saw himself, not in physical terms, but as a representation of his feelings and sensations. that was his style, to step out of time and place in order to paint memories. it is what marked him out as an artist. abstract, yet subjective. each painting was the result of the laborious stop—start process that could take years. i hate the act of painting, i always have done. people have said to me so often, amateur painters, aren't you lucky to be able to do this? and i say, no thank you. i'm not lucky. i may be lucky with the result, but having to go through the horrors of painting the picture is not something i ever look forward to. howard is really one of the great painters of his generation. he is up there with david hockney, with bridget riley. he has got an international reputation and he leaves behind him some very, very great works of art. howard hodgkin first arrived on the scene in the 1960s. he made his name in the 70s and triumphed in the 805, representing britain at the venice biennale and winning the turner prize. i am very pleased, very grateful and very surprised. matisse, degas and jackson pollock were all influences. but it was the light and life of india that he first discovered in 1964 which became his great love and inspiration. look at those colours in a row. lilac, the pink, the orange, yellow between. amazing. i think more than any other artist i can think of, howard's paintings are a celebration of life, they are an exploration of life. it is notjust life as if seen by a one—eyed cyclops. it is life in motion, it is life as experienced over many years, but more than anything else, it is viewed through sensation and emotion and through feeling. howard hodgkin might not have enjoyed picking

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Pensions , Margaret Thatcher , Big Money , Cash , Whether , Stumping , 1984 , Determination , Asti Fight Over Cash , Walk Away , Essential , Targets , Care , Health Secretaryjeremy Hunt , England , Health Services , Fight , Thank U , Patients , Hospitals , Nhs , Most , Figures , Trusts , Delays , 0ur Health Editor , Hugh Pym , 85 , 95 , Four , Performance , Records , A E Target , Benchmark , Fan , Patient Safety , Target , Timetable , Course , Position , 90 , Computers , The End , Bank , March 2018 , 2018 , Technology , Focus , Flow , Type , Patients , Us , Real Time Information , 0ur Attendances , 40000 , 140000 , System , Gp , Emergency Department , Site , Figure , Ministers , Budget Increase , Three , 425 Million , Â 425 Million , Year One , Proportion , 100 Million , 107 Billion , Community , Facilities , Communities , Money , Investment , Doctors , Beds , Nurses , News Stories , Troops , 400 , Police , Estate , Axe Attack , Group , Militia , Stronghold , Defeat , Assault , Syria , Raqqa , Islamic , Kurdish , Allied Localforce , German , Angela Merkel , Reports , Injuries , Train Station , Dusseldorf , President , Erdogan , Comment , Cancellation , Hearing , Wouldn T , Rallies , Germany , Nazi Practices , Turkey , Bridge , Language , Structure , Italy , Adriatic Coast Highway , Members , Tribute , Wars , City Of Ancona , Italian , Media Reports , National Monument , Ceremony , Who , Criticism , Guests , Relatives , Royalfamily , Tony Blair , 2500 , Accounts , Combat Operations , Conflict , Robert Hall , Presence , Second World War , Thanks , Operations , Gulf Region , God , Service Personnel , Lives , In Harm S Way , Afghanistan 682 , 682 , Woman , No One , Opinion , Region , Courage , Dedication , Thing , Wall , Least , Son , Controversy , Kris 0 Neill , 2007 , Family Members , Recognition , Regret , Iraq War , People Power , Sculpture , Closure , Events , Glimpse , Saw A , Ileave Injune , Mark Lunn , Michelle , Generations , Experiences , Behaviour , Son Alfie , One Day , Donald Trump , Corrupt , Attacks , History , Business , Chapter , Enemy , Reminder , Westminster , Journalists , Impact , Media Editor , Mainstream Media Outlets , Effect , Amol Rajan , Media , Information , Country , City , Digital Media , Brain , Generation , Talk Radio , Talk Radio Hosts , Fiction , Station , Internet , Eyes , Patriot , Subscribers , Anybody , New Media Age , Battle For 0bama , Battle For , Andrew Wilkow , Proud , 30 Million , News , Cnn , Ratings , Media Companies , Running War , Attack , Networks , Guild , Exclusivity , Trump , Ways , Black And White , Interest , Area , Aides , Reporting , War , Organisations , Revenues , Boost , Forjournalism , Golden Age , Election , Mission , New York Times , Newspapers , Organisation , Pages , Hillary Clinton , Looks , Debating , Stuff , Talk , Answer , Responsibility , Of Nemleyjunior , Anything , Reporters , Best , Record , Briefings , Challenge , White House , Report On Trump , Reality , Journalism , Strategy , Trust , Side , Double Bind , Media Savvy , More , Policies , Ki , North America , I512 , Gag , Washington , 41 , 11 , 35935 , Â 35935 , Scott Pruitt , Carbon Dioxide , Deal , Paris Climate Accord , Global Warming , Cause , Odds , Evidence , Greenhouse Gas Emissions , Nick Bryant , Reaction , Administration , Climate Change Sceptic , Surprise , Job , Contributor , Face , Head , Agency , Groups , Website , Mainstream Science , Policy Implications , Environmental Protection Agency , Executive Order , Many , Regulations , Barack 0bama , Daughter , Rex Tillerson , Say America , The Landmark Agreement , Oil Company , Voice , Melvin James , Brother , Incident , Death , Flat , Ann Marie James , Wolverhampton , 33 , 36 , Atjohn Lewis , Bonus , Knife , Bonus Cut , Level , Chairman , Waitrose , Thejohn Lewis Partnership , 19505 , Bishop , Philip North , Row , Promotion , Inflation , Pound , Uncertainty , Value , Brexit , Congregation , Women Priests , Opposition , Church Of England , Burnley , Arsene Wenger , North , Of Sheffield Injanuary , Appointment , Church , Arsenal , Ta Ke Fa Ns , Fans , Serving Manager , Account , Opinions , Five , Speculation , Games , In Guinea , Investigation , Baby Chimpanzee , Case , Body , Procedures , Endangered Species , David Shukman , Nemleyjunior , Turnaround , Appetite , Trauma , Result , Family , Rest , Learning , Poachers , Wild , Chimpanzees , Families , Keepers , Chimpanzee , Hope , Bonds , Animal Smugglers , Hands , Raid Led , 12500 , Wildlife Trafficking , Ibrahima Traore , Arrests , Dealer , Trial , Prosecution , Uncle Mohamed , Baby Chimpanzees , Network , Turning Point , Sidibe , Wildlife Crime , Battle , Risk , Chimps , Profit , Step , Dealers , Jail , Sale , Videos , Wildlife Investigators , Progress , Drug , Zoo , Mobile Phone , Artist , Report , Traffickers , Safer , Rescue , Jungles , David Shukmman , State , Art , Colour , Blocks , Printmaker , 84 , Arts Editor , Gompertz Reports , Self Portrait , Painting , Memories , Sensations , Feelings , Terms , Representation , Style , Abstract , Laborious , Stop Start , Painters , Aren T You Lucky , Horrors , Picture , David Hockney , Works Of Art , Reputation , Scene , Bridget Riley , Life , Influences , Name , The 70s , Jackson Pollock , Degas , India , Turner Prize , Venice Biennale , Matisse , 805 , 1964 , 1960 , 70 , Paintings , Lilac , Colours , Love , Inspiration , Celebration , Orange , Amazing , Cyclops , Motion , Exploration , Decision , Calls , Sensation , Feeling , Emotion ,

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