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Its new Electric Version of the mini in the uk. We talk to amal clooney about her legal battle on behalf of the persecuted Yazidi People. And the Pressure Mounts for Arsene Wenger as arsenal we talk to amal clooney about her legal battle on behalf and the Pressure Mounts for Arsene Wenger as arsenal are heavily beaten again in the Champions League. Coming up in Sportsday On Bbc News arsenals last match in europe this season as Bayern Munich knock them out of the Champions League again. Good evening. The government has suffered a second defeat on its brexit bill in the House Of Lords. Peers are insisting on what they call a meaningful parliamentary vote on the final deal to leave the eu. The government will now try to overturn the changes in the House Of Commons. Ministers accused some in the lords of trying to frustrate the brexit outcome. Theresa may is still hoping to start the formal leaving process by the end of the month, as our political editor, Laura Kuenssberg, reports. They are not universally loved, but the House Of Lords wont let that drive its opposition away. Defeating the government for the second time in a week on its plans for brexit. Contents, 366. Not contents, 268. So the contents have it. With the biggest turnout for nearly 200 years, just for good measure. Reporter do you think parliament should have a meaningful vote . Ministers are determined not to give in. Theyve promised parliament already a say on the terms of brexit. But arguments for a legal guarantee of a vote won the day in the lords, a desire even if theresa may and her ministers, look who was watching on, want to walk away without doing a deal. When it comes to our rights, parliament is the place that you come to. Parliament makes those decisions. The reason is simple, we dont trust the government on this matter. This countrys future should rest with parliament and not with ministers. But the governments supporters question the motive. Does the noble lord not agree that this new clause in effect, gives this in House A Statutory Veto on the decision made by the Prime Minister with the support of the other place to implement the decision of the british people to leave the European Union . This house is full of people who still havent come to terms with the results in the referendum and this is a clever lawyers confection in Orderto Reverse the results of the referendum. With 13 tories rebels on their side, labour in the lords emboldened. It would be completely irresponsible for parliament to say, bye, bye, theresa may, were waving you off, come back in two years and tell us what youve done. This actually makes sure the Government Works with parliament to get the best deal we possibly can. But just like this, next week the bill will make its way down from The Red And Gold corridors to the green and gold, to the commons. Will ministers budge or will conservative rebels decide to fight . I will continue to believe that that is the right thing to, do for there to be a vote in both houses, deal or no deal. If i have to vote against my government again, i will do it. Weve discussed and debated both of these issues before, at length and we still decline to accept the amendments that have been passed in the House Of Lords. Weve heard no new arguments. Theyve come up with no new ideas so i expect the House Of Commons to pass the bill unamended. Theres no sign theresa may will relent to keep rebels at bay. It may be brave to stand her ground, but she may have to find the courage in the end to back down. This was a big defeat, Thejoke Among Labour Wax tonight in the House Of Lords is that with the tory Duke Of Wellington on their side in this vote, it could be theresa mays waterloo. What happens next will be determined by who wins a face off between a relatively small group of tories who are adamant that they wa nt tories who are adamant that they want this to be part of the process and theresa may and her ministers on the other side who, right now, are absolutely clear they will not give an inch. The way things feel at the moment, it is going to be pretty tight. It is just too difficult with a week before the next vote to determine who is going to have victory. The big picture, this will not delay brexit, it will not stop it, certainly, because theresa may still has three weeks to get this parliamentary wrangling out of the weights for sheep meat her own self imposed deadline of getting brexit started by the end of march out of the way before she meets. And laura will be back with us in a moment to talk about tomorrows budget which will include money for new Grammar Schools in england. Theyll be among 140 free schools set up with a fund of £320 million. Labour says the plan is a Vanity Project and insists many other schools are in desperate need of money. The plans also face opposition from some with conservative mps, as our education editor, bra nwen jeffreys, reports. Before the Number Crunching of the budget, a visit for the pm to a maths school. A little extra money for her education priorities, a signal to schools generally not to hope for more. We have protected the core schools budget, but, crucially, what we are announcing is half a billion pounds of investment in schools, £320 million of which will be new schools. That will create around 70,000 new school places. More maths schools are part of her plans. This is not a Grammar Pupils are selected, but at the age of 16, then pushed to get top a level results. We know that what weve done here for students who have this interest in mathematics and the Mathematical Sciences has enabled transformation of those students, different futures, Better Futures for them and therefore Better Futures for us all in a sense. And so having more schools like that is exactly what i think we need. Education is all about creating a sense of opportunity, the hope that what your children learn will give them a better chance than you had. And thats what the Prime Minister is trying to tap into at a time when there are uncertain years ahead. This is all about the politics now and very little about the modest amount of money. Schools across england face financial pressures, falling funding per pupil and no promise of help in the budget. The Government Spending plans dont begin to address the real problems in our schools. We have buildings that are falling down, we have a Teacher Recruitment and retention crisis, we cant get enough teachers into the classroom and we cant get them to stay there. Some of the new money could be used to set up Grammar Schools so what happens to Grammar School places now . Only 3 of pupils are on free school meals. I3 are thought to come from private prep schools. And just 73 out of i63 Grammar Schools give priority to poorer children in admissions. Thats why plans for new Grammar Schools face stiff opposition. There is a legal ban on creating new ones in england. More free schools are likely to open before the first new grammar. In the next wave i dont think there will be any grammars either because i think itll take a while for the government to get the ban lifted. It will be in the wave after that, next year, maybe the year after that, that we are likely to see some grammars being approved, if the ban is lifted, but i cant see them opening before 2020. Traditional values and excellence, for some that is what Grammar Schools mean. But others fear this is opportunity for the few, not the many. Branwynjeffreys, bbc news. The chancellor, Philip Hammond, will deliver his first budget tomorrow. Its also the first budget since last years eu referendum. There are growing calls for him to allocate more money to social care in england and to help firms cope with business rate rises. The efforts to balance the governments books are far from over and, as our economics editor, kamal ahmed, explains, the age of austerity is likely to be with us for some years to come. Bridges over the tyne. On one side gateshead, the other newcastle the front line in the battle to fix the economy since the financial crisis. Cuts have bitten here. One example, local parks are now paid for out of the Health Budget after a 90 fall in funding. The economy locally has grown, but below the national average, unemployment is high. And if people here thought austerity was over, its probably time to think again. This budget will be all about the deficit, thats the difference between what the government spends and what it receives in taxes. And to bridge that gap it borrows and, just like a credit card, that costs money. This year the deficit is predicted to be £68. 2 billion. For comparison, it costs about £100 billion to run the nhs for a whole year. The government wants that figure to fall every year until 2021, when it wants the figure to be £20. 7 billion. Those Borrowing Figures are expected to look better tomorrow because the economy has grown faster than forecast, but there is no angel on the horizon yet. The government is still committed to reducing spending, there will have to be efficiencies. The department that funds local government in england will see its budget cut, by 2021, by 24 . The justice department, which funds courts and prisons, will see its budget cut by 20 . Scotland, wales and Northern Ireland will also see reductions. Northern ireland will see the highest, at 3 . Some departments, though, will be supported. The department for international development, which spends on overseas aid, will see its budget rise by 17 . Health in england will also see its budget rise by £1. 5 and education will see less of a reduction than other departments, just 2. 2 , and the schools budget will be protected. When it comes to our taxes, the government has already announced that increases are ahead. The key question where . Well, the government has got rather good at taxing less visible areas. For example, the taxes paid on dividends from shares people might own is going to raise more money, an extra £2. 8 billion. And taxes on insurance policies are also going up and thats going to raise an extra £700 million. And stamp duty, thats the tax we pay on buying a house, is also increasing. That will also raise £700 million. The grand message of the budget that there are still risks ahead, brexit and economic slowdown. The treasury wants to use tomorrow to prepare for the future, warning that now is not the time to end austerity. Kamal ahmed, bbc news. 0n the eve of the budget we can go back to Laura Kuenssberg in westminster. How do you see the task for Phillip Hammond tomorrow . Very difficult, he is somebody who is known to be fond of spreadsheets, somebody who is a believer very much ina somebody who is a believer very much in a conservative treasury so i think we would be wrong to looking for big, flashy, bold moves tomorrow. There are three things we re tomorrow. There are three things were looking out for. As we have heard, the budget is still extremely tight, there are cuts to come with human consequences. Secondly, we know the treasury is still very cautious about the prospects as we move towards brexit and beyond and i think we will see him want to keep some of his spending power back rather than committing it all with the future so unclear. Thirdly it will be important and fascinating to be on the hunt for clues as to what Philip Hammond wants to do in the long term. Whether that is finding a solution for the social care crisis 01 solution for the social care crisis or building a more dynamic economy, whether with skills or better schools, i think there will be an emerging picture of what he really wa nts to emerging picture of what he really wants to do in the long term, especially and partly because we are in such an uncertain world right 110w. In such an uncertain world right now. Thank you, Laura Kuenssberg with the latest on the eve of the budget at westminster. The website wikileaks has published thousands of pages of what it says are leaked cia files. The documents appear to reveal attempts by the American Spy Agency to use Household Gadgets such as televisions with an Internet Connection to eavesdrop on peoples conversations. But the material has not been independently verified. With me is our security correspondent, gordon corera. What do you make of it, gordon . american spies didnt have enough problems with their own president saying they were leaking against him, they have their own leaks tost to worry about. Its their old foe, wikileaks, to worry about. Its their old foe, wikilea ks, apparently to worry about. Its their old foe, wikileaks, apparently producing hundreds, thousands, of documents which havent been confirmed as true but which certainly look, at first sight, credible and very sensitive about the cias own technical capabilities. They showed the cia can hack into iphones, android phones. 0ne Capability Codenamed weeping angel, said to be developed with britains m15 which might explain why the Codename Refull terms to a film in the doctor who series. It allows them to get inside samsung connected smart tvs. They can use the microphone in these tvs as a bug to record conversations in the room and send it back over the internet to intelligence agencies. You remember the revelation, the lou about edward snowden, it will be the same again, the spies say they need the capabilities to spy, to collect inamoto tell generals on their targets, like terroristses and exposing this makes it harder. Prif sid groups say they have too many powers, go too far and secret. The why an organisation tasked with stealing other peoples secrets seems to find it hard to keep their own. Gordon corera there for us. Thanks again. A brief look at some of the days other news stories. A post mortem examination into the death of George Michael has found that he died of natural causes. The 53 year old singer was found dead at his 0xfordshire home on christmas day. An initial investigation failed to determine a cause. A 22 year old british woman rescued when the vehicle she was driving was pulled over by police is recovering in hospital in australia after she was held against her will for two months. An australian man, who was also found in the vehicle, has been charged with a number of offences, including rape and deprivation of liberty. Facebook has come under heavy criticism after a bbc investigation found it failed to remove inappropriate images of children. The chairman of the Commons Media Committee said he had grave doubts about the effectiveness of its content moderation systems. The head of bmw in the uk has cast further doubt on whether it will build an Electric Version of the mini in britain. Peter schwarzenbauer says the impact of brexit will be a factor in the companys decision. Our business editor, simonjack, reports from the Geneva Car Show where hes been speaking to the bosses of some of the uks biggest car manufacturers. The car industrys newest and flashest models were on display in geneva today, trying to catch the eye of a global audience with a glimpse of the future. But, in the here and now, its more familiar models that are making the news. Vauxhalls are made at Ellesmere Port and luton, and theirfate will soon be down to this man, who already runs citroen and peugeot. He says vauxhall has a future, even if brexit results in trade barriers, but there are conditions. If we were talking about this scenario, a hard brexit, with Customs Duties and all that stuff, then it would be, of course, an opportunity for us to have a uk sourcing to source for the uk. Of course, for that to happen, we also need to have the Supplier Base being developed in the uk so that the Cost Structure would be in pounds, the Revenue Structure will be in pounds. For that to happen, we would need the support of the uk government. Bmw makes minis in cowley, near 0xford. It will start production of an Electric Version in 2019. It has to decide where to do that very soon. We want to see a tariff free environment where goods, services and in fact people can move freely across borders and somewhere around the middle to Third Quarter of the year, we will actually make the decision as to where the mini is produced. The most important fact about these cars is not really how fast they go or how many miles they do to the gallon. The most important fact is, where are they made . Automotivejobs, creating them, preserving them, is important to politicians all over the world, and no more so than in post brexit britain. The Car Companies know that and in the race to keepjobs, some goverments have been prepared to go to Great Lengths to persuade them to stay put. Nissan makes 500,000 cars a year in sunderland. In october last year, it committed to increasing investment after reassurance the government would ensure the plant remained competitive after brexit. Since then, the Prime Minister has said no deal would be better than a bad deal with the eu. That raised concerns in the car industry the uk would fall back on International Trade rules, which could mean high tariffs. So, how solid is nissans commitment today . Governments in the uk have a tradition to honour their commitments, so we believe it, and we feel good about it. This being said, we will have to wait until brexit has been negotiated and we see the conditions of the new status before giving you a final opinion. The effects of global competition are felt locally. According to the boss of psa, its a competition where theres only one way to win. Everybody is asking for protection and the only honest answer for protection is performance. If you increase your level of performance, you become the best. If you become the best, there is no risk. A simple guide to survival in the car industry. Simonjack, bbc news, geneva. As fighters from the Islamic State group are gradually being driven out of their stronghold in iraq, the scale of their atrocities is being revealed against one ethnic group in particular. The Yazidi People are ethnic kurds and they are the victims of a genocidal campaign, according to the un human rights commission. So far its thought 5,000 people have been killed. Over 3,000, mostly women and children, are being held captive, many traded as sex slaves. Thousands of men and boys are missing. Some yazidis have managed to escape and seek sanctuary in germany. 0ur correspondent, naomi grimley, reports now from one deep in a forest in the south west of the country. A Secret Location in south west germany, its a place of exile, 80 yazidi women and children now live here. They were violently persecuted by so called Islamic State and chased out of northern iraq. These two boys were captured by the extremists and sent to a military training camp, aged just 1a and 16. This is their story. Translation the training was about weapons. We learnt how to load and fire a weapon. We were training to be soldiers. We would do exercises, crawling under barbed wire, things like that. Translation to learn how to fire a gun on human beings they took us to big graves where they had the dead bodies of muslim traitors, spies of the regime or those who took drugs. They said we have to fire on the bodies to get used to it. Translation if we didnt do what we were told or broke the rules, they would beat us with a stick. Everything had to be like they wanted. I had to pretend to be a muslim to survive. Translation their books were just like magic, they quickly changed your mind and made you into one of them. I bet, notjust me, even a mans mind would have changed. After a year, a smuggler helped them escape the camp. Translation by god i knew it was dangerous, but there was nothing left to be afraid of. We had seen death with our own eyes. We saw how they killed. When you lose everything, you have nothing left. We had nothing to lose. This is mainly a community of women and children, most of the men are missing, presumed dead. The women were originally brought to germany for Trauma Counselling after the mass rapes under Islamic State. Baden wurttemberg, in south west germany, has welcomed more than 1,000 yazidis in two years and the man who runs the project says several towns volunteered to give them shelter. Of course, its hard. Of course, they have bad dreams. Of course, they are struggling, but they can start like, you know, just start a new future, get into school, get an education, dream about falling in love and all of these things that are so normal. All that may take time but at least, for now, this refuge is far away from those religious zealots whore trying to wipe them out. Naomi grimley, bbc news, south west germany. Tomorrow, the International Lawyer acting on behalf of the yazidis will address the un in new york and call for a formal investigation into allegations of genocide perpetrated by the Islamic State group. Amal clooney has been telling fiona bruce why shes decided to represent the yazidis and why their cause is so important to her. Youre calling for so called Islamic State to be held to account for genocide, why is that so important to you . Ive been to refuges in germany, like the one that you showed in your piece, and ive interviewed former Child Soldiers and young girls who were raped and enslaved by isis. Its been the most harrowing testimony ive ever heard. We know that its genocide, the un has said so. In other words, isis is trying to destroy them as a group and we are allowing it to happen without actually calling isis to account. So what do you think can be done practically to bring Islamic State to justice . Well, the first step that should be taken is for evidence to be collected on the ground because we know that its disappearing. So there are mass graves that are being discovered. Just a few days ago, in mosul, a huge mass grave, thats thought to have 4,000 bodies in it, was discovered. And theres other types of evidence as well. Isis is actually a big bureaucracy, believe it or not, and theyre leaving behind documents. You know, you need to collect dna, you need to collect Phone Records and none of that is being done at the moment. Youre going to the un this week, what are you going to be saying there . Im addressing the un on the issue of accountability and saying something needs to be done. So why do you think theyre not doing it . This is exactly the question that ill be posing to member states. You know, im going to ask them are the crimes not serious enough for you to investigate . Well, that cant be it because its genocide. You know, do you think that theres no evidence for you to collect . Thats not right either, there are mass graves whose locations are known, you can start there and theres plenty of other evidence to collect. The fact that you are now not just a human rights lawyer, but you are known obviously because of your marriage to one of hollywoods biggest stars i mean, does that help in terms of giving you a bigger platform and getting more people to listen to you . I mean, theres lots of my work that takes place behind closed doors, that is not ever seen. I think if there are more people who now understand whats happening about the yazidis and isis and if there can be some action that results from that, that can help those clients, then i think its a really good thing to give that case the extra publicity that it may get. But, you know, if you dont have a good case and you dont have a good message, then shining a light on it is not going to get you very far. That was the International Lawyer, amal clooney, talking to fiona bruce. There is much more about the plight of the Yazidi People on our website. Just follow the link at bbc. Co. Uk news. The link is there for you. Labour has renewed its demand to know whether the government offered a special deal to Surrey County council to help fund its social care services. The council had been considering holding a local referendum on raising the council tax. But in a secret recording, obtained by the bbc, the conservative leader of the authority, david hodge, is heard telling colleagues that hed secured a gentlemans agreement with ministers. There may come a time, if what i call a gentlemans agreement, as the conservative party often does, are not honoured, we will have to revisit this in nine months or a years time. If we do, let me assure you, you will have to drag me, kicking and screaming, not to go for referendum next year. 0ur chief political correspondent, vicki young, is at westminster. Potentially, how tricky is this for the government, vicki . In recent weeksjeremy the government, vicki . In recent weeks Jeremy Corbyn the government, vicki . In recent weeksJeremy Corbyn laid into theresa may in all of this saying it shows a tory council being given a secret deal to stop it hiking council tax. They have upped the rhetoric tonight after the emergence of this secret recording saying theresa may and her ministers have been playing political games and conducting back room Sweetheart Deals for theirfriends conducting back room Sweetheart Deals for their friends while councils across the country have struggled to get the money for social care. They have been asked to apply for a pilot scheme where they can keep 100 of their business rates. These are conversations that are the normal thing that goes on. There is no doubt its awkward, embarrassing hearing this Tory Council Leader boosting about his access to very senior ministers. Ministers said it does not amount to any kind of secret deal. Vicki, again, thanks for the update there. Vicki young there at westminster. Poachers have broken into a zoo near paris and shot dead a rhinoceros before sawing off and stealing one of its horns. French police say the white rhino was killed overnight at the thoiry zoo. Its estimated that a rhino horn can fetch around £40,000 on the black market. 0ur correspondent, lucy williamson, has more details. This is where poachers came looking for their latest kill, a Safari Park West of paris. Their victim, this four year old rhino called vince. They shot him three times before cutting off his horn with a chainsaw. Park staff say the attackers broke through two fences and a wall to reach the rhinos. Its thought to be the first time poachers have targeted live animals in a european zoo. Its horrific that vince, our rhino, was shot. Weve got this notion that here they are protected from poaching and that poaching happens far away in their natural habitat and here theyre safe and poaching has come here now so thats extremely destabilising and shocking. Tonight theres extra security in place at the Rhino Enclosure behind me where the two surviving animals are still being housed. This was a well planned operation with apparently detailed knowledge of the park and it has put zoos across europe on alert. Paris was the weakest link today, but it might be another population in namibia or other parts of the world. As long as the incentives and profits are high in and the risks are low enough, criminals will seek out the weakest link to get their hands on the rhino horn. Like vince, the other young male at thoiry might one day be used for breeding. Europes zoos, designed to protect the species, are now themselves being targeted for the animals in their care. Lucy williamson, bbc news, thoiry. Arsenal manager, Arsene Wenger, is under mounting pressure tonight after his team were eliminated from the Champions League. Theyd gone into their second leg tie against Bayern Munich needing

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