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Of american greatness. The biggest blunder the oscars has ever seen now the two accountants behind the best film mix up are told theyll never work there again. Sex education is to be made compulsory for all schools in england with children as young as 4 being taught about healthy relationships. And The Little Girl who became a symbol of syrian suffering gets a visit from the british surgeon who saved her. 0h oh my goodness, me. Well, well, well. An nhs trust is criticised as patients are found having procedures in hospital corridors. The gridlocked dartford crossing. Warnings that unless another tunnel is built the economy is at risk. The House Of Lords has dubbed the government its first serious blow over the Brexit Bill Which will trigger the formal process of leaving the eu. They voted by large majority to give European Union nationals who already live here the right to stay in the uk. The Prime Minister has so far refused to give any such assurances until british citizens on the continent get similar guarantees. The issue goes to the commons where the government will attempt to overturn the decision. Laura kuenssberg is in the Houses Of Parliament for us now. Things work differently down The Red And Gold aimed a parliament here in the lords where the government does not have a majority. The government is not in charge. It was made absolutely plain to ministers tonight. In the Lords Chamber a couple of hours ago they handsomely won the day. They have voted contents 358, not contents 256. The contents 358, not contents 256. The contents have it. Wow you can hear them say. The lords beat the government by more than 100 votes. A bid to force ministers to say people from other eu countries can stay here, and to say so now. It thinks to be a win win for principles of humanity and honour. And i hope the House Of Commons will now follow the example of the lords and make sure it confirms this improvement to what was otherwise a pretty dire set of legislation. Its very arrogant to assume that your argument is the only one of principle and yours is the only moral one. Once people start using words like high ground, principal and moral, i think its a load of humbug. They voted so that nearly 3 million people, like engineer alexandrine cantor, whether from france or finland, poland or portugal, can have a guarantee they can stay in the uk after brexit. She got the keys to her new flat here just yesterday and doesnt want to leave. The first days after brexit was like a feeling of heartbreak. My fear is the job i left everything for is now uncertain as well. I invest. Now my life is here and i dont want to, i dont want to restart. I dont want to be in danger in my home. As we head out, the governments adamant alexandrine and others will be able to stay. But they wont give that guarantee until the other countries in the eu are willing to do the same for brits abroad. The clash had the lords packed, even rowdy. The peers vying to speak. With spot the Home Secretary perched next to the gilt throne, carefully watching on. We are bleeding the best academics from this country at the present time, who are leaving one by one, or are thinking about leaving because they do not see themselves having a future in this country. That is urgent, it needs to be dealt with now. This is about the honour of this house. This is about us speaking to what people need to put their fears and their anguish at bay. And we really have a responsibility to those people. Why is everybody here today so excited about an amendment which looks after the foreigners and not the british . Its true. Pass this legislation as quickly as possible to activate article 50, and then to negotiate to give these people the rights they deserve to stay in our country. Are you ready for defeat today, Prime Minister . The Prime Minister is not known, though, for changing her mind. Altering direction. But seven months in, shes not used to defeat. At least not yet. What impact could this have a good this delay brexit . This particular issueis this delay brexit . This particular issue is of huge importance to millions of people, whether they are from poland, portugal, france, finland, wherever, living in the uk. And millions of brits abroad. Not just them, friends, families, employers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters. The government is relatively relaxed about this defeat tonight. They wouldnt have chosen for it to have happened, but they are relatively relaxed. Certainly not in panic mode, partly because they expected it to happen. They havent been taken by surprise. Also because this is not about the lords stopping the Brexit Process from happening. Lords have been at pains to say they are not trying to stand in the wake of the process. This is about members of the House Of Lords exercising their duty of scrutiny, testing at government plans, objecting where they see fit, but not trying to chuck them out. On this particular issue there is a cent at westminster here tonight the government have seen the lords flexed their muscles, and send a clear message that they will push back as far as brexit is concerned. Babyis back as far as brexit is concerned. Ba by is not back as far as brexit is concerned. Baby is not a sense the lords have somehow been in the kind of mood where they will be a roadblock to theresa mays plans. Her timetable of pushing the button on the Legal Process by the end of march, tonight at least, seems to still be on course. Thank you. Two british medical students who went to join the Islamic State group have been killed during fighting in the iraqi city of mosul. Ahmed sami khiderfrom london and Hisham Fadlallah from nottinghamshire were part of a group of more than a dozen british doctors many of them of sudanese origin who joined so called Islamic State two years ago, as Daniel Sandford reports. What does the deltoid do . 0k . So a deltoid has anterior, middle and prosterior fibres. He was the young british medic who joined so called Islamic State and made a Propaganda Video encouraging others to follow. Ahmed sami khider, one of those who died this weekend, is seen here in 2015 teaching is medical students anatomy and pleading for other doctors to join the self declared caliphate. To specialists, all the people who are specialised surgeons, medicine, anything that you can help will be great here. He was one of a dozen british students, most from sudanese families, who all went to school in britain and were radicalised at the same Medical College in khartoum beforejoining is. Friends have told the bbc that he died at the weekend during this assault by Iraqi Government forces on mosul. He was in a convoy trying to leave the city and was killed in a fire fight. His friend, Hisham Fadlallah, was also killed. Seniorfigures in londons Sudanese Community said that even when the students joined is it had been devastating, and this was much worse. That was a shock in itself. Now it is much shocking now to learn actually they come to an end and they died in a cause which most of us reject. As the is controlled city of mosul falls and their other stronghold, raqqa, comes under extreme pressure, its likely that many more british is supporters will be killed and its possible that some will try to flee back to britain bringing more problems for the Security Services here. Police believe that in the last few years around 850 british citizens went tojoin is in syria or iraq, around 400 have returned, some 130 have been killed, which leaves more than 300 still there, many of them the most ardent supporters. Though as is slowly loses territory, it will be difficult for the remaining british fighters, in places like raqqa, to escape, many will simply be killed. Daniel sandford, bbc news. President trump has used his first speech to congress to declare what he called a new chapter of american greatness. Adopting a measured tone, very different from his more volatile tweets, he promised massive tax relief for the middle class, and asked congress to pass a one trillion Dollar Package to build new infrastructure. The president said america strongly supports nato, but stressed that nato members must meet their financial obligations. From washington, heres our north america editorjon sopel. They say that practice makes perfect. And when youre singing a new tune, probably best to give it the full rehearsal. The president of the United States Donald Trumps tone couldnt have been more different. Warm, inclusive, unifying and optimistic. What we are witnessing today is the renewal of the american spirit. Our allies will find that americas once again ready to lead. Applause and for anxious european nations, supportive words on nato. Were strongly support nato, and Alliance Forged with the bombs of two world wars that dethroned fascism, and a cold war, and defeated communism. Not everything was from the new album. There were the greatest hits, too. Tonight i am also calling on this congress to repeal and the place obamacare. We will soon begin the construction of a great, great wall along our southern border. But on immigration there was also a suggestion there could be reform. And there were other measures that should have pleased democrats, like paid Maternity Leave and a massive infrastructure programme. But mostly they sat stony faced. The most moving part of the night came when he spoke to the widow of Navy Seal Ryan owens, killed in yemen in the first Combat Operation ordered by the new commander in chief. Ryans legacy is etched into eternity. Thank you. And then an appeal for america to seize the moment. Believe in your future and believe once more in america. Thank you, God Bless You and god bless the United States. There is no doubt that donald trump is enjoying the rave reviews hes getting from last nightsjoint address. But will republicans really back 1 trillion infrastructure plan, get behind paid Maternity Leave . Will Democrats Come On Board And Act in a bipartisan way . There may be a new president , but the problems of dealing with congress go back generations. Jon sopel, bbc news, washington. A brief look at some of the days other news stories. A violent paedophile has beenjailed for 27 years for raping and abusing fourgirls, as young as 10. The brother of 57 year old michael dunn has called the sentence lenient, given the attacks spanned almost a0 years. Greater Manchester Police force has referred itself to the independent Police Complaints commission, concerned it missed chances to arrest him. Police investigating the disappearance of raf Gunner Corrie Mckague Have arrested a man on suspicion of attempting to pervert the course ofjustice. The 23 year old airman went missing on a night out in Bury St Edmunds in september. A Landfill Site will be searched in the coming week. Two women have appeared in court in malaysia charged with murdering the brother of north koreas leader. One is vietnamese, the others from indonesia, theyre accused of smearing a nerve agent on Kim Jong Nams face. Neither has yet entered a plea, but one told the court she was not guilty. They face a mandatory Death Sentence if convicted. More than 1,000 jobs are thought to be at risk at fords Bridgend Plant over the next four years. A leaked document, seen by the bbc, reveals the companys concerns about a slowdown in work. Ford wont comment on the document, but says it fully understands concerns for the longer term. It was the biggest blunder in almost 90 years of oscar history, the moment the film la la land was mistakenly named best picture. Its stars and producers were finishing off their acceptance speeches when the error was pointed out to a shocked audience, who were told that moonlight had in fact won. Well tonight, the president of the oscars announced that the two accountants responsible for the mix up will never return to the Academy Awards. James cook is in los angeles. James cook is in los angeles. James . Thats right, the president of the academy of Motion Picture arts and sciences is basically blaming these two accou nta nts, sciences is basically blaming these two accountants, Brian Cullinan and martha ruiz. More specifically, though both will not work for the oscars again, she is blaming mr cullinan because the suggestion is he was distracted in the moments before the best picture award was handed out. He is supposed to be standing in the wings ready to hand over the envelope, double checking, making sure the right envelope is handed to the right person. Instead it is said he was taking a photograph of actress emma stone, who had just picked up her Academy Award for her role in lala land and was distracted. And at the wrong envelope to warren beatty. Ian faye dunaway went on stage and we know what happens next. The academy says it is reviewing its relationship with pricewaterhousecoopers, the accountancy firm. That relationship for counting and checking the oscar results dates all the way back to 1934. We understand, its being reported here anyway, the two partners in the firm in question arent going to be fired from their accountancy firm, but in an industry which prides itself on a reputation for accuracy and precision, one wonders if they will ever live this down. For the first time, all schools in england will have to teach children about sex and relationships. Under the plans, pupils as young as four will be given lessons about healthy relationships. Older children those At Secondary School will be taught about the dangers of sexting and online pornography. But ministers say parents will have the right to take their children out of the classes, as our correspondent, elaine dunkley, reports. Sometimes, i might not feel like a kiss at all, so i wont give her a kiss, is that ok . How young is too young to learn about relationships and sex . These six and seven year olds at goose green primary are learning about their bodies, and soon, it will be compulsory for all School Children to have lessons like this. Today, the government has announced that age appropriate classes will be taught to children as young as four. I think theres been a history of everybody thinking that at four, five, six, everybodys going to be teaching their children about sex. And thats not the case at all. Its all maturity relevant. The strongest argument for change and more up to date teaching is times have changed. Children are more exposed to sexual images than they ever have been, through the internet and mobile phones. Guidance that schools are looking to, in terms of how they teach relationships and Sex Education, was developed in the year 2000, and britain is a very, very different place. So its really important that we have an updated approach that means our children are safe and protected. In primary schools, the focus will be on Building Healthy Relationships and personal boundaries, while secondary schools will highlight the dangers of sexting, online pornography and grooming. Parents will be able to choose to withdraw their children from these classes, but this isnt just about the classroom. Controlling what children see and hear in a Digital World means parents have to be one step ahead of technology. My daughter is five. She copies everything that she sees. The dance moves, certain clothes that she sees. I go, no, youre too young. Youre not ready for that. I need you to enjoy your childhood. Youre a child. Its actually quite nice to know that kids are being taught about sex and relationship stuff at school by a qualified teacher. It will be hard for them to understand whats actually going on at this age. At this youth charity, they work to encourage what they call healthy relationships between young people based on respect. They dont believe the Current System is equipping children with enough skills. But learning those ideas from a young age engrains it in them, and then when they grow up and start having relationships, they have the foundation of what is a healthy relationship. In scotland, wales and northern ireland, Sex Education isnt compulsory, but all uk governments face the challenge of how best to prepare young people for life in modern britain. Elaine dunkley, bbc news. Last year we brought you the story of five month old maram, The Little Girl who lost both her parents when her home in syrias aleppo was bombed. She was terribly injured, with a broken arm and two broken legs, her plight made her a symbol of the suffering in syrias war. A british surgeon, david nott, operated on her before she was sent to safety in turkey. He didnt know whether she would survive. Now, several months later, hes travelled to turkey to see her. Our correspondent, quentin sommerville, was with him. So much of aleppos pain is anonymous, but marams suffering was unforgettable. An air strike killed her parents and left her gravely ill. Inside syria, dr david nott worked to save her leg. There was shrapnel inside her hip. From here, and only five months old, she was evacuated to turkey, lost and alone. But after months of searching, the bbc tracked her down and reunited the two. Everything at home at christmas is lavish. We have lots of food. We have lots of happiness and i left this little girl without any food and without any happiness. Its going to be a bit emotional, to be really honest. A bit emotional. Right. Oh, my goodness me. Well, well, well. Hello. Gosh. Gosh, she looks beautiful. You look beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Look what ive got for you. Its a dolly. Dolly. Its dolly. Is her leg healing . The final surgery was nearly too much. Maram almost didnt make it. Well, thats not bad at all, actually. Her wounds are healing, but then there will be work to reconstruct her bones and repair damaged nerves. Its said children cant remember pain. Few, though, have as much to forget as maram. When i saw maram today, it was very emotional. And as a doctor, you try and stay fairly unemotional when youre dealing with lots of people with injuries. I suppose, having got children as well now and how much you love that child and, you know, a tiny Piece Of My Heart was left with maram. And thats what ive been thinking about every day since leaving. And this morning was a beautiful moment to meet her again. The british Surgeon David Nott and young maram, whose life he helped to save. British cycling and team sky are under intense pressure tonight after a scathing attack by the head of Uk Anti Doping who accused them of failing to keep proper records of the medical substances given to their cyclists. Nicole sapstead told mps that there were no records concerning a mystery package delivered for sir Bradley Wiggins in france on the eve of a race in 2011. Our sports editor, dan roan, reports. This wasnt sir Bradley Wiggins most famous victory, but it mayjust be the most controversial. Last year, it emerged that the day the former Team Sky Rider won the Criterium Du Dauphine in france, back in 2011, a mystery medical package arrived for him. But what was it . Former British Cycling coach, simon cope, was the man who delivered it, but today told mps he was none the wiser. Why would i ask . I didnt think anything was untoward, you know, its a National Governing body, why would i question the integrity of our governing body, basically . Its not asking, its not about questioning integrity, itsjust about im going through an airport with a package, id quite like to know whats actually in the package. No, i didnt ask. Last year, team sky boss, sir dave brailsford, said hed been told the package contained fluimucil, a mere decongestant. Cope had picked thejiffy bag up from the sports headquarters in manchester, then traveled to gatwick before flying to geneva, and from there driving to france to deliver it. A surprising journey perhaps for medication that could have been bought locally for a few euros. What was in that delivery, sir . Last year, the man who took delivery of the package, wiggins doctor at the time, richard freeman, refused to tell me what was in it. Last night, he pulled out of giving evidence due to illness. Today, the head of the investigation into wiggins medical package revealed her surprise at the lack of evidence. We have asked for infantries and medical records that can go to confirming whether it actually was fluimucil, and we have not been able to ascertain that because there are no records. That, she said, could mean General Medical Council rules had been broken. The issue refusing to go away. For years now, British Cycling and team sky have been known for their attention to detail and their marginal gains. It makes their struggle to explain and prove exactly what was in that medical package that was sent from here, the National Velodrome in manchester, to france, back in 2011, all the more hard to understand and its cast a shadow over the countrys most successful sport and its most decorated olympian. There is not proper records being kept that say, this is what the doctor is giving to the riders and this is the reason why. And that should be at the heart of any kind of good policy on anti doping. So i think it is a pretty damning indictment of the way things have been run in British Cycling and at team sky. They tonight said they were confident of no wrongdoing, while British Cycling admitted serious failings in their record keeping. The damage to some of sports biggest reputations continues. Dan roan, bbc news. Mental Health Patients are being repeatedly restrained, face down, despite Government Guidance which says that the practice should rarely, if ever, be used. New research on patients in england suggests that girls are far more likely to be restrained than boys and that women are more likely to be repeatedly restrained than men. Our home editor, mark easton, has more details. Get off me dealing with people in crisis. Get off my arm the use of physical restraint by Mental Health professionals in england, like these being trained in preston, should now only ever be used as a last resort, and deliberately Holding Someone face down should never happen. But it does, and particularly to young girls. That first time that they grabbed me, i didnt actually realise it was nurses. In that split second, i didnt realise it was nurses, i thought i was being attacked. Fiona was first held face down when she was admitted to hospital with Mental Health problems at the age of 14. Every time it happened, it triggered memories of her abuse. It made me quite violent, for a long time. It made you violent . Yeah, for a long time. I developed a sort of thing where, if i had any sort of inkling that someone might be violent towards me, id be violent first. In 2013, a bbc news report highlighted the scale of face Down Restraint in england. The then Mental Health minister demanded its use should stop, but new figures suggest it remains commonplace, repeatedly used with women patients. Among girls, face Down Restraint was used 2,300 times across a year. With boys, it was just 300. 6 of adult women, nearly 2,000 patients, were restrained face down. In one Mental Health unit, in north west london, over 17 of female patients experienced face Down Restraint. Thats one in six of the women admitted to this trust. Some hospitals say its a vital tool to protect patients and staff from harm, but in others, they never use it. The trust concedes its Restraint Numbers are high and need to come down, but says it is sometimes necessary to use prone restraint on patients who are disturbed and need to be medicated. Its use, the trust insists, is always within nhs guidance. But official guidance says there must be no planned or intentional restraint of a person in a prone orface down position on any surface, not just the floor. We recognise that Mental Health professionals are often under a tremendous amount of pressure, but there are alternatives. We want to see environments which are therapeutic. Hospitals are places where people should go to get better. Leave me alone. I dont want this medication the government says it is taking action to make deliberate face Down Restraint a thing of the past, but no one should underestimate the challenges of dealing with a concentrated population of highly troubled people. Mark easton, bbc news. Boxing is no stranger to pre fight banter and mudslinging between opponents. But comments made by the heavyweights, david haye and tony bellew, ahead of their fight on saturday have raised serious concerns. The british board of boxing says its extremely disappointed at the language used after david haye insulted his opponents fans and threatened to hospitalise him. Promoting a big fight goes Something Like this. Some apparently unstaged fisty cuffs, some unsavioury comments about what youre going to do to your opponent. This right hand is going through bleep . And endless stunts to drive pay per view sales. In the case of haye v bellow, its so far so formulaic, but when does trash talk cross the line into something more sinister . In the build up to saturdays fight, david hayes rap sheet includes saying he will hospitalise tony bellow and cave his skull in. The British Boxing Board Of Control has warned him to stop and that he could face sanctions, but tonight he was unrepentant. Is there anything that youve said in the last two weeks that youd wish to apologise for . No, nothing. Every single thing i said, at the time i said it, i meant it. Everything ive said in the leadup to this fight will be forgotten once tony bellow is stretched out unconscious on the counters. Those comments, theyre very disrespectful. Theyre degrading. Theyre dragging my sport in the mud and theyre just, they are such wrong things to say. These kind of comments are nothing new, but 2016 was a terrible year for the sport. 25 year old mike towell died after his last fight and two other fighters were placed into induced comas. Theres now a sense from inside the sport that those that those who oversee it must show some leadership

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