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Of Cannabis Plants. And coming up in Sportsday On Bbc News whilst ranieris off, Wayne Rooneys staying hes decided to stay at Manchester United for the time being. Good evening. Tonight, we report from the frontline as iraqi troops make a major breakthrough in the battle against so called Islamic State. After fierce fighting, theyve taken the airport in iraqs second city, mosul. Its a key Staging Point to driving the militants from the western half of the city. The east has already been recaptured. The massive military operation, iraqs largest in years, has involved Tens Of Thousands of troops, including some british and American Special forces. Our correspondent Quentin Sommerville and Cameraman Nik Millard were there as Iraqi Government troops fought their way in. Before the attack, came the rockets and artillery. Its day five of the offensive to retake western mosul. Slowly, the forces make their way past a suspected is car bomb, talks en route. These armoured columns are now moving forward to mosul airport. The attack of the airport is underway. All night, weve heard Coalition Aircraft and iraqi artillery slamming this area to the north of us. The onslaught had cleared this village of is fighters and civilians. Its a really quiet, as the men proceed on foot. A local man tells the Special Forces there we re man tells the Special Forces there were up to 100 is here yesterday. They have hidden bombs all over. So the men took to higher ground. And we followed at a safe distance. As the day went on, there was no letup. Its from this factory that is defended the airport. Their flag flew here yesterday, but no longer. In less than four hours, iraqi forces had breached the airport barometer, but is fought back. Remixer. First, a huge Roadside Bomb which killed an iraqi officer. Despite the air strikes, killed an iraqi officer. Despite the airstrikes, is killed an iraqi officer. Despite the air strikes, is fighters were still putting up resistance. From the cover of an armoured vehicle, we we re cover of an armoured vehicle, we were able to see the battle ahead. There is a gun battle going on at the moment. It was a short battle, but there we re it was a short battle, but there were no casualties from the front. The more they advance, the more civilians they meet, and they are in a wretched state. These people had hung on during years of Islamic State group rule but, in the midst of this final battle, they were overwhelmed. This man says, they are deadin overwhelmed. This man says, they are dead in this house, all dead. My brother has already gone to the camp. He is heartbroken. Six of his family were killed in an air strike. This is the last open ground before west mosul. The desert and farmland here made for swift progress. Iraqi forces are here made for swift progress. Iraqi forces a re now less here made for swift progress. Iraqi forces are now less than a mile away from the city. They are also in range of mortars from is. But its the Islamic State that is under threat. Mosul airport may be in ruins but, more importantly, its backin ruins but, more importantly, its back in government hands. 0ver there, its the Iraqi Flag Bats flying on the airfield again. This isa flying on the airfield again. This is a landmark moment. Iraqi forces 110w is a landmark moment. Iraqi forces now have the Islamic State group on the run. Is might transform itself into Something Else but right now, in iraq, we are witnessing the final days of the caliphate. Quentin sommerville, bbc news, mosul. Storm doris has brought chaos across the uk. Winds of up to 95 Miles Per Hour have caused one death as a woman was killed by Flying Debris in wolverhampton. Trees have been brought down, taking power lines with them. Nearly all Rail Operators have been reporting delays, leaving many passengers stranded. Planes have been grounded and bridges and roads have been closed. Tens of thousands of homes have been left without power. Danny savage has more. It was late morning when Emergency Services were called to wolverhampton city centre. A woman had been hit by Flying Debris. Her Head Injuries were so serious, she died at the scene. Hours later, a heavy panel was ta ken died at the scene. Hours later, a heavy panel was taken away as an investigation started. Storm doris swept into scotland this morning, leaving drivers struggling in snowy conditions, like here, on the auto macro conditions, like here, on the auto macro a71. The high winds did not stay anywhere for long but they did enough damage on the way, like on this Moorland Road in staffordshire. Further south, this railway line near st albans was closed by a single voluntary. Such scenes were repeated across the rail network. The result was a long, frustrating day for many travellers. This was used and, where west Coast Main Line Services ground to a halt. My train has been cancelled so im unsure how to get home. I might have to stay an extra night. We didnt know till we got here that all Virgin Trains were cancelled, so we are stranded and we cant get back to manchester. 145 miles north in retford, they were very laid back but they knew it could have been worse. Thankfulto have got back tonight. Absolutely. Still a lot of people in london. Yes, it was awful at kings cross, hundreds of people. Yes, it was awful at kings cross, hundreds of peoplelj yes, it was awful at kings cross, hundreds of people. I talked to a lady and she got on the 1 10pm train, sat there for an hour and had to get off the train, and she was still in kings cross at 5pm. Look at the lucky escape a Driving Instructor had in spalding this morning. Spare a thought for the bumpy landings endured by air passengers. This was a Service Coming into manchester. Storm doris will be remembered for its southerly track. It is now gone, but certainly not forgotten. Claudio ranieri has been sacked as Leicester Citys manager. Despite guiding the club to what had seemed an impossible dream premier League Triumph last season and being voted fifas coach of the year, the clubs owners tonight dismissed him, citing long term interests. Leicesters dismal season has left them teetering above the relegation zone, as our Sports Editor dan roan reports. He masterminded one of sports greatest miracles, at less than a year after Claudio Ranieris Leicester City became one of the most Unlikely Premier League winners ever, the magnitude of the dream has been dismissed. Leicester city are the premier League Champions last seasons celebrations have turned to fears of relegation. In a statement tonight, the clubs Vice Chairman said despite being 5000 1 rank outsiders for the title last season, ranieri somehow guided his team to a barely believable triumph. Jamie va rdys goals helped the Side Window Title by ten points and admirers across the world. Win the title. And italian deservedly crowned coach of the year. Incredible that its happened. But this years and season happened. But this years and season the euphoria evaporated, and leicester are languishing one point above the relegation zone. Manager real loyalty is in notoriously short supply in the Premier League but, Given What Ranieri achieved, many will be dismayed. Tonight, former leicester star gary lineker described the dismissal as inexplicable, unforgivable and ducked wrenchingly sad. Ranieris last game in charge was this 2 1 game against sofia last night. He was seemingly unaware of his state. We know they are better than us, a very high quality team, very experienced. But we have a very big heart. Very big fought. We have each other. And i think we deserve this goal. But it is leicesters for performances in the Premier League that could see them becoming only the second champion in history to see a Title Defence Ending in relegation, and that is what cost ranieri hisjob. Relegation, and that is what cost ranieri his job. The relegation, and that is what cost ranieri hisjob. The memories of what he achieved will always be treasured but the fairy tale is over. With me is richard conway. The business of professional football can be brutal but even by those standards this will strike many as very harsh. Ruthless, cut throat, a number of words you could use. Many people thought Claudio Ranieri would be given at least a full season, an act of loyalty perhaps from grateful owners given the Fairy Tale Success he delivered just nine months ago. The fans are perhaps in shock. Saying about the gratitude they head towards Claudio Ranieri. But the owners are worried. They are flirting with relegation. The team is just above the relegation zone, and that would be financially damaging. There is £9 million of tv revenue to be carved up over the Premier League clubs over the course of three seasons and in sporting terms they want to be fighting among the best. Relegation threatened that. With 13 games left, they are in terrible form. Claudio ranieri had been described as performing miracles to get Leicester City to that title and it may now need another Miracle Worker to save their season. The First Official figures following last years Eu Referendum show a fall in Net Migration to the uk the difference between the number of people coming to live here and those leaving. It stands at 273,000, down 49,000 on the previous year, though still far above the government target of below 100,000. The fall is partly due to Eastern Europeans returning home to countries like poland and hungary. Theres also been a significant fall in overseas student numbers. Our home editor, mark easton, reports. Worried about immigration . They are at yorks monkbar hotel. So you need to cross the wall, the gate, sorry, and on the right hand you will find the minster cathedral. Not that theres too much but that there soon may not be enough. The oldest street in town is shambles. Yorks Tourist Industry is booming, now worth a remarkable half a billion pounds a year and supporting a record 20,000 jobs across the city. But growth here, as in much of the hospitality industry, has relied on Migrant Labour. Romanians change the hotel beds. The waiter is spanish. Your pot of tea. Thank you very much. Enjoy. Half the staff are eu migrants. In fact, with very low unemployment in york, businesses like this cannot grow or even survive without a supply of foreign workers. A quarter of british hospitality businesses say they have currently got vacancies that they are struggling to fill. With the uk Labour Market close to capacity and the prospect of a squeeze on eu Migrant Labour, there are real concerns for the future. It would create a staffing crisis, to get to a point where we cant fill that resource with a european worker, then theres a big gap that we just cant fill. What about british workers . For york as an example, there isnt enough of them around. The latest figures show a big drop in the numbers coming to work in britain from countries like poland, down 16 , hungary, down 14 , lithuania, down 6 . More are coming from romania, up 11 , and bulgarian, up 8 . But many experts predict those arrivals will start to fall soon too. Now it is beginning to change to germany or beginning to learn more german because the uk is beginning to be quite less attractive for young people coming to work. Coming to work and to study. Contributing to the fall in Net Migration, the number of International Students has dropped significantly since the brexit vote, with warnings from universities that institutions will lose vital income. In the last few days, Government Ministers have struck a less hardline tone on immigration. The uk will always be a welcoming place for people who want to come here, work here and contribute to our economy. Its just that theres no support for uncontrolled immigration. Reducing Net Migration by almost two thirds remains a clear commitment from the prime minister. Supporters of the policy say britain needs to overcome its addiction to cheap Migrant Labour and train and recruit more home grown workers. But the owner of this Yorkshire Carrot Farm says he has to employ Eastern Europeans because there are simply not enough local workers. My message is very simple to mrs may. Take my workers away from me, but youll take yours out of your Health Service and your care homes and see how you can run your businesses, because i cant run mine. Cutting immigration may currently enjoy broad public support but Turning Britain into a low migration economy wont be pain free. Mark easton, bbc news, yorkshire. 0ur Political Correspondent Carole Walker is at westminster. Thats the dilemma with falling migration, and the government appears to be trying to tread a very careful line on it. And interesting that that fall of 49,000 in the Net Migration figure has been met by a pretty muted response, partly because the 0ns, which drew up the statistics, said it was not significant statistically and partly because they say it is too soon to say if it has anything too soon to say if it has anything to do with brexit. But also nobody expects the big change until we are out of the eu and the country no longer has to accept the Free Movement of eu citizens. Ministers are well aware that many people voted to leave the eu because of concerns about immigration, the pressures on local communities and services and so on. But they are also well aware, as you heard in that report, that Many Companies say they need those eu workers, the Agriculture Sector said it cannot cope without the seasonal workers, the Health Service has Tens Of Thousands of staff from across the eu, the universities say they need those foreign students to bring in the funding they need. Ministers still face a big challenge even when we are out of the eu, they are well off that target of Net Migration down to below 100,000 and there is no clear plan as to how they will achieve that even when we are out of the eu. Thank you. A task force set up to tackle Child Sex Abuse by un peacekeepers is due to report to Member States next week. After a two year investigation, the new head of the un, antonio guterres, has called for Game Changing solutions after a succession of scandals. Sexual abuse by some un peacekeepers has blighted the lives of children in many parts of the world. In some incidences, they have been accused of raping them in exchange for food. Our Special Report from fergal keane and his cameraman Tony Fallshaw contains harrowing testimony. This is the story of how International Peacekeepers are accused of betraying the trust of some of the worlds must vulnerable people. Translation at night it was very cold and the man offered my son a pill, claiming it would warm him. It took my son five minutes to fall asleep. Then the soldier violated him. Its the story of children being abused and a culture of impunity. Injuly 2014 i informed the french government about allegations of french soldiers abusing children in Central African republic. Nine months after that i was asked by the un leadership to resign and when i refused to resign, i was forced out. The scandal began in late 2013 at this refugee camp, an Airport Runway where french peacekeepers protected thousands of people and their children from violence between rival militias. They and the un helped to prevent genocide. But some are accused of becoming sexual predators. Translation after the rape he was crying and afraid, but the soldier reassured him and said not to mention the rape to anyone. Their son was 13. They allege the soldier then threatened to stab him if he reported the rape. Translation at first our child tried to avoid us, hardly spending any time at home. When i asked why, he explained what had happened. His friends were mocking him because of the rape. Now he takes drugs and wont go to school or socialise with his brothers or sisters. The Peacekeeping Operation was launched by the french but it would soon expand into a full un mission. As peacekeepers from other nations were deployed, the allegations of abuse multiplied. Senior officials were made aware but they are accused of failing to act, apart from one brave individual. Anders kompass was a senior un human rights official who, in mid july 2014, was shown an internal report alleging sexual abuse by peacekeepers. I remember i went home and i couldnt sleep during that night because i was struggling with, what is it that i can do. At the un offices in geneva, kompass approached the country whose soldiers were the first to be accused of abuse. He leaked the report to the french, prompting them to start an official investigation. The un was furious, claiming his action potentially endangered children. I was asked to resign for giving this report and the accusation was that i had abused my authority. The alleged abuse continued. A year after Anders Kompass alerted the authorities, this 14 year old was approached by a soldier from the democratic republic of congo. Her father was killed in the war and her mother was ill and couldnt feed her children. Translation hunger drove my daughter to see the soldier. She was invited to eat. Afterwards. He took her virginity. He gave her money, food rations, and took her to watch videos. The abuse had life altering consequences. The girl became pregnant and was infected with hiv by the soldier. He abandoned her when he went home. There is no hope, no possibility for my children to go to school or my daughter to go to hospital. I suffer constantly thinking about my childrens future. It took another month and the case of this girl, then aged 12, to push the un leadership into action. Un troops had raided the family home to arrest a close relative. Translation they started to bang at the door to shout, United Nations police, get out of here her mother told me the girl had become separated from the family during the raid. She told me there was a man who took her. She showed us the place where it happened. But we found only blood. But this incident and the killing of civilians prompted alarm at Un Headquarters in new york, after being reported by amnesty international. Enough is enough. I cannot put into words how anguished and angered and ashamed i am. The head of mission was sacked, there was a clamp down on abuse, and a un report would later harshly criticise senior figures, including the head of human rights on the mission, renner onana. It said he was one of the top figures, whose failure to intervene exposed children to repeated assaults and stated he had helped perpetuate a culture of impunity. But what has happened to renner onana . More than a year after being condemned in the uns own report, he has been promoted and is seen here still working in the Central African republic. The un said mr onana would not comment as headquarters was handling the matter. It is understood he rejects the allegations. We did speak with his boss, a respected un veteran, sent in after the scandal. Why is he still in the job here . As an organisation, the un has established rules and procedures and in the case of the individual you just mentioned, the staff member you just mentioned, the process is ongoing whereby he is being allowed to rebut the allegations against him and that process hasnt been completed, as far as im aware. Do you understand, and you are with the un a long time, how it looks to the people who are critical of this organisation when you have that situation . Well, of course. Do you . Everything that people say about the lack of accountability and bureaucracy . Absolutely, i do understand. We have processes and those processes are now being, you know, applied. And its my strong belief that, at the end of the day the truth will prevail. Peacekeepers can only be prosecuted by their own countries and while a whole contingent has since been sent home over allegations, there have only been a handful of charges. After two years of investigation, france hasnt charged any of its soldiers. Its terrible for the credibility and the trust of the United Nations. First of all vis a vis the people and the children who have been effected but also to all the people who are inside the United Nations because this is a terrible message. The un says new peacekeepers face strict controls. Even if there was only one single case left, it would be one case too many. So our goal is zero. Its a familiar un promise. The hopes of the victims depend on it being kept. Fergal keane, bbc news, Central African republic. A brief look at some of the days other news stories. The fiance of childrens author helen bailey, who murdered her and dumped her body in a cesspit, has been jailed for 34 years. Ian stewart was convicted of Secretly Drugging and suffocating ms bailey in a plot to inherit her money. Her body was found under their garage in hertfordshire lastjuly. The judge said it was difficult to imagine a more heinous crime. Prisons in england and wales will expected to reform and rehabilitate offenders, as well as punish them, under new plans to overhaul the prisons system. Other measures presented to Parliament Today include to clamp down on the use of drugs and Mobile Phones injail. Thejustice secretary said the bill aims to reduce Prison Violence and cut re offending. Cctv images of the moment a convicted murderer escaped during a hospital visit have been released by police. Shaun walmsley, 28, was getting into a cab with Prison Officers when he was sprung from custody by two armed men. Walmsley is described as highly dangerous. Polls have closed and counting will get underway shortly in two by elections. Both were labour seats copeland in cumbria and stoke on trent central. Our deputy political editor, john pienaar, is in stoke for us tonight. Theres a lot at stake here, and notjust for labour. An enormous amount at stake. These by elections can flare up and be forgotten just as quickly but these elections have the capacity to set or resit the mood in british politics. Why . The city of stoke has beenin politics. Why . The city of stoke has been in labour hands since 1935 and so have the copeland by election and they ought have been banalities but labour has had to fight for its life. Formalities. It has tempted the ukip new leader paul nuttall two chances on here and if he can beat labour and strike fear into labour seat because the north and midlands in particular. Paul nuttall and ukip have wobbled in recent days, admitting a claim on his website that he lost friends in the Hillsborough Disaster was wrong and that has given labour hope they can hang on. Meanwhile, theresa may and the tories are watching ukip and labour in this life or death struggle and they are a mile ahead in the polls and believing that in copeland they might take that seat. The first win by a governing party ina the first win by a governing party in a by election for 35 years. The voting is going on as you can see, they are stacking up the seat and after an awful day of weather, a lot is at stake and it is notjust election hype. Thank you. Thousands of Cannabis Plants have been discovered by police growing in an underground Nuclear Bunker near salisbury in wiltshire. The crop has an estimated street value of more than £1 million. Officers say the plants were being grown in 20 large rooms with almost every part of the bunker dedicated to what they described as the wholesale production of cannabis. Six men have been arrested. Jon kay reports. Hidden in the wiltshire countryside, rghq chilmark, a vast Underground Bunker built to protect britains leaders in a nuclear war. If we go in here, mind your head. This afternoon, Police Showed us the vast cannabis growing operation they uncovered here overnight. How would you describe what you have discovered here . A huge, massively professional setup, the biggest Cannabis Factory farm that ive seen in my 25 years of service. To find this in the heart of Rural Wiltshire is quite incredible. Police found 20 large rooms. Each one kitted out with specialist equipment to grow the plants sleeping as well as working

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