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To trigger the process of leaving the eu. At the core of this bill lies a very simple question. Do you trust the people or not . I believe this house does not have a choice, but has a duty to withhold from the government the right to proceed with brexit in the way that they have planned. Our second report on the trafficking of baby chimps from west africa we have the latest on the efforts to stop the trade. And why a team of british scientists is heading for antarctica in search of a certain kind of meteorite. Coming up in sportsday later in the hour on bbc news. All the results on a busy night of the premier league, with chelsea at anfield as they looked to extend their lead at the top of the table. Good evening. The British Government has delivered its strongest criticism so far of the travel ban imposed by President Trump on seven mainly muslim countries. The Home Secretary, amber rudd, said it was divisive and could be used as propaganda by the Islamic State group. She spoke after the president of the European Council, donald tusk, had listed the Trump Administration alongside china, russia and islamic extremism, as a threat to the future of the eu. More on that in a moment. First this report from washington by our north america editor, jon sopel. Four days since president tramp signed the extreme vetting policy and the administration is trying to clarify whether it was a ban or a pause, who was consulted, who will be affected and what the Executive Order is and is not. It was left to the secretary of Homeland Security to offer reassurance. This is not a ban on muslims. The Homeland Security mission is to safeguard the american people, our homeland and values. Religious liberty is one of oui values. Religious liberty is one of our most fundamental and treasured values. Donald trump was today meeting leaders from the Pharmaceutical Industry after last night delivering a lethal injection to the countrys most senior law officer, the Acting Attorney General. Its already being dubbed the monday night massacre. The offence of sally yates was to issue this memo to her staff at the Department Ofjustice. She said she wasnt convinced the Executive Order was lawful and went on, consequently for as long as im the Acting Attorney General, the Department Ofjustice will not present arguments in defence of the Executive Order. This is what america looks like this drama was unfolding as once again protesters had taken to the streets to oppose the ban on refugees coming to the us. That she was fired for defying the president was hardly surprising, but the language used by the white house was. The Acting Attorney General sally yates has betrayed the Department Ofjustice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States. The word betrayal is more usually reserved for spies, for people who have committed acts of treachery. Sally yates would say she was doing what she thought was right and upholding the law, but what this episode shows us is how the Trump Administration sees dissent and how its going to deal with it. In essence, youre either with us or against us. But look at this from her Confirmation Hearing back in 2015. The man asking the question is none other than Donald Trumps choice as Attorney General. If the views the president wants to execute are unlawful, should the Attorney General or Deputy Attorney general say no . I believe the Attorney General or Deputy Attorney general has an obligation to follow the law and the constitution and to give their independent legal advice to the president. Inafew in a few hours time for all attention will switch here was that this is the supreme court, the highest court in the land, the body that decides all the most contentious social issues. Gun laws, Abortion Rights and gay marriage. There is a vacancy that donald trump must fill, possibly the biggest decision you make as president. Whoever he chooses is there for life and not just a whoever he chooses is there for life and notjust a fixed term. One thing you can be sure of, it will be someone you can be sure of, it will be someone deeply conservative. As we mentioned earlier, the Home Secretary, amber rudd, has delivered the strongest criticism yet by the British Government about the travel ban, which she warned could provide a Propaganda Opportunity for so called Islamic State. She spoke as the number of names on a petition opposing a state visit to the uk by President Trump exceeded 1. 7 million. Our diplomatic correspondent, james robbins, has the latest. Hey hey, oh oh, donald trump has got to go refugees are welcome here days of protest across britain focused first on President Trumps travel bans, then on the early state visit offered to him by theresa may. The government calls the travel bans divisive and wrong, now the Home Secretary has gone further, suggesting the president s actions might play into the hands of the extremists, so called Islamic State or daesh. Isil and daesh will use any opportunity they can to make difficulties to create the environment that they want to radicalise people, to bring them over to their side. So it is a Propaganda Opportunity for them, potentially. And the Home Secretary told a committee of mps that, seen from britain, the countries which are the subject of President Trumps travel ban, are not the main problem. The difficulties to the uk over terrorism are not caused by people largely coming from the sort of countries that the us has named, but from people becoming radicalised here. Downing street might seems to be distancing theresa may from her Home Secretarys remarks. Number 10 as saying the extremists will twist any policy from any government for their own propaganda purposes. Uneasy written about President Trump s map is the more than matched by stark warning from maine and europe. The president of the European Council listed as key threats to europe assertive china, russias aggressive policies towards neighbours and radical islam. He said the United States this catastrophe in europe by weakening transatlantic ties. Particularly the change in washington puts the European Union Ina Washington puts the European Union in a difficult situation. With the new administration seeming to put into question the last 70 years of American Foreign policy. We should today remind our american friends of their own message. United we stand, divided we fall. All this anxiety seems to be fuelling protest against theresa mays early invitation to donald trump for an early state visit, delivered personally seven days after his inauguration. President obama only enjoyed the ultimate british accolade in his third year of office. No president has ever been asked so speedily but the government says the imitation to donald trump stands, dismissing criticism from a former head of the Foreign Office and National Security adviser. The petition against the state visit is steadily gaining support and has now triggered a parliamentary debate next month. The wider doubts about the president s was raised by the Home Secretary makes the government Balancing Act between blowing donald trump and warning him of risks all the harder. In a moment, well talk tojon sopel in washington, but first our europe correspondent, damian grammaticas, in brussels. Lets start on those remarks by donald tusk. They were remarkably forthright. What is your reading of them . This is extraordinary. 11 days into the presidency and the administration is being listed alongside these threats. What you have to understand is eu leaders feel threats and anti eu forces crowding around. They see russia, they seek instability fuelling refugee flows, terrorism, brexit on another side. Then, the oldest alliance which has underpinned Western Security and prosperity for 70 years across the atlantic suddenly in doubt. What eu leaders are doing are struggling like many to understand a president who will govern by the send of a tweet and the stroke of an Executive Order. What mr tusk highlighted was worrying declarations and what he seems to mean in that is Donald Trumps port for brexit, his admiration for mr putin, his doubts about nato. What mr tusk is seeking to do with his letter to eu leaders is to galvanise them to say they have to confront this changing world, they have to rally around to defend european unity, and he also says to try and defend that Transatlantic Alliance guide to convince the americans it is working. And tojon sopel at the white house. The remarks of donald truck task, but they have any influence at the white house . Im not sure anyone in the white house would disagree with the white house would disagree with the sentiments expressed by donald tusk. I do not think they have any great love of the European Union. When i accompanied donald trump on his trip to scotland the day after the brexit vote and he was saying what great news it was that britain was leaving the eu, i asked him, would you support the break up of the European Union . He said, it looks like it would happen anyway. I did not express any view one way or another this administration supports nation states. It doesnt really support big groups like the European Union. Tonight, we are within a few hours of what you said in europe or could well be the biggest decision that donald trump will make at the white house. That is a decision about who will be the final seat on the supreme court. At the moment it is finely balanced. Broadly speaking, four liberals and four conservatives. Donald trump is bound to appoint someone who is deeply conservative. There will be an unveiling of the name of that particular person this evening. One of the thing about donald trump we have seen, he is a businessmen who get easily frustrated he cannot operate in the way he did as businessmen but he is an externality tv star and he is being businessmen but he is an externality tv starand he is being bringing some of that to tonights sits as to who will sit on the supreme court. He is bringing along the two finalists, to see which one will be hired. Interesting. At westminster, mps have been debating the bill, which gives the government the authority to start the formal process of leaving the eu. The legislation allows for the triggering of article 50 of the lisbon treaty, and it looks set to be approved in a vote tomorrow, with labour mps being ordered Byjeremy Corbyn to back the bill. But some labour mps say they willjoin the snp in voting against, as our political editor, laura kuenssberg, reports. The man who has to make the argument, one of the campaigners who made it happen. Will mps trust the people on brexit . I hope so the chief whip who has to get it through the House Of Commons and the Prime Minister who will take us out of the eu, who didnt want mps to have their say like this. But here it is the first real step to the exit. The eyes of the nation are on this chamber as we consider this bill. For many years theres been a creeping sense in the country, and notjust this country, that politicians say one thing and do another. We voted to give the people the chance to determine our future in a referendum, now we must honour our side of the agreement. Labours official position is to back the beginning of the legal process, article 50, but with a heavy heart. For the labour party this is a very difficult bill. Some of its mps will defy the leader and vote against. When i was imploring people up and down the country to vote in the referendum and vote to remain, i told them their vote really mattered, that a decision was going to be made. I was not inviting them to express a view. And although we are fiercely internationalist and fiercely pro european we are, in the labour party, above all, democrats. Most mps wanted to stay in the eu, but most will now give the process the green light, yet therell be dozens of attempts to shape the deal. This is a backward and damaging step and it is an Act Of Constitutional and economic sabotage. The british people did not give this government the mandate to threaten to turn our country into some tawdry, low regulation, low tax cowboy economy. This is a process that needs to be triggered, we need to do it soon and the public of this country expect us to do it. In theory, this is all mps are debating, just two lines of a government bill. But here are the ideas mps want to include, all of the amendments they want to have to tweak or maybe even to slow down the process. But its very unlikely that this will be stopped in its tracks. Its not so much about the outcome, but the occasion and just as today is the start of something, is it the end of Something Else . Events, events, dissolving decades of tory divisions on europe. The once and future Sovereign Parliament of the united kingdom, vote to make it sovereign again, that is what the people challenge you to do. I personally shall be voting with my conscience content in this vote. And when we see what unfolds hereafter as we leave the European Union, i hope the consciences of other members of parliament will remain equally content. Applauded, even though he and others have lost the argument. Theyll talk till midnight, plenty more before the first votes here are cast. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. Sebastian coe, the head of World Athletics governing body, has denied misleading a parliamentary committee, which is investigating doping in sport. Emails have been released which appear to show that lord coe was aware of Corruption Allegations in athletics before they were made public, raising questions about the evidence he gave to mps last year. This report by our sports editor, dan roan, does contain some flash photography. As both athlete and administrator, lord coe has been at the very top of his sport for decades. But tonight, fresh concerns over whether he misled mps about what he knew and when over allegations of a russian doping scandal. When coe appeared in front of Parliamentary Select Committee, in december 2015, he was asked if he knew about the Corruption Crisis before it became public the Previous Year . I was certainly not aware of the specific allegations that have been made around the corruption of anti doping processes in russia. But since then, theres been evidence coe may have known more than he initially suggested. First, the bbcs Panorama Programme last summer reported allegations hed been alerted to the scandal months before it became public. Reporter did you Mislead Parliament . Lord coe . The programme revealed that former World Champion distance runner, david bedford, had sent coe an email about the scandal, coe said he hadnt opened attachments detailing the allegations. Today, a twist. In this email, sent by coe to the iaafs ethics chief, in august 2104, he says. The purpose of this note is of course to advise you that i have now been made aware of the allegations. Looking at the evidence we have before us today, i think its clear to us that he was far more aware of serious allegations around doping and corruption in athletics than he let on when he came to the committee in december 2015. Coe denies theres any discrepancy between his evidence and what the email says he knew and that he was not asked specifically by mps about when he first heard of the corruption. Lord coe agreed to release this email after demands for him to be recalled to that Parliamentary Select Committee to give more evidence, but the pressure on athletics most powerful figure is intensifying and tonight, yet more controversy. His former right hand man, kicked out of the iaaf, in disgrace. Nick davies, who served as coes chief of staff, admitted accepting secret payments from the governing bodys former president and then lying about it. He was cleared of corruption, but sacked with immediate effect. Coe has vowed to salvage the credibility of the sport he now rules, but the past continues to blight his attempts to look to the future. Dan roan, bbc news. A leading official at interpol has told the bbc that more funding is needed to try to prevent the trafficking of chimpanzees. Last night, we brought you the results of a year long investigation that exposed an International Network smuggling baby chimps to wealthy buyers in the gulf states and asia. Chimpanzees are an endangered species and a baby chimp can fetch around £10,000 on the market. In order to capture one infant alive, up to 10 adults in the rest of its family may have to be slaughtered in the process. Around 400 chimps were found by authorities while being trafficked between 2005 and 2011. Tonight, in the second of his special reports from ivory coast, our science editor, david shukman, looks at the way this illegal trade is being conducted. A baby chimpanzee, hungry but safe, hes just been liberated from wildlife traffickers. Poachers had killed his family, now hes at a zoo in ivory coast and the keepers have named him, nemleyjunior. Yesterday, we revealed how the chimp had been rescued after a year long bbc investigation. Baby chimps are wanted as pets until they become too strong, when theyre killed or dumped. Our Research Began in egypt where, posing as potential buyers, we found two Animal Dealers who told us they could get us baby chimps. They sent us videos, pitiful sights of infants ready for sale. The international cites treaty protected wildlife bans all trade in chimps, but there are official exemptions and traffickers know how to exploit them. Screaming one dealer, mahmoud khaled, sold us whats called a cites export permit. It was falsely filled in, signed, it seems, by an official injordan, showing our fake address. Then we turned to west africa, to the source of the illegal trade. If you give me this money. We made contact with another dealer, ibrahima traore, he was filmed secretly as he met one of our undercover colleagues and, like the egyptian dealer, he also managed to obtain one of the cites Export Permits. This is where the meeting took place and where this rather flimsy looking, but important document was handed over. It is in effect a passport allowing us to export live chimpanzees. Now, we should never have been able to get hold of it. The whole point of the International Permit system is to try to stop the trade in endangered animals, but what this reveals is how easily you can get round it. Youll be my first pet. Oh, look at you. How old is he . Hes two months. Two months . Yeah. Pretending to be an indonesian businessman, our colleague used a hidden camera to film ibrahima. He was holding the baby chimp that he had was offering for sale. This was the animal that would soon be freed. The police were ready and they moved in. Police soon afterwards, the dealer was arrested. His phones proved to be a goldmine of information about a smuggling network. The bbc was shown this material, a shocking history of baby chimps being stocked at the dealers house. One video, for a sale to china, involved a chimp that was just a few weeks old, and more cites Export Permits were evidence of deals around the world. The cites convention is meant to stop the trading of endangered wildlife. We showed the head of cites the permits that wed obtained. Surely, it shouldnt be so easy to get hold of the permits that allow you illegally to export animals, including chimpanzees . Yeah. So people steal permits, people photocopy permits. If you think we can, in 2016, people can make false currency. Think of all of the security that goes around creating a british currency or a us currency. So these permits arent secure then . Neither is anybodys currency because people who are savvy can make counterfeit. They make counterfeit passports. Ah, his voice. Thats his voice. Yeah, perfect. So youve got him. At the headquarters of interpol in france, detectives were finding links between poachers, middle men, corrupt officials and buyers, but when it comes to wildlife crime, the money for International Policing goes towards saving elephants and rhinos, not chimpanzees. Without the funding, we cant do anything. But what were trying to become is more intelligence led, so we start looking at what the threats are and what Law Enforcement needs to address in orderto maintain a level of security. So primates, unfortunately, our Information Holdings is not as strong as it could be. Back in west africa, Nemleyjunior Clings to a keeper. Baby chimps need contact. Hes given a first look at other chimpanzees, maybe hell live with them or be found a home in a sanctuary. Hes doing well after everything hes been through, many others arent so lucky. David shukman, bbc news, in ivory coast. You can see david shukmans Our World Documentary On Chimpanzee Smuggling this saturday and sunday at 9. 30pm on the bbc news channel. A look at some more news then. In france, the centre right candidate in the president ial election, francois fillon, is facing new questions over a salary paid to his wife from public funds. There are new allegations that Penelope Fillon was paid close to £750,000 for her role as Parliamentary Assistant with no evidence of her actually doing thejob. Mr fillon says that hell withdraw his candidacy if a formal investigation is launched. Nearly 50,000 gay and bisexual men who were convicted of Sexual Offences which have since been abolished have been given posthumous pardons. Another 15,000 men who are still alive can also apply to be pardoned under the so called turings law, which was named after the Second World War codebreaker, alan turing. The irish novelist Sebastian Barry has become the first person to win the prestigious costa book of the year award twice. At a ceremony in london tonight, he won for his historical novel, days without end, set in 1850s, telling the story of two irish soldiers in america. He said he was inspired to write about a gay relationship after his son came out. The United States says its deeply concerned about the escalating violence in Eastern Ukraine and its warning of a greater humanitarian crisis. Government troops and russian backed rebels have been fighting for the past three days with both sides blaming each other for the conflict. Thousands of people have been left without electricity and without any water in freezing temperatures in the town of avdiivka. Our correspondent, tom burridge, sent this report from the front line. Ukraines easterly region knew hardship before the bombs. Now there is an ugly persistence to europes forgotten war and even when the soundtrack of fighting swells, surreal normality persists, as well as resilience. Translation its like a constant every night. We cant sleep. We go to work, ride the bus and there is shooting all around. But even for avdiivka, a city with a valuable industrial prize, which had already seen many battles, today felt like a new, uncertain chapter. You can see people just milling about, going about their every day business here while gunfire, mortars, artillery, just a short distance from here, you can hear it there, in the Industrial Area on the edge of this small city. Theres been a violent stalemate in Eastern Ukraine for two years. In that time, ive rarely witnessed such a presence from the ukrainian military. By an Apartment Block which overlooks the front line and where anna still lives, with her neighbours children. Its eight degrees below freezing inside. Living here is really scary, she tells us. I see no solution to this madness. But as they prepare for more casualties at the hospitals, in this battle against a russian backed enemy, they know president s putin and trump are talking about reconciliation and no one knows what that means for the volatility here in Eastern Ukraine. Tom burridge, bbc news, in avdiivka. A team of scientists from Manchester University has been given permission to travel to antarctica to collect meteorites, not the familiar kind made of rock, but the far less familiar class of meteorite made of iron. The Scientists Say that Iron Meteorites can provide valuable information about the origins of the universe. Our science correspondent, rebecca morelle, reports. Lighting up the sky, a Space Rock Hurtles towards the earth. It exploded over central russia in 2013. Explosion. Causing widespread damage. The huge meteorite was later recovered, thousands strike each year around the world. The great wilderness of antarctica is a prime space rock hunting ground, but despite extensive searches, one kind of meteorite, made from iron, is surprisingly scarce. Now, though, a new hunt is soon to begin. Scientists at the University Of Manchester are developing high tech metal detectors, based on landmine technology, to track down the meteorites. If the weathers going well, the technologys going well, it may be say once a day we find these, if were lucky. So its going to be an extremely exciting experience when we first find this. Its like the ultimate fishing trip, if you like. Antarcticas missing Iron Meteorites have been a mystery for years, but now scientists think theyve cracked it. The idea is that there are lots there, but theyre buried in the ice, and as the ice sheet flows, so do the meteorites, but when they hit this mountain range, theyre forced upwards. Meteorites made of rock, the most common kind, do come all the way to the surface. But a meteorite made of iron, like this, conducts heat from the sun, so it melts the ice below and sinks back down. Scientists think these missing meteorites are sitting only 30 centimetres, so a foot, below the surface, just waiting to be dug up. It has some rocky bits and some metal bits, but this beautiful large iron meteorite here is really what were after. Iron meteorites are particular valuable to science. The Iron Meteorites provide us with this snapshot into the earliest part of when planets were first forming. So they tell us about how early planets would have formed, and the number of early planets, and thats really exciting because it can provide us with an indication about what our early solar system looked like back then. The scientists will Start Testing the technology by the end of the year. The mission to antarctica will be a gamble, but the team hopes its one that will pay off. The secrets of our solar system could lie just beneath the ice. Rebecca morelle, bbc news. Newsnight is coming up on bbc two. Heres emily maitlis. We bring you a story that goes right to the heart of the brexit campaign, did a feud between the then Prime Minister and the editor of the daily mail help to shape how the nation voted . Join me now on bbc two. Thats newsnight. Here, on bbc one, its time for the news where you are

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