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Others make their point more peacefully. I think theres a lot of people in our country who are vulnerable who are going to suffer under this presidency. End of an era president obama boards a helicopter for the last time and leaves washington. The walk to the white house in the last hour President Trump and family make their way to their new home. In sport on bbc news dan evanss winning run at the Australian Open continues. The british players into the fourth round at the grand slam for the first time. Good evening. Donald trump is now the president of the United States. He was sworn in on capitol hill in a ceremony that attracted hundreds of thousands of supporters but also angry protests 90 people have been arrested. In an uncompromising inauguration speech, he pledged to put america first, to protect american families, jobs and borders. As four former president s sat nearby listening, he attacked politicians who prospered while factories closed. He also pledged to end what he called the current carnage of poverty, crime and drugs. Our North America Editorjon Sopel reports from washington. The ceremony and celebrations are still going on tonight, arent they . Yes, and if you can hear behind with The Sound Of Brass Bands that part of the parade making their way along Pennsylvania Avenue. Brass bands, bagpipes, flute bands, people on horseback, some Riding Motorcycles and of course from different branches of the military as well. This is a fiercely proud republic, but it almost looks like a royal inauguration that is taking place today. Announcer ladies and gentlemen, the President Elect of the United States, donald trump. A scenario few scarcely thought possible, the Billionaire Reality Tv Host about to become Commander In Chief of the most powerful nation on earth. America America America its america its a ceremony going back over 200 yea rs its a ceremony going back over 200 years that has changed little in that time. I Donald John Trump do solemnly swear. But i will faithfully execute. That i will faithfully execute. That i will faithfully execute. The office of president of the United States. The office of president of the United States. And will do the best of my ability. And will do the best of my ability. And will to the best of my ability. Preserve, protect and defend. Preserve, protect and defend. The constitution of the United States. The constitution of the United States. So help me god. So help me god. With those 35 words the formality was complete but after that any inaugural address that was anything but a continuation of tradition. The 45th president had won a mandate to be a disrupter of politics as normal. Today not merely transferring power from one to another, or from today not merely transferring power from one to another, orfrom one party to another, but we are transferring power from washington, dc and giving it back to you, the people. If the vips on the podium were starting to feel uncomfortable, pleasa nt starting to feel uncomfortable, Pleasant Trump President Trump was just Getting Started in a very different picture that barack obama was leaving behind. Too many of our citizens a different reality exists. Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities. Rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation. And an Education System flush with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful stu d e nts which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge. And the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealised potential. This American Carnage stops right hip here and right now. And then a message to the rest of the world, dont look to us to bail you out, we have different priorities now. We assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city in every foreign capital and in every hole of power. From This Day Forward a new vision will govern our land. From This Day Forward its going to be only america first. America first. Economic nationalism would be the order of the day. We will follow two simple rules. Buy american and higher american. And then an appeal for Unity Couched in these terms. Its time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget that whether we are black or brown or white we all bleed the same red blood of patriots. But surely if there is one takeout from this inaugural, it is that President Trump fully intends to govern as he campaigned, uncompromisingly. Together we make america stronger again. We will make America Wealthy again. We will make America Wealthy again. We will make america proud again. We will make america proud again. We will make america safe again. We will make america safe again. And, yes, together we will make America Great again. Thank you, god bless you, and god bless america. Thank you. The crowds were enormous, certainly nothing like they were 80 years ago for Barack Obamas inauguration. But for those who had come this was a day to remember. For others a day to forget. How painful this must have been for Hillary Clinton who polled 3 million more votes than donald trump though lost the electoral college. Later the new president would salute the person he vanquished. Let me tell you. There is something i wanted to say because i was very honoured, very, very honoured when i heard that President Bill Clinton and secretary Hillary Clinton was coming today. I think it is appropriate to say and id like you to stand up. Id like you to stand up. Applause after the Inauguration Ceremony the final act for the obama koo. Power had passed, they are now private citizens. A Us Marine Helicopter Standing by to ferry them out of the city to start a new life. Earlier this morning one final act in the white house for the outgoing president. A handwritten letter to his successor. And then the formal welcome. Barack obama and michelle greeting the new occupants of the house, donald and milani at trump, and a gift to the outgoing first lady from her successor milani at trump. And pose for posterity, the [mt h trump. And pose for posterity, the 44th and 45th president s together. The ceremonial is over and the gladhanding for the moment is done. Now donald trump is making his way along Pennsylvania Avenue back to the white house and the awesome responsibility of being president of the United States of america. And now the real work begins. The parade is another central piece of the pageant on Inauguration Day with military bands marching through the streets. But this being donald trump there had to be one surprise, and it came as he was approaching the white house. He got out of the car near the fbi building, but more importantly right across the road from the Trump International hotel. Donald trump the businessman, and donald trump the businessman, and donald trump the president seemed to be going hand in hand. The day after his surprise election victory barack obama said the world would keep on spinning, the sun would continue to rise. Hes right, it has. But this morning, washington, america, and the rest of the world has woken to an uncertain new dawn. Jon sopel, bbc news, washington. As weve seen, tens of thousands of Trump Supporters witnessed the billionaire property tycoons swearing in as president. Away from the ceremony at capitol hill though, there were violent clashes between police and protesters opposed to mr trump. Our International Correspondent ian pannell has spent the day with people, on both sides of the argument. Every little thing is going to be all right. When american president s are sworn in, its usually a time at least to talk about healing divisions, but few have had such divided states to try to reunite. On one side is team trump and hundreds of thousands of them turned out from across the land. Once people see, give him a year, theyll see they have more money in their pockets and be like, whoa, this is a good deal, you know . We dont need anybody else talking, blah blah blah. I feel its like asking President Trump or wishing that he fails is like being on a plane hes piloting and hoping it crashes. You know . Hes president , so youve got to hope for the best now. An underground movement of the disillusioned and dispossessed rallied around the trump campaign. Today, they came from parts of the country many feel have been forgotten. Emerging to the dawning of a very different day in america. I think its going to bring a new era of hope and prosperity for our country. The thing i like about donald trump is hes an alpha male. As opposed to our previous president Commander In Chief. He is an alpha male, hes a shaker and a mover. He has no other agenda than to do the right thing, basically. Which is pretty much the opposite of what todays protesters think. As they swarmed past a car of Trump Supporters. Who are you . Bbc news. Imho rump supporter. I am a trump supporter. Awesome. I can see is mask. We are conservative, and love america. This is ridiculous. You dont think they have a right to object and protest . At the right time, not this, theres no class in this. Usa there was anger on the streets of the capital today, but even more striking was the sense of fear about what the next four years will bring. Hundreds of people have converged In Washington, dc to protest the inauguration of donald trump. This is a real expression of the anger felt across america by many people. Some of them are objecting to the policies that donald trump plans to introduce. Others question the very legitimacy of the 45th president. Not my president they may have lost the election but dont expect divisions to heal any time soon. Ifeel a little bit afraid. You said you feel scared. What are you apprehensive about . I think theres a lot of people who are vulnerable in our country who are going to suffer under this presidency. From anger to violence. Some businesses were attacked by a small group of protesters. Dozens were arrested. It seems donald trump will have to work hard to be president of a United States of america. Ian pannell, bbc news, washington. We can go now to our correspondents james cook and Laura Trevelyan In Washington who are with the crowds on both sides of the trump divide. Within the past half an hour there has been some violence between protesters and police, what happened was a Limousine Over in the distance behind the police cars was set ablaze, flames were towering into the airfor some time ablaze, flames were towering into the air for some time and police moved forward to clear people back. They were spraying spray into the airto move they were spraying spray into the air to move people back and move the media back as well as protesters. Now they have formed a line further down the street. There is still a number of protesters there who are standing their ground. Police have fired some munitions at them as well in the terms of what they call less than lethal munitions, Rubber Bullets and the like. Flash bangs have been fired in the air too. This has been sporadic through the day, there have been a few clashes around washington, dc, but broadly speaking most protests have been peaceful. Laura trevelyan, where you are, where the president ial parade is coming to an end, a lot more peaceful. It has been a lot more peaceful. It has been a lot more peaceful and four donald Trump Supporters this is a moment to celebrate and they have been. They we re celebrate and they have been. They were completely thrilled when their new president got out of the limousine and walked down Pennsylvania Avenue behind me. But i will say, having been to previous president ial inauguration is, the atmosphere here is more subdued, the crowd is not as packed, the Viewing Stand behind me was not packed to the rafters and i think that is a reflection of americas capitalfor americas capital for the womens march on washington, A March Aimed at defending womens rights, particularly reproductive rights in the era of president donald trump. Laura trevelyan and james cook both In Washington, thank you. The eyes of the world were on washington today as mr trump set out his vision for his four years as president. His top Foreign Policy goal, he said, is to eradicate radical islamic terrorism from the face of the earth. This evening the white house confirmed that the new administration would also develop a new State Of The Art Missile Defence system. Our Diplomatic Correspondent James Robbins assesses the likely Global Impact of the trump presidency. The world really is watching. Billions of people sharing the ceremonial transfer of power, perhaps the most astonishing in history. Across every continent, people trying to figure out what it could mean for them. Donald trumps toughest language was directed to the middle east. Jihadists of so called Islamic State our target number one, is the new Commander In Chief promised to. Unite the civilised world against radical islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth. And the new administration has announced it will protect america against possible missile attack, from iran and also north korea, with a State Of The Art Missile Defence system. But what about syria . Ba rack Missile Defence system. But what about syria . Barack obama allow russia to take control where and President Trump could start working far more closely with the kremlin. Americas allies worry about the new approach to russia, particularly of President Trump actively favours Vladimir Putin over nato and the european union. Ukraine is a real test. Does mr putin feel his intervention there will now cost him less in future . That donald trump could soft pedal on sanctions, favouring partnership, rather than punishment. Donald trumps deal making will really be put to the test over international trade. Trump the candidate demonised cheap imports, particularly from china, as the destroyer of american jobs. The Trump White House has now confirmed the us withdrawal from the Transpacific Partnership the us withdrawal from the Tra Nspacific Partnership and threatens withdrawal from the nafta deal with americas neighbours too, if renegotiation fails. Im afraid International Affairs are messy and complex, and i suspect that if trump clings to that i win and you lose kind of mentality, that will cause problems. So in Donald Trumps new world, does britain stand to win, or lose . The government hopes for an early trade deal with the new anti eu president , but does his isolationism threatened britains wider global interests . We have a deep and we have a deep and enduring relationship between the uk and the us, and because its so deep and the us, and because its so deep and so complex it will prosper and im quite confident of that in the future. Donald trump has got to go. But demonstrators today in several british cities were in no doubt. For these protesters outside the American Embassy its been a bad day, partly made in britain. The brexit vote divided the country and it seems to have given strength to donald trump, increasing his belief he could win. So on this Inauguration Day, if global anxiety could be measured, would it be off the scale right now . The new president has it in his power to soothe his opponents worst fears, but can he do that without betraying his supporters best hopes . James robbins, bbc news. Our north america editor, jon sopel, joins me live from washington. We heard earlier in your peach piece that donald trump pledged to put america first. Was that patriotism, author isolationism . Thing i have learned about covering donald trump if he doesnt do pigeonholes very well. There are bits of him that our isolationism, bits of him that our isolationism, bits of him are very patriotic indeed, what is clear from what he says and what i think well kind of cause shudders in certain parts around the world, in nato countries for example, may be in the baltic states, donald trump saying, the day of hours subsidising your military are gone, the day of us subsidising your industry are gone, weve looked after your immigration and havent taken care after your immigration and havent ta ken care of after your immigration and havent taken care of our own. That all sounds very much like, you know what, your problems are your problems, ive got americas problems, ive got americas problems to deal with, dont expect me to be the global player. On the other hand, his desire to defeat and crush Islamic State shows that hes still going to be engaged in that particularfight, as still going to be engaged in that particular fight, as we still going to be engaged in that particularfight, as we heard still going to be engaged in that particular fight, as we heard there James Robbins report. So its a bit of the mixed bag. If people are hoping that donald trump is going to come out, be the global player, look forward to going to World Meetings Of The G 7 and all sorts of other groups, i dont think thats right. I think is much more fixated on sorting out americas problems, infrastructure, housing, all those things he listed that was wrong, and he has set the bar very high for himself. Im sure many leaders around the world would like to have heard a slightly different message from donald trump. What we dont know is whether this is a part of a negotiation. Donald trump sounding tough, youve got to do this and that, then it becomes a negotiation. Thats the experience of this businessman. We dont know how hes going to translate that experience now hes in the white house has President Trump. Jon sopel In Washington, thank you. Well have more on events In Washington and the orchid the inauguration of President Trump, later in the programme. Lets take a look at some of the other days news. After almost two days buried under snow and rubble, ten people have been found alive including two young girls inside a hotel hit by an avalanche in central italy. At least 25 staff and guests are still missing. Four people are known to have died, as James Reynolds reports. Come on. This is what it feels like to come back to life. Firefighters pulled Gianfilippo Parete from the depths of the rigopiano hotel. Rescuers keep on working and they bring out his mother, adriana. She is Strong Enough to walk on her own. Her daughter, ludovica, is still inside, she is thought to be alive. The childrens father escaped the avalanche and raised the alarm. His family and others sheltered under a collapsed ceiling for a0 hours until they were found. In a nearby village, news of the rescue breaks. Martina rossi falls to her knees. She works at the hotel, but wasnt there when the avalanche hit. It is overwhelming to hear finally that there are survivors. On the same street these people embrace. This region has suffered four earthquakes in five months. Its hard to keep living like this. The rescue has given new momentum to the relief effort. Rescuers know now that they are searching in the right place and they will carry on until everyone is found. James reynolds, bbc news, central italy. Hundreds of victims of abuse in childrens homes in Northern Ireland should receive an apology and compensation thats the finding of a major inquiry. It discovered examples of abuse dating back to the 1920s in homes run both by churches and the government, as Chris Buckler reports. Many had waited decades for recognition of how childhoods had been lost, of how care was replaced by cruelty, in institutions run by church, state and charities. We were sexually, physically and mentally messed about as children of seven years old. That really haunted me. The historical institutional abuse inquiry found failing after failing by the authorities and those who were supposed to be offering shelter and safety. Documented in the report are the crimes of father brendan smyth, a paedophile priest, Who Indecently Assaulted dozens, if not hundreds, of children. And the enquiry heard evidence of sexual and physical abuse in a total of 22 institutions. Among them, childrens homes. We therefore recommend that the Northern Ireland executive, and those who are responsible for each of the institutions where we find systemic failings, should make a public apology. There was also a proposal for compensation for those who have waited decades for such an apology. The most important thing isjustice, that we have been acknowledged, that this all happened to us as children. The recommendations in this lengthy report are to be passed on to the Northern Ireland executive at stormont. But because of the recent collapse of that power sharing government, there is some concern that on issues like compensation there could be further delays. However, what happened inside institutions has now been recognised, and time has not lessened the impact of that abuse. Chris buckler, bbc news, belfast. More now on our main story tonight, the swearing in of Donaldj Trump apart from all the other 44 is his absence of political or military experience. So how different will his approach to the presidency be . Heres our World Affairs editor, john simpson. Americas past 44 president s have been a remarkably varied lot. Some noble and decent, some dullards, a few crooks. But how will history regard the 45th . Donald john trump clearly wants to align himself with americas best, and yet hes different from the others. Unlike them hes got no background either in Public Service or in Military Service and he brings a lot of dubious baggage with him. His Business Practice has been questioned. Its alleged the russians helped him win the election. He spoke crudely and brutally of winning and his antics were interpreted as mocking the disabled. Youve got to see this guy oh, i dont know what i said. And in spite of all this hes still won. Weve still got to see him as a one off. He doesnt really come across particularly as a republican. Hes been his own man. Hes been anti both houses, both democrat and republicans, fighting both sides, really. Should the world be worried about President Trump . I think we should be uneasy for the time being because you cant do anything but look at and take seriously the things hes said on the campaign trail. Mr trumps supporters believe hell be like the 40th President , ronald reagan, whose slogan now sounds distinctly familiar. We will make America Great again. Reagan was often seen abroad as a dangerous and not very bright cowboy. Yet he ended up being regarded as one of americas best president s ever. The man who may be the next Us Ambassador to the eu is confident mr trump will be a success. I think in his Business Dealings hes run a firm of some integrity, hes run a Political Campaign of some success. The people who are dealing with him now on the congressional level, many of whom i know, republicans control both the house and senate, are finding him a most able and competent partner. Thank you very much. Up to now donald trump has often made Policy On Twitter at two oclock in the morning. How will he cope with complicated things like dealing with china . We just dont know. Maybe mr trump himself gave us a hint last night. Enjoy the fireworks. Thank you everybody. Thank you. John simpson, bbc news. So, lets get the last word from our north america editor, jon sopel, whos In Washington tonight. The Inaugural Parade is taking place. Its just in front of the white house, the family are watching the parade as it passes, President Trump saluting the troops. And later this evening, they will, the trump family, will be going to a number of special balls, inaugural balls, before the end this extraordinary day with their first night at the white house. Lets get a last word now from our north america editor, jon sopel, who is In Washington tonight. Mr trump will be spending his first night in the white house, when all this is over today. What can we expect from him in the coming days . Action, lots of action, and you saw him there taking the salute as the parade came past will stop weve just heard that the senate has approved the appointment of the new Defence Secretary, james mattis, thats the first cabinet position thats the first cabinet position that has got the senate approval, a vital post given all the uncertainty in the world. And you cant really have a functioning president without his Defence Secretary by his side. That has just happened. You will see Executive Orders on all sorts of things. We heard a bit of it in James Robbins report. If you think of the slogans, we are going to rip up of the slogans, we are going to rip up the trade deals, so hes formally announcing that america is going to pull out of the Transpacific Partnership, that it is seeking to renegotiate the north American Free trade area, the agreement with canada and mexico. You can remember the kind of build the wall slogan, well, theres going to be action probably taken on immigration quite quickly to expel Illegal Immigrants from the country, and there will be other measures from the country, and there will be other measures as from the country, and there will be other measures as well. Another slogan we heard a lot of during the campaign was, draining the swamp. It may be that we are about to hear there will be a freeze on new federal employees, and also perhaps term limits for congressmen and women, term limits for congressmen and women, so term limits for congressmen and women, so they cantjust carry on. Change is coming to washington. Donald trump will want to see that its happening quickly. We shall be watching, jon sopel In Washington, thank you very much. Newsnights underway on bbc two, with Emily Maitlis In Washington. From us though, its goodnight, and well leave you with some

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