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More money into the nhs . Theresa may is accused by labour of being in denial about the scale of the problems facing the nhs in england this winter. Following the death of a seven year old in york, a teenage girl has been charged with murder. Into smith that is the record breaking goal. And kelly smith, britains first female professional footballer, is to retire after a record breaking career. Coming up in sportsday at 10 30pm bbc news, the second of the league cup semifinals and southampton take an early lead in the first leg against liverpool on the south coast. Good evening. In his first formal News Conference since being elected, donald trump has rounded on americas intelligence agencies. Hes suggested they might have been responsible for reports that russia had gathered Compromising Information about him. The President Elect denied that he was in any way beholden to russia, and he repeatedly criticised some Media Organisations for spreading what he called fake news. With just nine days to go until mr trump becomes president , our correspondent Ian Pannell Reports from new york. Our Diplomatic Correspondent James Robbins has this report. Donald trump is nine days away from inauguration as president and americas Commander In Chief but is passed to the white house is now tangled in extraordinary controversy. What role might the Kremlin Under President Putin have played to help mr trump to undermine Hillary Clinton and perhaps also to gather Compromising Material to use against president , once he is in power president trump. Against president , once he is in power president trump. My friend annie President Elect of the United States of america, donald trump. This afternoon, donald trump was blunt. The allegations against him are totally untrue and designed to undermine him. It is all fake news. It is phoney stuff. It didnt happen and it was gotten by opponents of hours, as you know, because you reported it and so did many of the other people. It was a group of opponents that got together, sick people, and they put that together. So what could moscows role has been . In shadowy work, both to promote donald trump and also gain a hold over him. Here he is visiting the russian capital in 2013, for the Miss Universe pageant, then co owned by mrtrump. The Miss Universe pageant, then co owned by mr trump. The most lurid claim is that he used the same hotel suite which president 0bama had stayed in for unusual acts involving sex workers, all of it allegedly recorded by russian spy cameras and microphones. I was in russia years ago with the Miss Universe contest, which did very well, in the moscow area. It did very, very well. And i told many people, be careful because you dont want to see yourself on television. Cameras all over the place. And again, notjust russia, all over. Does anyone really believe that story . Im also very much of a germophobe by the way. The source for the unproved claims is said to bea for the unproved claims is said to be a former british spy and ex m16 officer who was once based in moscow. Today dmitry peskov, putin was back spokesman said the planes we re was back spokesman said the planes were pulp fiction and a clear attempt to damage relations. Mr trump says he is in no way compromised by Vladimir Putins preference for him as the next president. Is putin likes donald trump, i consider that an asset, not a liability because we have a horrible relationship with russia. Russia can help us Fight Isis Which by the way, is number one tricky. I dont know that im going to get along with Vladimir Putin. I hope i do but theres a good chance i wont. And if i dont, do you honestly believe that hillary would be tougher on putin done . Does anyone in this room really believe that . Give me a break. The Press Conference got mostly did when cnn, one news on the News Organisation which has cover the latest allegations extend to become tried to put a question. No, not you, not you, your organisations terrible. Your organisations terrible. Dont be. Im not going to give you a question. You are fake news. These papers arejust question. You are fake news. These papers are just some of the many documents. Mr trump also use the occasion to display some of the legal documents turning his business over to his family. It is his response to accusations of future conflicts of interest. But the controversies surrounding donald trump and russia are not going away. Those who voted for him and those who rejected him all know his presidency will be a stormy one. James robbins, bbc news. 0ur North America correspondent paul wood is in washington. This report today, paul, that has caused so much of a rumpus and all of these heated exchanges, what have you found out about it . Lets not lose sight of the central allegation here which is that donald trump, President Elect of the United States, is vulnerable to blackmail by the russians. That is such an extraordinary claim, so much depends on the credibility of the author of this dossier. He has now been named as christopher steele, a former mi6 agent who was in moscow in the early 19905. Agent who was in moscow in the early 1990s. Speaking to one intelligence source, he has apparently is a p pa re ntly source, he has apparently is apparently very highly regarded among his peers as competent and trustworthy and that reputation, i think, is one of the main reasons why what he said, the allegations he repeated from Russian Security officers, were taken so seriously by the american intelligence institutions. I spoke to one intermediary, you cant speak to cia Case Officer S Directory but a message came back from the people dealing with this file that they found it credible, that there was more than one take, that there was an audio tape as well as a video tape, that there were several times that these activities supposedly took place and in more than one location, not just the took place and in more than one location, notjust The Ritz Carlton in moscow but aint petersburg as well. The fact that the cia a p pa re ntly well. The fact that the cia apparently finds these allegations credible and credible enough to put on president 0bamas death is not then saying they believe the allegations. They are just saying they are worthy of consideration. 0ne further thing, this former mi6 officer is not the only source. I spoke to a retired spy last august, who said he had been told of the existence of a Blackmail Tape by the head of an Eastern European Intelligence Agency over the summer. We should stress in all of this, these are just allegations and mr trump is literally correct when he says they are unsubstantiated. Nevertheless, americans are in the incredible position, nine days before the inauguration, of having to decide whether the President Elect is the russian agent of influence. Thank you forjoining us. As donald trump faced the media, his nominee for secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, was facing questions from a panel of senators who are considering his suitability for the post. Mr tillerson said that washington needed an open and frank dialogue with moscow about its national and global ambitions, as our correspondent Aleem Maqbool reports. Rex tillerson was Donald Trumps Surprise Choice to be secretary of state. As he tried to convince congress he is fit for the job, state. As he tried to convince congress he is fit for thejob, he appeared to have a tougher line on russia than the man who picked him. Russia than the man who picked him. Russia today poses a danger but it is not unpredictable in advancing its own interest. It has invaded the ukraine, including the taking of crimea and supported Syrian Forces that brutally violates the laws of war. But Rex Tillersons background as Chief Executive of Oil And Gas Giant exxon mobil involves extensive ties with russia, even receiving the countrys medal of friendship from Vladimir Putin. Some politicians are clearly not convinced hes really able to get tough on the kremlin and it finally showed. Is Vladimir Putin walker and . I would not use that term. Let me describe the situation in aleppo and perhaps that will help you reach that conclusion. Senator marco rubio went on to describe what he called the targeting of civilians by Russian Forces in syria. You are still not prepared to say that Vladimir Putin and his military have violated the rules of war and have conducted war crimes in aleppo . Those are very, very serious charges to make and i would want to have much more information before reaching a conclusion. There is so much information out there. I find it discouraging, your inability to cite that. And protesters dressed in kkk robes have disrupted proceedings to confirm another of Donald Trumps pics. Would you raise your hand please . Jeff sessions is the man donald trump wants to be his attorney general, a man who in the 19805 was denied a judge ship over claims of racial discrimination. am nota claims of racial discrimination. am not a racist. Im not insensitive to blacks. In his hearing, some of the leading black voices in congress laid out their concerns. He has demonstrated a total disregard for the equal application of justice demonstrated a total disregard for the equal Application Ofjustice and protection of the law as it applies to African Americans and falls short oii to African Americans and falls short 011 so many to African Americans and falls short on so many issues. To African Americans and falls short on so many issues. It is still likely that both Rex Tillerson and Jeff Sessions will be confirmed in their respective posts. But its also clear that in these choices that lead, donald trump has not felt the need to reassure those americans who are concerned about his politics when it comes to russia or race. Aleem maqbool, bbc news, washington. With me now is our North America editor, jon sopel. We have an incoming president of the United States who is picking a fight, it seems, with his own intelligence agencies. Even by the unusual standards of donald trump that have become the new normal, this was something else. I mean, these extraordinary swell of allegations about his business conduct, bizarre allegations about his personal conduct, all this, nine days before he takes the Oath Of Office and becomes the president of the United States of america and Commander In Chief. 0f the United States of america and Commander In Chief. Of all the diffuse claims, the thing that stood out for me from that News Conference was the clear breakdown in trust there has been between him and the Us Intelligence services. He seemed to think that the word Vladimir Putin and the russians, he spoke more favourably about them than he did about his own intelligence agencies. The cia and the fbi are charged with keeping americans safe. To say it was highly unusual for donald trump to take this kind of attitude was, to put it mildly. We we re attitude was, to put it mildly. We were repeatedly told that trump, the strident campaign, which disappear and we would have a new person, the president ial person would appear. 0n todays evidence, what would you say . He was an orthodox as a candidate and he is unorthodox as President Elect. There is absolutely no reason to think that hes going to be any different when he takes the Oath Of Office on the 20th Of January and moves into the white house. He will carry on tweeting, picking fights, reacting very quickly to provocation. And if you go onto the right wing message boards, they are not saying, for goodness sake, President Elect, be more president ial. They are loving it. And those people that absolutely loathed donald trump during the Campaign Still feel deeply uneasy about his presidency. The night after his election, he said he was going to unite the United States of america but that still seems a very long way off. Jon sopel, there. Some of the days other stories now. Laboursjeremy corbyn has accused theresa may of being in denial about the scale of the problems facing the nhs in england this winter. He said the Prime Minister was ignoring warnings from many senior doctors that extra funding was urgently needed. Simon stevens, the head of the nhs in england, also told mps that Funding Levels were challenging and would get even more challenging in the months ahead as our deputy political editor, john pienaar, reports. The Health Service needs help and needs it now. 0verworked, understaffed, despite the extra doctors and nurses, resources always stretched and at Breaking Point in some places. Is this a Winter Crisis as bad as any weve seen . Today, the blame, claim and counterclaim reached a new pitch. Reporter Prime Minister, are you going to put more money into the nhs . Theresa may came wrapped up and ready for a row, ready to savage the British Red Cross for saying the nhs faced a humanitarian crisis. To use that description of a national Health Service. Which last year saw 2. 5 million more people treated in accident and emergency than six years ago, was irresponsible and overblown. And critics seized on this as complacency. I accept there have been a small number of incidents, where the. Where, where unacceptable practices have taken place. The labour leader, fairly or not, had an obvious target today and he hit it hard. Earlier this week, the Prime Minister said she wanted to create a shared society. Well, weve certainly got that. More people sharing Hospital Corridors on trolleys. More people sharing Waiting Areas at a e departments. More people sharing in anxiety created by this government. 0ur nhs, mr speaker, is in crisis, but the Prime Minister is in denial. Doctors, nurses, charities queued like patients in a e to warn of a crisis. Nhs englands boss added more pressure with what sounded like a rebuke to the pm. In the here and now, there are very real pressures. Over the next three years, funding is going to be highly constrained. In 2018 19, as i previously said in october, Real Terms Nhs spending per person in england is going to go down, ten years after Lehman Brothers and austerity began. We all understand why that is, but lets not pretend that that is not placing huge pressure on the service. Here was a Tabloid Headline about the nhs falling behind in europe and a pointed reminder to theresa may. These were problems tougher than those she was used to. We dont have, you know, we cant change the age of britain. 0ur demand. It is quite different than say, the criminaljustice system. Talk of a Winter Health crisis is as regular and predictable as winter itself, but when has there been a warning chorus like this . Theres never enough cash, but the squeeze is real and changing the way treatments are delivered is a long term project. After being catapulted into number ten, the pressure is severe and outside theresa mays normal comfort zone. Fairly or not, the buck stops with her. John pienaar, bbc news, westminster. The growing pressure on the nhs was underlined again today by the head of nhs Hospital Trusts in england, who told mps it was time to stop pretending the nhs could afford to do everything with the money it was given. He warned that the Current Situation could not continue. 0ur health editor, hugh pym, has more details. If theres one story which sums up the current state of the nhs, its pats, she couldnt get a local doctors visit and fearing she had pneumonia had to go to her local a e, but once she got there she had to wait 19 hours for a bed. I were crying, werent i, when we are were sat actually in the hospital . Yeah. Through tiredness of, you know, being there as long as we were. Pat has this message for politicians. Theres loads of hospitals thats in the same position go and see them and then say right, well sit down and see what we can do to make it better. The local Hospital Trust said on the day in question the pressure was higher than usual, but safety was monitored closely. Some hospitals are managing better than others. Here in exeter, senior consultants are at the front door of a e, ensuring only the sickest patients are admitted. They can send some straight home, keeping beds free for others. As soon as you admit an elderly patient to hospital, theres a risk that they are going to deteriorate, theyre going to lose muscle power and also they might get into the system of doing more and more investigations which actually doesnt necessarily alter their outcome. Theres no doubt of the huge strain on the nhs. Figures leaked to the bbc showed a big increase last week in the number of patients in england waiting 12 hours or more on trolleys because hospital beds werent available. Several hospitals fell far short of targets for a e waiting times, and medical profession leaders are warning that lives are at risk. 0ur counsel members specifically have said to me that this is the worst theyve ever seen. There are patients all over the hospital. We dont know where to put them and they dont feel that theyre able to provide the standard of care that theyve been trained to do. The main representative of englands hospitals had a stark warning for mp5 about the longer term implications. I think the biggest concern is, to be frank, if we carry on on the current trajectory, i think what we begin to bring into question is the entire sustainability of the nhs model. The nhs is always very busy early in the new year, this time even more so than usual. The question is will the pressure ease off any time soon . A burst of cold weather or, for example, an upsurge in flu cases could add to the high levels of Pressure Being experienced right now. Some say the nhs is in perpetual winter, with Patient Demand increasing throughout the year. Todays problems could yet intensify. Hugh pym, bbc news. A 15 Year Old Girl has appeared before magistrates in york charged with the murder of a seven year old. The teenager was remanded into secure accommodation. Katie rough was found with fatal injuries in a field on the outskirts of york on monday afternoon as our correspondent, danny savage, reports. Some of katie roughs family left court in tears this morning after listening to a Brief Outline of the case against the 15 Year Old Girl accused of murdering her. The teenager, who cant be named publicly because of her young age, said nothing during the brief hearing, here at york magistrates court. The two charges are that on monday she murdered katie rough and that on the same day she had with her in a public place an offensive weapon, namely a knife. Katies headteacher says she was a kind and thoughtful child, well liked by everyone. Many more people have been to leave flowers and messages where she was found with fatal injuries. People are just shocked that a seven year old could die in such a way. My daughters were friends with katie and, you know, we wanted to pay our respects. How difficult is it to talk with your own children about whats happened when theyre so young . Very hard. Yes, its a very hard thing to deal with at the moment. The teenager accused of murdering this little girl will appear before Leeds Crown Court on friday morning. Danny savage, bbc news, york. A brief look at some of the days other news stories. Rolf harris has gone on trial accused of indecently assaulting seven girls and women. The 86 year old former entertainer denies the charges. Hes appearing from prison on a videolink. Volkswagen has agreed to pay more than £3 billion to settle the case over Rigging Emissions Levels in the United States. Vw which is the worlds second biggest carmaker admitted in 2015 that it had installed software in hundreds of thousands of diesel cars in the us to cheat emissions tests. The bbcs director general, tony hall, has said he wants the iplayer to be the Top Online Tv Service in the uk by 2020. He told staff it needed to make the leap from a Catch Up Service to a Must Visit Destination in its own right. 0ne change might allow viewers to watch an entire series on iplayer before it is shown on television. Strong winds have caused disruption in parts of scotland and northern england. The Forth Road Bridge has reopened, it was closed all day after a lorry was blown over. A man has been charged with dangerous driving. There was damage to property and many homes lost power. Met Office Yellow warnings are in place for wind and snow across much of scotland and northern ireland. 0n the Financial Markets, the ftse index of 100 leading shares has continued its record breaking streak, closing at an all time high for the tenth day in succession. During the day, the governor of the bank of england, mark carney, said that leaving the eu was no longer the biggest risk to the uks Financial Stability because of action taken by the bank. Our business editor, simon jack, is here. Mr carney admitting hes wrong . Yeah. He changed his tune in a couple of ways. He conceded the economy has performed better than he thought it would post brexit along with other people. He thought he might upgrade his forecast for how well it is going to do. Before the vote he said that brexit was the biggest risk to uk stability. This is about disruption. He said because the rest of the European Union uses the rest of the European Union uses the uk as a wholesale bank, any disruption in that relationship might bea disruption in that relationship might be a bigger threat to their stability than it is to the uk. He echoed calls for this transational period we heard from Finance Chiefs that we need time after 2019 so eve ryo ne that we need time after 2019 so everyone can adjust. He took credit, he say i cut Interest Rates and put money to the banks. If the weather has improved, partly down to me. Good news for the Financial Markets where the ftse is concerned . Astonishing streak streak. For the tenth day in a row the ftse100 closed at an all time high. It hadnt happened since the modern index was put together in 1984. What mark carney got right is that sterling would fall. It has sharply, particularly against the dollar by 19 . The ftse100 i5 particularly against the dollar by 19 . The ftse100 is stuffed full ofs companies that make most of their money in dollars. As the pound falls the Dollar Earnings are worth more in pound terms go up, therefore the share value goes up. Mr trump gets his way into this story well. A lot of people think his plans to spend big, Super Charge Growth in the us is good news for the Global Economy and might bring back inflation. If we have inflation it means everyones favourite asset they have been buying over the yea rs, they have been buying over the years, government bonds, that pay little, are safe, the low returns get eaten up by quickly by inflation. The right thing to do, sell bonds, buy shares, therefore shares go up. That is what youve seen. Shares go up. That is what youve seen. Thank you very much. Simon jack there for us, our business editor. Barack 0bama delivered his final farewell as president last night in his home city of chicago. He listed his achievements after eight years in the white house and he struck a sombre note as he warned of threats to us democracy from inequality and racism and derided many of the policies advocated by his successor, donald trump. From chicago, our correspondent, nick bryant, sent this report. Hes one of the most gifted speakers ever to occupy the white house, the Poet Laureate of his own presidency and he returned home to chicago to define, to defend his legacy. If id told you eight years ago that america would reverse a great recession, shut down Irans Nuclear Weapons Programme without firing a shot, take out the mastermind of 9 11, you might have said our sights were set a little too high. But thats what we did. Crowd four more years four more years four more years became the chant. I cant do that. Americas first black president never wanted his time in office to be defined by race, but the hope was he would do more to bridge the racial divide. After my election there was talk of a Post Racial America and such a vision, however well intended, was never realistic. Race remains a potent and often divisive force in our society. There were no direct attacks on donald trump, but much of the speech read like a rebuttal to the billionaires campaign, to the President Elects twitter feed. Democracy can buckle when it gives in to fear, thats why i reject discrimination against Muslim Americans who are just as patriotic as we are. Cheering and applause seldom has there been such a photogenic presidency, its had the look of a black camelot, and the thank you to his wife, michelle, left him struggling to contain his emotions. You took on a role you didnt ask for and you made it your own with grace and with grit and with style and good humour. Cheering and applause for a moment, the great wordsmith rendered speechless. Then he ended with three famous words that brought such hope, that created such expectation. Yes, we can. Yes, we did. Yes, we can. Thank you, god bless you. It was a presidency that began with the mountain top experience of becoming the first black man to live in a white house built by slaves, but it ended in the valley with the knowledge that donald trump will try to dismantle his signature achievements and try to demolish his legacy. Ijust hope that President Elect trump take on some of these pointers and carry on the torch of being a fair to all people. But i know thats going to take some work, so welljust wait on it. Well wait for him to come around. Laughter barack 0bama is a leader likely to have the word era attached to his name. But the rise of donald trump was partly a reaction to his presidency and not how hed scripted his finale. Nick bryant, bbc news, chicago. Kelly smith, britains first female professional footballer, is to retire from football after an 18 year career in which she scored a Record Number of goals for england and won the fa cup on no fewer than five occasions as our sports correspondent, katie gornall, reports. For years, kelly smith made the spectacular seem almost routine. Commentator through for kelly smith. Its a great pass. Kelly smith as britains first female professional footballer, hers is a career that set a benchmark and a career that will be remembered fondly. I think ive had a very good career at International Level and club level. Ive travelledthe world. At the age of 38, the bodys telling me that it needs to stop. The games in a magnificent place at the minute and its good to step away at this right time. Smith has always stood out. She made her england debutjust days after her 17th birthday and went on to win 117 caps and score a record 46 goals for her country. The majority of her career was spent at arsenal, where she won the Champions League and five fa cups. Commentator trying to play it to smith thats the record breaking goal. Her influence will be measured in more than goals and titles. Current england captain, steph houghton, described her as an, inspiration and the countrys greatest female player. While england head coach, mark sampson, said defenders all over the world will be celebrating her retirement. There have been dark times, too. Her time playing in the us was blighted by injuries, alcoholism and depression, but she overcame those challenges to flourish in the twilight of her career. Now shell turn her attention to coaching. Id love to see how far i can develop as a coach and obviously there are goals to manage arsenal, the club of my heart, and even england. Who knows where that will be, but im just at the bottom of the ladder at the minute. Whatever obstacles shes faced, smith has always found a way through. Commentator perfection as one era ends, another could be about to begin. Katie gornall, bbc news. Newsnight is coming up on bbc two, heres emily. Tonight, donald trump lashes out at those who publish unverified allegations as news, is he right . We talk to glenn greenwald. And, we hearfrom the doctor fired for questioning whether transgender children really know their own minds. Join me now on bbc two. Thats newsnight with emily. Here, on bbc one, its time for the news where you are

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