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To cycling by allegations of doping and misconduct. And coming up in Sportsday On Bbc News all the days stories, including action from the fa cup third rounds opening game between west ham and Manchester City. Good evening. President putin did try to boost Donald Trumps campaign for the presidency, according to a report published tonight by Us Intelligence officials. The report was released shortly after intelligence chiefs had briefed mr trump on their findings. The President Elect insisted that any Cyber Espionage by russia, china or anyone else, had not influenced the result of the contest. But he is now ordered a plan to be delivered within 90 days of taking office of developing an aggressive reserve response to any Cyber Attacks as nick bryant tells us. American intelligence tonight released its explosive report, claiming Vladimir Putin personally ordered an influence campaign, to help donald trump win the presidency by denigrating Hillary Clinton and harming her electability. It concludes, the kremlin had a clear preference for the billionaire. Donald trump today described the investigation as a political witchhunt by adversaries badly beaten in the election. He rubbished the notion that he achieved a kremlin assisted victory. But Us Intelligence claims it wasnt just the billionaire who celebrated his unexpected success on election night. Intercepted conversations reportedly picked up senior figures in the russian government rejoicing, too, among them officials said to be aware of the alleged cyber campaign. At trump tower tonight, he was given a classified briefing by americas top intelligence officials, who claim the russians tried harder to Hack Computers of the Democratic National committee than those at republican headquarters, and that go betweens allegedly delivered stolen e mails to the wikileaks website to help him move from his penthouse in manhattan to the white house. Never before has a President Elect been so openly scornful of americas spies, or so disparaging about their work. But the trump team says hes right to be cautious, not least because the Us Intelligence community has got it wrong before, over iraqs weapons of mass destruction. In a statement after the meeting, mr trump said that russia, china, other countries and outside groups are consistently trying to break through the Cyber Infrastructure of our governmental institutions and organisations, including the Democratic National committee. But he added, there was absolutely no effect on the outcome of the election. Tellingly, he did not single out russia for blame. But Vice President joe biden has told him to accept the intelligence findings pointing the finger at the kremlin. The idea that you know more than the Intelligence Community knows seems like saying, i know more about physics than my professor. I didnt read the book, ijust know i know more. Grow up. Time to be an adult. Youre president. Relations between president 0bama and President Putin have had a cold war chill, and donald trump has signalled warmer ties. Speaking to the bbc today, the outgoing secretary of state, john kerry, delivered this advice. I would encourage him to engage with russia and to try to find that common ground, but not at the expense of rolling over and losing the values and principles, or interests that we need to protect as we do so. Donald trump tonight expressed tremendous respect for americas spies, but he still clearly believe the allegations of a kremlin conspiracy are being used to delegitimise his presidency. 0ne one of the most noticeable trends in American Politics over the last 25 yea rs has American Politics over the last 25 years has been partisan attempts to delegitimise president s. With bill clinton, it was a personal scandal. With George W Bush it was the contested 2000 election, the florida recount and the fact conservative leaning Supreme Court intervened in his favour. With barack 0bama it was the campaign led by donald trump that claimed he wasnt even a us citizen. And political opponents of donald trump are going to seize on this report and say that it creates a big question over the validity of his electoral victory, even though the Intelligence Community has made no assessment over whether boats we re no assessment over whether boats were changed or opinions were altered. Whether boats were changed or opinions were altered. With me now is our security correspondent, gordon corera. You have looked at these findings. What do they tell us . The most significant line is the first line, we assess with high confidence that russian president Vladimir Putin ordered a campaign to influence the election, not crackers, not officials in the kremlin, Vladimir Putin himself. What you get is a story of how american intelligence believed he did that. How at one point, when they thought Hillary Clinton might win, they sought to delegitimise the whole process. And another point they sort of Support Trump and denigrate Hillary Clinton. Idid trump and denigrate Hillary Clinton. I did that through propaganda as well as Cyber Attacks. As a whole, is it plausible . Yes. Is it convincing . Well, im not sure it will be to sceptics, because actually what you dont get in the report is the hard evidence. Thats undoubtedly secret material which the Intelligence Community might have, but which isnt in the report. Theres no Technical Details of hacking. 0ne theres no Technical Details of hacking. One thing which is not in the report but it which ive been told incidentally is that british intelligence, gchq, was the first to spot the significant breach into the Democratic Party and reported it to its american counterparts. But thats not in the report. Where are we left . Weve had clash between a president who is worried about his legitimacy and an Intelligence Community worried about its credibility. They have both set out their stalls today. But i dont think its a clash that either side are actually going to win. In offence, both will come out damaged. America will still come out divided. I think the only people who might be left smiling or americas adversaries, people like, if you believe this report, Vladimir Putin gordon corera, thank you. At least five people have been killed and eight injured, after a gunman opened fire at Fort Lauderdale International Airport in florida. The man, whos in custody, is said to have taken the gun out of a bag that hed checked in and opened fire in a baggage area. Passengers ran onto the tarmac outside, where theyre currently being held while the Police Search the building. 0ur north america correspondent, james cook, has the latest. A mundane task at a busy airport has turned into a scene of horror. Passengers, who seconds earlier were collecting their bags, cower on the ground. Some appear stunned. Others were dead or dying. Survivors say there were desperate attempts to save lives. We heard the noise, thought it was firecrackers that kids were doing. And then we looked where we came in. We looked again and we saw him with the gun going up and down. Once he was done with the ammunition, he threw his gun down. He basically threw the gun on the ground and he laid on the ground, face down, spread eagle. He was already done. For hundreds who fled the airport, the terror was not over. Rumours of another gunman sent people running from the terminal, but they were just rumours, as the local sheriff confirmed. There has been no shooting at any place else other than downstairs at terminal two. We have the shooter in custody. He is unharmed. No Law Enforcement fired any shots. The subject is being interviewed by a team of fbi agents and homicide detectives. We have the shooter in custody. He is unharmed. No Law Enforcement fired any shots. The subject is being interviewed by a team of fbi agents and homicide detectives. The suspect is reported to have flown into Fort Lauderdale with a weapon checked into his luggage legally. A senior us politicians said the man was carrying a military id card in the name of esteban santiago. The shooter is in custody, according to tsa. As we get information we will pass it on. The focus is turning to the investigation. The motive is not clear but terrorism has not been ruled out. In the united states, those phrases, these pictures, now have a terrible familiarity. A man from shropshire whos terminally ill with Motor Neurone Disease has started a legal challenge to secure the right to be helped to die. Noel conway claims the law as it stands condemns people like him to unimaginable suffering. Its the first challenge of its kind since mps rejected an attempt to change the law two years ago, and its being backed by the Campaign Group dignity in dying, as our medical correspondent fergus walsh reports. My name is noel conway. I have Motor Neurone Disease. Its incurable and terminal. I fear very soon i shall be entombed in my own body, and the thought of that fills me with absolute horror. Ive got you lunch, love. Beans on toast, as requested. Day by day, noel conway is gradually losing all strength in his body. Increasingly, he relies on his wife, carol. Hes too weak to take his own life, so when his condition gets worse, he wants a doctor to be allowed to give him a lethal dose. Its my body. I have a right to die. I have a right to determine how i should die. And more importantly, when i should die. And i want to do so when i have a degree of dignity remaining to me. Noel often relies on a ventilator to help him breathe. Hes registered with the swiss Suicide Group dignitas, but will soon be unable to travel, so hes challenging the law here. Our current law condemns people like me to unimaginable suffering. I mean, i dont have acute pain. Im just heading, really, on a slow, slippery slope to hell. Noel was a keen walker, climber and skier. His Family Support his right to die but dont want to play a part in his death. It places me in an intolerable position. I cant help him to end his life. That would not be possible. I cant do that. I wouldnt want to do that. We need the assistance of professionals, of medical staff, to ease that passing. The courts have shown leniency with relatives involved in assisting a suicide, but campaigners, most recently tony nicklinson, have never been able to persuade judges that doctors should be allowed to end a life. This issue stirs huge passions, and when mps last voted, they rejected a change in the law. So does that mean this latest high Court Challenge is doomed to fail . While it is parliament that makes the law, it is judges who interpret it. So when the case comes here, noel conways legal team will seek a declaration that the current law is not compatible with his basic human rights, to live and die with dignity. Under the 1961 suicide act, any doctor who helped end his life would face up to 14 years in prison. Baroness Jane Campbell has spinal Muscular Atrophy and has been close to death on several occasions. A disability rights campaigner, she says altering the law would send dangerous signals. If the law were changed, it would feed into societys fear that to be severely disabled, to be trapped within your body, which i already practically am, is a state worse than death. It would be a huge burden to us. We already have to fight for the right to live. Please dont help us with the right to die. But that is exactly what noel conway wants. Canada and california have introduced assisted dying in the past year. Noel is determined it should happen here. Its not a bad day, actually. But he knows he may run out of time before his case is settled. Fergus walsh, bbc news. Hundreds of people have attended the funeral in huddersfield of yassar yaqub, who was shot dead by police on monday on the m62 motorway. The inquest into his death was opened and adjourned today. The independent Police Complaints commission is continuing to investigate the shooting. Danny savage has the latest. Hundreds of people came to the funeral of yassar yaqub at a mosque in huddersfield. Many didnt know him personally, but were here to support his family. His father, mother and sisters were deeply distressed. 0ne family friend said they still need more detail about what happened to him. As far as the gun culture is concerned and criminal activity is concerned, we strongly condemn that. But the question arises that the way this was carried out, in my opinion it was totally out of order. Investigators say they are working swiftly and keeping mr yaqubs family up to date. But one key question about the shooting was answered today. The police have already said a gun was found in the white Audi Yassar Yaqub was shot in. We know he was the front seat passenger in the car. At the inquest into his death this morning, it was revealed the gun was found in the front passenger foot well of the vehicle, exactly where he was sitting. Yassar yaqub was listed in court as being a 28 year old office clerk. He was once accused and cleared of trying to murder two people and a firearms offence. His family and friends though stress he was never convicted of anything. Meanwhile a 30 year old man arrested on monday as part of the Police Operation here, has appeared in court today, charged with possession of a gun, bullets and a silencer. Moshin amin from dewsbury was remanded in custody, after his hearing at leeds magistrates. Danny savage, bbc news, west yorkshire. The first minister of scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, has suggested that if the uk were to stay in the european Single Market after leaving the eu, the question of Scottish Independence could be put aside in the short term. Ms sturgeon said she was seeking consensus and compromise, but that she was still committed to the goal of independence. 0ur Correspondent Glen Campbell is at the Scottish Parliament. Your thoughts on the first ministers thinking in this far. Nicola sturgeon Still Believes in Scottish Independence but what she has made clear today is that she would be prepared to park a second referendum for at least the next couple of years while brexit is negotiated, if theresa mays government would accept her idea of a compromise deal. As Nicola Sturgeon set out last month, she is prepared to hold her nose and i accept that leave will mean leave, even for remain voting scotland, if the Scottish Parliament gets more power, and if the uk government is prepared to seek to remain in the european Single Market, or to seek a special deal that would allow Scotla Nd Special Deal that would allow scotland to stay in. The snag with all of this is that even though theresa may says she will consider these proposals seriously, there is no great expectation that she will actually adopt them. Perhaps that is why Nicola Sturgeon has taken to social media to say that right now she still thinks another vote on independence is more likely than a soft brexit. Thanks, Glenn Campbell at holyrood. Concerns about Air Pollution are acute in china, where more than half of all cities are badly affected, with some experiencing the worst Winter Smog Clouds of recent years. Visibility in beijing was reduced to less than 200 metres. The effects of increased use of coal, and current weather conditions, have left a smog cloud 2000 miles long across northern and central china. The city with the worst Air Pollution is shiijazhuang, from where John Sudworth sent this report. Somewhere, underneath this murky gloom, is a city of 10 million people. And for the unfortunate residents of shiijazhuang, this is normal. For the past 30 days, the average air quality in this city has measured as hazardous on the official scale. You can smell, even taste the coal dust in the air, the grim, tangible reality of this countrys model of economic growth. And people have no choice but to live, eat and sleep in this toxic smog, 2a hours a day. Its like living under a cloud, this Noodle Seller tells me. The smog is harming my childrens health. Of course i want to leave, this man says, but i cant afford to, and anyway, the whole country is polluted. Its not much of an exaggeration. 200 miles away, the pollution literally rolled into beijing earlier this week. And stayed. A toxic mix of coal dust from Power Stations and car exhaust. The smog now regularly blankets a huge swathe of northern china. And it is believed to cause more than a million premature deaths a year. Translation as a lung cancer doctor, im seeing an increase in patients in recent years, especially from heavily polluted areas. And when the smog gets worse, we see more kids with asthma. Public concern has forced the Chinese Government to begin investing heavily in renewable energy. Those working in the sector believe china can clean up its air, just as wealthier, more developed countries once had to. Im pretty positive for chinas future. Actually, we dont need that much time for the science research. We dont need that much time to develop relevant technologies. So i think a lot of things are more ripe for us to make faster solutions. Those solutions cant come fast enough for this city. Fossil fuels may have lifted chinas economy to ever greater heights, but they are poisoning its people. John sudworth, bbc news, shiijazhuang. A Cycle Courier has won an Employment Rights case against the Logistics Firm city sprint, in a ruling that could have implications for other workers in the so called gig economy, where people are employed on a job by job basis. Maggie dewhurst was classed as self employed but argued she should be treated as a worker and given greater rights, including holiday and sick pay. The company has said it is disappointed, Asjohn Moylan now reports. Maggie dewhurst delivers medical supplies by bike to hospitals and labs, but despite being a City Sprint Careerfor the labs, but despite being a City Sprint Career for the last two yea rs, Sprint Career for the last two years, she doesnt have basic workers rights. Shes one of thousands in the so called gig economy, characterised by temporary, insecure jobs. City economy, characterised by temporary, insecurejobs. City sprint economy, characterised by temporary, insecure jobs. City sprint say she is an independent contractor. In other words, she is self employed. But she believes her relationship with the firm is more like that between employer and worker. We spend all day being told what to do, when to do it and how to do it. We are under their control. We are not are under their control. We are not a mosaic of small businesses. And i think that is why we deserve basic Employment Rights like the National Minimum wage. Today, and Employment Tribunal agreed and found she is a worker, describing her City Sprint Contract as contorted, indecipherable and windowdressing. Tonight, city sprint said it was disappointed but that the judgment applies to a single individual and was not a test case. It added that the case demonstrated there is still widespread confusion regarding this area of law. It is calling on the government to provide better support and help for businesses. But there area number of and help for businesses. But there are a number of legal challenges just around the corner which threatened to shake up this part of the gig economy. As well as this case involving city sprint there are tribunal cases pending involving addison lee, and xl. Some say that if the firms lose these challenges, it could fundamentally undermine their business models. Within the industry it is very important, but further afield it is important to any business that uses self employed people as their Main Business model. They will have to be looking at, well, can we justify this . Are they genuinely self employed or is there a risk they will be found to be our workers . This case mirrors a similar judgment against the cab firm uber last year. An independent review of modern Employment Purposes commissioned by the government is jude to report in the spring. The cyclist chris froome, three time winner of the Tour De France, has told the bbc that allegations of doping have been bad for cycling and bad for sport. He said he would never take substances that are banned except for medical reasons, unlike his former team mate Bradley Wiggins. Hes been speaking to Natalie Pirks in monaco. 0lympic bronze and his third Tour De France victory in four years. 2016 might have been a year to forget for some but not for chris froome. But whilst British Cycling enjoys a golden age, off the road and track its mired in controversy with dopings blurred lines at the heart of it. A tue, or therapeutic use exemption, allows athletes to take a banned substance for genuine medical reasons. The issue is whether some have exploited the system for competitive gain. Just the fact that were having that debate about authenticity of tues, i think theres a problem with the system. I think wada, the anti doping authorities, need to tighten their regulations around tues, so that theyre not something that we question. In those leaks by Russian Hackers it was revealed that froomes former team mate, sir Bradley Wiggins, had received three tue injections before three major races in the space of three years. Its perfectly legal, but froome revealed to me he refused one in 2015 on moral grounds. I didnt feel as if having a tue in the last week of the Tour De France was something i was prepared to. Itjust didnt sit well morally with me that that was something i was going to do. Do you think, therefore, its right we are asking questions, for example why Bradley Wiggins had three corticosteroids in the lead up to the races . Sure, i mean, i think its only healthy to ask those questions. Froomes team, team sky, is currently the subject of a uk anti doping investigation over an incident involving a Mystery Package delivered to wiggins in 2011. Both parties deny any wrongdoing. I mean, its not good for sport in general, the fact that we are discussing the validity of results and. And, as i said, that brings it back to the authorities and something that they hopefully need to tighten up on. As he attempts to win his fourth tour this summer, the Doping Questions will again come thick and fast. Froomes biggest desire is to leave a cycling legacy no one will be left doubting. Natalie pirks, bbc news, monaco. Thats it. Now its time for the news where you are. Have a very good night. Hello and welcome to sportsday im Lizzie Greenwood hughes. Heres whats coming up tonight Manchester City cruise into the fourth round of the fa cup thrashing west ham 5 0. Chris froome tells us how he turned down the chance to use a tue in 2015 because of moral concerns. And its 28 wins in a row now for andy murray sir andy is through to the qatar 0pen final. So lots to get through as always, were starting with the fa cup and Manchester City are the first team through to the fourth round. They inflicted west hams worst home defeat in their history in the competion beating them 5 0 in the nights all Premier League tie. 0llie foster reports from the london stadium. West ham fans are still waiting for a truly great night at their new home, the londonstadiums claim to fame, team gb with all those gold medals at the space of five minutes. Today was 90 minutes in the First Step Towards the first important piece of silverware. It became clear Manchester City were so much stronger. West hams busiest player was adrian who kept over this effort from aguero. He guessed which way yaya toure was coming here, but couldnt do much about it. Sofiane feghouli was sent off in west hams last match, overturned so he could play, and miss this chance. At what should have been 1 1, city went in to have them 3 0 up. Sterlingkels cross picked out nordtveit, who headed then for an own goal. Aguero got in on the act soon after the break. West ham were heading for the exit on all fronts. They would have missed thejohn stones header that just crossed the line, which he will remember as his first city goal. This will not have much of a mention in the hammers history books, only a fantastic friday for those in blue. Finally we were able to keep the ball more than in the last games, where it was almost impossible, so we played much better in that sense, created more chances. We conceded fewer, and of course that happens a lot, right before the penalty

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