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And the Legendary British rock Guitaristjeff Beck has died at the age of 78. And coming up on the bbc news channel. Australia refuse to play cricket in aghanistan in a stand against the treatment of women by the taliban. As they withdraw from marchs one day series. Good evening and welcome to the bbc news at six. If you called an ambulance in england back in october for someone who was having a heart attack or a stroke, the average waiting time was an hour. The latest figures from nhs england showjust how much the situation has worsened since then. If you made the same call last month, the wait was half an hour longer a full 92 minutes on average before an ambulance would get to you. The target is 18 minutes. For weeks, weve been reporting on the unrelenting pressures facing the nhs this winter. Senior doctors have told us the Health Service is operating on a knife edge. Now our Health Editor hugh pym has been allowed into the royal Bolton Hospital, and into a e, which is at the epicentre of this crisis, to see for himself what patients and staff are experiencing. We are at ten on the corridor. Weve no capacity. We are going to come out and assess them in the ambulance so it will be one nurse coming out to each patient. Sue has worked here in a e for over 30 years. The last six, 12 months have been more challenging than i have ever known in the time i have worked here. The department was built to treat 21 patients. Right now, there are 60 waiting. We are running two and three times above our capacity continually, and often more than that. Is it sometimes so busy that you cant prevent delays for the Ambulance Crews . Yes, it is, yes. And then that is when we have the big delays and backlogs and when we get to that point, we are very often having to go out to the ambulances to see and assess them. We cant even get them in. And how much has that happened in the last few weeks . Its happened quite a lot, quite a lot, yes. Away from the noise of a e is Intensive Care the sickest patients. And it is nearly full. We have got one empty at the minute. The lady hasjust gone down to the ward. Sojust one empty bed. Its manic, to be honest. Obviously, there is significant pressure on the nhs, but it has felt busy in as much as it has been really difficult to try and get people home and get discharged from the ward and discharged from here. Um, itsjust felt blocked everywhere. It has been really, really difficult. Back in a e. Loud hubbub. The noise of staff and machines is striking. So as you can see, um, this is the quad. All the bays are full. We have even had to have some people waiting by the triage area, the assessment area. This is the heart of a e patients tucked into any available space. They have made it off the corridor. Some are waiting to be assessed. Most are waiting for a bed. Sometimes, we can have trolleys in all the spaces. So we have had trolleys all around, all around the assessment areas. Here, there is never a quiet moment, with so many patients to care for. A e is full because bolton, like other hospitals we have been to, says beds are hard to find. Here, 100 patients are fit to leave but cant because of Community Care issues. The government has recently given £200 million for extra Social Care Beds in england. How much will it help here . It may be a little bit too late to deal with the current pressures we are facing. But money is always welcome. That is your zimmer frame. Royal bolton is doing all it can to prepare patients for leaving the hospital. Oh, you are doing marvellous. We saw how, soon after they arrive, staff begin the rehab process. Perfect. But flu is adding to the pressure. Diane was so poorly, her husband took her to see the gp, who told him to get her to hospital fast rather than waiting for an ambulance. He were holding me up. I couldnt walk straight. And the gp saw me and she got the. Typed the note and sent me straight to a e. So. So i would say that gp saved my life. Staff say flu and Covid Pressures mean it is harder than during the worst of the pandemic. The staff is exhausted. It feels as difficult as it was during covid. But in fact, slightly more difficult because during covid, a lot of services, we stopped, but now we are keeping on all elective services, plus we are managing the pressures at the front end. The hospital is pointing as many patients as possible who are less seriously ill to other areas of care, but the corridor still looks like this. Despite everything, susan is philosophical. The workload is tough. We have had to adapt and change our ways of working. But we are a e nurses, and we take what is put in front of us, and we deal with it the best we can. Hugh pym, bbc news, bolton. Well, as you heard there, one of the big problems at that hospital is the number of patients who could leave but who dont have anywhere to go that has suitable care. Our analysis editor ros atkins looks at the issues surrounding the crisis in social care. Thanks, sophie. The government has been highlighting one of the problems underlying this winters nhs crisis. We have got around 13,000 patients in hospital who are ready to leave hospital, they are medically fit to leave, but they are often delayed because of challenges in social care. And the challenges in social care are acute affected by capacity in the system, which is struggling with staff shortages. The current Staff Vacancy Rate is over 10 in a workforce of more than 1. 5 million, the highest since records began. Arguably, its wage levels that are most affecting recruitment and retention. An average wage for care staff is £9. 50. Thats the legal minimum wage for most adults. You can go to a shop assistant, go and work in audi and you are on more money with us, with so much less responsibility and stress. There is not a lot of Emotional Stress that you take home with you. That issue of low pay is connected to funding and what Care Providers receive. According to the heathcare charity the kings fund, social care spending per head has fallen in real terms over the last decade. And as the Adult Population increases, that puts more pressure on what councils can afford. This is one of the few vacant rooms we have available at the home at the moment and it would probably be rented out for something in the region of £1200 per week. Social Services Rates will pay a little over half of that. But it costs the nhs around £1,000 a week more to keep a patient in hospital. And these core challenges are not new, as Care Providers point out. There is no Political Party with clean hands in this. You know, tony blair promised us that he was going to reform social care. We are seven Prime Ministers down from that. We have all had them telling us they are going to do something and none of them have. Since 2010, there have been five conservative Prime Ministers. A Cross Party Commission in 2011 said the social care system was not fit for purpose, and recommending reform. But no changes came. Eight years later we had one boris johnson. I eight years later we had one boris johnson. ,. ,. ,. , johnson. I am announcing now on the ste s of johnson. I am announcing now on the steps of downing johnson. I am announcing now on the steps of Downing Street johnson. I am announcing now on the steps of Downing Street that johnson. I am announcing now on the steps of Downing Street that we johnson. I am announcing now on the steps of Downing Street that we will i steps of Downing Street that we will fix the crisis in social care once and for all, with a clear plan we have prepared. But and for all, with a clear plan we have prepared and for all, with a clear plan we have prepared. But the social care crisis is yet have prepared. But the social care crisis is yet to have prepared. But the social care crisis is yet to be have prepared. But the social care crisis is yet to be fixed. And this week, rishi sunak� s government announced £250 million to buy thousands of beds in care homes and upgrade hospitals, and promising reform, including a cap on personal costs recommended to the government more than a decade ago. The moneys on top of £500 million announced last year and giving English Councils the opportunity to raise more through taxes. Last autumn, sir andrew dilnot, the man whose proposals the government says it believes in, had this stark assessment. We have a system that is creaking, thatis we have a system that is creaking, that is falling apart, putting enormous pressure on the wonderful people who deliver their care, as well as the individuals who need the care and their families. Well as the individuals who need the care and theirfamilies. It is hard to think of a more Vulnerable Group than people in that position and our system is something that we should all be ashamed of. Its a system the nhs needs to lean on this winter. But social care is struggling to share the load. And patients need two systems which can act as one. Back to you, sophie. Thank you. Joining me now is our Health Editor hugh pym. You have been doing thisjob you have been doing this job for almost a decade and you report on it all the time. What you saw at the royal Bolton Hospital in greater manchester, how surprised where you buy conditions that patients and staff are in at the moment . Well, i was very struck staff are in at the moment . Well, i was very struck by staff are in at the moment . Well, i was very struck by the staff are in at the moment . Well, i was very struck by the noise staff are in at the moment . Well, i was very struck by the noise and i staff are in at the moment . Well, i| was very struck by the noise and the stress and strain, with staff working absolutely flat out to deal with the stream of patients, in buildings really designed ten years ago or more than that to cope with a far lower number of patients then. It is similarfor many far lower number of patients then. It is similar for many other hospitals, these very cramped conditions. But in bolton, they are doing all they possibly can under the standard a e playbook, streaming patients, moving the less seriously ill away from the front door and the main bit of a e to the Minor Injuries Unit or Urgent Care Centre with a gp. They feel they are doing all of that but still, they end up with the kind of scenes that you have seen there. And many other hospitals are seeing something similar. Nhs england said there was a Record Number of people in england going into a e in december, 2. 3 million, a Record Number of 999 calls, and i think all this underlines the need for an urgent debate about the future of Emergency Care and how it can be improved next winter. ,. , ~ ,. , you can check on the situation with waiting times at your local Hospital Service using the bbc� s nhs Winter Tracker on our website. Wherever you are in the uk, just put in your postcode to see the latest published information on waits in a e, routine operations and ambulances thats at bbc. Co. Uk nhstracker. Now, you may not have heard of the online influencer andrew tate, but if youve got teenagers, particularly boys, they almost certainly will have. The self proclaimed misogynist has a loyal following on social media, despite being banned from facebook, instagram, tiktok and youtube. Hes currently being held in romania in connection with a criminal inquiry into suspected Human Trafficking, allegations he denies. Some schools are so worried about his influence that theyre devoting entire lessons to trying to counteract his views. Our Special Correspondent lucy manning reports. Andrew tate is in a romanianjail, but he still sits in the minds of british teenagers. So why is it that andrew tate has had so much impact. . At st dunstan� s college, they dont ignore the problem. If i were to tell you that there were ways of making money. The online influencer had millions of followers, but views he admits are misogynistic. He has been arrested as part of a rape and Human Trafficking investigation. He denies the allegations. What is it about his videos that gives the perception of him being so popular . Because at first, seemingly, most of his videos are, like, he might have a funnyjoke at the beginning but as you watch more and more of the videos, his radical views develop and it kind of like seeps into your mind. Another reason its so successful is because its controversial. So it will like, invoke a reaction and make people angry, which will make them more likely to like, talk about it. Someone who, like, dresses really well, has lots of money, lots of cars, and he, like, brings that into his videos a lot and he kind of connects that with his views. If they see loads of views, it is something they are going to click on because they want to, like, be in with the crowd. Ijust want you to raise your hands if you were aware of andrew tate before all of this happened. So you are all aware, most of you, almost everyone in the class, 0k. Even those who have reported them as offensive cant escape them. Like, with andrew tate videos, i got one of his and ive put, this makes me uncomfortable, like, i dont want to see it again, or im not interested, and i still get them. I got one yesterday. Some people would say that you just need to ignore the views of andrew tate. Yeah, i mean, iabsolutely hear that, but the reality is that these young, vulnerable teenagers with growing minds are in that space and they are listening to people like andrew tate and it is having hugely negative impact on their outlook on life. So how to tackle the views, not just of andrew tate but others who have moved into the online space . The government points to proposed new laws to tighten the age restrictions on those looking at harmful content online, but it is clear tech companies, schools and parents all have a role to play. What is acceptable and whats not acceptable. And parents are grappling with the consequences. Simons son, told off by his school yesterday, you know, with kids, we have always taken the approach that you set right from wrong. It is ok to express your masculinity but dont do it in an obnoxious and sort of misogynistic way. A conversation that many are now having. Lucy manning, bbc news. A Russian Private Army Fighting in ukraine claims its found the body of one of two british aid workers whove been reported missing. The bbc hasnt been able to verify the claim. 28 year old chris parry, seen here on the left, and andrew bagshaw, who is a8, were last seen on friday. They were reportedly heading to the town of soledar in the east of the country close to the front line. 0ur Ukraine Correspondentjames Waterhouse is in kyiv. James. What more can you tell us . The picture is blurry at the moment. The closer you get to heavy fighting in this conflict, the more difficult it is to verify claims from both sides. Andrew bagshaw and Christopher Parry were last seen heading to soledar where we are seeing some of the most intense fighting. We were there over the weekend. Its a place where shells are pretty much raining down and there is close proximity fighting between ukraines military and mercenaries from the so called wagner group which is doing most of russias fighting in this part of ukraine. The mens families have talked of their pride and their worry since the disappearance last friday, and frankly this is a part of ukraine where if you go missing you are either injured, killed or captured. So the posting of their alleged documents by the wagner group as well as claims they found a body will have caused a lot of fear for their families. Body will have caused a lot of fear fortheirfamilies. But body will have caused a lot of fear for their families. But these are claims that we are just unable to verify at this stage. The Kremlin In Moscow has told the bbc it doesnt have any information. The mens families will hope that changes soon. ,. , families will hope that changes soon. , soon. James waterhouse with the latest from soon. James waterhouse with the latest from ukraine, soon. James waterhouse with the latest from ukraine, thank soon. James waterhouse with the latest from ukraine, thank you. L soon. James waterhouse with the i latest from ukraine, thank you. The time is just after quarter past six. Our top story this evening the nhs in crisis ambulance response times and a e waits in december are the worst on record. And coming up Harry Stylesjointly leads the way with four nominations for this years brit awards. Coming up in sportsday on the bbc news channel. The pressures on graham potter. One win in seven as he takes his chelsea side to neighbours fulham looking to get their season back on track. A group of afghan families who were brought to the uk after the taliban took power are taking the government to court after their accomodation was changed. At first the four families were housed in a london hotel but then they were moved to the north of england meaning their children had to leave their school. Theyve struggled to find new schools and say their education has suffered. Heres our home editor mark easton. Amid the chaos of the evacuation from kabul in the summer of 2021, the uk promised a warm welcome to the families of afghans whod worked with british forces. They did right by us and we want to do right by them. We want to help their children settle down in our country and get the education they need. That is our responsibility as a nation, and thats what we will deliver. But has the government delivered . 15 year olds marja and najma fled kabul with their parents. But since arriving in the uk almost 18 months ago, theyve been living in home office hotels. And their education, they say, has suffered. Im not going to school. Im not studying. I come from afghanistan to england because there is no study in afghanistan. Theres no study. Theyre both like the same. We dont have any education in school and also in the hotels. All head. Shoulders. All shoulders. Knees. It was months before these afghan child refugees got School Places, and only then when worried teachers from Walworth Academy in south london forced the issue. Marzia and najma were among those delighted to be in class. But a year on, and the girls arent here. The home office suddenly moved them to another hotel in the north of england without arranging School Places for them. Look at the care thats been taken. Isnt it glorious . Thats a lot of work. Principaljess west says she cried when she received handmade christmas cards from some of the afghan girls who were forced to leave the school. We know them, we love them, we look after them, we care for them. Whats really difficult is to see them moving from a situation that was precarious, that we did everything we could to try and shore up for them, to another situation that isnt permanent and is just as precarious. Najma, studying for her gcses, must repeat a year because local schools have no year 11 vacancies. Marzia is having to study online with material provided by Walworth Academy. I think they broke their promise and the hotel is like a jail. The government is spending £1 million a day on hotels for afghans because it cant source suitable permanent homes for often large family groups. Abdullah, not his real name, was a sniper who worked alongside the British Military in afghanistan. For legal reasons, he cant be identified, but hes among those taking the home office to court over its treatment of afghan families brought to the uk. They made a lot of promises. One of the promises was that our families will leave secure, safely, but unfortunately they are suffering. The home office declined our request for an interview, but told us that to deliver value for money, afghan families may be moved from one hotel to another. Then its the local authorities responsibility to find School Places, and there may be delays in allocating those places. But with 5,000 afghan children still living in hotels, a judge must now decide if 0peration Warm Welcome has been warm enough. Mark easton, bbc news. President biden has insisted he takes classified material seriously after his lawyers discovered a second set of Us Government documents, this time in the garage of his home in wilmington. The announcement came days after it was revealed that a small batch of classified documents had been found at a private office in washington in november. 0ur North America editor sarah smith is in washington for us. How significant is this, sarah . This is both how significant is this, sarah . Ti 3 is both exquisitely embarrassing for President Biden and potentially a really serious problem as well. The Attorney General of the United States has Just Announced Attorney General of the United States hasJust Announced in Attorney General of the United States has Just Announced in the last few minutes he is appointing a Special Counsel to investigate the retention of these classified documents by mr biden. So its a serious level of investigation when a Special Counsel is appointed. Another one is already looking into Donald Trumps Potential Mishandling of classified documents. Its particularly excruciating for mr biden that these documents were found at his home in delaware, locked up alongside his Vintage Corvette Sports Car in the garage. He was extremely critical of former President Trump when after an fbi raid on his home in mar a lago last year, hundreds of classified documents were found there. He said it was unbelievably and irresponsible, and now hes being accused of hypocrisy because he has been found to do the same thing and the Special Counsel will investigate whether any laws have been broken. Sarah, thank you. Some of britains biggest retailers had a bumper christmas despite the cost of living crisis. Tesco has reported an increase of more than 7 in sales over the festive period. Marks spencer sales in the run up to christmas were also up by nearly ten percent. Heres our business correspondent, emma simpson. How much of a surprise was this . After two years of covid disruptions, i think people wanted to celebrate as best they could, and food was big. It seems a lot of people were quite savvy, splashing out on premium ranges but also looking for the cheapest items to save money. The Discount Retailers also did well and egg names have delivered rising sales. But this has been driven by higher prices because the stuff we buy has got more expensive. So overall we have been spending more but buying less, and thatis spending more but buying less, and that is a challenging backdrop for retailers as their costs continue rising. Retailers as their costs continue risinu. ~. ,. , , retailers as their costs continue risina. ~. ,. , , rising. What do these figures say about uk consumers rising. What do these figures say about uk consumers and rising. What do these figures say about uk consumers and how rising. What do these figures say | about uk consumers and how they rising. What do these figures say about uk consumers and how they will spendin about uk consumers and how they will spend in the cost of living crisis . The boss of tesco today said he thought consumers had proved quite resilient, but he and other retailers are expecting them to tighten their belts this year, and its not surprising given the financial pressures coming down the tracks. And of course the credit card bills are landing, christmas has to be paid for. So is it a bit of a last hurrah before people start battening down the hatches . We will have to see. Battening down the hatches . We will have to see senior royals have carried out their first public engagements since the duke of sussexs memoir � spare went on sale. King charles visited Community Groups in aberdeenshire and the prince and princess of wales met Health Care Staff as they officially opened the new Royal Liverpool university hospital. They made no comments about prince harrys book. Nominations for the brit awards have been announced, with Former 0ne Direction star harry styles and Indie Rock Duo Wet Leg emerging as frontrunners with four nods each, including best album. But theres a noticeable absence of women in the prestigious artist of the year category. 0ur Music Correspondent mark savage has more. Holding me back, gravity� s holding me back i want you to hold up the palm of your hand. Gravity cant hold him back. Harry styles had the biggest selling single and album of last year, and now he is up forfour brit awards, including song of the year. For as it was. Hey, you, over there on a chaise long in your underwear. Also picking up four nominations are wet leg, the Isle Of Wight band who burst onto the scene 18 months ago with the hit single chaise longue. We started the band and we just thought we would get to go to a few festivals, so to go to the brits and to be nominated, its just. Its a bit more than we bargained for. If i was an astronaut, id be floating in midair. Sam ryder makes history. Hes the only Eurovision Act ever to be nominated for best newcomer. Thats bonkers. I truly had no idea about that. Sometimes, like, the stats and facts and figures pass me by but i didnt know that one. Thats bonkers. Thats amazing ijust cant explain. But a year after the brits got rid Of Gendered Prize categories, women are entirely missing from the best artist prize, with acts like stormzy and george ezra taking all the slots. 0rganisers Say Female Artists and female fronted bands do account for 42 of the overall nominations. With acts like cat burns up for multiple awards. The winners will be announced at a star studded ceremony on sunday the 11th of february. One of the most influential Rock Guitarists of all time, jeff beck, has died at the age of 78. The british musician rose to fame in the 1960s as part of The Yardbirds, before forming Thejeff Beck Group with sir rod stewart. Fellow musicians have described him as a genius who made the guitar sing. 0ur arts correspondent, David Sillito looks back at his career. When will it end. When eric clapton left The Yardbirds in 1965, the question was, who could replace him . Two days later, they had their answer jeff beck. After that, he formed Thejeff Beck Group, which gave rod stewart his big break. And his sound . Rock, jazz. Classical. He was influential. He meant so much to so many of us. I knew him personally as well but i will tell you that we all admirejimmy page, the greatjimmy page, and eric clapton, you know, the iconic, especially english, guitarists, but they will all tell you that Onlyjeff Beck could play that instrument in ways that they couldnt dream of. Youre everywhere and nowhere, baby. But what about his one big hit, hi ho Silver Lining . A catchy pop song he was told to record. It would be fair to say it wasnt his favourite. Its like being asked to wear a pink frock and walk on top of a bus down Oxford Street it was framing me with this embarrassing pop song that wasnt me. When your tyres are flat. But by the end, he no longer hated it he was even occasionally prepared to play it. But probably it is better to remember him for moments like this. Just do your thing, son stevie wonder, just one of an extraordinary list of artists who had worked with him over the years. If anyone was a guitar hero, it was jeff beck. The incrediblejeff beck, who has died at the age of 78. The weather now with no easily and the headline is rain really, isnt it . ,. ,. ,. , the headline is rain really, isnt it . ,. ,. , the headline is rain really, isnt it . ,. ,. , it . Rain, rain, go away is what we would like it . Rain, rain, go away is what we would like to it . Rain, rain, go away is what we would like to say. It . Rain, rain, go away is what we would like to say. More it . Rain, rain, go away is what we would like to say. More rain it . Rain, rain, go away is what we would like to say. More rain to it . Rain, rain, go away is what we i would like to say. More rain to come over the next few days. With sites like this, it may not surprise you to hear, but some areas across north west england and parts of wales have already exceeded their january Monthly Average rainfall and we are not even halfway through the month yet. Now, there is more wet weather to come in fact over the next few days. If we take a look at this chart which illustrates rainfall accumulation, so anywhere with the darker blues and lighter greens is where we will see the wetter weather. We could see as much as 80 millimetres on top of the Rainfall Totals we have already had. Todays low pressure is easing away so the rain will ease through the night, but over the next few hours we have some pretty strong winds. Severe gales on exposed coasts, up to 60 miles an hour over the next few days, but as the low moves into the north sea the showers will fade away. There will still be some around, it will be a windy and cloudy night so the temperatures will hold up above

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