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Have underperformed at the World Championships in london. And coming up on bbc news, as the Premier League gets ready to begin, liverpools star player Philippe Countinho hands in a transfer request, amid interest from barcelona. Good evening, and welcome to the bbc news at six. 11 people from the same family have been convicted of running a modern slavery ring in lincolnshire and keeping Vulnerable People in conditions that police have described as truly shocking for decades. Members of the rooney family picked up victims from the streets and kept them in squalid conditions in caravans with no Running Water or toilets. Using threats and violence, including Punishment Beatings to keep them in line. Victims were forced to work in the familys Construction Business for little or no wages. Our north of england correspondent Judith Moritz reports. Yes, the ronneys were flashy with their money. They went on holiday to barbados, they had cosmetic surgery, they shelled out thousands of pounds. But by terrible contrast, by very stark contrast, the people they controlled were kept in poverty. For many, controlled were kept in poverty. For any controlled were kept in poverty. For many, many years, forced to live in squalid conditions. The police tell us squalid conditions. The police tell us tonight that one of their victims was held captive for, they believe, around a quarter of a century. His family had given him up for dead. Fathers, sons, cousins across the generations, a leading members of one family, whose cruelty has banned the decades. The ronneys were the masters, this is where they kept their slaves. They were forced to live in these caravans in squalor and infilth, live in these caravans in squalor and in filth, conditions not fit for human habitation. Whilst those who controlled them lived in comfort and luxury. The rooneys had many victims, including this man, whose interview has been re voiced to predict his identity. interview has been re voiced to predict his identity. I have been on and off the streets for years, drugs and off the streets for years, drugs and alcohol. I havent seemed to be able to get settled. See, they have scarred me. Sometimes i have flashbacks, and you know what i mean, nightmares and that. Im a lwa ys mean, nightmares and that. Im always wary about them. Patrick rooney was one of those posing as a bespectacled businessmen, lady in driveways. But in reality, the family used slave labour, forcing vulnerable men into labour. One man is the bit how the workmen appeared. They werent treated as civilised at all. They were treated as if they we re all. They were treated as if they were subhuman. I was truly astonished. There was no machine to strip the old tarmac off, nothing. These guys did it all by hand. And it was extremely hard work for them, i will give them that. They didnt stop. They didnt have any breaks, anything. All they got was we made them a few cups of tea, if you drop it biscuits. They were delighted to get a it biscuits. They were delighted to geta cup it biscuits. They were delighted to get a cup of tea, because i knew and they knew they werent going to get anything else. Not for the day. In contrast, the family lived lavishly. This expensive funeral for one relative showing their wealth. In the local lincolnshire community, it didnt go unnoticed. The people they we re didnt go unnoticed. The people they were preying on were the most vulnerable. They made a lot of money out of them, and the stories i was hearing about big wodges of cash. Bringing the 11th Family Members to book has taken several years. The Police Needed to win the trust of victims who were very vulnerable. They were dirty. They were thin. The clothes they were wearing were terrible. We took them to the reception centre, one victim had to use an reception centre, one victim had to use an entire bottle of shampoo to make himself feel clean. To how they are now, in employment, going to college, they are reunited with their families. It is absolutely heart warming and amazing to see the transformation. It makes it all worthwhile. They preyed on the homeless and desperate, offering them shelter and work. But there was no dignity in this, only lives exploited and destroyed. Judith moritz, bbc news, nottingham. President trump has stepped up the war of words with north korea, saying the us military is Locked And Loaded, with plans in place, if pyongyang acts unwisely. Russia has now intervened in the deeping crisis, with Foreign Minister sergey lavrov, calling on both sides to sign up to a plan, to de escalate tensions. Our North America correspondent nick bryant reports. After fire and fury comes Locked And Loaded not the title of some hollywood summer blockbuster, but the words of americas commander in chief, to describe his countrys state of military readiness. These are the latest pictures of b 1 bombers stationed in guam, the motto of this squadron, fight tonight. President trump reminded people of that on his twitterfeed this morning. Hes deploying social media to ratchet up his rhetoric. Military solutions are now fully in place, Locked And Loaded, should north korea act unwisely. Hopefully, kim jong un will find another path. And last night, there was another personal warning to the north korean leader. He has disrespected our country greatly. He has said things that are horrific. And with me, hes not getting away with it. He got away with it for a long time between him and his family. Hes not getting away with this. This is a whole new ball game. As the government of japan deployed Missile Interceptors to guard against north korean rockets, International Leaders essentially told both sides to cool it. Translation i believe that im firmly convinced that an escalation of rhetoric will not contribute to a solution of this conflict. Translation when a fight has nearly broken out, the first step away from that dangerous threshold should be taken by the side that is stronger and smarter. Amidst this verbal brinkmanship, its emerged the Trump Administration has been secretly talking to north korea about americans in prison there, and deteriorating relations. The news came as americas Defence Secretary emphasised diplomacy. You can see the american effort is diplomatically lead, it has diplomatic traction, it is gaining diplomatic results. And i want to stay right there, right now. The tragedy of war is well enough known. It doesnt need another characterisation beyond the fact that it would be catastrophic. Holiday makers on guam, the island north korea has threatened with missiles still seem unfazed. But amongst the beach reading this morning, a fact sheet from the guam government, warning not to look at fireballs. A pattern has emerged this week. President trump continuing to use this fiery and unconventional rhetoric. But others in his Administration Using much more nuanced, much more traditional, much more diplomatic language. Now, perhaps theres a good cop, Bad Cop Dynamic Playing Out here. Its also reminiscent of what president Richard Nixon used to describe as the Madman Theory of you plant in the Madman Theory of you plant in the mind of your adversarial the sense that you are volatile, that you are unpredictable, that you are prepared to do anything. Now, that strategy didnt work with nixon in vietnam, and of course it is a very dangerous strategy if that is the case to apply now, because any miscalculation, any mistake, could so easily lead to war. 0k, nick, thank you. Nick bryant live there in washington. The Steel Company tata, has been given the go ahead to separate its uk Pension Scheme from the rest of the business, which will help Tens Of Thousands of the firms workers. Staff voted earlier this year to accept less generous pensions, in return for investment to secure jobs. The move is expected to clear the way for a possible merger with a rival german company. Our correspondent wyre davies reports now from port talbot. Tata steel had warned for years that its uk business was under threat, and wanted to radically reduce Pension Benefits to workers, or face the prospect of having to close its port talbot plant. For months, employees who stood to lose thousands of pounds from the Retirement Plans have been meeting to review their options. All of a sudden, you come to the end of your working life, you have two years left. And you have got to work another seven years in order to get what you have worked for your entire life without any penalties, and they feel cheated. Ive been there for 23 years, 24 years, and you think youre going to be secure when youre 60 or 65, and now theyve taken that away from you. The £15 billion British Steel Pension Scheme is one of the uks biggest. Around 130,000 members will be affected and the new plan would see current owners tata paying £550 million into the restructured Pension Scheme. The scheme will also get a stake of one third of tatas uk business to help meet future pay outs. Workers who sign up to todays proposal will have lower annual increases. Other options include transferring into a personal Pension Scheme, or they can stay with the old British Steel scheme, which is backed by the Pension Protection Fund, thats the really controversial part, because thats normally only available to companies that have gone out of business. The Pension Protection Fund is there to protect the members, not the companies themselves. So i think the issue that everyone has is, why should they be allowed to join the ppf when the liability is with tata steel worldwide, which has plenty of cash, as we know . Though this agreement does protect Workers Pension plans, it also makes the company, tata steel, much more attractive to a potential takeover or merger. And with the german steel giant thyssenkrupp waiting in the wings, there will be renewed concerns about future job losses and even closures at some uk steel plants, including port talbot. The german firm says it wants to consolidate european steel making, but Industry Experts say that port talbot is in a relatively strong position. I think the immediate future for workers at port tolbert is actually very good. Port talbot has restored its competitiveness, its been helped by the Exchange Rate of the pound against other currencies. Port talbot has been synonymous with steel making for 70 years. And although only one fifth of the once 20,000 strong workforce is still working here, our Business Editor simon jack is here. Is this good news for workers . Breaking pension promises is never ideal, and people will get less in the future, but remember, workers voted for this. Tata steel have convinced workers, and today, the readily to, that without doing this, then the future looked grim. If you cast your mind back 18 months, the future of this plant looked incredibly bleak, people were talking about closures. So this is good news. The conundrum here is, todd steele said, we may go bust, but the Industry Expert says they are making good money at the moment. If we dont have the drain of the ongoing viability of the pension fund, we can make good progress. We are going to file possibly on the idea of an imminent merger, they say, look, this is an effective stand alone company, we might do a Joint Venture or merging the future. That is not definite. All in all, if you look at where we were 18 months ago, jobs look secure for the medium term we have to take it as good news. 0k, simon. Simon jack there. Thejudge leading the inquiry into the Grenfell Tower disaster, has written to the Prime Minister with recommendations, about the scope of his investigation. Sir martin moore bick, has outlined his proposals, following weeks of talks with survivors. Its expected theresa may will set out the terms of reference for the inquiry, in the coming weeks. Three men have beenjailed, for running a Cannabis Factory inside a former Nuclear Bunker in wiltshire. One received eight years, The Other Two were sentenced five. All three admitted conspiracy to produce drugs, after several thousand Cannabis Plants with an estimated street value of £1 million were seized. Duncan kennedy reports. Hidden beneath the wooded hills of wiltshire, even today, the bunker remains a secretive, subterranean world. Its old antenna and air vents the only sign of its existence. But five metres below ground, this cold war sanctuary was transformed into a Cannabis Factory. This was where 4,000 Cannabis Plants were found, spread over two floors. The men behind it were martin fillery, Plamen Nguyen and ross winter, who were jailed today for admitting conspiracy to produce the drug. Police say using the Nuclear Bunker, once owned by the ministry of defence, meant the gang could exploit its secrecy, and security. This was a highly organised operation, and of course, the Nuclear Bunker provided that level of security, and covertness to avoid detection. This was the bunker as it was, a secret headquarters for Regional Government in the event of a nuclear war. 150 officials could survive here for up to a month. This was the canteen then. And when the police arrived. They found everything from a big screen tv, to a fish tank. And all with the home comforts of an underground world, where the underworld could go to ground. The gang even bypassed the mains meter, ripping off £650,000 worth of electricity. All to keep the cannabis growing, and drying around the clock. In fact, they thought this facility would provide them with the perfect cover for their illegal activities. Why . First of all, you cant see it from the road. Its completely isolated, and the complex itself can be locked up. They managed to keep this place a secret for three years. A place built for a icon in raw global world tensions, it ended up as an industrial scale cannabis production line. But one now consigned like the cold war itself to history. Duncan kennedy, bbc news, at chilmark in wiltshire. Our top story this evening in one of the biggest investigations into modern day slavery, 11 people from the same family have been convicted. I am from the same family have been convicted. Iam here from the same family have been convicted. I am here at the Emirates Stadium as the English Premier League season kicks off for the first time on a friday. Coming up in world athletics sportsday in the next 15 minutes on bbc news well be looking ahead to the evening session on the eighth day of competition, including Dina Asher Smith in the 200 metres final. Eggs from european poultry farms, containing traces of insecticide, have now been found in nearly 20 countries. Theyve been contaminated with the pesticide fipronil, which can damage the kidney, liver and thyroid gland. The European Commissioner for food safety, is calling for high level talks to tackle the problem, and has called for an end to countries blaming and shaming each other. Heres our europe correspondent damian grammaticas. The netherlands is europes biggest producer of eggs. But millions of chickens might have to be slaughtered. This farm has been given the all clear. The Pest Control Company that fumigate her band, didnt use the banned insecticide fipronil but the damage to hurt industry has been done. The Farmers Trust the companies to come and do their stuff. There are many rules in the netherlands, so we are thinking it is ok. The extent of the problem is spreading. Where it started in the netherlands, farms in belgian, germany and france, farms have had to be close. Eggs have been withdrawn from sale from the uk, ireland to poland, italy and romania. In switzerland, even as far as hong kong, there have been re calls. All this shows how interconnected our industrial food chains are. Belgian authorities said the first signs of a problem may have emerged as long ago as november in the netherlands. There are difficult questions for european countries, why wasnt anything done sooner . The European Commission has called for a meeting of Member States to get to the bottom of the states. The aim is to continuously improve the effectiveness of the eu system to deal with food fraud and food safety issues. Fipronil is used to kill fleas in domestic pets and is not allowed on animals entering the food chain. The amounts discovered in eggs are not harmful to humans, but prosecutors said two people have been arrested for threatening public health. Translation be mixed this substance in something to come into contact with the food chain and they did it for their own profit. They put health in dayjur and damaged food safety. That confidence in what we eat it save may be taking time to be repaired. A man who murdered his brother by setting him on fire, has been sentenced to life in prison and told he must serve a minimum of 20 years. Blair logan had admitted killing cameron logan, at the family in East Dunbartonshire near glasgow on new years eve. He also seriously injured his brothers girlfriend. Lorna gordon reports. Blair logan, a young man who murdered his brother in a horrific attack, which he planned and prepared for ahead of time and researched on the internet. His victims, his brother cameron, with whom he had whats described as a hostile relationship, and camerons girlfriend rebecca williams. What is very clear is that your stated intention, in your own words, was to maim him. Your motivation was malice. I accept your violence here was out of character. This was, nonetheless, an exceptionally serious crime. Logan, wearing a mask, had entered the room at the family home where his brother and his girlfriend were sleeping. He poured petrol over their bed and then set fire to cameron. 12 days later, the 27 year old admitted his crimes. Rebecca williams was in court for the sentencing. In a statement afterwards, she said cameron had been her best friend and partner and that their future together had been stolen from them. She said she wished, more than anything, that she could have saved him. Rebecca, seen here to the right of her father, suffered severe injuries to her throat. The horror of what happened in that room will haunt me for ever. It was a calculated and intentional attack. Cameron died in the most cruel way, in front of my eyes. The actions of one evil individual cannot be undone. The length of the sentence imposed today was never going to be enough for such a barbaric and ruthless murder. In sentencing him, judge lady scott said whilst she accepted logan had a limited ability to appreciate the consequences of his actions, he had acted with Wicked Recklessness and was fully, criminally responsible for what he had done. Thejudge added, she could not imagine the pain his parents would endure, having lost, in effect, both of their sons. Lorna gordon, bbc news at the high court in edinburgh. It doesnt seem that long ago when the season ended, but tonight the English Premier League kicks off again, and for the first time on a friday. Arsenal take on leicester city, in this, the 25th year of the epl. Our Sports Correspondent andy swiss is at the emirates for us this evening. Yes, it is an unusual start before the premier League Season. The first time it has kicked off on a friday night. Why . It is good for tv audiences and arsenal against leicester is an intriguing opening match. Arsenal, looking to bounce back from their worst premier League Season back from their worst premier League Season for 20 years, whilst leicester suffered something of a hangover last season after the Incredible Premier League triumph. It isa Incredible Premier League triumph. It is a chance for the fans to see some new players at the Premier League clubs have been splashing the cash. They have spent more than £1 billion this summer and arsenal fans will be interested to see their new £50 million striker, alexandra lacquers. As for the question as to who will win the title, chelsea are the champions and Manchester City are the favourites. But as leicester fa ns are the favourites. But as leicester fans will tell you, anything is possible. Indeed. Thank you. With just two full days left of the World Athletics Championships in london, there have been sell out crowds, but little cheer for british athletes. Only one gold medal so far, thanks to sir mo farah. As Natalie Pirks reports, uk sports target of between six to eight medals overrall, looks increasingly unlikely. We had hoped for more of this. Instead, the enduring images of these championships from a british perspective have been of tears and heartbreak. They are measured in measured Billy Mcclure medals and mo farah might be the only gold medallist, double gold medallist bertie is leaving and going to the road. Five years on from london when you think about legacy, it is in great. Before these championships began, the british performance director told me they would need a lot of luck or they could be kicked in the backside. In a game of fine margins, this isnt a team short of flair, it is short on fortune. Last night, Nathaniel Mitchell blake was the latest briton to come forth in his event, making up the quartet of the oh so close. Just inches separated the likes of Kyle Langford and laura muir from separated the likes of Kyle Langford and laura muirfrom a podium spot. Nevertheless, it now means uk sports target of six medals looks a distant dream, especially with Greg Rutherford injured. It is difficult to win medals in athletics. It is a fa ct of to win medals in athletics. It is a fact of life. Other sports, with Olympic Sports who win a lot of gold medals, it doesnt take anything away from their achievements, but not as many people or countries participate. This is the hardest sport in the world to win a major title. Athletics received the highest amount of funding. But they think it is money well spent for the future. They are in transition, the older group have gone and the younger ones are coming up. The World Championships of the World Championships but overall i think we have put on a good show. |j championships but overall i think we have put on a good show. I think it is good experience but in a few yea rs, is good experience but in a few years, the gold medals. Coming. The british athletes are trying their best, but at the moment, their best isnt good enough. Mo farah has been responsible for six medals and the 5,000m tomorrow night represents his last chance of carrying british hopes on the track Ata Carrying British hopes on the track at a major championships. But there are around three medal hopes up for grabs with Dina Asher Smith, the bash out in the womens 200 metres. Clive. Natalie, thank you. Now, lets get the weather. Not getting bad, but it is cloudy today. Lovely picture, but look at those guys, many of us have had the source of weather today but this next picture, huge contrast. I love the two colours between the first and second. Beautiful blues here this is in nottingham. This is what we have got at the moment across the country, a lot of cloud across the uk. Clouded over in the south east where the first part of the day was nice. A lot of sunshine around. But for most this evening and overnight it will be cloudy. Rain from time to time, not too heavy. There will be brea ks time, not too heavy. There will be breaks in the cloud so if you are hoping to catch the Shooting Stars this weekend, you might get a chance tonight. But the better will be tomorrow. The weather is improving. The morning might start of cloudy in the south and the south east because we are close to a Weather Front which isjust exiting. In we are close to a Weather Front which is just exiting. In the afternoon, it will be a mixture of sunny spells, lengthy sunny spells and a few scattered showers. On balance, i think we have a fine day on the way, but dont be surprised if you do catch a brief, Light Sprinkle of rain. Tomorrow evening is looking better. A great opportunity to get out there and enjoy the views of those Shooting Stars. Sunday, the better day, we will have more sunshine right from the word go. There will be fewer showers, pleasant temperatures and a bit of rain heading our way. It will be approaching early on monday so it will be an unsettled day on monday, tuesday a bit better but the good thing is, the weekend is looking decent. Thats it. So goodbye from me. Now on bbc one, letsjoin our news teams where you are. Have a very good evening. Hello, this is bbc news. The headlines. 11 people from the same family have been convicted in a trial of a modern day slavery. Victims were kept in what are described as truly shocking conditions. They were subject to threats and intimidation, some were subjected to violence, in essence, many last many years of their lives living on the sides, one individual we believe was their 26 years. President trump is is another warning to north korea describing the us military is Locked And Loaded, the Russian Foreign minister says the rhetoric from both parties is over the top. Plan is approved by tata steel to safeguard jobs that give workers less generous pensions. Three men convicted of turning a former Nuclear Bunker into what is called the largest Cannabis Factory in the south of england. In a moment, sportsday. Firsta in the south of england. In a moment, sportsday. First a look at what is coming up later this evening. The latest reaction to the escalating war of words between the usa and north korea as World Leaders urge parties to pursue a diplomatic resolution. Have you been delayed on

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