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For britains adam peaty at the World Championships in budapest. Coming up in sportsday on bbc news, Novak Djokovic says he is ending his season early after suffering an Elbow Problem which forced him to retire from wimbledon. Good evening and welcome to the bbc news at six. No one will be able to buy a new diesel or petrol car after 2040 under Government Plans to tackle Air Pollution. The clean air strategy published today follows a Ruling Byjudges that ministers have to do more to deal with Air Pollution. The government has also announced a £255 million fund to help councils tackle emissions, including the right to create Charging Zones for the dirtiest vehicles. But the plans have been criticised by environmental campaigners for not going far enough. Our science editor David Shukman looks at the proposals. On the worst days, the pollution hangs like a mist over our cities. The gases and particles cause asthma and heart trouble. They may lead to dementia, and they shorten lives, as many as 40,000 in britain every year. And the biggest source of pollution is Diesel Engines, and we have millions of them. So the government has a vision for a future where all our cars will be electric. Norway will do this by 2025, france by 2040. And thats the year the government here is set to move away and thats the year the government here has set to move away from conventional engines. We have to get rid of petrol and diesel cars off our roads if were to make sure that not only do we deal with the Health Problems that Air Pollution causes, but also that we meet our Climate Change targets. And the good news is that the car industry is already moving in this direction. Archive at the austin motor works in birmingham, Anglo American cooperation has resulted in a new small car. This is another potentially momentous step, because there proud history of petrol and Diesel Engines powering cars in britain. These are machines that shape the way we live and work. But for the sake of everyones health, their days are now numbered. The headline of a ban by 2040 on sales of new petrol and diesel cars and vans is certainly eye catching, but what about tackling pollution now . A couple of months ago, the governments own advisers said the best way to do that would be to have clean air zones in towns and cities up and down the country. That idea is not in the new plan issued today. Instead, ministers want local councils to take action. So they want to see councils managing traffic better to avoid creating pollution hotspots; removing speed bumps, so cars dont slow down and then accelerate, which generates more pollution; and fitting older buses with filters to make them cleaner. There is more money for all this, but will it be enough . What we need now is some robust action taken by governments and notjust relying on local authorities to make unpopular decisions. The car maker volvo has already declared a switch to electric from 2019. Others also have electric plans, but the boss of aston martin says the government hasnt thought through the implications. If you dont have the infrastructure, if you dont have the skills, if you dont have the wherewithal to pay for it, then as a statement or a policy, its absurd. Year after year, britain has seen levels of Nitrogen Dioxide well above european standards. The government is under court order to clean up, and an Environmental Group that launched legal action says the environment secretary still isnt doing enough. Hes ignoring his own evidence. Hes passing the buck to local authorities and coming up with headline grabbing initiatives for something thats 23 years away from now, and cheating people who want to breathe clean air today. You cant always see Air Pollution, but politicians cant avoid it. The government says it is responding, but doesnt want to offend motorists. The result a signal of real change, but not for a while. David shukman, bbc news. So what do all the proposals mean for the motor industry, and for those thinking of buying a new car . Jon kay reports from bristol. Its not the rain that worries him. Its not the rain that worries him. Its what hes breathing. Tim is so concerned about air quality here in bristol that he started wearing a device to measure the pollution from vehicles. Shocked by the data he has gathered, he welcomes the governments plans. But as a commuter and as a father, he would like action sooner. Its good news in that they are paying attention to the problem, but it all feels a bit late in the day. 2040 is a long way away. It doesnt feel like the solutions they are coming up with will solve it in the short term. You see . At the taxi rank, we meet mike, who is thinking about a new car, but hes not sure an electric vehicle is practical. It is a good idea for the environment, certainly. But forthis game, it is not going to be viable, pure electric, unless you can get the milage. A lot of people do 120 miles a day. What are you going to do, stop and charge for two hours . What will convince him . Well, bristol was one of several places trialling different schemes to encourage cleaner, greener motoring, like the Charging Points that have been installed at locations across the city. Melanie loves her electric carand is the city. Melanie loves her electric car and is convinced that this is the future, so much so that she is building a business around them. But what about the practicalities . Wouldnt the streets before the ca bles wouldnt the streets before the cables if everyone had tojudge wouldnt the streets before the cables if everyone had to judge a vehicle at home . Well, there are some Interesting Solutions for that. My some Interesting Solutions for that. My favourite one is lamp post charging. A few companies have developed a charger which fits into a standard lamp post am so they can be installed on the street. You dont need a driveway. So the government may have decided on our destination, but how we get to cleaner air destination, but how we get to cleanerairand destination, but how we get to cleaner air and how much that journey costs us tonight seems less straightforward. Jon kay, bbc news, bristol. With me now is our science editor David Shukman. 2040 seems a long way off, but how Big A Challenge will it be to get the country ready for the big switch . It is a massive challenge, and involves a kind of revolution. If you think back to the age of the horse and carriage, the coaching inn is up and down the country had to Supply Horses for the next stage of someones journey. They then Supply Horses for the next stage of someonesjourney. They then had Supply Horses for the next stage of someones journey. They then had to switch to supplying petrol. Now they will have to switch to supplying Charging Points so that electric motorists can get to the next stage of their trip. There are 8000 Petrol Stations up and down the country. This is a massive challenge. We have heard concerns about the range of electric cars. That means that if you buy one, you will want your office to have a charging point, and your supermarket and airports and railway station. And if you live in a terraced house, we have heard one suggestion for how you might sort out that problem of running a cable across the pavement. That is a real issue to be sorted. The other big question is public attitudes. The Insurance Company aviva asked 2000 motorists what they would buy next. 0nly Motorists what they would buy next. Only one in eight said they would buy a hybrid or an electric car. Most would buy petrol, some would even buy a diesel. They were asked why. The biggest reason was the price of electric cars, and then that question of the limited range. So asjon kay said, we are on a journey. The government has set the destination, but this will not happen overnight. David, many thanks. The parents of the terminally ill baby boy charlie gard have given up their fight to take him home to die. At the high court, lawyers accepted that he should be transferred to a hospice. But theres still no agreement on when the 11 month olds life support should be withdrawn. Our medical correspondent fergus walsh is at the high court. What is the latest Sticking Point . It is that the family wants charlie transferred to a hospice and for a private medical team to take over his care so that they can have a period of days with him, a period of reflection to build memories with him before his ventilator is switched off. They say that some nurses at great 0rmond Street Caring For Charlie Have volunteered to do that and that they have a private gp. Hospices are not set up to take children on ventilators for long periods. They havent found a hospice willing to take him, and although they have a private gp, they havent been able to find a paediatric Intensive Care Consultant and they have appealed tonight for one to come forward overnight. Great 0rmond street have said that waiting here was causing stress for the family and for the staff, and they would like to see charlie transferred to a hospice no later than friday. So thejudge ordered that if they cant come to an agreement by noon tomorrow, charlie should be transferred to a hospice and Palliative Care should begin and his Breathing Tube should be withdrawn shortly thereafter. He said it is now three and a half months since he ruled that charlie should be allowed to die with dignity. He was conscious that charlie may be suffering and that this process should now come to an end. Fergus walsh at the high court. The owner of sports direct, mike ashley, has won his legal battle with an Investment Banker over an alleged £15 million deal made in a london pub. Mr ashley told the high court he couldnt remember details of the conversation as it was a night of heavy drinking, and denied he promised the banker the money if he doubled the companys share price. Thejudge said no one at the pub would have thought any offer mr ashley made was serious. The Supreme Court has ruled that charging people to bring cases before Employment Tribunals is unlawful. The government introduced the fees of up to £1,200 four years ago. Now it must repay £32 million to claimants. The trade union, unison, had argued that the charges prevented workers getting access to justice. 0ur Legal Affairs correspondent Clive Coleman reports. A massive victory for unison at the highest court in the land. Workers fees for bringing claims to Employment Tribunal s gone. From builders to bankers, teachers two police officers, workers can bring tribunal claims for everything from Unfair Dismissal and pay disputes to discrimination. Issuing a claim and having a trial was free until four yea rs having a trial was free until four years ago, when to try and deter wea k years ago, when to try and deter weak cases, the Coalition Government introduced fees of up to £1200, and that was before you paid a lawyer a penny. That left this career taking his employer to task over his Employment Status with the fee he couldnt pay. He is still working for them and they are defending the claim. He could only pay to bring it with the help of his union. Most people working in this industry are living on the paycheque, basically. So its really hard to take from your pocket for something that you dont even know when it will end. In march, unison argued that Tribunal Fees would discourage true and denied workers access to justice. The court has now agreed. Todays ruling is huge. It means that not only the order which introduced Tribunal Fees back in 2013 is quashed, it also means that everyone who paid those fees, and that is a sum amounting to some £32 million, will now get their money back. After a four year legal struggle, unison we re a four year legal struggle, unison were delighted. We knew from day one that this was notjust unlawful, it was immoral that low paid workers should be put in this position. Faced with a damning assessment of the fees, the government responded swiftly. We respect the judgment. The fees, the government responded swiftly. We respect thejudgment. We will take it fully on board and we are going to comply with it. Already, we are taking action today. Tribunal charges stopped today, making claims by workers like ronnie a good deal more affordable. Clive coleman, bbc news. Our top story this evening diesel and petrol cars will be banned from 2040 as the government tries to tackle pollution. And still to come. Donald trumps Tra Nsgender Ban in the military. Coming up in sportsday on bbc news. Ross barkleys career at everton is over. The midfielder has turned down a new contract with the club. More than 10,000 people in the south of france, including many british tourists, have been forced to leave their homes and campsites overnight, to escape rapidly spreading wildfires. Many had to spend the night in sports halls and other public buildings, while some have taken refuge on beaches. Efforts to contain the fires continue, with Aircraft Dumping sea water onto burning hillsides. 0ur correspondent Duncan Kennedy is in Bormes Les Mimosas in the countrys provence region. This hill behind me has been one of those this afternoon that has been burning, smoking all afternoon. It is one of a number we have seen around this area, we have seen flames, smoke and also wave after wave of these aircraft coming through, dumping their fire reta rda nt through, dumping their Fire Retardant material onto hills like this, only to see the flames shoot up this, only to see the flames shoot up behind them. Sometimes they are successful, sometimes they are not. 10,000 people caught up in this, many hundreds, and thousands of them british Holiday Makers. And for them, it has been a terrifying start to their summer season. The ranging power of the fires was at its most terrifying during the night. This was Bormes Les Mimosas, west of st tropez, where hillsides were engulfed by the burning shrubs and trees. For hours, it swept across the countryside in an unstoppable curtain of flames. Thousands of people, including british tourists were forced out of campsites and other homes. At around midnight we were then woken up. Ijust looked up and 180 degrees of my vision was like a raging inferno. It was in the sky, it was amazing and a very, very scary sight to see. The sheer force of the fires were caught by Holiday Makers on their phones. Strong winds gave them an Unstoppable Energy and many burned throughout the night. Even the 4000 firefighters and soldiers sent in, couldnt get control when faced with this. The fires lead to a huge evacuation of 10,000 people, many from campsites like this one. They were told to spend the night on nearby beaches, out in the open. The morning brought no letup in the fires. Some tourists were far enough away to continue their holiday, but the lushness of their scenery now replaced by a menacing inferno. In other places, all that was left was a vast, scorched landscape. An area decimated across 15 square miles. Translation we beat out the flames with shovels. We did all we could until the fire was put out. We contained it until the firemen came. Theres fire everywhere. 19 aircraft, including ten Water Bombers have been brought in. But the french authorities are asking other european governments for technical help. These fires have been burning for two days now and we are seeing fires on hills all around this area, we are also seeing aircraft, Helicopters Ladened with water, trying to put them out, but at the moment they dont seem to be able to bring them under control. Temperatures here are in the 30s. Its sunny and the wind showed no sign of letting up. A combustible, deadly mixture that will continue to threaten this area. Duncan kennedy, bbc news, in southern france. The funeral of the youngest victim of the Manchester Arena bombing two months ago has taken place today at the citys cathedral. Saffie roussos was eight years old and had been given a ticket to the Ariana Grande concert as a christmas present. She was at the show with her mother, who was seriously injured in the attack. Judith moritz reports from Manchester Cathedral. Lisa roos asked is still recovering from the bomb which killed her daughter. She left her hospital bed to be with herfamily daughter. She left her hospital bed to be with her family to say a final goodbye to saffy is. The eight year old was carried into Manchester Cathedral by her father, andrew. Honoured to be her dad. Honoured. She was a superstar in the making. To become something in life, you need to have that something, that spark, that. Charisma, but something. Saffie had back, she truly have that. Saffie roussos loved performing. Her dream was to be famous like her idol, Ariana Grande. The irony of this concert is the concert was a wonderful experience but saffie. She knew every song, sang every word and dance. Her cheeky grin and happy nature is what her friends remember most about her. She played almost every day with her best friend lily, who still cannot believe that saffie has gone. Sometimes i think, i dont know how this happened, i wish he was still with me. I dont know how to feel. But i am going to think she is always with me, she is always at my shoulder, always playing together. She is always going to be with me. Vieirinha explosion happened just yards from this cathedral, hundreds brought roses the saputo s, remembering the youngest of 22 lives lost that night. President trump says transgender people are to be banned from serving in the armed forces, reversing the policy of barack 0bama. Mr trump said hed reached the decision after consulting generals and military experts. Jon sopel is at the white house. How surprisingly is this announcement . The Defence Secretary said a few months ago there would be a review of this policy, but the timing has come completely out of the blue. No one was expecting it. We rang the pentagon expecting a comment, and theyre referred everybody back to the white house. Donald trump also announced it on twitter. Where else . Saint armed forces cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. He has also said transgender personnel will not be able to serve in any capacity. There are already a few thousand serving in the us military at the moment. To the question, what happens to them now . There is no answer. It doesnt sound like the policy has been formulated. A Gay Republican Group said this is politics, pure and simple, nothing else to this. It seems this is a policy that is designed to appeal to Donald Trumps conservative belts. This is a manifestation of what is known as the culture wars that has gay it affected abortion, gun law, gay rights and today it is transgender armed forces personnel. Many thanks. The british economy grew byjust 0. 3 between april and june, according to the office for national statistics. The figure was driven by good Retail Figures and a booming film industry, but this is the economys weakest six month period for five years. Our Business Correspondent Simon Gompertz has the details. Everything we make, all our building, all the services provided, the total is still going up, but at a much reduced pace. Construction had the toughest three months. All the truss roofs. This buckinghamshire House Building firm says higher prices and uncertainty about brexit are making Customers Put off decisions. Weve been given orders forjobs and at the last minute, the clients have pulled them away from us. Due to concerns over the market. While growth of Gross Domestic Product or gdp each quarter was strong for most of last year, its fallen back this year so the uk is lagging behind the fastest moving big economies. If we are struggling to push up production at a robust pace, then thats a worry because it puts a question over whether we can carry on creating newjobs and what sort of pay rises we can look forward to. The faltering Building Trade has a wider impact. Including on Service Businesses like the architect behind the same project, Services Like shops and restaurants have kept the economy growing, but here, there is concern. Its definitely not a crisis, because we are still busy on projects, weve still got lots of work on. Its just there is a slight levelling off from what has been a really quite productive last two or three years. Labour is calling for better pay rises and investment. The chancellor, with technology trainees today, countered that the government is investing in skills and infrastructure, but he adds promising a brexit transition period would kick start the economy. The transition period and interim structure with the European Union would give businesses and consumers that degree of certainty. And i think that would be a way of strengthening Economic Growth later in the year and into next year. 0ne Bright Spot is a jump in film production, like the upcoming star wars, partly filmed in the uk. So far this year though, the economy isnt turning out to be the blockbuster wed all like to see. Simon gompertz, bbc news. Great britains adam peaty has won his second gold medal in the world swimming championships. He won the 50 Metre Breastroke and just missed out on breaking his own world record. Our sports correspondent, jo wilson reports. When adam peaty swims, he has britains swimming with him, but he has won super fan. His grand britains swimming with him, but he has won superfan. His grand in uttoxeter. The World Championships in budapest, she has travelled in person. To be here at this time, it meant the world to me. It is very touching. I couldnt go and see him in rio, but as i say, this has made up in rio, but as i say, this has made upfor in rio, but as i say, this has made up for everything and i am so pleased i have come. It is 20 years since i have flown. But it was well worth it. After two world record tuesday, was it too much to expect more from adam peaty today . There has been extensive attention on the muscle of the man, but so much rests on the technicality of peatys swim, he makes the Old Fashioned breaststroke more active, efficient and more urgent. Yesterday he did 50 metres in 29. 5 seconds. That is what he was chasing again, as well as winning the race, of course. Just outside his own world record. Dont there be disappointed. As peaty prepared for the railway, experts marvelled. We have seen, he has the top ten times in history. They are all adam peaty and it willjust keep getting quicker and just be his name because no one is even close to him. 50 and 102 world champion, just 22,. Joe wilson, bbc news. Time for a look at the weather, heres jay wynne. We saw some sunshine coming through, but also some pretty lively showers. That is what we have at the moment in parts of yorkshire, lincolnshire. Further showers across the north and west of the uk overnight, but these should be fairly dry. 10 degrees in northern scotland. Big picture for tomorrow, looks unsettled, low pressure is in charge with lots of ice bars so it will be windy. Eastern side of scotland should be reasonable. But briggs of rain and showers in Northern Ireland and one two getting into North Western england early on. But the West Midlands and eastern england, it is a reasonable start. Make the most of that because towards the south and west we have cloud and showers. We will see the showers spreading across the uk so just about anywhere could see some rain at some stage through the day. It is a day of sunny spells and showers so there will be bright interludes. We get is 70 degrees in 17 degrees. In evening, showers around but in Northern Ireland and western scotland, something a bit wetter and windy to get you through the evening. Closer this area of low pressure, that is where the rain will be on friday. Further south we have this System Heading in. After a dry start for the southern half of the uk, Rain Spreading infrom dry start for the southern half of the uk, Rain Spreading in from the south and west and some of it will be heavy and further north and looks like getting cloudy with rain at times. Into the weekend it is cool and breezy. Showers around, but not all doom and gloom because there should be some spells of sunshine as well. Thats it, so goodbye from me, but now on bbc one, lets join our news teams where you are. Have a very good evening. This is bbc news. The headlines. All new diesel and petrol cars and vans will be banned in the uk from 2040. The government wants to tackle Air Pollution and

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