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A Delivery Firm tells the bbc it will give its workers sick pay if the government changes the law. A convincing victory forjohanna konta. Coming up on bbc news, the latest on a busy day for the brits on wimbledon sports day. So Farjohanna Konta is the only one through. Good evening and welcome to the bbc news at six. The agonising legal battle over the future of the terminally ill baby charlie gard has taken a new turn in the last hour Great Ormond Street Hospital has applied for a fresh Court Hearing to assess new evidence about possible treatment for him. The courts had ruled that 11 month old charlie be allowed to die rather than receive experimental therapy as his parents desperately want. The hospitals move follows a letterfrom medical experts asking that the decision not to offer baby charlie the treatment be reviewed. Our medical correspondent fergus walsh reports. This little boys life and whether it continues has become the focus of international attention. Charlie gards parents have campaigned to keep him alive. Theyve been in despair Afterfour Courtjudgments backed his doctors, who want to switch off his ventilator to end his suffering. You know, hes our own flesh and blood and we dont have a say in his life. We are not bad parents and we are there for him all the time, completely devoted to him. He isnt in pain and suffering and i promise everyone, i would not sit there and watch my son in pain and suffer. I couldnt do it. The reality is, charlie is terminally ill. He cannot move, see, cry, swallow. He also has serious brain damage and doctors say nothing can help him. But his parents refuse to accept that. Theyve raised £1. 3 million for experimental treatment in the United States, treatment which doctors at the hospital say is futile. But now seven medical experts from rome, new york, cambridge and barcelona have intervened. In a letter to Great Ormond Street Hospital, they accept that the treatment is experimental and ideally should be tested in a mouse model. However, there is insufficient time to perform these studies, so reconsideration of treatment for charlie gard is respectfully advocated, they write. I dont understand it. Euthanasias illegal. Suicides illegal. How is this illegal, when theres a chance . All i want is two to three months. We will know in that time whether this is going to work or not. There is potentialfor him to be a completely normal boy, but we dont know, because you just dont know until you try. It is significant that the letter came from a hospital owned by the vatican. The pope had already offered to transfer charlie to rome, and President Trump has tweeted he would be delighted to help the family. Legally, there is nothing preventing great ormond street from withdrawing life support for charlie gard. Thats been the case for the past 11 days, since the European Court of human rights, like all the uk courts, rejected the parents arguments. But interventions by donald trump, the pope, and now a letter claiming new evidence means that doctors here dont feel they can proceed at present. Charlie has a rare Genetic Disorder of the mitochondria, which causes muscle wasting. It is progressive and has devastating consequences. With a serious mutation like this, the prognosis is very poor. The mitochondria supply the energy, really, for every cell in the body, so the heart, brain, they become blind and they have no muscle tone. Its manifested very early and the outcome is death in infancy. Great ormond street hospitals position has not changed. But its now asking the high court to assess the new evidence and make the final decision about charlies future. With me is our medical correspondent fergus walsh. This has been the most agonising case, just explain for us how things will unfold from here for charlie and his parents. The hospitals position is not changed, they said charlie is almost certainly in pain and the best outcome is to end his suffering but they want to be seen to be exploring every avenue and they are now putting this back in the hands of the high court to explore this new evidence. In this letter it talks about dramatic clinical improvements from unpublished evidence and they are very doubtful about that evidence, they have explored this already but this treatment is a powder that you put in food and all the evidence ive seen has suggested very small improvements of 3 4 in children with mitochondria disorders and it has never been tried on anyone but charlies condition. You heard his mother talking about the chance that he could be a completely normal boy. Experts will say with his structural severe brain damage and the terrible Genetic Disorder he has, that really shows that she is in denial and at some point the pa rents a re in denial and at some point the parents are going to have to let go. Thanks forjoining us. After months of claim and counterclaim, President Trump has had his first face to face meeting with the man accused of trying to rig the us president ial election, russias President Putin. The handshake was cordial and the words polite, and the rest of the encounter took place behind closed doors. The two men are at the g20 meeting of World Leaders in hamburg. Our North America Editorjon Sopel reports from there. Its hard to overstate the significance of this meeting, this handshake. Two men with Nuclear Arsenals who could blow the world to pieces. Two self proclaimed tough guys who like to win. But today at their first face to face meeting, they were the epitome of restraint and respect. Thank you very much, we appreciate it. President putin and i have been discussing various things and i think its going very well. Weve had some very, very good talks. We are going to talk now and that will continue but we look forward to a lot of great, positive things happening for russia, for the United States and for everybody concerned. Its an honour to be with you. Thank you. And for his part, Vladimir Putin said, i am delighted to be able to meet you personally, mr president , and hope, as you have said, our meeting will yield positive results. But theres a cloud did Vladimir Putins interference in the president ial election deliver victory to donald trump . Us Intelligence Agencies have no doubt that russian hacking did take place, and it must have been sanctioned by President Putin and was designed to help the trump campaign. The american president , though, insists he won fair and square. And then there are the policy differences. Trump accused russia of destabilising ukraine and other countries. Putin wants sanctions against russia lifted. Trump wants to work with russia in syria to help defeat so called islamic state, but not while russia is working with the iranians and syrian regime. And then theres the family photo, with President Trump in the strange position of not being centre stage. But forget any headline of, president marginalised, it seemed there was no shortage of leaders wanting to bend his ear. Two big topics one trade, the other, climate change. I was clear to President Trump at how disappointed the uk was that the United States have decided to pull out of the Paris Agreement. And also clear that i hoped they would be able to find a way to come back into the Paris Agreement. Is that possible . I believe it is possible. Were not renegotiating the Paris Agreement that stays but i want to see the United States looking for ways to rejoin. Climate change is one of the many issues of concern to the thousands of protesters seeking to disrupt the summit. Though forget global warming, some were getting a Hamburg Police cool down. Were not entirely clear how effective the umbrellas were. But there have been ugly scenes of vandalism and clashes with police. Such has been a concern over security that the First Lady Melania Trump was ordered to stay put in her guest house and not venture out. Hamburg memorable, then, for who she didnt meet and who he did. The meeting between the men was meant to have lasted 30 minutes but it lasted the best part of two and a half hours and that suggest it was a substantial meeting. Vladimir putin says they discussed ukraine and terrorism and also cyber security, raising the question that the issue of russian interference in the american elections may well have been raised by donald trump. Thanks for joining been raised by donald trump. Thanks forjoining us. The bbc has obtained footage of a meeting last night at which the judge leading the inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire was heckled by residents. As he attempted to reassure locals that he would look into the matter to the very best of his ability, residents said they still lacked confidence in him and his words of reassurance were not good enough. Our Home Affairs Correspondent tom symonds reports. In Court Thejudge is in court the judge is the boss, in Court Thejudge is the boss, but not here. Ifi cant in Court Thejudge is the boss, but not here. If i cant satisfy you because you have a conception of me asa because you have a conception of me as a person, that is up to you. This closed meeting was the second time Sirmartin Closed Meeting was the second time sir Martin Moore Bick had met the people at the centre of the tragedy he has been asked to explain and he is still trying to win their confidence. I give you my word that i will look into this matter to the very best of my ability. And i will find the facts as i see them from the evidence. His officials said he faced a personal hostility, more mistrust of the establishment he is perceived to represent. You dont respect me because you say the government have appointed me to do a hatchet job. Not a hatchet job, you are going to do a tailor report like hillsborough, which was very technical and did not deal with the real issues and it took 30 years for people to be arrested. Im determined to get this right, and for you to say what it should cover. We did, and then it was dismissed by you on television. That clip was a Television Interview last week in which sir Martin Moore Bick would consider wider social issues as part of the inquiry. I can understand why they would want that, but whether my inquiry is the right way in which to achieve that im doubtful. Some have demanded more time to respond to the consultation on the inquirys remit and sources say the judge is not minded to change the dates that will end, currently the 14th ofjuly. The Prime Minister will have the final decision it is hoped by the 20th of july. He is still being criticised amongst some as not right for the job. But others are starting to say he should be allowed to get on with it. These community does not speak with a single voice. This. Everybody is at different places, some people feel this way and some feel that way, and time is needed but time is also of the essence. Sir Martin Moore Bicks legal pedigree is not in doubt but can this cambridge educated judge take the community with him . It is a question which has been asked before, after the murder of Stephen Lawrence in the murder of Stephen Lawrence in the 90s, the government appointed sir William Macpherson as Inquiry Chairand he sir William Macpherson as Inquiry Chair and he published a Landmark Report on racism despite his establishment background. He turned out to be very good indeed. The crucial thing was, he was not a soft touch and we could not undermine his conclusions. 17 years later, the g re nfell tower conclusions. 17 years later, the Grenfell Tower inquiry is expected to begin Hearing Evidence in september. Police have arrested a man in connection with the Manchester Arena bombing. The 19 year old was detained at liverpoolsjohn lennon airport on suspicion of terror offences. Hes the 23rd person to be held in the investigation into the attack back in may which killed 22 people. A 81 year old man has been given a thirteen Year Prison Sentence for sexually assaulting four girls at the Medina Mosque In Cardiff where he taught them the koran. Mohammed sadiq was found guilty of 14 child sex abuse offences the court heard that the abuse was carried out over a ten year period beginning in 1996 as sian lloyd reports. Hiding his face from the cameras, mohammed sadiqs past has finally caught up with him. The children he taught called him uncle as a mark of respect, but he abused his position, sexually assaulting four young girls. It happened inside the Medina Mosque In Cardiff while sadiq was teaching the koran. 0ne victim described how she dreaded going to the mosque, knowing he would single her out. We are protecting her anonymity and her words have been re voiced. I was very quiet as a child and didnt really talk much because i didnt know what to talk about because of what was happening in my life. Itjust kind of took over and i think ijust used to feel down a lot but cover it up. The court heard that sadiq had carried out a gross Breach Of Trust at the mosque. Hed traumatised his victims, touching them sexually under their clothes. Other children were disciplined with a wooden or metal stick if they misbehaved. Following the sentencing, a statement was issued on behalf of the medina mosque. All mosques in wales now have Child Protection policies in place, and teachers and volunteers alike are all vetted and closely monitored. Sadiqs victims told the court theyd found it difficult to talk about the abuse, in part because of their muslim culture and faith. Today, thejudge praised their bravery. Sentencing the 81 year old to 13 years, of which half must be served in prison, judge Stephen Hopkins told mohammed sadiq, you continue to deny your guilt you have no understanding of the harm and humiliation youve caused. Beneath the veneer of respectability, sadiq was described as dark and deviant. He showed his victims no remorse. Sian lloyd, bbc news, Cardiff Crown court. Our top story this evening. The case of the terminally ill baby, charlie gard, is going back to the courts after experts come forward with evidence about possible treatment. And still to come the little boy suffering from cancer who stole the heart of his Football Idol has died. From sort of, like, the first moment i met him, coming up in Wimbledon Sportsday on bbc news all the action from the All England Club, plus will have the latest for you from day 2 of englands test against south africa at lords. Its a growing trend here and Around The World working in whats known as the gig economy where people earn money as and when they do a job and dont have fixed hours or benefits like sick pay and Holiday Entitlements. Its estimated that a Million People work in the gig economy in the uk or 3 of the total workforce. Some say it offers flexibility for workers but others call It Exploitation with little protection. Today, the boss of one of the most high profile firms, deliveroo, says he wants to start giving his delivery riders sick pay but only if the law is changed. He was speaking exclusively to our economics editor kamal ahmed. It is about doing the right thing, dont get me wrong. The founder of deliveroo with a pep talk for staff. He wants to change the company, offer more benefits to riders and move on from the controversies that have stalked the business of on demand delivery. I met will shu at the firms new and pretty cool london hq to hear the case for fundamental reform of the gig economy. Deliveroo riders want three things they want flexibility, high wages and security. Currently, we can only offer two out of three. The law needs to change to reflect modern working practices. Do your profits depend on the fact that you dont guarantee them minimum wage, you dont Pay National Insurance for your riders, you dont pay pensions contributions, you dont pay Holiday Entitlement . Not at all, the Self Employment is in order to maintain the flexibility that the riders want. The ability to log in and out, the ability to work for multiple providers. And as i said before, on average in the uk, our riders already earn up to £10 an hour which i said, is a third higher than the National Living wage. From the riders, a clear message yes, deliveroo can be a Good Employer but things can also go wrong. This man has worked for the firm for 18 months. Working for deliveroo is great, until things go wrong. I had an accident in which i injured my knee. I needed at least three weeks off, i had to come back to work before i was ready because there is no protection, no sick pay, no holiday pay. Deliveroo said they want to put an end to such problems but, for critics, this story is only too common. For too many people working in the gig economy, they find that the market is rigged against them. They lose out on basic protections in the workplace, be it the national minimun wage, holiday pay and Family Friendly rights. There are plenty of people who have done pretty well out of the new world of work and i think to an extent, deliveroo today were getting their retaliation in first. Why . I understand next week a major Government Review into the on demand economy will leave Companies Like deliveroo, Companies Like uber with a stark choice if you want to continue working the way you are, then benefits, National Insurance contributions will be the price you have to pay. The review will praise many aspects of the gig economy, flexibility for workers could surface for consumers, a boost for the economy, but a sting in the tail for these new digital firms. Reform to ensure nobody is being exploited. And good service for consumers. A schoolgirl died after a minibus carrying pupils collided with a lorry in birmingham. The 14 year old victim, from John Taylor High School in staffordshire, was on a field trip when the bus crashed on the a38. Another pupil was taken to hospital with minor injuries. A six year old boy who captured hearts the world over as he endured gruelling treatment for cancer has died. Bradley lowery struck up a particularly close friendship with his hero England Forward Jermain Defoe who said, bradley will be in my heart for the rest of my life. Danny savage has more. Bradley lowery achieved a great deal in his short life. Often at his side in those special moments was sunderland strikerJermain Defoe. Each described the other as best friends. Bradley loved sunderland and the club and especially Jermain Defoe loved him back. Its been hard. Ive just kept this in for so long. The footballer broke down yesterday at his new Club Bournemouth when asked about the little boy he called brads. From sort of, like, the first moment i met him, i just couldnt believe that he was the young kid that was ill. Because he sort of run over to me. And i think, from that moment, he was just, like, just that instant connection. I was with him a few days ago and it was tough to see him suffer like that. He will always be in my heart. You know, for the rest of my life. Because his loves genuine and i can see it in his eyes when he looks at me. Bradley had neuroblastoma, a rare type of cancer that mostly affects young children. Please sponsor me. Get me better. But it didnt stop him achieving his dreams, like scoring a goal for sunderland, against chelseas keeper. It was even voted match of the days goal of the month. Because its joint goal of the month, weve put the graphics on it. He gives Asmir Begovic the eyes. Begovic goes that way and bradley goes straight down the middle. And his last Birthday Party was a big one. Ijust see him as my little boy. Im biased, so i think hes special. But maybe because hes smiley and hes got a fantastic personality. And everyone just kind of took to him. In recent days, as his condition got worse, his mum posted this picture of bradley and his big brother. This afternoon his parents announced he had died. Calling him their little superhero. They said, sleep tight, baby boy and fly high with them angels. Bradley lowery, the little boy whose Football Club took him to their heart. Danny savage, bbc news. A short but for life. House prices in the uk fell 1 injune, the largest monthly fall since january thats according to the halifax. Their figures also show annual House Price Growth increasing at the lowest rate for fouryears, up 2. 6 . The average price of a house or flat isjust over £218,000. Its been a big day for home fans at the All England Club today. Four british players on court in the third round at wimbledon for the first time in 20 years. But did they all get through . 0ur sports correspondent, joe wilson, is at wimbledon now. How did they get on . Well, mixed, as you will see. The grass is suddenly wearing thin but oui grass is suddenly wearing thin but our interest is being sustained. Its not just about our interest is being sustained. Its notjust about british players, with a gripping victory for Rafa Nadaljust now, with a gripping victory for rafa nadal just now, but with a gripping victory for Rafa Nadaljust now, but those of us with decent wimbledon memories know that a day like this is unusual. The problem with friday at wimbledon, where to look. British players, two there, one there and one there, too. Choose your path. It was so one there, too. Choose your path. It was so much simpler when they all lost in the first round. Starting on centre court with heather watson, near the camera, trying to reach the second week of a grand slam for the first time. Well done, said her mum. Watsons opponents, victoria azarenka, that a baby only in december and wanted to be back to her best on court right now, fiercely determined. Second set to azarenka, 6 1. The third set was a gripping sequence of breaking and breaking back, lasting nearly an hour. Watson had her chances. Frustrated, absolutely. She was warned about taking too long to serve. Later she tried to challenge a call and the umpire didnt see. But azarenka had too much. 6 4 in the third. Shes back. You might have to look for her in the programme, but shes back. On court number two, bedene lost in straight sets against gilles muller, the 16th seed. Court number one is being remodelled, a roof to protect players from the rain or the grass from the sun. Play continues, and little in tennis is constructed with as much progression as Thejohanna Konta served. As much precision. Maria sakkari of greece was trying to compete with her power, which isnt easy for anybody. 6 4 in the first, 6 1 in the second johanna konta, enthusiasm from the crowd matched with commitment on court. The support is amazing, and to see such a packed stadium its truly humbling. Its what we all dream of. And so, the iceman, hip maintained by freezing barbs, andy murray strode onto court. He is playing fabio fognini, who he has had mixed results with in the past. It is 1 1 at the moment, going with the serve, so lets predict another british victory. Lets hope so. Time for a look at the weather. Heres sarah keith lucas. Quite a fine weekend for many of us with some warm sunshine. This is a scene from this afternoon from stirling in central scotland. A return to the Sunnier Skies in the second half of the afternoon, but quite a lot of cloud generally across northern and western parts but, towards the south and south east, the lions share of the sky and sunshine. Into the evening, still quite a lot of cloud filter in further south, with Northern England and parts of wales having the odd patch of drizzly rain. South of that, mainly dry, and further north, the north of this cold front, we are introducing fresh conditions. 0vernight Temperature is in scotland and Northern Ireland, down to ii or 12. Further south, muddy and Northern Ireland, down to ii or i2. Furthersouth, muddy and humid tonight again with lows of 17 or 12. Furthersouth, muddy and humid tonight again with lows of 17 or 18. Through the day tomorrow, a largely fine day. A bit more cloud in england and wales, but to reverse today, more sunshine for the north and scotland. Perhaps some rain in the far north west towards the end of the day and the odd light shower for wales and the south west of england. Temperatures in the south is not as warm as today but warmer further north compared to this afternoon. Into the second half of the weekend, this Weather Front will produce some patchy rain across parts of Northern Ireland and scotland, especially later in the day. Much of england and wales starting dry and bright. Later into the afternoon, we could see a few heavy showers in central and eastern parts of england with perhaps the odd rumble of thunder, and some rain continuing across Northern Ireland and western scotland. Not a wash out, with temperatures containing 16 or 17. A reminder of our main story the case of terminally ill baby charlie gard is going back to court on monday after experts came forward with new evidence about a possible treatment. So its goodbye from me and on bbc one we nowjoin the bbcs news teams where you are. Mrs bbc news. The headlines this evening. Donald trump and Vladimir Putin have finished the First Official meeting at the g20 summit in hamburger. It is reported they spoke for nearly two and a half hours on issues including syria, ukraine and cyber security. Great 0rmond ukraine and cyber security. Great ormond street hospital has applied to the high court for a fresh hearing in the case of terminally ill baby charlie gard. In a statement they cited new evidence relating to potential treatment for his condition. A man has been arrested in connection with the investigation into the Manchester Arena bombing. The judge investigation into the Manchester Arena bombing. Thejudge in charge of the Grenfell Tower inquiry is forced to defend himself against angry residents. In that itll time for sports day from wimbledon. A look at what is coming up on bbc news. Well be getting the latest

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