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Detectives say it could be a Significant Development. Prince william travels to manchester to meet some of the Police Officers who were first on the scene after the Suicide Bombing that left 22 dead. And this is the man who will be irelands new Prime Minister . The son of an indian immigrant, leo varadkar will become the first openly gay taoiseach. And coming up on bbc news as thousands of fans descend on cardiff ahead of tomorrows Champions League final uefa president Aleksander Chefereen insists it will be safe. Good evening from york where later this evening theresa may and Jeremy Corbyn will take part in the bbc Question Time leaders special. The audience, as we can tell, are already here. About 150 of them drawn from every part of the uk, representing different strands of public and political opinion. The event begins in 2. 5 hours time, at 8 30pm, and chaired by David Dimbleby. And it takes place less than 2a hours after Donald Trumps decision to take america out of the paris climate treaty. Mrs may has been accused by opponents of a pathetic response, given her refusal to back a strongly worded response from france and germany. The Prime Minister said she was disappointed by the president s decision, which he said had been dictated by economic factors. Jeremy corbyn said the decision was reckless and dangerous. 0ur deputy Political Editor john pienaar has more details. Putting america first, its his slogan. But there is outrage Donald Trumps decision to pull out of the International Treaty signed in paris and tackle Climate Change. I was elected to represent the citizens of pittsburgh, not paris. The backlash has been strong, not just on his doorstep. It has gone global. World leaders are united against him and it spilled into britains General Election. Theresa may, like many leaders, sees Global Warming as a threat to future generations. 0ut campaigning today, she explained she told President Trump by phone of her disappointment. She has also defended her decision not tojoin european leaders in signing a statement condemning him. I made the uks position clear to President Trump last week at the g7 meeting, as did the other g7 leaders, and i made the uks position clear to President Trump last night. Canada and japan have not signed that letter, neither has the uk, but we all have the same view that we remain committed to the Paris Agreement. That was more than enough cause forJeremy Corbyn, also out in york today, to hit out hard. Donald trumps decision to pull the United States out of the paris Climate Change deal is reckless and dangerous. And to depict the Prime Minister too weak to stand up to americas leader. She has instead opted for silence and once again subservience to donald trump. It is a dereliction of both her duty to this country and our duty to our planet. What could you do as a british Prime Minister to materially change what President Trump has done . Would i meet and host donald trump in Downing Street . Yes. Would i talk to him . Yes. Would i be polite . Absolutely. I would even offer him some yorkshire tea the paris treaty committed nations to work to cut emissions that cause Climate Change. It was seen by signatories, then including america as a breakthrough. Politicians from china to europe are in step and against the us president. World leaders are speaking out strongly. Translation the decision from the us to withdraw from the Un Climate Accord is very regrettable in dim thematic terms. In diplomatic terms. The Paris Agreement is a cornerstone among the nations of this world. This agreement is indispensable. After the announcement of the us administration, we have to look towards the future. The us decision cant and wont stop all those of us who feel obliged to protect this planet. Here, the spat translated to wrangling between parties on either side of the divide opened by the us president. Unlike almost every other western world leader including theresa may, he sticks to what he promises he would do. It is called democracy. Donald trump needs to be condemned in the strongest possible terms for this reckless and frankly economically illiterate decision. The set is nearly ready for the two contenders to head a freshly elected government after next thursday to make their case to the country. Climate change is obviously a huge issue, though the environment has never been the top priority of most voters at election time. Theresa may and Jeremy Corbyns rival claims to lead britain will be tested here on the set of the bbcs Question Time leaders special programme tonight in front of a live audience. Theresa may will be hoping that her credit with voters remains strong, after what has been an occasionally faltering campaign. It isJeremy Corbyns opportunity to gain ground. A lot of people make up their minds in the final week of the campaign. Week of a campaign. A point scored or lost here later tonight might, just might, make a difference. John pienaar, bbc news, york. Lets stay with the response to President Trumps decision. 0ur Science Editor David Shukman is at the thames barrier, one of the largest Flood Barriers in the world. David, tell us about the Science Community and what they have said today . Yes, i am at the thames barrier, the great structure that keeps london safe from flooding. The concern here is that bit by bit, year by year, the level of the sea is rising because of Global Warming. It is one of many reasons why scientists here in britain and around the world are so worried about what donald trump has done. They point to decades of research, all suggesting that in future rising temperatures will increase the risks earth damaging weather events. Number droughts, severe heat waves and rising seas. So where does that leave us . Nobody says that the Paris Agreement is the answer to everything but say it is the Start Ofa Everything but say it is the start of a pathway, a Journey Towards the objective of sorting out the problem. Without america, that is clearly going to be very much harder and will take a great deal longer. David, thank you very much. David shukman with his thoughts at the thames barrier. Earlier today, as mrs may and mr corbyn were making their final preparations for tonights event here at the University Of Yorked. Came news that the conservative candidate in south thanet in kent, Craig Mackinlay, along with two Party Workers , have been charged for allegedly filing false expenses , during the last Election Campaign , two years ago. The conservatives say they believe the allegations are unfounded. Our Home Affairs Correspondent Daniel Sandford is in the constituency with the latest. Yes, the people of ramsgate and the other Kent Seaside Towns that make up other Kent Seaside Towns that make up the constituency of south thanet find themselves in an extraordinary position tonight. 0ne find themselves in an extraordinary position tonight. One of the main candidates is now facing criminal charges for allegedly breaking the rules in the previous campaign. In the 2015 General Election, the voters of south thanet were deluged by conservative campaigners, desperate to keep the seat from nigel farage. Their candidate posed with every member of the front bench that he could find. Craig mackinlay. The tories won, just. But today, Craig Mackinlay was charged with filing false expenses for the campaign. So was his agent, nathan gray, and senior campaigner marion little, 0be, has been charged with aiding and abetting them. This was the moment this morning when nigel farage heard the news. You are joking . My good lord. Right, that is big news. Thank you. Craig mackinlay has just been charged. 0nce big news. Thank you. Craig mackinlay has just been charged. Once again it is bad judgment from theresa may. Why on earth would you allow someone to go ahead as a General Election candidate with this cloud that was clearly hanging over him . At the heart of the case is the thousands of pounds the conservatives spent on hotels, like the royal harbour in ramsgate. This was paid for by the National Party but a Police Investigation as to whether they should have been on Craig Mackinlays individual Election Costs has now led to these criminal charges. The conservative Party Continues to believe that these allegations are unfounded. Craig mackinlay is innocent until Proven Guilty and remains our candidate. In a statement, Craig Mackinlay said. He will continue to campaign to be re elected, though just being charged does not disqualify you from becoming an mp. His First Court Appearance is in july. Daniel sandford, bbc news, ramsgate. Here at the University Of York Laura Kuenssberg joins me. Looking forward to Question Time this evening, a range of subjects could come up. The trump issue on climate is one of them . That may well be raised, there has been a sharp attack from labour on theresa may already today in expressing disappointment in a phone call to the president rather than taking the firm public stand and joining in the anger on display from other world leaders. Its not really been an issue in the campaign but it isa been an issue in the campaign but it is a subject important to a lot of voters. It feeds into some accusations levelled against theresa may before, about Cosying Up To donald trump right at the start, when she took over as Prime Minister. Seen Holding Hands with him as they left a White House Press conference, and i think it is that which makes her slightly vulnerable on this. These may be things put to the audience tonight. With six days to go, just some thoughts on what each of the leaders has in store tonight in terms of what they need tonight in terms of what they need to do . I think they need to do the same thing. Firstly, they cannot dropa same thing. Firstly, they cannot drop a terrible clanger they are being put on the spot by members of the public, by voters and being seen by millions of voters, including undecided people, who have not made their minds up yet. The first goal is not to get through unscathed, get through looking confident and assured. Therefore, trying to send out a strong message to the public that they are, in different ways, ready for thejob. 0f that they are, in different ways, ready for the job. Of course, particularly forJeremy Corbyn who despite the more buoyant mood in the labour camps, for him and for theresa may, the ideal scenario is to put through a stellar performance that lifts the perception beyond where it currently lies. The stakes are high for both of them which is why they have been squirrelled away prepping with their teams for most of the day. Thank you. That is on at 8 30pm on bbc one, David Dimbleby will be chairing that Question Time special, the audience is settling in with a little over two hours to go. Looking forward to an Interesting Exchange when that happens. With that, from york, lets get back to the studio. Studio thank you. Police in manchester have sent a bomb Disposal Unit into a street near the University Campus after finding a car they say could prove to be a Significant Development in the investigation into the manchester bombing. Detectives are still trying to trace the Movements Of Salman Abedi before he carried out the attack at manchester arena, killing 22 people. Today, Prince William visited the city to meet some of the injured and the Police Officers who were first on the scene. Our Home Affairs Correspondent june kelly reports. A Significant Development in this terrorist investigation. It could be, say the police. This afternoon, the bomb squad were back in an area of South Manchester which has become a key location for detectives. Salman abedi is said to have been here. Parked close to these trees is a white nissan micra, left here. Today, the car became a focus for police. A chord and went up, and people, including a lot of students, had to leave their homes. A police cordon. This morning, police came rushing in, evacuating us from the house, telling us there was a bomb scare. It was overwhelming. I have exams in two days. I have left everything in their. It is affecting my studies in a way. In the last couple of weeks, residents here have grown used to the police tape and offices outside of their doors. Detectives are trying to plot Salman Abedis last days as he finalised his plan to kill and injure scores of concertgoers. New images of him have been released, as he moved around his home town, often with his blue suitcase, knowing that he was 0011 blue suitcase, knowing that he was soon going to die. There is still a feeling of fullness in the city as it welcomes high profile visitors. Today, the duke of cambridge met a police officer, michael buckley, who was off duty and tended to the injure was off duty and tended to the injure injured while he tried to find his own daughter. William said it was horrendous, and away from the cameras, he made a private visit to see some of the injured. Manchester is now preparing for this weekends benefit concert, where there will be stringent security. The appeal is firstly to not drive here. Use the facilities that we have put on for free. Secondly, do not bring a bag. If you can avoid it, do not bring a bag as it will slow procedures down. A massive Security Challenge for police on sunday and a poignant return for many concertgoers. And a reminder this afternoon of all that has been lost, with the announcement that the inquest on the victims will open one week today. June kelly, bbc news, manchester. Our top story this evening final preparations are under way as theresa may and Jeremy Corbyn prepare to face a Question Time audience tonight. And still to come. Why leading surgeons are warning that more and more patients will have to wait for an operation for long periods in pain and discomfort. Coming up in Sportsday On Bbc News nine time champion rafael nadal had no trouble moving into the fourth round of the french open with a straight sets win over nikoloz basilashvili. In the last few minutes its just been announced that leo varadkar the son of an indian immigrant and irelands first openly gay minister has been voted in as the new leader of fine gael the Biggest Party in irelands ruling coalition. It means he will replace enda kenny as taoiseach in the coming weeks. 0ur ireland correspondent Chris Buckler is in dublin. There are several stages of counts which have to take face in this election for the new fine gael leadership. However, the first count is in and we are expecting the final one to be announced in the next matter of minutes. They believe they can re energise them and supporters say he is a very modern taoiseach for a very modern ireland. Leo varadkars name has long been linked with leadership of ireland. Two years ago he came out as gay, ahead of a referendum on the introduction of Same Sex Marriage in ireland. And he celebrated the yes vote on stage. A moment for him both personally and politically. It was a sign of change in what many still call catholic ireland. Vadakars father was an indian immigrant, a doctor who married an irish nurse, and he made his name in the difficult position of health minister. Many of you knocking on doors in the local elections had to trip over water meters to knock on doors to explain why the government had taken a medical card away from their disabled child. That will never happen under my leadership of fine gael. But becoming taoiseach brings new challenges. Irelands economy may have emerged from the time of bank crises and bailouts, however, it is preparing for brexit, and with the uk a deeply important trading partner, the terms of a deal are vital. As taoiseach, enda kenny worked to be seen as a friend to the british government, on the eu side of the negotiation table. But a Prime Minister of a different generation has been selected to lead ireland into the talks. The first taoiseach to be gay and from an ethnic minority background. British airways says its changing its advice to passengers seeking expenses for last weekends disruption after an online form told them to claim on their Travel Insurance in the first instance. The company altered its stance after a complaint from the association of british insurers. Some 75,000 passengers were stranded by the it shutdown following a power surge on saturday. At least seven people have been killed in the afghan capital, kabul during clashes between riot police and protesters. Its the second day of demonstrations in the city with people protesting about deteriorating security. More than 90 people died and hundreds were wounded in a Suicide Bombing on wednesday. Leading surgeons say the number of patients waiting more than six months for treatment in england has nearly tripled over the last four years. The Royal College of surgeons is warning that growing numbers of patients will have to wait for long periods in pain and discomfort. 0ur health editor, hugh pym reports. John has been waiting since last year for a back operation. Hisjob requires a lot of driving and he sometimes has to stay off work. Seven weeks ago, he told us how stressful it was. I go to bed, im in pain, i wake up, im in pain. But he still hasnt had the operation, and when we caught up with him today, he told us even his consultant was amazed it hadnt happened yet. He said i am now on the urgent list but i was on the urgent list before so i take that with a pinch of salt. The day that i get the notice for my operation, ill be so happy. But at the moment, i have to wait. The target for Waiting Times for routine surgery in england is 18 weeks, but recently, nhs england said that would be downgraded because of other Urgent Health service priorities. The Royal College of surgeons argues this will mean increasing numbers of patients enduring long delays. The college, using nhs england data says around 126,000 people had waited more than 26 weeks for nonurgent treatment in march, up 180 on march 2013, a time when waiting time targets were being hit. The biggest increases were for dermatology, ear, nose and throat and urology patients. The nhs is under mounting pressure. There are increasing numbers of Emergency Cases to be dealt with. Many hospitals are struggling to find enough beds for patients needing nonurgent surgery. Nhs england said the number of patients waiting more than a year for treatment had fallen, and spending on routine surgery was going up. But the Royal College of surgeons argues more money is needed and none of the Political Parties had set out clear plans at a deal of the Political Parties had set out clear plans to deal with rising Waiting Times. More on the election now and this time the view from the Isle Of Sheppey a Seaside Destination tucked away in a corner of kent. It has some of the most deprived areas in the uk. At the last election people there voted conservative but ukip came second. So what will happen this time . As part of a series from around the country our south east Political Editor helen catt has sent this report. Its only a shanty in old shanty town. There are lots of coastal communities, which like the Isle Of Sheppey, have seen hard times, but there arent many which are also so physically isolated. No one knows that better than linda and her husband mick. Public transport here isnt great so she has to rely on a Community Run bus for a day at the shops. Good morning is it ok if i hop on board . This is a lifeline for me. I have Multiple Sclerosis and if i didnt have this id be stuck indoors all the time. When you see our situation, i dont think they understand up at westminsterjust what People Like Us go through at times. Ukip has previously done well in places that feel ignored. Here they came second in the last election. Sheppey has lost a lot since its heyday, its naval dockyard, its steel mill. People are really proud of this area, of its heritage, but also pretty frustrated that they feel it has been forgotten. There is a queen waiting there. As soon nigel farage pulled out, it didnt exist. Ukip is farage. Last time you voted ukip, this time you are leaning towards labour. A lot of people think that people who voted ukip are going to go conservative. Why dont you . Im worry about theresa becoming another maggie thatcher. And think shes the queen. She is not. A few miles away is the Seaside Village of leysdown. We found other ukip voters who arent bothered the party is not standing here this time. They are already switching sides. What made you voted ukip last time . Because i like their policies and i like farage as well. 0n the big election, june the 8th i shall vote conservative. Ukip have set out and done what they set out to do where are they going to go . Whatever the ukip were going to do, the conservatives are doing now. But while its politics might shift, what stays constant is sheppeys sense of community. That is the thing that is nice about the island. We are all in the same boat. We are not wealthy, were not destitute, we justjog along. Although the conservatives are expected to win again here, there are certainly opportunities if any party can show it really understands places like this. A bit of Breaking News for you from dublin. Just to let you know that leo varadkar has won the vote to become the fine gael leader and therefore irelands next Prime Minister. Time now for a look at the weather. In the last few hours, talking about showers, we have had some very nasty downpours, particularly across south Eastern Parts of the uk. Really powerful thunderstorms have been developing with very heavy rain causing some Flash Flooding in places. Across this portion of the country, east anglia and ethics northwards, north london northwoods, we could seek further nasty weather. Takeit we could seek further nasty weather. Take it steady if you are travelling. Through the evening and overnight these storms will die away. A few spits and spots of rain. Western areas of the uk will have clear skies. It will be chilly in the countryside. Here is saturday, looking good for most of us. Lots of sunny spells around. Clear blue skies in places. There will be a sprinkling of showers here and there. Most of them across scotland, Northern Ireland and towards wales and the west. If you have got a barbecue planned, it is not looking bad for tomorrow afternoon and evening. Sunday, a fairly similar day, more showers on the horizon. Some affecting western parts of the uk. Temperatures typically around 17 01 uk. Temperatures typically around 17 or 18 degrees. It is all change for next week. Monday, we could see a pretty nasty area of low pressure heading our way. There could be some very heavy rain and strong winds. For the next few days we have a relatively quiet weekend on the way. Then we are watching for the potential of some very heavy rain and strong winds sometime on monday. A reminder of our main story with less than a week to go before the General Election, theresa may and Jeremy Corbyn prepared to face a Question Time audience. You can watch it on bbc one at 8 30pm. Thats all from the bbc news at six, so its goodbye from me President Trumps decision to take america out of the Paris Climate Accord promotes a row between Party Leaders in the nature of the response of britain. I spoke to President Trump and made it clear that the uk would have wanted the United States to stay within the Paris Agreement and that we continue to support the Paris Agreement. Given the chance to present a united front from our International Partners she has instead opted for silence and once again subservience to donald trump. Conservative candidate in south thanet is charged with expense fraud. Police investigating the manchester bomb attack find a car they say significant to their enquiries. Prince william s travels to manchester to meet Police Officers who were first on the scene in the Suicide Bombing in which 22 people died. And join us for the Question Time Leaders Debate withJeremy Corbyn and theresa may on bbc one and here on the bbc news channel at 830. And just a reminder of the Breaking News from dublin a few moments ago, leo the radtke has been named as the biggest leader. The new Prime Minister taking overfrom biggest leader. The new Prime Minister taking over from ember kenny in the next few weeks. We will have more on the story throughout the evening, now it is time for sports day. Hello and welcome to sportsday im holly hamilton. First tonight, both teams have arrived in cardiff, where real madrid will be hoping for their second consecutive Champions League title as they take on juventus tomorrow night. And im 0llie foster at the principality stadium. We have already heard from juve. More on that coming up. Australias cricketers are in trouble against new zealand in the champions trophy, but on a rain affected day, will the bad weather save them . And in paris, defending french open champion Novak Djokovic was under pressure in his third round match, but could he keep his cool . Also coming up in the programme its flat racings event tomorrow at epsom the derby and we meet one of the favourites, whos looking to achieve something his father frankel never did, by winning the classic. And im with the British And Irish Lions as they prepare to get their gruelling tour of new zealand under way

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