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Beyond simply modelling. Yes a steam train reaches 100mph on britains Mainline Rail Network for the first time in 50 years. And coming up in the sport on bbc news, an historic night for leicester in spain, and a big challenge too they face Atletico Madrid in the first leg of their Champions League quarterfinal. Good evening and welcome to the bbc news at six. In the space ofjust over a year and a half, at least seven babies died during or shortly after birth at one nhs trust in shropshire. And the cluster of deaths was avoidable. Five of the babies died simply because their heart rate wasnt being monitored properly during labour. Their deaths have prompted such concern that the Health Secretary, jeremy hunt, has now ordered a review of the shrewsbury and Telford Hospital trust. But it says its Mortality Levels are in line with the national average. Our correspondent Michael Buchanan has this exclusive report. Basic errors at this trust have caused healthy babies to die. I dont want another mum to feel this. Dad to have to put the lid on his daughters coffin. Promises to learn lessons have not been kept. They were interpreting my heart rate as hers. They missed the opportunity to see that there was any distress. But now a family long denied justice themselves have prompted the Health Secretary to act. How many more babies need to die at this trust before somebody somewhere says, enough is enough, we need now to investigate . Its all ive got left. Bits of hair is not enough. A memory box is all kellyjones has of her twin girls ella and lola. Her daughters were stillborn in 2014. The trust admitted the deaths were avoidable. Theyd failed to spot their heart rates were deteriorating, so the twins suffered fatal brain injuries. That midwife come in crying, saying, oh, im so sorry, im so sorry. Too late. Damage is done. My girls are gone. Hospital staff ignored kellys repeated calls for them to deliver the twins, leaving her now utterly bereft. They had four missed opportunities to deliver my girls. And they didnt. So now i get to spend the rest of my life going, what if, what if, what if . Following the twins deaths, the shrewsbury and Telford Hospital trust promised kelly theyd improved how they monitored babies heart rates during labour. But the mistakes continued. Errors with foetal Heart Monitoring contributed to the deaths of five healthy babies between September 2014 and may 2016, the most recent of which was ivy morris. I never saw her smile. It was just something that she couldnt do. Ivy died last may aged just four months. A brain injury at birth gave her little quality of life. The hospital had mistaken her mothers heartbeat for ivys and failed to spot the baby was in distress. Ive had an apology from the hospital. Ive had assurances that this wont happen again, and i accept those. But otherfamilies have had those assurances and those apologies, and if. If they were followed up in the way that they said that they would, and in the way that theyd assured those families, then i wouldnt be sat here talking to you, and i would have my daughter. Foetal Heart Monitors are commonly used on women in labour to ensure the baby isnt in distress. Mistakes are made, but the repeated errors at the shrewsbury and Telford Trust have prompted the Health Secretary into taking action. Jeremy hunt has ordered a review of deaths and other Maternity Errors a move prompted by the tireless campaigning of one family. Richard and Rhiannon Have fought the trust for years over the avoidable death of their daughter kate. Isabellas big sister died in 2009 following numerous mistakes during labour. After seven years of fighting, their determination eventually got them a full apology. But they say the trust could have avoided more deaths if they hadnt been ignored. They havent just killed my daughter, but they have disregarded the value of her life, her memory,. Her life had value and meaning, because there was so much from it that they could have learned and improved from. The shrewsbury and Telford Trust have promised theyll cooperate fully with the upcoming inquiry. The medical director admitted to me theyd made mistakes. Sadly, there are cases where losses occur. But what families expect when a loss occurs, as an absolute minimum, is that lessons are learned. I would acknowledge that, in the case of foetal heart rate monitoring, weve identified a number of cases where that hasnt been fully implemented and where we have learnt both in terms of human error and in terms of analysis and monitoring. Too many families have been failed by this trust. The upcoming review will hopefully stop such unnecessary heartache. Michael is here now. Just tragic for the families involved who is to blame, though . Well, our reporting cannot pin it on any single individual at all, we found errors by doctors, by midwives, by doctors and midwives not working properly together. It is fairto not working properly together. It is fair to say that it is a cultural problem of the trust going back a number of years, and that is based on an official nhs england commissioned report last year that found there was a lack of Safety Culture at this trust going back to 2009. There was also a Second Review analysing all nhs trusts in england that was published last year. It found that this trust had a poor reporting culture, didnt learn lessons from incidents. In fact, it is one of the worst in england when it comes to that aspect of care. I think the thing to point out is that the reporting today is mainly focused on 2014 16, but you heard a case going back to 2009, and that family told us it would be arrogant of them to assume they were the only avoidable deaths, and that raises the question of what else might have been taking place. The review will been taking place. The review will be too late for too many in shropshire, but all of them say that if it stops other families from suffering the heartache that they have, it will be worthwhile. Michael buchanan, thank you. The us Secretary Of State is holding talks now in moscow with russias President Putin. Rex tillerson is trying to persuade the russians to drop their support for syrias president assad in the wake of last weeks Chemical Attack on a rebel town. 0ur moscow correspondent Steve Rosenberg reports. The Body Language told you everything about the state of us russian relations. Right now, moscow and washington are not the best of friends. No sooner had they sat down than russias foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, Accused America of an illegal attack on syria. Rex tillerson said he was here to talk things through. And to further clarify areas of sharp difference so that we can better understand why these differences exist. Theres been a sharp difference over this. Last week, america launched Cruise Missiles targeting a Syrian Government airbase an act of aggression, said russia. But washington called it an appropriate response to the recent Chemical Weapons attack on syria. America says its certain the Syrian Regime was behind this. Today, President Trump urged russia to drop its support for president assad. Putin is backing a person thats truly an evil person, and i think its very bad for russia, i think its very bad for mankind, its very bad for this world. But President Putin told russian tv there was no evidence the Syrian Government had carried out a Chemical Attack. Moscow has no appetite for regime change. If you dismiss mr assad, its not a solution of syria. It is also a kind of illusion, a western illusion lets change this dictator and we will have a paradise. Americans did it in many places, and we know the results. When Rex Tillerson was an oil executive, he did business with Vladimir Putin toasted deals with him, received an award from him. But convincing the kremlin to abandon president assad is a huge challenge. Rex tillerson may, in the past, have drunk champagne with Vladimir Putin. He may even have got a medalfrom him. But that was business this is geopolitics. The reality is that russia believes it has nothing to gain and a lot to lose from abandoning president assad. And until that changes, its not going to do it. Russia sent its military to syria to keep president assad in power. To moscow, he is the guarantor of russian interests there. The west may call him an evil russia calls him an ally. Steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. Police in germany say theyve detained one suspect, thought to have islamist links, after three explosions hit a bus carrying the Borussia Dortmund Football Team last night. They say theyre treating the incident as a terror attack. The match against monaco is now being played tonight. 0ur Correspondentjenny Hill is in dortmund, where it has just got under way. Jenny. Stringent security here, as youd expect a night, as the match got under way about half an hour ago. Police are still trying to establish who was behind last nights attack, and what the motive might have been. As you heard there, they have made one arrest today, and they are believed to be looking for another man, though prosecutors are refusing to comment on fairly widespread media reports that one of those men was an iraqi national, the other a german citizen. Nevertheless, right 110w german citizen. Nevertheless, right now the focus here at the stadium here in dortmund, germanys largest stadium, is very much on the game. This is how germany defends home ground. Football fans defiant. Last nights attack after all struck at the very heart of the national game. Translation football is stronger than terror. We people are stronger than terror. Our community will not be destroyed. We want our children to enjoy football. This was, police believe, a targeted attack on the Dortmund Team. Three explosive devices packed with metal pins, planted on their route to the stadium. Explosives with a range of 100 metres. Investigators have yet to establish a motive, but they are examining letters found at the scene. Translation three letters were found at the site, they suggest a possible islamist background. Among other things, they demand the withdrawal of german tornadoes from syria and the closure of the ramstein airbase in germany. These letters are being investigated by islamic experts. But in the meantime, there is a match to play. The Dortmund Team arrived tonight without marc bartra, who posted this picture earlier following surgery on his wrist. A policeman was also injured in the attack, though not seriously. Translation we were all appalled yesterday when we heard about the attack on the bus of the players in dortmund. We sincerely wish the injured, the player marc bartra and also the policeman, full recovery. And we all agree that we are dealing here with a disgusting deed. Tonight there is fear, and there are questions, but as dortmund clash against monaco, there is also resolve. That the match is being played at all, is for many here, the real victory. Jenny hill, bbc news, dortmund. Americas first lady, Melania Trump, has accepted damages, reported to be in excess of £2 million, from the publishers of the daily mail, after it printed allegations about her past career. The paper, which has also agreed to print an apology, suggested that work undertaken by mrs trump in the 1990s went beyond simply modelling. Today it accepted that those suggestions were untrue. 0ur Media Correspondent David Sillito reports. My wife melania, who is here right now. Melania trump, first lady of the United States its a position that is always going to attract press attention, but when the daily mail published an article last august making a series of accusations about her past, she called in the lawyers. Today, that process came to a conclusion. And in a Statement Read out in court today, they address the allegations in that article headlined racy photos and troubling questions, in which the daily mail republished allegations that Melania Trump had provided services beyond simply modelling, all of which it now accepts is entirely untrue, defamatory, and for which the daily mail has now apologised unreservedly. The size of the settlement hasnt been made public, but a figure ofjust under 3 million is being widely reported. Its a big figure for a libel claim, but Melania Trump had, at the beginning, been seeking 150 million for what her claim said was the loss of a once in a lifetime opportunity to extend her brand. There was no mention of business or branding todays statement, rather, the allegations strike at the heart of the claimants personal integrity and dignity. The claimant has not acted as alleged. The suggestion that such allegations even merit investigation is deeply offensive and has caused a great deal of upset and distress to the claimant. Melania has been a very soft and easy target for the press. In terms of the criticism levelled against her, and the specific types of allegations that she has suffered from, it really is a kind of lazy sexism. Shes been criticised because people want to attack her husband. In court, the statement on behalf of the daily mail was brief an apology, a retraction, and publicly setting the record straight. David sillito, bbc news. Our top story this evening the Health Secretary orders an investigation, after a cluster of avoidable baby deaths at an nhs trust in england. Still to come, Leicester City prepare to take on Atletico Madrid. Coming up in sportsday on bbc news, double formula one World Champion Fernando Alonso will miss the Monaco Grand Prix next month so he can race in the indy 500, and the spaniard has the full support of his mclaren team. Threats and abuse on social media need to stop, and the likes of facebook and twitter must do more to police what is posted online thats what an mp said today, after a man was sentenced to four months in prison for posting messages on social media, threatening to kill her. Mark sands pleaded guilty to sending the grossly offensive messages on facebook to the eastbourne mp, Caroline Ansell. Shes the latest female mp to be singled out for abuse online, as alex forsyth reports. With a brazen hand gesture, mark sands arrived in court. Never in trouble with police before, now injailfor threatening to kill his local mp. When police found his facebook page, it was full of posts described as hateful and vitriolic, showing entrenched political views. He referred to himself as a trainee murderer. He wrote, end poverty, kill a tory now. And the one for which he was jailed, if you vote to ta ke which he was jailed, if you vote to take my money, al come round your house and presently stabbing to death. That was aimed at Caroline Ansell. She received a call from police last year saying there was a credible threat against her life. Seen it on the front page of your local newspaper, and then seeing it in every cafe in the town, supermarkets and newsagents. It was very powerful. I sat with my 12 year old son and his eyes widened, as youd imagine, as he saw the red that message and saw my photograph alongside the man who had been charged. In her eastbourne constituency come she has had to tighten security, wanting to stay accessible to constituents, but now mindful of the risks. The very nature of an mpsjob, public facing, openly political, means they have always been subject to criticism, not least from local people who may not agree. But in the last few years, there has been a substantial increase in the level of online abuse that has been reported, according to police. The nature of it can be very personal, highly offensive and sometimes threatening and violent. The murder of the Labourmpjo Cox and violent. The murder of the labour mp jo cox last and violent. The murder of the Labour Mpjo Cox Last year has heightened awareness about the potential consequences of public anger towards politicians. Prosecutors say even online threats are taken seriously, and are a growing problem. When you see some of the impact it has on individual to have suffered online abuse, it is quite devastating for their lives. If threats are made, they are concerned for their own safety and others they may work or live with. The threats made to carry a Caroline Ansell or call sinister. While she is not put off politics, she fears unless there is a change in public opinion, others might be. Alex forsyth, bbc news. Customers of the Energy Company edf are facing another price rise the second in just four months. The companys standard variable price for electricity will increase by 9 , and gas will go up by 5. 5 . The Energy Regulator has described the hike as difficult to justify. It follows price rises by other leading energy companies. Leicester citys European Dream continues this evening, as they take on Athletico Madrid in the first leg of the Champions League quarterfinals. After their Fairytale Win in the premiership last year, leicester have had a difficult season, which saw them slide down the table but it seems their fortunes may have turned. Joe wilson is in madrid this evening. It is hot, it is madrid, its the Champions League quarterfinal and its Leicester City. Now, honestly, where will this ever end . Sadly the pleasant scenes of fans enjoying the sun were far from the full story. Leicester city have officially complained about the behaviour of the police here. Some leicester fa ns behaviour of the police here. Some leicester fans have experienced policing which went over the top. There are a couple of people openly antagonising the police. But they took out all of these people, people with children, they battered us. A 70 year old man, kids with children. Security, naturally, is an issue here after dortmund. This was the Leicester Team bus last night. But there is no nonspecific threat to this game. Football goes on. Atletico madrid have been Champions League finalists twice in recent years. Now here they will will walk at a man who starred as a player for walsall, craig shakespeare. It is his eighth game as leicester manager. Sometimes you have new experiences, of which this season is for us in the Champions League. But weve enjoyed it. But make no mistake, were there to compete. Were not there just to make the numbers up. This is the most Famous Leicester side ever. But in madrid, do they know this team . Speaks spanish. Vardy. Vardy is his favourite player. The leicester effect is spreading across europe, slowly. No, i dont know what is this. It is the champions of england, its called Leicester City. Ah, Leicester City leicester fans came here to follow their dream further. All bubbles burst eventually. Joe wilson, bbc news, madrid. A Steam Locomotive has been driven at 100 miles an hour, for the First Time Since steam power was abandoned by british rail, nearly 50 year ago. The locomotive, tornado, reached the speed as part of an experiment to assess whether steam trains can safely run faster than the current limit of 75 miles an hour. Judith moritz has the story. It may look like something from a bygone era, but the tornado Steam Locomotive is a very modern train. To run competitively on todays railways it must hit top speeds. Which is why in the middle of the night, its Volunteer Crew did something that hadnt been done since 1966. 0n the line between newcastle and doncaster, they took the train to the max, past its normal running speed, past 90 miles an hour, and beyond. Right up to the top of the dial. We did what we set out to do. The guys have had an inspection and we seem to be all right at the moment. This is all about gathering data, that is what the difference is with this. And then we will take the engine to the shed, put it to bed, and put ourselves to bed. The tornado was built in 2008 at a cost of £3 million. And runs a charter service. But to fit into the modern rail network timetable, its crew had to show that it could cope at more than 90 miles an hour. A lucky few were on board last night as the train hit the 100 mile an hour mark. Cheering. They have done us proud. Shesjust the only loco that could have done it. Brilliant. Tornado is still cooling down. Now they have seen what she can really do, it is hoped by the end of this year, this locomotive will be making regular express trips. For now, it is celebration time, with a copper rather than champagne. The crew thrilled at an achievement built on sweat and steam. Judith moritz, bbc news. Now the weather. Hello. A lot of us thinking about the Easter Weekend and what it is going to bring. Not and what it is going to bring. Not an awful lot is happening with the weather. That is quite good news. We are not necessarily expecting a wash out but we are not expecting a lot of sunshine or warm weather. Somewhere in the middle. Pretty much what you would expect at this time of the year. That is what we had today. We had a Weather Front crossing the country. Fresh air from the north west. Winds from the atlantic. And also some showers this evening and overnight. But these are showers and they are very hit and miss. A lot of us have dry weather this evening and overnight. Pretty chilly. It will be on the cool side overnight. A touch of grass frost way before dawn. Tomorrow, it is not going to be a lot different to what we have today. There will be a fair bit of cloud. But also some Sunshine Poking through the clouds and some more April Showers in the north west. Temperatures not particularly exciting but not desperately disappointing either. It is all about the strength of the sunshine. Even 11 degrees in the sun feels good enough. It is going to be cloudy on friday. Even some rain occasionally in the southern half of the uk. Brighter for a occasionally in the southern half of the uk. Brighterfor a change. Good friday definitely the most dull day of the Easter Weekend. And then saturday, this weather map is pretty complicated. A lot happening. Nothing is very dynamic in the atmosphere. I think it is just going to bea atmosphere. I think it is just going to be a pretty uniform area weather across the uk. All of us will have some sunshine. Most will be at risk of getting a shower and it is very cool thats all from the bbc news at six. So its goodbye from me, and on bbc one we nowjoin the bbcs news teams where you are. Youre watching bbc news. The top stories. The us Secretary Of State has been meeting his russian counterpart and Vladimir Putin in moscow following comments made by mr putin about deteriorating relations between washington and moscow. The Health Secretary has ordered a review into the shrewsbury and Telford Nhs Trust in shropshire after concerns raised over a cluster of baby deaths. Police in germany have detained a man they said may have links to Islamist Groups over the attack last night on a coach carrying the Borussia Dortmund Football Team. A man has beenjailed forfour months for making threats to kill bmp Caroline Ansell in a facebook post. 0n the first lady, Melania Trump has received an apology and damages from the daily mail of allegations about her work as a model. Ina her work as a model. In a moment it will be time for sportsday but first a look at what else is coming up this evening. Im joined by a Foreign Policy specialist to further analysed talks between the us and russia in moscow. And more on 100 days at seven oclock as well before from comments made by sean spicer about hitler and his use of Chemical Weapons. More on the Health Secretary and his decision to order a review into Hospital Trust in shropshire following several baby deaths that maternity units. And my guests on the papers will be steve hawkes of the papers will be steve hawkes of the sun and Susie Boniface of the mirror. That is all to come. We are expecting in the next few minutes the us Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson and Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov to hold a news c0 nfe re nce minister Sergei Lavrov to hold a News Conference in moscow after their talks on syria. We will bring that to you when we get a life. That is the room where they will be speaking. And the Press Conference shouldve taken place quite some time ago but was delayed because of an impromptu meeting between Vladimir Putin and Rex Tillerson. There was no scheduled meeting between the us Secretary Of State and russian leader but that was changed during Rex Tillersons trip to russia. And the talks your shoe we re to russia. And the talks your shoe were pretty tense. That you assume. Given the fact that america launched the attack on that air in syria last week. So the journalists and press waiting for the Press Conference in the next few minutes. Hello and welcome to sportsday. Im hugh ferris. The headlines another leap into the unknown for leicester. The next chapter of their extraordinary story takes them to madrid. And a Champions League Quarter Final with atletico. Double formula one World Champion Fernando Alonso will miss the Monaco Grand Prix next month so he can race in the indianapolis 500. And success for gb on day one of the world track cycling

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