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Anniversary. Spanish teacher ayesha braid and Pc Keith Palmer were also killed in the attack. Mps and police have been holding a minutes silence. The Prime Minister said britain would not be cowed. We are not afraid. Our resolve will never waver in the face of terrorism. And thousands of people are gathering in Trafalgar Square this evening for a vigilfor Trafalgar Square this evening for a vigil for those affected by the Terror Attack. Good evening from Westminster Bridge. You can see people Walking Around just a day after the deadly attack that left people dead and injured on this bridge. 52 year old Khaled Masood has been named by the police as the attacker who drove his hired vehicle along the bridge, ploughing into pedestrians and members of the public and tourists, people from 12 different nationalities, then smashing his car into the railings of the Palace Of Westminster, attacking a Police Officer there with a knife, stabbing him to death. Pc keith palmer. Before the attacker was shot dead. In Trafalgar Square, there is a vigil. In memory of those who have lost their lives and with people, and thousands of people coming to pay their respects to those who have died and those who have been injured as well and all those affected and traumatised by the attack yesterday, the most deadly Terror Attack on british soil since the 7 7 bombings of 2005. You can see their, dignitaries on the steps of the National Gallery and many people who are arriving now for this vigil. The mayor of london, sadiq khan, had asked people to come here not only to pay their respects to the dead and remember those who are injured as well, but also a gesture of defiance. The Prime Minister earlier on in the commons telling mps, we are not afraid, we will not be covered by terror, our resolve will never waver in the face of terrorism. That has been the message from politicians, the police, members of the public who have been coming back onto the streets of westminster, Westminster Bridge where we are, and in Trafalgar Square in force, showing that life goes on as normal and that terrorism will not succeed. The reason they called it an attack on free people everywhere. She also said that yesterday we saw the worst of humanity, but we will remember the best. She was talking particularly about Pc Keith Palmer, the 48 year old Police Officer who had 15 years of service in the Metropolitan Police, who died of sta b Metropolitan Police, who died of stab wounds, gardening and protecting the Palace Of Westminster and he is one of those who lost their lives being remembered with this candlelit vigil this evening. This vigil in Trafalgar Square. Ayeeshia free had also died yesterday, a spanish teacher. A mother and wife. Curt cochran, an American Citizen from utah also lost his life. His wife is still in hospital being treated for her injuries. Lets bring in our Political Correspondent, carell walker. We will speak to her in a moment. Lets listen in to the vigil in Trafalgar Square. Yesterdays defence was really terrible. Three people were taken from us. Our thoughts are with their families and friends. Many more were gravely injured and all of us have been deeply affected by what has happened. This cannot be undone, much as we wish it. However, we do get to choose our reaction and gathering here tonight shows exactly how we must move forward. We must stand together. People have tried to tear this city apart with acts of terror many times before. They have never succeeded and they never will. Our Emergency Services came together yesterday to help those affected by this cowardly act. This city and indeed this country will do the same. We will act as one and embrace our differences. In doing so, we will clearly demonstrate the futility of hatred and the overwhelming power of friendship. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, the Home Secretary, the right honourable amber rudd mp. I would like to start by saying thank you and paying tribute to the officer who lost his life, keith palmer. I know we will all be thinking about his friends and his family. He was courageous, he was brave and he was also doing his duty. He is not alone in doing that. I know that all officers of the net are like that. In my experience, so far of policemen. I want us to say thank you to them all for their great sacrifice and risks that they keep us safe. They and the Emergency Services. Yesterday we also saw a memberof services. Yesterday we also saw a Member Of Parliament leaping in, trying to help this Police Officer. It reminded us of how we are all so connected, particularly when the random victims on the bridge of different nationalities, tourists going about their business, were also mowed down in a terrible way. They will not win. We are all connected and today we showed that by coming together, they going to work, by about our normal business, because the terrorists will not defeat us. We will defeat them. We are strong in our values and proud of our country. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, the mayor of london, sadiq khan. We come together as londoners tonight, to remember those who have lost their lives and all those affected by the horrific attack yesterday. Also, to send a clear message, Londoners Will never be cowed by terrorism. Those evil and twisted individuals who tried to destroy our shared way of life will never succeed and we condemn them. Our hearts are with The Family And Friends of pc keith, ays ha The Family And Friends of pc keith, aysha frade, kurt cochran and all those injured in the attack yesterday. The victims were people who came from all corners of our world. This is a time to express our gratitude to the heroism of our Police Officers and Emergency Services who ran towards danger to help and at the same time they encourage others to run for safety. London is a great city. Full of amazing people from all backgrounds. When londoners face adversity, he a lwa ys when londoners face adversity, he always pull together. We stand up for our values and be sure the world we are the greatest city in the world. Our response to this attack on our city, to this attack on our way of life, to this attack on our shared values shows the world what it means to bea values shows the world what it means to be a londoner. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, there will now bea ladies and gentlemen, there will now be a minutes silence. That includes the minutes silence. That concludes our ceremony today. Thank you forjoining us here on Trafalgar Square. You are welcome to remain on the square to contemplate and commemorate. Thank you very much. Poignant poigna nt scenes there poignant scenes there in Trafalgar Square as people came to remember those who have died and you can see three candles lit in memory of the three candles lit in memory of the three victims of the Terror Attack yesterday. The spanish teacher, an American Tourist Celebrating his Silver Wedding anniversary with his wife and a Police Officer guarding the Palace Of Westminster, Pc Keith Palmer. Carol walker, our Political Correspondent was watching and listening to that and, carol, the Home Secretary, amber rudd, the mayor of london, sadiq khan, with equally defiant messages saying that terrorism will not win. Amber rudd said terrorism will not win, we will defeat terrorism. Real defiance there as well as poignancy and dignity in that vigil at Trafalgar Square. Yes indeed. The vigil, those words reflecting the mood and the sentiment we have had expressed throughout the day really at westminster. Trafalgar square just the other end of whitehall from where the attack took place. You can see many people still gathering there the three candles burning in memory of the three who died in the attack. Amber rudd, the Home Secretary, saying there that are thoughts, of course, were with the family in particular of keith palmer, the policeman, who was stabbed and died in that attack. She described him as courageous, brave, doing his duty and she expressed her thanks to all the police and others in the Emergency Services for the risks they take to keep others save. Terrorism will not defeat us, she said, we will defeat them. Strong in our values, she said. We are proud of our country. We heard also from sadiq khan, a game, echoing that mood of quiet defiance l evil attack on democracy, the evil twisted individuals who described them as who would seek to take away and disrupt our way of life. Talking about how the victims were people who had come from all corners of the world and expressed his thanks for the Emergency Services who ran towards danger. Londoners, he said, in the face of adversity, pulled together to stand up for our values and show the world what a great city londoners. You can see they are having some troubles getting the candles light on the street when they are burning right now and others are adding their own tributes to those who were killed in that attack. I think a chance for many ordinary londoners, ordinary visitors to the city to show their tributes and express their grief, there concerns and pass on their condolences to those who died and share their thoughts are with those who were injured in the attack. People lighting candles from those three large candles in memory of the three large candles in memory of the three who lost their lives and a huge number of people there in Trafalgar Square, really a show of defiance, echoing the Defiance We Saw from mps when they debated this morning in the chamber of the House Of Commons, just a day after the attack, on the Palace Of Westminster. People coming out onto the streets, showing that they will not be cowed and it reminds me slightly of paris after the Terror Attacks there and people very much wa nted attacks there and people very much wanted to come out onto the streets and should defiance. Yes, indeed. Any people in london had, of course, none of the risk of a Terrorist Attack in the heart of london. This one on the heart of democracy has really touched people. We heard politicians from all parties expressing solidarity, their determination to stand up for their values, determination to carry on with their daily work. Many people out and about in london. Of course, some will have been concerned and there was heightened security, extra police in many stations and so on. Those tributes and the mood of resolve led by the Prime Minister he made that statement in parliament this morning. We saw the minutes silence this morning, another one there in Trafalgar Square as people remembered the dead. The reason they saying, in her speech, that this attempt to silence democracy would not succeed. The Prime Minister has written in the book of condolence in westminster hall. There were people ina westminster hall. There were people in a small queue when i was there a little earlier this Afternoon Waiting to write their own tributes. The Prime Minister, in her message in the book of condolence, echoing the sentiment she expressed in Parliament Saying that the attempt to silence our democracy failed and that one people send their condolences to family and friends of who died, also saying that westminster was the heart of our democracy, a symbol of our tradition and values and our values will prevail. I think that was the note of defiance and determination which was echoed in different ways by different politicians across different politicians across different parties and i think it is the same mood we are seeing there in Trafalgar Square tonight at the individual as people stand there with the candles lit for the victims of that attack, showing their determination to stand together in the wake of the Terrorist Attack and to continue with their lives. Thank you very much indeed. Carol walker, our Political Correspondent watching the very moving candlelit vigil in Trafalgar Square where carried from the Home Secretary and the mayor of london. I want to bring in former Metropolitan Police Chief Superintendent 2 here to discuss more on London Security measures is dal babu , hes a former Chief Superintendent with the Metropolitan Police. The death of pc, will affect every single Police Officer, every member of staff and the Police Family widely. Police officers do not go to work thinking they will not go back home, so it is a tragic thing. Pc palmer was an incredibly brave individual, he ran towards this individual. This is the most heavily policed area in the. We have new scotla nd policed area in the. We have new scotland yard, Portcullis House with the mps are, the House Of Commons and the house of lords. A couple of hundred metres weight you have downing street. There are a huge number of Police Officers here. The individual who carried out this attack, it was a bizarre act of madness, because he could never get away. Taking those innocent lives was shopping. Pc palmer, as a long Serving Face Officer who guarded the Palace Of Westminster, was known to mps. He was part of the westminster family, the westminster village. Mps. He was part of the westminster family, the Westminster Villagelj used to run a team here many years ago and he got to know all the mps. The mps, that is the entry point, they have it minute to get to the Voting Chambers cut so you would see them rushing in and out in taxes. The need to get in and out quickly to vote. One of the skills of people like kasey palmer would be to recognise all the different mps and be able to allow those in very quickly. I think Carriage Gates has a lwa ys quickly. I think Carriage Gates has always been the place where, it is a unique part of british democracy, because the public will be walking by and you will have mps gone in and out. Cheek by jowl, by and you will have mps gone in and out. Cheek byjowl, chatting to individuals. The loss is a tragic one and my sympathies and condolences to his family. He has been remembered with that candlelit vigil where the candles were lit in his memory and the other two victims of the attack yesterday. That attack, which appears to have been carried out by a lone wolf, somebody who was on the radar of the police and security forces, but as the Prime Minister said, a peripheral figure. That is the nightmare for security services, somebody, they cannot get inside the mind of everybody. There will be individuals who deteriorate. We have to look at mental health, what motivates these individuals and they could quickly go from having concerns about International Politics to suddenly doing something as wicked as this. I think we have to support our police service, we have the support or security services, but what we also need to do is look at the government prevent strategy. We need an independent review. There are good things about it but we need to nature and get the best out of it in order to deal with those individuals who pose a danger to our community. And today with radicalisation, is that what you are saying . It is not like the ira. 40 that what you are saying . It is not like the ira. A0 years ago, london was bombed. The ira planted a bomb inside the cafeteria at the House Of Commons. Those days are gone. Individuals get radicalised online. We need to ask twitter, facebook, google what they are doing to share information about extremists quickly with security services. Recently we have had some Big Companies pulling out because they are concerned about adverts appearing on extremist websites. There is a lot for those organisations today. We have also seen so called Islamic State retreating quite significantly. They are now in two key places in racket in syria and mosul in iraq and even there they are retreating. They are sending out messages on the committee telling people to attack. We need to know where those messages are coming from and deal with those individuals. Thank you so much. Lets get the very latest on the police investigation. Home affairs correspondent, daniel sandford, jointly from new scotland yard. What is the latest . We can tell you there are five addresses still being searched by police. One in wales, three in birmingham and one in east london. That east london address, i understand, is worth 39 year old woman arrested overnight and she, i think, is the partner all seven of the other arrests made overnight and one of them this morning took place in birmingham. Birmingham isa morning took place in birmingham. Birmingham is a strong focus of this investigation were the hire car is believed to have been hired from that was driven across the bridge. It is where the suspect, khalid masood, is believed to have been living in recent years, although he was born in kent, british born and bred. The latest update on injuries, the police say five people remain in a critical condition, two of them with wife threatening injuries

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