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Sport on bbc news how a run in with eddiejones dog has apparently put owen farrell at risk of missing the six nations clash with scotland on saturday good evening, and welcome to the bbc news at 6. The chancellor has been forced to defend his budget and the controversial changes to increase National Insurance for Self Employed workers. Thats despite a tory Manifesto Pledge not to raise National Insurance. Its angered a number of conservative backbenchers and been roundly criticised by labour. There has been partial backing for the increase from the influential think tank the institute for fiscal studies, but overall it described the chancellors plans as a sticking plaster rather than a fundamental review. Our chief Political Correspondent vicki young has been following the days events. He says hes backing business, but visiting the West Midlands today the chancellor had to fend off accusations that hes bashing the workers who keep the wheels of the economy turning. Putting up taxes is never popular, and this is going to be a hard sell to conservative mps. We have to have a tax system that is fair, and its right that we ask people to contribute appropriately for the benefits that theyre receiving from the state. Access to the National Health service, access to state pensions, available now to Self Employed people on the same basis as the employed, and they have to be prepared to pay a little more, if theyre earning a higher income. The government insists the National Insurance changes are needed. Yesterdays announcement, plus others already planned, mean 2. 6 million Self Employed workers will gain around £115 a year. But 1. 6 million will have to pay more on average £240 a year. And for Self Employed cab driver vince, this is bad news. What it was quite a shock, you know . Its another dent in my partner and my pocket, as well, because were both Self Employed. Its a struggle at the moment, so it will be more of a struggle, you know . Like last night, as i got in, and thats the first thing i said to my partner. We spoke about it, so its another thing that weve got to find. If i dont work, or go on holiday, i dont get paid. Philip hammonds first budget has run into trouble at westminster too, with some tory mps complaining that hes broken an Election Promise not to increase National Insurance. Theyre demanding a rethink. I think philips a great chancellor, i think hes done a really good job. I think this is just something that slipped through the net. What weve got to do is make sure it doesnt get through the net, weve got to make sure it gets stopped, the chancellor needs to do a u turn, needs to do it quickly. This is not sending out the message which i know every conservative Member Of Parliament believes in, which is supporting business growth. These people are making the growth of the future. And labour say the change is unfair on Self Employed people. They dont get access to the same benefits, statutory sick pay, maternity pay, paternity pay, access to industrial disablement benefits, those sorts of things. Thats what i thought he was going to start consulting about, but all hes offered them is an increase in National Insurance and a possible reviewer on later stage. Thats not acceptable. Treasury sources say the chancellor is privately bullish about his tax plans. They hope the argument that they make the system fairer will persuade tory mps. There will have to be a vote on all this in the commons, although there is no rush, the changes arent you in until next year. For now though, Philip Hammond is under considerable pressure to ditch the idea, or at least water it down. Vicki young, bbc news, westminster. Around 15 of all british workers are Self Employed. Under this new tax change, more than half of workers will be worse off. Higher and middle earners will be hardest hit. Our economics editor kamal ahmed has been looking at the numbers. Hairdressers, builders, minicab drivers, well paid management consultants. The growing 5 Million Strong Army of the Self Employed. They tend to pay less tax and the treasury doesnt much like that. I asked the man charged by theresa may with investigating the new world of work whether Phillip Hammond was right to impose an increase in National Insurance contributions on those who work for themselves. Tax rises are never popular but as tax rises go, this is pretty fair. Its economically rational and it strengthens the long term resilience of the tax base. So if youre going to increase taxes, this is a pretty good way to do it. Mr hammond has talked about fairness. So what are the differences between being employed directly by a company and being Self Employed . For employed people, theres the issue of rights at work. They receive parental leave, sick pay and holiday pay. If you are Self Employed, you receive none of these rights. And lets look at income. At present, an employed person on about £25,000 a year would pay National Insurance of £1970. For a Self Employed person, that Insurance Payment falls to £1630. After this new tax increase, that payment will rise to £1810. That means the tax gap between the employed and the Self Employed has narrowed. Self employed people earning less than 15 or £16,000 per year are actually going to be better off. The biggest hit will be about £580 a year by 2019 for people earning more than about £110,000. Yeah, exactly. The Self Employed are not the only people facing a tax increase. This is Kelly Gilmour grassam, who runs her own writing business. She takes some of her income in dividends from her shares in the company. The government is going to ask and over1 million other investors with shares, to pay more tax. People that might be thinking of making the leap to being a freelancer or setting up a small business, it might make them think twice. This isjust one budget and we have already had quite a lot of changes. If you can imagine what might happen next year or the year after, you know, it is setting a culture of discouragement for entrepreneurship. But what about the employers of the Self Employed . They also gain by, for example, not making National Insurance contributions. The government is looking at changing the rules for them as well. This debate about the new world of work and fairness has only just begun. Kamal ahmed, bbc news. The Prime Minister has arrived in brussels to attend whats expected to be her final eu summit before triggering the uks departure from the european union. Brexit will not be part of the formal discussions at the summit, but nearer to home scotlands first minister Nicola Sturgeon has given her clearest indication yet that before the uk leaves the eu, the snp wants to hold another referendum on scottish independence. Heres our political editor, laura kuenssberg. Dizzying, not just the dizzying, notjust the backdrop but the political job at dizzying, notjust the backdrop but the politicaljob at hand. Brussels working day for the British Government no easier than on. Friendly faces may be, but how much help world to reason may really get . What advice would you give theresa may . I wouldnt give her any advice. Belgian sympathy perhaps. Shes had problems in parliament, he said. The portuguese implored, mrs may can inform us whats her point of departure. But the pm on the verge of starting the divorce talks, the irish leader confirmed she could be asked to pay out billions. So will theresa may really get what she wa nts . Theresa may really get what she wants . Clearly the language on both sides here will change, in terms of its rhetoric from time to time. I think we have to have a sense of realism. It sounds like youre saying shes not being realistic . No, im quite sure independence is very realistic. But the situation starting office that Prime Minister and uk want as closer relationship as possible to the european union. We have our particular problems on circumstances on their well understood by europe and by the british Prime Minister and the government. No Showy Entrance the theresa may, though. That Prime Minister ina theresa may, though. That Prime Minister in a hurry for the talks, chose to go quietly in away from reporters. At the end of the month shell have embarked on the process of leaving the european throng. Britain has always somehow been awkward in this crowd. This is the first time theresa may will meet european leaders in this brand new building, but its the last time the Prime Minister will come here before she pushes a button on brexit. But just come here before she pushes a button on brexit. Butjust as she starting to grapple with all the complexities here in brussels, the scale of the potential implications of leaving the eu are coming everclear at home. Nowhere more so than in scotland, where a clear majority voted to stay in the eu. And the prospect of another independent vote moves ever closer. The first minister openly suggesting next year. Some of your collea g u es suggesting next year. Some of your colleagues now talk about autumn 2018 as a likely date. When the sort of outline of a uk deal becomes clear and the uk exiting the eu i think would be the common sense time for scotland have that choice, if thatis for scotland have that choice, if that is the road we choose to go down. Just to be played youre not ruling out autumn 2018 . Not ruling anything out, no one. The Prime Ministers team wont accept that easily, but i do crush of questions about leaving the eu, theyre not likely to say what they will. Its easy to kramer on our way but much harder to do. The funny thing in brussels tonight is that even though we are here for the last time before the whole Brexit Process actually begins, we expect theresa may to Push The Button by the end of the month, its not actually on the official agenda, even though there is a hugely widely accepted thinking in this town, as well as westminster, that it is one of the Biggest Challenges the eu faces on the biggest Political Challenge Britain has faced for many, Challenge Britain has faced for any Challenge Britain has faced for many, many decades and there is a saying in brussels that if youre not if youre not on the menu, you end up being the lunch, but to my theresa may will be given a Press Conference and rather than those tricky questions about brexit, and there are plenty of them, i think shell be forced to defend those changes to National Insurance. I understand theresa may will be robust, she will be sticking to the plans the chancellor has outlined but goodness me, after today theres a lot of explaining to do. Laura kuenssberg in brussels, thank you. And laura has a special programme on bbc two this evening Brexit Britains biggest deal. Thats at 9pm, or you can watch it on the bbc iplayer. Staff atjohn lewis and waitrose, who own the company and receive a yearly bonus, have seen that bonus cut to to the lowest its been since the 1950s. The John Lewis Partnership chairman said it had been reduced for the fourth year in a row because of uncertainty about inflation and the impact of brexit on the value of the pound. A Church Of England bishop has turned down a promotion after his congregation protested about his opposition to women priests. The right reverend philip north, who is currently the bishop of burnley, was selected as the next bishop of sheffield injanuary. Mr north said it was clear his appointment would be counter productive to the mission of the church. Last month we brought you the story of nemleyjunior a Baby Chimpanzee freed thanks to a bbc investigation from Wildlife Traffickers in ivory coast. Two of the traffickers are now being prosecuted, in the first case of its kind. And the body responsible for trying to stop the illegal trade in Endangered Species has now tightened up its procedures. But what of nemleyjunior, the little chimp at the centre of it all . David shukman has been back to ivory coast to find out. A heart warming story of recovery a Baby Chimpanzee, nemleyjunior, with a great appetite. An astonishing turnaround, given the trauma hes been through. Poachers killed his mother and the rest of his family and then sold him to Wildlife Traffickers. Hes learning to explore; he was freed as a result of a bbc news investigation. But he never liked to get too farfrom his keepers, he wants constant company. Chimpanzees live in close families in the wild. Nemleyjunior has now lost his and needs a new one. This is a key moment for nemleyjunior, meeting another chimpanzee, a slightly older female. Hes never going to make it back into the wild, so the best hope is to create bonds with a new family. Just a few months ago, he looked so much thinner while in the hands of animal smugglers. They were selling him for 12,500. We briefed the police and they moved in. A raid led to two arrests. A young dealer called Ibrahima Traore and his uncle mohamed. Theyre now awaiting trial the first prosecution for Wildlife Trafficking that ivory coast has ever seen. And with big money involved, theyre linked to another network of traffickers in guinea. The sidibe family also sold Baby Chimpanzees, but two of them have now been arrested, so this could be a turning point. Once you get one, your arrest them, you prosecute them, you incarcerate them, that message starts to get out that crime is no longer high profit, low risk, there is a risk here, in fact, i might go to jail. The dealers circulate videos of the chimps for sale. Wildlife investigators say the arrests will slow the trade but not stop it entirely. It is just one big step, but it is a never ending battle, Wildlife Trafficking. So youve made progress, but its not the end . Not the end, its like a drug, its a never ending battle. Back at the Zoo Nemley Junior is playful. A mobile phone keeps him amused and heres the view from it. After our first report of his rescue, many of you were keen to hear more about him. Well, its reassuring to see him thriving, and also to think that with four traffickers arrested, other chimps in the jungles may be a little safer. David shukmman, bbc news, in ivory coast. Our top story this evening the chancellor is forced onto the defensive about his plans to increase National Insurance for the Self Employed. And still to come, Arsene Wenger on his future and whether hell stay on as Arsenal Manager. Coming up in sportsday on bbc news. 0pener alex hales returns from injury to hit a century for england as they aim for a whitewash in the one day series with west indies. Well have the latest from barbados. A National Monument paying tribute to members of the military and civilians who served and worked in the wars in iraq and afghanistan has been unveiled in central london. The queen led the ceremony, watched by 2,500 invited guests including other members of the royal family, politicians and bereaved families. Robert hall reports. There have been many accounts of individual sacrifice during the longest and most intense period of Combat Operations since the second world war. Today was a day to recognise the stories that have not been told. We meet in the presence of god to commemorate and give thanks for all those civilians and members of the military who have served on operations in the gulf region, iraq and afghanistan. 682 Service Personnel lost their lives in iraq and afghanistan. The political decisions which put them in harms way still divide opinion. No one has ever doubted the courage and dedication of every man and woman who travelled to a troubled region. Mavis memorial commemorates allies and serviceable. My son was called chris 0neill allies and serviceable. My son was called chris oneill and he was killed in iraq in 2007. At least they are all being recognised. That is the main thing, that is the main thing, with all the controversy over the iraq war, i didnt think we would even get a memorial but it just shows what people power can do. But delight at public recognition was tempered by regret that invitations were not extended to all bereaved families. A very Fitting Service and memorial but very frustrated. Bereaved parents and Family Members were not originally invited to this. Those who were invited to this. Those who were invited Sora Sculpture Which offered a glimpse of the past and the future. Saw a sculpture. A glimpse of the past and the future. Saw a sculpture. Today brought a good closure to the events both of iraq which was quite traumatic and afghanistan, which i we nt traumatic and afghanistan, which i went to four times which was very traumatic. There are still people out there. I leave injune. Im leaving a team behind that will continue working. One day, Sergeant Mark lunn and his wife michelle will pass on their iraq expenses to their son alfie, not on his best behaviour this morning. He and generations to come 01 this morning. He and generations to come or have a permanent reminder of a chapter in our history that remains unfinished business. Will have a permanent reminder. Robert hall, bbc news, westminster. The man appointed by President Trump to be in charge of americas Environmental Policies has said he doesnt believe Carbon Dioxide is a primary cause of global warming, a position thats at odds with most scientific evidence. Interviewed by an American News channel, scott pruitt said more analysis was needed. He also described the paris climate accord, which seeks to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions, as a bad deal. The Health Secretaryjeremy hunt says it is essential a e departments in england hit waiting time targets over the next year, now that extra money has been earmarked for care and health services. Nhs trusts are meant to see 95 of patients within four hours, but the latest figures suggest most are currently only reaching 85 . 0ur Health Editor hugh pym is with me now. So the Health Secretary is saying, ive given you the money, over to you now to sort things out . Yes, fiona, it was not long ago that mr huntand yes, fiona, it was not long ago that mr hunt and nhs leaders indicated that the 95 target might be amended 01 that the 95 target might be amended or dropped because of the sheer volume of patients, with the focus instead on urgent cases. Now he is saying not only is it essential to keep the 95 but that it will be met over the next year, by march 2018. I think theres a message that more money has been pledged in the budget to the nhs and social care in england, so it is time for the Hospital System to deliver but there is some way to go. Performance in england is that 85 . The target has not been hit since mid 2015 so a lot of effort will have to be made to get back and already, Hospital Leaders in england and nhs providers are saying it is simply unrealistic, given record levels of demand. They dont see where the money is going to come from to make it happen. I think ministers have set themselves up think ministers have set themselves up with something here. Getting back to that 95 in the year, against which they will be judged. Sir howard hodgkin, one of the most celebrated figures in british contemporary art, has died aged 8a. His works are the abstract but he said related to memories of people and places. He drew inspiration from everything from the french impressionists to the landscapes of india. His well known pieces included this post on the theme of swimming, commissioned for the 2012 london olympics. The Arsenal Manager Arsene Wenger says he will take the fans opinions into account when he makes up his mind about whether to stay in the job. Arsenal have lost five of their last seven games, leading to speculation about the future of the premier 0ur Sports Editor dan roan has more. The humiliation at the hands of Bayern Munich this week left arsenal divided, the fans in revolt, and their manager facing unprecedented pressure. But today, Arsene Wenger insisted hell still wait until the end of the season before deciding whether to stay. I love this club, that im loyal to this club, and that i make the right decisions for this club. Youre seriously saying you might be here next season . I do not want to speak about always the same matter, you know . What i want, what is important for me is football games. Chanting Arsene Wenger, we want you to go but some have seen enough and after the protests today came on admission, the fans will have a bearing on wengers future. It will not be the most important factor, but will be considered, of course. Tellingly, today the club broke its silence. In a statement, the chairman saying wengers future is the talk of the game. This afternoon, footballs most powerful figure paying this tribute. What Arsene Wenger has done at arsenal, throughout the histories, is certainly outstanding. Its a Big Personality of football. Its a legend, hes a legend, hes one of the football legends. The emirates stands as a proud symbol of Arsene Wengers long reign. This stadium and the club both are built in his own image, but after the humiliation his team suffered here earlier this week, theres a growing sense that arsenals most successful ever manager has taken this club as far as he can and the time has come for him to walk away. After two decades of management and many trophies, its hard to imagine arsenal without Arsene Wenger, but the club is drifting and even with after two decades plenty but the club is drifting and even with decades plenty to play for this season, british footballs Longest Partnership could be nearing the end. Dan roan, bbc news. Battling Barbara Buttrick was known as the mighty atom and became the first ever female boxing World Champion, back in the 1950s. She moved to the states, eventually retiring undefeated. Now, aged 87, shes returned to her home county of yorkshire, to meet young boxers and see her pioneering career honoured. David sillito went to hull to meet her. Battling barbara, they used to call me. The mighty atom. Barbara buttrick is 87. Her sparring partner today, former wbc champion tommy coyle. I was what they would call a tomboy, i guess. She began more than 70 years ago. She decided, aged 15, to give up football and try boxing. It was a Career Choice that was met with more than a little disapproval. And a shortage of opponents. The answer was america. She took on all comers in carnivals and she won a world title. She has, over the years, faced more than 1000 people in the ring, a World Champion, a pioneer in boxing. But even in her hometown of hull, few had heard of the mighty atom. However, that has all changed. Kat rose martin is the star of one of two new plays based on barbaras life. Did you know the Story Of Barbara . I didnt, which is really, really, like, shocking, really, because its such an incredible story, how she became the ba ntamweight World Champion and im stood next to the bantamweight World Champion and yet, we dont know about it. Why dont we know about it . I think all this talk about girls not boxing is old fashioned. Girls arent the delicate flowers they used to be. 70 years on, she has been proved right. Tomorrows boxers were queueing to meet barbara. A boxer . I know, i did Try Dance Class but that lasted six weeks. Are you inspired now . Are you going to be a World Champion . Probably, yeah. It means a lot, yeah. Im very proud to be back in hull, now, in a day when boxing is accepted, my life kind of is accepted, too, you know. David sillito speaking to battling Barbara Buttrick being recognised in her home town of hull today. Time for a look at the weather. Heres sarah keith lucas. She was great, wasnt she . Brilliant and its been a glorious day across many parts of the country today, things like this one sent in by one of our weather watchers earlier in 0xfordshire. Almost wall to wall sunshine. A bit more clout for some parts of the country, particularly the south west, low cloud and Hill Fog Creeping in but for many parts of the country, we keep clear spells as we head through the evening. It will turn chilly for a time across parts of Eastern England and scotland. Further west, cloud moving in over night, bringing with it some drizzle across parts of northern ireland, the west of scotla nd northern ireland, the West Of Scotland and wales and hill fog down to the south west. Clearer skies and a colder start towards the east with a colder start towards the east with A Touch Of Frost likely across Eastern Scotland for instance. Through tomorrow, a bit more cloud than today, making its way west to east through the day. The far east of england, east anglia and the south east likely to stay largely sunni with some spells of sunshine for the north east of england, north wales and northern parts of devon, and temperatures touched down on today. Into the weekend, whether france making their way in from the atlantic, eventually introducing cooler air through the second half of the weekend particularly. Not a bad day on saturday, with a Front Bringing Rain across some parts of Northern England and wales. To the south east, the cloud should break and temperatures as high as 15, possibly 17. Bright skies across much of scotland and northern ireland. Through the second half of the weekend, for sunday, some brain working west to east across the country and then a return to sunshine and a few blustery showers from the west. Temperatures around 913. From the west. Temperatures around 9 13. All in all, for the weekend, saturday looks pretty decent day and most of us will be dry with some spells of sunshine. By the time we get to sunday, Rain Clearing Eastwards and things will start to feel a bit cooler. But all in all, a relatively settled spell on the cards. A reminder of our main story. Chancellor Phillip Hammond has been forced to defend his plans to increase National Insurance contributions for the Self Employed. Thats all from the bbc news at six so its goodbye from me, and on bbc one, we nowjoin the bbcs news teams where you are. This is bbc news. The headlines. The chancellor defends his decision to increase National Insurance contributions for the Self Employed. The moves been criticised by some tory backbenchers, but Philip Hammond says the government is facing new challenges. What i did yesterday was address a basic continuing unfairness in the current system. The benefits available to the Self Employed have significantly improved. This is not the time to do it when Consumer Spending is just dipping, and at the front line of the effects of that will be the sole traders and Self Employed. Theresa may is in brussels for whats expected to be her final

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