Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Six 20170216 : compareme

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Six 20170216

and the women's royal naval service founded a century ago, that marked a huge change in women's roles in the armed forces. and coming up in the sport on bbc news, arsene wenger‘s future will be decided at the end of the season, after his arsenal side were humiliated in the champions league by bayern munich. good evening and welcome to the bbc news at six. hopes for an end to the rail misery that's affected hundreds of thousands of commuters in southern england have been dashed. train drivers ignored their own union and voted against a proposed deal to end the long—running dispute with southern rail. it's one of the country's busiest commuter networks. unions have been at loggerheads with the company for more than a year over staffing and safety issues. andy moore reports. for nearly a year, around 300,000 commuters have endured overcrowded trains, delays and strikes. it's been one of the most intractable rail disputes in recent years. thanks everybody for coming. after two weeks of talks hosted by the tuc it was thought a deal had been done. we are pleased to announce that aslef and gtr southern have reached an agreement. but now that deal has unravelled. for southern travellers at brighton that means huge disappointment. not too happy about it myself. and i pay a lot of money for the train monthly as well, it's a waste of my time, really. that's terrible. what can you do? it's a lot of money on uber, isn't it? disappointed, to be fair, because i pay a lot of money to travel to brighton every day and i think the service that we get is ridiculous. around 900 aslef drivers who work for southern voted in the ballot. there was a turnout of over 72%, nearly 46% voted in favour of the deal, but over 54% voted against. this is an embarrassment for aslef, the deal negotiated by their leadership has been overturned by their rank and file membership. mick whelan, the general secretary of aslef says, "we understand and support the decision arrived at them democratically by our members". the dispute is over how many members of staff should be on every train. could there be driver only trains or must there always be a second person, a conductor, on—board? aslef said they had got a deal where there would always be two staff members on a train, with some exceptions. the reality was there was a whole host of exceptions that meant up to 1800 trains a day would be able to run without the guarantee of a second safety person. that's not acceptable. southern‘s parent company govia said in a statement: "naturally we are saddened and hugely disappointed, as will be our passengers with today's decision by drivers, particularly as the agreement carried the full support and recommendation of the aslef leadership." the rmt has already scheduled another 24—hour strike on the southern network for next wednesday, and the same dispute about driver operated only trains is spreading to other parts of the country. ballots are being sent out today to staff on arriva trains north, there's also the prospect of industrial action on merseyrail. the big question for these passengers travelling home tonight is, what happens next? in the short term, the aslef leadership would have to get back around the negotiating table to get a better deal if they can to their members. in the long term, there is the possibility, only the possibility at the moment, of more strike action, although no dates have been announced. remember, this is the train drivers we are talking about here. when they go on strike, the network is virtually shut down. more than half a million children and teenagers in the uk are carers who look after their ill or disabled relatives. some spend more than 12 hours a week looking after them. but budget cuts at local councils are making it increasingly difficult for these young people to get the support that they need — that's according to the local government association in england and wales. they say it's crucial for councils to have better relationships with schools and hospitals to try to make sure more youngsters don't fall through the net. 0ur midlands correspondent sima kotecha reports. right, these will warm your feet up. oh good. in dudley, 17—year—old alex looks after his mum, who has multiple sclerosis. i suppose you could say it's a big responsibility, but it doesn't really feel like it, because, obviously it's what i've done. so it is just normal for me. it's just the normal thing to go, have you had your tablet today? how many tablets does your mum take everyday? it's about ten. it's just trying to sort out which ones. he's her primary carer and is one of 700,000 young carers across the uk. it is frustrating at times because you do just want to throw the towel in sometimes and just go, i've had enough. i don't want to do this any more. but then you see at the end of the day, you just see how happy you make the person or the people that you care for, and it really does make it all worthwhile. some of these young people do get support from the local authorities, but the organisation which represents local councils in england and wales says, tight budgets means they are having is it fair to have a child helping you and being there for you, when actually the adult should be there for the child. what would you say to that? i agree with that, to be quite honest. i really do. i wish that i hadn't got to rely on alex, sort of thing. i wished i hadn't got this disease. so i've got to rely on him, sort of thing, to help me. but there again, why shouldn't he? i'm his mother. it's not as though i'm somebody that he doesn't know. not too far away in wolverhampton, ten—year—old ethan takes care of his brother, eight—year—old noah. with his mum, he's one of his primary carers. it feels a bit like a burden. sometimes he does things that makes us angry. but then he does lots of things that make us happy as well. noah has complex learning difficulties which means he struggles with everyday tasks. he needs to be supervised at all times. the government says later this year it will publish a strategy that will outline what more it will do to help vulnerable young carers. come on, put your top on. there's an argument that being young and responsible sometimes he doesn't listen. ts anysneelse; = but if i tell him to do it, he will listen to me. it's kind of fun sometimes. and when i tell people about it, itjust makes me feel proud. sima kotecha, bbc news in the west midlands. the president of general motors — which owns vauxhall in the uk — has flown to london to hold crisis talks with the government and unions, amid fears that thousands of jobs here could be axed. a rival french company is in talks with general motors about taking over its european business, but there's concern about what that would mean for vauxhall‘s plants in luton and ellesmore port. our business editor simon jack is in westminster. those plants employ more than 4000 people. how worried should workers be? i think quite worried, because i can tell you the government is taking this threat of deadly seriously. after meeting the president of general motors here today at the department of business behind me, this secretary greg clark got an eu i’ow this secretary greg clark got an eu row start train to paris and is meeting with his opposite number in paris, as we speak, the industrial minister. he will then meet the board of psa, deep company that owns citron and peugeot. this may come down to a 3—way fight between the french, german and british governments. in that fight, the french government owns 14% of peugeot. the peugeot family on another 14%, so there will be a distinguished french feel to this company. you have to feel that sacked in german auto engineers is considered three times more expensive. with 2a combined plants across continental europe, with two in the uk, it's clear greg clark the business secretary will have to turn on the charm he did with nissan to persuade them to stay in the uk. but that three could fight he has, it's a bit ofa that three could fight he has, it's a bit of a mountain to climb. a suicide bomber has attacked a crowded sufi shrine in southern pakistan, killing at least 50 people and injuring dozens. so—called islamic state has claimed responsibility for the attack. it is the largest in a string of bombings by militants in pakistan this week. the islamic state group has also claimed responsibility for a huge car bomb in the iraqi capital, baghdad. 45 people died and at least 50 were injured in the blast which targeted a used car market in the southern district of bayaa. it's the third car bomb attack in as many days, and the deadliest so far this year. the new us secretary of state, rex tillerson, has held his first face to face meeting with his russian counterpart. it comes in the wake of turmoil in the white house over alleged rex tillerson also held talks with the foreign secretary, boris johnson, as part of a g20 summit in germany. from bonn our diplomatic correspondent, james robbins reports. rex tillerson's first day overseas as donald trump's top diplomat, and it's been the toughest of starts with washington in turmoil over links to russia and much of the outside world worrying where america's foreign policy could be heading. top priority for the new secretary of state — reassurance. russia, he said, won't dictate to washington. where we do not see eye to eye, the united states will stand up for the interest and values of america and her allies. and this was the crucial first meeting, america's novice diplomat, although experienced in commercial dealings with president putin, face—to—face with russia's veteran foreign minister, sergei lavrov, eager to deny any moscow wrong—doing. you should know that we do not interfere in domestic matters of other countries. but if that was meant to close the issue of alleged russian interference in the united states, it didn't. at nato headquarters, america's defence secretary seemed to repeat the accusation. reporter: do you believe that the russians interfered in the us elections? right now, i would just say there's very little doubt that they've either interfered or they've attempted to interfere in a number of elections in the democracies. so, could boris johnson somehow help america out? the foreign secretary came closest to making his new friend, rex tillerson, laugh at their first meeting. afterwards, the foreign secretary told me they'd had a terrific conversation, he had no worries at all about the united states and russia. we don't want to get into a new cold war, that's something that london and washington are completely at one on. i think that goes for all our european allies as well. but nor do we want to allow russian behaviour to continue as it is and rex tillerson's been very clear about that. there are plenty of countries represented at this meeting they remain deeply anxious about the trump administration, its policy towards russia and the middle east, over climate change, and the host of this global gathering, germany, well, its leader, chancellor merkel, is blunt — no one country, she says, can solve the world's problems on its own. james robbins, bbc news, bonn. a 15 year old girl has pleaded not guilty to the murder of a 7 year old in york last month. katie rough was found with severe injuries on a playing field, and died later in hospital. the teenager accused of killing her appeared at leeds crown court this morning via videolink — charged with murder, and possessing an offensive weapon. this month we've been focussing on the pressures on the health service — particularly the crisis many say the key to solving it is greater cooperation between health and social care services — an approach that has been in place in northern ireland for many years with care provided for some patients at home rather than in hospital. but is it affordable? here's our ireland correspondent chris buckler. hour after hour, people arrive at hospitals looking for treatment. and to ease that constant pressure, staff need to find ways of keeping some patients away from this building. so far, so good. excellent. in his living room, thomas wright is seeing a doctor. in his kitchen a nurse is preparing his antibiotics. yet in the past, and even now, many 97—year—olds would be on their way to hospital for this kind of care. we actually got the call from the paramedic when he was in the back of the ambulance on his way to hospital. they rang us first and we said, look, why don't we see him at home? so we came straight out and saw him here with his son. he was delighted not to have to make thatjourney. and it matters to hospitals, too. in northern ireland, like elsewhere around the uk, operations are regularly having to be cancelled because beds are needed for emergency care. now we have all year round pressures. and we have such a stretch on beds that we are often unable to do elective operating. waiting lists in northern ireland are already among the longest in the uk, and in recent months politicians have warned the health service here is at breaking point. at the end of last year they published this, a 10—year plan to try to change the way services are delivered. and with this report came a stark warning — currently, of the total amount of money that stormont has for public spending in northern ireland, health and social care takes up around half. ministers say unless there is significant change, that figure will rise to 90% of the total budget within a decade. it's already showing signs of struggle, financially showing signs of struggle, showing signs of struggle in terms of waiting times, and those will both exacerbate and get a lot worse. unlike other parts of the uk, for decades here there's been one budget for both health and social care. no alarms overnight? no alarms overnight, no. great. it can make it easier to offerjoined up services. mervyn has been waiting years for a kidney transplant but with support he's able to look after his own dialysis at his house in kilkeel. it's different to the treatment he would get 20 miles away at hospital in newry, but there are advantages to him as well as the nhs. it's probably at least a third, maybe in some cases half as expensive to deliver home dialysis. and money is a concern for the busy health service in northern ireland. where the collapse of the power—sharing government has created uncertainty, not just for politics but also budgets. chris buckler, bbc news, belfast. our top story this evening. more misery for southern rail passengers as drivers go against their union and refuse to accept a deal to end the dispute still to come, we'll be live here in portsmouth naval dockyard to mark 100 years of the wrens. coming up in sportsday on bbc news. swapping the premier league for the middle east. after taking charge of three majorfinals in 2016, referee mark clattenburg quits english football to take up a role in saudi arabia. it's more than 150,000 million million miles away from earth — now an international team of scientist is determined to try to photograph the supermassive black hole that they believe is at the centre of our galaxy. so they've built what's effectively the world's biggest telescope. 0ur science correspondent, pallab ghosh has had exclusive access to this ambitious project underway in america. this is our galaxy, the milky way. a swirl of stars and planets including our own earth. at its centre it has a heart of darkness, a supermassive black hole. it's an object with immense gravity that pulls in everything around it. it's so strong that it even sucks in light. in a few weeks' time, researchers here will try and take a picture of it. so, there's a tonne of excitement around getting this picture. we are all really looking forward to getting the data in april and making that first picture. and not only because it's going to be super cool to take the first picture of a black hole, and see it looks like, the immediate environment around a black hole, for the first time. so how are scientists down here on earth going to see the black hole that is so far away? no single telescope is powerful enough, so 12 of them, all around the world, will be linked together, and the images they collect will be fed into a computer in boston. now, our galaxy is a vast spiral with the earth here on one of the arms, and the black hole is right at the centre, 153,000 million million miles away. it's four and a half million times the mass of our sun. no one has ever seen it but scientists think it looks something like this. and very soon they'll find out if they're right. it's a mind—boggling amount of data stored on dozens of hard drives flown in from telescopes all across the world. it will take the team here months to go through all the information. the project is the brainchild of professor shep doeleman, who has waited 20 years for this moment. black holes have been mysteries forever. it's been almost a holy grail for astronomers to be able to image and probe the area right around the point of no return, the event horizon of the black hole. what we're going to learn is how black holes feed and swallow some of it and grow in size. the scientists here may have their first image by christmas. and it'll help them discover how galaxies are created and what the centre of our own milky way is really like. while we've been on on air, donald trump has been giving his first solo press conference since becoming us president. he's used it to launch another attack on the media, accusing them of dishonesty. the press has become so dishonest that if we don't talk about it, we are doing a tremendous disservice to the american people. tremendous disservice. we have to talk about it to find out what is going on because the press, honestly, the level of dishonesty is out of control. our washington correspondent was listening, more sharp words for the media, what else did he have to say? extraordinary moment. we got about one hour notice this was going to happen, it came pretty much out of the blue. he's not given to doing press c0 nfe re nces , the blue. he's not given to doing press conferences, he's controlled them very, closely. we had a sort of meandering account of his first almost four weeks in government, almost four weeks in government, almost a mixture of what he did in the campaign and some of the things he's done since. he said he'd done more than any other president had donein more than any other president had done in the amount of time. he rejected claims that the white house was in chaos. he said it was a fine tuned machine that was running in the white house at the moment. he introduced the new labour secretary nominee, one of those pulled out last night, and that is in a week where he lost his national security agency. he also told us that the controversial executive order that banned people from those seven predominantly muslim countries from coming into america for 90 days has been caught up in the courts, has been caught up in the courts, has been put on hold by the courts. he's promised to redraft that and issue a new one of those next week, as he puts it, to protect the american people. he promised that would happen this week. it's going to happen this week. it's going to happen next week now. he's just about to start to take questions from reporters. we'll see whether he ta kes a ny from reporters. we'll see whether he takes any from unfriendly organisations or those who are less friendly towards him. the first question he answered, he said that michael flynn had effectively lost hisjob because of michael flynn had effectively lost his job because of the actions of the media. gary o'donoghue with the latest from the white house, thank you. in wales more patients are having to wait over 12 hours at accident and emergency units — than a year ago. in january 4,000 patients were left waiting compared to 3,000 injanuary 2016. the proportion of patients waiting less than four hours held steady, according to the latest monthly figures. plans by former footballers ryan giggs and gary neville to redevelop areas of manchester would erase the history of the area. historic england said the area which includes two skyscrapers and a five story hotel threatens the area history. the former manchester united players claim the development would transform the area. they're famously known as the wrens — the women's royal naval service — which was founded 100 years ago during world war one. it was the start of a huge change in the role women played in the armed forces. wrens initially served as cooks, stewards and dispatch riders but they went on to play other key roles in the navy, during the second world war, and beyond. our correspondent duncan kennedy is in portsmouth, where events are being held today. duncan. you know the story of the wrens has never really been told in a full major exhibition like this, especially their lives and achievements. royal navy was of course the first of the three services to officially recognise women like this. and now 100 years after the formation of the wrens, their story has been told in full. at 90 years old, win price still has an affection for the sea. and the wrens who hold sway over her maritime memories that first began when she joined as a 17—year—old in 1944. they had cooks and stewards they wanted. well, i couldn't cook, so i opted for a steward. proud then, and honoured now to be celebrating 100 years of the wrens. in a way, they started equality. that was the beginning of it. you were the pioneers? i guess. no, the ones before me were pioneers! newsreel: she's the skipper... the women's royal naval service was formed in 1917. by the second world war they had become the home front force that made high sea battles possible. now a century of achievements are charted in this new exhibition. the strength of this exhibition lies in its detail and the telling of personal stories. take a look at this. this is the leave permit for a jane rossiter, it's dated december 1918, was obviously going home for christmas. but then we know that jane subsequently left the navy and then re—enlisted at the outbreak of the second world war. here we have her identity book for that. and there it is, wren number one. in 100 years women sailors have gone from medics to marines, and from cooks to commanders. they had to prove themselves, which they did really well. after that it was for the other women to embrace that change, and they took it forward, and its continued to go forward. now called sailors, not wrens, women's have seen a century of naval change. and for those like win price, the exhibition is a proud salute to our nautical heritage. duncan kennedy, bbc news, portsmouth harbour. time for a look at the weather. here's nick miller not a huge amount of sunshine today but some amongst the showers in scotland, a rainbow looking out towards perth and sunny spells in essex. in northern ireland it turned wetter and we've seen outbreaks of rain through wales, north—west england, edging through the midlands towards east anglia. as the night goes on, some g that showind ; south—east england. you can pick up the dam zone here overnight. north of that becoming dry, clearing skies in scotland, chilly overnight, top sheu in scotland, chilly overnight, top shelf frost for some, and fog patches developing in southern scotla nd patches developing in southern scotland could be slow to clear. we still have this damp zone tomorrow morning but by the afternoon any rain left will be patchy in nature into western scotland, and the rest of us will have a mainly dry friday afternoon. the best of the sunshine in scotland will be in the east and i stayed to north—east england. increasing clouds in northern ireland. lighter winds across the northern half, so although temperatures a degree or so down it will not feel different to today. 0utbreaks will not feel different to today. outbreaks of rain reaching west wales and the far south—west of england. brightening up, south—east england. brightening up, south—east england staying rather cloudy. a week weather front coming as we start off on saturday, when speaking up start off on saturday, when speaking up across start off on saturday, when speaking up across the northern half of the uk again. quite wet in western scotla nd uk again. quite wet in western scotland at saturday begins but it will ease as the rain edges further south. to the south of that the bulk of england and wales staying dry. 0n sunday breezy across—the—boa rd of england and wales staying dry. 0n sunday breezy across—the—board and wet again in north—west scotland. some sunny spells elsewhere. mild, potentially the start of next week very mild. and that's all from the bbc news at six. wejoin the news and that's all from the bbc news at six. we join the news teams where you are, goodbye. hello. this is bbc news. southern rail passengers face more rail misery — as members of the train drivers' union, aslef, reject a deal backed by their leaders — to settle their long—running dispute. i pay ipaya i pay a lot of money to travel to brighten every day. i think the service we get is ridiculous. the business secretary, greg clark, has travelled to paris as fears for the future of thousands of jobs at vauxhall‘s uk plants grow. he will meet ministers, and members of the peugeot board. thousands of homes have been evacuated in christchurch in new zealand — after two separate fires combined — covering nearly five thousand acres. in a moment it will be time for sportsday but first a look at what else is coming up this evening on bbc news. we'll have more on the collapse of that southern rail deal and be getting reaction from labour's transport spokesman,

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Strikes , Place , Arrangement , Thousands , Hundreds , Children , Plight , Black Hole , Scientists , Telescope , Galaxy , Centre , Presence , Wren , Thought , Petty Officer , Chief 0fficer , 0 , 150 Thousand Million , Change , Women S Royal Naval Service , Women , On Bbc News , Arsene Wenger , Roles , Season , Side , Armed Forces , Champions League , Evening , Bbc News At Six , Bayern Munich , Six , Commuters , Rail Misery , Hopes , End , Deal , Country , Train Drivers , Company , Dispute , Unions , Union , Southern England , Commuter Networks , Southern Rail , Loggerheads , One , Safety , Trains , Staffing , Issues , Delays , Andy Moore , 300000 , Rail , Aslef , Talks , Everybody , Thanks , Tuc , Gtr Southern Have , Two , Lot , Money , Agreement , Travellers , Disappointment , Brighton , Unravelled , Drivers , Service , Train , Isn T , It , Waste , Disappointed , Uber , 900 , Embarrassment , Ballot , Turnout , Favour , Southern , 46 , 72 , 54 , Members , Leadership , Decision , Mick Whelan , Membership , Rank And File , The General , Staff , Driver , Exceptions , Host , Staff Members , Person , Reality , Conductor , Second Person , Guarantee , 1800 , Support , Passengers , Southern S Parent Company Govia , Statement , Recommendation , Aslef Leadership , Strike , Network , Rmt , 24 , Prospect , Question , Ballots , Parts , Industrial Action , Arriva Trains North , Merseyrail , Term , Home , Negotiating Table , What Happens Next , Possibility , Strike Action , A Million , People , Nd Uk , Carers , Councils , Budget Cuts , Relatives , Teenagers , 12 , Hospitals , Correspondent , Wales , Relationships , Youngsters , Net , Schools , Feet , Sima Kotecha Reports , 0ur Midlands , Local Government Association , Doesn T , Mum , Responsibility , In Dudley , Multiple Sclerosis , 17 , Thing , Tablet , Ten , Times , Ones , Carer , Towel , 700000 , Some , More , Authorities , Organisation , Budgets , Child , Adult , Sort , Mother , I Hadn T , Shouldn T , Alex , Disease , Care , Ethan , Somebody , Noah , Brother , Wolverhampton , Eight , Things , Bit , Lots , Burden , Angry , Government , Learning Difficulties , Tasks , Strategy , Argument , Kind , Fun , Ts Anysneelse , Itjust , President , General Motors , Fears , Bbc News , Crisis Talks , Jobs , At Vauxhall , London , Has , West Midlands , Sima Kotecha , Concern , Simon Jack , Plants , Business , Motors , Westminster , Ellesmore Port , Rival French , Luton , Workers , 4000 , Greg Clark , Meeting , Number , Threat , Department , Row , Paris , Eu , Deep Company , Psa , Citron , Peugeot , Industrial Minister , 3 , Governments , Family , Fight , Feel , French , German , 14 , Nissan , Business Secretary , Sacked , Charm , Auto Engineers , Continental Europe , 2 , Three , Islamic State , Bit Ofa , Attack , String , Suicide Bomber , Bombings , Largest , Dozens , Mountain , Shrine , Militants , Southern Pakistan , 50 , Blast , Car Bomb , Car Market , Iraqi Capital , Baghdad , 45 , Rex Tillerson , Us , Face To , Counterpart , Car Bomb Attack , Russian , Deadliest , Bayaa , Southern District , Boris Johnson , Turmoil , White House , Part , Bonn , Wake , G20 Summit , World , Donald Trump , Russia , Diplomat , Starts , Our Washington , Links , Toughest , James Robbins , Secretary Of State , Foreign Policy , Eye To , Interest , Priority , Reassurance , Values , Won T , To Washington , Sergei Lavrov , Allies , Dealings , Veteran , President Putin , Countries , Wrong Doing , Interference , Matters , Didn T , Issue , Nato Headquarters , Moscow , Elections , Defence Secretary , Reporter , Russians , Accusation , Doubt , Friend , Democracies , America Out , Something , Worries , Conversation , Cold War , Behaviour , European , Leader , Policy , Trump , Administration , Gathering , The Middle East , Climate Change , Chancellor Merkel , Murder , Problems , Girl , 7 , 15 , Hospital , Teenager , Injuries , Playing Field , Offensive Weapon , Leeds Crown Court , York , Katie Rough , Health Service , Pressures , Health , Services , Northern Ireland , Say , Approach , Cooperation , Crisis , Focussing , Key , Patients , Treatment , Pressure , Chris Buckler , Nurse , Thomas Wright , Ways , Building , Living Room , Doctor , Kitchen , Way , Paramedic , Back , Ambulance , Why Don T , Antibiotics , Call , 97 , Elsewhere , Emergency Care , Beds , Operations , Son , Saw , Thatjourney , Stretch On Beds , Operating , Politicians , Longest , Waiting Lists , Round , Amount , Report , Plan , Warning Currently , Spending , Stormont , Breaking Point , The End , 10 , Struggle , Budget , Half , Ministers , Signs , Figure , 90 , Terms , Waiting Times , House , Dialysis , Kidney Transplant , Offerjoined Up Services , Mervyn , Kilkeel , Home Dialysis , Cases , Third , Advantages , Newry , Nhs , 20 , Collapse , Power Sharing Government , Politics , Uncertainty , Misery , Story , Southern Rail Passengers , Belfast , Wrens , Portsmouth Naval Dockyard , Sportsday On Bbc News , 100 , Role , English , Mark Clattenburg , Earth , Charge , Premier League , Saudi Arabia , Three Majorfinals , 2016 , 150000 Million , Team , Scientist , Supermassive Black Hole , 0ur Science Correspondent , Project , Stars , Planets , Access , Swirl , The Milky Way , Pallab Ghosh , Object , Everything , Light , Gravity , Heart Of Darkness , Picture , Data , Researchers , Excitement , Tonne , Time , Environment , Computer , Images , Enough , Spiral , All Around The World , Them , Arms , Boston , No One , Mass , Sun , 153000 Million , Four , Telescopes , Hard Drives , Black Holes , Shep Doeleman , Brainchild , Information , Astronomers , Mysteries , Holy Grail , Area , Point Of No Return , Size , Galaxies , Image , Christmas , On Air , Media , Dishonesty , Press , Press Conference , Disservice , Level , Control , Else , Words , Honestly , Press Conferences , Out Of The Blue , Doing Press , Meandering Account , The Blue , Nfe Re Nces , Tuned Machine , Claims , Running , Campaign , Mixture , Donein , Chaos , Fine , Labour Secretary Nominee , Last Night , National Security Agency , Courts , Executive Order , Hold , Seven , Questions , Job , Michael Flynn , Reporters , Actions , Organisations , Friendly , He Ta Kes , Ny , Hisjob , Units , Latest , Emergency , Gary O Donoghue , 3000 , Plans , Figures , Footballers , Proportion , Ryan Giggs , Gary Neville , Manchester United , Players , Areas , History , Hotel , Skyscrapers , Manchester , Five , Cooks , Stewards , Wrens The Women S Royal Naval Service , Development , Which , Riders , World War One , Navy , Duncan Kennedy , Events , Second World War , Beyond , Exhibition , Achievements , First , Course , Lives , Royal Navy , Sea , Hold Sway , Price , Formation , Affection , Memories , 1944 , Steward , Couldn T Cook , Pioneers , Equality , Beginning , Newsreel , Skipper , 1917 , Strength , Force , Telling , Detail , Home Front , Look , Jane Rossiter , Stories , Leave Permit , Home For Christmas , Outbreak , Identity Book , Number One , 1918 , December 1918 , Medics , Commanders , Marines , Women S , Sailors , Salute , Win Price , Heritage , Sunshine , Western Scotland , Rainbow , Weather , Showers , Portsmouth Harbour , Nick Miller , Perth , Rain , Outbreaks , Night Goes On , Edging , G , North West , Midlands Towards East Anglia , Showind , Essex , Wetter , North , South East England , Dam Zone , Fog Patches , Southern Scotla , Shelf Frost , Chilly Overnight , Sheu , Clearing Skies , Best , Zone , Rest , Nature , Nd Patches Developing In Southern Scotland , Lighter , North East England , East , Clouds , Temperatures , Degree , Weather Front , South West Of England , Brightening Up , Rain Reaching West Wales , 0utbreaks , South , Western Scotla , Bulk , Rd , 0n Sunday Breezy , Boa , All , Spells , North West Scotland , Rail Passengers , News Teams , News , Leaders , Wejoin , Homes , Peugeot Board , Sportsday , Fires , New Zealand , Five Thousand , Husband , Collapses , Running Rail Disputes , Season Ticket , Management , Railway Station , Reaction , Labour S Transport Spokesman , Â 4000 ,

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