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Everyone back home tonight. Their holiday is Over Thousands of british tourists flown back from the gambia after warnings of unrest. Last year was the warmest on record. Scientists say its Climate Change and were to blame. Coming up in sportsday later in the bbc news, tributes to the pioneering baroness Rachael Heyhoe flint. The former england captain who helped transform womens cricket has died at the age of 77. Good evening and welcome to the bbc news at six. Eu Leaders Meeting in strasbourg have been giving their first formal reaction to Theresa Mays Brexit speech. The Prime Minister of malta, which holds the eu presidency, said any deal had to be inferior to the Relationship Britain enjoys at the moment. With both british and eu politicians trying not to antagonise each other borisjohnson has been blamed for doing the opposite. Hes been accused of inappropriate language when he appeared to compare frances president hollande to a world war ii guard administering Punishment Beatings. Our Political Editor Laura Kuennsberg explains. Watch out, Foreign Secretary more light. It is hisjob to bring friends and influence around the world. On tour in india today. The delicate process of leaving the eu begins, rather in delicate words about our old friends and foes, the french. Mr hollande wants to administer Punishment Beatings to anybody who chooses to escape rather in the manner of some world war ii movie, i dont think that is the way forward. I think it is not in the interests of our friends and our partners. From thousands of miles away he was slammed as crass. Not what you would expect from a Foreign Minister a diplomat told me. Awkward when back home the Prime Minister urges everyone to play nice. The point made was reasonable but the language has to be careful when dealing with colleagues and friends. Boris comes up with extraordinary phrases of which we should all be ashamed. His team said he wasjust making the point it makes no sense for the rest of the eu to treat britain harshly but only yesterday theresa may publicly reminded ministers at home of the need the discipline and with a difficult deal ahead, britain needs all the friends it has. Language matters, but it is the words and attitudes of european leaders that will be vital. Yesterday the Prime Minister appealed to eu counterparts to behave as good friends, even as we leave. The Arch Europeanjean claude juncker, who leads the commission that will manage the deal. We are not ina that will manage the deal. We are not in a hostile mood. We want a fair deal for not in a hostile mood. We want a Fair Dealfor Britain but a not in a hostile mood. We want a fair deal for britain but a fair deal means a fair deal for the eu. Leaders are in no mood to let britain divide and conquer, their goal is sticking together. We have a clearer idea of what britain wants, Angela Merkel said, the most important thing is europe is not divided. In public and private, this is the reality. Whatever the uk asks for, the rest of the eu will not do a deal when the terms are trade are as cushy outside as in. We want a fair deal for the as cushy outside as in. We want a fair dealfor the united as cushy outside as in. We want a fair deal for the united kingdom, but that deal necessarily needs to be inferior to membership. Are you playing hardball . Be inferior to membership. Are you playing hard ball . She be inferior to membership. Are you playing hardball . She may smile, her speech yesterday please most of her party, but theresa may is under attack for not giving mps enough of attack for not giving mps enough of a save. It is not so much The Iron Lady as the irony lady. A save. It is not so much The Iron Lady as the irony ladyli a save. It is not so much The Iron Lady as the irony lady. I have a plan. He does not have a clue. Next tuesdayit plan. He does not have a clue. Next tuesday it is over to the courts, who could force the government to give detail, more detailed to parliament, before the technical process of extricating ourselves from the eu begins. In these negotiations it will not always seen that ministers are in charge. Our europe correspondent Damian Grammaticas is in strasbourg. I guess eu leaders have had time to digests mrs mays speech and come up for a formal reaction. What did you make of their language . It is interesting, the comments by boris johnson, although some here see them as at best insensitive and at worst offensive, have not made a big impact because here the view is there are serious issues at stake and the important thing to be remembered is what they are saying is the uk needs to understand it is trying to achieve unprecedented things. Theresa may wants a free trade deal and an unprecedented amount of time within two years and for that she needs goodwill on behalf of the Negotiating Partners here. Whats the maltese Prime Minister who will chair the eu countries said was that theresa may had made a political decision to prioritise stopping the Free Movement of people, and the uk leaving the Single Market would not achieve as good a deal outside. Very clear on that. Angela merkel clear, saying outside the eu, the uk could not cherry pick because from the eu perspective, eddie deal would not offer benefits that would make any other country want also to follow the same path outside the eu and from the eu Point Of View that is what we do greatest harm to their unity. Two banks hsbc and ubs have confirmed they will transfer jobs from london to europe, after the Prime Minister said brexit would mean britain would leave the european Single Market. Our Business Editor simon jack is at the World Economic forum in switzerland. Simon, hsbc have talked about this before, they were not bluffing . No, it seems they were not and have been saying for months if we left the Single Market they would move about 1000 high paid bankers to paris and we also learned today more about how much business they will take. They will take 20 of hsbcs european banking revenue. They would not split it out but it is in the hundreds of millions, potentially billions of revenue, which is not the same thing as profit but a big chunk. Ubs confirmed on plans they could move up to 1000 bankers, most likely to frankfurt. This will be a hit to the exchequer. There will be few violins for bankers leaving but these are among the highest paid people in the country Making Hundreds of thousand pounds each. The exchequer will see a hit, there will be erosion of londons place in the global marketplace for financial services. It seems clear that Contingency Plans, since the speech, has become a reality. Its being hailed as a victory for disabled people. Doug paulley, who uses a wheelchair, took legal action because he couldnt board a bus in leeds, when a mother with a pushchair refused to make way for him. Todayjudges at the Supreme Court ruled that the bus companys policy of requesting but not requiring other passengers to move was not good enough. Our Disability Affairs correspondent nikki fox reports. It has taken almost five years of legal battles to get to this point. How are you feeling . Elated. Finally, doug paulley had his day in the highest court in the country. All sevenjudges agreed the highest court in the country. All seven judges agreed the bus Company Policy of requesting and not requiring a person to vacate the wheelchair space was unlawful. But it is not clear cut because the judgment does not insist some will move from the space. I am really pleased with the result. I am aware some will be pleased. It has not gone as far as some would like or it has gone to far. This is about disabled peoplesrights, access, to travel on the bus and hopefully Todayis Travel on the bus and hopefully today is a step in the right direction. It began in 2012 when doug was unable to catch a bus because the space the wheelchairs was occupied by a mother and pushchair. She refused to move which meant dot macro could not get on. First group admit that following the verdict they might have to amend training to staff but are pleased drivers will not have to force people off the bus. We welcome the fa ct people off the bus. We welcome the fact the court confirmed a driver is not required to remove a passenger from a boss if they refuse to move from a boss if they refuse to move from the space, which is important for drivers. The impact of the judgment will have wider implications. Further than just buses. Any Service Provider or company that has a dedicated space for disabled people, which could be a supermarket disabled bay, access a bald toilet in a restaurant, they will have to make sure Wheelchair Users get priority. Not all Wheelchair Users agree. Users get priority. Not all Wheelchair Users agreelj users get priority. Not all Wheelchair Users agree. I will not go on the bus and take the woman with the pram. I am disabled, but i am still a with the pram. I am disabled, but i am stilla man with the pram. I am disabled, but i am still a man and thisjust with the pram. I am disabled, but i am still a man and this just feels not right. What about mothers with babies . It is not as simple as wheelchairs versus pushchairs. Babies . It is not as simple as wheelchairs versus pushchairsm babies . It is not as simple as wheelchairs versus pushchairs. It is better to remain a grey area for people to use common sense. Todays ruling paves the way for a closer look at legislation when it comes to prioritising access for Wheelchair Users. Unemployment has fallen to its lowest level for more than a decade. The number of people out of work fell between last september and november and now stands at 1. 6 million. There are also new figures on wages. Average earnings were up by 2. 7 compared with a year earlier. Thousands of british holidaymakers enjoying some winter sun in the gambia have been told to cut short their holiday. They are being flown home after a State Of Emergency was declared there. The Foreign Office is advising people to avoid all but Essential Travel to the former british colony. Theres been Political Tension in the country ever since the president refused to accept that he lost last months election. James robbins reports. Its not very good news. Its basically that we are going to evacuate everyone back home today. Today . Yes, today. About half the Holiday Makers in the gambia are british. Most are following Foreign Office advice to leave, even if some are reluctant. Asking us to leave is unnecessary, i think, at the moment. But i understand that we need to do it. To me, it feels stupid, because this will all be over within 24 to 48 hours. But its not just foreigners fleeing the capital, banjul. Many gambians fear possible violence, as the president tries to cling to power, defying his election defeat last month. President yahya jammeh at first conceded that he lost, 22 years after seizing power, and facing mounting accusations of torturing and murdering opponents. But then he changed his mind, and refused to step down. The man who won, adama barrow, fled to neighbouring senegal. He insists he will be sworn in as president tomorrow, and other West African States, including nigeria, are preparing their forces to intervene on his behalf. The Foreign Office stresses that one of its first duties is the protection of britons overseas. So ministers felt they had no choice but to urge those in the gambia to leave. The americans took a similar decision, more than a week ago. Ministers feel caution has to be the watchword. We have been putting a Contingency Plan together, should the advice from the foreign and Commonwealth Office change. And of course, that happened last night. And the advice, to stop all but Essential Travel, effectively translates into, you shouldnt go unless you have to, and if you are out there, you really ought to come home. So now, charter aircraft are flying into the gambia empty, flying out full, as the tourist exodus accelerates. Tonight, senegal is seeking un backing for West African States to intervene. Its troops are already massing on the border. James robbins, bbc news. Our top story this evening. Eu leaders spell out challenges ahead for brexit, while borisjohnsons been accused of inappropriate language. And still to come. British tennis on a roll, dan evans beats the seventh seed to make the third round of the australian open. Coming up live on sportsday, Plymouth Argyle tried to cause a big upset against liverpool in their fa cup third round replay. Its official. Nasa Scientists Say 2016 was the hottest year since records began over a century ago. Average Global Temperatures edged ahead of 2015, and are now 1. 1 Degrees Higher than pre industrial levels. In fact, it is the third Consecutive Year that the record has been broken, nasa say. Scientists believe that the El Nino Weather Phenomenon played a role, but increasing levels of Greenhouse Gases were the main factor in driving up temperatures. Our science correspondent Rebecca Morelle has more. Our planet is warming, fast, and the latest data suggests that 2016 was a record breaking year. This winter, parts of the arctic have had a heatwave, temperatures were above freezing when they should have been far below. While australias Great Barrier reef was transformed to this. Vast swathes of coral were killed off, as the waters warmed. 2015 was the warmest year on record up until now, and 2016 has just beaten that. Its beaten it by about 0. 1, 0. 12 Degrees Celsius. Which doesnt seem like a lot, but in terms of the yearly variations, it is actually huge. Part of this rise was caused by an el nino event, a warm Ocean Current that disrupts the worlds weather. But Scientists Say Greenhouse Gases were the main driver. This shows how Global Temperatures have increased since the industrial revolution. The bigger the circle, the hotter the year. And the latest data, collected by nasa and meteorological agencies around the world, suggest 2016 is the third year in a row to break records. The global temperature is edging ever closer towards some worrying figures. Scientists say a rise of two Degrees Celsius above pre industrial levels could lead to dangerous impacts around the world. So a lower limit of 1. 5 celsius was set by the paris climate agreement, a global deal that came into force last year. But with Carbon Dioxide at record levels, Scientists Say this is a Temperature Threshold we are on course to surpass. To tackle global warming, the world is being urged to move away from fossil fuels, like coal. But in the us, donald trump has said he wants to revive the industry, and has threatened to pull america out of the paris climate agreement. The woman who brokered the deal is concerned. If the us chooses to exit the road and the path that has been pursued by every other country in the world, it is only going to damage itself, because it will become less competitive. We are moving toward a de carbonised society. All eyes will now be on this years data. Already, scientists forecast that 2017 wont be as warm, because the el nino event is over. But they say longer term, unless action is taken, the earth will continue to heat up. Rebecca morelle, bbc news. British sprinters, James Ellington and nigel levine, have been involved in a Motorbike Accident in spain. British athletics said the pair were injured in the crash yesterday in tenerife but are conscious and stable. It is believed they have both broken their pelvis. James ellington has written on his Facebook Page that they are lucky to be alive. Police say a 16 Year Old Girl found on a path, in rotherham, had been stabbed to death. The body of leonne weeks was found on monday. Her family said they were devastated at the loss of their beautiful daughter and sister. An 18 year old man is being questioned over her death, and a 26 year old woman is being held on suspicion of assisting an offender. Southern Rail Services will run a full timetable from next tuesday after the drivers union, aslef, called off a planned three day strike. Fresh negotiations in the long running dispute over the role of guards on trains are due to take place tomorrow. This friday, donald trump will be inaugurated as the 45th president of the united states. But his Election Campaign was one of the most divisive of recent times and thousands are planning to protest against his presidency. Opposition is particularly strong in california where his plans to deport immigrants and build a wall on the mexico border, have come in for fierce criticism. From los angeles, james cook sent this report. What do we think of the beautiful sunshine for a rally today in california the resistance is heating up. As donald trump takes office, fear among the states 10 Million Immigrants is turning to defiance. From the streets all the way up to the governor, there is fighting talk. What will we say to donald trump . No Isabelle Medina has lived in the us illegally for 20 years. For her and millions like her, mr trumps election could mean deportation to mexico. It was shocking, and at that very moment it was scary. Because our people were thinking, oh, my god, what is going to happen to my family . Does mr trump secretly agree . As his campaign wore on, the focus shifted from mass deportations to removing criminal aliens. My son ronald de silva was murdered april 27, 2002, by an illegal alien. My husband was shot by an illegal alien. Murdered by an illegal. He was murdered by an illegal in 2010. Prioritising the deportation of criminals was also ba rack obamas policy. But here on the border there could be a big change. An even bigger wall, paid for, says mr trump controversially by mexico. A nation built on immigration no longer feels like a refuge for the tired and the poor. Mr trumps election has thrown up a fundamental question. What is it to be an american . For many of the new president s supporters, the answer is rooted in history, in a sense of white, english speaking, european identity. Here in los angeles, its a very different story. Deportados, how do we translate that to english . Deported. What does that mean . At this museum, students are learning about the founding of la by mexicans, africans and native americans, as well as spaniards. It helps explain why california rejects mr trump so fiercely. It is almost a situation back to the 1860s with the Southern States versus the northern states over the issue of slavery. You know, were not at that point yet, but california looks like we will be leading the charge against whatever kind of actions the Trump Administration may take. Many State Agencies here already refuse to help with federal deportations. A sour relationship may yet collapse completely as both sides prepare for a battle of the border. James cooke, bbc news, los angeles. The former england womens cricket captain Rachael Heyhoe flint has died. She was 77. She played for england 45 times and helped win the world cup in 1973. She was one of the mccs first women members, and was made a life peer in 2011. Britains dan evans has pulled off the best win of his Tennis Career at the australian open. He knocked out the number seven seed marin cilic. Less of a surprise was andy murrays easy victory over Russias Andrey Rublev which takes him through to the third round. Katherine downes has the story. Dan evans went shopping on sunday, to buy kit for the australian open. Dropped by his sponsor last year, hes come back from the brink of quitting tennis, to beat two of the worlds top ten players in the last two weeks. Todays big scalp, former us open winner marin cilic, who had looked too much for evans in the first set, as the dazzling sun sank low. But as the shadows lengthened, evans came to life, breaking the cilic serve to take the second set. With belief blossoming in the darkness, he dominated the third too. The fourth turned into a battle, evans saved eight break points, and cilic was getting frustrated. He had to serve to stay in the match, but evans took his chance. And, what to do after beating the world number seven . Get straight on the phone, there is big news to share. Surely, the biggest win of his career. I had to fight quite hard to get through. It was definitely the situation, and the ranking was definitely the best. With evans through, andy murray was just getting started. He beat the russian teenager Andrey Rublev in straight sets. But the match wasnt without its drama. For a while, it looked like the world number ones chances were gone. While murray has an appointment with an ice pack, dan evans is unlikely to be feeling any of his aches and pains. Not a bad days work, for a player the papers once described as the most wasted talent in british tennis. Katherine downes, bbc news. Time for a look at the weather, heres helen willetts. Tell us This Deep Chill is coming to an end that deep chill depends on where you are, it is a really slow moving weather picture. But what a difference in some parts of the country. It depends on the cloud weather you have it or weather you dont. Where we had the sunshine today in the south is where we had the hard frost. Further north, it was far milder. And, its pretty much the story for the next couple of nights. Weve still got a high pressure, the static weather across the country. And this week Weather Front which is providing the cloud. Its not in the south, in the south weve got that continental air. For most of us, the cloud acts like a blanket, stopping the temperatures from falling. As we saw this morning, this wonderful weather watcher shot from west berkshire, similar themes across the southern half of the country again tomorrow morning are likely. With the Weather Front close by, theres more moisture. The potential is there, with breaks in the cloud, the fog to form. Ice and frost across the south with potentially a bit of fog in east anglia and possibly parts of wales. It is blanket cloud cover, sitting on the hills, quite a murky morning, really. The cloud across Northern Ireland and the majority of scotland, some rain towards the north. The north east of scotland might do quite well with the frost and fog. How still. Perfect reflection on the canal, there. Pretty much the same through the rest of the day, we might pick up a bit more cloud across east anglia compared with today. Perhaps not as sunny here. The sunshine prevalent perhaps across parts of the bristol channel. Again, east of the grampians, perhaps east of the pennines. Temperature is not much higher than recently. Friday, subtle changes again, the cloud could move a bit further south again. The frost and the sunshine best in the south. Pretty chilly with some breaks elsewhere. Not guaranteed, because that Weather Front is with us. Its very usable, out and about weather. If you have the weekend off, lots of dry weather but hopefully more sunshine than we are seeing at the moment. Do bear in mind its january, itll be chilly. A reminder of our main story. Eu leaders spell out the challenges of brexit while borisjohnson has been accused of inappropriate language. Thats all from the bbc news at six, so its goodbye from me, and on bbc one, we nowjoin the bbcs news teams where you are. Hello, youre watching bbc news. The top stories borisjohnson has warned eu leaders not to punish the uk for brexit. Stories the uk for brexit. If Francois Hollande wants to administer Punishment Beatings to anybody who chooses to escape rather in the manner of some World War Two movie, then i dont think that is the way forward. But the European Commission president jean claude junker, says the brexit Talks Negotiations will be very, very difficult. What i call is to have a fair deal. That is still valid. We need a fair deal with britain. That means obligations for everyone who is taking part. Unemployment has fallen to its lowest level for more than a decade to 1. 6 million in the three months to november. The jobless rate was steady at an 11 year low of 4. 8. Thousands of gambians and Foreign Tourists flee the gambia, as the president is refusing to give up power after losing last months election and has called a State Of Emergency. The Supreme Court has ruled bus drivers must do more to accommodate Wheelchair Users. As a result of a disabled yorkshire man winning a five year legal battle after a woman with a pushchair refused to make way for him. Scientists say 2016 was likely to be the worlds warmest year the third in a row to top the temperature charts. And tributes to former england womens cricket captain Rachael Heyhoe flint, who has died aged 77. In a moment it will be time for sportsday, but first a look at what else is coming up this evening on bbc news. We will be looking at reaction from europe to Theresa Mays Brexit speech. As president obama makes his final farewells, we will be crossing live to us to bring you his speech live from washington. And at 10 40 this evening in the papers our guests joining me tonight are the former Labour Adviser and comedian ayesha hazarika, and neil midgley, Media Commentator at the telegraph thats all ahead on bbc news. Now on bbc news its time for sportsday. Hello, im olly foster, these are our sportsday headlines tonight,

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