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Renewed at old trafford, as Manchester United face liverpool. Good evening and welcome to the bbc news at six. Theres been further confirmation of the difficulties within the nhs, as its emerged nearly half of all hospitals in england declared a major alert in the first week of the year. That means they had no more beds available, all routine surgery was cancelled and doctors were called in from leave. Four out of ten trusts were forced to raise the alarm, as hospitals and accident Emergency Departments struggled to cope. Nhs england says eight of the trusts overall issued the highest level of alert, meaning patients safety could be put at risk. Hugh pym reports. How do you feel now . Is still sore but better. Another day, another a e patient. A fractured wrist is dealt with. Patients are waiting and nhs staff doing the best they can under pressure. The story at Northwick Park hospital in london is the same as across the service. Things are quiet today but they know bad weather could bring a surge in patients this weekend. This co nsulta nt patients this weekend. This consultant told me it was the busiest she had known in 16 years. There have been moments in the last two weeks like the whole country has had where it has been frightening for members of staff, for doctors, nurses, Ambulance Crews bringing patients in, and there have been moments where it has been very sticky. But we have managed as best as we can and everybody has worked incredibly hard. Todays figures show that last week 43 of hospitals declared a major alert which means help is required to handle Patient Numbers or safety is at risk. 16 faced this serious pressure every day last week. We have acknowledged that the nhs is under pressure. We a lwa ys that the nhs is under pressure. We always see increased pressure over winter periods. That is why in preparing for winter £400 million was put in to ensure winter preparing must. In Northern Ireland, nearly four in ten patients waited more than four hours in a e over the christmas period. In wales, one in five patients were waiting longer than four hours. Scotland was performing better than that and england in the holiday week but at this Glasgow Hospital pregnant women we re this Glasgow Hospital pregnant women were turned away yesterday and sent other Maternity Units because of a high level of general admissions. Management said safety was maintained at all times. This is the sort of thing you will find in most hospitals each day, Ambulance Crews queueing in a corridor with patience, waiting to hand them over. They are safe, but there is no room in the accident emergency unit for them to be treated or assessed. The hospitals praised the hard work of staff under pressure but they know a prolonged cold snap or a flu outbreak could make life even tougher on the front line. Hugh pym, bbc news. Thousands of People Living on the east coast of england are being evacuated after the threat of severe flooding caused by high winds and high tides tonight. Preparations have been underway since yesterday, with the army helping Police Forces and volunteers. This is the latest picture tonight issued by the Environment Agency, with those living in norfolk, suffolk and essex most under threat. The red triangles down the coast here, 17 of them, denote severe Flood Warnings, which mean there is danger to life. And where you can see a black house inside the triangles, those are 90 Flood Warnings that require people in the area to take immediate action. Sophie long is in Great Yarmouth tonight. Sophie, whats the scene now . Well, fiona, it is raining and windy. People are still coming to fill sandbags. It is just over three hours until high water in Great Yarmouth, and that is the crucial moment. That is when the high tides will combine with high wind, creating the conditions that could cause severe flooding. It is the moment people up and down the east coast have spent the day preparing for. From early this morning people in Great Yarmouth braved the cold and snow to prepare for worse, potentially life threatening, conditions ahead. There are some centres on there you can go to. Emergency services knocked on thousands of doors urging people to leave their homes, stay with friends and family or head to one of the local rest centres. A little bit worried but this happened a couple of years ago and we got evacuated and it was ok, thankfully, because they built the defences up. Fingers crossed, the Environment Agency have done a good job and build the defences well enough to protect us, but who knows . Tonight will tell. We live over the road and we do get flooded quite a bit. As long as weve got the sandbags for now, weve moved everything upstairs so its a waiting game. In essex, police activated a full Evacuation Plan at jaywick, west mersea and mistley. And Emergency Services were poised to assist anyone in need. Here, this mornings high water was lower than expected but the Environment Agency is warning people not to be complacent. The issue with a storm surge is it really is about the high wind coinciding with what would be high tides anyway. And if you get that, you get really high levels, but it can be changeable through the day. We are forecasting as closely as we can and watching it through but it is really important that people stay alert because some of these high tides will happen very late through tonight. Police in essex have been urging people to comply with their instructions, to come to centres like this, in the relative safety of daylight. Some needed less persuasion than others. There was no question. The moment i knew i had to go, i left. Left my phone behind, everything else, more or less. As long as i was safe, that was all that mattered. 200 troops are now helping with the Evacuation Operation in Great Yarmouth, where thousands of homes and businesses are facing a severe risk of flooding. That risk will peak here, along with high water, at about 9 30pm. People here are doing the best they can to protect their properties. Then, like thousands of others up and down the east coast, all they can do is wait. Sophie long, bbc news, Great Yarmouth. Danny savage is in skegness for us. High tide is expected there within the next hour. What are the Emergency Services concerned could happen . Well, there are concerns it will come right up to the defences, but we should look at what it has been doing throughout the afternoon. I tide is the most dangerous time and high tides depends where you are on the east coast. It has already happened in North East England on the yorkshire coast. There has been damaging scarborough and whitby. High tide here is about 6 45pm. They expect it to reach the defences. Further south, it will not be in Great Yarmouth until about 9pm and in suffolk and essex it will be midnight before the waters peak. But look what it has been doing so far. As it comes down the north sea this afternoon and evening it is getting right up to Flood Defences and over them in places. It seems the precautions that have been taking place today are well placed because Flood Defences down the east coast tonight are going to be tested, and in places, the water may well get over. Thank you. The labour mp Tristram Hunt has announced hes resigning, to become the director of the victoria and Albert Museum. Hes represented stoke on Trent Central since 2010. In his resignation letter, the former education spokesman said serving in parliament had been deeply rewarding and intensely frustrating. His Departure Triggers what could be a difficult by election for labour. John pienaar reports from stoke. Stay with labour, convinced they will lose, or walk away and leave politics behind . Tristram hunt chose to walk. His leader doesnt like it but for this famous tv historian, when i caught up with him in stoke, Thisjob Offer was too when i caught up with him in stoke, this job offer was too good to turn down. Being director of the victoria and Albert Museum was my dream job and Albert Museum was my dream job and not something i could turn down. You have been clear that labour is heading for trouble withJeremy Corbyn as leader. We havent changed your mind. I have had differences with jeremy your mind. I have had differences withjeremy in the past but i am off to be an impartial director of a great museum, so it is not the time to rehearse those differences. I spoke tojeremy to rehearse those differences. I spoke to jeremy this to rehearse those differences. I spoke tojeremy this morning and he was gracious, interested in the job. Also rather disappointed . Well, he was thrown. Nobody wants this on friday the 13th. He was pulling his punches but his verdict onJeremy Corbyn is on the record. We face a historic wipe out of the labour party. Jeremy corbyn is glossing over troubles ahead. Labour party. Jeremy corbyn is glossing over troubles aheadlj labour party. Jeremy corbyn is glossing over troubles ahead. I do not want to lose any mps but he has taken this position as director of the v a. Good luck to him, and we will have a by election. The v a. Good luck to him, and we will have a byelection. But here in stoke, where most voted for brexit and Ukip Game Second by 5500 votes, ask anyone, this will be a hard test for labour. Ukip, labour, it will a lwa ys for labour. Ukip, labour, it will always be in the balance whether labour get always be in the balance whether labourget in or always be in the balance whether labour get in or not. They will have a tough time holding on . More tougher time, i think. A tough time holding on . More tougher time, ithink. Politics is muddled. Traditional Labour Voters do not know how to vote, because the brexit thing. You want labour to win. You are a labour man . Historically, but today there is no clear choice. Ukip seems up for the fight. Tristram hunt feels he has a Brighter Future away from Jeremy Corbyn and the labour party. We are confident there are a large number of voters in stoke central who will feel the same way. For labour, this isa feel the same way. For labour, this is a difficult time for a by election. It is in a tough place, and it is not the only one. Some labour mps have told me they are either preparing to quit before the next election, or resigned to defeat when it comes. Can labour hold its ground, or our traditional supporters turning their backs on walking away . The ftse 100 share index has closed at yet another new high. Its finished the day up 45 points, at 7338. Its the 12th record high in as many days, and the 14th day of consecutive increases. Experts say the record breaking run has been driven by the weakness of the pound, due to the ongoing uncertainty over brexit. Donald trump has accused his political opponents, both democrats and republicans, of putting together a dossier of what he calls totally made up claims linking him to russia. In a series of tweets the President Elect repeated his accusation that the material was probably released by the Us Intelligence agencies. He promised a report into allegations of russian hacking within 90 days, as nick bryant reports. There are storylines that could easily come from a cold war spy thriller and plot twists involving Sex Allegations and potential russian blackmail that even the tv series House Of Cards might baulk at. But this is reality, not a show, and the First Episode of trump the presidency airs in just one weeks time. For now, donald trump mainly delivers his lines on twitter. Hes a 140 character actor. It now turns out that the phoney allegations against me were put together by my political opponents and a failed spy afraid of being sued. Totally made up facts by sleazebag political operatives. Both democrats and republicans. Fake news. Russia says nothing exist. Probably released by intelligence even knowing there is no proof and never will be. My people will have a full report on hacking within 90 days. 0n capitol hill today, lawmakers received a Behind Closed Doors briefing on the unverified dossier and russias alleged interference in the president ial election. And many are left demanding more answers. The American People are owed the truth and there is a great deal of evidence to say this is an issue of high interest to the American People, the strength, the integrity of our own democracy. And there is yet more intrigue. A senior us official confirming today there were frequent contacts between Donald Trumps Top National Security adviser and russias ambassador here in washington and that those contacts took place on the day that president 0bama expelled dozens of russian officials in retaliation for the alleged hacking. It again raises questions about the trump teams ties with the kremlin. All this as barack 0bama performs his final act and one of them took his deputy completely by surprise. I am pleased to award our nations highest civilian honour, the president ial medal of freedom. It sealed their eight year bromance. I can say i was part of the journey of a remarkable man who did remarkable things for this country. But washington moves on, it has always been a city of political farewells. And this time next week this capital, this country, will be under very different management. Nick bryant, bbc news, washington. Our top story this evening. Nearly half of all nhs trusts in england declared a major alert in the first week of this year. And still to come. Can the most expensive player in the world work his magic again against liverpool on sunday . Coming up in sportsday in the next 15 minutes on bbc news, Johanna Konta has won her second tour title. Now for the first major of the year that starts next week. Lord snowdon, the former husband of Princess Margaret and celebrity photographer, has died. He was 86 years old. The first commoner to marry a kings daughterfor 450 years, the then Anthony Armstrong jones married Princess Margaret in 1960. Theirs was the first royal marriage to be televised. But they separated after 16 years and eventually divorced. 0ur royal correspondent, nicholas witchell, looks back at his life. He was the Society Photographer who took pictures of the royal family and who married one of its leading members. It was in 1960, the start of a decade of considerable social change, that the then Anthony Armstrong jones married the queens younger sister, Princess Margaret. He was an untitled commoner, she was the princess who, a few years earlier, had had to renounce her love for a royal official because she was divorced. With unbounded enthusiasm, acclaim for Princess Margaret and her husband when they appeared on the balcony. The couple brought glamour to the british royalfamily. They travelled widely. This was them on a visit to san francisco. A list celebrities before the term had really been invented, presenting an image of britain more in keeping with the informality of the time. Although he became the earl of snowdon, he continued to work as a photographer. He was also a talented designer. One of his proudest achievements was designing the aviary at london zoo. The queen wanted above all else her sisters happiness and her sister seemed to have found happiness with this very different young man who was extremely artistic, very talented, and i think people really respected him for that. By the late 1960s, the couple had two children, but their marriage was in serious difficulty both were having affairs. In 1976 lord snowdon announced that he and Princess Margaret were to separate. Naturally, desperately sad in every way. As a child he had contracted polio. Throughout his life he campaigned on behalf of disabled people and in latter years, despite his own increasing frailty, he retained his passion for photography. I like these ones because they are simple. He could look back on a life notable for his marriage into the royal family but which had also produced many professional achievements. Memorable images, among them this one of the queen which ended up on britains postage stamps, or this relaxed 80th birthday portrait, taken at his home. As for the photographer himself, he shared the view of many an amateur snapper. Its all luck im always relieved that they come out lord snowdon, who has died at the age of 86. At the end of a week in which theresa may promised to transform the way Mental Illness is treated in the uk, weve a Special Report tonight on Mental Health among children. One in ten children in britain has a a diagnosable Mental Health condition. For some, it will prove intolerable. The latest figures show 231 young people aged 10 to 19 killed themselves in 2015. The Charity Childline says calls from young people contemplating suicide has doubled in the last five years to nearly 20,000. 0ur uk affairs correspondent, jeremy cooke, follows the stories of two families. Two young lives. Two families with difficult stories to tell. Im sarah, im mum to ben and sam, my twins. My name is kim and my daughter is georgia. Ben was a fun loving, caring, Happy Go Lucky child. Fantastic sense of humour, life and soul of every party. She was full of life, she was a great kid, she had lots of friends and she would have parties at home. Was she happy . She was very happy. For georgia there was all the appearance of a normal, balanced life. For ben too, no thought of how desperate things would become. Ben went off to do his paper round, i waved him goodbye, we said we loved each other and off he went and i didnt think anything of it. He was late and i cant remember what attempt it was to call his telephone, somebody answered it that was clearly not ben. And i was, ben, its me, its mum. And they kept saying, who is it . And i was like, its mum, thats bens phone, why have you got bens phone . She is the first child from our family to actually go to university and everything seemed to be going so well and i was relaxed, thinking shes there, shes doing it, shes doing the dream. And shes perfectly happy. Until i had a phone call. The two officers turned up at the door and i knew straightaway that he wasnt alive. What happened to him . We were told that he had died on the motorway and that was the day our lives changed forever. Teenage suicides are rising. This week the government said it wants to reduce the stigma of Mental Health problems, get more support into schools, to young people who desperately need it. I got in the car and i drove up there and ijust felt sick the whole journey, i felt sick. I didnt know what was going on, what had happened. Ijust wanted to see my daughter. Georgia survived. She had managed to call the samaritans for help. Her life saved but painful memories. I didnt want to be here any more, i didnt want to feel the hurt and the pain that nobody else could see. And thats when i thought it would all stop, it would be over if i managed to take my own life. Did you try to take your own life . Yes, idid. For georga and her mum there is now plenty to look forward to. She has a home, a career, a future. That was a really difficult time in my life. Ive learned so much from it and its made me the person i am today, but im so grateful to be here on this land having a really good time. But for bens family its all about memories and unanswerable questions for a 14 year old who took his own life without warning. Why did he not reach out to us . Im sorry. Just definitely why. And that i love you. Sorry. Its just not knowing, thats the hardest part. And definitely why. Bens mum knows the pain of losing a child. Now shes working with the papyrus charity to tell his story, raise awareness, work to prevent more young lives being lost to suicide. Jeremy cooke, bbc news. Details of organisations providing support for people in distress or with Mental Health problems are available at bbc. Co. Uk actionline. Or you can call 0800 066 066, at any time. To hear recorded information. Turkey has ruled out withdrawing all its troops from cyprus as part of any unification deal unless all greek troops also leave the island. The two sides have been holding un brokered talks aimed at resolving the future of cyprus which has been partitioned between turkey and greece since 1974. A Sky Programme about michaeljackson will not be broadcast following a backlash by the late pop superstars family. His daughter paris said the programme urban myths, which cast the white actor, Joseph Fiennes to playjackson, was incredibly offensive and made her feel sick. Its arguably british footballs biggest rivalry and when Manchester United and liverpool face off on sunday afternoon, it will be their one of their most significant games for years. Both clubs are challenging for the Premier League title and are hoping to maintain their good form. Manchester united midfielder paul pogba has told the bbcs Football Focus that manager Jose Mourinho has turned the club around, but many liverpool fans believe this could be their year. Katie gornall has more. As one powerfaded the other took their place. Liverpool and Manchester United are english footballs most successful clubs, but rarely have they fought a direct battle for the title. This season could be different. Right now liverpool are chelseas closest challengers and while united are five points behind theyve recently found their swagger. Commentator well hit by pogba. Brilliant strike. So too has paul pogba, the worlds most expensive player was brought back to old trafford for gamesjust like this. He says hes enjoying his return to manchester and working withJose Mourinho. Im confident. You know, he talks to me, like, you know how to play, do what you want, he lets me free on the pitch. He says, just go and enjoy yourself and play. Thats it. Thats all i need, thats all i need to hearfrom my manager. As anyone here will tell you, you cant challenge for the title without momentum. Now, united have it. Theyre on their best run of form in eight years and theyll feel this is a good time to be playing their fiercest rivals. Liverpool, such a free scoring force for much of the campaign, have hit their first wobble of the season. They were recently held by League Two Plymouth in the fa cup and havent won since new years eve. Hardly a crisis, says their manager. I hear when i talk to different people that its because of our last game, oh my god, and now man united and all that stuff. But, yeah, give me 11 players and we will be competitive. Its not about being confident before the game. Its about getting confidence in the game. Klopps reassurance will be welcomed by liverpool fans. It may only be january but this match could offer a hint at which team will be demanding our attention come may. Katie gornall, bbc news, manchester. Time for a look at the weather. Heres john hammond. Snow, people being evacuated on the east coast a lot going on. It is the scene in West Yorkshire at the moment, very wintry and some of that snow has been drifting around courtesy of the blustery wind which is causing problems on the east coast. The combination of those strong winds and high tide moving down the east coast in the next few hours, they will be critical as that surge of water heads towards the thames street. If you have any concerns about conditions, check out the flood line number. Weather wise, it is cold and if you have snow on the ground you will do in the morning because things are not going to melt overnight. An icy night, further wintry showers in the north and west and some of those will creep in into the midlands also temperatures close to or below freezing but no doubt in some scottish glens we could get as low as 10. Another chilly day tomorrow, more wintry showers on the east coast and the gales will continue. Further west, more showers but they will turn back to rain, something a bit milder creeping in to Western Areas in Northern Ireland and Wales And West of england. Seven or 8 degrees. Another chilly day for the east. We have changes afterwards because france will start to push in from the west, trying to introduce some milder air from the west, trying to introduce some milderair from the west, trying to introduce some milder air fronts. That meant a different day on sunday with afair bit meant a different day on sunday with a fair bit of rain. It will stall across more eastern areas with wet weather and a raw day in eastern counties with that cold air hard to dislodge, just four or five. Further west it will get milder and a bit dry up with temperatures reaching 10 degrees. Thank you. A reminder of our main story. Nearly half of all nhs trusts in england declared a major alert in the first week of this year. Thats all from the bbc news at six. So its goodbye from me and on bbc one we nowjoin the bbcs news teams where you are. Hello. A very good evening. This is the bbc news. The headlines at 6 30pm. There are Flood Warnings along the east coast of Englandas A Tidal Surge and Strong Winds Force people from their homes. Almost half of hospitals in england declared a major alert in the first week of the year, as the Health Service comes under increasing pressure. The labour mp for stoke on Trent Central Tristram Hunt is resigning from parliament, his Departure Triggers a by election. Lord snowdon, the photographer and former husband of Princess Margaret, has died at the age of 86. In a moment it will be time for sportsday, but first a look at what else is coming up this evening on bbc news. With severe Flood Warnings in place, well be live in the areas most affected tonight, as people brace themselves for possible flooding. Well also take a look at what labout mp tristran hunts resignation means for the political landsdcape. And for the people in stoke on trent. And well see how both of these stories are being covered in tonights paper review, thats at ten thirty, with Lindsay Razaq and helen thats all ahead on bbc news. But now it is time for sportsday

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