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The Football World pays tribute to the former england manger Graham Taylor whos died suddenly aged 72. And we speak to the writer of la la land the man whos brought the art of the musical back to hollywood. And coming up in the sport on bbc news west hams star player Dimitri Payet wants to leave and is refusing to play for the club this weekend. But the manager says he wont be sold. Good evening and welcome to the bbc news at six. A former mi6 officer has gone into hiding after being named as the source of the latest allegations against President Elect donald trump. Christopher steele produced a dossier last year which included the allegations that mr trump had been caught in compromising financial and sexual activities. The allegations are unproven and americas cia, which has acknowledged the existence of the dossier, says it has made no judgement about its credibility. Heres our security correspondent Gordon Corera on the british connection. The murky world of intelligence gathering in moscow a secret dossier of allegations about trump and russia. All written by a former member of mi6. This is Christopher Steele, now at the centre of controversy. His house was unoccupied today. He is supposed to have told neighbours to look after his cats and he is said to be lying low, fearing for his safety. What do we know about Christopher Steele . He is 52. In the nineties he worked for middlesbrough. Mi6 in moscow. He founded a private Intelligence Company called orbis. Last year he was commissioned by trumps opponents to look into russian connections. He came up with 35 pages of allegation. Orbis are based here. There is no sign of chris steele. He is a man with contacts in moscow. But so far there has been no confirmation that the extraordinary allegations he dug up there are definitely true. Thanks to his past asa definitely true. Thanks to his past as a spy, steele is unlikely to have been able to Travel To Moscow himself and will have relied on others to gather information. Moscows a difficult place to work in. The ruckses have a habit russians have a habit of secrecy and deception. The other complicating factor is money. If youre going to give Somebody Money to tell you something, there is a strong possibility they will tell you what you want to hear. Alexander litvinenko, a former russian agent who fled to london, investigated powerful figures who fled to london, Investigated Powerfulfigures in who fled to london, investigated powerful figures in moscow and was killed by Radioactive Poise son. Powerful figures in moscow and was killed by Radioactive Poise soni believe it is dangerous, particularly after the death of my husband, because when you just approach specific information, particularly when this information very close to powerful people, you might be in this line and you just easily might be killed. The russian dossier was not written for public consumption. But american spies have briefed the outlines to man it is about. Its author never expected to be in the spotlight. But in the atmosphere of American Politics today, seek represents are no longer as today, seek represents are no longer as today, seek represents are no longer as secrets are no longer as safe as they were. As weve heard this controversy raises serious questions about the extent to which russia has tried to undermine the political process in america and whether donald trump is too close to the countrys leaders. Well, today some of the President Elects nominees for the topjobs in the new administration have made it clear that they continue to regard russia with a degree of suspicion. Heres nick bryant from washington. A week before Inauguration Day this usually an air of expectancy. But the mood is much more feverish and electric. As Allegation Swirl that russia has compromising information about the President Elect that could make him susceptible to black mail. Today trumps choice as cia head agreed the kremlin tried to interfere with the election. Agreed the kremlin tried to interfere with the electionm agreed the kremlin tried to interfere with the election. It is clear about russian involvement in effo rts clear about russian involvement in efforts to hack information and to have an impact on american democracy. Im clear about what that Intelligence Report says. And i have every expectation that we continue to develop the facts that i will relay those to the president and the tea m relay those to the president and the team around you and you, so we can have a robust discussion about this threat. As to the latest allegations in the dossier. I will pursue the fa cts in the dossier. I will pursue the facts wherever they take us. And the incoming Defence Secretary took aim at vladimir putin, taking a much tougher line than his new boss. Im all for engagement, but we have to recognise reality in what russia is up recognise reality in what russia is up to. There is a decreasing areas where we can engage. Yesterday the President Elect rejected the unverified allegations that russia has dirt on him. Youre fake news. Go ahead. After speaking last night to americas director of national intelligence, james clapper, he was as vehement on triter. Intelligence chiefs have made no judgments on the claim. Tea m team trump is defiant, saying the allegations are not true. What struck me most in mr clappers Public Statement that im sure your viewers can access, is mr Clapper Reemphasising that the Intelligence Community gave no credibility to the fa ke community gave no credibility to the fake news documents. Washington is a city used to intrigue and scandal, but not on the eve of an inauguration. Despite what the spokeswoman said, the Intelligence Community has not made a determination about the credibility of the claims. So we are seeing a continuation of the public rift between the trump team and the Intelligence Community and equally extraordinary this rift between incoming members of his administration and the President Elect. You heard his incoming defence chief contradicting the incoming Commander In Chief over the incoming Commander In Chief over the threat posed by vladimir putin. Thank you very much. Right now blizzards are sweeping across the uk driven by a blast of arctic weather. Scotland was hit first with some schools shut and transport services disrupted. Further south, dozens of flights out of heathrow have been cancelled and several villages on the east coast have been evacuated after the Environment Agency issued severe flood warnings. Our correspondent Duncan Kennedy is at heathrow. Well georges there is a combination of sleet and snow here at heathrow. It is freezing it has taken until mid january for the whole of the country to be affected by this weather and whats happening is as the Weather Front sweeping down through south east, northern ireland, scotland, the midlands, here around london and heading to the east coast. But it is notjust snow coming in. There is a risk that some places can be flooded. Scotland, where where the gorgeous meets the treacherous and the place where the snow laid its deepest blanket. Winds piled up the drifts. Creating scenery beyond post card perfect, but sending temperatures below zero. It was enough to do this to the m71; near glasgow. Drivers spent hours crawling to their destinations. In northern ireland, the traffic moved, but on roads snowed and iced under bitter conditions. The gritters struggled to keep routes covered. It was the same in cumbria, where councils had to make multiple trips after the grit was blown or washed away. Because we are trying to get salt on the network, every time we are doing that, the rain is washing that off. So the salt levels reduce and we have to top it up. So that is why people will see the gritters going around the routes trying to build up that salt level. Head south and a mixture of snow in the midlands. In worcestershire, not everyone felt lucky. It is ok if youre walking. When it comes to driving, we dont do it. Really nice. Pretty. The first time she has seen snow. We brought her up to skr a look. The snow came late in the day to heathrow. But the authority had decided to take no chances and cancelled around 80 flights. But this wintery surge isntjust cancelled around 80 flights. But this wintery surge isnt just about snow. Alan and elizabeth are among thousands on britains east coast preparing for flooding as high seas threaten to pour in. Im upset and frightened. After the last flood i had a couple of strokes and i dont wa nt had a couple of strokes and i dont want that again. Sorry, im going to cry. Want that again. Sorry, im going to a want that again. Sorry, im going to cry. A hundred soldiers in in lincolnshire warning people about the possibility of flooding there. They will be an alert for 2h hours. All part of mid winter and the multiple Weather Experiences that it is applying to the british isles. 0ur Correspondent Danny Savage is in skegness. What are conditions like where you are . George, it is not often you see army trucks outside politician station. About police station. About a hundred soldiers are here, knocking on doors, over 2,000 properties are feared to be vulnerable to flooding. The conditions are ok at the moment. But theyre expected to deteriorate tonight. And it is because of a storm surge coming down the north sea with a strong wind, high tides and the key pinch points are around 6in and the key pinch points are around 6 in the morning and 6 at night as well. Along a 30 or a0 mile stretch of coast. Now, this is a part of country which is haunted by memories of floods in 1953. There is no suggestion it will be as bad. But people are warned and if theyre in two storey properties to, to move their belongings up stairs, in case their belongings up stairs, in case the worst does happen. But the authorities are trying to do their best to warn people. Thank you. British airways cabin crew are to stage a fresh strike in a dispute over pay. Members of the unite union will walk out for three days from january 19th following two days of industrial action this week. Investigators say 23 people and organisations could face prosecution for the hillsborough disaster, in which 96 fans died. The Crown Prosecution Service will decide whether or not to press charges. An inquest last year found the victims were unlawfully killed in 1989 and that the match commander was responsible for manslaughter by Gross Negligence. Our correspondent Judith Moritz reports. Walk on they called it justice day a moment of history. The ruling that 96 liverpool fans were unlawfully killed at hillsborough. It was the verdict their families wa nted it was the verdict their families wanted so badly. Among them charlotte hennessey, who was just six when her father charlotte hennessey, who was just six when herfather died. Now charlotte hennessey, who was just six when her father died. Now the families have learned 23 people and organisations could face prosecution. There are people that i believe that have committed criminal offences and i think that they should be brought tojustice offences and i think that they should be brought to justice for that. Because if 96 South Yorkshire Police Officers had died that day and liverpool fans were responsible, they would still be paying the price. The operation investigated the disaster and identified 15 criminal suspects. Offences being considered include Gross Negligence manslaughter. We dont know who the suspects are. At the inquest the jury suspects are. At the inquest the jury found the fans were unlawfully killed. The ipcc investigated allegations of a cover up and has identified eight criminal suspects. Offences considered include misconduct in a public office. The former Chief Constable has revealed that he has been treated as a suspect. At the inquest he said he was not part of a black propaganda unit set up to blame liverpool fans. Long since the noise of celebration has died down here, there is still a clamourforjustice for has died down here, there is still a clamour for justice for those who campaigned for so long will have to remain patient. It will be months before they find out who if anyone will face prosecution. The Legal Process sometimes does not work as quickly as we would like. I understand families and others frustration at the time that might be take on the get something to court. Particularly given that these are court. Particularly given that these a re events of court. Particularly given that these are events of 28 years ago. Some campaigner say the number of suspects of the alleged cover up is too low and the Crown Prosecution Service says it will be up to six months before it decides on charges. The time is 6. 16pm. Our top story this evening. The former british spy at the heart of the latest allegations against donald trump is named as Christopher Steele. And still to come. How we filled up with festive food and drink bringing christmas cheer to retailers. Coming up in sports day in the next 15 minutes, we will hear more tributes to Graham Taylor and reflect on the former on the career of the former watford, aston villa and england manager, who has died at the age of 72. The worlds first tidal lagoon to capture green energy from the sea has come a step closer to being built in swansea bay. The proposal has been backed by a government commissioned review and there are hopes of developing a network of larger lagoons around the uk coast. According to independent analysts, a network of tidal lagoons could generate more than 10 of the uks electricity by 2030. Thats enough energy to power 9 million homes. That would result in a 36 cut in the uks Co2 Emissions by 2035, allowing the governments Current Carbon targets to be met. From swansea, sian lloyd reports. The plan is to generate power from the ebb and flow of the tide. Today, supporters of a lagoon in swansea bay believe a Bright Future for this type of Renewable Energy is on the horizon. We want the lagoon to become more than just a power station. A sea wall more than six miles long with loop across the bay. Energy harnessed by 16 hydroelectric turbines. Todays report says tidal lagoons can deliver a clean supply of energy, allowing the uk the chance to become the Global Leader in this type of technology. Its great when a Government Review spends six months crawling over every aspect and then says we agree, theres jobs to be every aspect and then says we agree, theresjobs to be had, cheap power to be had, there is a Global Industry to be had in the uk. But his plans for three further lagoons in wales and two more in england would be delayed until the impact of the smaller spawns the scheme is assessed. On cost, the report suggests that lagoons could compare favourably with nuclear. A view shared by this independent expert. We dont have an enormous amount of options in terms of decarbonisation. This project adds about 25p per annum to consumer bills. If it works, we may have unlocked substantial potential. But other questions remain, including the impact on marine life. These Charter Boat Owners who take anglers out in Swa Nsea Boat Owners who take anglers out in swansea marina, are worried fish stocks could be significantly depleted. It could impact on the card. On the cod. The cod could be looking for their food elsewhere and that would be the end of that, there would be no more fish. The prospect of jobs there would be no more fish. The Prospect Ofjobs and the boost for the local economy makes the tidal lagoon attractive to people who live here. It will now consider the reports recommendations, while the body responsible for protecting the environment in wales has yet to grant the marine license needed before any work can begin. Sian lloyd, bbc news, swansea. There was plenty of festive cheer for some of britains biggest retailers at christmas. M s, tesco and john lewis and debenhams all announced positive financial figures today. Heres our Business Correspondent emma simpson. We did spend, this christmas. A bit more than last year. Food did particularly well. Tescos sales were up today and other supermarkets have also had a good season. But fashion is more of a mixed bag. Next had a poor christmas. The big surprises . Marks spencer. With the help of mrs claus, Clothing Sales grew for the first time in two years, up by more than 2 . A real present. Its brought down clothing prices. It has also focused on getting the price right the first time, so when you buy something, theres less risk of the price being reduced in a couple of weeks. On the whole, christmas turned out ok. But retailers are much more worried about what lies ahead. John lewis had a decent christmas. A0 of its sales were via the internet. With Shopping Habits changing fast, it says it needs to invest more online and prepare for the impact of a weaker pound. There are pressures on costs. Theres pressures on prices. And those things are happening and youve got the consumer. Who knows What Happens Next year, but the predictions are were going to see a slowdown in the growth of consumer income. For retail, 2016 ended on a positive note. The question is, can spending be maintained . Emma simpson, bbc news. The former england football manager Graham Taylor has died from a suspected heart attack. He was 72. Taylor rose to prominence by taking watford from the old fourth to First Division and the fa cup final. His Club Chairman then, sir eltonjohn, said today that hed lost a brother, with whom he shared an unbreakable bond. Natalie pirks looks back at his career. The sound of hitting a football thrills me. Football was in Graham Taylors soul. From managing lincoln city. I think ive got qualities as regards coaching. To the highs and lows of the england job, he remained passionate about his first love. In 1977, hejoined elton johns watford. Fans their call him god, three promotions in five years tell you why. He turned them into the family club during the age of hooliganism. There was also an fa cup final to cherish. He hooliganism. There was also an fa cup finalto cherish. He had hooliganism. There was also an fa cup final to cherish. He had that smile that would make you feel Co Mforta Ble smile that would make you feel comfortable and you could talk to him. You also felt that, whatever he said to you, it was true. Aston villa first came calling in 1987. He led the club to promotion a year later and that turned their heads of the fa in 1990. Do i not like that. Those five simple words would come to define his england career. He was dipped hit he hit he was depicted as a Tabloid Turnip and criticised for failing to make the world cup. One of the reasons i admired him and liked him so much was coming you never got any bull from him, he wasjust read down the middle and told it as it was. Some people didnt like that but i loved it, i certainly admire that. He was surprised and honoured to receive an mbe for services to football but his friends were tonight the game mourns the loss of one of footballs true gents. The former england manager Graham Taylor, whos died at the age of 72. Lala land will open in the uk tomorrow. The romantic musical comedy has already won seven Golden Globe Awards and 11 bafta nominations. But is it likely to woo british audiences . Our arts editor Will Gompertz has spoken to the films writer and director damien chazelle. City of stars city of stars ayush dining just for me . Welcome to la la ayush dining just for me . Welcome to lala land, The Hollywood Musical Starring Anna Stone and ryan gosling which looks like its going to sing and dance itself to oscars glory. It isa and dance itself to oscars glory. It is a genre of film making which its director thinks is unfairly derided as being a bit naff. I dont think musicals are this outdated thing that they sometimes get labelled as. Theyre also not just that they sometimes get labelled as. Theyre also notjust a purely fantastical thing that people sometimes labelled them as. I think musicals can they aim real lot about real life and Human Emotions and humanity and where we are right now. And the need for dreams. Heres to the ones who dream heres to the ones who dream foolish as they may seem. From a writer and a directors point of view, what can you do any song that you cant do in a script . |j think that you cant do in a script . think of a song in a musical as a reflection of a persons innermost feelings. It is feeling is that cant be or in kind of action. It is feelings that need the outlet of a song. We had about a 3 a month rehearsal period of prep where everyday ryan and emma were in dance lessons, singing lessons, piano lessons. I think its also kind of fun, if youre going to work with music stars, put them outside their comfort zone, see the vulnerability. He is not yet 32 but already being lauded and applauded for his talents, he is a young director living lala lands dream. Will gompertz, abc news. We saw challenging weather earlier. Millions of people are trying to get home through this stuff. It started off as heavy rain but in the last three orfour off as heavy rain but in the last three or four hours it has turned to snow initially in the west of london but now that is spreading across the capital and it is snowing in london as we speak. Over the hills, a view centimetres of snow as well. The snow doesnt last for ever mind you, it does clear through later this evening. As the skies clear, temperatures will plummet and everything will freeze, be it water or slush or snow. It will be a very nasty night out there if you are on the move. Snow showers to the west of england and wales as well and a Blizzard Racing across the north of Scotla Nd Blizzard Racing across the north of scotland up over the mountains, with dale force wind around the North Eastern coast. Temperature is widely close to or below freezing where you have got snow cover and some pretty violent winds across coastal areas. There is still a band of snow and through the early hours that will move its way southwards, could give a view centimetres inland, more like rain or sleet, but eventually it might head down to london for tomorrows rush hour, what to watch out for. But for many of us we will wake up tomorrow to seems like this, roads full of slush. Further wintry showers around exposed northern Western Areas and further accumulations, as we have heard on the news the possibility of a storm surge down the north sea. That is because the winds will be that strong. One or two or three degrees or even lower than that when the snow remains all day long. Thank you very much. We can nowjoin the bbcs news teams where you are. Hello, this is bbc news with martine croxhall. The headlines at 6. 30pm Donald Trumps confrontation with americas top spy masters continues. After the President Elect accused them of leaking unproven allegations, trumps nominee for cia chief gives his version of the events. A real winter with strong winds and snow is expected to cause disruption across much of the uk. Many flights have already been cancelled amid warnings of Blizzard Conditions set to sweep across the country tomorrow. The worlds first tidal lagoon, creating green energy from the sea, is likely to go ahead in swansea bay as plans for a £1. 3 billion project are backed by a government commissioned review

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