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Donald trumps talk of a new arms race. And why a third of the homeless say they have been attacked on our streets. And coming up in sportsday later in the hour on bbc news, well look ahead to the start of a busy christmas fixture list, with chelsea top of the tree. But can they stay there . Good evening and welcome to the bbc news at six. The man suspected of the berlin Christmas Market attack has been shot dead by police in italy. Anis amri had been missing since the attack on monday it appears he left germany for france, before crossing into italy, able to move undetected around the continent despite a europe wide manhunt. Italian Police Stopped him in the early hours this morning at a Train Station in milan, shooting him dead after amri fired on them. The italian Authorities Say his fingerprints match those found on the Steering Wheel of the lorry which killed twelve people and injured dozens more. Our europe correspondent Damian Grammaticus has the latest. Anis amris brief violent life as a terrorist ended here, in an exchange of gunfire on the edge of milan. Alone and hunted, he managed to flee 1000 kilometres south from berlin but at three In The Morning, acting suspiciously, he was stopped by two officers and tried to shoot them. Translation at that moment, the man, without hesitating, pulled out a pistol, fired towards the policeman who had asked for identity documents. The officers reacted immediately. The one who was hit is recovering in hospital. His condition is not life threatening. And this has just been released by so called Islamic State, a recording made in berlin by anis amri sometime before the attack, pledging his allegiance. It is now believed that the 24 year old tunisian may have been radicalised after he arrived in europe, perhaps in the four years he was in jail the four years he was injail in italy. German Security Services knew he was a threat and he talked of buying guns, not using a truck. So how did he get all the way to italy . This is what we know about his movements, at 8pm on monday he attacked the Christmas Market then vanished, managed to get to sian berry in france, a train ticket in his pocket showed he went to turin and then onto milan Central Station arriving at 1am and finally he took the metro to the last stop, where he was shot. Translation row at the end of this week we can be relieved that one acute threat has come to an end but the general threat posed by terrorism will continue. We would oui terrorism will continue. We would our utmost to make sure our state as a strong state. So germany is trying to root out Radical Islamic networks. We visited this place today, a short distance from where anis amris new video was recorded. This is one of the places that anis amri was known to frequent in the months he was in berlin. A residential complex but the reason he would come here, in this corner, what used to bea here, in this corner, what used to be a mosque. It was closed down and became a Meeting Point for radical islamist. One of the neighbours said small groups of young islamic men continue to use the building, they beat late at night, apparently discussing attacks. Translation beat late at night, apparently discussing attacks. Translatiosz course it was dangerous, when the men sit here and fantasise about carrying out attacks, yes, i was worried, my children and my family live here. With the immediate danger a p pa re ntly live here. With the immediate danger apparently over, merlin is gathered for a meeting by the Brandenburg Gate no matter what, we are all one, we come together and think of the victims. It is something they have to be. Germany is now confronting the reality, it faces new and hidden threats. Damian, the main suspect is now dead, but this is unlikely to be the End Of The Road for the investigation into this attack. Fiona, what the authorities are now saying, here, is that what they must focus on now are the lessons to be learned. The first thing they are looking at, was there a network of people, supporters who helped anis amri carry out the attack and then flee . Angela merkel says there are many lessons to be learned from this. She talked about the need to speed up the Deportation Process of those whose Asylum Claims fail. I think they will also look at the intelligence and police servicess handling of this case. Remember he managed to leave through here and he got through france to italy and was stopped this morning, not by a Police Operation but by some young officers. The one who shot him had beenin officers. The one who shot him had been in the Italian Police force for nine months. So there are political questions, far right politicians like Marine Le Pen in france already raising questions about europes border security. What the Interior Minister says this shows is the need for more cooperation although he emphasises that the Terrorist Threat against germany remains high. Damian, thank you. Here extensive rail Engineering Work starts across britain tonight. With two hundred different projects being carried out over the christmas break. The biggest re signalling scheme in the networks history will close a line between Cardiff Central and the valleys. And several stations including paddington in london will be either partially or completely shut for several days. Our transport correspondent Richard Westcott is in paddington now, so no trains coming in or out of there from midnight tonight. No, absolutely. Loads of people rushing past with suitcases trying to get on the last trains, they are shutting paddington for six days. Network rail always chooses the holidays to do the big disruptive Engineering Work because it says the trains are only half full. That is when they say it affects the fewest number of people. But it also means every christmas thousands of people get disrupted. Its going to be the biggest rail upgrade ever taken on, and it all starts late tonight, hitting services across south wales, london and manchester. The lack of trains will make the roads busier. This was the m6 today. And its a popular time to fly away for the holidays. Heres stansted. So why do they always pick christmas to close the railways . We have a huge programme of works that we have to deliver as part of our Railway Upgrade programme. And some of that workjust cant be done on a live railway. We have to shut the railway. So christmas is the best time to do it, because its one of the quietest times of year. 2a,000 engineers will work on 200 sites across britain. One of the biggerjobs theyre doing this christmas is to open up and test these new lines between the concrete blocks here. Critically, they unblock a bottleneck between the trains going from heathrow into paddington station in london. Itll hit services across the country. Paddington station will actually close for six days after the last train leaves tonight. Services at other big stations, including london bridge, Charing Cross and liverpool street, will be severely affected. There will be no trains late on Christmas Eve between Cardiff Central, bridgend, newport and the valleys, because theyre resignalling the whole area. Its affecting me in that i have to take an extra day off work, because of the Replacement Bus Service not being good enough for what i need. But also, i understand the work needs to be done. At this time of the year families want to get together, if they havent seen each other for a while. And then theyre all distracted, arent they . Yeah. Totally inconvenient, because you have a lot of commuters over the christmas period, shopping as well between christmas and new year. As ever, leave plenty of time before you head off, and double check your train is even running. Richard westcott, bbc news. Two british men have been found guilty of using aid convoys to send thousands of pounds in cash to extremists in syria. The court heard how high profile Muslim Community led convoys became unwitting participants in a plan to fund terrorism. One of the infiltrated aid missions included alan henning, the taxi driverfrom eccles, who was subsequently kidnapped and murdered by so called Islamic State. Dominic casciani reports. Ala po. A la po. Humanitarian aid for people stuck in one of the most dangerous places on earth. Britons have donated millions to help civilians caught in the crossfire of conflict. Three years ago these convoys conflict. Three years ago these c0 nvoys we re conflict. Three years ago these convoys were at the heart of those efforts. Their two men have been found guilty of infiltrating them, slade, a former probation officer, and another man used the convoys to send cash to voters. One said these pictures by his nephew who was in a group affiliated to alqaeda, he advised him not to mutilate his enemies and sent thousands of pounds through unwitting convoys. The convoys through unwitting convoys. The c0 nvoys we re through unwitting convoys. The convoys were infiltrated and the goodwill of charities abused by taking money and goods from the uk to syria to help terrorists. Todays verdict is the first formal finding that the syrian aid convoys were exploited for terrorism. There were also two years in the Public Gallery the two men acquitted, two years that highlight how complicated and emotive psu has been for muslim communities. When you see what is needed getting to where it needs to go. Alan henning taken hostage by isis in December 2013 and murdered nine months later, he went to syria in one of the convoys abused by the guilty men. One man acquitted today of funding terrorism was on that convoy, he publicly appealed for the life of alan henning. We beg you to tread the Path Ofjustice and show them the compassion that allah has placed in the hearts of believers. Under pressure from the government and the police the aid convoys ended after the kidnap of alan henning. Dominic casciani, bbc news. The hijackers of a libyan jet have been arrested following a stand off at Malta International airport. The domestic flight with 118 people on board was hijacked this morning after taking off from sabha in the south of libya, bound for the capital tripoli. After spending several hours on the tarmac, hostages were gradually released the hijackers were then surrounded and taken away. The United Nations Refugee Agency says over 5,000 migrants and refugees have died in the mediterranean this year, the highest annual death toll so far. Almost 360,000 migrants entered europe by sea this year, according to the International Organisation for migration. Most of them arrived in italy and greece. Russian president Vladimir Putin has suggested he expects us he has said he does not want to see a new arms race with the United States but will develop new arms of necessary. Blood amid putin also denied any hacking or involvement in the us president ial campaign. From moscow, Steve Rosenberg reports. On the International Stage Vladimir Putin has been centrestage in 2016 and today shared his view of the world with the worlds media. Putting a question to the president is not easy when there are 1000 of you and just one of him. But he agreed to take my question. Mr president , your country has been accused of state sponsored hacking with the aim of influencing the result of the us president ial election, and president obama revealed that he told you personally to cut it out. What did you tell him in response . The president refused to say, dismissing all the talk of hacking as sour grapes from the democratic party. Translation the losing side always tries to pass the buck. They would do better to look for the problems among themselves. Russia, says President Putin, was modernising its Nuclear Missile potential but he claimed he was not worried by Donald Trumps tweet yesterday pledging to boost Americas Nuclear capability. Are you not concerned that there is a danger of a new arms race if america is talking of boosting its Nuclear Arsenal . Translation the basis for arsenal . Translation the basis for a new arms race was there already. After the us pulled out of the Antiballistic Missile Treaty and started to create a missile shield, so either we had to build our only shield or as we are doing Develop Weapons to penetrate theirs. But this was not our choice. Vladimir putin made it clear today that if there is to be a new arms race it will not be russias fault and he delivered a defiant message that russia is stronger than any potential aggressor. Yet tough talk does not solve domestic problems, the russian economy is struggling, not just because of the russian economy is struggling, notjust because of sanctions, low oil prices have hit hard and the economy is reliant on exporting energy. This year russia has been flexing its muscles. It wants to be seen as a global power but if President Putin does not mention the cracks in the economy he will be building a superpower on thin ice. Steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. Our top story this evening the main suspect in the berlin Christmas Market attack has been shot dead by police in italy. And still to come, could big sam be on his way back to the big time . He agrees deal to become Crystal Palaces new manager. In sportsday, Petra Kvitova says she is determined to return to tennis. She has left hospital following a knife attack. A survey of rough sleepers suggests they are 17 times more likely to be a victim of crime than the general public. The charity, crisis, says Homeless People are regularly attacked and abused. There are thought to be about 4,000 people sleeping rough in the uk at any one time. The report found 30 of rough sleepers questioned said they had been deliberately hit or kicked. Nearly a third said theyd had things thrown at them, and 7 said theyd been urinated on. The charity says it demonstrates again the need to prevent homelessness. Our social affairs correspondent, michael buchanan, reports. For some people, rough sleepers have no value. One stamps the head. The other kicks the legs. I used to come in here and sleep on the trains, essentially. It was safe and it was warm. Corky was homeless for five years. He took to sleeping on commuter trains after an unprovoked attack. I was in leicester square. Got into a discussion with a young man around the fact i was homeless. He became quite aggravated, i would guess, by the fact i was homeless, and was saying that people are homeless for different reasons. And from there he ended up punching me in the face, basically. And it was quite a nasty punch. His experience is not unique. Todays report lays bare the abuse rough sleepers can suffer. Theyre subjected to beatings, assaulted, even urinated on. One man told researchers who was actually dropped from a height while still in his tent. Its notjust the incident itself, but its the impact it has on that individual, and their mental health, and their ability to even ask for help. We found that most Homeless People who are rough sleeping, they feel ashamed already. And surely if you are then urinated on, you are going to feel even more ashamed and even more marginalised. Sergeant david deal is part of a Police Outreach team that works with rough sleepers. While he encourages them to report crimes, he understands why todays report says many dont trust the police. There are other aspects of their life, maybe drug use, maybe begging, maybe other forms of anti social behaviour. When they come into contact with police regarding those types of behaviour, thats when they might not trust the police because they mainly get arrested. For these Homeless People, this centre will provide shelter and sustenance over christmas. Susan walker is currently bedding down in a stairwell. Sleep is uneasy due to the constant fear of attack. Being raped, yeah. You can get some of these people now who do see a woman and theyll think, ill go for her. And if that happened, well, as a woman, we wouldnt have no chance. Rough sleepers are permanently vulnerable. They have no shelter. Any stranger could attack at any time. Unfortunately, some do. Michael buchanan, bbc news. President putin has called for a nationwide ceasefire in syria, now that Government Forces have fully taken control of the city of aleppo. The final evacuations of Opposition Fighters and civilians from the east of the city took place last night, in the biggest victory for president Bashar Al Assad since the uprising against him began five years ago. Our middle east editor, jeremy bowen, looks at the significance of that victory, and how it may now affect the course of the war. In western aleppo, a Christmas Party became a victory celebration. It was watched over by banners of syrias three wise men. President assad and the leaders of hezbollah. There was relief that the killing in the city might finally be over. The last buses out of Eastern Aleppo delivered thousands of fighters and civilians into an uncertain future. The fall of Eastern Aleppo is the greatest defeat the rebels. It shows how the war is now being decided by the foreign powers that have intervened. So what is next in syria . President assad and his allies have won themselves some options. Their victory in aleppo does not end the war. Thousands of Rebel Fighters have been bussed out to idlib, the neighbouring province. The regime and its allies want to win it back. The question is when. They might decide to make Eastern Ghouta their military priority. Its part of the suburbs of damascus. Its vulnerable because rebel groups that control it have weakened themselves by infighting. Foreign powers are shaping the battlefield. Turkey has troops fighting in syria and back some of the rebel groups in aleppo. But it watched while russia and its allies destroyed them. Thats because turkey needs russia to stand aside while it hits the kurds, now its main target. And while Eastern Aleppo fell, the west was also a by standard. That is because the syrian policy of the americans, the british and theirfriends, policy of the americans, the british and their friends, never coherent, has now failed completely. Last week the british and American Defence secretaries fell back on old slogans. Not credible. As the Syrian Regime scored its biggest victory of the war so far. We dont see a future for president assad in syria, evenif future for president assad in syria, even if he defeats the opposition in aleppo. Aleppo though looks to be a turning point. Tonight, britains Foreign Secretary said again that president assad must go. But the downfall of the president looks like a hollow dream. Diplomacy hasnt done it. Earlier in the war there was a chance to make it happen. But that chance has gone well president assad remains russias man. It will not be easy for his coalition to move from aleppo to victory in syria. But now they have the momentum. Jeremy bowen, bbc news. Former england manager Sam Allardyce has agreed a deal to become the new manager of Crystal Palace. A formal announcement is due this evening. He has been out of the game since leaving the england job in september after one match. Here is richard conway. Three months on from losing his dream job as england manager, Sam Allardyce is on the brink of a return to the premier league. He was forced out of wembley after just one match in charge, following a Newspaper Sting in which he discussed getting around fa transfer regulations. A period on the sidelines looked inevitable. Is this your lastjob in football . Who knows . Lets wait and see. But alan pardew has manoeuvred himself out of the Crystal Palace hot seat after winning just 26 points in his 36 games in charge this year. And allardyce . Well, hes seen as an expert in keeping teams in the top division, in a career that spans periods in charge of bolton, blackburn, west ham and sunderland. With Crystal Palace flirting with relegation, the clubs new american owners have been forced to take action. An attempt this season to play a more expansive style of football looks likely to be abandoned. The focus now will be doing whatever it takes to stay in the premier league. We look at sunderland last season, he did a greatjob there. And that was based really on being strong defensively. So if it is sam, then that would be one of his strengths that he would certainly bring to us. For Sam Allardyce, there is Unfinished Business to attend to after his briefest of stints with england. Crystal palace will settle for survival for now. But this ambitious club hope in time hell do much more than just keep them up. Richard conway, bbc news, selhurst park. Storm barbara has paid the uk a visit, with the north West Of Scotland bearing the brunt of the heavy rain and winds but its also blown through parts of northern england, wales and Northern Ireland. Our scotland correspondent, lorna gordon, has more. Storm barbara barrelled in from the west. With conditions difficult out at sea, ferries to many of the islands were cancelled. For those who couldnt get home early, Christmas Travel plans are, for now, on hold. There are some services operating. Some are battling through. However, the Northern Area is definitely off. Were reviewing those services ongoing, and we will make announcements regarding tomorrow evening. In some areas, the worst of the winds are yet to come. But gusts of up to 70 mph have already been recorded in the western isles, where, for a time, many homes in lewis and harris lost their power. The stormy conditions were forecast well ahead. Extra generators shipped out and others, including farmers here, took precautions. I slept quite well until five oclock In The Morning when the wind started to hit. I spent all day yesterday preparing for it, moving livestock to sheltered areas, making sure that everything was tied down so i dont lose anything. With disruption to some train routes, plane routes and on ferries, Storm Barbara has been an unwanted early gift. This Christmas Tree in dunoon survived the high winds and squally conditions. But there is more Stormy Weather expected in the coming days. Lorna gordon, bbc news. I dont know how long that Christmas Tree is going to be standing. Darren bent is here. This weather is not unusual for winter. But it has come at the wrong time. We have got two storms. This area of cloud is going to develop into storm connor. That is probably going to arrive on boxing day. But ahead of that, if we run the sequence, you can see that we have had some very strong winds from Storm Barbara. The winds will peak in the north of scotland during this evening. At, maybe 90 mph. At midnight, the Amber Warning evening. At, maybe 90 mph. At midnight, the amberwarning is evening. At, maybe 90 mph. At midnight, the Amber Warning is gone. At midnight. A lot of snow showers in scotland. Icy conditions as well. The rain clears from england and wales. A little bit chilly. Some sunshine on the way. Showers are more frequent and heavy in Northern Ireland and scotland. Gusty winds and more snow over the hills of Northern Ireland and scotland. It will feel cold further south. As we head towards christmas day, connor is a little bit closer. It is bringing with it some very mild air. Temperatures between 1a and 15 degrees. Very windy. Gusty winds. A lot of cloud. Outbreaks of rain. This Weather Fronts slips south during christmas day. Behind it, colder air. By south during christmas day. Behind it, colderair. By the south during christmas day. Behind it, colder air. By the end of christmas day, we may have a White Christmas day, we may have a White Christmas in the north of scotland. And then storm connor is closest to the uk on boxing day. It is really again the far north of scotland. A bit like Storm Barbara. 80 to 90 mph, especially in the northern isles. Windy and lots of showers on boxing day across scotland. Further south, the winds will not be as strong. More sunshine. It will not feel as cold. After boxing day, things get quieter. A reminder of the main story. The main suspect in the berlin Christmas Market attack has been shot dead by police in italy. Thats all from the bbc news at six. So its goodbye from me. And on bbc one, we nowjoin the bbcs news teams where you are. Studio the headlines at 6. 30pm the man suspected of the berlin Christmas Market attack is shot dead in italy. Anis amri was stopped by police in milan in the early hours outside a Train Station. So called Islamic State releases footage showing amri pledging allegiance to them. The round the clock work on the railways that will mean no trains on many lines this christmas and Storm Barbara begins to kick

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