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Are you 0k . You all right . Are you 0k . Where are you from . Syria. Hidden for 3000 years, the bronze age hoard found by an amateur detectorist. And coming up in sport on bbc news. A first major for american 23 year old Collin Morikawa who holds off paul casey to win the us pga championship in san francisco. Good afternoon and welcome to the news at 0ne. The Prime Minister has renewed his commitment to get all schools to open in england this september. He says education is a priority for the country. It follows the education secretary saying Research Shows there is little evidence of coronavirus being transmitted in schools. But unions and some School Leaders say there is an absence of clear guidance from the government and they criticise the failure to have a back up plan if theres a second wave of the virus. Schools in scotland are reopening this week with some children returning tomorrow, more on that and the row over exams in a moment, but first this report from our correspondent, sean dilley. The from our correspondent, sean dilley. Prime minist at the Prime Minister on the offensive at this east london school. He is hoping his message will hit the mark. Look at that Boris Johnson hoping his message will hit the mark. Look at that borisjohnson is seeking to convince parents and teachers that schools in england can safely reopen in september, despite warnings by government advisers that the country may have reached the limit of what can safely reopen. Its not right that kids should just spend more time out of school. Its much betterfor their spend more time out of school. Its much better for their health, spend more time out of school. Its much betterfor their health, their mental well being, obviously there are educational prospects, if everybody comes back to School Full Time in september. It is our moral duty as a country to make sure that happens. Previous plans to reopen Primary School classrooms before the holidays fell flat amidst concerns about a virus the country they knew very little about. Now the government is pointing to as yet Unpublished Research which it contains shows little evidence of coronavirus spreading in educational settings. The prospect of reopening schools has not met with universal support. Some Union Officials have questioned whether schools can return safely. 0thers questioned whether schools can return safely. Others are calling for robust measures to protect society. That movement of young people through the community is likely to lead to increased virus infection. So, what is the plan b . It seems to me that good leadership is not just about it seems to me that good leadership is notjust about rhetoric, moral duty and so one, it is also scenario planning which reassures parents and people working in schools that we have done the thinking through. Questions also exist around how the government plans to manage School Attendance in areas subject to local lockdown, like here in greater manchester. The mayor and former Health Secretary backs schools reopening but says it must be done safely. I just reopening but says it must be done safely. Ijust think reopening but says it must be done safely. I just think weve got to kind of make every arrangement possible so that people can have that peace of mind, but it does point at the test and trace system. It isnt yet good enough, and i say to the government, look, we need to Work Together to get this system right over august. It is an argument thatis right over august. It is an argument that is boosted by Health Researchers in australia. They say the evidence shows children can attend School Safely but only when strict measures are implemented. We learnt that if you can do those basics, protecting, tracing, isolating, implement these different measures into schools around social distancing, hygiene, environmental cleaning, all of these things act together, and when the context is right, we can have children attending schools with low transmission. Schools in scotland reopen their gates tomorrow. Northern ireland is due to follow suit later this month. And wales, like england, is due to welcome pupils back in early september. The government insist reopening schools is safe and should be a national priority. They say they will follow scientific advice and will never compromise the safety of children. 0ur Political Correspondent Jonathan Blake is in westminster. White we know what the government once, but how likely is it that schools will reopen next month . There is a huge amount riding on the government with his commitment, given that they had to scrap the plan to get Primary School children back into the classroom before the summer back into the classroom before the Summer Holidays and they wont want a repeat of that. That is why we had a repeat of that. That is why we had a Prime Minister arguing three weeks out from the start of the Academic Yearin out from the start of the Academic Year in england that getting pupils back into the classroom in england is not only the right thing to do but it is now safe to do so. Nevertheless, there are concerns about what effect it will have on the transmission of the virus, which is why the education secretary is pointing to evidence that hasnt been made public yet that it will have a minimal effect at most. Then the testing question should pa rents, the testing question should parents, staff, teachers be tested more widely than the current regime of just checking more widely than the current regime ofjust checking those with symptoms . There is also the question over the effectiveness of contingency plans put in place by the government through guidance to schools, and whether that goes far enoughin schools, and whether that goes far enough in the case where schools have to close because of a local outbreak. Add all these things together and you have nothing less than a major test of the governments response to coronavirus overall. There is a broad consensus that getting schools, getting children back into schools as safely as possible is the right thing to do. That is the easy bit. Making it happen is a lot harder. Thank you very much. Pupils across scotland will be back at school for the new term over the next few days. But things will look very different, with stringent measures in place to prevent coronavirus spreading. It comes as theres more pressure on the education secretaryjohn swinney over last weeks exam grades. In the last hour, first minister Nicola Sturgeon apologised, admitting they didnt get it right. 0ur correspondent Alexandra Mackenzie is in glasgow. A very big week for children in scotla nd a very big week for children in scotland as they start to return to school. They go back to school in the borders and in shetland tomorrow, then there will be a staggered return across the rest of the country in the following few days. I have spoken to some pupils at Inverclyde Academy in greenock, and they have had mixed feelings about going back. Hi, im layla, and im 11 and im going into si. Layla was upset she didnt get to finish Primary School with her friends. But shes now excited her first day at high school and getting back to her studies. Well, im actually quite good at like english and things so i dont feel ive missed too much on that. Because im quite confident in that but definitely, maths, i need to revise some things. Definitely. At Inverclyde Academy, preparations are well under way. There is going to be a bit of a cleaning station here . Yes. Every classroom will be equipped with a sanitiser and a cleaning station for the children to use as they enter and they will have the opportunity to wash down their desks and their chairs. All the classroom desks and chairs have been organised so that all of the children are facing the front. They can sit close together, thats fine because they sanitise their area, as long as they are facing the front of the classroom. Hi, im emily, 12 years old and im going into first year. Only the first years will start back at inverclyde on wednesday. Emily cant wait to see herfriends again. Weve not seen each other in so long so well all be like pure happy to see each other. Welljust like, talk for like hours on end and it willjust be great hi, im rachel, im15 and im going into 55. Rachel is worried she wont be fully prepared for her higher exams next year. I think because we havent sat the exams in fourth year that going into fifth year, and then sitting highers will be a bit of a shock and i dont know how im going to cope with it. Because its obviously a lot harder than doing your nat 5s. Morning. Camera shutters click this morning, Nicola Sturgeon visited west calder high in west lothian, she said the education of young people is a priority. The first minister also apologised for how the Scottish Government handled last weeks announcement of School Results. Despite our best intentions, i do acknowledge that we did not get this right and i am sorry for that. But instead of doing what politicians sometimes do and dig our heels in, we are determined to acknowledge that and to put it right. This week, all of these young people will return to school. For the First Time Since march, they will sit alongside their classmates. Some excited, some nervous, and many unsure of what to expect. An apology from the first minister, but there is huge pressure on her round on the education secretary over exams. Yes, thats right. This iow over exams. Yes, thats right. This row hasnt gone away. It has been gathering pace over the last few days. Many children and schools are angry, saying they have been u nfa i rly angry, saying they have been unfairly marked down by the scottish qualifications authority. The education secretary is due to address the Scottish Parliament tomorrow. He has been facing a vote of no confidence by the scottish labour party, but the last hour, the first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has apologised for how the School Results have been handled, and she has said it is a top priority to resolve these concerns. She hasnt said how this will be resolved. Pupils will be at home wondering if they will be getting marks upgraded again. We wont know that until tomorrow. Thank you very much. Borisjohnson says hell work with french government to tackle the arrival of migrants across the english channel. Uk ministers will hold talks in paris tomorrow where theyll demand stronger measures from the french authorities. An raf surveillance plane is being deployed to monitor the crossing. More than 4000 people have successfully crossed the channel in small boats so far this year. From dover, simonjones reports. Early morning, and another group of migrants is spotted on the channel, destination dover. It is choppy at sea and they are forced to try and bail out. Where are you from . Syria. Syria . How many people . More than 600 migrants have reached the uk by boatin 600 migrants have reached the uk by boat in the past five days, and more than 4000 so far this year. The military has been flown in to support the beleaguered border force. This atlas aircraft will help surveillance in the channel. The home secretary facing growing pressure not least from some of her own mps to get a grip of the issue, took to the sea. The British Government blast front at a meeting this week to stop turning back boats on the water to act as a deterrent. Working to stop them getting across the channel, but we need to look at the channel, but we need to look at the Legal Framework we have, the panoply of laws that an illegal immigrant has at his or her disposal that allow them to stay here. We need to look at what we can do to change that. The french authorities are set to us for more british money to tackle the issue, but the calais mp says there is only so much they can do. We cant monitor all the coast because it is too huge to monitor. Basically, we are doing a lot, but there are limits to what humans and technology can do to stop people realising their dream. We have been shadowing the boat carrying possibly 20 migrants. That is in the distance, the orange life jackets you can see. For a while, there was no sign of the border force or lifeboats, but now you can see the border force vesseljust going in there to pick up the migrants on board that boat. This is happening just a few miles off the coast of dover. Groups supporting migrants say we shouldnt demonise them. We have a proud tradition in this country are helping people in need. France already takes four times as many asylum applications than the uk does. Britain needs to step up and do its part, and it is shameful to me that we are talking in this way about fellow human beings. Both britain and france say these crossings must stop, but it is unclear how they will achieve that. 0ur correspondent Sangita Myska is in dover. Is there a sense of growing tension between britain and france over this issue . Yes, i think thats a very good way of putting it. There is growing tension over who is responsible for this upsurge in the number of small boat crossings across the channel. It is worth mentioning, as you said earlier, there is going to be a meeting between the uk immigration minister and his french counterpart tomorrow in paris. At the moment, britain gives france around 30 £50 million a year to help secure its ports, including calais. 0ver a year to help secure its ports, including calais. Over the course of the weekend, we saw a number of newspapers, possibly briefed by the home secretarys office, suggesting that priti patel wanted firmer action taken by the french before she was prepared to sanction more money going over. Exactly what that action is hasnt been defined, needless to say we will find out more tomorrow. Thank you very much. Its a quarter past one. Our top story this lunchtime. Borisjohnson insists schools in england are safe and on target to take students back full time next month and coming up the growing number of elite sportswomen suffering online abuse. We hear the personal story of an International Rugby player. Coming up in sport on bbc news no plans to retire englands all time test wicket taker James Anderson calls speculation over his future unfair. Wales continues to ease its lockdown measures swimming pools and gyms are open again. Theres good news for the youngsters too with indoor soft play areas reopening a first in the uk. Meanwhile, local authorities in wales have been given extra powers to take action against premises where rules to stop the spread of the virus arent being followed. Tomos morgan reports. I returned to action for some. And a first for others. Soft plate centres have reopened in wales today. The first of the uk nations to do so. We can hear nearly every day, we are members, so we spend a lot of time here, dont we . To come back, its a bit of normality for the children. And they really enjoy it. Just so happy, the minute she found out she was coming here, she was so excited. The Welsh Government guidance says children under i no longer need to self isolate but even so, today s easing came as a surprise to some in the industry. It took us by surprise a little bit stop other businesses have had 2 3 weeks notice, we were given a week and the guidance is quite sparse so it was a bit of a shock the system but we roll with it and make it work. Although soft play areas have reopened in wales today, things that are difficult to clean will not be available for safety reasons but no doubt, it will be a welcome relief for parents and for those toddlers wanting to expel some energy until today, gym those toddlers wanting to expel some energy untiltoday, gym goers those toddlers wanting to expel some energy until today, gym goers have had to get a sweat on outdoors in wales. Weve implemented this box system which allows members to be three metres apart. But now, the weights room has reopened for indoor use, a few weeks after england and northern ireland. Peoples physical and Mental Health, you know, this period has only highlighted the importance, the Fitness Industry plays in that. Being reserved in the easing of lockdown is probably the sensible thing to do during this time. The Welsh Government have been more cautious in their easing of certain areas compared to some of the other uk nations. But even though they have been quicker to allow children to interact again, the administration in cardiff bay realised parents may still have some reservations. We are not saying every child in every school must be back on the first day. We recognise its important to do this gradually. But within the first two weeks and certainly by the end of september, we, our ambition is every child will be back, five days a week, in the classroom. For those wanting to get in shape now, able to flex those muscles inside again and children also having other avenues to expel energy, normality begins to return in wales, as it does across the uk, but just in wales, as it does across the uk, butjust come at a different pace. Tomos morgan, bbc news. A Human Rights Group in belarus says one man was killed, dozens of people were injured, and hundreds arrested in a night of violent protests against what demonstrators believe was a rigged president ial election. State media has declared a landslide victory for the incumbent alexander lu kashenko. His closest challenger has called for calm. Its a situation being monitored closely in neighbouring russia. From moscow, our correspondent Sarah Rainsford reports and a warning that her report contains flash photgraphy. Chanting. After an election day, a long night of violence. Belarus has never seen anything like this. Explosions on the main streets of minsk as protesters refused to disperse. Riot shields clank. All over the city and the country there were clashes with police. No coordination, no organisation, just anger at an election they are convinced was rigged. Dozens were injured, a Human Rights Group says one man was killed. Chanting. The police are with the people, this crowd chant. Testing their loyalty. So far, its still strong. Translation there were a lot of people with guns, they started shooting, at our arms and legs. Translation at first people were peaceful, they formed a big, human chain, then the police started grabbing them and there were clashes. About 90 minutes later came the rubber bullets and stun grenades. The day had begun with extraordinary scenes at polling stations. Signs of a nation hungry for change after 26 years of authoritarian rule. Crowd chants. Svetla na ti kha novs kaya promised that. A stay at home mum, she only stepped in to run for president when her husband was barred from the race, and then arrested. Chanting. But for many, she has become a symbol of hope. Translation we have already won because we have beaten our fear, we have beaten our apolitical ways, we have beaten our apathy and indifference. Alexander lukashenko looked relaxed as he headed in to vote for himself, confident the system he built would deliver him a landslide victory, as always. But this election was always about what happened next. 3,000 protesters have already been arrested. But thousands more marched, chanting for Alexander Lukashenko to go. And they have vowed to return to the streets every night. Sarah rainsford, bbc news, moscow. Australia has recorded its highest daily death toll from coronavirus. 19 people died in the past 24 hours all in the state of victoria, which is now entering its second week of a strict lockdown. But Authorities Say the restrictions are having a positive effect with the number of new infections continuing to fall. Phil mercer reports. Victoria is at the heart of australias coronavirus emergency. The state capital, melbourne, is in lockdown for a second time since the pandemic began. Its streets are almost deserted as millions of people are forced to stay at home. 0nly essential businesses can stay open. 19 deaths were recorded in victoria in the past 24 hours. Its australias deadliest day so far, but with daily new infections near a two week low, there is hope that the tide may be turning. We look for better news when it comes to the stabilising of cases in victoria. Im more hopeful of that today than i was in the course of the past week, over the briefings i have received over the course of the weekend and again this morning. Dozens of people have been fined for ignoring a night time curfew in melbourne. Others have been penalised for refusing to wear a mask. If we dont follow these rules, if we dont all make our own contribution to limiting movement, the sheer number of people who are moving around the community, then we will not drive down these case numbers to an acceptable level that will allow us to reopen. The scale of the psychological impact of the pandemic in victoria is beginning to emerge. The number of patients seeking Mental Health treatments, including children, has risen sharply. They bear the invisible scars inflicted by a global virus that continues to terrorise and kill. But there is hope that in australia its march may be slowing. Phil mercer, bbc news, sydney. Police in hong kong have arrested a prominent pro democracy activist and media tycoon for suspected collusion with a foreign country. Jimmy lai was detained along with at least six other people on suspicion of breaching the new National Security law his the most high profile arrest so far under the controversial security law imposed by china in june. Lets speak to our china correspondent robin brant. His newspaper offices raided at the same time . Yes, live streamed as well by staff at apple daily. Jimmy lai, very prominent figure in hong kong, he went there as a child when he was 12 with nothing, made his money in fashion retail, and now, as you say, media tycoon and apple daily one of the most trusted sources of news in hong kong, its pa rent sources of news in hong kong, its parent company, very prominent as well. But hes long been a thorn in the side of beijing, long term critic of the Ruling Communist Party here. And what he believes china s regime is doing to hong kong and its future so he has been arrested, his sons also, they are among nine people so far to be taken in by police today and its just the latest operation using the sweeping new National Security law provisions. He has been accused, we understand, of fraud but most importantly, of colluding with foreign forces. No details from beijing on those allegations, it has to be said in the past, jimmy lai has been seen speaking in the media and other parts of the world, urging the us and uk and others to get involved in hong kong. 0f the us and uk and others to get involved in hong kong. Of course, every protest in hong kong for over a yearand every protest in hong kong for over a year and these moves, this new National Security law which is wide ranging and very ambiguous, is all about the chinese president further attempt to stop hong kong breaking away from the mainland. Robin brant, thank you. Its now compulsory to wear a Face Covering outdoors in parts of paris as france battles a spike in coronavirus cases. Its raised fears that the country could be the next to be added to the uk s quarantine list. But as our correspondent mark lowen reports from southern france, with temperatures soaring, not everyone is happy to wear them. Tram bell tolls. France is extending rules on the obligatory wearing of face masks in order to try to reduce its Coronavirus Infection rate which has currently hit a two month high. From today, in 100 locations in and around paris, you have to wear the mask outside. Now, it is already the case here in nice and in several other cities, where in the centre of nice between 10am and 1am, as you see here, youve got to wear the facemask. If you dont, you risk a fine. But if you look around, there are quite a lot of people at the moment still not wearing one, so weve come out here to the heart of old nice to ask why not . I dont see many locals wearing them. Not everybody. We are just kind of, weve got them in our bags, we wear them inside places and stuff, but not while were walking about, really. But do you know you have to now, under the rules, you could be fined if youre not wearing it in the old city . Really. Id better put it on, then youre not worried about the rise in cases . No, not really. When we see a lot of people we put the mask but, no, we are not worried. But you know you risk a fine now . Yes, i know. But i take the risk. I thought that i had to wear a mask just in closed spaces. Also outside in the centre of the city. Oh, i didnt know. Put the mask on thank you so much. Thank you. For now, police have been told to be lenient but to toughen up with fines in the coming days to encourage people to be as obedient as this guy, and as conscientious about wearing the mask. Across this way, we are going to be looking at some of the issues affecting elite sportswomen. For many, online abuse is an increasing problem and one of the athletes to suffer online abuse is the Wales Rugby International Elinor Snowsill. Shes been speaking to our sports correspondent, jane dougall. If that was happening in real life, someone coming up constantly commenting on your appearance, like, 0h, looking sexy, or your bum looks good in that, we wouldnt accept it. I just wonder why its still acceptable over social media. As a Wales International for 11 years, Elinor Snowsill thinks its important to post social media updates on her sport to inspire young girls. But lately, she has considered stopping because of the responses from trolls. It is this sort of low level, persistent replying to sort of my stories, and there may be love heart emojis or commenting on how i look. I had one instance that scared me a little bit, because i put up a post, and someone had replied to it straightaway, making me feel as if they were there. Research by the bbc has found that the trolling of female athletes appears to be increasing. The survey was sent to more than 1,000 women in 39 different sports and received 537 responses. It found that 30 had been trolled on social media. Thats up from 14 in 2015. Blocking individuals is a temporary solution, but when responses become abusive or threatening, what options are available . It is absolutely the responsibility of those platforms that have given a megaphone and the targeting capacity to these individuals. If social networks are incapable of dealing with it themselves, its going to have to be regulation and legislation. Whilst platforms like the bbc say they are committed to strengthening their response to hate speech on social media channels, the problem still persists on the wider web. As an older athlete, ive almost got used to it, its a terrible thing to say. Every time i put the hashtag or talk about it, theres always abuse that comes in my feed. And to me, someone that is openly gay, it is something that definitely would have deterred me as a youngster. Womens sports have advanced to the degree that it sports have advanced to the degree thatitis sports have advanced to the degree that it is considered mainstream. Snooker giant ronnie 0sullivan doesnt hold back during his post game interviews and the rocket has done it again this is what he said when asked why he was still beating players so much younger than him. If you look at the younger players coming through, theyre not that good, really, do you know what i mean . Most of them, wouldnt even, theyd probably do well as half decent amateurs, do you know what im saying . Not even amateurs, i mean, theyre so bad, that you know, a lot of them that you see now, youd think, cor, ive probably got to lose an arm and a leg to fall outside the top 50, do you know what i mean . A metal detectorist says he was left shaking with happiness after discovering a set of bronze age artefacts in a field in the scottish borders. Experts say the find is of national significance. It includes a complete horse harness, preserved by the soil, and a sword

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