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With a learning disability. 2,500 people are taking part. Coming to these games actually gives them a chance to express but aboutwhattbey can do. , and coming up in the sport on bbc news near misses for britain at the World Athletics Championships. Bbc commentator Steve Backley says its not going to plan. Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. The organisers of the athletics World Championships in london are working with Public Health england to try to contain an outbreak of gastroenteritis, which has affected 30 athletes and support staff. Botswa nas isaac makwala, who was one of the favourites for todays 400 metres final, was forced to withdraw from the 200 metres heat yesterday. Lets go live now to the London Stadium and our Sports Correspondent natalie pirks. Jane, you can imagine what its like for these athletes. They train all yearin for these athletes. They train all year in order to peak at these major championships. This is the World Championships, its absolutely right up championships, its absolutely right up there with the olympics and for them to have to miss it because of something out of their control is obviously devastating. As you said, while those athletes was issac makwala, one of the favourites for a medal in both the 200 metres and the 400 metres, he was forced, he says, to pull out of a 200 metres when he became sick yesterday and he told me this morning that he is heartbroken. It was supposed to be the start of his bid for world domination. Issac makwala, he was aiming to double up in the 400 metre final tonight. But yesterday, he vomited before his 200 metre heat, seemingly a victim of the illness sweeping around the tower hotel. Despite feeling ok, officials pulled out of the race as a precaution. Today he also feels fine but still has not been told if hes allowed to run in tonight s final. His dream hangs in the balance. Its big. Ifeel heartbroken yesterday. I was ready for this. I worked heartbroken yesterday. I was ready for this. Iworked hard heartbroken yesterday. I was ready for this. I worked hard for this. Heartbroken yesterday. I was ready for this. Iworked hard for this. I was top of my game to come here. I was top of my game to come here. I was ready to make it possible. I came here for a medal. If some people force you to withdraw, i dont know, they could hang im ok to run but they might say no, i cant run. A bad thing. Hes not the only one struck down at the worst possible time. The german team have been particularly affected. Four other athletes and several others in their support staff are taking ill before the weekend and many of athletes have now moved hotels. We understand the outbreak is isolated here, but the tower Hotel Released a statement concerning the hotel was not the source and went on to say that strict Hygiene Protocols have been put in place and that all public areas have been thoroughly sanitised. Gastroenteritis causes vomiting and diarrhoea and is usually caused by mauro virus, believed to be the cause in these cases. It unpleasant, and easily spread, toxic combination for a hotel full of athletes. The important thing is if people have it, stay away from other people, so theyre not at risk of passing it oii. Theyre not at risk of passing it on. And to be very scrupulous about washing their hands when been to the toilet and vomited. The London Organising Committee say they are doing everything they can to get the illness in hand. In any event, when you have 20,000 people minimum coming in from every corner of the world, a possibility someone might come in with a bug. Weve taken all the steps we needed to and we had the steps we needed to and we had the first indication that a member of the team had some symptoms as early as friday. We were straight in with medical experts and Public Health england and theyve been working with the teams at the hotel to make sure we have the right processes in place. The imf, the world governing body for athletics also released a statement saying they are also working with Public Health england to control this outbreak. They wouldnt comment individually on issac makwalas case, but we do know that one athlete from ireland was forced to pull out of the 400 Meter Hurdles semifinals yesterday after coming down with a bug on sunday. The british athletics camp say no one in their team has been affected and are saying they are staying in a Different Hotel but you can imagine the devastation for those athletes who have been affected by this at the worst possible time. Natalie, many thanks at the London Stadium. The family of a seven year old autistic boy with a rare condition that puts him at risk of severe brain damage, has won a high Court Challenge against a decision by the Health Service to refuse funding for a potentially life changing drug. Nhs england had said the effectiveness of the drug, which would cost £100 a day, hasnt been proved. Today a judge ruled that decision must be reconsidered. Our Legal Correspondent Clive Coleman is with me. It is quite a complicated case. Explain more about this. This little boy has a condition called pku which means he cant metabolise protein. In fact, if he has more than 12 grams of protein a day he could suffer severe brain damage. On top of that, he is severely autistic and does not have speech or language, so managing his diet is incredibly difficult for his parents. His nhs Co Nsulta Nt Wa Nted to difficult for his parents. His nhs consultant wanted to have a drug but its a very expensive drug costing £100 per day. Nhs england turned that request down saying that it wasnt clinically effective or hadnt been proved. Today, mrs Justice Andrew s look at that position, dismissed the case on two grounds, but she did find that that decision was irrational. She said the clinical efficacy was beyond question. Is what that means theres nhs england will now have to go and look at that position again. It doesnt guarantee he will get this drug, there is very strong judgment behind him, is a good chance of that and nhs england have acknowledged the case failed on two grounds and they will look at this Funding Decision in his case again. Clive, thank you. Clive coleman. Norfolk police are running extra patrols in the village of east harling, after an 83 year old man was murdered at the weekend. He was stabbed in the head and neck, while walking his dogs in woodland. Our correspondent Adina Campbell reports from east harling. The woodlands in east harling, Neither Centre of a major centre. And 83 old man who had been walking his two dogs here was stabbed to death multiple times on saturday morning. People are shocked and hurting because of the place where people go to enjoy their own leisure time with their families. The Pensioner S Body was discovered near the five ways junction by a member of the public. The woodlands here in east harling is a popular pa rt here in east harling is a popular part of norfolk, used by walkers, runners and bike trails. His body was found just over there where police have set up their forensic tent. He had been repeatedly stabbed in the neck and head. The pensioner is described as a family man from the east harling area. Three days on, police are continuing their Murder Investigation and say the motive is still unclear. People will be shocked in relation to this and anybody shocked of this brutal murder, we have got our Major Investigation Team Investigating this matter, we have visible police at the scene. Police are now urging people who use these for paths to get in touch. Particularly if they we re get in touch. Particularly if they were in this area and saw some unusual activity on saturday morning. Uniformed officers remain at the scene. And local Police Patrols have also now increased. Adina campbell, bbc news. More than 40 of Maternity Wards in england closed their doors to expectant mothers at least once last year according to data obtained by the labour party. 42 out of 96 trusts in england which responded to a Freedom Of Information Request said theyd shut Maternity Wards temporarily, on a total of 382 occasions. Labour has blamed Staffing Shortagesbut the government says closures are well rehearsed safety measures. Our Health Correspondent Dominic Hughes reports. Midwives provide Specialist Care to some of the Health Services most vulnerable patients. But a shortage of staff, combined with a rising birth rate, means some units are struggling. Andrew canter campaigns for improved maternity services. He and his wife lost a baby when their local centre was closed. The impact can be quite distressing. Youre in a situation when you been looking forward to the birth of your child for nine or ten months, and that is really taken away from you. So it takes a long time to get back on track and the ramifications are that it goes right across the family, whether its the parents or grandparents, brothers or sisters, it can be awful. In england, 136 nhs trusts offer maternity services. Last year, 42 of them closed their doors to new admissions at least once. There were 382 separate occasions where units were closed, up by 70 on 2014. The truth is, you cannot keep trying to run the nhs on a shoestring, putting them through the biggest financial squeeze in its history, and not expect standards of care to slip. The Royal College of midwives said sometimes it is right to close a unit, but that doing so on a regular basis is the sign of a Health Service under pressure. Its very rare for Maternity Units to be closed, and the fact that we have seen a 70 increase in how often that is happening, i think should give us cause for serious concern. More midwives are being trained, and the Department Of Health says hospitals need to use temporary closures to manage peaks in admissions, but it is misleading to use these figures to indicate a shortage of staff, because of the difficulties around planning for births. Dominic hughes, bbc news. Students in scotland have been receiving their long awaited exam results this morning. There has been a slight fall in the number of passes in higher exams this year. 77 achieved grades a to c, down very slightly on last year. More than a third of students signed up to an email or text alert to get their results, rather than waiting for the post. Our scotland correspondent lorna gordon reports. After all the hard work, the wait is over for these pupils at the Eastbank Academy in glasgow, as they find out how they have done in their exams. I got the results i needed so thats really good. How are you feeling . Really, really happy. I got one a, two bs and cs, i know i know i lost maths but thats what im expecting. I happy with that and i can come back and take maths next year if i want. I failed maths but i was expecting that so im 0k. I got an a in classics, how did that happen . Across scotland, the pass rate this year in the higher exams sat by 16 and 17 year olds, was broadly in line with last year. There was, though, is a significant drop in the number of candidates entered for National Four exams, down from 123,000 last year to 116,000. It was all good news for these pupils but the Scottish Education system is facing wider issues. Exam results dont themselves telephone much about the standards tell us much about the standards of Scottish Education of a whole. To do that, we need to look at international evidence, standards of literacy of declining in scotland, and numeracy also. And in some respects, more worryingly, inequality of attainment is getting worse in scotland, especially compared with other countries. The Scottish Government has made closing the Attainment Gap between pupils from richer and poorer backgrounds a priority. And there is targeted extra funding. This school has spent the money they have received on trying to increase the proportion of pupils who passed their highers. And then go on to further or higher education. The Scottish Education secretary, today meeting other students getting their results, said the government had a relentless focus on improving education. To these results give us enormous confidence about the strengths that exists in Scottish Education. We are determined to build on that. The investment we are making in people equity funding, which is supporting the measures that are designed to close the Attainment Gap in Scottish Education, will be a fruit in the years to come. For now, the aim for many, to celebrate their results and plan their future. And lornas in glasgow for us now. Has it all been plain sailing and gone according to plan . Not quite. A few candidates have faith and challenges finding out how theyve done. As of 10am they said 90 of those who registered to receive their results by texted found out what their results were and 33,000 had been delivered but for the boat had been delivered but for the boat had still to get through. They say they understand people are probably pretty stressed and apologise and say everyone will get their certificate through the post by the end of the day. As to those who already know if they have done better or worse than expected, well help is on hand. There is this exam results helpline hearing glasgow. Its received hundreds of calls from stu d e nts its received hundreds of calls from students and their parents discussing possible options going forward. Thank you, lorna gordon. A british woman is recovering in hospital after being shot while on holiday with her family in brazil. Eloise dixon from south london was driving with her partner and three children, when they took a wrong turn into an area controlled by drug gangs near rio. Our south america correspondent katy watson reports. An innocent family on their summer holidays, eloise dixon, together with her partner and three young children, made one mistake that nearly cost them their lives. It all happened in angra dos reis, about 90 miles south of rio dejaneiro a part of brazil thats popular with tourists and has some of the countrys most beautiful beaches. The family had rented a car and, according to local media, were looking for a place to buy water when they made a wrong turning into a favela controlled by drug traffickers. Armed men fire at the car after the family failed to understand their orders. Eloise dixon, sitting in the front passenger seat, was shot twice the bullet marks clearly visible. Taken to the local hospital, she underwent two hours of surgery. This could so easily have been fatal, but she survived. Translation the bullet passed through the abdomen and fortunately did not hit the big Blood Vessels or the important organs. Brazil favelas are notorious. Many are no go areas of cities and can be so dangerous even police arent welcome. Translation we have a community that we cannot enter, the press cannot enter, the Public Service cannot enter. That is inadmissible, we have to take urgent measures. According to doctors, eloise dixon is recovering well from surgery. Awake and talking, she is expected to be transferred to a hospital in the city of rio dejaneiro, where shell continue her recovery. Katy watson, bbc news. The time is 1 17. Our top story this lunchtime about 30 people, including the botswanan medal hopeful isaac makwala, have been hit by an outbreak of gastroenteritis at the World Athletics Championships in london. And still to come on the programme. An insight into why some british women from a south asian background are delaying getting treated for cancer, because of a perceived stigma. And coming up in sport. Englands World Cup Cricket Star Anya Shrubsole will miss the super league next week. Shes out for at least two weeks, suffering from side strain. South Africas Parliament will vote in secret later this afternoon on a motion of No Confidence in president jacob zuma. It was tabled by the opposition in response to his sacking of his Finance Minister earlier this year, a move which sparked nationwide protests. Mr zuma has survived several votes of No Confidence in the past and the Governing Anc Party says it will back the president this time. Nomsa maseko reports from cape town. Hundreds protesting outside south Africas Parliament calling for president jacob zumas removalfrom office. A vote of No Confidence was initiated after nine Cabinet Ministers were sacked in march, including the well respected Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan and his deputy, mcebisijonas. It was widely believed they were removed as they were not cooperating with the president s close business associates, the gupta family, in giving them government contracts. A controversial decision lead the country to an economic downgrade, plunging it into a second recession in a decade. Opposition parties approached the constitutional court, asking it to rule that a Secret Ballot against the president would be the best option to ensure that members of Parliament Vote freely, without intimidation. The choice is quite simple, actually. Its a choice between whether you stand, if you stand with jacob zuma or against jacob zuma, its as simple as that choice. You stand for the interests of south africa or you dont. But the question is are there enough anc mps disillusioned with their president to vote against him and show him the door . Just over a quarter are needed for this motion to pass. We are throwing a serious, we are detonating a serious bomb in south africa, to our government, but also to a very Important Party that has brought us where we are. It is anyones guess how the voting will go, but there is no doubt that the anc is divided now more than ever, as it prepares to choose jacob zumas successor in december. Nomsa maseko, bbc news, cape town. Long queues are being reported at Polling Stations in kenya, with many people waiting all night to vote in the countrys general election. Kenyans are choosing representatives for six levels of government, from local bodies to the presidency. There are eight candidates running for president , including the incumbent, Uhuru Kenyatta, and his longstanding rival, raila odinga. But there are fears the result could spark ethnic violence. Our africa correspondent Alastair Leithead is in nairobi. The polls have been open for a few hours. What is the mood, what has been happening . A couple of hours to go before they close. Still queues of people. A big turnout, we think, and so far everything has gone very well. The key thing has been about the system of voting, its a electronic, the first time this has been rolled out to this extent and seeds to be working so far. People put some down or show their ids, found of the folders voters roll and they can vote, it has slowed things down a bit but as long as it works, things are set to go well. The key things are set to go well. The key thing for success in this election is that that system to work and for whoever loses, and this is basically a two horse race between the current incumbent president Uhuru Kenyatta and his opponent, raila oding. If it is very close its the latter of which of them takes that defeat well. Whoever loses, if they stay back and say, yes lets bring this country together, things will go well. If they dont, that is where the questions live. That is why people here are afraid, because there has been violence in the past and allegations of rigging. We are waiting now for those votes to start coming in. Thank you very much. Britains most seniorjudge has told the government it must provide more clarity about how uk law will be developed after britain leaves the eu. Currently, uk legislation is subject to rulings made by the European Court ofjustice. Lord newberger, who steps down as president of the Supreme Court in october, said Parliament Must be very clear in telling judges how to interpret eu law after brexit. The internet giant google has fired an employee who wrote an internal memo defending the gender gap in Technology Jobs as a matter of biology. James damore, a software engineer, suggested there were fewer women at the organisation because of biological differences. Googles Chief Executive said the memo broke the companys code of conduct, and advanced harmful gender stereotypes. Lets speak to our Technology Correspondent rory cellan jones. It does seem that google fired him pretty quickly . I think it became clear how seriously the company took this. When the Chief Executive broke off his holiday, came back to google and sent out his 11 oh, it said he supported the right of staff to express themselves. But then it said, ourjob is to build great products for users that make a difference in their lives. To suggest a group of our colleagues have traits that make them less biologically suited to that work is offensive and not ok. He took it very seriously and ended up with this man being fired. Thanks very much. A number of british women from south asian backgrounds are reporting cancer later than other ethnic groups, because of a perceived stigma about the disease. Thats according to researchers, who say they are worried that cultural taboos are leading to women dying prematurely in the south Asian Community. Amber haque has been looking at what could be done to try to remove the stigma. This lady found a lump in her breast when she was 36. She grew up in a strict Indian Community where even talking about the disease was something shameful. Talking about the disease was something shamefullj talking about the disease was something shameful. I didnt tell them, because i just something shameful. I didnt tell them, because ijust thought if people hear the fact ive got cancer, theyre going to think its a death sentence. Maybe i lead a balanced life, therefore god has punished me, and so hiding it was the obvious choice. This researcher has spent the previous years looking at attitudes towards cancer in the south Asian Community. They would hide the shame, in their eyes, of having a cancer diagnosis, because they felt it would influence their childrens future. Also about their childrens future. Also about the influence from males and elders in the family and if they didnt think will and should be going for screening, they wouldnt go. The relu cta nce screening, they wouldnt go. The reluctance to go for a sneer, its like you dont want to be defiled. The husband, its like youre being unfaithful to them. The husband, its like youre being unfaithfulto them. Its the husband, its like youre being unfaithful to them. Its like infidelity. If you Research Projects abingdon in this area show south asian women have reduced Survival Rate and are more likely to go to the doctors when their tumours are advanced. Because of the ignorance of not presenting early, not going through the Screening Programme not examining their breasts, they are presenting late and this reminds me ofa presenting late and this reminds me of a woman who came to see us. Her breast was smelling so much you couldnt even sit next to her. I dont know how long she was hiding that. She had literally left it that long . What happened to her . And fortu nately long . What happened to her . And fortunately she died. You see . Because the cancer had spread. Charities and local authorities have been trying to help the south Asian Community addressed this issue, but many feel it such a deep rooted cultural stigma that it will not be easy to change attitudes stop here on from the medical profession and i know these things, and yet i still felt i had to hide it from everybody else. Thats down to my upbringing. Thats down to the baggage, and i consider it baggage, that i carry. Pravina is still in relation but worries other women are suffering unnecessarily. Amber haque, bbc news. We have been talking about the World Athletics Championships in london. There is another Sporting Event going on. It starts in sheffield today, bringing together two and a half thousand competitors. Every competitor at the Special Olympics National Games has a learning disability. Its estimated that one and a half Million People across britain live with some form of intellectual disability but Sporting Provision for them faces major funding challenges, as our Sports Correspondent joe wilson reports. In sheffield this week there is sport everywhere. The National Games of the Special Olympics, 20 disciplines, two and a half thousand competitors and what links the lives they love sport. What links them all if they have a learning disability, and that can make life a daily challenge. Getting like around, travelling and stuff like that and everybody being nasty to lee, bullying me, stuff like that. That happen to you . Yes, it does. Doesnt happen to you . Yes, it does. Doesnt happen here, doing the sport . Know, everybody is the same. A lot of people with intellectual disabilities, they feel theyre being left out from the community and from the exclusion. Where is coming to these games gives them a chance to express themselves and to really show not about what they cant do, but about what they can do and more. To stage all this board takes money and for the first time this National Games of the Special Olympics has received direct treasury funding, £2 million from the government. But when the event starts at the weekend, so does that cash. Were hoping that this event will just show what the benefit of supporting Special Olympics by the government is. The Olympic Movement was about friendship, was about camaraderie, was about achieving to ones best, so perhaps that has got lost. Thats what you get here in sheffield . Yes, yeah, yeah. Participation is everything. To date competitors are classified so they can be matched against others of the similar standards later this week, but each local club has had to raise some £400 for each competitorjust to enter. James thorpe and his dad simon exploring the athletes village, father tries to find the opportunities for his son to do gymnastics. How many different disciplines do you do . Floor . Floor, High Bar Cole disciplines do you do . Floor . Floor, high barcole Hammer Disciplines do you do . Floor . Floor, High Bar Cole hammer horse on the rings. P bars. Whats the jump . The vault. Theres one place that i know that james is accepted and thats where hes gone since he was five or six. Even that is now struggling forfunding. Five or six. Even that is now struggling for funding. While Sheffield Uniteds up the opening hosts the Opening Ceremony this evening with some special guests. 1. 5 Million People in this country have a learning disability, lets put the spotlight on them, give them their chance and everybody deserves a chance. Thats just their chance and everybody deserves a chance. Thatsjust what their chance and everybody deserves a chance. Thats just what this is about. That spirit defeats the weather in this city but it cant ove 1120 m e weather in this city but it cant overcome a lack of funds and as this National Games begins there is no certainty where or if there will be another. Joe wilson, bbc news, in sheffield. Police in South West London are asking for help to identify a jogger, who appeared to push a pedestrian into the path of a bus. Keep an eye on the man on the right of your screen. This cctv footage of the incident shows him running along putney bridge, and appearing to push the woman into the road. The oncoming bus has to swerve into the next lane

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