Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At One 20170711 : compareme

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At One 20170711

under the age of 18 die, because of a pregnancy. so we know this is one of the most important things we can do. and, britain'sjohanna konta will be on centre court later today, in her attempt to make it to the wimbledon semi—finals. and coming up in the sport on bbc news: kyle sinckler has apologised after being arrested on a night out in auckland following the lions drawn series with new zealand. good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. the author of a government review into working practices says he'd like to see an end to the cash—in—hand economy. matthew taylor, who's a former adviser to tony blair, said cash jobs such as window cleaning and decorating are worth up to £6 billion a year, much of it untaxed. his reports recommends that people in the gig economy should have better protections, and that their employers should pay national insurance contributions, but doesn't say zero hours contracts got should be banned. more details from our economics correspondent andy verity. tackling exploitation at work, clarifying the law, and removing distortions in the labour market created by the tax system, those are the ambitious goals of the review of the ambitious goals of the review of the world of work by the government. matthew taylor says the economy has created a record quantity ofjobs. too often, they are not good jobs. the bad work, insecure, exploitative, controlling, is bad health and well—being, something that generates cost of honourable he people, but also the wider society. as the world of work changes, our factors is and laws must properly reflect and accommodate those changes. because good work is in the interests of good business. these licensed cabs really are self—employed, they own their cars and get work from anyone that books them. what would change that, as if they were controlled and supervised bya they were controlled and supervised by a company? report says, in that case, that company should pay benefits, like sick pay and holiday pay, and pay national insurance, as if they were employees. the report says an equal tax treatment creates distortions. the government loses out on £5.1 billion a year from lower rates of national insurance paid on self—employed labour. by 2020, we will lose another 3.5 billion a year because people form their own companies to avoid tax. so it calls for companies using self—employed labour, who paid no national insurance, to pay more. the government should look at new rights for this employer, like parental leave. some work isn't taxed at all, cash in hand, which deprives the government and other taxpayers £6 billion a year. some cleaners, decorators, or gardeners, are paid cash in hand. the others that aren't evading tax are at a disadvantage, it is harder to compete on price. moving to electronic payments can tackle that. there is a huge black market economy, where there are lots of crash transactions. workers will be going into people's homes on recommendation, but also we are up against the new gig economy, which is digital platforms that link customers to consumers, and also agencies, which i called grey market, because they often subcontract and unregulated workforce. that can keep costs down, because they don't have all of these additional employment costs. the report says that workers like curry is paid by the task, they have two proved they can come to be make a fifth more than the minimum wage. maggie took the courier firm that she works for to caught. we have been fighting for two years, a bit over two years to get to a point where we can access justice and over two years to get to a point where we can accessjustice and make things better for a whole new generation of people. and it seems like they are rubber—stamping a lot of the awful operations that already exist. the report has drawn a disappointed response from workplace unions, who say it is not the game changers a hub for to end in security at work. less disappointed will be the treasury, which if recommendations are adopted stands to gain more from tax, so there is less of a need to cut spending. with me is our economics editor kamal ahmed. i suppose the big question is, is anything actually going to change as anything actually going to change as a result of this? you are absolutely right. not many people would disagree with good work, it is like disagreeing with apple pie. there are interesting ideas in the report, which goes to the heart of how people work, not just which goes to the heart of how people work, notjust in the gig economy, not just zero—hour contracts, but generally, is your work good work? do you feel fulfilled in that work? i was at the launch with the prime minister and matthew taylor, and i asked that question, how can the prime minister, in a position where the government doesn't have a majority, how can she drive through the legislation on this issue to get these changes that matthew taylor has recommended and andy verity was reporting on? that is the big issue. we have had lots of reports that gather dust on long forgotten whitehall shelves, how do we make sure this isn't one of those? she did this open armed approach, working with other parties to the get this through parliament. we will only know in the autumn when the government does a specific was once, and what do labour and the liberal democrats do? do they agree to come together to push this through parliament or not? there is already disagreement, the tuc say they haven't gone far enough. it is difficult to see how we can make sure the good ideas in this report become reality. thank you. the prime minister has ordered an inquiry into the contaminated blood scandal that left 2,400 people dead. those affected include many haemophiliacs who died from hepatitis c and aids—related illnesses after receiving contaminated blood products from the nhs in the 1970s and 1980s. our health editor hugh pym is in westminster. remind us more about what happened and what has been announced today. it has been called the worst disaster in the history of the nhs, because these were patients treated, in the case of haemophiliacs, they needed blood clotting products. these were imported from the united states, and they came into the uk tainted with hepatitis c and hiv. 2400 tainted with hepatitis c and hiv. 2&00 patients, receiving treatment in good faith, contracted these diseases and died. thousands more we re diseases and died. thousands more were infected. it has been seen as a burning injustice by the victims, and the families, and it has been acknowledged now by ministers as an injustice. what happened is the government is set, there is a debate in the commons right now on the subject, the history of contaminated blood, the government will confirm details of a full enquiry, which will be uk wide. the interesting thing is, we have already had an enquiry paid for by the victims, a private enquiry headed by a judge, which covered largely england. there has been an enquiry by a scottish judge, lord penrose, reportedjust over a year ago. but the victims have never felt, and over a year ago. but the victims have neverfelt, and the over a year ago. but the victims have never felt, and the families, have never felt, and the families, have never felt that the enquiries got to the heart of the matter. was there a cover—up in whitehall? there have been admissions of documents going missing about who knew what when in the civil service. senior health officials, did they know the products were tainted and take no action to stop it happening? that is the thing the enquiry will have to get to the heart of, following a letter from opposition leaders to the government early on sunday to call forjustice. thank you. the foreign secretary, borisjohnson, has agreed with a conservative mp that the european union can "go whistle" for any final payment from the uk when it leaves. speaking in the house of commons, he also said there was no plan for what to do in the event that britain fails to strike a deal with the eu. 0ur political correspondent chris mason is in westminster. using some colourful language here, chris. yes, indeed. boris johnson is the chief diplomat as the foreign secretary, and we use to him using colourful language on his poncho for dashing the odd splash for colourful vocabulary around. if there was a diplomat‘s dictionary, there will be plenty of words in there, but not the ones he decided to use in the commons in the last hour. the sums that i have seen that they propose to demand from this country seem to me to be extortionate, and i think "to go whistle" is an entirely appropriate expression. there was no plan to no deal. you may remember that the prime minister to the general election campaign said that no deal was better than a bad deal when it came to the brexit negotiations. borisjohnson offering an alternative perspective on that. and disputing a suggestion from labour that the chancellor and the first secretary of state were the view that there could be a long period after brexit where the remained under the remit of the european court of justice. remained under the remit of the european court ofjustice. some interesting reflections there from the foreign secretary. he also suggested that in the fullness of time, as he put it, there will be a su btle time, as he put it, there will be a subtle nurse that descends on negotiations to come. not much su btlety negotiations to come. not much subtlety from him today. thank you. president trump's state visit to britain is likely to be delayed until next year. he had accepted the queen's invitation for a state visit when theresa may visited washington in january. but the president may have other issues on his mind, a us newspaper says it has evidence that donald trump's election team knew the russian government was trying to help him win the presidency. the new york times says his eldest son was told that a russian lawyer he met during the campaign was acting on behalf of president putin. wyre davies reports. the flamboyant british publicist, the russian lawyer with reportedly close links to the kremlin, and the american president's eldest son. according to american media reports, all part of a russian plan to help donald trump's 2016 election campaign. rob goldstone is the former tabloid journalist and globetrotting music promoter with close links to moscow, who also represents russian pop star emin agalarov. agalarov is well—known to the trump family. his father brought the miss universe pageant to russia in 2013, and donald trump even appears in this video of his. what's wrong with you? what's wrong with you, emin? according to goldstone, it was agalarov who asked him to broker the meeting between donald trumer and the russian lawyer. trump jr sarcastically made light of the fact he might be offered compromising information about hillary clinton at the meeting, saying he was obviously the first person in the campaign to ever hear information about an opponent. but the new york times is now reporting he was told before the trump tower meeting that the russian government was the source of that information. with congressional committees and a special prosecutor investigating possible collusion between the trump team and the russians, the new details have been dismissed as much ado about nothing by lawyers fortrumer. for the president's supporters, this is more evidence of an american media establishment obsessed with russia and trying to consistently undermine his authority. and as donald trump still tries to establish, himself on the world stage, news that a controversial state visit to britain is now likely to be delayed until next year, after concerns that a trip before then could be disruptive. wyre davies, bbc news. it's believed that more than 200 million women worldwide who want family planning services still don't have them. today, a conference in london is aiming to improve access to contraception for millions of women in the poorest countries. among the international donors involved are bill and melinda gates, who are pledging 290 million pounds of additionalfunding. naomi grimley reports. a patient having a consultation at an abortion clinic in nepal. nearly half of all pregnancies in this country are run planned. and worldwide, there is an estimated 82 million unintended pregnancies every year. that's why today health ministers and global charities are getting to get the at a summit in london to look at how they can get more contraceptives to women and girls in the poorest countries. the philanthropist co—hosting the conference believes special attention needs to be given to teenagers. the biggest population of adolescence we have ever had in the history of europe is now coming to the developed world. if we don't offer them contraceptives, you are basically putting them into a life of destitute poverty, whereas if you can offer a of destitute poverty, whereas if you can offera girl of destitute poverty, whereas if you can offer a girl contraceptives, she will stay in school. she will tell you, i want to stay in school, i don't want to have a baby until i am ready. earlier this year, donald trump announced controversial plans to cut america's aid budget for family planning and plays tough restrictions on how the remaining money gets used. britain is one of the countries worried about the impact of those changes. there are many areas where we work with america. we will continue to work with america. but obviously, this is an area where we are not seeing eye to eye. we believe this is not an area where we can stand still, because the human consequences are enormous, there are too many women and girls, 214 million women and girls don't get access to modern family planning measures. the uk is already the second biggest country donor in family planning. today, it is announced more money, £225 million will be spent until 2022. the government hopes the money will empower more women to have kids when they want. and to stay in education and employment if they wish. the time is 1:16. our top story this lunchtime: a major review looks at workers' rights, the gig economy, and cash—in—hand working. it says workers need better protection and employers should pay national insurance. wake up and smell the coffee — could an extra cup a day actually help us live longer? coming up in sport: johanna konta will today try to become the first british woman since 1978 to reach the semi—finals of wimbledon — she takes on simona halep on centre court. veterans who flew and worked on raf aircraft during the second world war have been meeting prince william on his visit to the battle of britain memorial flight. today is the flight‘s 60th anniversary. 0ur correspondent danny savage is at raf coningsby near lincoln. 0ver over the last six decades, the battle of britain memorial flight has gathered together quite a collection of aircraft. you can see them here at raf coningsby now, there's a lancaster, a couple of spitfires and hurricanes as well, and in the last hour or so they have been airborne, giving a display in front of the duke of cambridge and vetera ns as front of the duke of cambridge and veterans as well as part of a very special display. for 60 years they raf cosford a special squadron of preserved world war ii planes. it remembers the veterans who flew in these aircraft and those killed in action. i was a pilot and engineer, in the front, so i took care of the engineering aspect of the aircraft, yes. would you still love to go up ain? yes. would you still love to go up again? i would! grab your parachute, open the doors and dropout. this vetera n open the doors and dropout. this veteran is thrilled such a plane is still flying. great, it's a real memory. i actually flew tiger moths, and out of the planes i flew this is the best one. it has got character, it was a joy. the battle of britain took place in the summer and autumn of 1940, fought in the skies over southern england it was won by a handful of raf pilots. such was the achievements of the raf that in the late 1950s, a small flight of spitfires and hurricanes was formed to preserve the memory of the service's finest hour. in later yea rs service's finest hour. in later years the ever popular lancaster bomber was added to what had become known as the battle of britain memorial flight. today prince william, the patron of the flight, came to raf coningsby to mark 60 yea rs of came to raf coningsby to mark 60 years of displays by the vintage aircraft. the prince, himself a former raf pilot, spent time talking to the veterans and this afternoon will watch a display. lovingly preserved flying machines that will hopefully educate and inform for many more years yet. this commemorate everybody who has lost their lives in service with a raf and infact their lives in service with a raf and in fact go further than that to our predecessor, so from 1914 to today, everybody who has lost their lives in service with the raf and that has got to be important. the battle of britain memorial flight is described as a museum without walls. it will be seen in the skies this summer. it's priceless artefacts aim to inspire future generations and remember those who gave their lives forfreedom. what's happening here this afternoon is they are lining the planes up so the veterans can have their pictures taken in front of them, and the sad reality is that every time this happens there are fewer veterans here to come to these events so that's why it's so special for the squadron and most people here today. those events are expected to continue throughout the afternoon and see many more planes flying. new technology is helping people with dementia to stay in their homes for longer. a scheme being trialled in the uk means people with the condition can be monitored remotely by a team that can track physical activity, and alert the authorities when there's a problem. john maguire has been to find out how it works. for phil and june bell, the home they've lived in for 30 years is very definitely where there hearts are. they're trialling technology that should help june stay here for as long as possible. she was diagnosed with dementia a year ago. one of our aims has always been to stay as long as we can within the home, our home. and what the technology's done is enable us to do that. because we intend to die in our beds, so to speak! you said it makes you feel safer, doesn't it. it does, yeah. yeah, to think that somebody's out there, concerned about me, and i think that's, you know, quite touching, really. people are so kind. and this is how the system works. various sensors in the house monitor june's movements and activity. phil also regularly checks her health, blood pressure and oxygen levels, for example. the information is then immediately sent to this clinical monitoring team and staff here can combine june's medical and environmental data to build up a fuller picture of her health. you can look at some of the motion data here, we see that she's moving in the living room, hallway. also, we see how often she was in bed. we can get some body temperature, and all the data, suggest if she's becoming agitated or not, is there an infection going on not? putting everything together could give us a good picture about how well she is. there are currently 200 patients with mild or moderate dementia on the trial, based in the surrey and north east hampshire nhs area. and they're looking for more volunteers. a red stethoscope and an on—screen alert warns the team of potential problems. they may then call the household, enlist help from medical teams, or ask staff from the alzheimer's society to pay a visit. the results of the trial, the first of its kind in the uk, won't be known until next year, but early indicators are positive. these gadgets are helping people stay longer in their homes, safe and secure in the knowledge that help, if needed, is just a phone call or a mouse click away. john maguire, bbc news, surrey. we drink 55 million cups of coffee every day in this country, but there is still confusion about the impact it has on our health. two international studies released today suggests coffee drinkers have longer life expectancy but others have urged caution, saying there's no proof coffee drinking is good for you. our health correspondent sophie hutchinson reports. it is estimated that more than 2 billion cups of coffee are drunk each day around the world, but is it good for you? today two studies published in the journal claimed an association between drinking more coffee and living longer. sounds like good news? if these effects we re like good news? if these effects were relieved you to the coffee and carried on throughout your life, they would estimate that every extra cupa they would estimate that every extra cup a day would extend a man's life by about three months and a woman's life by about one month. but the larger of the two studies which examined data from half a million europeans excluded people who had had heart attacks, cancer and diabetes, and both studies which lasted 16 years only asked people once how much coffee they drank. just because people who drink coffee live longer, that doesn't mean it is the coffee that's causing it. there may be other explanations like their income, physical activity, and the studies try to take these things into account. so what do we know about coffee? some studies have linked it to heart risk factors such as raised cholesterol, while others suggest it may offer some protection for the heart, but there is no conclusive evidence either way. confused? well, conclusive evidence either way. confused ? well, too conclusive evidence either way. confused? well, too much coffee is bad and pregnant women are advised to limit their intake. 0therwise bad and pregnant women are advised to limit their intake. otherwise it seems drinking coffee is fine, but so is abstaining. the british grand prix comes to silverstone this weekend, but could it be one of the last at the historic track? silverstone's owners are expected to announce that they will activate a break clause in their contract, that will cancel the british grand prix after 2019. a break clause in their contract, that will cancel the british our sports news correspondent natalie pirks is with me now. what is happening? it all boils down to cash and they cannot seem to make the sums add up despite it being one of the best attended races of the season. the hosting fee is so high, 70 million at the moment and rising, and to give you an idea this sunday even with a full house the owners can expect to make £4 million loss so clearly not viable, and it doesn't receive government support. if they cannot renegotiate, we might lose it all together. there is no alternative to silverstone at the moment, that is why there is a stand—off between them and liberty media, the owners of f1, they have told the bbc that priority is to find a solution with silverstone. but when we should be talking about lewis hamilton, with are talking about maybe losing a british grand prix for the first time since 1950. if you're backing the brits at wimbledon, today is another big day as johanna konta continues her attempt to become the first british woman to win the singles title since 1977. she takes on the world number two, simona halep, on centre court later this afternoon. 0ur sports reporter david 0rnstein is in sw19: renowned for her focus, now her form is coming to fruition. and as the racket went up, forjust one moment, her guard came down asjohanna konta continued her wimbledon charge. it's those positions, those situations that you... that i dream of... when i was a little girl and even now to be a part of those battles on big stages. so i think that's really what it's about to be a professional athlete. before this year, konta had only managed to win one match in five visits to wimbledon, but victory today would take her a step closer to the ultimate aim — becoming the first british woman to win the singles title in 40 years. emulating virginia wade would propel johanna konta into sporting superstardom. many are backing her for the title. the pressure is on. expectations are, of course, high this year and so far, she is controlling her emotions in a very positive way. i think it is a result of her mental hard work in the past. konta's journey actually began in australia where she was born to hungarian parents before moving to the uk, aged 14. there was one time i came in from the courts outside, i think it was freezing cold, i think she had six layers on, outside on an artificial clay—court and her enthusiasm and hard work, ijust thought it was great. and i came in and said to her father, i said, "this is top 5% in the world material." konta is now turning that potential into reality. three more wins and her dreams will come true. and david joins us live from wimbledon now. such an exciting day, david. the weather has taken a turn for the worse, but fortunately centre court has a roof sojohanna konta will play, and delighted to bejoined by the last british woman to reach the quarterfinals of britain 33 years ago, what willjohanna konta be going through today? she will be so excited and a little bit nervous of course because it is a very big match, but she is playing well. to get to the quarterfinal of a grand slam you are playing well so you have that confidence riding with you. how did you feel that day? what was your recollection? when i walked on court i couldn't believe the roar of the crowd and i started giggling. i was disappointed i didn't get going in my first set but at the end of the match i was playing well and i wanted it to keep going really. i think she will have a good match today, it will be tough. she will be hoping to emulate you, how far can she go? if she gets passed this match, she could win it because she's in the mix of the eight left. jane, we hope the weather clears up butjohanna konta will play regardless. 0k, thank you. time for a look at the weather. here's chris fawkes. today will be the wettest day of this year's wimbledon championships, and what a contrast we have had weather—wise compared with the sunny skies we had yesterday. it was another warm day across south—east england with the temperatures

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