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Allen has of course opposed her own government in the past, some of the measures she felt were too harsh and this is the sort of pressure which will come to blair in the weeks to come when legislation put before the house. We have heard from Sarah Woolston already as well, these people will not remain quiet. Both of the main parties shaken, i have been following the House Of Commons since 1984 and i think this is going to be the most interesting parliament of my political lifetime. She was too modest to say so but we area she was too modest to say so but we are a graduate to pay more attention to Laura Kuenssberg over the next year or to Laura Kuenssberg over the next year 01 so. To Laura Kuenssberg over the next year or so. I think that is good advice peter, your prospective going back decades in this fascinating process, what are your thoughts . One of the great upsets general elections since the Second World War which will be seared in the collective memory of the nation forever because of the atrocities of manchester and london bridge. The most extraordinary few weeks. |j manchester and london bridge. The most extraordinary few weeks. I want to thank you all, emily, john, jeremy, there is an army of people outside the studio as well performing all kinds of vital tasks and without any of that we would not be an airto and without any of that we would not be an air to all of you, wherever you are, not just be an air to all of you, wherever you are, notjust here in the bbc centre, but across the uk of course, thank you all very much. Its been a remarkable 15 hours and i think its fairto remarkable 15 hours and i think its fair to say nobody expected to be in this position, least of all theresa may who went into this election with a majority and has come out of it with no majority, Hung Parliament and is going to be dependent on an informal deal, stumbling along as her opponents would say with the dup. A Hung Parliament with many questions still to be answered. Coverage continues on the bbc news channel, bbc news at 1pm coming up, but we will leave you now with some of the injuring images and words of the past 15 hours, goodbye. Tonight is the third time in just over two yea rs is the third time in just over two years we is the third time in just over two yea rs we have is the third time in just over two years we have come here to discover the result of a major uk wide poll. What will happen tonight . Well the conservatives get the 326 seats they need to win out right . Or will labour close the gap . Never before have we gone in with such diverse predictions. We are able to predict what we think has happened tonight. What we are seeing is the conservatives are the Largest Party, but do not have an overall majority at this stage. The Conservative Party have lost their overall majority and will be shored by 12 votes. If these numbers are correct, theresa may has played a high risk political game and appears to have lost. The reaction from senior conservatives is they do not believe it. It will give enormous power to Jeremy Corbyn, not just within parliament but within his party. The Poundis Parliament but within his party. The pound is down about 2 against the dollar and it is down against the euro. We are going to be hung, drawn and quartered if this is all wrong. Labour party, 24,000 and 71. Its the first sign of the night that the country is going to drift from the conservatives to the labour party. |j dont know what has happened to sunderland, they were beavering away but nothing seems to have happened. Has been duly elected to serve as memberfor has been duly elected to serve as member for the constituency. Immediately better for the conservatives than the exit polls suggested. We are getting conflicting signals. Help me with the technology. It does not matter if we see you. We are going to need a new word for a caveat soon. The snp on 34 seats which means they lose 12. A real triumph for Ruth Davidson. Makes it much less likely well see another Scottish Independence referendum any time sooii. Independence referendum any time soon. We have not seen the swingometer, where is it . Nick clegg, Liberal Democrats, 90700 and 56. In politics you live by the sword and you die by the sword. The electorate gives with one hand and ta kes electorate gives with one hand and takes away with the other. Will you come back into active politics . |j would have no choice but to do exactly that. I am standing down today as the leader with immediate effect. Extraordinarily, labour have done some serious damage to conservative seats in england. The worst possible outcome would be a Hung Parliament. I would have thought that is enough to go. Contrast that with the face of theresa may, the look of a woman defeated, heavily made up as if she had been in tears. At this time more than anything else this country needs a period of stability. Are you still a moron . He has performed better than anybody ever expected he could. Theresa may has performed infinitely worse. She has two content with the absolute horror. She has to consider her position. We have been trying to get Boris Johnson to talk to us. No. David davis to talk to us. No. Philip hammond to talk to us. No. Senior figures in the tory party keeping quiet. Morning all looks as though the forecast is going to prove remarkably, maybe in the end the most accurate in the end. It is a Hung Parliament, that is the story. Who is best to form a stable government in the interest of the people . We believe the labour party can do that. Theresa may has no intention of resigning, she will leave here in a couple of hours to go to Buckingham Palace to seek permission from the queen to form a government. The way we understand she will do that is with assurances from the Ulster Unionists that they will see her through in parliament. Not form a coalition but an informal understanding between the conservatives and dup. Understanding between the conservatives and dupi understanding between the conservatives and dup. I hope the result of the elections will have no major impact on the negotiations. We are desperately waiting for. The government ill lead will put fairness and opportunity at the heart of everything we do. So that we will fulfil the promise of brexit together and over the next five years build a country in which no one and no community is left behind. Theresa may vows to stay on as Prime Minister despite a disastrous night at the polls which saw the conservatives lose their majority. The uk now has a Hung Parliament. She arrived back here in Downing Street after going to see the queen. She said she would stay on as certainty is what the country needs most. I have just been to see her majesty, the queen. I will now form a government, a government to provide certainty and lead britain forward at this critical time for our country. The Snap General Election has for the conservatives theyve lost 12 seats labour has gained 29. The labour Leaderjeremy Corbyn has confounded expectations gaining seats across the uk. He says labour is ready to form a government. We are ready to do everything we can to put our programme into operation. There isnt a parliamentary majority for anybody at the present time. The party that has lost is the Conservative Party. No single party has enough seats to win overall control of the House Of Commons. Theresa may will form a government with the help of Northern Irelands Democratic Unionist Party. It was a bad night for Nicola Sturgeon and the Scotish National Party they lost 21 seats as voters appeared to turn away from plans for a second Independence Referendum. The youth vote is believed to be a factor in the Snap General Election result with turnout particularly high in seats where many young people live. After another extraordinary election result well be looking at what happens next and what it all means for Brexit Negotations Due to start in just nine days time. Much nor news and analysis throughout the day. We will bring you reaction from around the uk, europe and the rest of the world to this result and covering all the live events as they happen. Good afternoon from Downing Street. The Prime Minister has just returned here from Buckingham Palace after going to see the queen to ask for permission to form the next government. Speaking here in Downing Street in the last few minutes she said she intended to form a government to provide certa i nty and deliver brexit. It was a disastrous night for the conservatives, after an election theresa may did not need to call. Her goal of securing a stronger hand for Brexit Negotiations has backfired spectacularly. The Snap General Election has ended with a Hung Parliament. With all but one seat declared, the tories have 318 seats eight short of a majority. Labour has 261 mp5, the snp 35, the Liberal Democrats 12 and the dup ten. The conservatives took 42 point four per cent of the votes cast with labour at 40 per cent. But the conservatives did increase their share of the vote as did labour, while other smaller parties saw theirs decrease, with ukip down by more than ten per cent. Well have all the reaction to an extraordinary election and look at what happens now. Our first report is from our Political Correspondent Eleanor Garnier on the results. Is this strong and stable, Prime Minister . She wanted strong and sta ble minister . She wanted strong and stable but its not how it turned out. Theresa may did just enough to let her take the journey to Buckingham Palace but theres no increased majority. Theres no spring in her step. I have just been to see her majesty the queen and i will now form a government. A government that can provide certainty and lead britain forward at this critical time for oui forward at this critical time for our country. This government will guide the country through the crucial brexit talks that begin in just 10 days and deliver on the will of the british people by taking the United Kingdom out of the European Union. 10. 00pm last night, the exity poll put the conservatives as the Largest Party but short of a majority. Politicians on all sides remain sceptical while the twangsal contest to see which questions would declare first raced into action. It was not long before tory faces looked glum. In haste innings, the hoke, amber rudd scraped home by 346 votes. Arriving at her questions, theresa may managed a brief smile but her huge political gamble ended in disaster. She wanted to transform the tories fragile majority into a stronger hand, instead, her parties ended up weaker. If, as the indications have shown, that the Conservative Party has won the most seats and probably the most votes it would be incumbent on us to ensure that period of stability and thatis ensure that period of stability and that is exactly what we will do. After he confounded expectations, labours been left celebrating after picking up 29 seats. The Prime Minister called the election, because she wanted a mandate, well the mandate shes got is lost conservative seats, lost votes, lost support and lost confidence, i would votes, lost support and lost confidence, iwould have votes, lost support and lost confidence, i would have thought thats enough to go, actually. Labour took reading east, ousting a tory minister. And elsewhere, seven others of theresa mays top teams failed to get re elected. Losses in canterbury and stockton too. It has left some in her own party, questioning whether theresa may can continue. I think shes in a very difficult place. Shes a remarkable and a very talented woman and does not shy from difficult decisions but she now has to obviously consider her position. . Scotland, the tories were celebrating with the best result for 30 years, gaining 12 seats. But the snp lost big names on a bad night. Their deputy leader, Angus Robertson, ousted by the conservatives, and is a alex salmond lost his seat too. It was warned that the tories would hit living standards, said the snp. We will work with others to prevent that happening and to bring an end to the austerity that the voters, in the uk are no longer prepared to accept. And work with others, if it is at all possible, to keep the tories out of government. While the Lib Dems Saw The Return of former ministers like vince cable, the partys old leader had one of the partys old leader had one of the biggest upsets of the night, losing his chef eeled seat. I have encountered this evening, something that many people have encountered tonight and suspect that many will encounter after, which is in paralympics, youly by the sword, die by the sword. Northern ireland, the dup winning ten seats, the Democratic Unionist Party said that they will make their influence felt. Paul nuttall resigned as the ukip leader after liaising his only seat and failing to win in boston and skegness. But the greens mp, Caroline Lucas increased her majority in brighton pavilion. While others celebrate, she knows she must get on with governing. Brexit talks start in days. After a result like this, theresa mays long term future as the Prime Minister will be in doubt. Theresa may walked back inside Downing Street a short time ago, there was loud applause from the Downing Street staff gathered inside. Norman smith is with me now. She says she will tuberculosis. To deliver brexit. Can she survive this . Theresa may wants to continue. She believes she has the legitimacy to continue and her resolve has stiffened in the past few hours. In the early hours of the morning she seemed more uncertain and strained, there was a wobble in tory ranks with the tory Mps Speculating as to whether she could survive. Now she says with the support the dup she believes she can it may be a temporary sticking plaster solution. There is no disguising the anger among the tory mps, about the unnecessary election, a botched campaign, orchestrated by theresa may and her aides and a manifesto drawn up by team may, the reason that the party have not moved against her now is because brexit supporting tories dont want to jeopardise the Brexit Talks Due to Begin Next Week and other conservatives fear if thee quit now it would seed the initiative to Jeremy Corbyn to form a minority labour government. When talking to theresa mays critics, including in the dup, there is a view that theresa may is safe, possibly until the summer but during the summer recess, there is a possibility, even a likelihood that the tory party will look for a new leader. So lets take a closer look at the results. All are counted except Kensington A Rock Solid Conservative Seat until now but its heading into its third recount in a tight battle with labour. And that count will not resume until 6pm this evening. Lets go tojeremy vine with his guide to all the seats in the Hung Parliament. Here is the new map for you. Changed after the amazing election. The first thing, there is less snp yellow in scotland. The conservatives having a revival there. In lots of parts of england a straight fight between labour and the conservatives and in some places labour coming off best. In canterbury, they overturned a 10,000 conservative majority. But there is also more liberal democrat orange on the map. They gained oxford west and abingdon so something for them to ta ke abingdon so something for them to take heart from. What happened in terms of percentages . The conservatives came first, 44 . But not far ahead ofJeremy Corbyns rejuvenated labour party. He piled on the votes since the last against. Lots of young voters turning up to support labour at a very good 41 for them in second place. The lib dems bumping on 8 but focussing the vote better. The greens on 2 and ukip on 2 . That is significant. A crash for ukip. Look at that, down 1196. Crash for ukip. Look at that, down 11 . That is why their leader resigned. People thinking before the election, all their votes go to the conservatives to help theresa may but thats not what has happened. Labour have benefitted from ukips collapse. So come with me to the House Of Commons. Lets crunch the numbers. Here are the government benches and the conservatives are still there. Still the Largest Party with 318 seats. One questions, still to count. 318 is not an overall majority. You need 326 over half of the mps to south wrote. So, they have a problem, the conservatives. Labour improved by 30 seats to 261, the snp down by more than a third of their mps on 35. A dozen Liberal Democrats. In Northern Ireland, the dup have 10, sinn fein, seven, in wales, plaid cymru have four, and the greens keep one and the independent mp is in Northern Ireland. There are no ukip mps in the House Of Commons. By the House Of Commons. By the way, more than 200 women mps for the first time. So back to the government benches, they dont have enough for an overall majority. At this point they are short by eight, the conservatives. What to do . Maybe they can bring in the Democratic Unionist Party. The closest soul mates in politics inside the House Of Commons. Here they are and the democratic unionists would do this. Give them a majority of seven so over the line. They can govern but the conservatives will have to listen to what the dup are asking for. It is untidy, it is messy and humiliating for theresa may. Jeremy vine, thank you. Having called the general election to increase her majority and strenghen her position, theresa may lost 12 seats and with it her parliamentary majority. It wasnt all bad news as the scottish conservatives under leader Ruth Davidson made historic gains in scotland, where they won a dozen seats. The partys share of the vote also improved across most of the rest of the uk, but fell back in parts of the south east and london. Our Political Correspondent ben wright looks at where the campaign went wrong leading to the conservative shock result. At cou nts at counts across the country, conservatives dreams crumbled. Tory ministers lost seats, including ben gummer in ipswich who helped to write the partys manifesto. The conservatives were not braced for this. Quickly the blame began. The Campaign Going well, until we launched our manifesto with the triple assault on the core vote, the elderly. Frankly from then on in, people were not interested in the labour partys people were not interested in the labour pa rtys manifesto, people were not interested in the labour partys manifesto, all they wa nted labour partys manifesto, all they wanted to know is were they going to lose the Winter Payments and the impact of the so called dementia tax. A self inflicted wound that should not have happened. It was not meant to turn out like this. Theresa may surprised everyone with a Snap Election to crush political opponents and bring stability to the Brexit Negotiations. The only way to guarantee certainty and stability for the years ahead is to hold the election and seek support for the decisions i must take. From the start, the Tory Campaign built entirely around theresa may, a promise of strong and stable leadership, her mantra. But when the ma nifesto leadership, her mantra. But when the Manifesto Policy was published it whats social policy that back fired and then she backtracked with a promise to cap care costs. But denied a u turn. Nothing has changed, nothing has changed. We have not changed the principles set out in the manifesto. We are clear about the principles on which the system will operate. Tories saw a Policy Hitting Core voters. Her opponents said that the move was weakness. Jeremy corbyn Lapped Up The Crowds and theresa may stuck to smaller rallies and refuse to take part in a tv debate of the leaders. Jeremy corbyn tapped into the feeling of Anti Austerity in the country. I picked that up on the doorstep. People wanted to hear something different. Here, they had expected a Night Of Triumph and celebration at the Conservative Party hq. Instead, the staffers have been trudging out looking shattered and desolate. The gamble having spectacularly back fired on itself. In the view of the chancellor, sacked by theresa may on her first day chancellor, sacked by theresa may on herfirst day in chancellor, sacked by theresa may on her first day in Downing Street, its clear where the responsibility lies. In the end in politics, the buck stops with the leadership, as i well know. Shes got a lot of explaining to do. Does she have to go . Well, look, ultimately, that is a decision for her. We will hear what she has to say today. I dont see how she can survive the long term. The Tory Campaign, confident until the end but at the final rally, theresa may warned of the consequences of failure. There is a stark reality, which is if we lose just six seats then the government looses its majority. And that means jeremy looses its majority. And that meansJeremy Corbyn in number ten and John Mcdonald at the treasury. But now she seems to have changed her mind and an election meant to strengthen the governments hand on brexit has left it far weaker. Labour did much better than expected, adding 29 seats on their 2015 performance and cementing Jeremy Corbyns leadership of the party. Mr corbyn said it was an incredible results. Their share of the vote nationally rose by 10 per cent bringing it to 40 per cent with strong performances across northern england, london, east anglia and the south coast. Our correspondent robert hall looks at the overview of labour gains. Election fatigue forgotten. These we re election fatigue forgotten. These were scenes of celebration which many Labour Voters might not have anticipated when this electoral race crossed the start line. The days when political observers and members of his own party doubted Jeremy Corbyns ability to turn round what appeared then to be a foregone conclusion and to defy predictions ofa conclusion and to defy predictions of a tory landslide. I breakfast time today, the Labour Leadership believed they were winning. Within touching distance of forging a government. We have consolidated our position and the Conservative Party 110w position and the Conservative Party now seems to be falling apart. The Prime Minister and a number of conservative mps are saying that her position is untenable. The labour party is now the only party that can offer sta ble party is now the only party that can offer stable governments we are offering ourselves as a Minority Government to start Brexit Negotiations and starts to transform and rebuild our society. So what caused such a dramatic turnaround . Looking back, the week of labours ma nifesto looking back, the week of labours manifesto launch played a crucial part, leaked in advance and containing domestic policies that connected. I was clearly wrong in Feeling Thatjeremy would not be able to do this well and i think he has proved me wrong and what people wrong. I take my hat off to him. The question of National Leadership still hungover mr corbyn but here, again, there was a swing in opinion after theresa mays u turn on the dementia tax. A change frightened by what people saw as passion and straight talking at a series of corbyn led rallies and during the final tv debate which mrs may declined tojoin. Final tv debate which mrs may declined to join. People voted for hope. Young people and old people all came together yesterday, with very high turnout and huge increases in the labour vote. And they did it because they want to see something is done differently and they want hopein is done differently and they want hope in their lives. Coventry, one of the cities were labour performed better than expected, and those themes still resonate. |j better than expected, and those themes still resonate. I hear people, friends, talking about it being better for the underprivileged, which is excellent. I think that is what society really needs. A lot of my friends went out to vote and we all went for the labour party because it does affect us. Labour party because it does affect us. He struck a chord with certain people, and it was education, free meals. There were more points, including a series of gaffes by diane abbott leading to a replacement on the grounds of ill health. She says she be back. How much will it cost . I will give you a figure in the moment. The public were warming to the Labour Leader in greater numbers and yesterday A Change Of Heart was reflected in the polling booths. One would did not crop up in my conversations this morning, brexit. Labour voters acknowledged that extricating britain would now be an even and more difficult problem and when it came to casting their vote, issues closer to home where a deciding factor. Northern ireland is now centre stage in the westminster election. The big winners of the night were the Democratic Unionist Party who took ten seats and sinn fein who won seven, while the sdlp and the uup lost all of their Westminster Mps. The support of the dups Westminster Mps will be crucial for the conservatives who need them to get legislation through the House Of Commons. Chris buckler reports on the results in Northern Ireland. If last night count revealed any winner, it was the Democratic Unionist Party. They won more than half of Northern Ireland s 18 seats but ten mps would not normally make a batch of a difference in a parliament of 650 people. But this was no ordinary election. The dup could be theresa mays secret weapon for at least some stability in government. Their support gives the conservatives a majority but it is likely to come at a price. What we wa nt to likely to come at a price. What we want to see happening is a recognition of the particular circumstances of Northern Ireland, recognising our history and geography. We have always said we want the best deal for Northern Ireland and that is what we will be pushing for. Any deal is likely to mean money to help Northern Ireland s economy as well as influence in the Brexit Negotiations. The Dup Campaignfor the Brexit Negotiations. The dup campaign for the the Brexit Negotiations. The Dup Campaignforthe uk the Brexit Negotiations. The dup campaign for the uk to leave the eu but they dont want a physical presence here in the open roads garish border. Ironically, sinn fein, which ran a Campaign Based on opposing brexit and the conservatives also find themselves helping the tories. As irish republicans, they refused to take their seats and a british parliament, which reduces the number theresa may needs for a majority. They might see themselves as a big beasts in politics on the side of the irish sea but sinn fein to not have the same influence at westminster. If we are fortunate enough to have our candidates returned as mp5, it would be on the basis that we will not be going to ta ke basis that we will not be going to take our seats in westminster. What could give stability to westminster has the danger of bringing even more political instability to Northern Ireland. Power sharing collapse at stormont at the start of the year and currently sinn fein and the dup are involved in negotiations to try and geta are involved in negotiations to try and get a devolved Government Back up and running. The British Government are involved in facilitating those talks but republicans are likely to see those honest brokers if they are being brought up by the dup. Some of the biggest upsets of the night were in scotland. The snp lost 21 seats including the snps leader in the commons, Angus Robertson and former leader, alex salmond. The tories took twelve of the snps seats, labour took six and the Liberal Democrats three. The snp leader Nicola Sturgeon said she was disappointed but reminded voters that her party had won in scotland. Our scotland correspondent Catriona Renton reports. No one release of this coming. Some of the snps biggest names lost their seats last night. Among them, former leader and eggs First Minister of scotland, alex salmond mark The Driving Force of the Independence Referendum in 2014. With the moment of that referendum on the snp won 56 of the 59 westminster seats in the 20 15th general election. Even they knew that would be hard to repeat. But their losses, 21 seats, far greater than polluted. Although they are still the Biggest Party in scotland with 35. We have won the election in scotla nd with 35. We have won the election in Scotland Tonight but clearly a number of factors at play which we will take time to consider over the days ahead. So, where did all those seats go . The three pro Union Parties had only one each going into this election. Of them, the conservatives fared the best. They have seen something of a resurgence here and the scottish leader davison ran a good campaign, taking 13 seats. Their best result here since 1983. Without them, the conservatives would have less prospect of forming a government that opposition to another independent Referendum Abled winner. There was one big issue in this campaign and that was Nicola Sturgeon trying to ram through a second referendum in march and the countrys reaction to that. |j second referendum in march and the countrys reaction to that. I think we have seen the reaction in the number of snp seats that have fallen. Referendum to is dead. Across the country, but were bought by land, sea and air to ensure every voice was heard. There was another comeback. Labour, once the dominant party in scotland, were almost wiped out last time. Last night they finished with seven seats. We are seeing some encouraging results across the whole of Scotland Tonight. We have a few fantastic new generation of labour mps. The lib dems quadrupled their seats, they now have for me. We will select on these results. Now in the cool light of day, the results are thinking in as the politicians consider their next move. European political leaders have been taken aback by the results like many other people they expected theresa may to secure an easy victory. Talks are meant to begin next monday but this was thrown into doubt when the president of the European Council donald tusk said that he now didnt know when they would start but he did know when they would end. Chris morris has been looking at the reaction from europe and the implications for those crucial brexit talks. This was supposed to be the brexit election and even though they didnt go into that much detail in the campaign, the result looks at least in part likea campaign, the result looks at least in part like a repudiation of the Direction Of Travel proposed by theresa may. Dont forget, here she was in Downing Street 7. 5 weeks ago saying she wanted a stronger majority for the forthcoming Brexit Negotiations. Now we know she has actually ended up in a weaker position. Where does that leave us . Dont forget what we voted on last yearin dont forget what we voted on last year in that referendum. Here is the question, should the uk remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union . No mention of the Single Market, customs union, immigration, hard brexit, just this simple question. In this election campaign, but the main parties, labour and the tories, had in their ma Nifesto A Labour and the tories, had in their manifesto a commitment to brexit so thats not in doubt. The type of brexit, that may well be up for grabs. Theresa may has made much of the fact she once to lead that might leave the Single Market but others think that should be up for debate. What has the reaction been from the rest of europe . It has been coming in thread the morning. Rest of europe . It has been coming in thread the morninglj rest of europe . It has been coming in thread the morning. I do strongly hope that britain will stay ready to open negotiations. As far as the mutation is concerned, we can start claudication at 9 30. We are waiting for visitors coming from london and i hope that we will not experience a further delay. That is backed up by the eus Chief Negotiator on twitter. The timetable is clear. They want to start with the divorce bill, and the border in ireland. A little bit more cutting from the european pa rliaments little bit more cutting from the european parliaments brexit coordinator. After cameron, now theresa may, will make complex negotiations even more convoluted. The president of the European Council, we do know when they start but we know when they must end. This is really important because as we all know, the clock is ticking. We now have triggered article 50 and that means we are supposed to have an agreement on leaving the eu in place by the end of march 2019. That could be extended but only if all 28 countries including the uk agree. So, its a little bit messy and in conclusion, across the eu, and for many here and for many businesses, there is a feeling that all this election has really done for brexit is waste time and add to the uncertainty. Our europe editor katya adler is in brussels. What impact is this going to have on brexit . A big Question Mark not only in the uk but here as well. We heard from the man who represents all the other 27 member states, donald tusk, here in brussels and he says there is no time to lose. Brexit is definitely an issue but it has a whole load more, problems with immigration, worries about russia and an uncorrectable american president. It once brexit Done And Dusted and any uncertainty is worrying for the eu as well as the uk. Although there is a lot of uncertainty and chaos in the uk today, as far as the eu is concerned, there is no reason why theresa may with the support of the dup could not choose now a Chief Exit Negotiator and send him or her here as planned to start the first phase of the bush asians and the 19th ofjune. Those talks were a lwa ys 19th ofjune. Those talks were always going to be extremely practical in nature. What will they talk about and in which order . Wont be now wants to hear is, will theresa may push forward as before ona hard theresa may push forward as before on a hard brexit and an exit from the single

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