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People and injures more than 300 the afghan president calls it an inhuman act. Three men arrested following the Manchester Bombing which killed 22 people have been released without charge 11 others are still being questioned. Arsenal keep arsene footballs longest Serving Manager Signs to stay at the club for another two years. And coming up in the sport on bbc news. They face a gruelling schedule over the next few weeks but British And Irish Lions coach Warren Gatland says his squad cannot afford to be negative. Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. A Breast Surgeon who carried out a series of unnecessary operations at hospitals in the West Midlands has been sentenced to 15 years in prison. Ian paterson was found guilty last month of wounding with intent, and unlawful wounding in a case involving ten private patients. Our Health Editor hugh pym sent this report from nottingham. Ian paterson, once a higher earning and highly regarded surgeon, now a convicted criminal about to begin a 15 yearjail sentence. Convicted criminal about to begin a 15 yearjailsentence. Some convicted criminal about to begin a 15 yearjail sentence. Some of the patients that he harmed arrived in court in nottingham this morning to hear the sentencing. The judge, court in nottingham this morning to hear the sentencing. Thejudge, mr justicejeremy hear the sentencing. Thejudge, mr Justice Jeremy baker, said hear the sentencing. Thejudge, mr justicejeremy baker, said that mr paterson carried out unnecessary Breast Surgery which had a profound physical and psychological effect, leaving his patients feeling violated and vulnerable. Leaving his patients feeling violated and vulnerablelj leaving his patients feeling violated and vulnerable. Ijust wa nted violated and vulnerable. Ijust wanted to say thank you to the judge, at last today we have got justice. We waited four years for this and finally mr paterson has been stopped. Over four years of trauma and stress. Trying to bring this man to account. No amount of Prison Sentence will ever compensate what myself and others have gone through. The number of victims harmed is said by their lawyers to run into the hundreds, possibly even thousands. That mr patersons motives remain a mystery. Perhaps he likes the adoration from the patient . If you tell someone they are going to die but if you let me operate i am not, and afterwards if the pathology shows you were going to get Breast Cancer but it is untrue, that patient is grateful and likes you, and the patients, before they found out that he had actually misled them, thought he was a wonderful doctor. A High Court Action for damages against nhs hospitals and private trusts where he worked, and ian paterson himself, is set to begin in the autumn. Our Health Editor, hugh pym, is outside Nottingham Crown court. Such a clear sense of distress caused by so many people. Caused to so many people. What about ensuring that this cannot happen again . Yes, some of the victims are still talking to the media behind me there. A sense of relief that they feel that justice has been done. Some of them said that they would rather have seen a longer sentence, a Life Sentence will stop others have made clear that 15 years was fair. He judge, mr justice baker, said that he was acting within sentencing guidelines. But having said that, they are making clear that some of his victims here today want a public enquiry, a full investigation of who knew what and when. Why wasnt he stopped . Why the medical profession did not do more to stop him practising. To that end, the General Medical Council has commented today, saying that the guidelines at the time were too lax and colleagues in the medical profession felt inhibited from reporting what ian paterson did for the nhs and in the private sector. That there is now a regular system of appraisals of doctors, and revalidation every few yea rs. Doctors, and revalidation every few years. So, you are checked over. Multidisciplinary team is working so a surgeon cannot Multidisciplinary Team is working so a Surgeon Cannot Go Off alone as ian paterson did, charming so many people and getting away with it. Equally, the Royal College of surgeons has made clear that although procedures are a lot tighter, a lot still needs to be donein tighter, a lot still needs to be done in the private sector to bring their standards of transparency and reporting and holding surgeons to account up to the level of the nhs. If you have a compulsive liar, as ian paterson was, it is hard to stop that individual when they have a position of power. To that end, nobody should be complacent about this. After the election, whoever is in government will face cause for a further enquiry, to try and get to the bottom of what went wrong and all three main parties have committed to carrying out such an enquiry. For now, these victims are relieved. Clearly traumatised for many years. But their battle goes on with the civil action of the high court later this year. Hugh penn, thank you. With just over a week until the General Election, the parties want to return to their core messages in campaigning. ButJeremy Corbyn has been defending his stance on immigration, after theresa may said a vote for labour was a vote for an uncontrolled influx of migrants. Our Political Correspondent chris mason has been looking at what the parties are saying and what theyre not about immigration. It is the issue that was seen as crucial to many in last years eu referendum. Immigration. Whoever wins next weeks General Election will decide how high or low it is after we leave the eu, and the government has full control of it. But what do we know about what the party s plan . And, what the consequences may be . Jeremy corbyn has previously said immigration would probably come down, if he was Prime Minister. This morning, he said. We have a Skills Shortage, because this government has not invested enough in training and education. And, that Skills Shortage has to be met from somewhere. If we did not have Migrant Workers either from outside of europe or within europe working in our National Health service, we would be in an even worse state than it is at the present time. Likewise, the thousands who teach in our schools and help our children. Lets ta ke schools and help our children. Lets take a look at net migration to the uk, the number coming in minus the number leaving. In 2014, it was 313,000 but in 2015 it was 330 2000. Last year it was 240 8000. The independent economic forecaster, the Office For Budget Responsibility has predicted a fall in immigration could hit the economy and force the government to borrow more money. In other words, while cutting immigration may be popular, it could come at a cost. The Prime Minister, campaigning in plymouth today, remains committed to getting net migration into the tens of thousands. A promised the conservatives have repeatedly made, but repeatedly broken. Conservatives have repeatedly made, but repeatedly broken. Ij conservatives have repeatedly made, but repeatedly broken. I want to ensure that we are controlling migration because too high and uncontrolled migration has put pressure on Public Services and it also lowers wages at the lower end of the income scale. I want to ensure that we control migration. Jeremy corbyn and the labour party wa nt Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party Want uncontrolled migration. Enter next the proudly pro eu lib dems, keen to warn about what they see as potential dangers of brexit. We are the only party that is trying daily to say that there are Big Questions here, not only on immigration but the impact on the nhs, schools, peoples livelihoods, on how we go about brexit. The Snp Want Immigration Powers to be devolved to the scottish parliament. Ukip say they want to cut net migration to zero. A one in, one out policy. For all of the rows about immigration and the uncertainty about what the next government may do, one thing is very clear. Very soon, they will have direct responsibility for it, and so be directly accountable too. Chris mason, bbc news. In the past hour, Jeremy Corbyn has confirmed hell take part in tonights live election debate, on the bbc, with representatives of six other major parties. The Labour Leader has repeatedly challenged theresa may to a debate but she has ruled out taking part. Our assistant political editor, norman smith, is westminster. This was a complete surprise. Mr corbyn has said that he wont turn up corbyn has said that he wont turn up if theresa may does not turn up, but now in this last minute change of heart, which i think reflects the growing confidence in the corbyn camp about their campaign, it is almost a sort of act of political jujitsu, throwing theresa may onto the defensive with a last minute surprise manoeuvre. And in this Live Television question and answer Session Withjeremy Television Question and answer session with Jeremy Paxman Television Question and answer session withJeremy Paxman earlier this week, they believe thatJeremy Corbyn came out on top. He was under pressure for some of his views but they felt that the audience by and large respected the sincerity with which he held those views. There is the broader view. Team corbyn believe that the more that voters get to see and hear the Labour Leader, not through the prism of the National Paris and broadcasters, the more that they like him national press. Jeremy corbyn issued this challenge. Its very odd that you have an Election Campaign where we go out and talk to people, all the time. And the Prime Minister seems to have difficulty in meeting anyone or having a debate. So, there is a debate in cambridge tonight. I dont know what shes doing this evening but it isnt far from london. I invite her to go to cambridge and debate her policies. Debate her record, debate their plans, debate their proposals. And let the public make up their mind. Well, theresa may has always refused to ta ke well, theresa may has always refused to take part in a live head to head debate with jeremy to take part in a live head to head debate withJeremy Corbyn on television. A senior tory source this lunchtime said that there was no chance that she would be turning up no chance that she would be turning up in cambridge tonight. It may have looked like a sound strategy when mrs may had a hulking lead in the opinion polls, why take risks . It is much more questionable now and the danger is that voters, seeing six other party leaders, may wonder why mrs may is not fair. What is she frightened of . Norman smith, thank you. My colleague will be moderating that debate in cambridge tonight, what more can we expect, Mishal Husain . This is what ican expect, Mishal Husain . This is what i can show you, the setting for that debate this evening. Seven politicians, including Jeremy Corbyn, will be taking to the stage behind me. The setting is one that is normally used for Graduation Ceremonies here at the university of cambridge. Now it is being used for the bbc election debate, the only seven way debate of this Election Campaign. Afew seven way debate of this Election Campaign. A few things that politicians taking part no, they have drawn lots for the order in which they deliver their opening statements. Their closing statements, and where on the stage their particular podium is. There is an awful lot they do not know about the content of the debate. Questions are coming from our audience here in cambridge, they have not been chosen by the bbc but outside polling companies, chosen from different parts of the country and different political allegiances and in different ways that they voted in the eu referendum. On the basis of questions they submitted, we chose some that reflect the issues of this Election Campaign and it is those one after the other that they will be putting to those politicians, getting them to debate with each other, bringing out where there are stark differences between. We have 90 minutes on bbc one tonight from 7 30pm for everyone to watch at home and to make their choice about how they did. Mishal husain, thank you. And as she says, that starts at 7 30pm tonight on bbc one. Police hunting for a prisoner who escaped from a hospital in salisbury in wiltshire, say the escape may have been pre planned and he may have received help. Michal kisier, whos thought to be armed with a razor blade, overpowered his guards at the hospital last night. Police say he is dangerous, and that members of the public should not approach him theyre urging anyone who sees a man matching his description to Contact Police immediately. A car bomb has exploded in the Diplomatic Quarter of the afghan capital, kabul, killing at least 80 people and wounding more than 300 others. The countrys president said it was a cowardly attack on innocent civilians. Tom burridge reports. Makeshift ambulances brought them in this morning, as kabuls hospitals were overwhelmed. At least 80 People Killed when a huge truck bomb exploded during rush hour. Several hundred people were injured. It is one of the worst bomb attacks in afghanistan in years. Translation i heard a terrible sound and became unconscious. I opened my eyes and found myself under the desk. Blood was coming out of my shoulder. It was a dreadful explosion. This video taken miles from the blast shows how powerful it was. The bbcs reporter has been at the scene. It was a water tanker or lorry full of explosives that hit the strategic location right in the heart of kabul. It is very close to the German Embassy, indian embassy, french and british embassies. The explosion only a short distance from afg hanistans president ial palace. This is the German Embassy today, badly damaged. Germanys Foreign Minister said the unimaginable death toll was proof that terror continues to target western institutions, but also local people. A bbc team were in the area and hit by the blast, killing driver mohammed nazir. The bbc described him as a popular colleague, with a young family. Nato and some british troops are still based in afghanistan, but the fact that militants were able to get such a large bomb into the citys heavily guarded political zone shows how fragile afg hanistans Security Picture has become. So far neither the taliban nor the so called Islamic State in afghanistan have claimed responsibility. Attacks in kabul are not unusual. But this was a bombing on another scale and among the dead, women and children. Tom burridge, bbc news. Our top story this lunchtime. The Breast Surgeon ian paterson who carried out numerous unncessary operations is sentenced to 15 years in prison. And still to come, why bullying in Online Gaming is on the rise. Coming up in sport at half past. Former grand slam champion Margaret Court has escalated the row over her comments on homosexuality, accusing gay tennis players of influencing others. Three men arrested in connection with the Manchester Bombing, which killed 22 people, have been released without charge. Of the 16 people arrested since the blast, 11 are still in custody. Detectives now say the bomber, salman abedi, appears to have been largely alone in the days before the attack. But they say they cannot rule out that he was part of a wider network. Our Home Affairs Correspondent, june kelly, is in South Manchester now. Bring us up to date with the investigation. This address in South Manchester is one of those for where forensics teams are still searching. It is close to Wilmslow Road and police are now trying to establish why in the days before the attack, salman abedi kept returning to Wilmslow Road with his blue suitcase. This is the suitcase the issued a picture of a couple of days ago and detectives are still trying to find that suitcase. The police are also now saying that in the four days before the attack after salman abedi flew back to the uk from libya, they say he appears to have been largely alone in those four days and that includes when it came to amassing his bomb components. Last week they were saying he was part of a network and now the language has changed and they are now saying they cannot rule out that he was part of a network. 0f out that he was part of a network. Of course there are still a number of people in custody. Of the three released last night, two of them are cousins of salman abedi. So ten days arent we still have 11 people being held. Meanwhile, preparations are underway for the one love Manchester Concert on sunday, which will see the american singer Ariana Grande return to the city for the First Time Since the bombing. Old trafford Cricket Ground is being prepared for the concert, which will also feature coldplay, justin bieber, katy perry and take that. And last night, Liam Gallagher gave an emotional performance in manchester, his home city, telling the crowd that normal service has resumed. He donated the proceeds of the gig to the families of the 22 people who were killed last week. Our entertainment correspondent Colin Paterson was there. And theres no easy way out. Liam gallagher, back in manchester, back on stage, and looking back to last weeks events. 22 candles were lined up in front of the drum kit, one for each person killed in the terrorist attack. And it didnt take him long to issue a defiant statement. Normal business has resumed what made this gig different was the singing between the songs. The audience on numerous occasions spontaneously bursting into chants of stand up for the 22. Stand up for the 22 this was one of manchesters biggest music stars returning home to deliver a set including oasis classics like live forever, rock and roll star. One song noticeable by its absence, the one which has become an anthem to unity here over the last week, dont look back in anger. But then, it was noel who sang that one. Liam didnt sing it, but his fans did. Staying behind inside the venue long after the show ended. But dont look back in anger, i heard you say. Its amazing. You could feel the hearts of the people for the 22, you know. It was dead good. The Atmosphere Inside was emotional. I honestly felt that this was exactly what manchester needed this week. An Oasis Reunion was always highly unlikely. But it has surprised many that Noel Gallagher is not in the line up for Ariana Grandes All Star Fundraising Show in manchester this sunday. Could he be a surprise on the day . Or perhaps join coldplay for a version of the song which has become a soundtrack to a city trying to move on . Colin paterson, bbc news, manchester. For the first time, a British Police force is to recruit people directly to become detectives without making them first work in uniform on the beat. The metropolitan police hopes the move will fill some of its 600 detective vacancies, and attract graduates with different skills and backgrounds. Our Home Affairs Correspondent danny shaw reports. For decades there has only been one way to become a detective. Start as an officer in uniform, and then join cid. It was seen as the pinnacle of policing, everyone wanted to crack crimes. But not any longer. Detective work is not thejob it used to be. There are more cases to handle, there is more pressure to get results. The independent inspectorate has described it as a National Crisis because there are so many unfilled vacancies. Now the metropolitan police is trying to do something about it. Something that has never been done before. Theyre starting a Recruitment Campaign for people with no experience of policing. Unlike other recruits they will not have to spend time in uniform, Doing Street Patrol and response work. This is about offering people a direct pathway into a different type of career in policing. And we know from research we did last year, quite extensively in london, this was really appealing. Because actually the uniform attraction is attractive to some and a barrier to others. To join the metropolitan police as a detective, recruits must have a degree level qualification. They will be given 18 weeks training and have to pass an exam after 12 months. The trainees will investigate crimes like burglary, robbery and car theft, before moving on to more serious offences after two years. But former detective Barry Phillips has doubts about the idea. He started out in uniform over 40 years ago. You cannot bring people in who Cannot Walk The walk, talk the talk. That is what is required. A cid officer needs a good grounding in police work, that is gained through coming through the normal channels. But Scotland Yard is likely to extend its recruitment drive, it is initially taking 80 detectives and other forces may follow suit. Danny shaw, bbc news. Bullying in the Online Gaming world is a growing problem, according to new research. Half the gamers questioned by the anti bullying charity, ditch the label, said they had been harassed or received threats. More details from our technology correspondent, rory cellan jones. For 16 year old bailey, video games have been a big part of his life. And were once an escape when he was getting a hard time at school. He enjoys pitting his skills against other players online. But what he doesnt like is the abuse he sometimes gets while playing. He first experienced bullying in games when he was ten. And it is not getting any better. If im playing a game and i score a goal, i have literally been told to kill myself. If you are being bullied at school, you come home and you play computer and youre just getting more abuse thrown at you. It is just going to put you off doing anything social. The Charity Ditch The Label surveyed 2500 young gamers. 57 said they had been subjected to hate speech in an online game. 47 had received threats and 40 had had unwanted sexual contact. What has changed over the last decade is that more and more games are played online. And that means young gamers are encountering anonymous people from around the world. And chatting with them. That can of course be very positive but it also lays them open to the kind of dangers we have seen elsewhere in the online world. The anti bullying charity worked with the online game habbo hotel to Research Young gamers experiences and was disturbed by what it found. I think first and foremost it shows the true extent of the problem. When we talk about bullying, we usually talk about Cyber Bullying on social media or traditional bullying off line. And we very seldom talk about it in game environments. And as a result of this research we have found that the majority of gamers have at some point experienced bullying. And i think what is so shocking is the fact that it is normalised behaviour. We had gamers telling us that this was just part of playing games online, which is incredibly shocking because it can have very real and devastating impacts upon those who are subjected to it. Bailey says he has now learned not to let abuse get to him. He wants the Games Companies to do more to watch over what happens online and to act to stop the bullies. Rory cellanjones, bbc news. Lets return to the election now. People in Northern Ireland are going to the polls for the fourth major vote injust over two years. Brexit remains a crucial issue, as the future relationship with the Republic Of Ireland remains unclear. And in Northern Ireland there is still deadlock at stormont, despite two recent assembly elections. Our ireland correspondent Chris Buckler has this report. Youll find dramatic beauty all along the north coast of Northern Ireland. And its scenery that makes a spectacular setting. The series Game Of Thrones uses this area as a filming location. And some see in its stories of scheming, division and conflict more than a few similarities with politics in Northern Ireland. Here many vote along what are sometimes called tribal lines. You are a unionist if you grew up in a unionist family and you are a republican if you grew up in a republican family. All you hear is if you dont vote, some of them other boys will get in. And that is coming from both sides of the community. An old battle . An old battle. Down through the ages of history. And still fought in modern times. Game of thrones is a Fantasy Saga Wwhich Tells An Epic Tale Set across continents of the fight for the arryn throne. The often vicious and violent drama might be worlds away from where so much of it is filmed, but political battles are nothing new in Northern Ireland. For politics to work here, people have to share power as opposed to grabbing it. But the parties are deeply divided. It is why there is currently no government in Northern Ireland and why this election is proving to be a bitterfight between unionists and nationalists. There is frustration among those who want to show off Northern Ireland. And concern that despite all the electioneering for westminster, for westminster, devolved issues are not being addressed. I think that they should be doing more for education, they should be doing more for our Tourist Industry but most of all they should be trying to save our National Health service. You can see political progress in the bus loads of tourists who arrive to see the caves and castles here. Many would not have come during the troubles. But there are new challenges ahead. Including brexit. And this Methodist Minister who was a key figure in Northern Irelands peace process, says political stability is needed. Conflict will divide people into camps. And people then will go back to voting in their camps. And in their tribal traditions. Come on, its time we moved beyond that. The world has changed, the world has moved on. Some feel the fighting between the politicians can be for show, simply because it is good for votes. But it also makes election time a particularly divisive time. Chris buckler, bbc news, on the north antrim coast. The Democratic Unionist Party has launched its election manifesto, saying that maintaining the union is by far the most important issue in next weeks vote. The leader of Northern Irelands Largest Party Arlene Foster said returning a majority of unionist mps would keep the idea of a vote about a United Ireland a policy proposed by their political rivals sinn fein off the agenda for generations to come. Speaking at the launch in antrim she outlined the partys key commitments. Onjune the 8th im asking people to get Northern Ireland back on the right track. To vote to get the best deal for Northern Ireland. To strengthen our hand in the upcoming negotiation. To get the assembly back up and running. To protect our place within the united kingdom. And to unite behind one strong unionist voice. After months of speculation, arsenal have confirmed that manager Arsene Wenger has signed a new two Year Contract with the club. The team finished 5th in the Premier League this season the first time theyve finished outside the top four since wenger took over in 1996. Our sports correspondent, david ornstein, is outside the stadium. We perhaps had expected this but it has been a long time coming. We perhaps had expected this but it has been a long time comingm we perhaps had expected this but it has been a long time coming. It is no great surprise, Arsene Wenger and arsenal agreed the deal in principle many months ago but it was not signed and as Arsenal Spiralled Out Of Control during the season there was speculation over whether he would sign. Protests were happening both inside stadiums and outside grounds like this emirates stadium, many fans wanted Arsene Wengerjulie but then they were the winners of the fa cup, his tenth trophy in 21 yea rs the fa cup, his tenth trophy in 21 years as arsenal manager. He then met the he will stay as manager for another two years and we will have a statement very shortly. Thank you. Lets catch up with the Weather Prospects right now

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