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Staff cry. They just at no point did i see any member of staff cry. Theyjust rose to the challenge, and they just staff cry. Theyjust rose to the challenge, and theyjust kept going. Some of those staff describe a night they will never be able to forget. Well have the latest from manchester, and well assess the seriousness of the row between police and us authorities. Also this lunchtime. On a charm offensive. Having criticised both in the past, donald trump arrives in brussels for talks with nato and eu leaders. Net migration to the uk falls by 84,000 most of those leaving the country were eu citizens. Shouting please, please, be respectful. Angry scenes at ukips Manifesto Launch, as theresa may is accused of being partly to blame for the manchester atrocity. And coming up in the sport on bbc news. Buttons back. Already in practice earlier today ahead of this weekends monaco grand prix, where Jenson Button is making a one off return. Good afternoon, and welcome to the bbc news at one. Amidst the suffering and grief of the Manchester Bombing, now a major row between the agencies whose job it is to investigate it. British police have stopped Sharing Information about the attack with officials in the United States after a series of leaks thought to have come from us intelligence. The New York Times published photographs showing fragments of the bomb and a backpack used to conceal it. An angry theresa may says she will raise the issue with President Trump. Hes in europe visiting nato headquarters, as police in manchester announce further arrests, and the names of more of the victims. At am this morning, much of the country came to a standstill for a minutes silence as a mark of respect. And the queen has been visiting some of the injured in hospital. Lets go live to manchester now and jane hill. Simon, thank you, and welcome again to st anns square, where people continue to arrive all the time to lay flowers and to read the growing number of tributes and signs of solidarity and defiance that or around the memorial here. It is here where people observe that minutes silence, which was extraordinarily moving. We will talk about that later in the programme. Lets begin with the investigation itself. In the last hour, greater magister please have described a that have been made in connection with the network believed to be behind mondays bomb as significant. Police also said that some of the items that have been seized in the subsequent rates are very important. 0ur subsequent rates are very important. Our first subsequent rates are very important. 0urfirst report comes subsequent rates are very important. Our first report comes from our home affa i Rs Our First Report comes from our home affairs chris bond and, daniel sandford. Just a warning that it contains scenes you may find distressing. Another fast moving Police Operation in manchester this morning. Officers with guns closing of roads around a couegein with guns closing of roads around a college in humour. Army bomb disposal experts were rapidly on the scene, responding to a suspect package which was later found to be safe. This has been happening for three days now in manchester. Heavily armed officers arriving at the location of the location as police try to manage an ever expanding investigation. Overnight, there were more raids and more arrests, including at this house in withington in south manchester. At the moment, eight men or in custody. Most appear to be libyans living in britain. These have been an intense three days for the officers and staff of Greater Manchester police, along with the national counterterrorist policing network, and uk Intelligence Services. I want to reassure people that the arrest that we have made significant. And initial searches of premises have revealed items that we believe are very important to the investigation. More details of the bomb itself came out overnight. It appears to have beenin out overnight. It appears to have been ina out overnight. It appears to have been in a blue carry more backpack, fragments of which were found at the scene. The bomber, salman abedi, probably bought the backpack on friday. The details leaked to the New York Times by the american source suggest the bomb had this metal initiator and the unusual high current battery. It is thought the explosive may have been Hydrogen Peroxide based, like the abt. But the leaking of the forensic pictures has caused furore. Police have stopped Sharing Information with the americans, after what they called a breach of trust. The Prime Minister will now raise it at the highest level. Shortly i will be travelling to the nato summit, where i will be working with international collea g u es working with International Colleagues on defeating terrorism. I will make clear to President Trump that intelligence that is shared between our Law Enforcement agencies must remain secure. And the New Manchester mayor expressed his dismay. I made known my concerns about to the us ambassador. Its not a cce pta ble about to the us ambassador. Its not acceptable to me that, you know, here there is a live investigation taking place, and we cannot have information being put in the Public Domain that is not under direct control of the British Police and security services. It seems that salman abedi, the bomber who killed 22 people at the concert on monday, travelled from libya, possibly via prague to dusseldorf, where German Police say he was in transit four days before the bombing. He to manchester from there. Yesterday, Salman Abedis father, ramadan abedi, was detained in libya. A man who knew the father in manchester said he definitely had extremist views. Of course, no doubt. He was very extremist, there is no doubt about that. There is no doubt now that detectives investigating mondays atrocity have made progress. Enough to make them think they are dealing with a terrorist network. But there are still important blindspots, particularly around where the bomb was made. And around where the bomb was made. And a source said some suspicious su bsta nces a source said some suspicious substances or an for. Daniel sandford, bbc news, manchester some suspicious substances or unaccounted for. In a moment, well be live at the nato meeting in brussels, and well have more from germany on Those Reports That Salman Abedi was in dusseldorfjust four days before the attack. First, lets get the latest on the investigation with our home affairs correspondent, daniel sandford. Lots happening, daniel. Explain what is significant as far as you are concerned . Well, i think the most important thing is that sense that you got from Chief Constable ian hopkinsjust before we came an air of some confidence about this investigation now for a couple of days, it felt like they were not sure whether they had started making progress. I think they now do feel they are making progress. It is quite something for a Chief Constable to come out and say the arrests are significant that items that were very important to the investigation had been found. Of course, it has been by this row with the americans, the withdrawal of cooperation of this investigation with the americans. Amber rudd, the home secretary, says she hopes that will soon resume. Of course the questions for the Intelligence Services about whether they missed the opportunity to stop salman abedi. He was reported many, many times by members of the public who we re times by members of the public who were worried about his extremist views. A Security Source today pointing out that he had been one of a larger pool of subjects of interest at one point. But then that had been assessed that perhaps it wasnt something to focus on at that time. This process of deciding who to focus on inevitably relied on difficult professional judgments. It is now inevitably a question of going back and looking at those judgments and trying to work out Where Salman Abedi was missed. Daniel, thank you. Lets talk to our north america editorjon sopel. There is going to be that meeting later, john, between theresa may and donald trump. The Prime Minister making it very clear that she was angry about the leaking that has gone on. Yes, i think at the moment, Downing Street and the white house are trying to sort diaries to fix a time when that meeting can take place. It may not happen today, it may happen tomorrow in sicily at the g7. Theresa may will make clear her displeasure. I suspect donald trump will Say Something to be a fact of, welcome to my world, this is what i am up against on a daily basis with our own Intelligence Services leaking against me, and giving information out like you. I suspect donald trump may be sympathetic and like it is candy. He might use it for his battle with american Intelligence Services. I spoke to Somebody Senior a few moments ago, they are well aware just how angry they are well aware just how angry the british are about this. Im being told that at the highest levels between mi6, mi5, the nsa, the cia, you know, the links continue with the exception of staff to do with the manchester investigation. But at a lower level i think it may be that the police may well have stopped Sharing Information with their counterparts. Its also worth saying, there is a very different culture in america about the handing out of information. I think in britain we are much more obsessed about the secrecy are much more obsessed about the secrecy of an investigation. I think in the us it is of an surprising just how much information is given out very quickly indeed, and it may be that whoever leaked this detailed material to the New York Times may have thought, you know, im not doing anything wrong or unusual in doing anything wrong or unusual in doing so. There are interesting. Thank you, jon sopel in brussels. Lets had to berlin and talk to damian mcguinness. Damian, we have been getting more information in the last little while about Salman Abedis movementsjust in the little while about Salman Abedis movements just in the days running up movements just in the days running up to bea movements just in the days running up to be a tax top law thats right, jane. German police within the last hour have confirmed that he was indeedin hour have confirmed that he was indeed in germany four days before the attack. He was in dusseldorf airport in transit. It appears he did not leave the security transit zone. He was transferring from a flight, zone. He was transferring from a flight, possibly from the middle east, according to various different media reports. It seems he flew straight from dusseldorf to manchester. German police have also confirmed they have been investigating closely with british Intelligence Services. That is what german officials have told us at the bbc. They have also said that so far, they have no evidence indicating that the attacker had any links to german islamist is. That is important, because the area, dusseldorf, where that area is, is known to be a region where there are suspected islamist extremist cells. In fact, the berlin Christmas Market attacker, anis amri, he had links to extremists in this region. That was a big worry. Police say that is not on the cards, he had no links with people in germany. Now the next stage is to look at whether he had any other links elsewhere and wet this Support Network was. Of course, thats what people want to know now where this Support Network was. Damian mcguinness, thank you. At am this morning, a minutes silence was held across the country for those affected by the attack. Greater manchesters mayor, andy burnham, was among those hundreds of people observing the silence in st anns square, which has become the focal point for tributes. I cant overstate how incredibly moving those few minutes were. Our correspondent Sarah Campbell reports. Remembering the children, teenagers, mothers, fathers, relatives and friends who lost their lives. A nation united in silence. Bell chimes ii. Trumpets play. As we come from different faiths, different traditions, different cultures, we come as one to declare that we are manchester and we will continue to be that manchester, and so we ask your blessing upon this time and we ask for your love and support on those who suffer, that they will know that, above all, lies the everlasting arms of god. The applause in st anns square in manchester lasted for a minute more after the silence. We are manchester through and through, and we wanted to make sure that we were here today to show the people of manchester that we not only stand with you, we are part of you and we are with you. When something really bad happens, Everybody Needs to just stick together and do what they can to get everybody whos affected, and ijust cant imagine what they are going through. My daughter spent last night crying because she was so fearful of what might happen next. So i came for several reasons. I came to show my children that we are here notjust to grieve but to celebrate, to celebrate what is in the hearts of our nation and our people. So many people didnt return home on monday evening. They will not be forgotten. Sarah campbell, bbc news. The names of three more of mondays victims were released today. Eilidh macleod was 14 years old and from barra in the outer hebrides. She was at the Ariana Grande concert with a friend, who is still in a serious condition in hospital. Wendy fawell was 50 years old and from otley in west yorkshire. Wendys Son Adam Fawell said the family were devastated, saying his mother was a wonderful woman and shell be sadly missed. Courtney boyle was 19 and from gateshead. She was at the concert with her stepfather, philip tron, who also died. Courtneys mother said they were now both her angels flying high in the sky. Elaine mciver was an off duty Cheshire Police officer. In a statement from her family, she was described as everyones friend, the best we could ever have wished for. Those people and all 22 who died, and all of those who remain badly injured in hospital, continue to be remembered here at this square in manchester, people arriving here co nsta ntly, manchester, people arriving here constantly, laying flowers and reading the tributes. A lot of people in tears and a lot of people expressing solidarity. The Police Investigation continues. For now, from manchester, back to you, simon. After a warm welcome in the middle east, and a fantastic visit with the pope, us President Donald Trump faces a tougher agenda today as he meets leaders of nato and the eu both organisations he has criticised in the past. Nato says it will become more involved in the fight against so called Islamic State militants, but the president is likely to face pressure on trade and environmental concerns. Lets go live to brussels and our europe correspondent, damian grammaticas. A busy schedule. It is, and some tricky issues to navigate. To give a sense of that, we have two us president in europe today, former president barack obama has been in berlin, and european leaders saw eye to eye with him on many issues. New President Donald Trump, they are grappling with how to deal with him. In this first set of meetings in brussels today, one eu official said it was cordial but cool arriving at eu hq a few minutes late, donald trump. He has questioned the eus future, celebrated its opponents. So he seemed in no hurry to start this, his first visit to brussels. And it was always going to be an awkward beginning. Donald tusk, for his part. Has listed the new Us Administration as a threat to the eu. These are leaders with widely differing visions of the world. A us president sceptical about free trade and fighting climate change, the eu side keen to impress the importance of the atlantic alliance, the value of the atlantic alliance, the value of western countries working together. We have covered a lot of countries, a lot of leaders. Mr trump said he had met some great leaders on his trip. Apparently, he mentioned the size of his election victory. But it seems there was little warmth in this meeting. Look at the Body Language as they left. Awkward. A sign there was little real agreement behind closed doors. The us president did no press conference, so it was left to the eu donald to make his own solar statement, and hint how wide the differences are. Some issues remain open, like climate and trade, and i am not 100 sure that we can say today, that mr president and myself, that we have a common position, a common opinion about russia. Meanwhile, in berlin, a very different reception. Mr trumps predecessor. One of my favourite partners throughout my presidency is sitting next to me today, chancellor angela merkel. She has done an outstanding work. Eu leaders are certainly more with the last president ben becomes than the current one. They want to act on valued principles, notjust interest. What we expect is that, at the nato meeting, things perhaps slightly more on the same page, particularly when it comes to the joint effort to combat terrorism. Our top story this lunchtime Police Stop Sharing Information about the Manchester Bombing with the us after leaked pictures appear in American Media showing Bomb Fragments and a backpack. And coming up a royal visit to some of the injured and those who cared for them. Coming up in sport at half past ahead of this weekends Manchester City games, featuring olympians Greg Rutherford and asha philip, philip tells us we cant live in fear ahead of her race tomorrow. Net long term migration thats the number of people coming to the uk minus the number of people leaving fell to below a quarter of a million last year. That was driven by an increase in eu citizens leaving the country. The office for National Statistics said the change was driven by A Statistically Significa Nt increase of 40,000 people leaving the country. There was a 36 increase in eu citizens leaving. On these latest numbers, the rise in population due to immigration is still more than double what the government target is, but they show it dropped substantially in 2016 compared to the year before. Fewer people are coming to the uk and more are leaving. To arrive at a net immigration number, you take the number of immigrants arriving in the uk, 588,000, down more than 40,000, and take away the number of emigrants leaving, which was 339,000, which is up about 40,000. That leaves net immigration of 248,000, down by a quarter. We are determined to make sure we continue to overall reduce the Debt Migration Number but also to continue to get the brightest and best for our economy. We asked eu immigrants is they put more work leaving. We are scared about brexit and dont know what is going on. I think its a sign that the economy in other countries is getting better. So they dont need to be abroad, because most people prefer to be in their country. I was speaking to him yesterday and telling him id like to go back, because i dont really feel safe here. I dont know whats going on. I think its got to do with the uncertainty about the brexit situation. People are not sure what the terms will be for immigrants. Two years ago, each £1 you earned would exchange for more polish or Czech Republic Currency Thenit Polish or Czech Republic currency then it would work here. But as the value of the pound has diminished, so value of the pound has diminished, so has that attraction. What was especially notable was the number coming from the eu eight countries, those like the Czech Republic and poland that joined the those like the Czech Republic and Poland Thatjoined the eu in 2004. The number arriving was down a third, 8000. The number leaving, up by more than half to 40 3000. The difference, net migration to the uk from those countries, was 5000, the lowest it has been since theyjoined the eu. Eu numeric aid tapping coming to the uk in large numbers since 2004, and it seems evident now that some of those may be starting to go elsewhere. Today we learned the economy, on revised estimate, grew by 0. 2 in the first three months of the year, a sharp slowdown than previously estimated. What we dont yet know is whether or not slower immigration played a role. There were angry scenes at ukips Manifesto Launch, as Party Leaders accused theresa may of being partly to blame for the manchester atrocity. The partys deputy chairwoman Suzanne Evans said mrs may must bear some responsibility. She cited mrs mays failure to curb immigration, the scrapping of stop and search powers, and cuts to police numbers. Reporters were shouted down as they sought to challenge party leader paul nuttall. From westminster, heres our political correspondent, leila nathoo. Ukip back in Campaigning Mode after the manchester attack. Lighting candles, they say, is not enough. Instead, an accusation that the Prime Minister must bear some responsibility for what happened. Theresa may has allowed jihadists who fought alongside Islamic State back into our country. She has failed to stop extremists spreading hatred in our universities and mosques. On her watch, even non eu migration spiralled out of control and let Migration Rates reach record highs. Paul nuttall promised his party will cut out what he called the cancer of Radical Islam. He later clarified he was not blaming theresa may but said her record had been appalling. This is the home secretary who cut the number of police officers, cut the number of border guards, cut the number of prison officers. I am sorry, it isnt a good record at all. As for blaming her personally for the attack, absolutely not, i am not doing that. What i am saying is that the politicians in this country are too cowardly at the moment to actually face up to what the real issue is. Ukip used this Manifesto Launch to push the integration agenda, to try to persuade almost 4 Million People who backed them last time to stick with them and to win new support. They are promising more troops, more police, cutting the overseas aid budget to fund the nhs, a ban on the full face veil and an english parliament. The message is that ukip are prepared to do and say what the other parties wont. And on brexit, a pitch to still play a role. Ukip is the countrys Insurance Policy and if the government begin to backslide, during these negotiations, then it must note that ukip will be there. But where . After a dismal performance in the local elections and a depleted roster of parliamentary candidates, ukip has a struggle on its hands to prove it remains relevant. Our assistant political editor, norman smith, is in westminster. As Manifesto Launches go, how did it go . Well, all the mainstream parties are having a restrained, low key we start campaigning, precisely not what happened at the ukip launch, which turned out to be a highly charged, emotive occasion, in part because of their decision to put confronting Radical Islam at the heart of their manifesto. That was a lwa ys heart of their manifesto. That was always going to be controversial, in pa rt always going to be controversial, in part because of the language a the language they used, talking about turning back the tide, cutting out the cancer. We sawjournalists shouted down, but above all, the accusation that theresa may was in pa rt accusation that theresa may was in part to blame for the manchester atrocity, because she hadnt curb immigration and she had cut police numbers. We know ukip are looking for a new identity. They have always courted controversy. Some supporters will say they are just telling it as it is, but i suspect many people will think it isjust it is, but i suspect many people will think it is just inappropriate to be making those sort of arguments in the wake of such an atrocity. Lets return now to our top story and a short time ago the queen visited some of the survivors of mondays bomb attack in hospital. Andy moore reports. The queen met dozens of staff who had worked through the night to deal with the victims of the bombing. Many of them had volunteered to come in after hearing of the attack. She also met four young girls recovering from the blast, and their parents. Well, its a shock, isnt it . Yes, a big shock, a really big shock. For everybody, really. Very scary. Very wicked. One of the girls she met was 15 year old millie robson, a proud Ariana Grande fan, still wearing the singers t shirt. I got to meet her before the concert as well, and she was lovely. Really, did you . She won a competition for her and her friend to meet her backstage. The queens visit was unannounced. But by the time she left, a crowd had gathered. There was a spontaneous round of cheering and applause. Andy moore, bbc news. Many Health Workers and ambulance staff have been working flat out since they got the call on monday night. One of the hospitals involved in treating the victims is stepping hill in stockport, and some of the staff there have had time now to reflect on what they have seen in the past few days. I had contact through social media initially that something had happened in manchester but i wasnt aware of what had gone on. 20 minutes later, i got a calljust to say that wed had a first Walk In Patient from the incident, which made us then trigger a major incident. It was quite clear that this was significant and a horrific event had taken place. The evil that visited us that night caused this horrible thing, in an arena that wed all been in. When i arrived, the level of professionalism that i saw amongst my colleagues was phenomenal. There was an air of seriousness, professionalism, a need to focus. What we saw on the night was real determination, resilience, teamwork, staff really coming up with what was required to deliver the best care for these patients. I was inundated with messages from the team can i come in, do you want me in . That came from health care assistants, nurses, allied health professionals, doctors, consultants, offering to come in and support us. It happened locally. We all knew there were chances that we would know people involved in it. This explosion happened in somewhere familiar to all of us. We all have a sense of identity with manchester. And, of course, it feels personal. At no point did i see any member of staff crack. Theyjust rose to the challenge and theyjust kept going. Im very proud of the way they responded

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