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Which Hit Nhs Trusts across the country. 11 trusts in england are still experiencing problems. Patients have been urged to turn up for appointments unless they hear otherwise. The head of microsoft has said the attack should be treated as a wake up call and, here, questions are growing about whether the government had adequately prepared the nhs for such an attack. For our first report, lets go to our correspondent danny savage, whos at York Hospital for us now. First impressions here at york today was that everything is fairly normal. The car park is busy. Many people coming and going to their outpatient appointments, but then when you look around a little closer, you can see that lots of computers are still switched off with Warning Signs on them not to be touched. Things are far from normal in there. Its got a lot better since friday, but there are still problems across the system at the moment. York is typical of many hospitals across england today. A large number of computers are still unusable after fridays cyber attack. Leading to lots of pen and paper administration. But the message to most patients is to turn up message to most patients is to turn up as planned. Everybody is getting written down as having appointments. Hopefully, they will send the appointment out when they get them. Did it slow things down . No, they we re did it slow things down . No, they were professional about it. They did well. It must be a nightmare for them. I asked my gp, because i was referred from the surgery. What was that advice . To go down as normal. As time goes on, more and more computers are up and running again. It feels like business as usual, although the staff would say otherwise. Once it became clear it was almost engulfing the organisation, at the last count we had 2000 of our 6000 pcs out of action. That is quite disabling for clinical services. Further south in lincolnshire it is a different story. The United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust says work is ongoing to restore the it systems. That has left patients like steve expecting results on tests for cancer still wondering about his diagnosis. I suppose it is because the nhs hasnt spent sufficient money on it safeguards that we are in the state we are in. The bottom line is, theres only one person who is going to suffer, and that is the tens of thousands like me. There are clearly wide variations between hospitals. 0ver just how clearly wide variations between hospitals. 0verjust how badly they we re hospitals. 0verjust how badly they were hit and how quickly they are recovering from the cyber attack. The fallout will be far reaching and uncomfortable for some. Its difficult to know why, but some of the theories are that some of those trusts might have been using old equipment and software. It has been a very stressful few days. And patients alike in the nhs. It has highlighted the systems dependency on computers, and what needs to be done to prevent another meltdown. This is all about catching up now, because some patients have had their appointments cancelled and will have to be rescheduled. 0thers, appointments cancelled and will have to be rescheduled. Others, as you heard in my report, have not been able to schedule an appointment in the future because the Computer Systems a re the future because the Computer Systems are not up and running to do that. A lot of administration will have to be caught up on to get things back to normal. But people are coming through the doors and getting their treatment, although its still quite severe in one or two places. Thank you. In the last few minutes, the health secretary, jeremy hunt, has been talking to the bbc. What is the latest today, and what is being done . This morning, i have been briefed by gchq and the National Cyber Security Centre, and according to our latest intelligence, we have not seen a second wave of attacks, and the level of criminal activity is at the lower end of the range that we had anticipated, so i think that is encouraging. But the message is very clear, not just for organisations like the nhs, but for private individuals and businesses, although we have never seen individuals and businesses, although we have never seen anything on this scale when it comes to ransomware attacks, there done they are relatively common, and there are things all of us can do to protect ourselves, in particular make sure oui ourselves, in particular make sure our data is properly backed up, and make sure we are using the software patches, the Antivirus Patches that are sent out regularly by manufacturers. These are things we can all do to reduce the risk of the impact we have seen over the last 48 hours. The president of microsoft, brad smith, has been highly critical of the Us National Security agency, saying it should have notified them when it found Serious Software flaws in their systems. And in the uk, the National Crime agency is warning victims not to give in to Ransom Demands as theres no guarantee theyll regain access to their files. Our technology correspondent, rory cellan jones, reports. Experts say this cyber attack was unprecedented. It was able to affect vulnerable Computer Systems, and in how it spread across the globe, hitting major public bodies like the nhs, but also individual users and several large multinational companies. The attack was thwarted with what has been described as a Master Kill Switch before it could spread further, but companies that specialise in Cyber Security say further incidents are almost inevitable. I would say phase one is over, but i would wager there are more phases to come, both in terms of this attack, making sure companies are not vulnerable to this kind of malware, but also secondary attacks. People need to be aware of that possibility. With hundreds of thousands of victims in more than 150 countries, microsoft, which makes the Operating Systems that we re makes the Operating Systems that were targeted, says government should treat the attack as a wake up call. It criticised bodies such as the cia for developing and stockpiling stuck where that could be exploited by hackers. Microsoft president brad smith said that information in the hands of governments have leaked into the Public Domain and caused widespread damage. This is an area that involves both the government and the private sector, and there are number of programmes where they need to work together. Some of those are National Critical infrastructure. As we look at everything from Financial Markets to travel, transportation, and the grid itself. Those affected by the hack was faced with an on screen demand for payment of 300, about £250, in the Virtual Currency bitcoin. The National Crime agency warned victims not to pay any ransom, saying the recovery of files could not be guaranteed, although there is evidence that some targeted individuals are indeed paying up. The attack has exposed the inherent wea kness the attack has exposed the inherent weakness of an interconnected world, increasingly reliant on Computer Systems that are not properly protected or updated, the digital equivalent of a global flu epidemic, but much more sinister, and potentially much more expensive. Lets get more on this now with our technology correspondent, rory cellan jones, in central london. We heard there from the National Cyber Security Centre what more do they say . There are some serious questions for them. They are supposed to be the Early Warning system for bodies like the nhs. I wanted to know whether the nhs. I wanted to know whether the nhs. I wanted to know whether the nhs had been warned about the specific danger. I got an answer that there were general warnings about keeping the software up to date, but the key thing we have learned today from microsoft is that they believe this was all due to something effectively cooked up by americas National Security agency in their labs, and then it was somehow leaked onto the internet. These hackers used it. That raises all sorts of questions about governments responsibility to Tell Companies if they find this sort of responsibility. The National Security agency in America Works closely with gchq, which is in charge of the National Cyber Security Centre, so i wanted to know whether they had known about this danger long in advance, and whether they had done enough to warn nhs trust about it. I dont think i got a clear answer about that. Thank you very much. All the Party Leaders are out on the campaign trail today, with theresa may promising the biggest expansion of workers rights by any conservative government if her party wins the General Election. The tory manifesto will include commitments on protecting pensions, giving workers more say in the boardroom, and giving people the right to a years unpaid leave to care for a relative. Heres our political correspondent, iain watson. Up up the workers, power to the people. Not phrases you would think would fall easily from theresa mays lips. But listen to this. We are announcing the biggest ever enhancement of workers rights by a conservative government. She chose to announce this at a company that helps women get back into work, and she set out some of the detail. The National Living wage will continue to rise in line with earnings. People will be able to request time off to care for a relative. And we wa nt to off to care for a relative. And we want to support and encourage return ships. Today, iam want to support and encourage return ships. Today, i am at a fantastic organisation that helps people who have taken time out of work to look after children to get the skills to get back into the workplace. So employees would be able to take time off to look after relatives, but it would be unpaid. She would also introduce a right for bereaved pa rents to introduce a right for bereaved parents to take leave, and after brexit, she is pledging to protect the Rights Workers enjoy as part of the Rights Workers enjoy as part of the eu. She is also signalling she will help people who are not insecure employment, but specific proposals await the result of review. Some say they are worried about the effect of the new rights and regulations on them. A big Company Might be able to absorb people going off for a year if they need to, but for smaller companies, thatis need to, but for smaller companies, that is a significant chunk of their workforce in that one person. And they may be quite specialised, and it might be difficult to get someone in to replace them on a temporary contract. Theresa may is making a land grabfor contract. Theresa may is making a land grab for former contract. Theresa may is making a land grab forformer labour contract. Theresa may is making a land grab for former Labour Voters who have gone over to ukip. She is also subtly rebranding her party, no longer led by an old etonian. She claiming they can address the concerns of people right across the country. Labours manifesto will include a 20 point plan for workers rights, from a higher minimum wage to banning zero hours contracts. But some suggest that theresa mays record on this suggests she cannot be trusted. Zerohour contracts, Employment Tribunal fees, and the trade union act, the most Pernicious Anti Worker legislation in the last century. At worst, it is more tory lies. Privately, some of her own mps say they are worried she is shifting too far labours direction. Meanwhile, labour is promising an extra £37 billion for the nhs in england over the next five years, if it wins power. Jeremy corbyn told a Nursing Conference in liverpool that the conservatives have driven the Health Service into crisis. More details from our assistant political editor, norman smith. Under pressure, with waiting targets slipping and a e sitting, team corbyn are convinced that the Health Service remains a big vote winner for them. A warm welcome for mr corbyn today from the nurses union, and no wonder, with labour promising and no wonder, with labour promising an extra £37 billion, money to take an extra £37 billion, money to take a million patients of Waiting Lists. 0ur Health Service is being dismantled by stealth. 0ver 0ur Health Service is being dismantled by stealth. Over the past seven yea rs, our dismantled by stealth. Over the past seven years, our National Health this has been driven into crisis after crisis. A e departments struggling to cope, Waiting Lists soaring, and we saw last week the tory cuts have exposed Patients Services to cyber attack. Labour are also to set more targets for hospitals. A e departments will have to see most serious cases within an hour. Cancer patients will have to be seen within four weeks, and labour will reintroduce a strict 18 week limit for waiting times. But our nurses confident labour can deliver . He has made some really important commitments to the nhs which we have been waiting a long time to hear. He has promised to legislate on safe staffing, to dedicate a minister to mental health. These are important pledges that we look forward to seeing, if he becomes Prime Minister. The Liberal Democrats also unveiled plans today to end the pay cap on nhs staff. If You Undervalue nurses and midwives and professionals, dont be surprised if they leave the profession, if they find themselves, as we discovered only a few weeks ago, members of the Nursing Profession accessing food banks. It feeds into the narrative of this conservative government treating nurses like dirt. Despite the extra cash on offerfrom nurses like dirt. Despite the extra cash on offer from the opposition parties, with an ageing population, theres still massive pressure on theres still massive pressure on the nhs. That wont change whoever wins this election, with Spending Watchdog Warning that the Health Service faces a £56 million back hole by 2020. 0ur assistant political editor, norman smith, is in liverpool. Two very different campaigns taking shape today, theresa may trying to make something of a land grab . How often at elections have we heard labour politicians warning of the nhs in crisis, 2a hours to save the nhs. Today, we had mr corbyns version, which was that the nhs was being plundered and broken up, if mrs may won the election. This is co re mrs may won the election. This is core territory for the labour party when it comes to an election, citing the nhs as their big issue to galvanise and motivate their own supporters. Mrs may, on the other hand, taking a very untory approach, coming forward with a package of employment rights, which has delighted some and alarmed others in the business community, who fear it will mean more red tape, trying to reach out beyond her natural supporters. I think it tells us about the state of the two campaigns, with four weeks to go. Labour on the defensive, if the polls are to be believed, trying to shore up their core vote. Mrs may, on the other hand, confident, with some tories even suggesting a possible landslide, now trying to reach out Well Beyond Traditional Tory voters. I think it shows how both campaigns are focused around the individual leaders. Jeremy corbyn with his long standing views on taxing business, and mrs may, with her own distinctive, unusual form of conservatism, leading some to dub hera form of conservatism, leading some to dub her a red tory. Scotlands First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has said an snp victory in the General Election in scotland would give her a mandate to demand the Scottish Government be included at the brexit negotiating table. 0ur scotland correspondent, catriona renton, is in hamilton now, where the First Minister has been campaigning this morning. And the rain didnt dampen the enthusiasm of the campaigners, when Nicola Sturgeon came here earlier. This is one of those seats that the party took last time around when they made those massive gains, and they made those massive gains, and they were here today to shore up that support. 0n the agenda, brexit, 62 of scots having voted to remain. Asa 62 of scots having voted to remain. As a result, Nicola Sturgeon asked the Prime Minister to accept a package of proposals for scotland to stay in the single market. She said theresa may dismissed this out of hand. This General Election is another opportunity to get this back on the agenda. She says if the snp wina on the agenda. She says if the snp win a majority this time around, that would put her in a position to ask for a mandate to be at the top table in brexit negotiations. Earlier today, she visited a project just down the road which deals with families and young children. Well, if people vote snp in this election, it gives me a mandate to demand that scotland is represented in the uk negotiating team, that our interests are central to these negotiations. That matters because jobs, Living Standards and investment will be affected by the outcome of these brexit negotiations, and weve seen, before these elections, theresa may dismiss out of hand sensible, compromised proposals that the Scottish Government put forward to protect our place in the single market. But this election gives people the opportunity to give these proposals democratic legitimacy. And that was scotlands First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon. Our top story this lunchtime. The fallout from fridays global cyber attack continues, with 11 nhs trusts in england still reporting problems. And still to come the 101 year old d day veteran who is now the worlds oldest skydiver. Coming up in sport at half past. Andy murray would no doubt like to celebrate turning 30 today with a return to form in time for the italian open this week. But the world number one says he isnt massively into birthdays. Throughout the General Election campaign, were going to be taking an in depth look at some of the topics most important to you, and hearing from our specialist editors. Today, were focusing on the economy. 0ur economics editor, kamal ahmed, has been assessing what the big issues are. It was james carville, bill clintons election adviser, who, when asked what won elections, had a Pretty Simple answer its the economy, stupid, he said. And thats probably still true today. I think for voters, there are big issues around Living Standards, and that income squeeze, which have pretty much been with us since 2008 and the financial crisis. The problem for politicians is that issues like that are not easy to solve there are no easy headlines. The Political Parties may trade promises on taxes, on pensions, on energy price caps, on making an economy which works for all, and notjust for the privileged few. Yes, those are important issues, but there is a big issue of substance which underlines all of them, and thats, how do we create economic wealth . How do we make sure that work is rewarding . They dont sound that sexy productivity, Economic Growth but they are absolutely vital to the future of thte country, now, just like in every other General Election. As kamalsaid, a key group is those suffering from the Living Standards squeeze. Thats voters who, despite being in work, are not feeling any better off. 0ur Personal Finance correspondent Simon Gompertz has been to meet a middle income family in kent to find out how they are coping. 0ne family at breakfast, middle income yet struggling. Food prices, energy, the house getting to work, and childcare. For the mother of the family, this is financial survival in britain today. How tricky is it, how much do you have leftover . We have nothing left over. The average wage of a Single Person is £26,000. This family brings in 45,000, but thatis this family brings in 45,000, but that is two earners, one full time, one part time. It means second hand clothes and toys, telling old things on ebay, like so many households, looking after the pennies. If you looking after the pennies. If you look at your income is, people around the country will say you are lucky . Yeah. I think it depends where you live. 0n lucky . Yeah. I think it depends where you live. On paper, we should be fine, but once you start listing all of the things we have to pay for, the bills and expenses, its just endless. First, there was squeezed middle, now, thosejust about managing. However you describe it, it is people who are doing the right thing but their income just isnt quite enough. These are catherines big bills. Leaving ziro for holidays and a feeling that things are not about to change there is an election coming, do you think anything will actually change . I am sceptical. It would be lovely if it did but i think we are all going to fall into the category of people who are not struggling to match, they can make ends meet, but there is no extra money. Nothing special here, just another family getting on with it, but it is an uphill struggle. In his first full day in office, the new french president , emmanuel macron, is expected to name his Prime Minister and to visit the german chancellor, angela merkel, in berlin. Mrs merkel said this morning that she wished to bring dynamism into the european project with the new french president. 0ur correspondent mark lowen is in paris. Who is the front runner for Prime Minister . Well, we are five minutes away from the announcement. It is a closely guarded secret, but the name everybody is talking about is edouard philippe, the mayor of le havre in normandy. He is a keen amateur boxer, and importantly, he is from the right wing republican party, which would feed into mr macrons narrative of bridging the Political Division here. His immediate priority will be to try to Wina Immediate Priority will be to try to win a parliamentary majority for mr macrons newborn Political Party in elections next month. Later today, the new president will go to berlin for talks with angela merkel, the traditional first stop for the french president. It is also a sign of mr macrons passionately pro european policy. He will be looking to reform relationships with germany and also to reform the eu. Then he will turn back to france and try and reduce unemployment and reform the Public Sector here. Essex police have spent the morning searching a block of garages in thurrock for the body of a schoolgirl who went missing 16 years ago. Danielle jones was 15 when she was abducted and murdered by her uncle. 0ur correspondent nick beake reports. When danielle disappeared in 2001, it led to a huge police investigation, and a Desperate Appealfrom the investigation, and a desperate appeal from the family. Investigation, and a desperate appeal from the familylj investigation, and a desperate appeal from the family. I am so desperate to get her back. But the teenager was never seen again. A year later, her uncle, Stuart Campbell, was jailed for her abduction and murder, even though danielles body was never found. Today, though, the search continued in this quiet street in thurrock. Specialist teams began looking inside some garages. Essex police say they are acting on what they call new and credible information. But it has not, from Stuart Campbell full stop for 16 years, he has refused to tell detectives what happened to his niece, and he has refused to say where her body is. Essex police have revealed they did receive a tip off about this location when danielle first went missing, although it was not one of the 1000 garages they searched. The officer now leading the operation has not yet worked out why. There was some similar information, not identical, but really our priority this week is to make sure we do everything we can to reunite danielle with her family. Danielle joness parents have been told about todays search. They say they hope it will bring some of the answers they have been waiting for all these yea rs. A 101 year old war veteran has become the oldest person in the world to complete a sky dave. He jumped 15,000ft from the plane along with three generations of his family. Keeping britains oldest he became britains oldest skydiver when he was 100. That was not enough. Yesterday, verdun hayes took on the world and won. He only needed tojump on the world and won. He only needed to jump from 10,000ft for the record, but he went for 15,000ft, and he wasnt alone. Four generations in one plane. Well done congratulations hooray you have done it, verdun well done how are you feeling . Absolutely over the moon what a job today, you feeling . Absolutely over the moon what ajob today, his achievement was starting to sink in. I slept very well indeed, and i woke up i slept very well indeed, and i woke up this morning the happiest man in the world. Without any shadow of doubt. It was wonderful. It was amazing, such a privilege, my Great Grand Dad, my grand dad and my dad, it was amazing. How does it feel for you to know that your Great Grand Dad is a world record holder . cant believe it, my mates cant believe it. But he is still not putting his feet up. I want to do something extraordinary again next year, providing my health, and the doctor will give me a certificate to say i am fit. I did think about moonwalking, and if that comes off, that would be the ultimate as far as iam that would be the ultimate as far as i am concerned. So, wing walking next, but for today, i am concerned. So, wing walking next, but fortoday, he

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