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Ivanka takes the stage alongside Angela Merkel in herfirst overseas trip as an official adviser to the us administration. And, Hearts And Minds alongside Angela Merkel in herfirst overseas trip as an official Adviser Researchers say regular moderate exercise is the best way to keep your brain sharp if youre over 50. And coming up in sport on bbc news. England announce their 15 man squad for the champions trophy injune. Eoin morgan will captain the side. And bowler mark wood is back from injury. Good afternoon, and welcome to the bbc news at one. Labour says it will guarantee the rights of eu nationals living in the uk after brexit, if it wins the general election. Setting out labours proposals for negotiating britains exit from the european union, The Shadow Brexit secretary sir keir starmer, said labour would also prioritisejobs. He said he accepted that Free Movement of workers couldnt continue after brexit but suggested eu nationals could still come to the uk if they have a guaranteed job offer. Our Political Correspondent, alex forsyth reports. On an issue so key, labour has struggled to make its message clear. Today, it set out its vision for brexit and promised it was different to the prime ministers. We do not accept that brexit has to mean whatever theresa may says it means. We do not accept that there has to bea we do not accept that there has to be a reckless tory brexit. Specifically, the party said a Labour Government would guarantee the rights of eu citizens living in the rights of eu citizens living in the uk. It would Liberal Democrat slate to keep things like Employment Rights and protections for consumers and the environment. And it would scrap the current negotiating strategy and instead focus on retaining the benefits of the Single Market and the customs union. The party said its focus would be on protecting jobs and the economy. Immigration should not be 9 only red line or overaveraging priority. Freedom of movement has to go. It will have to change. But we must have immigration that works for our communities and our economy. That means there has to be movement of people to come and work in this country. How thats managed will have to be resolved. The last thing we wa nt have to be resolved. The last thing we want is for our businesses to go bankrupt. Labour says the current membership of the Single Market which comes with the condition of Free Movement of people must end but suggests there could be a reformed membership of that and the Customs Euanen says the tories were wrong to rule out options so early in the negotiations. But the conservatives appear unconcerned saying their rivals Brexit Message is still confused, chaotic and on trade, indistinct from theirs. We want to get a ccess indistinct from theirs. We want to get access to the rest of the worlds markets but maintain as much as possible, passably all, of the current markets we have. They are trying to rebrand our argument of the last nine months. Theresa may continues to campaign in labour seats. Later today in wales. Confident her message, a clear commitment to brexit and strong leadership, can win over brexiteers and labour voters. Our assistant Political Editor norman smith is in westminster. Theres some striking comments from keir starmer, norman. Is this a much clearer idea for everyone for what labour sees here post brexit . Clearer idea for everyone for what labour sees here postbrexit . We got some clarity on brexit. There are still a lot of awkward questions for labours political opponents to pick away at. Weve clarity in so far as labour say they accept we are leaving the eu. Theres no going back. Theres not going to be a second referendum. But theres much less clarity on key issues such as freedom of moment. Keir starmer said theyd end it but not for those eu migrants coming here who have a job lined up or students coming here to university or college. Similarly on the timetable, sir keir starmer said labour would avoid a cliff edge departure from the eu by putting in transitional arrangements. That might mean dont leave until 2022, perhaps much later than many people expected. He suggested parliament could block any final brexit deal leaving open the question, what happens if parliament keeps on voting down that final deal . But, in a way, those questions are not labours real difficulty. The real difficulty is it is extraordinarily late in the day to be trying to clarify your position on brexitjust weeks away from a general election when the referendum happened a year ago and when theresa mays putting forward a very simple line on brexit. No to the Single Market, no to Free Movement of people. No to the European Court ofjustice. But labour know they have to try to draw a line on brexit. To clear the decks of brexit so it is no longer a critical issue. If they cant, it will be very hard to get a hearing on other policies they want to focus this election on. Thank you. Theresa may is on the Campaign Trail in wales as she tries to take territory off labour. Lets talk to our Political Correspondent vicki young. What do we read into theresa may choosing to visit south wales . think shes sending out the signal clearly there are no no go areas for the tories. While coming to labour heartlands in the south of wales. The tories are confident, partly because of brexit. She says she wa nts a because of brexit. She says she wants a strong mandate to make sure brexit happens and wales is a country that voted to leave. There isa country that voted to leave. There is a Sizeable Ukip vote here in wales. They polled around is is last time round. They are hoping to bring across many of those people. It will be interesting to see whether theresa may broadens her argument to talk about social mobility, to talk about helping people on lower incomes. Her message here today is that labour has taken voters in wales for granted. She says they havent delivered when it comes to schools and hospitals. Shes urging people here to turn their back on tribal politics. Time to look for fresh ideas their back on tribal politics. Time to look forfresh ideas is their back on tribal politics. Time to look for fresh ideas is what shes going to say. Well see how that goes down here. If the tories we re that goes down here. If the tories were to win the most seats here in wales, more than labour, it would be the First Time Since the 1850s. Shes aiming very high. The leader of the labour here in wales, car whenjones, of the labour here in wales, car when jones, admits the of the labour here in wales, car whenjones, admits the party has a mountain to climb but they feel confident that tradition of Voting Labour will help them in this contest. Plaid cymru launched its general Election Campaign in bangor today. Its leader, leanne wood, said her priority was to protect the nation from reckless tory policies. The party currently holds three of the A0 Westminster seats in wales. In her launch speed, she said the Snap Election hasnt taken her party by surprise. Were already in election mode. Our machine is already fired up. And while theres talk of polls and voting intentions, its the local elections on may 11th that will be the real poll. And you keep up to date on the latest on the Election Campaign on the website at bbc. Co. Uk news. The french president ial candidate, Marine Le Pen, has temporarily stood down as leader of the far right National Front to try to broaden her support in the run up to the final round of voting on may 7th. She told French Television that she needs to be above party politics. This morning, ms le pen and her rival Emmanuel Macron attended a ceremony in honour of xavierjugele, the Police Officer shot dead on the Champs Elysees last week. Hugh schofield reports from paris. They were just faces among many others, because this was not a moment for campaigning. Emmanuel macron and Marine Le Pen were there as National Figures to take part in the nations tribute to Police Officer xavierjugele. After the coffin was brought into the courtyard of police headquarters, it was the officers civil partner, etienne cardlels, who spoke first. Translation when the news came out that something serious had happened on the Champs Elysees, and that a Police Officer had lost their life, a little voice told me it was you. And it reminded me of that wise quote, you will not have my hate. For president hollande, this is not his first ceremony to remember Police Officers killed by terrorism. The level of violence which police and gendarme had to face kept getting worse, he said. In xavierjugele, france had lost one of the bravest of its sons, an everyday hero. This mornings ceremony for xavierjugele and this small makeshift memorial on the Champs Elysees on the spot where he died are a reminder of how terrorism and security are a central theme in these elections. Marine le pen in particular is telling the country that with her tougher line on deportations, and sentencing, on immigration, that attacks like this would be much harder to carry out. Shes the outsider in the race, so Marine Le Pen is coming out fighting, accusing Emmanuel Macron of not having the guts to defend the french. Im no longer president of the front national. Im the candidate for the presidency. I want to be the vision of hope, of Emmanuel Macron is biding his time, but he knows that he cant of hope, leave his rival to make the running alone on so vital an issue as the terrorist threat. Sir eltonjohn has cancelled a series of shows in the us afterfalling ill with whats been described as a potentially deadly bacterial infection. The singer, whos 70, spent two nights in Intensive Care after contracting the illness while on tour in chile earlier this month. His Management Team says he is now recovering at home. Our entertainment correspondent lizo mzimba reports. The 70 year old is one of musics hardest working acts, touring all over the world, and still giving energetic performances at what for many would be retirement age. During the recent series of concerts in south america, he contracted what his medical team has called a potentially deadly bacterial infection, becoming ill on his way back to the uk. In a statement, sir eltons management said. Sir elton himself added. Its a little bit funny. The illness has meant that sir elton has had to cancel planned concerts in april and may in california and las vegas. He is expected to return to the Concert Stage Injune in london. Lizo mzimba, bbc news. Tensions have increased on the korean peninsula, as the north carried out a massive Artillery Exercise to mark the anniversary of the founding of its armed forces. In the south, a us submarine has docked, adding to the build up of forces there. Envoys from south korea, the us and japan are holding talks in tokyo. Our correspondent wyre davies has the latest. An American Nuclear powered submarine glides quietly into the south korean port of busan. Its been called a routine visit. As tensions rise in the korean peninsular, it is being joined by a much larger group of warships. Led by an aircraft carrier. It is the latest in a series of developments that shows how seriously washington is taking north koreas expanding nuclear programme. This is Donald Trumps toughest Foreign Policy challenge by far. His predecessors strategic patience with pyongyang is over. Donald trump is demanding tough action or house. The council must be prepared to impose additional sanctions on north Korean Nuclear and Ballistic Missile programmes. This is a real threat to the world, whether we want to talk about it or not. He has also summoned all 100 members of the senate for a special White House Briefing on korea. What comes next . As it marks the 85th Anniversary of the founding of its army, the north korean regime has reacted with fury as words, if not yet actions to be uss Naval Manoeuvres and a special Security Council meeting on the region. The foreign ministrys response was almost bloodcurdling. Now the us has pulled out its sword to kill us, we will pull up our grand sword of justice to kill us, we will pull up our grand sword ofjustice and killed the us imperialists with our strong and revolutionary guard. Our Nuclear Forces sta nd and revolutionary guard. Our Nuclear Forces stand at the core. Revolutionary guard power. The rhetoric is alarming. Observers in the south say no unusual developments have been detected. China, the norths only major ally, has urged the us not to Act Without Un Approval and called on both sides to show restraint. Trying to second guess two very different but unpredictable leaders in kimjong un and donald trump is not proving easy. The founder of wikipedia is launching an Online News Service to help combat fake news. Jimmy wales says that wikitribune will use both professional journalists and what hes described as Community Contributors to produce fact checked articles. The site will be free to use, but will accept donations from supporters. Heres our media editor, amol rajan. Fake news has gone global. Whether deliberate distortions dressed up as real news or clandestine political advertising that targets you on social media, voters in america, germany and france have been hit. The question now is could this new form of campaigning online be coming to britain ahead of the general election . If political messages are broadcast during an Election Campaign, they are subject to regulation. But what about messages that are published online . I rang up the law commission. They said to try the electoral commission. I rang up the electoral commission. They said, that certainly would not be us. I rang the Advertising Standards Agency and ofcom too. They both said it falls outside of their remit. The Question Remains who polices this stuff . Wikitribune is a new site with a new model for the news. Perhaps this website is one answer. Wikitribune will ask for monthly subscriptions from a community of users who help to verify and shape online news themselves. It was launched this morning by the founder of wikipedia, jimmy wales. He argues that we need a sharp press at all layers of society. The rise of hateful politics, i think, is a direct result of this lack of quality in terms of giving people facts. If Big Internet Companies wont take responsibility for what appears on their platforms and regulation has not kept pace with technology, it may fall to us to police fake news ourselves. Amol rajan, bbc news. Our top story this lunchtime labour says eu citizens could still come to britain after brexit if they have a guaranteed job offer. And still to come. Training the brain. Can exercise help people over the age of 50 keep their minds in good Working Order . Coming up in sport at 1 30pm. The quarterfinals of the World Snooker championship are under way as five time champion Ronnie Osullivan recovers from three frames down. Its nearly 30 years since Tracy Edwards and her crew made history by becoming the first all female team to complete the Whitbread Round The World Race. The 12 strong crew crossed the worlds oceans in a yacht called maiden, but after the race, the boat was sold and ultimately abandoned overseas until now. John maguire reports. After nine months at sea, Tracy Edwards leads the crew back home and into the record books. The first all field team in the Whitbread Round The World Race and finished second overall all female. 27 years on, tracy and many of the original crew are back, reunited with the yacht, maiden. Why . I heard she was abandoned in the seychelles about four years ago. It was at a time in my life i was looking for something to do, i thought, this beautiful boat that did so much and so famous, it cannot rot away. We started fundraising, we did crowd funding. We are going to do a three year world tour promoting the rights of girls to have an education. Back in british waters today after being rescued from the seychelles, she is a long way from being seaworthy. Down below deck, this would have been home for the 12 woman crew on the nine month voyage Around The World. As you can tell, it has not fared so well over the past 27 yea rs. Fared so well over the past 27 years. These are some of the old sales. There are problems at the front of the boat. Even a hole in the hull. There is work to be done to get the maiden seaworthy. They wa nt to to get the maiden seaworthy. They want to set Sail By Summer Next year when tracy and the crew first set off Around The World, they faced incredible personal physical and natural challenges. Mountains to climb made from the globes toughest seas. But returning maiden to the ocea ns seas. But returning maiden to the oceans and educating girls Around The World could prove to be the most ambitious and rewarding voyage yet. John maguire, bbc news, southampton. Mps are urging the government to do more to ensure that all new build homes are suitable for people with disabilities. The commons women and Equalities Committee says more than 90 of homes in england are inaccessible to someone who has a disability often because of stairs, narrow doorways or lack of a bathroom on the ground floor. Our Disability Affairs correspondent, nikki fox, reports. This is my front door. Karlene has never lived in a house thats fully accessible. And even after ive negotiated this door, theres another one to get through. Born with cerebral palsy, she is able to live independently with the right setup. Id love to cook my own meals and use my oven, but i cant. But some of the features in her home make it impossible for her to look after herself. The Biggest Issue is my kitchen, that is completely inaccessible to me. And i have to rely on support, external support. And ive been on the accessible housing register for ten years. And as to this day, ive still not seen a fully accessible property. The report states that only 7 of all homes in england have a basic level of accessibility. But it doesntjust look at housing. It looks at other challenges disabled people face, and calls for an investigation into how the equality act is being used from the early stages of any development. When it comes to planning our offices, our homes and our built environment, disability still seems to be an add on not critical and not part of the planning mechanisms. The goverments current Policy States that it is up to councils to decide how many homes should be built with Higher Standards of accessibility. But with an estimated 300,000 disabled people in unsuitable homes, the committee is calling for better legislation on a national level. Nikki fox, bbc news. President trumps daughter, ivanka, is meeting the german chancellor, Angela Merkel, in berlin this lunchtime, on her First International trip since being given an official position in the trump administration. Ivanka is an influential adviser to her father, but theres been criticism in the us about the nature of her role in the white house. Richard galpin reports. Ivanka trump, on the left, taking the stage in berlin for a womens summit. Alongside her, global figures including the german chancellor, Angela Merkel. For the daughter of the us president , these are unprecedented steps. Unofficial foreign visit and this is before the president himself has made his first trip abroad and official. She is openly pushing the Policy Agenda back home. Sadly the us is one of the only countries in the world, the only developed country, that does not have a paid leave policy for the benefit of families. First daughter ivanka trump takes to the world stage, making her first ivanka trump takes to the world stage, making herfirst Big International trip. Stage, making herfirst Big International trip. Back in the us, all of this is headline news. Already an influential adviser to her father with her own office already an influential adviser to herfather with her own office in the white house, ivanka trump now and seems to be working to improve relations between the us and germany. When donald trump that the germany. When donald trump that the german leader Angela Merkel in washington last month, it did not appear to go well. But at one of the meetings, ivanka trump was placed next to the chancellor, they seemed to strike up a relationship, leading to strike up a relationship, leading to the invitation to attend the summit in berlin. I definitely think that for Angela Merkel, it is a diplomatic move tee move, very strategic. It is a diplomatic move. Going via ivanka trump to improve relationships with the us. While that benefits Angela Merkel, it also pushes ivanka trump even more into the limelight, raising further questions about the role of the president s family in the white house. Richard galpin, abc news. Bbc news. Taking moderate exercise several times a week is the best way for people over the age of 50 to keep their brain in good Working Order. Thats according to a new report, which says a combination of aerobic activity, such as swimming, cycling orjogging, with muscle strengthening exercise is most effective. Jon kay has been finding out more. Back step. Tuesday lunchtime, and its the over 50s dance class at henbury community centre. But its not just their feet that are being exercised. Researchers say their mental powers are also being stretched, by getting more Blood Pumping to the brain. And these dancers agree. I used to do rock n roll and then i stopped, and i felt really sluggish. But now this sort of brings it back. So, yeah, i feel great. I think its wonderful. Keeps you young laughter. Does it keep you sharp, do you think . Oh, iam, iam. Im very good at quizzes, ill tell you weve known for a long time that exercise is good for both our physical and Mental Health as we get older. But this research pulls together 39 International Reports and says aerobic activity improves our ability to think, learn, plan and remember. Physical exercise can really help your brain function, your learning memory function. And thats really a very important motivator for people. Because everybody cares about how well they age from the Point Of View of their mental functions. The Research Found thatjust half an hour of moderate exercise every week was beneficial. But the more exercise you have beyond was even better. Of course, physical exercise isnt the only way to keep our minds active. And Mental Health Charities Say other factors, such as what we eat and drink, and keeping our brains stimulated, are all equally important. Jon kay, bbc news, bristol. Newcastle are back in the Premier League after beating preston 4 1 at st james park. The victory sealed the final automatic promotion spot, with two games to spare. Our sports correspondent, katie gornall, reports. It wont rank as his greatest achievement, but rafa benitez, a Champions League winning manager, has done what was expected of him and taken newcastle back to where they feel they belong. As with much of uniteds season, last night was not entirely straightforward. A Preston Equaliser in the first half threatened to put the party on hold. But this time, newcastle held their nerve with atsus composed Finish Setting them on their way to a crushing victory. But no sooner had promotion been secured, the manager was unclear as to what the future held. You never know, that is football. But i am really pleased here, very happy and very proud for everything we have achieved. Hopefully, we can put the base in to do something that will be a guarantee for the future. Newcastle united have had no shortage of heroes to worship over the years and now they have another one in rafa benitez. Although whether or not he is the man to finally wake this Sleeping Giant of a Football Club could depend on what happens over the summer. This was a squad put together to get out of the championship. To give them credit, they have done that. Whether they would compete in the Premier League, i think theres a lot of questions there. The manager knows just what needs doing, and ideally, listening to the fans, i think they want six or seven players to go straight into the premier League Starting line up and hopefully the manager is given the opportunity to do that. Now rafa benitez must persuade the clubs notoriously challenging owner, mike ashley, to back him in the transfer market. A year after they were relegated, the biggest test could lie ahead. Katie gornall, bbc news, newcastle. The Olympic Cycling Champions Jason and laura kenny have been to Buckingham Palace to receive cbes. Jason kenny won six olympic titles, laura kenny has won four. They have both been named in the latest squad for the Tokyo Olympics in 2020. Earlier in the year laura announced she was pregnant with their first child. Congratulations to them. Time for a look at the weather. Heres thomaz schafernaker. Second day of winter second day of winter weather. Second day of winter weather. This second day of winter weather. This is coming from the highlands. It is a highland cow. I will move out of the way gorgeous face. Fine weather around as well. Plenty of sunshine. So many of us woke up

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