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Partner murdered by her ex boyfriend in a frenzied stabbing. Hes beenjailed for at least 23 years. Why millions of eggs in the uk now have to be classified as barn reared instead of free range from today. And found in a field in staffordshire, the iron age necklaces thought to be more than 2,000 years old go on public display. And coming up in the sport on bbc news Leicester City come to terms quickly with life after claudio ranieri. They beat liverpool 3 1 to move out of the relegation zone. Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. The coroner at the inquest into the deaths of 30 british tourists during a gun attack at a beach resort in tunisia has condemned the Police Response saying it was at best shambolic, at worst cowardly. He singled out a policeman who fainted through terror and panic, and a guard who took off his shirt to hide the fact he was an officer. Families of some of the british victims that died at the 5 star hotel in sousse injune, 2015, say they are preparing legal action against the Tour Operator tui. From the inquest, Richard Galpin reports. The families of those killed had been hoping the coroners conclusions today would say neglect had played a part in the deaths of their loved ones, in particular the alleged lack of security at the hotel where they were staying. But there was disappointment. The coronerjudge Nicholas Loraine smith said no verdict of neglect is open to him, because he had not found gross deficiencies or that those efficiencies were directly linked to their deaths but went on to say that the response by the police was at best shambolic, and at worst cowardly. Nowadays, Allen Pembroke leads a normal life working at this london company. But he was on the beach at the time of the attack. Realising though one was helping the injured, he did something quite extraordinary, running back to the scene of the attack after taking his wife to the safety of their hotel. Scene of the attack after taking his wife to the safety of their hotellj ran wife to the safety of their hotellj ra n towards wife to the safety of their hotellj ran towards the gunfire. I could now see bodies on the beach. I hit the deck. And as i hit the sand, i literally fell into a lady. I could see the lady was moving and was semiconscious. She had some severe gunshot wounds. I dressed her hand, and covered her wrist with a scarf i palled down from a beach umbrella. She then said she had pain in her leg, andi she then said she had pain in her leg, and i noticed she had a hole in her leg. So i got a beach towel and wrapped it around her leg to co m press wrapped it around her leg to compress the injury and stop the bleeding. Mr pembrokes actions saved the life of the woman, whose husband lay dead beside her. But he is haunted by what he saw and angry at the failure of the Tunisian Police to intervene in time. At the failure of the Tunisian Police to intervene in timelj at the failure of the Tunisian Police to intervene in time. I was on the beach a good 20 minutes with cheryl alone, and i saw no military 01 cheryl alone, and i saw no military or medical staff. Its only in recent reports that i found that police waited, police fainted, they hid. You know, its. Thats unforgivable. They need to be accountable for that. Just three months earlier, Foreign Tourists had been targeted in an attack by islamist extremists in the capital, tunis, leaving 20 dead. But the Foreign Office did not change its overall travel advice. The colour coded map on its website remained green for the coastal areas, said tourists could still go, even though the Foreign Office was warning of a high risk of terrorism. All 30 british tourist killed in the attack had booked their holiday with the travel company tui, the Parent Company of thompson. Today, the company of thompson. Today, the company have highlighted how staff had been told that if asked if tunisia was safe, the overall level of Foreign Office advice had not changed and it was Business As Usual at the beach resorts. There was no mention of the risk of terrorism. For those who lost loved ones in this horrific attack, the legal fight will continue now in the civil courts. They are planning to bring personal injury and fatal Accident Claims against the travel company tui. Tui denies the allegations of neglect. The coroner said there was no neglect by tui, because the victims we re neglect by tui, because the victims were not in a dependent position, and there is nothing the hotel could have done before the attack. But the families of some said they are still preparing legal action. This is what their solicitor said in the last new minutes. On the half of our clients that lost members of their family and those that suffered injuries, in this terrible incident, we will start civil proceedings against tui. For those that tragically lost their lives, they must never be forgotten, and their families hope that no one else will ever had to suffer the same fate in future. British tourists visiting sousse say theyd been told it was a safe destination, despite previous Terror Attacks in tunisia. But for around 20 minutes, the lone gunman strolled unchallenged along the beach, and through a Hotel Complex packed with tourists, shooting randomly, as Daniela Relph reports. In front of the bereaved families, the inquest had heard the chilling, distressing detail of multiple murder. Here, the gunman Seifeddine Rezgui is dropped off near the resort. The driver of the car has never been found. Under his arm, a Parasol Hiding his weapon. He walked to the beach where he began to kill, shooting people as they lay on sunloungers. Holiday makers fled in panic. Across the sand, vulnerable in just shorts and swimming costumes, these are people quite literally running for their lives. There was chaos and confusion, how could this possibly be happening . A gunman, shooting tourist after tourist. Gunshot from the beach and the pool, he entered the hotel, roaming around looking for victims. Many were shot dead as they tried to hide. For 20 minutes, he killed repeatedly. No one stopped him. This map, evidenced during the inquest, showed how far Seifeddine Rezgui travelled on his killing spree. A metropolitan police team sent to tunisia to investigate commissioned this animation, an image of each victim marks the place where they were killed. In just about every main area of the hotel, somebody died. The gunman simply wasnt stopped, he wasnt challenged. The police, the coast guard, Hotel Security all failed to act in what was described in court as simple cowardice. Eventually, Seifeddine Rezgui was shot dead. Alongside the hotel where hed murdered 38 people. Gunshots the inquest has given the bereaved a voice. Tributes were read to each person killed. Here are extracts from those tributes that were moving, funny and sad. Although in their hearts, they knew that it was bad news, they still kept hoping and praying that she was safe. Owen no longer has his grandad, his brother nor his uncle. His three roll models in his life, his three best friends. 0ur homes not filled with laughs and smiles like it used to be. No one will be able to take away the love matt and i shared with john, all the memories we were able to make and share together. John and Janet Stocker died together doing what they enjoyed most, being side by side. She always looked for the best in everyone, and truly was a kind, caring, intelligent, beautiful woman with a wicked sense of humour. Every day the families came to court, at times they had to sit through painful, agonising evidence. But these inquests have been an important part of the grieving process. A chance to remember and a chance to ask questions and look for answers. How could a Beach Holiday end up with so many people never coming home . Daniela relph, bbc news. 0ur correspondent, 0rla guerin, is at the beach in sousse where the attack happened. Almost two years after it happened, what is security like theyre now . There is a very visible change here in the resort, and i have been here three times since 2015. You can see on the streets a presence of heavily armed police. There are permanent checkpoint at roundabouts that lead to access zone is going to tourist hotels. 0nce To Access Zone is going to tourist hotels. Once you reach the hotels, there are Metal Detectors and scanners that everyone has two parts through. The tunisian authorities are anxious to send a message that it is safe for tourists to be here. A minister told us it was 100 safe. The big thing for the authorities is to try to get european tourists back after the attack their numbers fell by 40 . After the attack their numbers fell by a0 . The British Government is still advising Holiday Makers to stay away. They used to come here in huge numbers. In high season, there will have been 25,000 britons here every week. Speaking in it in the hotels, staff rushed over and say it is wonderful to hear that language, when will we hear it again . For now, the Foreign Office is insisting that travellers should not come here. They advise against all but essential travel. The tunisians are hoping that advice at some point may be overturned, but the coroners findings do they will not be helpful to them in making their case. Thank you. The rest of the news now. Britains most senior Child Protection Police Officer says paedophiles who pose no physical threat to children shouldnt be prosecuted. Simon bailey says the system has reached saturation point, with 400 men a month being arrested. But instead ofjailing them all, he said police should focus on those who posed the greatest threat to children, with lower level offenders being offered rehabilitated. Dan johnson reports. As more and more images of child abuse and up online, more people are being discovered viewing them. The Senior Officer in charge of Child Protection say that police have reached saturation point, and we should now target the most serious offenders behind the abuse, and stop jailing others. We need to focus upon those men, and occasionally women, but predominantly those men who are intent on raping and physically assaulting some of the most vulnerable members of our society. Thats what im focused on stopping. Look at the numbers, four yea rs stopping. Look at the numbers, four years ago, offices in england investigated 21,000 child abuse cases. By 2015, that had jumped to 30 9000. The police gave a struggling to cope. We recognise the Police Concerns with resources, but the focus needs to be on Child Protection. We need to remember, with every one of these images, we are looking at a crime scene and a child abused. The Chief Constable knows his proposal will be met with opposition, the way we deal with Sex Offenders and child abusers is a Lwa Ys Offenders and child abusers is always a controversial issue. But there is such strain, he says that something has to change. Some find the idea of any paedophile avoiding prison on think of all. Its all a slippery slope, and we need Zero Tolerance to protect our children. But if the resources are as stretched as he said, isnt it right to focus on the more serious offenders . I find it fickle to categorise a child that is being raped Ina Categorise a child that is being raped in a local park and a child who is being raped in thailand or bulgaria, or some part of greater london, its all very serious. The home office took a firm line this morning, describing viewing Child Abuse Images as a terrible crime that should be treated such. It says that should be treated such. It says that strong criminaljustice sanctions remain the response. The former chancellor, george osborne, has warned that leaving the Single Market will be the biggest act of protectionism in the history of the united kingdom. 0ur assistant political editor, norman smith, is in westminster. What has he been saying . Sophie, you sense the big beasts of the remain campaign, those opposed to brexit, stirling from their slumber. Last night, Sirjohn Major attacked theresa may for her to brexit. Today, george osborne, warning mrs may to not follow through if she cant get the agreement she wants with the eu. To do that, he said it would mean the biggest act of protectionism in British History. Meaning that British Companies would face new regulations and admit that if burdens if they wanted to trade with the eu. More than that, he says theresa mays new idea that new deals can be struck with non European Countries, that can never make up for the loss of trade with the rest of europe. George 0sborne insists he is not trying to unpick the results of the referendum. But you sense that after months in which mrs may has dominated the debate on brexit, casting her opponents asunder, slowly her opponents are beginning to organise, harness their argument is, and try to make their voice heard. Norman smith in westminster, thank you. A man who murdered his ex girlfriend and her new partner in a fit ofjealousy, has beenjailed for life, for what the judge called a Savage And Senseless attack. Andrew saunders stabbed zoe morgan and lee simmons outside the shop where the couple worked. 0ur wales correspondent, sian lloyd, is at Cardiff Crown court. The court heard an true had become depressed after zoe morgan ended their relaceship and he went on to plan a revenge attack. Cctv footage showed him in a cardiff supermarket where he bought knives and latex gloves. He was seen leaving with them ina gloves. He was seen leaving with them in a carrier bag. 0n the morning of the 28th september, he was seen morning of the 28th september, he was seen pacing outside the matalan store where the couple both worked, as they arrived for the early shift. He ambushed them. He stabbed lee simmons eight times, zoe morgan tried to pull him off. He then turned on her and chased her across the street. Ssh she sustained 32 injuries in total. Sentencing him to Life In Prison with a minimum of 23 yea rs before Life In Prison with a minimum of 23 years before he could be considered for parole, thejudge years before he could be considered for parole, the judge said that he had robbed two familiesof a much loved son and daughter in the last 15 minutes those families have issued a statement in which they say we are disappointed at the leniency of this sentence. Our top story this lunchtime a coroner has condemned the Police Response during the Tunisia Terror Attack that left 30 british tourists dead. And coming up meet spraybot, the robot lizard spreading warmth in your home coming up in sport at half past andy murray prepares to feature in his first tournament since the australian open. He is fit again after a bout of shingles and will feature in the Dubai Championship later. President trump will make his first speech to a joint session of Congress Later today. The white house says it will be an address that will talk about the renewal of the American Spirit, and will call on americans to come together to serve the nation. But after a Roller Coaster First Month in the white house, hell be addressing a nation and house of Congress Still divided by his style and policies. 0ur washington correspondent, laura bicker, reports. If president s are to keep promises, they need friends here. This is Donald Trumps chance to convince congress that hes doing a good job. Donald trump has had a troubled first a0 days. It started with the role out of his travel ban. It caused chaos at airports and became the source of protests. If you remember, isis said, we are going to infiltrate the United States and other countries through the migration. And then we are not allowed to be tough on the people coming in . Play that one. The president s also been dogged by questions about his Campaign Teams alleged links to russia. I can tell you, speaking for myself, i own nothing in russia, i have no loans in russia, i dont have any deals in russia. He lost his National Security advisor over his talks with the russian ambassador. The thing is, he didnt tell our Vice President properly and then he said he didnt remember, so either way it wasnt very satisfactory to me. The controversy clung on so donald trump returned to his base relishing the chance to talk about his agenda and blame the media for negative headlines. A few days ago, i called the fake news the enemy of the people and they are. They are the enemy of the people. Its a mess. So we asked voters visiting the capital from across the country how they thought things were going. Im not happy at all. A lot of people dont know what they are doing at this point. I dont think hes very president ial but hes got some good ideas and im hoping he can do a good job here. Im very thankful that trump is in and ijust hope and pray that hes what america needs. Its a hard job and its something that hes really going to have to work on, but its notjust his responsibility. Its the responsibility of the congress and also the responsibility of the people. Congress is New Territory for donald trump and despite these voters pleas, unity at this time of great change may be difficult for the new president to achieve. Laura bicker, bbc news, washington. Lets speak to our correspondent, jane 0brien, whos in washington. An important moment for the president. What is he expected to say and how is he expected to approach it . With a great deal of optimism. This speech will be different to the dark bleak picture he created of america during his inauguration speech. Hes going to talk about a renewal of the American Spirit and also focus on what he says are his achievements despite the negative press hes attracted. So hell talk about his crackdown on illegal immigration slashing regulations, all things that he promised his supporters, but these are things hes done by executive order, pretty much on his own. Now he Needs Congress and what law makers behind me in that building are going to want to hear are the detail how is he going to deliver on the big Ticket Policy Items like the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care act, also known as 0bama care, how he is going to tackle tax reform, very,my he is going to tackle tax reform, very, my kated subjects he is going to tackle tax reform, very,my kated subjects that hes going to need law makers help to achieve. And there are also 200 democrats who really dont like him. Thank you. For the First Time Since it was set up nearly three years ago, the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse has been hearing from the victims of child sexual abuse. This morning, it heard from a woman who told of the sadistic treatment she faced at a school in western australia, mar sell was a war child. She was removed from her british mother and foster mother and sent to australia. Today, she came back to give this inquiry her evidence. When you went on the ship to australia from the uk, where did you think you were going . On a tea party. Newsreel across the continent in western australia, the celebrations started. She ended up in the care of a British Charity which sent hundreds of troubled children across the world. The surviving footage only ever portrays the good side of this place. Some of the children do say it was a good experience. This was marcelle aged five and this is how she was treated by the woman at the farm who was her so called Cottage Mother. Sadistic. Got slapped around the head a lot, pushed in the back, put under a cold shower if they thought we werent doing good, or locked in a cupboard with no lights or anything until they felt fit to let you out. Would your Cottage Mother ever say things to you that were upsetting . Yes. Youre a bleep from the gutter, youre a nobody. Youve got nobody. Youve got no parents, theyre all dead. She told the inquiry into sexual abuse that the farms Deputy Principle would touch her breasts and bottom. Back in england, marcelles and bottom. Back in england, ma rcelles foster and bottom. Back in england, marcelles foster mother wrote to the queen. Later the director of the charity wrote that marcelles undesirable birth mother wanted her emigrated. Here today she was asked, was that true, and she said it wasnt. And this is the proof. As an adult, marcelle was reunited with her mother by the Child Migrants trust, a mother who told her, they took you from me. Heating and lighting our homes adds up to about a third of the emissions which contribute to climate change. But improving Energy Efficiency is a massive task. According to the Green Building council, a house would have to be refurbished every minute until the year 2050, we neath your floor boards, one solution, a robot wizard preparing to spread warmth. Draftee homes push up to spread warmth. Draftee homes push up bills, harm health and increase Carbon Emissions from heating. Draftee. This is spraybolts answer. Filling up the cracks in floral boards with a layer of foam insulation. The hassle and disruption of upgrading your home literally in some cases ripping it apart to put it back together so you can insulate it and make it more efficient is a big hassle and stops people upgrading their homes. Thats why we developed this. Energy bills for a standard terraced are upwards of £1500 a year. Not this one. Its insulated rear white wall is fatter than the neighbours brick wall. Inside, theyre testing the upgraded house for drafts. Builders search for cold spots with a thermal camera. Its a major upgrade thatll ta ke camera. Its a major upgrade thatll take more than 20 years to pay back. Im doing it for my grandchildren and because im really concerned about climate change. I wanted to make my house for comfortable and easy to control the heating and i believe im going to save round about 80 on my heating bills. Creating good quality well designed efficient buildings can help Improve Health and well being and general Quality Of Life and therefore bring down nhs costs and it can create jobs and improve imports and exports. All while reducing gas emissions. Here is the scale of the insulation challenge, to meet its own law on reducing Carbon Emissions, the government needs to get 25 million existing homes upgraded by 2050. That is more than one home every minute. Roger harrabin, bbc news. From today, many Poultry Farmers wont be able to label their produce as free range thats because of Safety Precautions theyve had to take to prevent the spread of bird flu. Moshe than half the eggs we buy are free range. We eat millions of them. You are soon going to see a sticker on the box saying, hens temporarily housed in barns for their welfare. You may not know it, but all hens have had to be kept inside since december to help prevent the spread of avian flu, not just here, december to help prevent the spread of avian flu, notjust here, but in other European Countries as well. Under eu rules, if the birds have been housed for more than 12 weeks, they technically lose their free range status, and that period ends today. The government says the majority of farmers should be able to let their birds out if they adhere to strict bio security measures. Now, here they dontjust pack the eggs, they produce them as well. Toby rush is the owner of this business. Are you going to be letting your birds out today . Not today. Ive read the rules and we have 32,000 hens on the farge and i would need to cover all my ranges in netting, an area the size of 16 football pitches, totally impracticalfor what is football pitches, totally impractical for what is a temporary measure. Do you think most farmers will be doing the same, keeping hens indoors . I believe so. I believe the majority of farmers will make the decision to keep their birds in, its the safest place for them against this very virulent strain of avian flu. Now, even if the hens are in or out, the decisions been taken to put a label on every commercial Free Range Eggs box, so i guess what Consumers Want to know is, are these eggs free range or not . Well, i believe they are. We are committed to producing Free Range Eggs from free range hens. Its an eu technicality that at the moment we have to put the sticker on. They look and taste the same, they are the same grade and as soon as we have the all clear, the hens will be back out in the String Sun Sine and well be back to Business As Usual. This is an unprecedented step. Its really just a temporary this is an unprecedented step. Its reallyjust a temporary measure. Theyre being described as unique and of international importance. Four iron age neckbands that were found in a field in staffordshire by two men with Metal Detectors are going on public display today. They date back to between 400 and 250 bc, and are thought to be not bad forfour not bad for four hours work on a sunday morning. These will the two friends who found these whilst recently taking up metal detecting two decades after they gave the hobby up. I heard him say hed found something. He was coming down the field to me and pulled it out of his pocket and waved it at me. Thats when i went to pieces, my legs went like jelly and i went light headed because i knew what it was. This isnt the first time theres been such a significant find around here. The Staffordshire Horde was found seven the Staffordshire Horde was found seve n years the Staffordshire Horde was found seven years ago. But this is a thousand years older and its the first of its kind from that period. This is a spectacular find. These four torks made out of gold are unique. Its surprisingly heavy. This would have been worn around the neck of a wealthy woman 2500 years ago and its a period of British History about which we know very little. They were either buried for safe keeping or as an offering to the gods and were probably made in france or germany. Its really suggesting that excitingly we might be seeing new connections with the continent that we didnt know about before. When they opened up the

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