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Wont be made until the end of the season, following a heavy Champions League defeat. Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. President trumps most senior diplomat is making his debut on the International Stage at the g20 summit in germany. The new us Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson is meeting russias foreign minister Sergei Lavrov this lunchtime at a time when contacts between the Trump Administration and moscow are under the spotlight. The Us State Department says mr tillerson will try to provide a comforting message to countries uneasy about apparent changes in americas Foreign Policy positions. Well be live in germany in a moment, but first this report from wyre davies. With so much attention on his own difficulties at home, donald trump might be thankful that, for the next couple of days, the spotlight will fall squarely on the shoulders of his new Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson, attending the g20 summit in germany. Among his first meetings was with foreign secretary boris johnson. The people of gambia were delighted to be coming back into the commonwealth. Not something the United States is going to be doing. Not that im aware of. Small talk and jokes for the cameras, but Rex Tillersons counterparts will want to hear reassuring words about many things, including the new administrations commitment to nato. In a turbulent, uncertain world, much has been made of Rex Tillersons previous role as a senior Oil Executive with very close Business Ties to moscow. A relationship that will come under microscopic scrutiny when he sits down with russias foreign minister Sergei Lavrov. From security to global trade, the uncertainty about where the United States now stands on many big issues is almost unprecedented. 0n the one hand you have chaos and a possibly compromised administration, and by that i mean the President Donald Trump and his closest advisers, some of them are deemed indicated for ties to moscow. 0n the other hand you have the pragmatists, for example general mattis, defence secretary, trying to say to nato allies, lets put this back on course. What is also unprecedented and unacceptable, says president trump, is what he called a biased discredited media, at the New York Times and cnn, which he accuses of relying too heavily on leaks and hearsay to undermine his government. I think there is not the same rigour going on right now in newsrooms. The number of rubbish stories that we are seeing with reporters just rushing to publish with Thinly Sourced or anonymously sourced stories is not doing any favours to the impression that they are out to get donald trump. The president again took to twitter today to attack press coverage. But theres also clear, undeniable evidence that his administration is struggling. Andrew pudzer, the president s nominee for labour secretary, withdrew late last night after cross Party Opposition in congress. These are Testing Times for donald trump, less than one month after he took office. We can talk to gary 0donoghue in washington, and first, to our Diplomatic Correspondent james robbins, at the g20 summit. Its striking that suggestion from the State Department that there will bea the State Department that there will be a comforting message. What do the Member States where you are want to hear from Member States where you are want to hearfrom Him Bastion Mark Member States where you are want to hear from Him Bastion Mark its very clear that much of the outside world represented at this g20 meeting, both the leading industrialised countries and the most rapidly emerging countries, a group of more than 20 countries, are very anxious, alarmed, frankly, at what they regard as an unpredictable, radically changing american Foreign Policy. They havent even understood let alone got to grips with. Rex tillerson has a big job to do, to reassure them. He says thats what he wants to do. Its first, most challenging meeting this afternoon, is going to be with his opposite numberfrom is going to be with his opposite number from russia, sergei is going to be with his opposite numberfrom russia, Sergei Lavrov. Thats going to be a really critical meeting, because this is a veteran foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, one of the longest serving on the block. He will undoubtedly be trying to size up and analyse any sense of american weakness, which is the charge, of course, against the administration from its critics, who say the administration is compromised partly by Rex Tillersons commercial ties and links to Vladimir Putin before he left business and partly by everything that has happened in washington over the past few days. Rex tillerson will try to distance himself from any of that controversy, try to reassure allies and critics that the United States is going to pursue a twin track policy towards russia, highly critical of the ukraine for instance and in particular, and its going to maintain sanctions, which is one of the critics make, that you seem to be showing signs in washington of weakening them, and yet it also wa nts to weakening them, and yet it also wants to engage on the other track of the policy with Vladimir Putin and explore ways of building a better relationship. Its clear that many of the people represented here, not least Chancellor Merkel of germany, where this meeting is being held, are very alarmed. Shes been talking about the danger of one country trying to manage the worlds problems on its own. James robbins, thank you. Lets head To Washington and gary 0donoghue. James mattis has been, as we know, at nato headquarters and again, some very, very strong comments from him . Yes, picking up on the points about developed american Foreign Policy, its a Work In Progress at the moment. There are not clear developed areas, where the world can know exactly what the us is thinking at this stage. 0ne know exactly what the us is thinking at this stage. One of the area is perhaps where they can is on americas attitude to nato at the moment. You will remember during the Campaign Donald trump called it obsolete. That rhetoric has all gone away. What we have had now is james mattis, the defence secretary, saying that he stands behind nato, but giving a very tough message about the responsibilities of other nato countries to pay their way. 0nly nato countries to pay their way. Only three other countries, i think, maybe four other countries apart from the United States, pay this 2 of their annual income is towards defence, which is a prerequisite of nato membership. James mattis has gone further and said, look, if you dont do this, guys, we are going to have to consider moderating, his word, moderating, the us contribution to nato. What that might mean, who knows. You can imagine it might mean things like reconsidering that deployment of a whole Armoured Brigade in poland recently, which was seen as a way of shoring up that threat from russia deployments in the Baltic States as well. One other thing on the horizon to be aware of in terms of defence and policy towards The Middle East that will inflict on russia, is that this 30 day review of the Islamic State strategy comes up at the end of february, and thats when we are going to hear whether or not america is prepared to dojoint going to hear whether or not america is prepared to do joint actions inside syria with the russians. Gary 0donoghue, thank you in washington. Britains most seniorjudge has criticised sections of the press for their coverage of the ruling which said parliament had to be consulted before the process to leave the eu could be triggered. The president of the Supreme Court, lord neuberger, also accused politicians of not being quick enough to defend thejudicial process. This from our Legal Affairs correspondent, clive coleman. Cheering if the Eu Referendum stirred the countrys emotions, the court case about who had the right to trigger britain leaving under article 50, ministers alone, or parliament, raised Even Stronger feelings. Ministers alone, or parliament, raised Even Strongerfeelings. When business woman gina miller won ruling preventing the government from starting the process without parliament, some in the media saw red. The coverage by parts of the press of thejudges red. The coverage by parts of the press of the judges that decided the article 50 case am here at the high court, against the government, stunned and hurt the judiciary. The judges did not feel they could respond without compromising their position. But now the countrys most seniorjudge, the outgoing president of the Supreme Court, clearly feels the time is right to say something. Some of the things that were said risks undermining the judiciary and u nfa i rly risks undermining the judiciary and unfairly undermining the judiciary, and therefore undermining the rule of law. This former Tabloid Editor disagrees. When you get an important issue, like brexit, being decided by uniquely i think for the first time in 43 years by referendum, you are going to get big reactions on both sides, so i defend the right of a newspaper to give a rather large raspberry to a controversial decision will stop lord neuberger wasnt impressed by the response of politicians, including the lord chancellor liz truss, who has a statutory duty to defend the independence of the judiciary. Politicians acted slower than one would have liked and perhaps expressed themselves rather more organically than one would have hoped but to be fair to politicians, like judges, hoped but to be fair to politicians, likejudges, they learn hoped but to be fair to politicians, like judges, they learn and after the Supreme Court case decision they did precisely what they should have done. In response to that liz truss said ina done. In response to that liz truss said in a statement, that its right that everyone understands the importance of Judicial Independence and the rule of law in a free society. If sections of the press can be criticised for undermining the rule of law, then the Supreme Court itself, currently made up of ten white men and one white woman, has faced criticism for a marked lack of diversity. The process of appointing a new president and jew new justices begins appointing a new president and Jew Newjustices begins today. With steps to encourage and two new justices begins today. With steps to encourage more diverse candidates, including the option of part time working. That should encourage a favourable press. Clive coleman, bbc news. Researchers say taking Vitamin D Supplements could prevent more than three Million People in the uk from getting colds or flu each year. Sunshine is needed to produce the vitamin naturally in the skin and levels plummet during the winter. The team from queen mary, University Of London says the vitamin should be added to foods like bread. Heres our health correspondent, dominic hughes. This is what Vitamin D Deficiency can look like. Softened bones bowing under the weight of the body. In children it can cause rickets. But now researchers say vitamin d may have other benefits apart from strengthening bones. Effectively, vitamin d boosts the production of natural antibiotic substances called antimicrobial peptides, which are toxic to bacteria and viruses. We have shown the effects of vitamin d to prevent respiratory infections are on a par with those of the flu vaccine and that is a significant effect. They argue that if everyone got enough vitamin d there would be a 10 reduction in the risk of respiratory illnesses like coughs, colds and flu. Among those with the very lowest levels of vitamin d, the benefit is even greater a 50 reduction. And across the whole uk population, that would equate to more than 3 Million People avoiding a cold orflu each year. Sunlight on the skin is the best source of vitamin d but the increased use of sunscreen, and our weather, means exposure in the uk is limited. It is possible to get vitamin d through some foods. For example, cereals, particularly those marketed at children, have vitamin d added as a supplement. You can also get it from oily fish orfrom eggs, although you would have to eat ten every day to ensure you got the right amount. What researchers are arguing is that vitamin d should be added as a supplement to products like milk so that we all get ourfair share. But some scientists believe that fortifying food with vitamin d will not be enough. The recommendation is more around that we should all take a supplement in the winter months, in autumn, and in those groups that are at risk, so people with darker skin or who arent outside as much, they should take them all year round. While the specific benefits of vitamin d are still being debated, sunshine and supplements seem to be the best sources. A 15 Year Old Girl has pleaded not guilty to the murder of seven year old katie rough in york. Katie rough was found with severe injuries in a Playing Field last month, and died later in hospital. The teenage defendant appeared at Leeds Crown Court this morning via videolink charged with murder, and possessing an offensive weapon. The malaysian authorities have confirmed that the man who died after being poisoned at Kuala Lumpur Airport is the half brother of the north Korean Leader, kim jong un. Three people two women and a man are now in custody, in connection with his death on monday. From kuala lumpur, Karishma Vaswani reports. It has been almost a week since the mysterious death of a man at Kuala Lumpur Airport on monday and still no answers. Malaysia confirmed for the first time today that the dead man is north Korean Leader kimjong uns half brother kim jong nam, travelling on another passport. I think he carries two different identities. Probably this is an undercover document. This is an authentic passport. Two women, one shown here in police custody, have been arrested so far. Officials say one is an indonesian, while the other was carrying a vietnamese passport. A third suspect, a malaysian male, has also been detained. But we dont know what they have to do with Kim Jong Nams death and we still dont know how he died or what he was doing in malaysia, but we do know that he did come here fairly frequently. We understand this is one of the Restaurants Kimjong nam used to frequent when he was in malaysia. The owner said that he would regularly come here and would regularly bring bodyguards as well. I spoke to the owner of the restaurant on the phone. He was too scared to speak in person. Did kim jong nam ever tell you that he was worried for his life, that someone might kill him . But at the north Korean Embassy in kuala lumpur, all was quiet. Instead, the Focus In Pyongyang has been on the 75th Celebrations of kim jong ils birth. North korea hasnt said anything about the death of kim jong nam and it is highly unlikely it ever will. In this secretive regime, Unanswered Questions are a way of life. Our top story this lunchtime. The new us Secretary Of State, Rex Tillerson, is meeting his counterparts including from britain and russia at the g20 summit in germany. And still to come all aboard for a celebration of the wrens. Were in portsmouth for the 100th birthday of the Womens Royal Naval Service. Coming up in sport at 1 30pm spurs and Manchester United are in Europa League action this evening, with uniteds paul pogba facing off against older brother florentin, as Saint Etienne visit old trafford. The prime ministerofnew zearannl is in christchurch to monitor the efforts to fight a huge wildfire which has led to the evacuation of hundreds of homes. Two separate fires which began in hills to the south of the city on monday have combined, to cover a total of nearly 5,000 acres. The citys mayor has warned that the fire could pose a threat for several weeks. Sangita myska has the latest. These are the fatal fires that have burnt a ferocious path through the hills above christchurch. Its taken more than two days to bring them under control. An Aerial Battle is winning the war against the flames, involving 14 helicopters and three planes. The cost, the life of a pilot a highly decorated former serviceman turned firefighter who crashed while on duty. He was trying to help save the lives in these homes. A dozen were reduced to charred remains. Miraculously, the residents were left unharmed. Visiting the displaced, new zealands prime minister. Theres a whole lot of people here have been traumatised by the events, some who have lost their homes, many who have been evacuated, and this is a community that knows how to stick together when things are difficult. A big pall of smoke now sits over the countrys second biggest city. The fire is contained but not under control. Wildfires here are rare, but thats of Little Comfort now. My neighbours up the hill are absolutely terrified because they are surrounded by forest and gorse and long dried grass, so they are very nervous. Weve been up pretty much all night, since we were evacuated, keeping an eye on it. The blackened hillsides are now yielding clues about the fires origin. Its believed it started in two separate locations, combining to burn over a500 acres. French prosecutors say they will continue their investigations into the centre right president ial candidate Francois Fillon, whos been accused of cheating the parliamentary payments system. Hes denied paying his wife and children inflated parliamentary salaries for minimal or fictitious work. Lets talk to our paris correspondent, hugh schofield. What is Francois Fillon saying about this . Is he continuing with his campaign . Absolutely. He hasnt got what he wants. He wanted the prosecutor to say there is not enough here to proceed. But the prosecutor, this kind of interim statement, has said, we are going to continue with our investigations because there is enough evidence to allow us to do that. He hasnt got what he wanted but, at the same time, it isnt the worst news. The prosecutor could have said, there is enough before russell ready to recommend that he be placed under formal investigation, in which time he would have had to step down. So what we have got is more of this drip drip agony for Francois Fillon, which means he cant properly campaign. From the constituencies, reports are coming from his agents in the field saying, its terrible for us out here, nobody wants to hear about your proposals, just whether you are honest. What it means is that Francois Fillon, the centre right candidate, has slumped in the polls. He is in third, which is significant because, remember, in the french system, it is number one and number two the french system, it is number one and numbertwo in the french system, it is number one and number two in the first round who go through to the second round and, right now, those two people are going to be marine le of the Front National and the newcomer, emanuel in emanuel mammana, the centrist, who is number two. Francois fillon needs to fight back hard if he is to get second place. Emanuel makron. A woman and her son have been arrested by city of London Police after they allegedly faked her death in order to claim Life Insurance. Officers say the womans teenage son and his guardian tried to make the claim last may. 0ur Correspondent Helena Lee is here. Helena, what more can you tell us . The city of London Police has told us the city of London Police has told us that this 18 year old and his guardian claimed that the woman had died ina guardian claimed that the woman had died in a car crash in zanzibar in east africa last year. It is alleged they tried to claim against a Life Insurance policy worth £1a0,000 in her name. It is also alleged that. Humans including a Death Certificate and also Accident Reports were produced. Alleged that falls documents. They couldnt verify the woman cars death so they refused to pay the claim. They passed it onto police and they found that the woman was alive and living in canada. She to the uk, she was arrested and questioned by police. Her son was also arrested and questioned and both of them have been bailed and they are expected to return to a Police Station in birmingham in april. The guardian who was with the 18 year old who was 2a, he was also interviewed under caution. Social care for elderly people is on the brink of collapse in some parts of england, according to the charity age uk. It says more than 50,000 people are now not receiving any help, despite struggling with essential daily tasks such as washing, eating or getting out of bed. Our health correspondent, sophie hutchinson, reports. Push. Thats it. For ten years, elaine yates has cared for her husband. They managed to get some social care but elaine, who runs a Support Group for carers, says its much harder to get now. When Michael First came into the system, it was a lot easier, because we had our own care manager that grew to know us and could help support us in what we needed, whereas today, people coming into the system dont get that type of support, they dont have their own care manager. Todays report by age uk says, since 2010, in england, there has been a rise of 50 in the number of elderly people who dont get the help they need with essential daily activities. These are getting out of bed, bathing, dressing, using the toilet, walking across a room and eating. The charitys particularly concerned about more than 50,000 people who struggle with three or more of these activities and receive no support at all. While social care is run in different ways across the uk, cuts have meant councils in england have had to reduce the amount they spend on social care, and age uk says Emergency Funding is now needed to avert a complete collapse of services in some areas. We are seeing the beginnings of something thats going to get a lot worse. And thats because, if there is going to be any extra money for social care, its not coming yet. That is a real concern because, every day we have an ageing population, we have more people over 85, in particular, who need care. The government says it recognises the pressures on the system and is working on a sustainable solution. There is now a growing Expectation A Rescue Package may be included in the budget next month. Sophie hutchinson, bbc news. Fifas president Gianni Infantino says the 2026 football world cup could be hosted by more than one country. He says this could involve up to four different nations, each using several stadiums. 0ur Sports News correspondent Richard Conway is here. Possibly as many as four. What is he suggesting . The reasons behind this are that fifa agreed that the 2026 world cup would be completed by 48 countries, expansion. That brings logistical hosting issues for smaller nations. So what Gianni Infantino is saying is that he wants to expand the number or encourage co hosting between three or even four different countries. At the moment, the favourite for the 2026 bed is america. That leaves open the possibility of a co hosting agreement between canada and mexico, despite the difficulties with the Trump Administration between those two countries, becomes a real possibility. In the wider context, it is politically astute by Gianni Infantino. Lots it is politically astute by gianni infa ntino. Lots of it is politically astute by Gianni Infantino. Lots of smaller nations will welcome the chance to play a pa rt will welcome the chance to play a part in the world cup. He has a real election in 2019 and he will hope they remember this. 100 years ago, the Womens Royal Naval Service was founded to free up more men for active service at sea during the first world war. It was the start of a hugely significant change in the role of women in the armed forces. Wrens, as they became known, served as cooks, stewards, Dispatch Riders and telegraphists, and went on to play key roles in the navy in the Second World War and beyond. 0ur correspondent, duncan kennedy, is in portsmouth, where events are being held throughout the year. Welcome to the heart of this expedition in the naval dockyard. You join me at the start of this Royal Naval Service for women back in1917, Royal Naval Service for women back in 1917, but dont be fooled into thinking this is a dry exhibition. This is about the people who were women and made up the service. Look at this photo, 1919, the first parade of wrens, and alongside, this permit to go home dating december 1918. That was her christmas leave to go and see herfamily, all part of this exhibition. At 90 years old, wyn price still has an affection for the sea. Whether it is her admiration for these world war ii motor boats or the time shejoined as a 17 year old in 1944, the wrens have always held a strong bond over her maritime memories. You had to go in what they was short of and they had cooks and stewards they wanted. I couldnt cook so i opted for a steward. Proud then and honoured now to be celebrating 100 years of the wrens. In a way, they started equality. That was the beginning of it. You were the pioneers. I guess. No, the ones before me were pioneers. The new wren is welcomed by a Petty Officer and ushered into the presence of a chief officer. The Womens Royal Naval Service was formed in 1917 but it was in the Second World War they came of age. She is the skipper. It is by her orders that the mail boat stops at the ships named on that precious letter. This may have been the extent of the seaborne presence but the wrens 17,000 volunteers were vital to take the strain off men in the navys non fighting roles. Without the wrens we wouldnt have the service that we have today so they very much laid the foundations for the women who are serving today. It is a nice opportunity to look back and celebrate the achievements of the past 100 years and even the pioneers before them. The new exhibition charts this Vital Service across the last century. When the women integrated with the men in 1993, out went the title wrens, but they continued to embody the standards and professionalism of the royal navy. The pioneers really set the bar high, i think, and they had to prove themselves, which they did really well, and after that it was for the other women to embrace that change and they took it forward and it has continued to go forward. Women now make up 10 of the royal navy. 100 years after they became the first of the Free Services to officially recruit women, the new exhibition is a moment for early wrens to reflect, commemorate and cherish this is all about the personal detail, the letters and photographs and uniforms. It all opens to the public on saturday and the exhibition lasts for the rest of the year. Time for a look at the weather with stav. Thank you. With the milder air across the uk and seems like this in norfolk, some good spells of sunshine, its going to feel positively springlike. This was the picture earlier in norfolk. Cloud has built

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