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Approximately a 30 foot wall of water that would be coming out of the lake, not the Lake Draining but a30 the lake, not the Lake Draining but a 30 foot wall of water. An award too many for record breaking adele as she says she cant accept her fifth grammy of the night for best album. I cant possibly except this award. The artist of my life is beyonce and this lemonade album was so monumental beyonce, so monumental and coming up on the sport on bbc news. Chelseas lead at the top of the Premier League could be reduced to eight points if pep guardiolas Manchester City can win at bournemouth tonight. Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. A bbc investigation has found evidence of major Security Failings at a privately run prison in northumberland. An undercover reporter from the bbcs panorama spent two months working as a Prison Officer at the jail near morpeth. He secretly filmed widespread drug abuse and discovered that door alarms didnt work and there was a hole in a fence. The Ministry Ofjustice says its looking into allegations. 0ur correspondent ed thomas reports. Undercover in one of our biggest jails. For two months, undercover in one of our biggest jails. Fortwo months, bbc undercover in one of our biggest jails. For two months, bbc Panorama Film what was happening inside. Staff pushed to the limits. Hmp northumberland is a private Jail Run Id French firm said x0 and home to more than 1300 inmates. 0n id french firm said x0 and home to more than 1300 inmates. On his first day inside the reporter discovered two and a half kilos of spies, and a legal high with a prison value of a quarter of £1 million was found in two sells. Despite this, panorama was told there was no lockdown so the block could be completely searched. The bbc secretly filmed inmates high on drugs. This inmate had taken spies. And then there is the valance. Cctv cameras recorded and inmate being stamped on. At one point panoramas undercover reporter was threatened by an inmate. During filming the bbc discovered a serious security breach, alarms on to Michael Dawson were not working. On two doers. A hole in an inner security fence, it meant drugs could have been passed into the jail. The reporter asked the governor of what went wrong. Sodexho, the company that runs the prison said the safety of staff and inmates is their top priority. The Ministry Ofjustice said it would urgently investigate the footage. And that the government is determined to reform our prisons. It thomas, bbc news. 0ur Political Correspondent Carole Walker is in westminster. This comes at a time when the government is under pressure to do something about the prison system, overcrowding and staffing levels. What are they saying . As you heard, the government says it is urgently investigating these revelations in the Panorama Programme but says there are long standing issues to be resolved. The government has announced £100 million to try and boost the number of front line prison staff by around two and a half thousand but this comes after five years in which while the Prison Population has remained largely Sta Ble Population has remained largely stable the number of Prison Officers on the front line has fallen by around 6000. Now we are hearing this afternoon from the justice secretary liz truss who is setting out her longer term views about the Prison Population sentencing and so on. And she is going to criticise labour for seeking what she says is a quick fix but also strike a very different tone from her predecessor michael gove he had plans to try and reduce the Prison Population. What liz truss will be seen as an art now more serious offenders in prison than ever before, three out of five infordrug than ever before, three out of five in for drug pushing, six offences or for violent offenders and it would bea for violent offenders and it would be a responsible to reduce the sentences of people who are inside for those sorts of serious offences. She says she wants to see more rehabilitation to try and turn prisoners lives around but she will say that reducing Prison Sentencing is something that she wont be because that would put the public at risk. Thank you. The co 0p bank has announced its putting itself up for sale. The high street bank, which has more than 4 million customers almost collapsed in 2013 after a series of financial problems. It was bailed out by American Hedge Funds but has struggled to strengthen its finances because of low Interest Rates. Our Business Editor simon jack is here. First of all what does it mean for the banks customers . The problems started with an ill fated merger with Britannia Building Society in the aftermath of the financial crisis back in 2009. By the financial crisis back in 2009. By 2013 some of those loans had gone bad and punished an enormous hole in the Company Finances and ever since then its found it hard to nurse itself back to health and it said todayit itself back to health and it said today it hasnt been able to earn enough money to put money into the kitty for a rainy day, hasnt got enough capital. The other option is to ask its owners, The Co Op Group and American Hedge Fund is, they might be reluctant to put in extra money because its difficult to make the returns in this low Interest Rate environment. The third option is put yourself up for sale and that a bank with 4 million customers might be good idea to add to an existing bank, some candidates out there including tsb might be able to put the bank together, have Economies Of Scale and get on and make a success of that. For customers, nothing too wary about, not in any danger whatsoever, this isa not in any danger whatsoever, this is a process that will go on, the customers of court, 4 million who have been loyal to the bank after its reputational problems, theyd stuck around and nothing to worry about. Britains biggest supermarket, tesco has promised to take immediate action after a bbc investigation revealed that two thirds of deals on the shelves were out of date and werent being deducted at the checkout. An Undercover Team visited 50 branches across england over a three month period. Tesco says its working to make sure its prices are accurate. Jonathan gibson reports. If we see a special offer on the supermarket shelves, we expect to pay that price at the till. But that doesnt always happen at tesco. And heres why. The bbcs inside out programme visited 50 tesco Stores Across england and found out of date special offers in 33 of them. At some stores, staff say its a recurring problem. And at another store a worker blames the error on being short staffed. In most stores, workers removed the Label Straightaway but not everywhere. At this store the cashier refunds the difference but doesnt remove the label, so its still on display when we go back in the next day, the next week and one month later. The fourth cashier finally removes it. There are obviously major problems with the control of the special offers. Special offers bring customers in, make people reach for more and maybe spend more than they meant to when they came into the store, so that is very, very worrying. Throughout our investigation, tesco did refund the difference when informed about the discrepancies. The company wouldnt provide anyone for interview but, after reviewing the bbcs evidence, said. Following our investigation, britains biggest supermarket has said it will be double checking the accuracy of every price in every store. Thats more than 3,500 Stores Across britain. Jonathan gibson, bbc news. And viewers in most english regions will be able to watch inside 0uts full report on bbc one at half past 7 this evening and online on the bbc iplayer. Pensioners are on average better off than those of working age for the first time. Thats according to new research by the think tank, the resolution foundation. It says a new wave of pensioners are more likely than previous generations to own their home, have generous private pensions and still be working. 0ur personal finance correspondent Simon Gompertz reports. Pensioners incomes rolling ahead with Company Pensions, their own homes, even above inflation increases in the State Pension. These pensioners in harrow say money can still be tight. When you retire, youre fine. Seven years down the line, everythings gone up. My husband and i had Company Pensions and got the State Pension and we have paid more for our house, so quite comfortable. If i didnt have a private pension, no way could i be bowling. Going back to 2001 and after paying Housing Costs like rent and mortgage, Pensioner Households had £70 a week less on average to spend than working families. Then there was a big switchover four years ago so now Pensioner Householders are £20 a week better off. More cash in their pockets especially if they have paid off the mortgage. Whats pushing up Pensioner Incomes is this Younger Generation of pensioners born after the war who are now retiring with good Company Pension schemes, owning their own home, often with the mortgage paid off, and the challenge is if you look 20 years ahead that could be a real problem for Younger Generations who will not retire with the same advantages. So if its current pensioners who are winning, some say levels the Playing Field by being less generous about increases in the State Pension, but that would mean when todays younger people retire they would be up against it. Fewer own a home or have a quality private pension. Its important they have better pensions and find it easier to buy into the housing market. 0n the pension side of things they are saving much less than older generations. We think they need to save more. Government has a role in this because they set the default rate for savings. Were asking government to increase that over the next decade. Even today there is a growing divide among the elderly. Many newly retired people are wealthier, many older pensioners just scraping by. They would object to being called better off. Joe root has been named englands new test captain. The 26 year old described it as a huge honour and said he was feeling privileged, humbled and very excited. The yorkshire batsman takes over from alastair cook, who resigned last week. Root will lead england in the summers test series against south africa and west indies, with an ashes series in australia to follow next winter. Patrick gearey reports. A tremendous performance. Root has played magnificently. Magnificent hundred from root. In really tough circumstances. He is the dynamo of the england team. Joe root has got used to being english crickets great hope. Now he faces something newer. Great responsibility. The way in which he plays his cricket, he goes about his business, you would imagine it will lend itself to being a great captain. In january he became a father for the first time, hell approach leading just as he does parenting. Its one of those things that you sort of have to learn on thejob. I suppose being a dad you dont really know what to do until you sort ofjust have to go with it and see how it was, i imagine that would be very similar. You could see baby alfie is already in white, this is after all a family that starts them early. Youll find the root of root amongst fertile yorkshire cricketing soil. Here on the outskirts of sheffield is where it began forjoe. Root still goes back to sheffield collegiate which has ready produced one england captain in michael vaughn. His Brother Billy and dad matt also played here and the name has appeared on local Scorecard Scorecards further back still. The family are everywhere, even upstairs where grandma barbara plays bridge. So how do those who know him best judge joes hand . Yes, i think it should be ok but you can only really tell when they get in the job. Its very much learning on the job. Being a cricket captain. And there is a lot of onerous responsibility being england cricket captain, hopefully it will be successful. You see roots dont get carried away. Despite joes progress from sheffield to yorkshire to england to world number one batsman for a time, hes already scored 11 test centuries and plays all three forms of the game, still there are concerns. He has only rarely led his county and might root the captain compromise root the run maker . They dont dwell on that around here. It is a big job butjoe is that kind of person who will take it in his stride, i think hes more than capable of dealing with the pressures of what captaincy brings. Root inherits a team that lost 4 0 in india last year and faces south africa in the summer before the ashes tour come winter. Who knows how hell fare . We can, though, guess his approach. In the words of his grandfather, mad keen. Patrick geary, bbc news, in sheffield. Our top story this lunchtime. A bbc Undercover Investigation discovers widespread drug abuse and major Security Failings at a privately run jail in northumberland. And still to come. The dramatic rescue of a bell ringer who was hoisted 80ft in the air after getting tangled in a rope. Full up the sport at half past, figures show that at least 39 of players who played in the English Football League last season were not drugs tested. The Authorities Say they were prioritising the elite end. Almost 200,000 People Living below americas tallest dam in california have been ordered to evacuate their homes. Residents started fleeing the area after being told a channel used to release water was in danger of collapsing. At one point, authorities feared a ten metre wall of water was about to be unleashed on towns downstream. Kathryn stanczyszyn reports. 100,000 Cubic Feet Per Second of water, rushing out of Lake 0roville in california. This is home to the tallest damn in california, and after weeks of heavy rain, water levels have been rising. But a measure designed to help the situation has instead made things much worse. When water began flowing down this never before used emergency spillway, it started to crumble, leaving a 30ft hole and 230,000 people who live below the 0 roville 230,000 people who live below the 0roville dam in peril. What we are looking at is approximately a 30ft wall of water which will be coming out of the lake, not the Lake Draining buta out of the lake, not the Lake Draining but a 30ft wall of water, thats why we took the measures that we didnt. And those measures meant a massive evacuation. Were looking ata a massive evacuation. Were looking at a proximity 35,000 residents under evacuation. In the other county, were looking at city 5000. In the city, 76000 and evacuation. Ma rysville in the city, 76000 and evacuation. Marysville city, 12,000. People tried to get away quickly, as it was predicted that the spillway could colla pse predicted that the spillway could collapse within an hour, causing potentially devastating flooding. Those who have left their homes are being provided for at a special centre around 20 miles away. Being provided for at a special centre around 20 miles awaym being provided for at a special centre around 20 miles away. It was surprising with all the trafficjust in my neighbourhood was already basically empty. I panicked and started putting things in my car. Im a little bit scared. We are trying not to go near the Flooding Area so we can go trying not to go near the Flooding Area so we can go home, but were going to be probably stuck down here. For the first time in 25 yea rs, here. For the first time in 25 years, the National Guard has put out a state wide alert. Well be sending eight helicopters to assist with the spillway reconstruction activities, beginning tomorrow. Those aircraft will also be available for Search And Rescue if we have to move into that mode. Were sending Military Police to assist with Law Enforcement and securing the evacuated areas. Were also going to be sending Shelter Units which can shelter either responders or displaced people. Engineers say the lakes water level has now dropped, meaning repair work can now start on the spillway. But the state governor said the situation remained complex and rapidly changing. With more water predicted later in the week, the people affected may not be allowed back to their homes for some time. At least four people have died and up to five others are missing after an avalanche in the french ski resort of tignes this morning, according to rescue services. Rescue teams are still trying to find those buried beneath large amounts of snow. The eight skiers and a guide were off piste when the avalanche struckjust before 11 this morning it was more than 1,000ft wide. Rescue teams along with police and helicopters are still trying to find those missing. Local police have told the bbc that the four victims were french. The resort is particularly busy at this time of year with french and british families. The actress sara coward, who played Caroline Sterling in the archers for almost a0 years, has died at the age of 69. She was diagnosed with Terminal Cancer Last year. The editor of the archers said sara coward was a gifted actress with a unique voice. President trump will meet canadas prime Ministerjustin Trudeau at the white house today for their first meeting since last novembers election. Mr trudeau said he expected the two leaders would find a lot of common ground, despite their differences over trade and immigration policies. Gary 0donoghue is In Washington. And we do know, they do have some differences, particularly over immigration . Well, lets see. Justin trudeau is a liberal, he is a feminist, hes pro immigration and he has welcomed refugees with open arms into canada. So, should, and quite a lot of differences between the Northern Premier League from over the border and the new president In Washington. But they do have interests in common. There is a lot of trade between the two countries, 75 of canadas trade is with the us, and for the us, 18 goes the other way. Millions ofjobs across the border, dependent on one another. So they have things in common, not least the north American Free trade agreement, which donald trump wants to renegotiate. Thats something the canadians will want to talk about today. And also, this new Keystone Oil Pipeline which was put on hold under the 0bama administration, Butjustin Trudeau is in favour of. So that will be something for them to talk about. However, theres a lot of other things going on In Washington at a moment which will be distracting donald trump, not least his National Security advisor, whos under a cloud at the moment over contacts he had with the russians during and after the election. The allegation is that he may have discussed sanctions with them, the sanctions which were imposed by president 0bama on russia for allegations of interfering in the election. There can bea interfering in the election. There can be a lot of pressure on mr trump over Michael Flynn today and im sure that will come up in his Press Conference come Withjustin Trudeau at his side. A bell ringer at Worcester Cathedral had to be rescued by the Emergency Services on saturday evening after his foot got caught in the rope and he was pulled upside down. The 51 year old, who was one of 20 bell ringers in the bell tower, fractured a bone in his back. Sima kotecha is at the cathedral. So, what exactly happened, then . Well, 51 year old ian bowman was visiting this cathedral, Worcester Cathedral, with several other bell ringers, when he was involved in an accident. He was in the ringing room, just above me here, where you can see those four lights. He was running some bells when a piece of rope got tangled round his foot. He was pulled several feet up into the air, and then he fell down several feet, banging his into the air, and then he fell down severalfeet, banging his head. Im joined by grant wills from the Hereford And Worcester Fire Investors service. Thank you very much forjoining us. How conflict was this operation . Were talking about winching him down 80ft . These kind of operations are compact and challenging. It was a team effort. We worked with our colleagues from the bill and service to the best rescue we possibly could for this individual. Thankfully he was in a fairly stable condition and we were able to choose the best method of exit for him, which in this case was to use lines to allow him down. How do you prepare for incidents like this . , right in thinking, it is pretty unique . Well, thankfully, these incidents are few and far between, theyre not particularly common, and the public do not see these types of resources deployed all the time by the Fire Investors service. But we are training, we are planning, we planned specifically for this eventuality at this site. We actually carry out Training Exercises in the cathedral to do exactly this kind of thing. So when it does actually happen, we are very quick to effect a rescue. And briefly, what was the state of mr bowman when he rescued him . Thankfully, things to the efforts of our anne boleyn is colleagues, he was ina our anne boleyn is colleagues, he was in a very stable condition. Obviously, he had suffered an amount of shock and the best thing that we could do was to keep him stable and not move his back or his neck as much as possible, which was widely used the method that we did. Thank you, grant wills, from the local fire service. And to leave you with a quote from mr bowman which is reported in some of the papers today, he said, it wasjust reported in some of the papers today, he said, it was just an accident, these things do happen sometimes in life. The hollywood musical la la land won five baftas in london last night, including best film, Best Director and best leading actress for emma stone. The Best Actor Award went to Casey Affleck for his role in manchester by the sea. Ken loachs drama i, daniel blake was named best british film. 0ur Entertainment correspondent lizo mzimba was on the red carpet his report contains some flash photography. 0n the red carpet, there was acting royalty like meryl streep and eddie redmayne, writing royalty, likejk rowling, and actual royalty, all there to see which film would be crowned the big winner. La la land. Yes, the musical set in los angeles won five awards, including best film, Best Director and best actress for emma stone. Right now, this country and the us and the world seems to be going through a bit of a time. Hers wasnt the nights only political speech. Producer director ken loach took to the stage after his film i, daniel blake, about a man struggling with the benefits system, won outstanding british film. Thank you to the academy for endorsing the truth of what the film says, which hundreds of thousands of people in this country know. Casey affleck won best actor, one of two awards for grief drama manchester by the sea. Best supporting actress viola davis, for 1950s family drama fences. Speaking afterwards, she said diversity might have improved at this years awards ceremonies, but the real issue is hollywood and the films it decides to make. If there are no films that are being produced, then theres nothing to nominate. One year cant solve a problem. Best supporting actor british star dev patel, for true life story lion. He was clearly overwhelmed to have won. Well, that just happened er. word, words, words, erm. Oh, my god. What was it like when they read out your name . I was completely gobsmacked. All of this isntjust about the glory of winning a bafta, because voting will soon be under way in the all important 0scars. Even before tonight, la la land looked likely to win best picture there, and this evenings strong showing underlines its position as favourite to win best film at the oscars in los angeles in two weeks time. While British Film Talent was somewhat eclipsed at the baftas last night, british musical talent dominated at the Grammy Awards in la, thanks to adele and david bowie. The singer made history becoming the first person to win the top three awards twice. But she didnt want to accept the grammy for best album, saying it should have gone to the American Star beyonce, whom she called the artist of her life. From la, james cook reports. She was the nights big winner, but adele looked far from comfortable with that, and dedicated Album Of The Year to beyonce. But i cant possibly accept this award. My artist of my life is beyonce, and this album, for me, the lemonade album, was just so monumental. The performance by the proudly pregnant megastar was stunning. There is a curse. But this most consequential of artists really was only winning consolation prizes. The night wasnt all adeles. For the second year in a row, she had performance problems. I know its live tv, im sorry, i need to start again. I cant do it again like last year. Im sorry for swearing and im sorry for starting again, can we please start it again . It was a good decision. The second take of her tribute to George Michael was flawless. I miss my baby. Chance the rapper won Best Rap Album and the big best newcomer award. While david bowie won more grammys in death than in life. And then there was the politics. Persist was the word on katy perrys arm a political statement from an artist who campaigned for hillary clinton. Busta rhymes was even less subtle, calling mr trump agent orange. I just want to thank president agent orange for perpetuating all of the evil that youve been perpetuating throughout the united states. This was billed as a Battle Between Beyonce and adele. But behind that simple summary was a deeper layer of questions, not least about race and a country where cultures continue to clash. Time for a look at the weather, with darren bett. And the cold blast is over, or not . Yes, i actually bring you good news, for a change this was yesterday, where the temperatures struggled to about three degrees, in many places. For many parts of the country there was a covering of snow. But it is getting milder by midweek, 12 degrees not out of the question, and no fresh snow, either. Still quite chilly wind today, but at least many parts of the country are seeing some sunshine. You can see the difference lovely blue skies tempering that hold wind here, close to peterborough. But in the north east of scotland, its

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