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Roger federer reaches his first grand slam final in two years with victory over swiss compatriot Stanislas Wawrinka at the australian open. Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. Theresa may is expected to become the first world leader to meet americas new president this evening when she addresses republican congressmen in philadelphia. Tomorrow, she will travel to the white house for formal talks. The Prime Minister is expected to tell her audience tonight that a sovereign, Global Britain wants to enhance ties with its old friends. But some politicians here have reacted to the meeting with misgivings, after mr trump said he supported the use of waterboarding in interrogations. Heres our political correspondent, carole walker. Theresa may says her meeting with President Trump will be an opportunity to renew The Special Relationship, to discuss a Future Trade Deal and the importance of strengthening defence and security cooperation. But how will she respond to the new president s latest remarks . Some of his advisers do not agree with him but donald trump says he would consider methods such as waterboarding to tackle international terrorism. When they are chopping off the heads of people because they happen to be a christian in the middle east, when isis is doing things nobody has heard of since medieval times, but i feel strongly about waterboarding . As far as feel strongly about waterboarding . As farasi feel strongly about waterboarding . As far as i am concerned, we have to Fight Fire With fire. I want to do everything in the bounds of what we can do legally but do i feel it works . Absolutely, i feel it works. The Foreign Secretary says the governments stance is clear. The Prime Minister did answer that question in the House Of Commons yesterday and she was very clear that our principled position and our objection to torture remains unchanged. The Prime Minister has said she will not be afraid to stand up said she will not be afraid to stand up to the american president on issues where they disagree. Yesterday, a senior tory and the raised his concerns. President trump has repeatedly said that he will bring back torture as an instrument of policy. When she sees him on friday, will the Prime Minister make clear that in no circumstances will she permit britain to be dragged into facilitating that torture, as we we re into facilitating that torture, as we were after september 11 . |j into facilitating that torture, as we were after september 11 . I can assure my honourable friend that we have a very clear position on torture, we do not sanction torture, we do not get involved with that and that will continue to be our president. As the Prime Minister continues to negotiate britains the from the eu, she has spoken about the importance of loping of new global ties, the eu is our biggest trading market, with more than £500 billion annually but theresa may knows the progress of a future us trade deal would send an important signal. It is very important for britain and the United States we have better trade agreements, they could be even better with the right kind of deal and it is good that we Work Together on the main issues around the world. And the British Government has been very clear in its stance. The Prime Minister will speak in glowing terms about the importance of The Special Relationship when she addresses Senior Republicans later. She will say the us and uk working together to defeat evil have fulfilled the promise of freedom, liberty and the rights of man, but is under pressure to co nfro nt rights of man, but is under pressure to confront the american president over remarks which many believe fly in the face of those ideals. Theresa may knows that establishing a strong personal rapport will be hugely important. Downing street said there may be frank exchanges, but it is clear that renewing The Special Relationship will be the priority. Gary odonoghue is in philadelphia. Theresa may will address congressmen later today and President Trump is expected to attend, a big moment for the Prime Minister. Expected to attend, a big moment for the Prime Minister. What sort of reception is the Prime Minister likely to get . I think she will get a warm reception, the chemistry when she meets donald trump tomorrow will be fascinating, you could not really imagine two different characters in terms of their personal style. The Torture Issue is difficult because she will be under a lot of pressure to raise that. But what she needs to do when she comes here is the persuade congress to republicans when she speaks to them behind me and the president himself that britain can negotiate a good bilateral trade deal once it is out of the European Union. The difficulty for her is that donald trump is in favour of bilateral trade deals, he really likes them, he hates multilateral deals, but he likes bilateral deals because he believes america can always get the upper hand, the better deal. They can effectively get the best out of those bilateral deals because it is the more powerful country. She will have to come away from washington tomorrow with something to show, some positive words to give some sense of enthusiasm and some bite to her and her governments view that britain can exist properly in trade terms outside the eu. Thank you. Thank you. Our assistant political editor, norman smith, is in westminster. Her meeting with President Trump is certainly going to be a Balancing Act . Well, this was always a meeting which some people in westminster we re which some people in westminster were queasy about given the views of mrtrump on were queasy about given the views of mr trump on various issues, but his comments about torture have made it a lot more problematic. Because this morning, there has been quite a backlash following his remarks, not just from labour politicians, senior conservatives also unhappy about his remarks on using waterboarding, saying that is morally indefensible, legally unacceptable. But there are also Security Implications because the secured the concern is british spies cannot take advantage of american intelligence because we do not know if it is screened from using torture. So for theresa may, her people will wonder how to manage this, we want the best possible relations and yet we know mrs may has said she is quite prepared to be frank with mr dashwood mr trump. We will find out in the next couple of hours exactly how frank mrs may is prepared to be. Hours exactly how frank mrs may is prepared to be. And an important milestone reached in parliament today, regarding brexit. Yes, we have here the brexit bill to begin the process of taking us out of the eu. A pared down, stripped down, Fast Track Bill to be pushed through the commons, starting next tuesday, Done And Dusted by the following wednesday. A number of labour mps have said this is not acceptable, it is an attempt to muzzle mps and gag parliaments, not enough time. One of the Key Developments this lunchtime is Jeremy Corbyn is to order his mps to back this bill. A lot of anger among some labour mps over this, with suggestions it could prompt more resignations from Jeremy Corbyns team, including from the shadow cabinet, so there is the potential that this bill could lead to another Jeremy Corbyn leadership crisis. From westminster, thank you. Those comments were in the new president s first major interview since his inauguration last week. Speaking to the american broadcaster abc, he said protecting the us from terrorism was his top priority. Our World Affairs correspondent, paul adams, reports. It is a very sobering moment, yes. Donald trump is getting used to his new home, following his hallowed and not so hallowed footsteps. Five days after his inauguration, does the 45th president feel like a changed man . Perhaps even humbled. I want to make this a Great Success for the American People and for the people that put me in this position, so i dont want to change too much. So i can be the most president ial person ever, other than possibly the great abe lincoln, all right . But i can be the most president ial person, but i may not be able to do the job nearly as well if i do that. National security has loomed large in this first week. President trump promising once again to suspend the flow of refugees from several arab countries. Youre looking at people that come in, in many cases, in some cases, with evil intentions. I dont want that. Theyre isis. Theyre coming in underfalse pretences, i dont want that. Im going to be the president of a safe country. The world is a mess. The world is as angry as it gets. You think this is going to cause a little more anger . Donald trump says american interests will always come first. Listen to what he says he would have done in iraq. Well, we should have kept the oil when we got out. And you know, its very interesting, had we taken the oil, you wouldnt have isis. Because they fuelled themselves with the oil, thats where they got the money. So you believe we can go in and take the oil . We should have taken the oil. These are some of the pictures that were taken. This is the swearing in. And the first dance with melania. Last weekend, the white house was furious at the suggestion that Donald Trumps inauguration had not attracted record crowds. It still seems to rankle. When you look at this tremendous sea of love, i call it a sea of love, its really something special. That all these people travelled here from all parts of the country, maybe the world, but all parts hard for them to get here. Many of these people were the forgotten men and women, many of them. And they loved what i had to say. But more importantly, theyre going to love the result. Mr trump says it was only massive voter fraud that prevented him from winning the popular vote in november. Most experts say there is simply no evidence. But hes launching an investigation. Youve got people who are registered who are dead, who are illegals, who are in two states, and i will say this. Of those votes cast, none of them come to me, none of them come to me. Donald trump has been the most powerful man in the world for six days. A week of decisions and recriminations, able to start for his legions of fans, an unnerving guns of the future to many others. Paul adams, bbc news. The chancellor, Philip Hammond, says the uks economy is robust and resilient, but hes warned there may be Uncertainty Ahead, as britain adjusts to a new relationship with europe. His comments come as official figures show that the economy defied the expectations of some economists and grew by 0. 6 in the final three months of last year and by 2. 0 over 2016. Our economics editor, kamal ahmed, is at the microsoft headquarters in reading, where the chancellor has been visiting this morning. Yes, famously and rather sarcastically, it was napoleon that called britain a nation of shopkeepers. And frankly, Philip Hammond is probably pretty glad that we are a nation of consumers. It has been the Services Sector of the uk economy, 80 of the uk economy, that has really lifted those Growth Figures. Retail, restaurants and Travel Agents have all been contributing to those Growth Figures. As you say, there were lots of gloomy forecasts about what would happen to the economy if we voted to leave the European Union, which of course we did. I kicked off by asking the chancellor here in reading whether this was a pain cancelled or delayed. Of course, we recognise that as we go into this period of negotiation with the European Union and as we absorb the impacts of the depreciation of stirling last year, there will be more Uncertainty Ahead during the course of this year. But the fact the economy is so robust and resilient going in should give us and resilient going in should give us great cause for optimism about britains future. Of course, brexit and our negotiations for leaving the European Union are at least one of the Big Unknowns The Uk economy, the chancellor told me there were some concerns about Business Investment being delayed because of worries about that uncertainty. But i asked him whether that period of uncertainty was now seeming a little shorter than it had initially. I sense that the period in which our European Partners were wanting to chastise us has passed, has moved on, and actually what people are looking to do now is look for a practical solution that works for us, that works for the European Union and that will make all our people more prosperous in the future. I think now of course Philip Hammond will be looking towards his next big event and that is the budget in march. But Growth Figures for 2016 mean that the government will have a bit more money to play with because the government and its receipts will have increased from taxes, does not mean we are out of the woods, the Bank Of England saying growth for next year will be lower than forecast for this year, but for the moment, the uk economy is certainly continuing with that strong, robust growth that we have seen today. Thank you. The number of prisoners who committed Suicide Injails in england and wales last year has reached record levels. The Ministry Ofjustice says there were 119 suicides the highest number since records began in 1978. Our home affairs correspondent, tom symonds, reports. Last year, the bbc was given rare access to one britains most troubled prisons. It didnt take long for our team to come across the Mental Health problems driving todays rise in prisoners killing and harming themselves. Do you need help . Yes, yes, yes. Help. This man had cuts across his body. Another inmate had smashed up his cell, painted its walls. He said his conditions had been diagnosed, had been diagnosed, but not well treated. I am asking for help, but the service seems to be so slow. From this picture of life behind bars to the figures which measure the problem. 354 deaths were recorded in 2015 16, up more than a third, a record number. 119 were self inflicted, another record. And there were more than 25,000 assaults, yet again a record. The governments focus has been on restoring numbers of Prison Officers, which had previously been cut. We are investing an extra £100 million, 2,500 extra Prison Officers across the estate, so that we are able to have a caseload of one Prison Officer for every six prisoners enabling us to give support and challenge to help them turn their lives around, but also making sure that they are kept safe while they are in prison. Is it a crisis . Its a very serious situation and ive acknowledged that. If shes going to be serious about saving lives and making prisons safer, and making prisons work better to serve the purpose and reduce crime, putting in more staff is only one thing. She has in the end to reduce the number of people in them. Prisons are overflowing, theyre rat infested, cockroach infested, and theyre festering with crime. Getting tough with prisoners is easy politics for the government. Increasing Officer Numbers is achievable, yet brings financial pressures. But cutting the number of people in prison, well, thats a real challenge. Tom symonds, bbc news. You can find out more online. At bbc. Co. Uk prisons. Our top story this lunchtime. The Prime Minister heads to the United States to become the first world leader to meet the new president. And still to come. The last of the dambusters a petition to honour georgejohnson is handed in to downing street. Coming up in sport at 1 30pm Will England Captain eoin morgan be made to rue putting india into bat in kanpur . Well have the latest from the first twenty20 international, as england look to take the early advantage. He spent 186 days in space on board the International Space station and the british astronaut tim peake says hes going back for more. The 44 year old says hes excited about returning, and looking forward to seeing the spectacular view of planet earth again. Hes been talking about his plans at londons Science Museum, where the Soyuz Spacecraft that launched him into orbit and returned him to earth went on public display today. Our science correspondent pallab ghosh is there. So here it is, the Space Capsule that took tim peake into space. And as you said, its now on permanent display here at the Science Museum. Early today, tim and his capsule we re early today, tim and his capsule were reunited for the First Time Since he returned to earth. Its been to the Space Station and back, and now the final leg of its epicjourney. The capsule that sent tim peake into orbit and brought him back safely. The soyuz has landed at the Science Museum in london. Its like unwrapping a Christmas Present for the staff here, revealing a singed, scorched piece of britains scientific history. This is notjust any soyuz capsule. It is tim peakes soyuz capsule. He was inside when he first experienced the wonders of space. And he was looking through this very window when he saw what it was like to re enter the earths atmosphere. And now hes been told hell be given another mission to the Space Station, in a few years time. Its great news for myself and my colleagues that were going to get the opportunity for a Second Mission back to the International Space station. Its wonderful news for the future of European Space travel. The Science Museum want the display to be an inspiration for schoolchildren. It already is. Absolutely amazing. What do you like about it . Well, just knowing its been in space. You can actually really smell the capsule. It smells of burnt metal. Its smaller than i expected as well. Tim came Back To Earth in his capsule last year. It is now a celebration of britains recent history of sending astronauts into space. The return to earth is the most exciting ride of all time in space. You feel the g build up and you can see the outside surface bubbling away as you come through the atmosphere. The parachutes open up and you bump down on the ground. Many of the children here want to follow in tim and helens footsteps, but not all of them. Who wants to be an astronaut . Many children me not me. Thank you. Everyone here is really excited, especially at the news that tim is going to get another mission to the Space Station. We dont know exactly when, but it will be some time, probably, between 1919 between 2019, and 2024, so not long to wait before we can relive all that excitement of last year, all over again. The number of cars being built in the uk has reached a 17 year high because of continued economic recovery in europe. The society of Motor Manufacturers and traders says more than 1. 7 million vehicles were made last year but they warned that investment in the industry is falling due to uncertainty about brexit. Our Industry Correspondent john moylan reports. Its a british brand thats in demand the world. This is the new discovery, the latest model from midlands based jaguar land rover. Last year, more than 540,000 cars rolled offjlrs production lines, making it britains biggest car maker. Making it britains biggest carmaker. We had a fantastic december. Sales injanuary remains strong as well. In fact even in markets like china, we have the best sales month in our history in december. In 2016 uk plants produced more than1. 7 december. In 2016 uk plants produced more than 1. 7 million cars, a 17 year high. And we exported record numbers. 1. 35 million, more than half of that went to the eu. But investment fell to £1. 6 billion, down around one third on the previous year. Thats falling investment would appear to be the clearest sign yet that the clearest sign yet that the clearest sign yet that the clearest sign yet that brexit is having an impact and that the uncertainties surrounding our future trading arrangements has caused some investment to be put on hold. Anecdotally we are getting comments from an array of our members that effectively left they are sitting on their hands, waiting to see what the future will hold and waiting for the future will hold and waiting for the greater certainty about future relationships with europe. Despite the vote to leave the eu last year nissan said it would build two new models here, after receiving support and assurances from the government. Aston martin and mclaren also announced major investment funds. But brexit means the uk now has to negotiate a new trade deal with the eu and some fear the prolonged negotiations could prove highly damaging. So we want to see prefera bly damaging. So we want to see preferably as much access to the single market. If that is not maintained, then there is the question about investment in the uk in the car industry and how many pla nts in the car industry and how many plants will remain here in the long term. The industry wants tariff free trade with the eu to keep our car exports growing. Production is set to hitan exports growing. Production is set to hit an all time high by the end of the decade. The big unknown is what will happen after that. John moylan, bbc news. The mystery of a body found a year ago on Saddleworth Moor in Greater Manchester has finally been solved. Police made numerous public appeals for information after he was found lying on the hillside with no identification or phone. Now a dna match has uncovered his identity. Judith moritz is at dovestone reservoir, on the moors. Yes, it was at this beauty spot on the edge of Saddleworth Moor, at around 12 oclock, the middle of the day, on the 15th Of December in 2015, Passing Cyclist discovered the body of a man. Now at first it was thought that he had had a heart attack, had been out walking and suffered a heart attack or something similar, but then the police, who we re similar, but then the police, who were called by the Mountain Rescue here, came and said that their belief was that he had deliberately chosen come here to die. The problem for the police was they had no idea who he who the man was. On his body when they found him there were no documents, no wallet, no mobile phone, nothing like that. The pieces of the jigsaw have taken more than a year to establish who he was. What they did find on the mans body were tickets. That took them to Ealing Broadway station in london. He was ca ptu red Broadway Station in london. He was captured there on cctv. They were able, through looking at that footage, to create an e fit drawing of the man and to follow lots of different lines of enquiry. Both in the uk and also over in pakistan, because the other thing found with the mans body was a small pot of strychnine poisoning, which was traced to pakistan, along with a medical implants in the mans lead. Its taken more than a year and theyve been combing flight records, but the police today have said through the Coroners Court that the man was david lytton, 67 years old, from london. They discovered he flew to the uk two days before he died from lahore in pakistan and theyve been able to make a dna match with one of his relatives. There will be a full inquest heard in due course, when more information will emerge. We are told that mr liptons family have been told about all of this and are being comforted david lyttons family have been told and are being comforted. Poverty is blighting the lives of nearly one in five children in the uk and those from the most deprived backgrounds are experiencing much worse health compared with the most affluent. Thats according to the Royal College of paediatrics and child health, which says the uk is lagging behind most western European Countries on measures such as infant mortality rates, Breast Feeding and child obesity. Our Health Correspondent Dominic Hughes reports. Hi, im sophie, and im an emotional wreck. Anxiety, depression and the need to be listened to. And i need help. These are the themes of a short play on Mental Health performed by students in liverpool, and echoed in todays report on the health of young people and children. It paints a picture of the uk struggling to match other countries and even fallen behind. Evidence has been developing that all is not well with our childrens health. Its the first time weve pulled together a proper picture across all four countries and the news is not good. Some of the issues that Raise Concerns over the state of child health include just 34 of babies breast fed to six months, less than half the rate in norway. 40 of children in englands most deprived areas are overweight or obese. And half of adult Mental Health problems start before the age of 14. For the drama group in liverpool, Mental Health issues are a priority. Mental health is not seen physically but it doesnt mean its not there. Our production will mainly be to get rid of that stigma about Mental Health and just educate our audience a bit more about Mental Health. It challenges all four governments of the uk to consider the impact their policies will have on children. Theyve responded by restating commitments to improve childrens health. Dominic hughes, bbc news, liverpool. The last surviving member of the famous Dambusters Raid Georgejohnson was in his early 20s when he and the rest of Bomber Command squadron 617 embarked on the Perilous Mission to destroy dams in germany in 1943. Last year he was passed overfor a knighthood, after being nominated for his charity work and service to the country. Today, his friend Carol Vorderman is going to parliament along with gulf war veteran john nichol in a campaign to get that decision changed. Fiona lamdin reports. The mile long march from Bomber Command memorial to downing street, with the hope of finally honouring a hero. Georgejohnson, with the hope of finally honouring a hero. George johnson, known with the hope of finally honouring a hero. Georgejohnson, known as johnny, seen here on the far left. One of the 133 men who flew over germany to bomb downs. More than a third of them never going home. People to say to me, were you frightened . People to say to me, were you frightened . I people to say to me, were you frightened . I said well, i think anybody who saw that for the first time must have been at least a bit apprehensive. If not, they were either devoid of emotion or strangers to the truth. But johnny has never been recognised for the party played on the 16th of may, 1943. Despite being nominated, he didnt appear on the new years honours list. I hadnt realised he had been nominated, but then realised hed been snubbed in the new yea rs realised hed been snubbed in the new years honours list, it was an insult not only to him but also to those he fought with and those who adore him, and im one of them. And shes not alone. Hundreds of thousands, up and down the country, agree. And so today, Carol Vorderman, along with raf veteran john nichol, took their message to the Prime Minister. Im not saying johnny is more worthy than a Fashion Designer or a celebrity or a sports man or a designer or a celebrity or a Sports Man Ora tv designer or a celebrity or a sports man or a tv personality, but its those people are worthy of awards, thenjohnny is worth one, 100 fold. Injust three weeks, thenjohnny is worth one, 100 fold. In just three weeks, over 200,000 people have signed the petition. But whetherjohnnyjohnson, our last surviving dambuster, appears on the queens list next time remains to be seen. Queens list next time remains to be seen. Vienna landing, bbc news. The weather now with sarah keith lucas. We have some

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