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She retires from Amateur Boxing to pursue other Career Opportunities. Good afternoon, and welcome to the bbc news at one. An investigation into the death of a prisoner has found a catalogue of failures contributed to his suicide and he should have been in hospital not prison. 25 year old Dean Saunders electrocuted himself at chelmsford prison in essex in january last year. The Prison Ombudsman said that staff ignored significant risk factors when they cut back observation of him injail. It comes as figures due out later this week are expected to show the number of suicides in prisons in england and wales last year was at record levels. Heres our social Affairs Correspondent Michael Buchanan Dean Saunders had no previous history of Mental Illness but in December 2015 the young father suddenly became paranoid and delusional, convinced he had to kill himself. On a daytoday basis, trying to understand he was ill in the first place. His family was plunged into despair. Within hours he had attacked his brother and father with a knife. Already injured, mark could only watch as his son took a Kitchen Knife to his own throat. He brought the knife down eddie did not cut. And thats when me and him both realised in his haste to pick the knife up it was the back of the blade which had gone to his throat. As dean tried to kill himself mark was stabbed in the stomach but held the knife in place to save his sons life. At that time i thought i cannot let him have the knife and i put my hand over the top of his so he couldnt pull it out. As he pulled it out, i held it in. I could not let him have that knife. Woods was charged with Attempted Murder and centre chelmsford prison. Though initially on constant watch, three staff, none who were medically trained or had read notes, put his observation down to every half hour. Isaid to observation down to every half hour. I said to them if you dont put him back on constant watch he will kill himself. You cant say you didnt know. It will be your fault. Efforts we re know. It will be your fault. Efforts were made to move dean to move to a secure hospital. But it never happened. 0n secure hospital. But it never happened. On january four he secure hospital. But it never happened. 0njanuary four he killed himself. His parvenu now has to raise their son without his father. We openly talk about dean to teddy. We openly talk about dean to teddy. We say daddy this, danny that. I suppose i kind of promised dean there will never be a day that will pass that teddy wont know how much you love him. Team was so looking forward to the point where teddy would be walking and running around and kicking a football with him. Two days after dean went, teddy started walking. He missed that by two days. Todays report says Dean Saunders should have been in hospital not present. But basic failure contributed to this loving family being ripped apart. This report comes in a week where there is focus on a number of suicides in prisons. It is suggested the number in 2016 will be 130. We will get the official ones later this week. It will show the numbers have doubled around five years. The charity are saying when you look at staff and budget cuts in prisons and at the same time you getting a rising prison pitch in relation, you have toxic mix in these pop places and prisons themselves are not safe for a lot of vulnerable individuals. The point the Saunders Family want to make is reiterated in this report from the Prison Ombudsman is that prisons are not learning. Woodss death was a tragedy. There have been for suicides in that prison since 2015. The same issues come up again and again and what soon Saunders Family and many other campaigners wa nt family and many other campaigners want is that we start learning from these incidents. And that the paper work around this should not be a Tick Box Exercise will stop Downing Street says theresa may was told about a trident missile test, but Downing Street will not confirm what an eye reports that she was told it had malfunctioned. She was under a huge amount of pressure yesterday to reveal how much she knew. We have a better idea 110w much she knew. We have a better idea now but not the full picture. There isa now but not the full picture. There is a Growing Clamour across all parties the clarity about what an earth happened with this apparent botched trident test. Some reports suggest the missile was so badly of course it was even heading in the direction of america. Yet the response from number ten so far has been pretty much to hunker down and say as little as possible. Mrs maher yesterday refused to answer four times what she knew and when and today her press spokesman during pretty much the same thing. Merely saying she was given a briefing about Nuclear Issues when she moved into number ten and that included this test by hms vengeance. But crucially not saying whether she had been told the test had gone wrong or evenif been told the test had gone wrong or even if it has gone wrong. The difficulty here is that even some of her supporters, former defence ministers, say the Position Isjust not tenable, that the truth will come out. That is not sufficient to say this is an operational matter, matter of National Security, because they say other countries including russia will probably have known about this test and whether the missile had gone of course. More than that, if you asking parliament to sanction £40 billion of additional spending to upgrade trident then the mps have a legitimate right to know. So you sense that whether defect Defence Secretary appears in the commons, not voluntarily, he is being forced to appear, but when he does so he will have to be pretty good at the political bodycheck and storm will the wet stone wall because he will face a lot of questions. The Prime Minister has launched the governments new Industrial Strategy for a post Brexit Britain during her first Cabinet Meeting in the north west of england. Theresa may says the government will take a new, active role focusing on science, technology and infrastructure. 0ur Industry Correspondent john moylan reports. How can the government ensure the economy is fit for the future . For the business secretary greg clark, places like this are part of the answer. It is a new Automotive Innovation Centre in warwick, backed by government and industry money, designed to keep our carmakers firing on all cylinders. 0ne one of the big things of our Industrial Strategy to build on our great successes but to help drive growth in all parts of the country. The Industrial Strategy will be committed to driving very hard, to spread the opportunities right across the country and to drive, notjustjobs but really good, well paying jobs in all parts of the country. The strategy was unveiled by the Prime Minister at a regional Cabinet Minister meeting. It sets out plans to boost productivity. Will it help 01 to boost productivity. Will it help or regions the uk . Reason Industrial Strategy that combines hard and stopped into structure. We need the Transport Spending that has been talked about but we also need to see skills strategy, education right back to an early years, if we are going to make sure the northern economy can flourish. The strategy will play to our strengths. 0ther Structures will also be abstracted as the governments would. 0ver Structures will also be abstracted as the governments would. Over the yea rs governments as the governments would. Over the years governments of all shades have blown hot and cold over whether we need an Industrial Strategy or not. The bid test of this plan is will it keep the Economy Firing on also and is as we prepare to leave the eu. This high tech auto farm in berkshire makes gearboxes racing ca rs. Berkshire makes gearboxes racing cars. Its boss wants any strategy to deliver certainty for the long term. We invest his apparent here into training and people and the expertise we need, into technology into machinery. We are looking for some degree of certainty that the environment we operate in is going to be stability for it, right through, we know if we make the investment we can make the return if things arent going to change. £4. 7 billion of funding announced last autumn will back the plan and there is new money to boost skills in science, technology and maths education. Today labour court is all too little too late. The lib dems said any strategy while leaving the eus Single Market is laughable. 0ur Political Correspondent Eleanor Garnier is in daresbury in cheshire how important will this be for that man . The biggest challenge in theresa mays inbox is brexit. This is all about equipping the country, getting it ready for brexit but getting it ready for brexit but getting the economy brexit ready to. It means boosting skills across the country. Its why shes come here to this campus near warrington to emphasise the importance of Regional Development and highlight her governments commitment to investing in places like the north and the midlands. It isnt the First Industrial strategy weve had from the government. But what is interesting about this one is it is far more active and interventionist. It shows she thinks the benefits of Business Success will only spread around the country with the help of government pushing it along. The pressure is on the government to make sure this isntjust about one cash injections here and there but about the long term impact. And of course to make sure that these new skills are developed in time, ready for life outside the eu. There is also pressure to make sure that this does reach every part of the uk and Notjust London does reach every part of the uk and not just london and the does reach every part of the uk and Notjust London and the southeast. That is to meet the government aim ofan that is to meet the government aim of an economy that works for everyone. Labour is worried about the money. They say there isnt enough cash being put into to equip the country for the challenges of the country for the challenges of the 21st century. Thank you. President trump says he has a busy week ahead with the Focus On Manufacturing Jobs and National Security. Thats what he tweeted a short time ago at the start of his first full working week at the white house. 0ur correspondent Richard Lister looks at what else may be at the top of his in tray. This is Donald Trumps workplace now. He is embarking on a programme of radical change. He had the oval office redecorated, too, bringing in gold curtains and a bust of winston churchill. He said today would be his first proper working day. So what was his to do list look like . If he sticks to his campaign promises, it looks like this. Near the top is repeal of 0bama care. The former president S Health Care reforms which trump actually began dismantling on friday. He says he will withdraw from the Transpacific Trade Partnership with 12 pacific rim countries. The white house insists that will happen. Mr trump said he would also abolish gun free zones in places like schools on day one. Though that will take legislation. Then there is this. |j would legislation. Then there is this. would very very strongly get rid of the attack on the border. We have a border like a piece of swiss cheese. People are pouring through. That border will be this big single first thing i do. He has changed his position on the new border wall, suggesting it would not be bought along the whole border and he might not suggest mexico pay for it upfront. But his supporters would expect action quickly. It is not just american board as he is looking at. President trump has pledged to move the us embassy in israel from tel aviv to jerusalem. The palestinians say this will undermine their own demands for stated. The white house has concerned talks are underway. 0ther capitals are also anticipating a new relationship. Moscow said today it expects to arrange a first phone call between putin and trump soon. Translation we see quite a few things i to eye on foreign policy. Something is donald trump has said closely overlap with president putins foreign policy. Theresa may has already bagged the first meeting with trump. But that is at the end of the week. If his first week of the day is any guide, his primary focus from now will be on domestic issues, jobs, National Security and manufacturing. The issues on which those who voted for him would judge his presidency. Our correspondent Gary Odonoghue is in washington. What a extraordinary start was presidency. Absolutely extraordinary. A Vitriolic Battle With The Press over the weekend, over the numbers that make tended his inauguration. Perhaps setting the tone for a confrontational and abrasive relationship to go forward. Then this first week he has promised to hit the ground running. Today he is meeting with Business Leaders and unions, which i think is perhaps an indication that trade will be one of the first things he takes concrete steps on. We are hearing that he is planning to sign an Executive Order pulling out of the transpacific partnership. That is the deal with those countries in asia that accou nts those countries in asia that accounts for Something Like 40 of world gdp. That seems dead in the water. Of course what will happen with the wall. We seen actions on signing some kind of order to Start Building the wall along the mexican border. Meanwhile he has problems with his Cabinet Nominees in the senate. Only two of the cabinet in place at the moment. To borrow likely to be voted on this afternoon. At this stage during a bombers First Administration he had seven bombers First Administration he had seven in place already. From tonight on the Bbc News Channel we have a new programme covering the start of Donald Trumps presidency and the impact it could have an brexit. If you regularly roast, fry or Grill Potatoes and bread at high temperatures for a long time it could increase the risk of cancer thats according to government scientists. The Food Standards Agency says a potentially harmful compound, called acrylamide, is produced. But other experts say the focus should be on far more well established foods and habits with links to cancer like smoking and drinking. Our Health Correspondent Robert Pigott reports. A new warning about food in one strikes the heart of the nations diet. Food Scientists Say best Selling Products such as risks, ca kes, Selling Products such as risks, cakes, crisps and biscuits contain a compound that can damage the dna in cells. It is created when the molecules that make up protein reacted high temperatures. Toast roast and fried can create it. We know in Animal Studies it can create cancer and so we know in Animal Studies it can create cancer and so we are know in Animal Studies it can create cancer and so we are concerned, if there is the same mechanism in people, that higher exposures could increase peoples rests. The official advice is to make fry and grill to a lighter colour, following instructions on packaging carefully, not storing potatoes in the fridge and eating a balanced diet to minimise the risk of cancer. Even our daily toast is under scrutiny. The Food Standards Agency says we should go for gold rather than brown or, still less, black. With toast on the menu at this glasgow cafe, the advice got a mixed reception. would think twice. Yeah. Think twice about it. Id quite a lot of burnt toast. I burnett even blacker and eat it. Doesnt matter what you eat they Say Something or kill you. The foods Standards Agency says though the content has reduced over a lifetime we are still eating too much. An expert on risky sceptical. I think it is a bit over precautionary. It has been around ever since precautionary. It has been around ever since someone precautionary. It has been around ever since someone stuck a piece of bear it in front of a fire. But there is no strong evidence that it causes cancer in humans. If you give massive doses to mice they have increased risk of tumours. But the man people consumers hundreds of times less than that. Cancer research uk says chromite may the chemical may cause a risk but there are worst risks like being appeased, and smoking. Report finds a catalogue of failures in helping the vulnerable man who should have been in hospital not prison. And Milton Keynes. Johanna konta is set to battle serena williams. Almost 8000 motorists were caught using hand held mobiles at the wheel in just a week during a Major Police Operation in november. 36 forces took part in the exercise. The figures have been released as a new clamp down starts today. Its all part of an attempt to make driving whilst using a hand held mobile as socially unacceptable as Drink Driving. Duncan kennedy reports. Eight oclock this morning and the rush hour rash of drivers on their phones is already underway. We are out withjohn phones is already underway. We are out with john and phones is already underway. We are out withjohn and adam from Hampshire Police and they soon come across this man using his device. They pull him over. And he accepts what he has done and gets a fixed penalty notice. Lesson learned . I think so. Yes, its my first time so it isa think so. Yes, its my first time so it is a lesson learned. On another road this man is texting. Even in a slow traffic it is an offence to use your phone. He too is pulled over and givena your phone. He too is pulled over and given a ticket. We carry on and even with the added dangers of todayss fog drivers continue to use their phones. That driver has now about to get on his way. He is the fourth driver we have stopped here this morning and we have only been out for one hour. No wonder todays figures show such a huge increase in a number of drivers using their phones at the wheel. In a one week nationwide Police Operation last november, nearly 8000 people were stopped using a mobile phone. That is nearly four times the numberjust phone. That is nearly four times the number just two years phone. That is nearly four times the numberjust two years ago. Had we break this habit . I think it is combination of education, enforcement on our part and changes to legislation which the governed have planned. It has taken 30 odd yea rs have planned. It has taken 30 odd years for Drink Driving to become unacceptable. We need the use of mobile devices in the cost becomes socially unacceptable as well. In 2015, this man was killed by a driver using his phone. His brother says the public must wake up to this menace. You kind of forget this post be looking at the road. Its easy to do. People need to learn not to pick up do. People need to learn not to pick up the phone at all when theyre in the car. In march the finds and Penalty Points will double the drivers using mobile phones. The lawyers trying to get ahead of this human behaviour, but it is not there yet. New efforts to resolve the six year old conflict in syria are under way in kazakhstan. Its the first time talks between the Syrian Government and rebels have been convened by russia, turkey and iran rather than the united nations. Our chief International Correspondent lyse doucet is in astana in kazahkstan the talks are underway. What has been said so far . You can see the huddles behind me as journalists from Around The World surround either the government representatives or the opposite is to representatives when i come out of brief the press. There is huge interest because so much is new. It is the first time syria talks over the last six year s have been convened here in kazakhstan in russias backyard. Its the first time theyve been sponsored by russia, turkey and iran. Its the first time the rebel commanders who are sitting at the table. The day began with an Opening Ceremony where again, for the first time, rebel Commander Sat at the same table in public with Syrian Military generals. Nobody walked out. They listened to their opening statements. That mighty mike is more step but after six years of absolutely devastating war, and all your viewers will have seen those devastating issues. This is a small steps forward. No sooner did the ceremony and then the opposition we re ceremony and then the opposition were accused of making a speech described as insolent and provocative. The opposition said he was trying to provokes them into leaving and they would stay. We know now they are meeting and being mediated by russian, turkish or un officials. They may make some problem press but the end of the war wont happen any time soon. The welsh first minister, carwynjones, has called for britain to retain full and unfettered access to the european Single Market after brexit. His labour party has joined forces with plaid cymru and the Welsh Liberal Democrats to publish proposals to restrict Freedom Of Movement to those eu migrants who already have a job offer in the uk. Theresa may has said that britain will leave the Single Market. Rescue teams are continuing to search for 23 people who are still missing after a hotel in Central Italy was swamped by an avalanche last wednesday. Nine survivors have been pulled alive from the ruins so far. Yesterday rescuers found the body of a man, taking the death toll to six. A hotel at the bottom of the mountain was hit by the avalanche, triggered by an earthquake. She has two olympic gold medals to her name and now the british boxer nicola adams has announced shes turning professional. The 34 year old who is great britains first female Olympic Boxing champion is now turning her back on tokyo 2020 to pursue other Career Opportunities as Katie Gornall reports. The report contains flash photography. Nicola adams is the first woman to win two olympic titles in the boxing ring. As britains most successful recognisable female boxer, she is used to breaking new ground. Now she is seeking a new challenge will stop after winning the gold in 20121 decided i wanted to stay amateur and continue my career as a parameter, because i wanted to leave the amateur game a World Champion as well as olympic. I decided to stay, to fossil might goals. I wanted to be double olympic, World Champion and be written one. As a parameter she has nothing left to prove. In rio she became the first boxer to defend olympic title in a long time. She is also the reigning european commonwealth champion. Every major fight ending with that famous smile. Her announcement means giving up the chance to represent team gb. Today gb boxing released a statement praising her huge contribution to the Olympic Pope Programme and the sport itself. Her place in history is secured. Shes following katie taylor into the game. She was recently featured on the undercard of anthony taylor. The hull city and england midfielder, ryan mason, is in a stable condition in hospital, after suffering a fractured skull during yesterdays Premier League game at chelsea. He underwent surgery following a clash of heads with the chelsea defender, gary cahill. Mason, whos 25, is expected to remain in hospital for several days. Milton keynes is celebrating its fiftieth birthday today. Originally designated a new town, its now home to 270 thousand people and contributes more than ten billion pounds a year to the uk economy. As Graham Satchell reports, the town was a unique experiment never again repeated. A beautiful name for a Milton Keynes was the last of the post war new towns, a collection of villages tween london and birmingham it would become home to a quarter of a million people. The big Inspiration Bit behind Milton Keynes is Community Without propinquity, lots of people together but not all densely packed in. From the care you can see it, a grade. Each square is a community with no real centre. An american style town built for the car. One of the principles was read my choice. If you think about the great it always gives you the option to go another way. Ken baker was pa rt to go another way. Ken baker was part of the original design team 50 yea rs part of the original design team 50 years ago. Melt Milton Keynes has the freedom of choice. And the grid offers that. The grid gives freedom . Yes. While some hated Milton Keynes is surprisingly it has 180 miles of footpaths and cycle tracks, the Fastest Growing economy in the uk 22 Million Trees and shrubs. It has 40 green space. Its a brilliant place to build a business. Grow farrelly. Anything you want to do. The government has announced 14 new garden towns and villages. Can they learn lessons from Milton Keynes . M is not part of the original masterplan. Its incredibly narrow, theres nowhere to park. Milton keynes itself is expanding rapidly but campaigners say new developers here are two densely populated. And that the original principles of the town have been lost. Myopic people with the wrong agenda who dont realise the greatness of what they have that has been copied all over the world. But here they are busy destroying it love it or hate it nothing with the open spaces, the high minded design principles, has been tried since. And 50 years on nothing is planned today. Finally, thousands of Air Passengers are facing delays and cancellations due to fit fog across southern england. Heathrow airport says it has cancelled around a hundred flights due to poor visibility. With more on the vile fog. Visibility is picking up but it caused problems not just visibility is picking up but it caused problems notjust at airports but on the roads. This was captured by one of our weather watchers

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