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As Britains Dan Evans pulls off the best win of his career, beating seventh seed, marin cilic. And coming up in sport comes ryder cup captain thomas bjorn gets an extra world ca rd cup captain thomas bjorn gets an extra world card wild card choice in a revamped accommodation for next year. Revamped competition for next year. Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. The president of the European Commission Jean Claude Juncker has told the European Parliament that he will do everything he can to ensure that the negotiations over britains exit from the European Union end in a good result for all concerned. But he also admitted the negotiations would be very, very, very difficult. Our europe correspondent gavin lee reports. A clear view from westminster, cold comfort to eu officials meeting in strasbourgs European Parliament today. A sad, surrealist state of affairs, that was the brief tweet from donald tusk, and when the sudden clarity was welcomed here, seven months after the brexit vote, the verdict from joseph muscutt, the maltese president , is that he will work to make sure that britain doesnt get a better eu trade deal than what is already available. This is not a happy event for us. We want afairdeal is not a happy event for us. We want a fair dealfor the is not a happy event for us. We want a fair deal for the united is not a happy event for us. We want a fair dealfor the united kingdom, but that deal necessarily needs to be inferior than membership. This should not come as a surprise to anyone. Translation over the last years, i have been sorry to see that solidarity was not always forthcoming. And i deplore the fact that for the first time in the history of europe, some countries have not applied the decisions taken in an area as sensitive as asylum, although significant progress has been made in other places. There was reason for optimism elsewhere. Hungarys Foreign Minister called for the widest possible trade deal, warning of the risk of making europe less competitive if forcing britain to make quick trade deals elsewhere. The clarity of theresa mays message has brought more questions, and the scepticism across europe about whether a clean break from the scepticism across europe about whether a clean breakfrom the eu is possible. There are less than ten weeks to go until article 50 is triggered, and with what theresa may has now clearly set out, negotiators on both sides will beginning to starting to formulate their opening positions. Theresa may has been defending her plans for the uk to leave the European Union. During Prime Ministers questions, she told mps that she wanted to put the divisions over brexit in the past, and work for an outward looking, prosperous, tolerant and independent britain. But she was critisised by the Labour Leader, Jeremy Corbyn, for not giving mps a proper opportunity to scrutinise the deal. Heres our political correspondent, iain watson. If newspapers had a vote, theresa may would be guaranteed a landslide election victory. But there was a less dashing response when she faced mps for the First Time Since her speech. The Labour Leader said she should have delivered it here, in parliament. Restoring parliamentary democracy whilst sidelining parliament. Mr speaker, its not so much the iron lady, as the irony lady. Jeremy corbyn did notjust attack the venue for the speech, but the content, particularly the Prime Ministers warning that britain can become a low tax, low Regulation Economy if she failed to get a good deal. Can i urge her to stop her threats of a Bargain Basement brexit . The Prime Minister quoted Jeremy Corbyn herself to argue that labour had no brexit plan of their own. She has said leave the Single Market then at the same time so she wants to have access to the Single Market. Im not quite sure how thats going to go down in europe. I think we have to have a deal that ensures we have access to the market. Laughter ive got a plan, he doesnt have a clue. One of her own mps urged her to debate each part of her plan here in the house of commons. Would she consider at least publishing all of those 12 objectives in a white paper, so that we can debate them here in this place on behalf of all out here in this place on behalf of all our constituents . What we usually see at Prime Ministers questions as the opposition attacking the government, and the government responding, but brexit cuts through party lines and party loyalties, so there are some conservatives who are worried that theresa mays decision to come out of the Single Market, and within the labour party some of Jeremy Corbyns own backbenchers thinks he is not taking a Strong Enough stance and opposing the Prime Ministers approach. This former Shadow Chancellor said his own Party Leadership should have been more vocalin leadership should have been more vocal in standing up ownership of the Single Market. For me, that is a pretty black and white issue and it is something we should call out and say it is bad for our economy, that is our gti think as labour the numbers of parliament. Back in the commons, it was argued that leaving the Single Market would hitjobs and incomes. Does the Prime Minister believes this is a price worth paying for her Little Britain brexit . I repeat what i said earlier, we will be working for the best possible deal to get access to the Single Market. Sow divisions within the Political Parties were on display even before we begin the formal process of leaving the eu. Iain watson, bbc news. In a moment, well talk to our assistant Political Editor norman smith in westminster, but first our europe correspondent Kevin Connolly is in strasbourg. A rather conciliar truth tone struck in the European Parliament, though it was made conciliar tree tone struck, though it was made clear that negotiations will be difficult. Thats right, given that most european politicians, especially in a place like strasbourg here, view brexit with incompetence ability. There was no big well prepared with incomprehensible at it was the were working with a view snippet from a speech, and we are working with a view clips from a news conference, but the tone from Jean Claude Juncker, who is conference, but the tone from jean claudejuncker, who is going to bea jean claudejuncker, who is going to be a very important figure on the european side sounded pretty conciliatory. He was pleased with what he called clarifications from theresa may, and although the talks we re theresa may, and although the talks were going to be very difficult, he was going to do his best to make sure there was a good outcome, fair for both sides. Everyone here will tell you the same thing. They cant afford to let britain look like it is better off after leaving, so at the end of this we will be left with a semantic debate, i think, whether british negotiators and european negotiators understand the same thing when they say that a deal is fairand thing when they say that a deal is fair and reasonable for both sides. That is where a lot of the talking is going to come. Our assistant Political Editor norman smith is in westminster. How much pressure is the Prime Minister and at westminster . You would think mrs may would be under huge pressure, that she would be really feeling the heat, because, lets be clear, she has pretty much put her head on the block with a proposed brexit deal. More than that, she has massively ratcheted up the stakes, by suggesting will walk away from any deal if we dont like it by insisting that she wants to strike an agreement within two years, which many people think is hopelessly ambitious and unachievable, and by seeking what looks like, pretty much, a special, golden deal for britain, where we get everything we want from the Single Market and the customs union, and we get rid of all the nasty things we dont like. And yet, i have to say, theresa may was oozing confidence in the commons today. She was on a roll, she was swatting away criticism from the Labour Leader, saying i have a plan, im sticking to it, its called leadership, you should try it. And i think the reason for that optimism is a view that brussels will blink first is when it comes to brexit, that they will not want to damage trading links with britain, they will not wa nt links with britain, they will not want to go down the road of tariffs. Secondly, i think she knows she has to walk the walk to get her game face on, if shes going to go into these negotiations, but above all, i think she has looked at what happened to her predecessor, david cameron, who also went to get a deal and came back with one that was widely derided, and i think she has concluded that if she is going to get a good deal, she has to be prepared to bang the negotiating table, and, if necessary, to leave the negotiating table. The foreign secretary, borisjohnson, has said other countries are queuing up to sign trade deals with the uk once it leaves the eu. Mrjohnson also said the uk would not be hauling up the drawbridge, despite new Migration Controls promised by theresa may. He was speaking as he arrived for a two day visit to india. I think that the Prime Minister set out a very powerful, very positive vision yesterday, for how we can do a deal that will notjust benefit our friends in the rest of the eu, but also drive growth in the rest of the world. And one of the points i am going to be making here in india is that we think we can do Free Trade Deals that will be for the benefit of both our countries, both britain and india, as well. Our economics editor kamal ahmed is in davos. Queuing up . Is that the impression you get . I think, sophie, ithink, sophie, of i think, sophie, of course in this situation where you have the worlds fifth or sixth largest economy, depending on how you measure it, no country is going to say to and bullion foreign secretary, do you know what, we dont a deal with you. Of course there are some opportunities. Boris johnson has said that we could start sketching those possibilities out. He talks about writing on the back of an envelope what kind of Free Trade Deal we can do, which can then be put in place once weve actually left the European Union. But anyone who has done Trade Negotiation now is the last thing they are done is written on the back of an amber lope. I went in a few weeks ago to see some of the officials in the us embassy, for example, the trade deals. They brought out huge legal documents about how they approach trade deals, so the notion that we can sign these trade deals quickly i think is a difficult one to prosecute. Borisjohnson is in india, for example, where there has been big clashes on immigration. India wants to have easier access to britain, in terms of immigration into the country of skilled workers. Britain has not given that. So on all these deals, there is always tension. Britain, of course, as well, was more attractive, maybe, to some countries, because it was a gateway into the eu. That gateway may now be closed, but we must never forget and this is where Boris Johnson does have some leveraged, britain has a big economy, a fast growing economy, still robust, and it is a big consumer market. So we are an attractive proposition, but Free Trade Deals are very difficult negotiations. Thousands of british Holiday Makers are being flown home from the gambia after a State Of Emergency was declared there. The Foreign Office is advising people to avoid all but Essential Travel to the country, after its president refused to accept that he lost last months election. Richard lister reports. It is not very good news, it is basically that we are going to evacuate basically that we are going to eva cuate eve ryo ne basically that we are going to evacuate everyone back home today. Today . Yes, today. It is not what they wanted to hear, tourists in the gambia have been told it is not safer them to stay. Thomas cook has five aircraft to bring almost a thousand of its package tourists home. For those now gathering at banjul airport, its been a stressful day. We just think really it is overkill and they are just trying to frighten people. To me, it feel stupid, because this will all be over within 2a and is the 48 hours. Be over within 24 and is the 48 hours. Asking us to leave is unnecessary i think at the moment, but i understand that we need to do it. Tension in the gambia has been building for weeks. Residents are fleeing the capital, as are some government ministers, as the political crisis threatens to become violent. At its centre, this man, azzedine yahya jammeh, who has refused to accept the results of last months elections and declared a State Of Emergency president ya hya a State Of Emergency president yahya jammeh. If it is allowed to continue, it may lead to a state of public emergency. Opposition leader adama barrow was due to be sworn in tomorrow. A group of West African Nations has threatened Military Action if he is not given power, so last night the British Government issued this warning to tourists. The gambias reputation as a Safe Haven In The Sun is now injeopardy, with thousands of tourists queueing up with thousands of tourists queueing up to leave, and the Country Edging closer to instability and conflict. Richard lister, bbc news. Unemployment has fallen to its lowest level for more than a decade. The jobless total dropped byjust over 50,000 between september and november and now stands at 1. 6 million. The figures also show that average earnings were up by 2. 7 compared with a year earlier. But, as our Economics Correspondent andy verity reports, after years of rapid growth, the number of people in employment is no longer growing and hasnt done sincejuly. This farmer and Food Processor near kings lynn in norfolk supplies root vegetables like carrots to all the majorfood retailers from m s to morrisons. But it is being squeezed. It is being forced to offer higher wages to attract the people it needs to do the work, regardless of the living wage. It says that is because the supply of workers from the rest of the European Union has now gone into reverse. We are struggling to fill positions at the minute. It is a very fluid marketplace with inflation in wages in our sector at the minute, which is being driven by some eu citizens going home and moving from the uk marketplace. And it is creating a vacuum. In the three months to the end of november, the number of Unemployed People dropped by 52,000 to 1. 6 million. It remains at its lowest rate in 12 years, 4. 8 . The average weekly pay packet was £477, up by £12 compared to a year ago, or 2. 7 . Businesses cannot always pass on the higher cost of labour by simply charging higher prices. Simon will have to wait until he renegotiates his contract with his customers, the Food Companies and retailers, and they will not want big price increases. All of us are looking to try and recoup some of this back. And i think the load has got to be shared by all and that includes the consumer. If tighter Labour Markets are offering modestly paid workers the chance to bid up their wages, many economists will see that as positive. I think we are seeing quite a robust end to the uk economy, it is very consistent with all the other Economic Data that we have had. Hiring has not slowed down materially, and people are finding jobs and finding jobs actually with improved wage levels. But there has been a marked change since the brexit vote. For 20 years now the number of people in work in the uk has been hitting new records. In the three months to the end of november, it dipped slightly and it is now no higher than it was injuly. Andy verity, bbc news. A Wheelchair User has partially won his case at the Supreme Court against a bus company. Doug paulley took legal action because he couldnt board a bus in leeds when a woman with a pram refused to move. Our Disability Correspondent nikki fox reports. As he makes his way to the Supreme Court on one of the most important days of his life, doug paulley is about to find out whether his nearly five year legal battle will end in victory for all disabled people who need to use a Wheelchair Spaces on buses. Hi, jeff, nice to see you. This all began back in 2012 when doug was unable to catch a bus because the space for wheelchairs was occupied by a mum and her pushchair. She refused to move, which meant that doug could not get on. Inside court, all sevenjudges unanimously agreed that first groups policy of requesting and not requiring a person to vacate the wheelchair space was unlawful. But it is only a partial victory. As it does not go as far as insisting someone move from this space. I feel like it will create a cultural shift and that is what they said in court as well. So people will be aware of the fact that the wheelchair area is for Wheelchair Users and that they should take priority. The impact of todays judgment will still have wider implications. For example, any Service Provider with a space for disabled people will notjust have to request that a non disabled person move, they will have to pressurise. For example, a bus driver may refuse to move from a bus stop in order to shame somebody off the bus. First group admit they may have to amend the training they provide their bus drivers following the verdict today. We really welcome the fact that the court has confirmed that a driver is not required to remove a passengerfrom a bus if they are refusing to move from this space. That is really important for drivers to have that clarity. Im really happy with todays ruling. Its great that after five years of fighting and campaigning by so many people, that we have got a ruling that says that disabled people to have the right to catch a bus and that the bus company must make all reasonable efforts to make that possible. Todays Supreme Court ruling is not clear cut but it does pave the way for a closer look at legislation when it comes to prioritising access for Wheelchair Users. Nikki fox, bbc news. Our top story this lunchtime. The eu will seek a balanced deal for britain after brexit says the head of the European Commission but any deal has to be inferior to full membership of the eu. And coming up. Our american road trip has become a river trip today. Donald trump says he wants to get the country moving again but how is he going to do that and how can he afford it. Coming up in sport at half past. Dan evans earns the biggest win of his career, Stunning 7th Seed marin cilic in the second round of the Australian Open, in melbourne. During the Us Election Campaign donald trump pledged to make America Great again, but as he prepares to take office can he deliver on that promise . In the week that donald trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the united states, jon kay is on a road trip through the Heart Of America On route 45 to find out how americans are feeling about trumps presidency and whether he can deliver what hes pledged to when it comes to rebuilding america. Today as he continues on hisjourney south jons in tennessee. If you want to understand Donald Trumps election win, this is a good place to come. Next to route 45, the ohio river meets the mississippi. Its an Essential Artery for the us economy, carrying 18 million tons of cargo every year. But things arent what they used to be. The locks which boats pass through here have seen better days. Nearly 100 years old, they regularly break down, causing long and costly delays. So around 52 hours at one time. A boat could be waiting out for 52 hours before coming through . Yes, sir. Mark, the lock keeper, says its a struggle to keep trade moving. The concrete is starting to break up and crumble. Every time it gets hit by a boat as it lands on it, it puts pressure on it and causes more cracks and more stress on it, we patch it together and try and keep it going, but its not going to last forever. Donald trump has pledged 1 trillion to rebuild americas rivers, roads and railways. A promise thats won him plenty of support round here. But he hasnt said where the money will come from. We drive on, into americas rural south. There are two million farms in this country. Willa Property Developer president understand this business . At the university of tennessee, students are learning how to weigh and vaccinate cattle. Stick it in, press it forward, pull it out. There are going to be some are gonna be more willing to go forward and some are wanting to hold back. Sounds like politicians i guess so donald trump won nearly 80 of the vote in the martin area. They like his confidence and in turn they have confidence in him. He might have a few mess ups on the way, but eventually hell figure it all out. But is farming compatible with trumps plans for building . What about the land, the environment . Donald trump is a man you associate with skyscrapers and new york city, not with farming and places like this. Do you think he understands you and what you want to do . I think hes going to help the small town people also out. I dont think hes just going to be the big city man when he gets in office. What about farming, does he understand farming . Not as well as some agriculture people. Whether its agriculture or infrastructure, in these communities away from washington, many feel trump will be a president who finally speaks for them. Someone not just following the political herd. Jon kay, bbc news, tennessee. And we continued the road trip tomorrow, continuing south to mississippi. Latest figures show accident and Emergency Departments in wales have again failed to meet their targets for waiting times. Meanwhile, the Chief Inspector of hospitals in england has warned that Patient Safety is being compromised because of strains on the nhs. Our health editor, hugh pym, is with me. The system in wales is under a lot of pressure. All reminders about pressure right across the system across the uk. Today we have figures from december in wales, and the key for hours percentage of patients treated or assessed should be 95 but in december it was 81 , well short of that. No other part of the uk it has to be said is hitting 95 of england and scotland are ahead, Northern Ireland is behind wales. We also learned from wales that possible chiefs are saying in december of those admitted to a e 20 of patients were over the age of 85. That was double normal levels. Another indication of the kind of pressure that the nhs is facing. There has been a high level warning that the nhs needs more money. So Mike Richards s Chief Inspector of hospitals in england at the care quality commission. So notjust a warning from another think tank, this is a regulator saying because of the strain on the nhs he is concerned about Patient Safety and thinks that more money will be required. This is what he had to say. I believe the government will need to put more money into the nhs, but if it does, and when it does, i think its very important that it is spent wisely. I think we need to transform the nhs, we need to have much greater integration between gps, primary care, care homes and hospitals, and that is beginning to emerge. And those new models of care will are important and can deliver much better quality in the future. Now the government says it has given the nhs in england the money requires, although that is contested. The government also says it is pushing for further integration but i think this warning from a very senior player in the world of health, that more needs to be done is quite significant. Given how volatile the debate is about the nhs generally. Police say that there are now more than 1000 cases of alleged historical child sexual abuse in football the figures come from the National Police chiefs council. They say the estimated number of victims now stands at more than 500. And almost 200 potential suspects have been identified. The Mobile Operator Ee has been fined £2. 7 million for overcharging Tens Of Thousands of customers. The penalty was imposed by telecoms regulator ofcom after an investigation found that the uks biggest Mobile Network overcharged Customers Using the 150 Customer Services number within the eu and billed them even when the number became free to use. Ee has apologised and says it has put measures in place to prevent this happening again. Britains dan evan has pulled off the best win of his career at the Australian Open as he knocked out the number 7 seed marin cilic in a thrilling 4 set match. Less of a surprise was andy murrays easy victory over Russias Andrey Rublev which takes him through to the 3rd round. Katherine downes reports. Dan da n eva ns dan evans is no stranger to winning against the odds. On the verge of quitting tennis a couple of years ago he has now beaten to the top ten players in the world in the last couple of weeks. Todays big scalp, marin cilic, who looked too much for dan marin cilic, who looked too much for da n eva ns marin cilic, who looked too much for dan evans in the first set. He won it 63 dan evans in the first set. He won it 6 3 as evan struggled with the sinking sun. As the shadows lengthened evans came to die. Breaking the cilic serve to take the second set. And belief blossoming in the darkness, he dominated the third as well. The fourth set turned into as well. The fourth set turned into a battle but evans was edging it. And cilic was struggling to keep up. With a wicked cilic seven, evans took his chance. And what to do after the biggest grand slam winner of your career, get straight on the phone, of course. With seven through, andy murray was just getting started, he beat russian teenager Andrey Rublev in straight sets but the whack the match was not without drama. For a time it looked like the world number ones melbourne chances were gone. Andy murray has an appointment with an ice pack but dan evans is unlikely to be feeling any of his aches and pains tonight. Not a bad day of work for a player once described as the most wasted talent in british tennis. A train from china has big campus first ever to make the Journey Across Asia and europe and arrived in the uk. The engine took 80 days to make the trip to the uk, half the time of the equivalent journey by sea. They travelled through russia, kazakhstan and belarus before heading to the channel tunnel. Time for a look at the weather. At this time of the year A Place In The Sun might hold some appeal. Or maybe not. This is the scene from just outside benidorm. And that train journey would have just outside benidorm. And that trainjourney would have been conducted across a pretty cold europe at the moment. Some of that

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