Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At One 20161223 : compareme

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At One 20161223

news — oscar becomes the seventh most expensive footballer in history after a £60 million move from chelsea to shanghai sipg is agreed. good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. anis amri — the suspect in the berlin christmas market lorry attack — has been shot dead in milan. italian officials say amri opened fire on police who asked him for id during a routine patrol in the city. one italian police officer was shot and injured. the italian authorities say the fingerprints of the dead man match those found on the steering wheel of a lorry which drove at shoppers at a christmas market, killing twelve people and injuring dozens more. our correspondent angus crawford reports. the body of anis amri lies on a milan street. his last act, to pull a gun from his backpack and shoot out police. his last words, god is great. the question for the authorities is how did he evade one of the biggest manhunts in german history and make it italy? look in the doorway. this is thought to be amri just hours after the attack in berlin. caught on cctv leaving a mosque in the city. after that the authorities lost track of him. but we now know he travelled to chambery, in france. then crossing the italian border to turin and on—again inter milan, arriving early this morning. at 3am according to the italian interior ministry he was challenged by a two man police patrol and shot debt. translation: in the moment he was stopped the man without hesitating immediately took his gun and shot at the police officer who asked him for his identification papers. without a shadow of a doubt the person who was killed is anis amri, the suspect of the terrorist attack in berlin. footage has now emerged of the attack in berlin. on the left, the lorry speeds through traffic lights. the taxi dash cam keeps filming as it heads towards the market. shoppers run away in terror. it took german police two days to focus on amri. his fingerprints were found on the steering wheel. his documents hidden in the cab. but what do we know about amri? you left his family in tunisia travelling illegally to italy in 2011. he spent four years there injailfor violence italy in 2011. he spent four years there in jail for violence and theft. but without a passport he could not be deported. so last year he moved to germany, denied asylum once again he wasn't deported. security services feared he was trying to get automatic weapons for an attack, but with no new evidence surveillance of him was halted in september. from petty criminals to terror suspect. a journey that for anis amri ended here. angus crawford, bbc news. we'll get the latest from berlin in a moment, but first let's speak to our security correspondent, frank gardner. the police are saying in italy this isa the police are saying in italy this is a success, but he was able to travel from berlin to milan. is that afailure? travel from berlin to milan. is that a failure? i think a lot depends on when exactly the alert went out for him because he had a head start because the german police failed to identify him in the first 20 hours. they wasted 20 hours, interrogating the wrong suspect. they didn't find the wrong suspect. they didn't find the documents immediately. they didn't find the fingerprints. it allowed him to escape westwards into france, bourdais high—speed train before there was an alert out for him. he took the train to turin, so by then he had cost two international borders all within the schengen passport free zone, where he was able to board a regional train to milan. it's not 100% clear whether this was sheer luck and good policing, the vigilant italian police at three o'clock in the morning outside a police station stopped him and asked for identity documents, or another series there was some kind of tip—off that the italian authorities are sensibly not talking about because there could be other accomplices. it's very rare that somebody is operating com pletely that somebody is operating completely on their own as a so—called lone wolf. they've nearly a lwa ys so—called lone wolf. they've nearly always got somebody helping them. let's pick up on that point by going to bethany bell. bethany, obviously the confidence this is the man who was behind the wheel, but as frank says, investigations will continue. very much so. there are a number of open questions. when did he leave germany? did anybody help him leave germany? did anybody help him leave germany? was he going to meet anybody in italy itself? was there a wider network? a lot of very big questions for the german investigators, and we are told that they are continuing their enquiries at full speed ahead. here in perlin of course there is a big sense of relief that this money is no longer a threat to the public and i'm here in the christmas market, where he is believed to have driven that lorry through, whether people were killed, people are out today looking at the candles and flowers which have been laid to the victims, but also they are coming back to the market as well, drinking mulled wine and eating sausages in a sign, they say, that life has to go on. bethany, thank you, from berlin. and there'll be continuing coverage of this story here on bbc news — and you can also keep up to date with the latest developments online on the bbc news website. a libyan airliner has been forced to land in malta after being hijacked by two men on board who are threatening to blow up the aircraft. more than 100 passengers and crew are on board. the emergency services are on the scene at the airport in malta's capital — valletta. let's speak to our correspondent smitha mundasad. in the past few minutes some passengers have been seen coming down the plane steps. let's get more from our correspondent smitha mundasad. bring is up to date with developments. in the last 15 minutes we have seen some passengers, we believe women and children, making their way down the steps on the tarmac. they've been around 100 passengers sitting on that plane with the engine is still running for more than two hours. they were expecting to fly from the south—west of libya to tripoli, the capital. instead we understand possibly one more two hijackers on board, possibly with hand grenades, saying they were going to blow the plane up. the reports are still confused. we don't have details confirmed. we don't yet know the fate of the other male passengers on board. there are some very key questions that are still unanswered. what do these hijackers want? what is the threat? what is the request? can it be met? we don't know. and how did, if there was a weapon on board, how did it get on board in libya? wejust don't know. for now, thank you. if you're planning a christmas getaway you may be facing a delay or two. extensive rail engineering work starts across britain from midnight — with 200 different projects being carried out over the christmas break. the biggest re—signalling scheme in the network's history will close the line between cardiff central, bridgend, newport and the valleys. services around manchester will be affected by work there, while paddington station in london will close to allow the crossrail line to be completed. roads are also expected to be busy and britain's airports are predicting the busiest festive travel getaway ever. our transport correspondent richard westcott reports. it's going to be the biggest rail upgrade ever taken on and it all sta rts upgrade ever taken on and it all starts late tonight, hitting services across south wales, london and manchester. the lack of trains will make the roads busier. this is the m6 today. it's a popular time to fly away for the holidays. here's sta nsted. fly away for the holidays. here's stansted. so why do they always pick christmas to close the railways? we have a huge programme of works that we have to deliver as part of our railway upgrade programme and some of that work just can't be railway upgrade programme and some of that workjust can't be done on a live railway. we have to shut the railway. so christmas is the best time to do it because it's one of the quietest times of year. 24,000 engineers will work on 200 sites across britain. one of the bigger jobs they are doing this christmas is to open up and test these new lines between the concrete blocks there, critically they unblock a bottleneck between the trains going from heathrow into paddington station in london. it will hit services across the country. paddington station will actually close for six days after the last train leaves tonight. services that other big stations, including london bridge, charring cross and liverpool street, will be severely affected. there will be no trains late on christmas eve between cardiff central, bridgend, newportand christmas eve between cardiff central, bridgend, newport and the valleys as they finished the biggest reason and a linkjob ever done. it's affected me, i have to take an extra day off work because the replacement service is not good enough on the buses. i understand the work needs to be done. families wa nt the work needs to be done. families want to get together and they haven't seen each other for a while, and it is disrupted. you can't get to anywhere you want to go. totally isn't inconvenient. a lot of commuters, shopping between christmas and new year, so bus services are unnecessary. christmas engineering overrun two years ago, colmcille —— causing chaos because the back—up plan fails. network rail says the holiday work since then has gone without a hitch. most roadworks have been cleared for the holidays but tonight could still be tricky. between the hours of 4pm and 8pm this evening we think will be the busiest. that's the rush hour period. additional traffic travelling long distances, it's going to get busy. the pinch points will be the obvious choices of the m1, m6, m25 and m5. as ever, leave plenty of time before you head off, or take the sleigh instead! richard westcott, bbc news. well our correspondent anisa kadri is at paddington now. how long will the station because done what's the impact? the station is closed for six days and from tomorrow, if you try to turn up at paddington station and get a train, well, it just won't paddington station and get a train, well, itjust won't happen because trains are not running from tomorrow the full six days. this morning here at paddington we have seen lots of people on their way to the south—west of england, as well as south wales, for christmas, with luggage in tow, some with pets in tow as well and the concern for them is whether these engineering works that are going to be taking place will actually hamper their future travel plans, for instance if they wa nt to travel plans, for instance if they want to come back from wherever they have gone to london, for example. but engineering works is due to the crossrail project, which is the new railway for london and the south—east, but it's notjust in london that engineering works are taking place. they are going on in other places including manchester and cardiff. the advice is to check online and if you are keen on twitter user than network rail say use # christmas works. britain is braced for the arrival of storm barbara, which is expected to bring winds of up to 90mph to some parts of the country. the met office has issued severe weather warnings for much of the uk, with scotland expected to bear the brunt of the storm. our scotland correspondent lorna gordon reports. storm barbara is barrelling in. the worst of the weather has yet to hit, but already conditions are difficult out at sea. ferries to many of the islands have been cancelled. for those who couldn't get home early christmas travel plans are for now on hold. today, there is some services operating. they are battling through. the northern areas are definitely off. we are reviewing those services and will make announcements tomorrow evening, and people may be able to travel, however we can't guarantee that. gusts reaching more than 70 miles an hour have already been recorded in the outer hebrides. some homes on the outer hebrides. some homes on the isle of lewis and south uist left without power. but the stormy conditions were forecast well ahead. extra generators have been shipped out and others, including farmers here, have taken precautions. out and others, including farmers here, have taken precautionslj slept here, have taken precautions.” slept quite well until 5am, when the winds started to hit. i spend all day yesterday preparing for it, moving livestock to set sheltered areas and making sure everything was tied down so i don't lose anything. this christmas tree in dunoon is holding tight, for now! while festive rides in edinburgh are off—limits because of high winds—macro. storm barbara is an u nwa nted early winds—macro. storm barbara is an unwanted early gift. travelling may get more difficult as the gaels increase and those hoping to get away will be hoping the weather eases for long enough to get home for christmas, when more stormy weather is expected to sweep in once again. lorna gordon, bbc news. let's speak to our correspondent james shaw. he is at the coast. it is looking relatively calm? yes, i should explain that we are on the firth of clyde, leading from the river clyde to the north channel between scotland and northern ireland. this is a relatively sheltered, protected body of water, out on exposed coasts, in the open sea. the conditions will be much worse than this there. you can probably tell it is pretty windy, there is white water on the firth of clyde. you can probably see that very, storm bound, one of 1926 services that they have cancelled so far today. some of this is going to start moving into large parts of the rest of the united kingdom. even as far south as the south—west of england, there will be periods where gusts between 50 and 60 mph and heavy rain are expected, fairly short periods but large swathes of england in the north and in the west are going to experience, get some taste of what storm barbara is like. 0k, thank you. well today is set to be the busiest food shopping day of the year, with an estimated 10 million people hitting the supermarket aisles. they're calling it frenzied friday. shops are also expecting a big rush for the those last minute presents. our correspondentjudith moritz is in east didsbury in greater manchester. yes, they tell me that across the country today they are expecting, across all supermarkets and grocers, to sell 61 million mince pies. that is today alone. it feels to me like a lot of them are being sold here, in manchester, because this is peak—time today, around lunchtime, of the peak day of the christmas trade. possibly, for supermarkets, the peak day of the whole year. it has been incredibly busy. that, of course, is how they like it. merry christmas! two days until christmas. for the supermarket industry, this is frenzied friday, the day most shoppers go to buy their festive food. 10 million british customers will keep the tills ringing today. at peak time we will serve 15,000 customers in a minute, today. so, a huge volume of customers will go through our checkouts. but we are ready for it. for the grocers, it has all been building up to this point, a peak day of trading after months of planning. supermarkets have to get the stock levels just right. the planning starts almost a yearin right. the planning starts almost a year in advance. the last few days are the most important time. they will be looking at exactly how money sales of each product from each store, are likely to happen, make sure that products are on the shelf in the right quantity. of course, it is all about christmas dinner. tesco say they will sell more than 200,000 turkeys today. don't forget the vegetables, 27 million carats and, love them or hate them, they will sell 40 million sprouts. it is because of people, the experience, feeling something, touching something and being there. i'm not really bothered about how busy it is, just get on with it, it's fine. it is bizarre, just one day in the year and you panic, you think, we need more wine, milk! in bristol, the christmas market is doing a brisk trade and this spending will continue tomorrow with the hope of an extra boost because christmas eve falls on saturday this year. some research points to a downturn in the total amount of retail spending in the uk this christmas. but shopkeepers needn't despair. the boxing day sales are onlyjust around the corner. the centre for retail research says that spending across the whole christmas week has been well below expectations. of course, there is a lot of time left, the rest of today, and a lot of mince pies to shift. there is still time for an upturn. a £300 million fund to build affordable housing for first—time buyers in england is to target areas with high levels of second homes. the money has been raised through increases in stamp duty and will be shared between councils over the next five years. the biggest amount will be allocated to the south—west of england, as our correspondent mark lobel reports. a generous supply in holiday homes, but a shortage in affordable housing blights the lives of many in st ives. the government say that if a community has 21% of second home ownership, it becomes slightly unsustainable and is on a slippery slope. in the centre of st ives, we have 25% and increasing in some localised areas, of second—home ownership. so what's the solution? one idea is building so—called community—led housing, like these affordable flats in east london. they will be for local people, on a local income, and they can only be sold on to similar people, at a similar rate. the government wants 10,000 of these over the next five years across england. to do that, the government has announced today it will spend £60 million a year on affordable housing schemes, funded by increases in stamp duty. a third of the pot, £19 million, will go to the south—west, with £11 million for the south—east and millions more shared out across england. i think it's a big problem in certain areas. one of the difficulties in myjob is i have to set national housing policy, and things are different in different communities. i was in cornwall recently, looking at the coastal towns and villages, where it's a huge issue. people are saying they need somebody to man the lifeboat, and people can't afford any of the homes in the village. today's announcement will create 10,000 homes. that's just 1% of the government's own annual target. labour says it's a drop in the ocean for the most affected communities and offers nothing to those with no hope of ever getting on the housing ladder. mark lobel, bbc news. our top story this lunchtime: anis amri, the man suspected of the lorry attack on the berlin christmas market, has been shot dead by police in milan. and still to come, we have the story of just one family who've fled the fighting in the syrian city of aleppo. coming up in sport at 1:30pm: home from hospital in time for christmas — the two—time wimbledon champion petra kvitova is due to be released today, after surgery on a hand injury she suffered during a knife attack in her home. the syrian army has described the defeat of rebels in aleppo as a turning point in the country's civil war. pro—government forces took full control of the city yesterday after the final evacuations of opposition fighters and civilians from eastern aleppo. the army high command said it would continue fighting until every last bit of syria had been liberated. well, thousands of families have left the city over the past weeks and our correspondent lina sinjab has caught up with one of them. a moment of relief for aleppo's children, finally warm and safe, away from the hell of war. no more fear, no more tears, but fun and laughter. and they even compete over who gets their picture taken. this school has turned into a temporary shelter for many families who fled the horrors of eastern aleppo. 75—year—old suliman ahmed badem's family is among them. he made it through with his wife and three children and their families. this classroom has now become their home. they have some food and some means to stay warm. they left with only the clothes they were wearing, but were stripped of all their valuables. translation: i left with my whole family. we did not take anything. the regime got the men on the floor and took everything. money, phones, everything. i only have family papers with me. where do we go back? to the war and bombardment? enough. their grandson arrived ill. they waited in freezing temperature in eastern aleppo until they were evacuated. he is constantly coughing, the grandmother tells the doctor. he can't sleep at night. they were stuck for days after the evacuation was suspended. they were among hundreds who were pushed back from the crossing point, threatened by gunfire. they are not expecting to go back to aleppo any time soon. translation: we would love to go back when things are safe. there is nothing like home. we have three houses but we won't go back to be under fire. i would live in tents and never go back now. this is what they have escaped from. what was their home, turned into a ghost town. ishmael‘s family is moving to the border with turkey to live in tents there but it may not be the safe haven they were hoping for. refugee camps were targeted before and, as long as they stay in rebel—held areas, they may face bombardment by government forces again. syria's war is not over yet. lina sinjab, bbc news, beirut. two men have been convicted of using aid convoys to supply terrorists in syria. our home affairs correspondent dominic cashiani is at he old bailey. this is an interesting, disturbing case. it is the first confirmation we have had before the court that the massive community led aid convoys to syria, which largely took place in 2012 and 2013 were effectively infiltrated and abused by would—be jihadists to get cash out to other fighters in the region. at the centre of the cases a man from stoke—on—trent. the court heard he sent £4500 to his nephew, in the region, fighting. it was extensively to buy a rifle, perhaps a sniper rifle. they talked about how to deal with their enemies. he sent a message from the uk, basically saying to behead your enemies, but do not mutilate them. two the men we re do not mutilate them. two the men were cleared. one of them is a very high well—known muslim charity worker from high well—known muslim charity workerfrom huddersfield. he has raised literally hundreds of thousands of pounds for these convoys. thousands of pounds for these co nvoys. h e thousands of pounds for these convoys. he told the court that he had no idea that he was unwittingly involved in whatever plan that syed hoque had hatched. he has been cleared today. we are waiting to find out about sentencing for syed hoque and his co—accused. part of a prison wing in kent that was taken over by inmates yesterday is under control. the prison service said all prisoners were back in their cells last night after specialist teams were sent into hmp swaledale on the isle of sheppey. it's the latest in a number of disturbances over the past two months. our correspondent andy moore is at the prison. as we say, it is the latest disturbance. what happened here? this disturbance started at about 7pm. it is understood that they were carrying out a search, they seized some items and that caused the disturbance. fires were lift and prisoners posted videos of themselves on social media. the prison service said it involved one landing on one wing, and the rest of the prison was on lockdown. specialist teams were brought in and they got the prison under control by about 1am. no prison officers or prisoners were injured. this is the fourth disturbance in british prisons in the last two months. there was a riot last week at birmingham prison, involving several hundred prisoners, lasting about 12 hours. before that, disturbances at bedford and blues. the prison service say that britain's prisons are enduring long—standing problems and they will not be solved overnight. a survey of rough sleepers suggests they are 17 times more likely to be a victim of crime than the general public. the charity crisis says homeless people are regularly attacked and abused. there are thought to be about 4,000 people sleeping rough in britain at any one time. our social affairs correspondent, michael buchanan reports. 3am in worcester city centre, and two men approach a rough sleeper. one stamps the head, the other kicks the legs. casual, unprovoked violence is a daily fear for rough sleepers. they have no shelter, anyone, at any time, could attack. this man was homeless for five years and took to sleeping on london commuter trains after being assaulted. i was in leicester square, got into a discussion with a young man around the fact i was homeless. he became quite aggravated, i would guess, by the fact i was homeless and i was saying, being homeless, everybody‘s an individual and people are homeless for different reasons. and from there he ended up punching me in the face, basically. and it was quite a nasty punch. his experience is fairly common, says today's survey. 30% of rough sleepers say they've been deliberately hit or kicked. 31% say they've had things thrown at them. 7% were actually urinated on. it's notjust the incident itself but it's the impact it has on that individual, on their mental health, on their ability to even ask for help. we found that most homeless people who are rough sleeping actually feel ashamed already, and surely if you're then urinated on you're going to feel even more ashamed and even more marginalised. some rough sleepers have had their possession set on fire. one man told researchers he was thrown from a height while still in his tent. most attacks were carried out by people they didn't know. the one question this survey didn't ask is why on earth would somebody punch or kick, or urinate on a rough sleeper? the answer is usually alcohol. rough sleepers rarely report abuses to the police, feeling they won't be believed. officers say they protect everyone and will fully investigate all crimes. michael buchanan, bbc news. time for a look at the weather. here's john hammond. amid the hurly—burly of the christmas preparations, some hurly—burly weather. it will only affect various parts of the country at various times. we will go through sequentially. this is a shot from the highlands in scotland. it sets the highlands in scotland. it sets the scene for wet and windy weather, courtesy of storm barbara. the core of storm barbara, whistling up to the north of the uk. draped around it, all of those ring clouds. intense rainfall sweeping

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People , Passengers , Berlin , Malta , Italian , Lunchtime , Passenger Plane , 100 , Britain , Storm Barbara , Winds , Conditions , Railways , Getaway , Roads , Scotland , Sport , Delays , Brunt , On Bbc News , 90 , Footballer , Move , Afternoon , Oscar , Chelsea , Shanghai Sipg , 60 Million , Â 60 Million , Bbc News At One , One , Fire On , Lorry Attack , Anis Amri , Officials , In The City , Milan , Suspect , Id , Christmas Market , Lorry , Fingerprints , Shoppers , Police Officer , Authorities , Steering Wheel , The Dead Man , Injured , Dozens , Twelve , Angus Crawford , Body , Act , Milan Street , God , Gun , Question , History , Words , Backpack , Manhunts , Attack , Mosque , Doorway , Cctv , Track , Man , Border , France , Inter Milan , Turin , Chambery , Interior Ministry , 3 , Two , Translation , Identification Papers , Shot Debt , Hesitating , Person , Left , Terrorist Attack , Footage , Shadow Of A Doubt , Police , Market , Filming , Terror , German , Traffic Lights , Taxi Dash Cam , Documents , Family , Amri , Cab , Tunisia Travelling , 2011 , Four , Germany , Violence , Security Services , Passport , Jail , Theft , Asylum , Injailfor , Weapons , Surveillance , Criminals , Journey , Evidence , Terror Suspect , Bbc News , Frank Gardner , Isa , Latest , Success , Alert , Head Start , Failure , Afailure , 20 , Train , Bourdais , Borders , Passport Free Zone , Schengen , Policing , Police Station , Identity Documents , Luck , Kind , Series , Tip , Three , Somebody , Bethany , Turning Point , Accomplices , Lone Wolf , Operating Com Pletely , Lwa , Ys So , Bethany Bell , Number , Investigations , Wheel , Confidence , Lot , Network , Anybody , Questions , Course , Money , Threat , Investigators , Relief , Perlin , Sense , Speed , Enquiries , Public , Candles , Victims , Flowers , Story , Developments , Life , Well , Sign , Eating , Sausages , Drinking , Coverage , Men , Emergency Services , Airliner , Scene , Airport , Website , Aircraft , Crew , Capital Valletta , Plane Steps , Smitha Mundasad , Children , Plane , Way , Steps , Engine , Women , Tarmac , 15 , Hijackers , Tripoli , Reports , South West , Hand Grenades , Libya , Details , Fate , Request , Weapon , Delay , Wejust Don T Know , Services , Work , Valleys , Cardiff Central , Greater Manchester , Rail Engineering Work , Scheme , Projects , Bridgend , Line , Newport , 200 , Richard Westcott , Paddington Station , Airports , In London , Crossrail Line , Festive Travel Getaway , Rail Upgrade , Sta Rts , Trains , Holidays , South Wales , M6 , Lack , Sta Nsted , Stansted , Workjust Can T , It , Some , Railway , Programme , Railway Upgrade Programme , Part , Works , Times , Engineers , Lines , Sites , Blocks , Jobs , 24000 , Country , Bottleneck , Heathrow , Six , Stations , Charring Cross , Newportand , Liverpool Street , Families , Replacement Service , Reason , They Haven T , Buses , Linkjob , Families Wa , Other , Commuters , Bus , Isn T Inconvenient , Engineering , Plan , Holiday Work , Roadworks , Hitch , Chaos , Colmcille , Network Rail , Pinch Points , Distances , Traffic , Evening , Choices , Rush Hour , 4 , 8 , Anisa Kadri , Sleigh , M5 , M25 , M1 , Station , Impact , Won T , Lots , Itjust , Place , Tow , Instance , Travel Plans , Wa Nt To Travel Plans , Luggage , Concern , Pets , Example , Engineering Works , Notjust , Places , South East , Advice , Parts , User , Arrival , Twitter , Weather , Storm , Met Office , Warnings , Lorna Gordon Reports , Barrelling , Worst , Many , Who Couldn T Get Home , Sea , Hit , Islands , Ferries , Areas , Plans , Hold , Homes , Gusts , Announcements , Outer Hebrides , Isle Of Lewis , South Uist , 70 , Precautions , Others , Farmers , Generators , Power , Forecast , Precautionslj , 5am , 5 , Anything , Everything , Livestock , Christmas Tree , Dunoon , Travelling , Gift , Gaels , Rides , Nwa Nted Early Winds Macro , Edinburgh , James Shaw , Home For Christmas , Lorna Gordon , Coast , Firth Of Clyde , River Clyde , Northern Ireland , North Channel , Water , Coasts , Open Sea , Rest , 1926 , Swathes , Heavy Rain , 50 , 60 , Experience , Food , North , England , West , Set , Well Today , Taste , 0k , Supermarket Aisles , 10 Million , Rush , Shops , Correspondentjudith Moritz , Yes , East Didsbury , Supermarkets , Grocers , Mince Pies , 61 Million , Trade , Peak , Customers , Merry Christmas , Supermarket Industry , Checkouts , Volume , Tills , 15000 , Planning , Stock Levels , Money Sales , Advance , Store , Shelf , Product , Products , Don T , Tesco , Quantity , Dinner , 200000 , Something , Vegetables , 27 Million , 40 Million , Milk , Bristol , Spending , Hope , Amount , Research Points , Retail Spending , Boost , Downturn , Shopkeepers , Boxing Day Sales , Needn T Despair , Centre , Expectations , Corner , Retail Research , Housing , Increases , Stamp Duty , Councils , Levels , Upturn , Buyers , 300 Million , Â 300 Million , Government , Home , Holiday Homes , Correspondent , Community , Ownership , Shortage , Supply , Mark Lobel Reports , St Ives , Five , 21 , Solution , Second Home Ownership , Slippery Slope , 25 , Idea , Community Led Housing , Income , Flats , Building , Rate , East London , 10000 , Schemes , Third , 19 Million , Â 19 Million , Things , Housing Policy , Problem , Millions , Myjob , Difficulties , Â 11 Million , 11 Million , Communities , Towns , Villages , Lifeboat , Village , Announcement , Issue , Cornwall , 1 , Nothing , Labour , Target , Ocean , Housing Ladder , Drop , Mark Lobel , Fighting , Petra Kvitova , Eastern Aleppo , City , Knife Attack , Hospital , Surgery , Hand Injury , Wimbledon , 30pm , 30 , Forces , Control , Rebels , Defeat , Civil War , Syrian Army , Lina Sinjab , Syria , Thousands , Opposition Fighters , Civilians , Evacuations , War , Fear , Safe , Laughter , Tears , Hell , Picture , Shelter , Eastern Aleppo , School , Horrors , Wife , Classroom , Suliman , Ahmed Badem , 75 , Valuables , Clothes , Regime , Family Papers , Floor , Phones , Bombardment , Grandson , Temperature , Hundreds , Crossing , Coughing , Evacuation , Grandmother , Doctor , Sleep At Night , Houses , Point , Gunfire , Tents , Fire , Ghost Town , Ishmael , Refugee Camps , Turkey , Safe Haven , Beirut , Dominic Cashiani , Aid Convoys , Terrorists , Court , Community Led Aid Convoys , Interesting , Confirmation , Case , He Old Bailey , Region , Cash , Fighters , Cases , Jihadists , Stoke On Trent , 2012 , 2013 , Rifle , Sniper Rifle , Nephew , Â 4500 , 4500 , Enemies , Message , Muslim , Syed Hoque , Convoys , Charity Worker , Charity , Workerfrom Huddersfield , Co Nvoys , Prison Service , Prisoners , Prison Wing , Sentencing , Co Accused , Inmates , Cells , Kent , Teams , Disturbance , Prison , Disturbances , Andy Moore , Isle Of Sheppey , Hmp Swaledale , Items , Search , Lift , Fires , 7 , Wing , Videos , Social Media , Landing , Lockdown , Prisons , Birmingham Prison , Riot , Prison Officers , 1am , Sleepers , Survey , Blues , Problems , Bedford , 12 , 17 , Social Affairs Correspondent , Crime , Thought , Victim , Charity Crisis , Worcester City Centre , Michael Buchanan , 3am , General Public , 4000 , Stamps , Kicks , Head , Rough Sleeper , Legs , Fact , Commuter Trains , Anyone , Discussion , Assaulted , Leicester Square , Individual , Everybody , Being Homeless , Reasons , Saying , Face , Punch , Say , 31 , Sleeping , Help , Mental Health , Ability , The Incident , On Fire , Possession Set , Height , Researchers , Attacks , Sleeper , Tent , Answer , Alcohol , Somebody Punch , Kick , Survey Didn T Ask , Earth , Crimes , Abuses , Officers , Everyone , Look , Hurly Burly , John Hammond , Shot , Preparations , Highlands , Sequentially , Berlin Christmas Market , Security , Check , Him , Europe , All , On The Run , Rainfall , Core , Ring Clouds ,

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