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And the new man at vogue, Edward Enninful takes over at the premierfashion magazine. Good evening and welcome to the Bbc News At Five. British gas has defended its decision to raise Electricity Prices by 12. 5 for more than Three Million customers next month. Centrica, which owns british gas, said it was facing increased costs from government policies, such as installing smart meters, and for transmission and distribution. It said that as a result, its selling electricity at a loss. But the government has expressed concern, insisting that its policies dont explain the increase. Our Business Correspondent theo leggett reports. British gas likes to say its putting its customers in control. Were bringing the nation smarter connected homes. But even if they turn the heating down, those on a standard variable tariff will see their bills going up. After the increases announced today, the cost of an average dualfuel energy bill, thats electricity and gas provided by british gas, will be going up. It will now cost you £1,120 a year, that is an increase of £76 compared to last year. It isnt the cheapest among the big players any more, but it is not the most expensive. British gas says it does mean 3 Million People will pay more for their energy, but another 5. 3 million customers wont be affected. British gass Owner Centrica says it has little choice but to increase bills because the cost of providing electricity in particular has increased sharply. The reason for this is the transmission and Distribution Costs have been going up as well as the environmental and social policy costs. And recently, weve been selling electricity at a loss. Those are the reasons why weve had to put prices up, beginning in the middle of september. Over the past six months, centrica has seen profits from its home Energy Business fall sharply, and its also lost hundreds of thousands of customers. British gas has had pressure on its profits, on the domestic side, reflected in this announcement which they argue is because the price freeze and they argue most recently they have been making a loss and electricity overall, so there is a pressure on them i guess to make sure they are not loss making. Earlier this year, when other Major Energy Companies raised their prices, the Regulator 0fgem said the increases were notjustified. But plans for a cap have been watered down. The government needs to urgently look at what they do for the customers paying over the odds. There has been so much discussion about the Energy Market and it does not work for consumers. The discussion needs to end and we need to see some action. Regulators want more people to shop around and switch suppliers to find a cheaper deal. But not everyones willing to do that. For the sake in my case of maybe £20 saving a year, its not worth it. Its not worth my time. Its dear enough as it is, that is why i have both and gas and electric together because you get the 10 discount. If i could get a better deal somewhere else, i will always look for the best deal possible. Centrica says it would welcome some changes to the Energy Market, including the abolition of the expensive standard variable tariffs. Theo leggett, bbc news. And whats the political reaction been . Lets speak to our Political Correspondent alex forsyth in westminster. What has been said in political circles about this . What this has done is reignite the debate about what role if any the government should have in regulating the Energy Markets. As was referenced in the report, theresa may during the Election Campaign said the tories would introduce a wide ranging cap on energy prices. After the election in which theresa may lost her majority, that plan wasnt in the queens speech, the governments programme in legislation to the next two years. The reason for that is mainly brexit. There is already a heavy legislative agenda for the government, and there will be enough battles in parliament. They are aware some tory mps dont support the cap. However, labourstill does. They say the government should go much further. This was the shadow Chancellorjohn Mcdonnell earlier. I think this is extortionate at this point in time, when peoples wages are being cut or frozen, and people are struggling at the moment. Weve said from the labour party would introduce a price cap initially, but also we would develop alternative energy supplies, so that this cartel that we have now cannot Control Pricing Levels and hold us over a barrel ever again in the future. I think exploiting their customers. Even though the idea of a widespread energy cap is unlikely for the next two years or so, ministers are clear it is still on the table. The reason for that is it is something of a threat if Energy Companies dont ta ke threat if Energy Companies dont take action, the government will. But they are clear, the Regulator 0fgem has the power to intervene. They are likely to come up with proposals that could mean a smaller cap for the most vulnerable customers. There is agreement that something needs to be done. There is still political disagreement on exactly what that is. Alex, thanks very much. Alex forsyth in westminster. With me is will hodson, co founder of the big deal an Energy Collective switch company, which helps consumers find the best energy deal. Thank you for coming in. First of all, in terms of the price rises itself, which kick in next month, british gas is the last of the Big Companies to do this, isnt it . We have to remember that. It is the last, because it was well known they we re last, because it was well known they were preparing a price rise earlier in the year, but the political climate, they had to bide their time. They gave their customers a stay of execution, which has been lifted. But people watching might say, if eve ryo ne but people watching might say, if everyone is doing it, if everyone is raising prices, there must be a reason for that. Is there a justified reason . It is hard to justify it for everyone because british gas would normally cite rising wholesale prices. In this instance, they have acknowledged, wholesale prices have not gone up. They have instead blamed Government Policy and Distribution Costs. It is absolutely clear, the prices have gone down, including wholesale, by 996. Gone down, including wholesale, by 9 . The more you look at it, the harder it is to find the justification for the price rise. So what is driving it in that case if it is not to pay for the heating and insulation schemes they talk about, the environmental schemes that are coming in . Actually, there is only one obvious cost that has gone up at british gas, the remuneration of their ceo, stuff like that goes up all the time. Their profits announced today, half £1 billion of profit. It is a Company Looking to drive profit with a dwindling number of customers. They lost 400,000 customers already this year. If you wa nt to customers already this year. If you want to make higher profits from fewer customers, there is one way to square the circle, put up prices. The loyal customers of british gas are being absolutely milked. We are told time and time again, keep shopping around, there are better deals out there, make sure you switch. Is that still the way to solve this . If they are losing customers as you say, they must be going to other companies, what is your advice to people today . You can ta ke your advice to people today . You can take control today. British gass price is now over £1100. You can get a deal cheaper than £900. A £300 saving straightaway. There will be people left behind. That is what people left behind. That is what people are talking about, a price cap. Todays news, british gas getting more money from smaller customer bases, it reminds us that we should have dropped this ages ago. We need a price cap. Why will people be left behind . Who gets left behind . I own a switching site, i tell everyone how easy it is, it ta kes tell everyone how easy it is, it takes five minutes, you dont need a bill to hand. But some people never switch. Two thirds of british gas customers are on their worst deal. They might not have the confidence. We try to give it to them. You need to be online as well, isnt that the trouble . You can do it over the phone, but most people do it online. They find it difficult, they lack the confidence, and that is why they are being overcharged. Thank you for coming in. The white house is looking for a new Communications Director after Anthony Scaramucci was fired just ten days after his appointment. He was dismissed last night, hours after Generaljohn Kelly, a retired marine general, was sworn in as the president s new Chief Of Staff. It means three top officials have left the Trump Administration in the last ten days, as Richard Lister reports. My start state is going to be in a couple of weeks, so its 100 totally cleansed and clean. Anthony scaramucci never made it to the official start state, the white house decided what had to be cleansed was him. Why . Well, look at his comments to the New Yorker Magazine where he said of the then white house Chief Of Staff. But as it turned out, not for much longer, a victim of the vicious political culture he had spoken out to the bbc. One of the things i cannot stand about this town is the backstabbing that goes on here. Where i grow up, in my neighbourhood, we are front stabbers. This is the man who helped to wield the knife, the new Chief Of Staffjohn kelly, the first Retired General in the post since the nixon administration. His task is to bring order to the white house. As i think weve made clear a number of times over the last couple of days to several of you individually, General Kelly has the full authority to operate within the white house and all staff will report to him. President trump has nothing but praise for Generaljohn Kelly but friends say the general was reluctant to become his Chief Of Staff and will want to drive the white house agenda forward. If the president of the United States is disrupted in himself, i think General Kelly will have frank discussions about things he could do that would help the situation and improve it. With three high level departures from the administration in two weeks, General Kellys task of maintaining discipline will be a challenge. The question is, will we see a more disciplined President Trump . And thats the big question going forward. Keep in mind, the departure of scaramucci is perhaps the easiest thing that john kelly will be able to get done in this white house. General kelly will be watching this space, the president s twitter feed, which described yesterdays extraordinary shake up as simply a great day at the white house. Richard lister, bbc news. 0ur correspondent Barbara Plett usher is in washington. He says its a great time at the white house, what is the overnight response, how are people thinking about what is going on now in the west wing, barbara . It is only 24 hours, isnt it, but i think that General Kelly did make a good First Impression for those that were trying to see some sort of order and structure on the processes in the west wing by firing Anthony Scaramucci. It showed he was in charge, showed he had authority from the president. That was welcomed by the miz of congress, the public and people in the white house, who also feel the internal structure is a bit chaotic. We will see how we go, and whether that discipline that he wa nts to whether that discipline that he wants to impose on the staff will continue. The bigger question as you we re continue. The bigger question as you were hearing is, will mr trump listen to him, of course . Yes, and will there be any talk it if the dust settles of policy . Not a lot of policy gets talked about, it has turned into Personnel Matters only. Thejob of the turned into Personnel Matters only. The job of the Chief Of Staff is the gatekeeper, he or she, the job of the Chief Of Staff is the gatekeeper, he orshe, general the job of the Chief Of Staff is the gatekeeper, he or she, General Kelly in this case, will monitor what goes into the president s offers, what his priorities should be, who should see him, organising his schedule. And on paper, he is the chief adviser. If that is the case, there probably would be more time focused on policy than there is on fighting internal political battles. Theyre in mind, there are internal battles in any administration, but they dont often break into all out warfare. Bear in mind also that mr trump himself is part of the reason why it is difficult to have policy discussions, because he is quite impulsive. You can keep him on track for a while, and suddenly, he will go intoa for a while, and suddenly, he will go into a twitter tie break, or Say Something off the top of his head in an interview. He is a factor as well. But he does admire General Kelly. But we will see. We will talk more about that after 5 30. The National Crime agency says 60 people have died in the uk in the past eight months after taking the painkilling drug fentanyl. Tests are taking place in a further 70 cases where its suspected fentanyl and an even more Powerful Su Bsta nce ca rfe nto nyl may have played a part. The nca says the vast majority of those whove died were heroin users. Two thirds were in the yorkshire, humberside and cleveland areas. We have reviewed 109 deaths to date. The 109, we have found 16 cases a potential link to fentanyl. There are pending cases for toxicology samples. In the humberside region, including cleveland, we have 50 positive links and 73 cases pending. We will probably see a hiatus in its use, and a peak in deaths, as people start to come to terms with its toxicity. But we will continue to act on any intelligence we receive as law enforcement, and seek to remove those seeking to deal or import it. That statement was made by West Yorkshire police in the last few minutes. Some of the other stories making Bbc News At Five british gas raises its Electricity Prices by 12. 5 . The hike will affect Three Million customers. And a specialist riot squad has been called into action for a second day at the mount prison in hertfordshire, where armed prisoners are understood to have taken over a wing. In sport, karen barton will miss the rest of the womens euro 2017 tournament after breaking her leg on sundays Quarterfinal Win against france. Yvonne chamberlain will step in to face netherlands in thursdays semifinal. Scholars and the pro12 will be joined by two teams from south africa. The Southern Kings and cheaters will be part of an expanded tournament from september. And big orange fails to become the first horse to win the goodwood cup three times in a row. More on those stories after 5 30. Lets talk more about one of those stories we heard in the headline. Specially trained prison staff have been deployed to jail in hertfordshire where prisoners have taken over part of a wing. A specialist riot squad has been called into action for the second time in as many days at Hmp The Mount in bovingdon near hemel hempstead. It is understood prisoners armed with weapons have seized control of part of one of the prisons wings which houses 250 inmates. Lets cross to bovingdon and join andy moore who is outside the prison. The prison itself is some distance behind us. There is no visible sign of any riot or disturbance on going at the moment, but what we have seen are these specially trained officers are these specially trained officers are arriving in considerable numbers over the course of the last hour or so. Over the course of the last hour or so. Some arriving in vehicles with blue lights flashing, others arriving in minibuses with trailers carrying their riot gear. What happens in these situations is the prison staff retreat, contain the situation, and wait for the tornado squads to assemble in numbers. When they are ready, they will go in and restore order. As you were saying, this is the second day running that there have been problems at this prison. Yesterday, Prison Officers lost control in part of the prison for several hours. The disturbance was brought under control at around 10pm last night. The mystery of justice say there were no prisoners or staff injured yesterday. They have said there is the ongoing disturbance today ministry of justice. There was a Report Outjust yesterday saying this prison was plagued by short staffing and rising violence and the prevalence of drugs. All right, andy. I know you will be back with us if there are more developments. Thanks very much. Andy moore, there. Some of the other stories making Bbc News At Five at least three suspected gang members have been shot dead in a court in moscow. Russian police say five defendants tried to seize weapons from security guards, as they were being escorted in a lift. Three died as they were trying to escape. Relatives of two Opposition Leaders in venezuela say the men have been re arrested, just two days after a controversial vote to change the constitution. The daughter of one of the men Antonio Ledezma posted this video on social media. She says it shows her father being taken away by officers from the intelligence service. The wife of the other man Leopoldo Lopez said she would hold the president responsible if anything happened to her husband. A birmingham mp has been left with facial injuries after having a brick thrown at him. Labours steve mccabe posted a photo online of two motorcyclists thought to have been involved. He says hes Nursing A Very Sore and swollen face. West Midlands Police said they are investigating and are appealing for witnesses. Its no secret that this years General Election threw up a tighter than expected result. But why was this . For the past three years, the British Election study has followed a panel of the same 30,000 voters, asking Them Hundreds of questions about their political views and choices. We can now see what they said about the 2017 election. As we can see from this graph, by far and away the most significant issue in voters minds was brexit more than one in three chose this as their top issue it changed the way people voted. The majority of leave voters opted for the conservatives, while labour picked up lots of remain voters. This might seem strange, given that labour where also committed to leaving the eu, but this next graph explains what happened. By the time the election was fought, the Brexit Debate wasnt so much about leave or remain, but about how to leave. The survey asked whether it was more important for the government to protect britains access to the Single Market, or to gain full control of immigration. Theres a striking correlation between wanting to control immigration and voting tory, and wanting access to the Single Market and voting labour or liberal democrat. Of course there was more to the election than brexit. This graph shows how the leaders Likeability Ratings converged as the campaign wore on. Mr corbyn picking up more support, while mrs may lost hers, despite starting very strongly. This helps explain the unexpectedly tight result. Lets try to dissect some of that. Im joined from our westminster studio by our Political Correspondent emma va rdy. I feel like i should ifeel like i should have been taking it and should get tested on that. But in essence, it is interesting to see how things changed for one thing, as the Election Campaign wore on. That is right. Some of this is confirming what we already knew. It is lifting the lid and drilling down into the numbers ina the lid and drilling down into the numbers in a bit more detail. And with a large sample size, two, 30,000 voters sampled over three yea rs, 30,000 voters sampled over three years, giving us the most detailed look yet at what was going on. Dont forget, The General Election result this year is said to be one of the most surprising in living memory, because so many people predicted an increased majority for the conservatives. Then to our shock, on election night, there was a hung parliament. What are things going on, churn . People did not stick with the party they thought they were going to the beginning compared to how they voted on polling day. 19 of voters switched during the Election Campaign. And overwhelmingly, the flow of those votes benefited labour. 54 of voters that decided to change, changed towards labour. Compared to 19 for the conservatives. What that shows us is labour did a good job of broadening their appeal during the Election Campaign, not enough to win, of course, but that surge towards labour was one of the Surprise Stories of the election. Interesting. Thank you very much. Emma vardy at westminster. The European Commission has defended changes to eu Security Procedures that have been blamed for queues at some airports, including paris, madrid and lisbon. The Commission Says the enhanced checks, which were introduced in april, could lead to more delays, but that was the price of safety. Lets speak to our correspondent adam fleming, whos in brussels for us now. People listening to that, adam, might think, if the changes came in in april, why are we only starting to hear about it now . What is going on there . Good question, it is because airports in particular had six months from april in which to start to implement the changes, working out what technology and staff they needed to do to make this run smoothly. It was up to each individual country to work out to do at each airport. That is why things have changed over time, and everything has got to be in place and running smoothly by seventh 0ctober. And running smoothly by seventh october. The changes introduced by the eu are to do with how passports are checked at external borders of the eu. Previously, it was only citizens travelling from outside the eu, into the eu, had to have their passports checked against european databases. In april, that was extended to all eu citizens as well. Asi extended to all eu citizens as well. As i said, this is crossing external borders, meaning people travelling from the uk into the passport free schengen area, or a Business Person having their passport checked against the database. But it does not include someone flying from frankfurt to paris, because they are in the schengen area. Also, it seems to be that these delays were at a fewer airports at the weekend when it was busy. We were told about palmyra and yorker, and malaga, as particular problems. We have spoken to those airports and they are not reporting long queues today. Lets see how things fair over the summer season. See how things fair over the summer season. Thanks, adam fleming, in brussels. Just to tell you a bit more about the prison disturbance, a statement through from the ministry of justice, saying that incident at the mount prison has been resolved. That Isa Mount Prison has been resolved. That is a word that the oj is using, so the incident has been resolved. Special riot trained individuals and staff were having to go into the prison for the second time in two days. The Ministry Ofjustice saying it has been resolved. If we get further clarity on all of that, we will bring it to you, of course. Pakistans parliament has elected a new Prime Minister to replace nawaz sharif, who was forced to resign last week in the wake of corruption allegations. Hes Shahid Khaqan abbasi. 0ur South Asia correspondent Justin Rowlatt has the latest from islamabad. Its exactly what we expected. A guy called Shahid Khaqan abbasi has been elected Prime Minister of pakistan. When i say elected, this is elected by the members of parliament, by the National Assembly of pakistan, not by the people of pakistan. So hes been elected Prime Minister. Hes the new Prime Minister of pakistan, but he is only in place, we think, for about two months before the longer term successor, so the man appointed by nawaz sharif, the former Prime Minister, disgraced and kicked out of office by the Supreme Court on friday. He nominated wait for it, his brother to succeed him. His brother isnt actually an mp. He needs to get himself a seat in parliament, then he, in turn, will be elected by the parliament as Prime Minister succeeding this guy, abbasi, whos won the Prime Ministership today. Thats where were at in pakistan. We do have a new Prime Minister, but hes not going to last for long. Still to come this hour, after President Trump tells Anthony Scaramucci, you are fired, we will speak to the leading political a nalyst speak to the leading political analyst larry sa bato speak to the leading political analyst larry sabato about the latest white house drama. And as the first mail editor takes over at British Vogue, i will discuss what difference he might make with a leading fashion correspondent. Time for a look at the weather. Heres jay wynne. This disappointing spell of weather is continuing. We have seen allsorts today. The south coast was decent, but elsewhere, a crop of showers, thunderstorms, hail, thunder, lightning, and heavy downpours as well. 0ver lightning, and heavy downpours as well. Over the next few hours, the showers and thunderstorms will slowly fa d e showers and thunderstorms will slowly fade away. Then we look to the south and west for the next area of rain to spread in on a freshening breeze. Temperatures around 15 or 16 in the south tonight, but in northern scotland, dipping into single figures. A chilly start for sun tomorrow, but a wet start for others, windy, too. Gale force winds, Spreading Northwards and eastwards through the day. Northern scotla nd eastwards through the day. Northern scotland is a good place to be for sunshine. Northern ireland should dry up with a few showers. Miserable for the southern counties and south wales as well. Disappointing to bridges, 19 or 20 at the best. Thursday, Persistent Rain is out of the way. And settled showers in the north and west, not too showers in the south east. The headlines the government and labour have criticised the owner of british gas, centrica, for announcing a 12. 5 percent increase in Electricity Prices. The white house has insisted that President Trumps new Chief Of Staff will bring discipline to his administration, following the sacking of Anthony Scaramucci as Director Of Communications after less than ten days in office. The government says the disturbance at the prison has been resolved after a riot squad had to be sent into create order. Lets catch up with the sport news. Good afternoon. England goalkeeper Karen Bardsley will miss the rest of womens euro 2017 after it was been revealed shes broken her leg. The Manchester City keeper was injured in the second half of sundays quarter final win over france. And was replaced by siobhan chamberlain. She will stay with the squad for the rest of the turner meant. Anybody who knows her nose she is full of energy and she has played her part for us and she will continue to help the goalkeepers off of the pitch. We have fantastic goalkeepers. That is the same for any member of our team, people can move in and out and we can get the same quality. Hearts have sacked head coach ian Cathro Afterjust seven months in charge. The 31 year old. A former newcastle assistant, hearts say it was a very difficult decision. Calling him an extremely talented young coach with a very bright future. Rugby unions pro12 will be expanded to include two south african sides and renamed the pro14 from this coming season. The cheetahs, who are based in bloemfontein, and the Southern Kings from Port Elizabeth recently lost their places in the southern hempisheres super rugby competition. In the new expanded pro14 the teams will be split evenly into two conferences with two teams from ireland and wales in each and one team from scotland, italy and south africa. They are the defending champions. They are the defending champions. They set at the top now. The Southern Kings have had some great winds, beating the sharks and most of the australian teams. They are the Sleeping Giants of south african by. The Sleeping Giants of south african rugby. They are a huge force and if you look at some of the statistics, back with a 32,000 average attendance, we can connect with that by attendance, we can connect with that Rugby Audience going to rugby heartland, just as it is in ireland. Those two teams are going to be adding Something Special to the turner meant. Turner meant. British gymnast ellie downie will miss 0ctobers World Championships in canada after ankle surgery. The 18 year old injured her left ankle at the british championships in march. Downie plans to return for next years Commonwealth Games in australia. Shes tweeted a minor setback is a pathway for a major comeback. Her older sister becky will also miss the worlds as she continues to recover from an elbow injury. Usain bolt has been Holding Court with the worlds media looking ahead to what will be his final bow as an athlete. The 8 time olympic champion retires after the world champoinships in london which start later this week. He will race in the 100 metres. You was asked what he was like his legacy to be if he retains his 100 metre title. Unbeatable over individual event. You still are . I still have the really but would be really you never know. For me, that would be at. That would be the biggest headline. Unbeatable,. The favourite and two time winner big orange couldnt make it three in a row at the goodwood cup this afternoon. No horse has managed to take the race for three consecutive years. And Frankie Dettoris mount a strong favourite. Could only finish second behind the 6 1 shot stradivarius on the feature race on day one of glorious goodwood. Thejohn gosden trained three year old is now second favourite for the final classic of the season, the st leger, next month. That is all your sport. This is the website. Pick up all the other sports news that has been coming your way. I will have more coming up at 6 30pm. Thank you. Lets return to the news that british gas says it will increase the price of electricity for the first time in nearly four years. Its Owner Centrica says Electricity Prices will increase by 12. 5 from september. Lets find out more about this. Im joined now by our Business Correspondent Simon Gompertz who has been working with our Reality Check Team to find out whether centricas claims on the reasons behind the price rise add up. Remind us the background. They are not the only company who have been putting up prices. Explain the context. It is just putting up prices. Explain the context. It isjust Electricity Prices. That affects more than 3 million customers because british gas is the biggest. The Price Increase is 12 and a half percent. The impact on that was someone with a dualfuel bill is the impact on that was someone with a dual fuel bill is that the bill will go up to around. That is an increase of £76. That is the impact on families. The reasoning for it is . We have heard a variety of things. What is your understanding . That is where it gets interesting. What centrica and british gas does to explain this is to go back to 2014. Three years. They say in that time, it is interesting that the cost of the eligibility that they have to get hold of has gone down by £36. £36 reduction in the price of wholesale belgian state. Why every putting up prices . Wholesale electricity. The arresting other costs, transporting electricity through the grid through our homes, that has gone up by £100 on average per customer. That £1100 bill, £100 is an increase in those other costs, getting electricity around the country and government interventions. That is promoting green energy. They say the cost of green energy. They say the cost of green certificates, is £53 alone thatis green certificates, is £53 alone that is put on bills. Then there are programmes for people on low incomes to subsidise their electricity. Putting Loft Installations in our lofts , putting Loft Installations in our lofts, that sort of thing. They justified the increase but because of all the other things they are having to do. It was so striking that the variety of people i have interviewed today, some say they are not. You have had the hard job to drill down into that and see where the justification is. Drill down into that and see where thejustification is. The drill down into that and see where the justification is. The question is not over the cost of electricity and gas. It is over at about £100. The £100 of other costs. Penning that down is very difficult, particularly if you go back to 2014. The bread and getting it into our homes, that has only gone up. The grid. You still have more than £90 to justify. We have grid. You still have more than £90 tojustify. We have put grid. You still have more than £90 to justify. We have put forward the cost of supporting renewables but there is a lot of puzzlement as to how they get up to that figure. It isa how they get up to that figure. It is a big question mark. Notjust that, the government has come out and said, this increase today, it cannot be justified by just and said, this increase today, it cannot be justified byjust blaming Government Policy initiatives we have had over the last two or three yea rs. Have had over the last two or three years. Very interesting but for now it kicks in in september. Thank you very much. Lets talk more about donald trump. Lets get more now on the firing of Anthony Scaramucci as Communication Director at the white house just ten days after being appointed. His dismissal means three top officials have left the Trump Administration in the last ten days. Were joined by Professor Larry sabato, director of the university of virginias centre for politics and one of the most prominent political analysts in the us. Good to have you with us. Thank you. You have been following this so closely. Where you surprised that Anthony Scaramucci lasted ten days . That is the briefest in American History for a major starfor that is the briefest in American History for a major star for and the prior Chief Of Staff has the longest tenure of Chief Of Staff. We have come to get used to this under donald trump. This is a chaotic way of organising his office. What does it say about the state of relations . That sounds like a simplistic question, given everything we have been watching. I guess i am seeing, where is policy in all of this . We do not hear about policy, only about internalfights. Do not hear about policy, only about internal fights. That is because donald trump invents most of his policies himself. He will listen to other people, although he has a very short attention span. Even the aides who like him will tell him that. His policies come from within or come from the Campaign Trail in 2016. He is not the detailed oriented leader. 0k, is not the detailed oriented leader. Ok, the new man he has brought in, a Retired General, he likes military people, is that going to help . Is there going to be that promised discipline from here on in . There will be more disciplined because john kelly was smart enough to set some conditions in the discussion with donald trump. 0ne some conditions in the discussion with donald trump. One of those conditions is that everyone should flow through him. The Chief Of Staff is supposed to manage the flow of people and the flow of information in and out of the oval office. Here is the problem, the very first tweet that has. Set out was said he was looking forward to working alongside, not under him. The trumps do not work for anybody. Already you have donald trumps. And husband being outside the system and donald trump being donald trump, it will be not long before he is penning people in independent of the Chief Of Staff. The main problem in the Trump White House is donald trump. You cannot solve that problem. He is elected and has a four year term. What does polling tell us about all those people who voted for him . Last one i looked at suggested the vast majority of people who voted for him are quite content that they had done so. That is true. Every time they stand to have doubts about donald trump, they think about Hillary Clinton and how much the heat at heart and they stick with trump. Donald trump has a hold over them. They are convinced, upper 30s and low 405, they they are convinced, upper 305 and low 405, they are convinced this bu5ine55 low 405, they are convinced this business man, the successful businessman i5 business man, the successful businessman is going to turn around the government and turn around all of the things that they have not liked that have changed in america in the last couple of decades. It will take some time for them to see that he is not going to do such thing, he does not have the power. Donald trump doe5 thing, he does not have the power. Donald trump does not understand often that our federal government is divided into greed, call equal branche5. Congre55 divided into greed, call equal branche5. Congress is the equal of the president. You cannot move forward unle55 the president. You cannot move forward unless the three branches Work Together and right now they are not. That is interesting. We are six month5 not. That is interesting. We are six months into an administration. At what point. Is there a cut off at which people who voted for him say, actually, i remembered he promised morejob5 for the rust actually, i remembered he promised more jobs for the rust belt or he promised the wall and that has not materialised. Is there a point that people will start to comment on that . The first point will be the mid term elections. We have elections con5ta ntly and mid term elections. We have elections constantly and the next key election is elections constantly and the next key election i515 month5 elections constantly and the next key election i515 months away in november of 2018, when one third of the us senate, the entire House Of Representatives and 36 of the states are liked governor5 at that time. Normally a president loses 5eat5. It will be interesting to see whether that happens with donald trump. There are so many red states coming up there are so many red states coming up in the senate, republican states, that republicans may well hold on to the senate and gain 5eat5, even though donald trump i5 the senate and gain 5eat5, even though donald trump is very unpopular. We will have to see what happens but if the republicans lo5e 5eat5 happens but if the republicans lo5e seats and lose governorships in the election, that will be the first concrete indication that some of the trump people have begun to peel off. Really, really interesting to talk to you. Thank you. We will be talking again, i am very sure. The headlines british gas has said it will put up lx two prices by 12. 5 by september, affecting more than 3 million cu5tomers. Put up by 12. 5 . The government say5 cu5tomers. Put up by 12. 5 . The government says the incident at the pri5on has now been resolved. There wa5 pri5on has now been resolved. There was a riot squad sent in to restore order. As ever at this time, an update on the Market Numbers for you. There is london and frankfurt, the closing numbers for the day. And in the the United States this is how the dow and the na5daq are getting on. A man in a toy dinghy had to be rescued off the coast of redcar la5t night a mile out to sea. It comes as the rnli warns that the number of near fatal incidents in uk waters is highest in august and its launching a campaign, urging people to take proper precautions when heading out on the water. Rick kelsey reports from cornwall. What are you doing out here . Caught adrift one mile out to sea off the North Yorkshire coa5t. The man was found floating in a 10lb Rubber Dinghy with no safety equipment. The rnli crew say if the alarm hadnt been raised, it could have been much worse. I am the coastguard. I can confirm we have the casualty 5afely onboard. Tens of thousands of people will go into the water off the uk this month. One of the most popular places is here in newquay. How would you describe todays conditions . A good day for surfing or not . Yeah, its pretty good. Its pretty solid out there. It is nice and clean, which makes a change. Josie has the job of Watching Hundreds of swimmers and surfers here on fi5tral beach. So on a beach like this, what are the trickie5t things that could cause someone a problem . For holiday makers, they do not understand the water like we do. They just think they can go wherever they want and sometimes when you tell them, they do not like to be told what to do. Every year, just under 200 people die on the uks coastline, while thousands more are injured. Anthony miller was just 23 when he went into the water one night. They were drinking and partying and he basically said, right, im going skinny dipping. He went in the sea and basically he disappeared. I really, really want people to be aware that when you are on holiday, or whether you live by the sea and youre out drinking, by all means have a good time, but do not go near the water. Do not because you may not come back out alive. Even in the summer months, the temperatures in uk waters do not get much above 16 celsius, which is about the same temperature that comes out of your cold water tap. August is also the month that the guys who work at this Lifeboat Station are the busiest. If you are out on the coastline, you could be fishing on rocks. You know, slips, trips or falls around the coast. If you end up in the water, generally you are going to be in your clothes because you were not prepared. I want you to go on your back, arms out by your side and i want you to push your chin as high as you can towards the air. That is going to keep your airway away from the water. It is that initial part of giving yourself that minute or minute and a half to let your heartrate go back to a normal rhythm and get your breath back and try and compose yourself a bit so that you are not making rash decisions and this environment. Trainer lewis wants people to go against their natural reactions if they fall in the water. Despite the warnings, the amount of injuries and deaths has remained steady over the net five years. The rnli hope that with this new advice, fewer people will get into trouble. The time is ten to six here on bbc news. British vogue has a new editor today, the first man at the helm in the magazines history. Edward enninful has taken over from alexandra shulman, who was the editor for 25 years. The uk Fashion Industry is worth £26 billion a year to the economy so people will be watching closely to see how mr enninful shapes the magazine. Hes already made some some staffing changes, as our Arts Correspondent David Sillito reports. He looks very eccentric and that will be perfect. I got into fashion, i was spotted on a train when i was 15 years old. It is a massive change. Edward enninful is today in charge of one of the most important names in british fashion. Vogue. It does not happen very often. The last british editor was in place for 25 years and from day one, change is afoot. Theyve gone on to snapchat and there is a more diverse team. He has 500,000 instagram followers. He has appointed steve mcqueen, independent professionals who rely on social media to keep building their brands. Vogue is the top of the fashion tree and features clothes only a few can afford. It has been a pretty torrid time for the magazine business. Because of new competition. Fashion on your phone. Newsagents have been closing, sales of glossy magazines have been dropping. People like whitney who have been shaping the business. This is my blog. She is a fashion blogger. Everybody wants fashion today, what is cool right now. That is why social media is so important. Do you still read the magazines . I do. People have been predicting the death of print for a few years and it hasnt happened. For me, it is the excitement of flicking the page. Waiting for the shoot to come up, for the new trend. Its everything. Its a new era and a new name in charge for business that is changing fast. It isa it is a fascinating period. With me is elizabeth paton, european style correspondent at the new york times. Good to see you, elizabeth. You know him well and would see him around at fashion shows. This is so interesting, isnt it . Someone at the helm of British Vogue who has not donejournalism the helm of British Vogue who has not done journalism before, the helm of British Vogue who has not donejournalism before, as the helm of British Vogue who has not done journalism before, as far asi not done journalism before, as far as i understand it. What is significant about edward as he was not a conventionaljournalist, he is one of the most accessible style is of his generation. He has created some of the best known images of the last 15 years. He is not a wordsmith. Come at the peak of the digital digital e reader, is significant. Do you think that is one of the reasons he has been chosen . This is the time that digital is changing journalism, particularly having an impact on magazines . Yes, we have to do into context. The glossy magazine industry is in an era of people. Sales is going down, advertising is slowing. There is a slew of heart on a digital competitors. How does vogue retain that authority . Second of all, this is someone who is a champion of diversity. He is the first male, black editor. He got and obes first male, black editor. He got and 0bes for his services to diversity. Conde nast say this is the man for thejob, it is conde nast say this is the man for the job, it is exciting. Conde nast say this is the man for thejob, it is exciting. It conde nast say this is the man for the job, it is exciting. It is a statement. Correct. This is what he put on social media this morning. My first day in the job, here is a put on social media this morning. My first day in thejob, here is a bit about me. Is it going to be a fine line for him because there will be traditional readers who want to hold a glossy magazine, flick through it on the train, they do not want these images on an ipad. Younger people perhaps do. Is that difficult . Thatll be his big challenge. How to see retain the existing audience of vogue who love the printed edition, whilst attracting new readers on line . Develop the digital identity, that will attract new readers and new viewers. The fact he used snap chat today to give his introduction, says a lot. We will have to wait and see. It is his first day on the job. I know there are so many people excited within the Fashion Industry is someone who is so liked and respected has got this top job in british fashion. That is interesting you say he is liked. He is a lovely quy you say he is liked. He is a lovely guy, he really is. There is a reason why the Devil Wears Prada stereotype exists and he is not one of those guys. It is very, very exciting. He did, as our report shows, got rid of a big name. Lucinda chambers said she was pushed and notjumped. 0thers she was pushed and notjumped. Others have gone, including the former deputy editor. Is that because they think, how can you run a magazine because youre not a journalist . This is the case when any new top dog comes in, there is a starting afresh. Never is that true in terms of media, whether needs to bea in terms of media, whether needs to be a distinctive voice. I think it isa be a distinctive voice. I think it is a reflection of what 2017 is asking forfrom is a reflection of what 2017 is asking for from its fashion magazines. They are all fantastic women who had great careers, who edward is bringing in says a lot about the magazine and what he wants it to be and put his stamp on it. He has celebrity friends. Very, very exciting times. Really interesting. Thank you very much for being with us. You are welcome. Thank you. Much more coming up on all of todays stories at 6pm. Lets have a look at the weather. It has all been going on today. Sunshine, heavy showers, thunderstorms. Looking out at the atlantic, this is tomorrows rain heading our way. Ahead of that, sunshine on the south coast are lots of showers around and thunderstorms. This was the south coast in the afternoon. Lovely blue sky and east sussex but in the west midlands, rain is coming down hard indeed. Bouncing off of the roads. Showers around in scotland and east england but they tend to fade away. Skies will be clearing and will turn chilly in northern scotland. 0ur next area of rain is fast approaching. It will be west in the south of the uk. West of the uk. Ten or 11 celsius in rural scotland. It will be quite chilly first thing. Northern scotland will be the place to be tomorrow for the best of the sunshine. Further south, clouding overin sunshine. Further south, clouding over in the morning and rain into northern ireland. The North East Of England does well in the morning. The south west, not a great start today. It is wet and windy. Touching gale force over the hills. Wet and windy here. Brighter weather for the east of england. It is not going to last. I remain area of rain is Drifting Northwards and eastwards. It will move away from northern ireland. Try and brighten up here and wet in the midlands and some parts of england. Northern scotland, sunshine in the afternoon. Temperatures are disappointing, particularly on the south coast. Eating celsius. Rain makes steady progress. eating celsius. Rain makes steady progress. 18 celsius. As a centre of the area of low pressure chris towards the west, showers by don. Temperatures are in double figures. 12 or 16 celsius in the south. Thursday, an unsettled day. Wet weather for the northern isles. Thursday, an unsettled day. Wet weatherfor the northern isles. Not too many showers in the south east. The dry prospect here. 22 celsius, 18 for glasgow. Further showers on friday, sunshine in between. That is the highest of the temperatures. In the highest of the temperatures. In the low 205 but most races are in the low 205 but most races are in the middle or upper teens. Stay up to date for all the details on line. Tonight at six. Millions face higher Electricity Bills after british gas announces a price hike. The company says therell be help for the poorest households but a typical bill will go up by nearly £80. They seemed to overcharge and the bills go up, prices go up and then they do not go down when prices go down. I guess you have the option to choose a different supplier. Well be asking why bills are going up while wholesale Electricity Costs have come down. Also tonight. Its 50 times more powerful than heroin fenatanyl, the drug thats led to dozens of deaths. Moped Menace Police reveal new tactics to tackle the two wheeled crime wave thats hitting the capital. Once they were in, now theyre out what the white house staff changes

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