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To advise on immediate measures to improve building safety. The Bank Of England issues a financial warning, as Consumer Borrowing rises at its fastest rate in more than a decade. Google is fined more than £2 billion by the European Commission for illegally favouring its own shopping services. And 50 years on from the first cash machine, we take a look at the changing face of banking. Hello, good evening. Welcome to Bbc News At Five. Scotlands First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has said her government is delaying plans for a second Independence Referendum. Speaking in holyrood, she said she Still Believes the country needs to be given a choice about its future, but not until after the Brexit Process. She said that since the general election, in which the snp lost 21 seats, she had listened to voters, and understood their concerns about another poll. Our scotland correspondent lorna gordon is in edinburgh. Nicola sturgeon call this a reset, but what in effect i think it means is whilst a second Independence Referendum is now on hold, it is not off the table. What she seems to be doing is refocused the debate away from this possible referendum, and back onto brexit. She says harper government will redouble its efforts in this area, but any possible legislation on a second Independence Referendum will now be 2018 at the earliest. The Scottish Government remains committed, strongly, to the principle of Giving Scotland the choice at the end of this process, but i want to reassure people that our proposal is not for a referendum now or before there is sufficient clarity about the options, but rather to give them a choice at the end of the Brexit Process, when that clarity has emerged. I am therefore confirming today that having listened and reflected, the Scottish Government will reset the plan i set out on march the 13th. We will not seek to introduce the legislation for an Independence Referendum immediately. Well, the scottish conservatives have a very clear constitutional position. After the result of the general election they said they believed a second Independence Referendum was dead. Ruth davidson speaking in the chamber behind me said Nicola Sturgeon was singing the same old song to the same old tune. The issue that weve had this last year has been with a First Minister who has tried to use the uks decision to leave the European Union to try and impose another referendum on independence on scotland at the earliest opportunity. No once in a generation, no edinburgh agreement of respecting the result, just a single vision drive to the line by Nicola Sturgeon to try and secure her place in history. And as her own msps have accepted, that Decision Cost her 21 seats and the support of half a million scottish voters in the general election. But of course Nicola Sturgeon does have a Very Trickyjuggling Act going forward. The scottish greens set out their position this morning, saying the timetable for a second Independence Referendum should be stuck to, and that was a point reiterated by Patrick Harvie in the chamber this afternoon. Scotland has not consented to being taken out of the European Union against our will. Scotland has not consented to the social and economic wreckage which we know will result if that is what happens. If the First Minister does not introduce a Referendum Bill until after autumn next year, how long will it be after weve been dragged out of europe without having consented to it before the people of scotland are even entitled to make their choice . A couple of other interesting points made by Nicola Sturgeon this afternoon. She said she was very proud of her governments achievements over ten years in office here in scotland, but that she would refresh the agenda this summer. She would refresh the agenda this summer. She said she also wanted to widen out the Independence Movement to beyond the snp, but fundamentally all focus today will be on her comment about a second Independence Referendum, heavily criticised by the Unionist Parties here in scotland, but Nicola Sturgeon sticking to her line that she strongly believes People Living in scotla nd strongly believes People Living in scotland should have a choice about their future at the end of the Brexit Process. Lorna, thanks very much for now. Lorna gordon there. In a few moments we will be joined by kezia dugdale, the leader of scottish labour. Lets speak now to blairjenkins, whos in favour of Scottish Independence he was Chief Executive of the yes campaign during the referendum three years ago. Good evening. Nicola sturgeon had no choice here, did she, because of the result of the general election . |j think result of the general election . think what you got from Nicola Sturgeon today is what you usually get, very clear and measured statement. I think people on the left side of the argument will be greatly encouraged by the fact that she continues to make it clear that the people of scotland will have a choice at the end of the Brexit Process , choice at the end of the Brexit Process, and we must have a choice. Kezia dugdale, there is no halt to this, it will happen butjust not immediately. Nicola sturgeon said she would listen to the voters and reflect after the general election but what she has done today is baker hughes, put your fingers in her ears and carry on regardless. A lot of people across scotland desperately wa nt people across scotland desperately want their First Minister to get back to the dayjob of governing in scotland back to the dayjob of governing in scotland what she has done today is big her heels in. But she said she wants to carry on with government, but she is saying that once we, everybody, knows more about what brexit holds, that then will be the right time, so she is seeing an lot hinges on what sort of deal david davis and others can strike here . All she has done is to say that the bill for the Independence Referendum would be delayed until next autumn. The bill itself is dead but the campaign for independence is very much alive. Nicola sturgeon has said she wants to broaden the church of people who want to speak the case for yes, for independence, and that will upset many people across scotland who sent her a very clear message across the general election to get back to her dayjob and that isa very to get back to her dayjob and that is a very serious job for you to do. 0ur schools across scotland are in crisis. We have ten years of a dismal record in our nhs with Waiting Times out of control, we have scotlands economy stagnating at the time the uk economy is growing, so what we really need is for the First Minister to park the nhs, and focusing on scotlands growing economy. Blairjenkins, you we re growing economy. Blairjenkins, you were smiling there, but there are issues domestically to be focused on, and that is why people vote. Yes, andi on, and that is why people vote. Yes, and i am sure the Scottish Government will do that. That is their business and i am not involved in Scottish Party body. I know kezia does not support Scottish Independence but i always worked on the assumption she supported democracy. There was a clear mandate on which the snp won last year, and they then went on to secure a majority in the parliament for that. If one respect parliamentary democracy one has to respect the Fa Ct Democracy One has to respect the fact that between now and may 2021 there ought to be a Scottish Referendum Independence Referendum. It is right we do not have that until the terms of the brexit deal are known, and who knows . The brexit deal may be a good one and people may want to stay part of the uk, but there is no doubt that if you believe in Democracy Scotland has to make a choice and that is coming. will let you in in a moment kezia dugdale. I dont want to Rerun Everything debated three years ago, blairjenkins, but however if we get to that point, how would you and the people you worked with at that time, how would you do things differently . Well, the most important thing to say is that an Independence Referendum sometime in the next format years is not a rerun of 2014. The debate has moved in in all sorts of ways an Independence Referendum sometime in the next four yea rs referendum sometime in the next four years is not a rerun of 2014. I think brexit changed everything, it threw everything upon the year and the pieces have not landed yet. We just had an unexpected general election with an unexpected result. People are still adjusting to that. It is important with all the noise and activity to focus on the clear principle, which is that there is a democratic mandate for a referendum, Scotla Nd Democratic Mandate for a referendum, scotland has to get the chance to make that choice. It is right that thatis make that choice. It is right that that is not until we know what the brexit deal is, but there is no point in pretending we can somehow go on and pretend there is not a choice to be made. There is. Kezia dugdale . Neither can blairjenkins pretend or forget the mandate that the people of scotland sent in 2014 of the electorate voted and said very clearly no. The vast majority of people in scotland want to move oii of people in scotland want to move on from those audits of the past and the reality is the only things that have changed since 2014, the economics of Independence Have Falle N Economics Of independence have fallen apart. There has been a collapse of the oil price. And brexit. Collapse of the oil price. And brexit. Still more fundamental and is to currency. You mentioned brexit and that is interesting because Nicola Sturgeon is using brexit to make the case for independence but she cant tell us whether scotland would automatically stay a member of the European Union, would we have to be applied, or would we have a norway style arrangement . The different deals depending on the flavour of the week. She will do anything to pursue the case of independence and we have seen that today, by ignoring the will of the people of scotland. In what sense is she ignoring the will of the People Scotlands she is a very clear mandate from last years election. If we stop respecting the outcome of parliamentary processes and think they are in trouble. I am in no doubt. What about respecting referendums . People in 2014 said no. Chose to leave the European Union and both of those decisions had to be respected and it is my party that wa nt be respected and it is my party that want to respect both of those referendums and snp who do not want to accept the will of the people. We debated a lot in the first referendum and we said a vote to stay in would be a vote to stay in the eu but that is not the case. Brexit changes everything is that you are entitled to be against independence and i respect your right to make that case but what you dont have the right to do is obstruct democracy and that is what youre doing. Can you tell us would scotland remain a member of the grated European Union . Would we have a norway style arrangement . With the bank of last resort be . My view was scotland should remain in the European Union. You dont have any of the big answers to the questions of the day. Kez, i believe scotla nd questions of the day. Kez, i believe scotland should be inside the European Union. But despite all the noise, the key principle is one of parliamentary democracy. The people scotla nd parliamentary democracy. The People Scotland voted for a party which had in its manifesto that there should be another referendum if scotland we re be another referendum if scotland were to be dragged out of the eu against its will. We are in those circumstances. It is a parliamentary majority for a vote and you ought to respect that and i think i would respect that and i think i would respect you more, despite our differences on independence, if you respected that democratic principle. Thing what people expect is the result of the general election from a matter of days ago to be respected, blair. Very lively debate. Plenty more to come. Kezia dugdale, the leader of scottish labour, and blairjenkins, thanks very much to both of you. Thank you. 0n very much to both of you. Thank you. On an entirely different matter, to move on and bring you some news coming through from the European Court of human rights, we arejust hearing that the court has rejected a plea from the parents of that baby, charlie garde, to intervene in that case, so that has just come through, thejudges that case, so that has just come through, the judges rejecting that case, so that has just come through, thejudges rejecting an application from the parents of this little boy, charlie gard, to intervene in that case. Very seriously ill little boy and his pa rents seriously ill little boy and his parents have been applying to court after court because they feel they wa nt to ta ke after court because they feel they want to take him to the United States for experimental procedures to see whether his very rare condition can be helped, but the European Court of human rights rejecting that application to intervene in this case. If we get a few more details on that we will bring those to you. That has just come through from the court in the last few minutes. Now, companies around the world have been reporting in the last couple of hours that theyve been hit by a major cyber attack. The british Advertising Agency wpp is among dozens of firms reporting problems. The impact has been greatest in ukraine, where the government, state power distributor and kievs main airport are all affected. Its thought the computers have been infected with ra nsomwa re, with demands for payment. Lets find out a little bit more about what we know and what all this might be. With me is dan raywood, Contributing Editor at infosecurity magazine. Thanks for coming in. We think it is run somewhere but what are you hearing, what is your understanding . It is very early days. With the incident back in may, it was a very slow build, happening through the whole friday. This was the one that hit the nhs and other organisations as well . Yes, many in europe but it did not hit the us as much. They were quite prepared. In the case of this one, as you said, it was ukraine, and no real clarity first at this stage. We are only about two hours into the story. I started seeing this about 2 30pm, 3pm, and what we are seeing now is lots of infections, in major industry. Airports, regulators, oil and gas, for example, the metro system posting a photo of their computer locked down, so at this stage it is definitely run somewhere as far as stage it is definitely run somewhere as farasi stage it is definitely run somewhere as far as i can see. And again, similarto as far as i can see. And again, similar to may, is it done purely to make money . A moneymaking exercise, do we think that is the main focus ofan . Do we think that is the main focus of an . Ultimately run somewhere is about financial gain, so what is quite interesting about this one, the only asked for a 300 in that kind of payment, and if you lock someone down you could ask for thousands, so people may think, what the heck, we should just pay it. 300 in bitcoin. Maybe the way we are seeing this now is companies saying, we can pay a small amount. Ultimately it is to disrupt, it can be used to put companies off line, but financial gain is a major part of that. When we were discussing this last time, time and again people came on and said, this is a lesson, wake up call, reminder, that individuals and companies should have all their Important Information backed up. The fact this is happening again, does that tell us people are not backing up, what does it tell us about all of our approach to security . There are lessons learned, to use that term, thinking what could we do better . It is not about backing up but perhaps about applying protections. Patches for the flaws in the software, well they get updated, you download and install them, they are all up to date, as you often see with your phones and apps. That term lessons learned, the problem is there maybe people who did not update it so perhaps that is the biggest problem. Security again. Yes. Probably not the last time we will be talking, dan. Dan raywood from infosecurity magazine, thank you for coming in. The time is 70 minutes past five. A reminder of tonights headlines. 17 minutes past five. Scotlands First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has said her government is delaying plans for a second Independence Referendum. A major cyber attack has Hit Companies in a number of countries including the uk. After the grenfell tragedy, an expert panel is empowered to come up with measures for building safety. In sport. Englands under 21 side made a bright start against germany in poland. Still 0 0 after 15 minutes. Fifa publishes a controversial report into the Bidding Process for the 2018 and 2022 world cup tournaments in russia and qatar. And womens highest ever world cup total is beating in the second group match. Pakistan are currently three wickets down, but heavy rain has stopped play in leicester. I will have more on those stories at half past five. Join me then. Thank you. See you a little bit later. The internet giant google has been fined a record £2. 1 billion by the European Commission, for putting its own Online Shopping services at the top of Search Results. Its the biggest fine in the commissions history it said google had abused its Market Dominance. Google now has 90 days to end the practice. More details from our Technology Correspondent rory cellanjones. Put the name of something you might want to buy into googles Search Engine, and right at the top, up pops a helpful box with images of products. Do it on a mobile phone and the images are even more prominent, and every time you click on one of the adverts, the search giant aims money. It is called google shopping, and now it has resulted in a record fine from europes competition commissioner. Google has abused its Market Dominance in its Search Engine by promoting its own shopping Comparison Service in its Search Results and demoting its competitors. Google is under fire because of its sheer size its accused of using its position as the dominant player in Online Search to squash rivals. Kelkoo, a Price Comparison site which says its being squeezed by google shopping, is celebrating todays move. Without competition, google can charge merchants whatever they like for advertising. With competition, you end up with lots of people like ourselves, companies, competing on prices which brings the price down. Thats got to be good for consumers. Merchants will charge less. Thats a good day for consumers. But google says its competition in shopping comes from tech giants like amazon, and it believes brussels hasnt proved that consumers are being harmed. The firm released a statement saying google shows shopping ads connecting our users with thousands of advertisers, large and small, in ways that are useful for both. We respectfully disagree with the conclusions announced today. This is just the latest in a series of battles which have pitched europe against American Technology companies. The eu says its just enforcing Competition Law The Americans may suspect this is all about politics. Rory cellan jones, bbc news. Theresa may has told the cabinet there needs to be a National Investigation into the use of cladding on high rise buildings, stretching back decades. New figures show that 95 samples of cladding have failed fire safety tests conducted following the Grenfell Tower fire a 100 failure rate. Two weeks after the Grenfell Tower fire families from the area and beyond are still facing uncertainty about where to live. Thousands of people were told to leave their flats in camden in north london at the weekend, after tower blocks there were found to be covered in the same type of cladding as grenfell but some people are now adamant they will return home. Tom burridge reports. Help for the hundreds in north london still out of their homes. Most turning up here at the local Leisure Centre rather than staying in their homes. 10 45pm in the evening, they said, we have found your place, can you move . I said, yes, but for how long . They said two night. With the children and everything, you wake them up 10 45pm in the evening, lets go, we have to move. We will be somewhere, tonight and tomorrow, then we have to return to the sports hall. Other residents pitched up this morning with donations for those evacuated. Peoples lives put on hold. 0n the one hand Camden Council says their homes are not safe, but for many moving out suddenly with small children or elderly residents and into a hotel simply hasnt worked, and many tell us there are no moving back into their flat. People like oarsmen and his wife and their five children. Last night seven of them stayed in three rooms people like 0sman and his wife and children. Stayed in three rooms people like osman and his wife and children. We had one hour to go and packer stuff, leave, and we dont know where we will go next. All this because of the cladding, together with other fire Safety Measures in their block of flats, was not deemed safe. Some residents have complained about conditions in their hotels. In response Britannia Hotels have released a statement saying it takes complaint seriously and says it was working hard to resolve issues at a difficult time for those concerned. Buildings across the country, public and private, are being inspected following the fire at grenfell. It was a tragedy that demands change. And tom is here now. People watching will think, i thought there was going to be a Public Inquiry. Where are we with all of this that has been announced . The Public Inquiry will obviously look at the causes of grenfell fire, what caused it to spread so quickly, Weather Warnings were ignored or missed, and whether prosecutions can follow. What the government is saying now is it is going to set up or has set up a panel of independent experts to look at what immediate measures should be taken in buildings around the country to make sure they are safe. It will be headed by sir ken knight, the former Fire Commissioner in london, and a former adviser on fire and rescue to the government, and essentially it might look for example at whether a building has the type of cladding, if it has the suspect cladding we saw in Grenfell Tower leader grenfell, what other measures should be taken to mitigate the risk . The cladding that we saw bee. Should there be fire doors, sprinklers, that type of thing . In terms of the cladding itself, iwonder whether people are getting more and more confused, because they will think why is something that is not safe, on so many buildings it would appear in so many different parts of the country, and we know lots of testing has been going on, so is it accurate to say that this testing now is far more stringent than what had previously gone on in years gone by . We believe it is stricter. The tests are being carried out by the Building Research establishment, a company in watford, owned by the government, which is now a private company. Those tests are ongoing and every single test has failed to date of samples taking from cladding around the country. In the past, if you think of it like a sandwich, and in grenfell it was aluminium sheeting it and polyester not in the middle, in the past fire tests carried out on that type of Cladding Mightjust Have carried out on that type of cladding might just have tested carried out on that type of Cladding Mightjust Have tested the cladding Asa Mightjust Have tested the cladding as a whole, so that fire might have been applied to the skin, but what we believe in the tests being carried out now, is that each element of the cladding is being tested, so the polyethylene will be tested, so the polyethylene will be tested on its own, and that is why we are seeing a 100 failure rate. 0k, we are seeing a 100 failure rate. Ok, thanks very much for that update. Tom burridge, thank you. The Bank Of England has warned about Rising Consumer borrowing and household debt, in its twice yearly report about the uk economy. Credit card borrowing and Car Finance Deals are being taken up at their fastest rate in more than a decade. Banks are going to be forced to find a further £11 billion in the next 18 months, to protect against the risk of bad loans. 0ur Economics correspondent andy verity has the details. Are we borrowing too much, and could we still afford it if something went wrong . The Bank Of England warned today that banks were loosening their lending to consumers and action was needed to make it tighter. Consumer borrowing, outside of mortgages, is nearly £200 billion. Consumer credit growth has far outpaced that of Household Income over the past year, with notable increases across credit cards, personal loans and autofinance. In an environment of intense competition, Interest Margins have fallen and Risk Assessments by banks have declined, or by lenders, i should say, have declined. Lenders are therefore more vulnerable to losses and stress. The banks big concern is consumer lending, on credit cards, personal loans and, notably, car finance. So far there havent been that many people who cant keep up their repayments. But the bank says lenders may be assuming its just going to carry on that way. The banks acting to stop lenders being complacent in case those loans go bad, with Consumer Credit up by 10. 3 and car loans growing at 15 , farfaster than wages, banks are being ordered to set aside an extra £11 billion in case those loans cant be repaid. I think mark carney wants to be proactive. He talked of increasing Additional Capital a year ago, but he held off because of the brexit issue. And i think he wants to make sure the banks are reminded they have to be more cautious in consumer lending, given the speed the loan books have grown over the last few years. If banks are forced to tighten up lending, households wont find it as easy to top up sagging incomes with cheap borrowing. There will be consequences. Banks will lend less and charge more. Currently in our country there are 8. 8 Million People using credit for daily living costs. Its those people who im concerned about. Because they will get into trouble, and what we need to make sure that we need to protect those people. Most of the growth in Consumer Borrowing has been in so called personal Contract Purchase Agreements for cars, where car buyers can return the car when the loan period is up. If second hand car prices drop, drivers would be safe, lenders would be hit. If that happened, the Bank Of England said, the banks could with stand any losses. 28 minutes past five. Lets get an update on the news coming through in the last few minutes, that ruling from the European Court of human rights abeid the Baby Charlie Gard. Lets get an update from our medical correspondent fergus walsh has joined me. Can you explain what has happened here . A panel of seven judges at the European Court of human rights in strasbourg has ruled inadmissible the application by the pa rents of inadmissible the application by the parents of charlie gard to hear a final appeal that they should be allowed to take their baby son to the United States for experimental treatment. They said that in a brief judgment, they said the three courts, uk courts, which all found that the hospital should be allowed to let charlie die, they were independent professionals, medical experts, and the guardian appointed to represent charlie, and they had all agreed that charlies ventilators should be switched off, and they said it was most likely charlie would be exposed to continued pain, suffering and distress and this experiment of treatment would have no prospect of success and would offer no benefit. And so in legal terms, was this the final option for the little boys pa rents . Final option for the little boys parents . This is the end of the road. What it means now is that from now but probably in the next few days, the team at great 0rmond to at the hospital, obviously, in talking to the parents, they will switched off charlies ventilator which is keeping him alive, and then give him only palliative care, so at some point the little boy will be allowed, as the courts and the hospitals have put it, be allowed to die with dignity. Thank you, our medical correspondent, fergus walsh. The amount of public money the queen receives to carry out her work as Head Of State is to increase next year by around 8 , to £82 million. It will help to pay for repairs being carried out at Buckingham Palace over the next decade. It comes as accounts revealed the queens official net expenditure last year increased by £2 million, to almost 42 million. Lets catch up with the weather prospects. So beautiful last week and now it has ground to a halt. Not great at the moment, and we are even warning of bad conditions on the roads this evening with standing water and surface spray. This is the radar from the last couple of hours, a large area of rain heading into the south east. And that will give us a very wet end to the day. Elsewhere across the country it is overcast with outbreaks of rain here and there. The heaviest of the rain across the south and east tonight and eventually moving into northern areas. Tomorrow morning the heavy rain continues to make its journey north. So lincolnshire in parts of yorkshire, also a noticeable breeze coming from the north sea. But the north of scotland enjoying some better weather. Not all bad. This is Bbc News At Five the headlines. Scotlands First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has said her government is delaying plans for a second Independence Referendum. When the terms of brexit will be clearer we will come back to parliament to set out ourjudgement on the best way forward at that time. Judges in the European Court of human rights have rejected a plea from the parents of terminally ill Baby Charlie Gard to intervene in the case. Chris gard and connie yates wanted 10 month old charlie gard, who suffers from a rare genetic condition and has brain damage, to undergo a Therapy Trial in america. Companies around the world have been reporting in the last couple of hours that theyve been hit by a major cyber attack. The british Advertising Agency wpp is among dozens of firms reporting problems. The government has appointed an expert panel to advise on immediate safety action following the Grenfell Tower fire. Time for a full round up of the days sports news lets cross now to the bbc Sports Centre and damianjohnson. Theyve been playing for around half an hour in poland as England Under 21s attempt to reach the final of the European Championship for the first time in eight years as they take on germany in the semi final in poland. England have had the best of it so far and should be ahead. Nathaniel chalobah might have scored with this early header. And there was an even better chance for tammy abraham. Its been entertaining so far but its still nil nil. Fifa has decided to publish a controversial internal report into the Bidding Process for the 2018 and 2022 world cup tournaments in russia and qatar. It follows a leak of the report written by fifas own ethics investigator Michael Garcia to a german newspaper. Our sports news correspondent Richard Conwayjoins Me now. What are the main headlines . This is a densely packed report, 430 pages. Michael garcia resigned of course in protest back into the 14th when a summary of this report was published. He said it was misleading and what we have uncovered so far from our furious and what we have uncovered so far from Ourfurious Reading is there are some lurid claims about wrongdoing, Voter Manipulation and collusion between voters for those bids to host the 2018 and 2022 world cups. Some very serious accusations in there. Most of which are some of which were seen has been previously reported. But now backed up because Michael Garcia in the course of compiling this report travelled the globe, spoke to all the different bidding nations, all the individuals connected to those bids including the england bid. England 2018 it should be said, their team did not escape censure. It says Michael Garcia was critical of them for trying to accommodate some of them demands of the voters which perhaps we re demands of the voters which perhaps were not to be accommodated. So we will continue to read into it but what is coming across is that the Bidding Process which we know many of the voters on that vote for 2018 and 2022 have departed, some in shame, some retired, sam bradford live from football. This report gives full detail on what happened in the build up to bed vote in December 2000 and ten. Thank you. 0nto cricket and england look well on course to win their second match of the womens world cup against pakistan at grace road, leicester, they racked up the second highest total in the history of the competition 377 for 7 in their 50 overs with hundreds from Natalie Sciver and captain heather knight. In reply, pakistan are currently 107 3 off 29. 2 overs but rain has just stopped play. The British And Irish Lions squandered a 14 point lead as they were held to a 31 all draw with super rugby side hurricanes, in their last midweek match in new zealand. They got off to a great start with Greig Laidlaws Superb Offload paving the way for Tommy Seymour scoring the first try of the game. Hurricanes responded through Callum Gibbins but george north made sure the lions ended the first half with a 23 7 lead. But the hurricanes scored three second half tries, vaea fifitas converted try made it 31 all with 10 minutes left and despite a dan biggar drop goal attempt to win at the end, thats how the scores remained. And if that european under 21 game england have just gone one goal down to germany. Thats all sport for now. Ill have more in sportsday at half past six. A sikh couple say they were told they couldnt adopt a white child, because of their Cultural Heritage. Sandeep and reena mander were both born in britain, and told an Adoption Agency they were happy to take a child from any ethnic background, but say they were advised instead to adopt a child from india. Its legal for Adoption Agencies to give preference to parents from the same ethnic group, but government guidelines say different racial backgrounds shouldnt be a barrier. 0ur Correspondent Sara Smith has been to meet the couple. After seven years of trying and 16 failed ivf attempts sandeep and reena accepted they werent going to have a baby of their own. Convinced they could offer a child a loving home, though, they went to an interductory session on adoption. When they told the agency adopt berkshire, theyd like to move forward, they were informed with only white babies needing families, their Indian Heritage meant there was no point proceeding. I was quite hurt. We had already gone through a long journey and initially i was hurt. Then i was angry. They should be looking at us as people and understanding more about our lives, who we are and not just one particular area such as Cultural Heritage because that can mean anything. The couple, both born and raised in britain, tried to get the decision reversed through the agencys own complaints division. Theyve had support from their own mp theresa may. They havent even been allowed to start the long application process, which is why now theyre taking legal action. I feel that the council has got it wrong in the sense that they have prioritised Cultural Heritage as the one and primary factor that they will consider before even allowing couples to register. The effect of doing that is creating a form of segregation. Adopt berkshire is the councils Adoption Agency. When we asked about this case a spokesperson said they wouldnt comment on Ongoing Court cases. On its website it says, when placing children for adoption, it will first try to identify prospective adopters who reflect the childs culture and religion of heritage. For us, colour doesnt mean a single thing to us. Love doesnt have a colour. Why differentiate that and the well being of that child growing upjust down to the fact that, i suppose, were brown skinned. The legal battle, they say, is for future couples in the same position. Theyve now been approved for adoption from the us. With me isjoy carter, who was adopted at birth by a white couple. And Alsojohn Simmonds director of policy, Research And Development at coram baaf, the Member Organisation for all local authority and voluntary Adoption Agencies. Welcome to both of you. Joy, you we re welcome to both of you. Joy, you were adopted when you were very young. You were born in nigeria and have you travelled through life having to explain the fact that your pa rents having to explain the fact that your parents clearly having to explain the fact that your pa rents clearly do having to explain the fact that your parents clearly do not have the same skin colour as you, has that been an issue. It was at school, previously would look at you go who are those people and you had to say bees are pa rents. People and you had to say bees are parents. They are right next to me, all those kind of questions. But by large and, some people accepted me, some did not, it was more of a race issue. And that highlights some of the complexities of overseas adoptions. It isjust the complexities of overseas adoptions. It is just a the complexities of overseas adoptions. It isjust a different set of tool box issues for parents to have to undergo. Your parents we re to have to undergo. Your parents were living and working in nigeria i think when they adopted due and brought you back to the uk. You have siblings, brothers. Not to put words into your mouth, but would it, would you say to other people, you know, i had a great upbringing and would much rather be given a happy home life then left to struggle. Definitely, children need to thrive, they need a stable and secure environment. In which they can find their identities. Because when any child who has been adopted, you have passed, you have genetic and also a new heritage and future. So you have two passports constantly going on at any one time and that is when you need assistance a sense of stability and security as much as you can find to help you overcome those issues. One thing the government are doing is there putting more support and counselling in place for children and families to deal with say attachment or trauma issues. That is what i did not have but the government are now putting better place to help people understand these issues. And john, not to talk specifically about this case today, every case is different, but what are the challenges for the adoption authorities, the various agencies, in trying to match a child, any child, with the right individual or couple. Most children adopted in the uk are removed from their parents because of abuse and neglect. Typically when those children are under five there will bea children are under five there will be a detailed exploration about whether adoption might be the right long term placement for those children. And then the issues will both be planned for and an application will be made to a court for a Placement Order to be made which authorises the local authority to place that child for adoption. So the range of issues those children may face would be all the consequences of abuse and neglect and were talking about some pretty terrible things that can happen to children. There may be children in Sibling Groups, those children may have experienced a very significant degree of adversity as those plans are made, they may have genetic conditions, we are not familiar with foetal alcohol syndrome type issues. Soa foetal alcohol syndrome type issues. So a whole range of issues that the local authority and the court will be concerned about when coming to match that child or those children if it is in Sibling Group with prospective adopters. 0ne if it is in Sibling Group with prospective adopters. One of the key issuesis prospective adopters. One of the key issues is always going to be what does a child bring in terms of their ethnicity, their culture, religion, and language. So that is a consideration but the consideration in quitea consideration but the consideration in quite a long list of considerations . Yes, it cannot be the only issue. And the thing you have to be concerned with in the longer term is is this child going to settle but these adopters in this place and or all the issues that they bring with them including all they bring with them including all the things which typically are part of childhood, adolescence and then into adult world, are those issues going to be addressed by the adoptive family and that is notjust the parents but grandparents and other people as well to establish that secure and loving lifelong family life that all children need. Joy, family life that all children need. Joy, you family life that all children need. Joy, you are nodding through so much about. I wonder where the balance is for you, whether you feel a degree of sympathy for the Adoption Agencies who have quite a tricky juggfing agencies who have quite a tricky juggling act to do. Like a jigsaw i guess im a person is a child who as you have referred to, fundamentally just wants a happy family home. think every situation is unique, theres no Textbook Tick Box for any family, you are a unique situation and yourfamily and family, you are a unique situation and your family and heritage. Family, you are a unique situation and yourfamily and heritage. So thatis and yourfamily and heritage. So that is important and also any family wanting to racially adopt, thatis family wanting to racially adopt, that is like another layer of complexity to the issue as well. Because that child will have so many more things going on. So basically, i have friends who have just adopt butjust i have friends who have just adopt but just adopted i have friends who have just adopt butjust adopted trans racially and from the start you are going to have people looking at you and asking what is happening. You cant hide from this. So unless the couple are Strong Enough to deal with the long term constant questions that will always be coming to you and your child, you have to have that made clear to you at the beginning. That is why i think social workers and all the people involved with helping make adoption successful, they really have to work hard to make them work. Because there is that added layer of complexity. But it can work. At the end of the day you have a loving family. You may not see colour but other people will. It is other people. I could talk to all evening. I apologise that we have run out of time. At least 1700 patients could have been harmed by an administrative error which led to thousands of nhs records being accidentally sent to storage. The records included test results for cancer, and Child Protection notes, that should have been sent to hospitals or gp surgeries. Heres our Health Editor hugh pym. Test results including cancer and treatment plans were among letters from hospitals which never got to gps. A company contracted to forward mail for patients who had moved or changed doctors allowed letters to pile up in a warehouse. A report by the watchdog the National Audit office said a backlog of 709,000 letters built up. All the letters are being checked in a process which will cost £6. 6 million or more. For everyone, every bit of correspondence, theyre looking to see if there was harm and theyre letting the patients know and getting experts to look at it. They have identified potential harm. For those cases theyre looking into it to find out, has there been actual harm caused . Patients representatives are angry that the problem was allowed to continue for so long before action was taken, and that some people may find their care was affected. We are shocked on behalf of patients that such a scandal has occurred. And to add to that, the lack of transparency is worrying for everyone, and patients will have their confidence in the system dented even further. A department of Health Spokesperson said no cases of harm to patients had been identified so far and that work was continuing with nhs england to ensure that this didnt happen again with officials mindful of the need for transparency. The issue was raised by labour in the house of commons. Isnt it a scandal that 709,000 letters were failed to be delivered, left in an unknown warehouse and many destroyed . No government on any side can ever guarantee there will be no breach of contract. But what we can do is make sure we react quickly when that happens, which happened on this occasion and we can make sure we have better assurance than we had on this occasion and i can assure the house that the appropriate lessons will be learned. An inquest into the death of five men on Camber Sands Last Summer has been hearing harrowing details about attempts to save them. A teenager told the hearing she had seen the men in the water, but amid the general noise and screaming on the beach she thought they were playing. When she went back out to sea, they had disappeared. The five, all friends from london, had been on day trip to camber sands. Duncan kennedy reports from hastings coroners court. Five friends on a fun trip to the beach, but it was a journey no one would return from. It was a beautiful summers day, like this one on camber sands 27 degrees, calm seas, with no signs of danger. Amy wood had been on her surfboard, and had earlier used it to rescue another boy in distress. She saw the five men and thought they were playing, but felt something wasnt quite right. Because of the way that they were shouting, and it couldve just been games and it could have just been anyone, but it was sort of the way that they were shouting. Amy said that the men later disappeared. The beach is known to have sand bars taller than an adult that fill with water. 0ne witness spoke of the powerful undercurrents that day. Amid the chaos and noise of the emergency that took hold, several people tried desperately to resuscitate the five men. I could havejust acted and maybe that would have made a difference, and that is one of the hardest things to deal with, especially to then see the families and see them grieving. It kind ofjust brings it back. It was really emotional. As devon small there gave his evidence, the tears of the families of the men who died filled the room. When hed finished, they walked over to him to thank him, for at least trying to save their loved ones. Katherine morgan worked as one of the beach patrols, but said they werent trained to go into the water. She said herjob was to warn the public about the sand bars, but said they never listened. The inquest will also hear from Police Officers and from the council, who were in charge of the beach. Duncan kennedy, bbc news, in hastings. 50 years ago, the worlds first cash machine was installed, outside a branch of Barclays In Enfield in london. Now we rely on 70,000 in the uk, and Three Million across the world to get hold of money. And as Simon Gompertz reports, the machines are now so sophisticated, theyre proving yet another threat to the Traditional Bank branch. 1967, a revolution. The first money from a hole in the wall. You put in a voucher and a code and you got ten £1 notes. Reg varney, a tv celebrity of the time, had a go and the cash machine was born. And this is what weve come to. Less a cash machine than a mini bank. On these ones, you can even open a bank account. Signing your name, it will take my photo as welljust to prove that its me. Is this the kind of banking that we want . Were doing banking on Mobile Phones and laptops, why ever cash machine . Youre not the only user, there are other users. Cannot think of it as a machine, it is a piece of real estate. How can you bring more things to real estate which is expensive. It is a piece of real estate which changed our lives because you did not have to worry about when the banks might be open. Five quid. What about a tip . Now cash itself is under threat from co nta ctless cash itself is under threat from Contactless Card and smartphones. The Bank Of England Chief Cashier who signs are banknotes agrees that the cash machine has to do other things. Others will be looking for extra a cash machine, you may soon be able to trade in shares on a cash machine. So some will be striving to get more from their machines, a one stop shop. Get more from their machines, a onestop shop. This one shows you if someone is looking over your shoulder to steal your pin code. Reassurance you might want if they closer a branch to replace it with the machine. Were moving towards a No Bank Branch era. We used to have about 20,000 Bank Branches in the uk and soon it will be 4000. Cash machines in the future will provide 99 of all services that people can get from Bank Branches today. That is not a world that everyone will blog about the Technology Unleashed Backin blog about the technology unleashed back in the 1960s is still transforming way we drank half a later. We bank. Simon gompertz, bbc news. A 92 year old former World War Two pilot is believed to have become the first german since the war to fly in a spitfire. During his career, hugo broch flew more than 300 missions. 0ur correspondent robert hall has been to biggin hill to see the flight. At the airfield which served in the front line of the battle of britain, the roar of a Merlin Engine heralded an encounter between a great pilot and a great aircraft. During his career, hugo broch was credited with 81 victories in 324 missions, earning him his countrys highest military honour. Today his First Encounter was with one of the machines he flew, a messerschmitt fighter, now being painstakingly rebuilt at biggin hills heritage hangar. But for herr broch, the best was yet to come. The spitfire was a legend on both sides of the channel and hed waited most of his life to fly in one. Translation the Spitfire Engine was held in very high regard, and high esteem. Im very happy to be here and very much looking forward to meeting everyone later and to the spitfire flight. The spitfire gained its iconic status during the summer of 1940 when the rafs young pilots fought to keep hitlers forces at bay. Alongside the hurricane, it became a symbol of courage and resistance, so much so that another german fighter ace, adolf gallant, famously said hed like a squadron of spitfires. With rain clouds looming, the ground crew prepared for todays scramble. It may have been decades ago, but herr broch knew the drill. The flight was captured for a documentary about the man and the machines and Cockpit Cameras enabled us to share herr brochs delight as the spitfire soared above the kent hills. He declined an offer to take the controls, saying that in this case, he was just a back seat driver. On one question, though, he was adamant. The aircraft he flew was still the best. Robert hall, bbc news, biggin hill. Time for a look at the weather. Heres thomaz schafernaker. No improvement in the last 30 minutes in fact it has gone downhill across some parts of the country. Takeit across some parts of the country. Take it steady if youre travelling over the next few hours especially across southern areas in the uk. There is a lot of heavy rain on the way. It has been heavily on the south eastern portion of the country, and here is the radar. You can make out some Lime Green Colours which represents maybe heavy rain. This mass will be moving north into east anglia eventually, the midlands as well. The rest of the country is not too much in the way of rainfall. More patchy further north and west. So standing Water Surface spray through the evening and right through the evening and right through the evening and right through the night across many areas of the uk. So that rain area expands, the heaviest of the rain again in the south eastern quarter. Mild if not warm in the south, 15, 16 degrees, a bit fresher in scotland. And this poor weather is with us to stay through most of this week. This low pressure with Weather Fronts spiralling in towards it, thatis fronts spiralling in towards it, that is here through wednesday. At this stage wednesday morning, the heaviest of the rain through the north midlands. But across scotland a different story, it has been Heavy Rain Today but for easter areas some sunshine around. And in the west as well. So that central suede tomorrow is where the worst of the weather will be. But notice how the Weather Front is moving north. Very slowly, but it is moving and that means wednesday night into thursday, that Weather Front once again will be over eastern parts of scotland. 0ne day of dry weather and then back into the rain. But further south, the weather improves so low pressure may well be stuck over us through most of the week. But not raining everywhere, within that. The good news is the weekend is looking drier and brighter. Not promising new dry and brighter. Not promising new dry and sunny weather but at least looking a lot better compared to what we will be having over the next few days. So once again take it steady if youre out on the roads in the next few hours in the south east. Thats prompted a rethink. The Scottish Government will reset the plan i set out on march the 13th. We will not seek to introduce the legislation for an Independence Referendum immediately. 0pponents argue that the snps obsession with independence has drained support for ms sturgeon. She appears to be in denial about her mistakes over this last year. And, as a result, is leaking credibility and confidence in her leadership by the hour. Well be asking where this leaves the drive for Scottish Independence. Also tonight. Now its nearly 100 tower blocks that fail fire tests

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