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Police charge 47 year old Darren Osborne with terrorism related murder over the attack outside Finsbury Park mosque. Gary haggarty a former loyalist Paramilitary Commander Turned Supergrass pleads guilty to 200 charges, including five murders. And mark kermode gives his verdict on the latest Transformers Film and other releases in the film review at 5. 45. Our main story at five detectives investigating the Grenfell Tower fire say they are considering a number of possible criminal offences including manslaughter after revealing that the cladding on the building has failed initial fire safety tests. Scotland yard has also confirmed that the fire thought to have killed at least 79 people started in a hotpoint Fridge Freezer. The government has ordered an immediate examination of the unit by technical experts to establish what went wrong but says there is no reason to believe there is a generalfault. Fourteen buildings across the country are now known to have cladding which gives cause for concern and tests on many more are continuing. Richard galpin reports. Its been described as the worst fire in britain since the second world war. Now, nine days later, the police have the results of tests carried out on the panels covering the outside of the tower and have confirmed that a fridge sparked the fire. Preliminary tests on the instillation samples collected from Grenfell Tower showed that they combusted soon after the test started. The initial tests on the Cladding Tiles also failed the safety tests. We are also concerned about the Fridge Freezer in this matter. We have been working with the department of energy, business and industrial strategy, who are working with hotpoint on the safety of that fridge. This is the make and model of the fridge and people who have it are being urged to contact police. Police say they will bring those responsible to justice. We are looking at every criminal offence, from manslaughter onwards. Were looking at every health and safety and fire safety offences, and we are reviewing every company at the moment involved in the building and refurbishment of Grenfell Tower. And now, what has happened in london is having repercussions right across the country. The safety of 600 tower blocks is being checked. Already, more than a dozen have been found with cladding which raises safety concerns. And the authorities are trying to work as quickly as possible, with 100 buildings being inspected every day. For People Living in tower blocks like these here in plymouth, all this is very disturbing. Our viewers who knows what will happen in the next 24 hours, what if there is a fire tonight and bear in mind, all of the cladding has not proved to be safe enough, how will we stand a chance, especially if we are all asleep and we dont know about it . And the concerns go beyond apartment blocks. The company which owns the premier Inn Hotel Chain says some of its buildings do not appear to meet required for standards. It is now pursuing this with the developers that built them. Experts say many different types of building could be at risk. We dont know where the material is, it could be in your hospital or in your childs new school in a nice new building. It could be in your Leisure Centre or shopping centre, your office blocks. It goes beyond council owned properties. It is countrywide, it affects private building owners as well as public. In the wake of the catastrophic Grenfell Tower fire. 0ur correspondent sarah smith is at new Scotland Yard for us. This is obviously a very large and complicated investigation by Scotla Nd Complicated Investigation By Scotland Yard detectives. Yes, detective superintendent fiona maccormack, who is leading the investigation, today she told it is it was one of the largest and most complicated investigations the met has ever had to deal with, with more than 250 specialist investigators involved. She says the investigation will be exhaustive, but that it might still grow in scale and scope as they learn more and more about what has happened. She said for them, it was about two main points, how did the fire started on how did it spread . The Fridge Freezer, the government is carrying out its own investigations, and they re government is carrying out its own investigations, and theyre carrying out investigations at Scotland Yard. As for how it spread, theyd be looking at the cladding, which has caused so much concern over the days since the fire. Theyve carried out the investigations on the cladding and the insulation. Just preliminary tests so far, but they say already they have failed those tests, with their insulation burning even faster than the cladding. Theyve been to several properties and organisations and seized documents. They say they will be precise about which organisations at the moment, but they are looking at bringing charges if it comes to that, and there in the health and safety violations, but they make all the way up to manslaughter. If that happens, we might see some of the people at the top of the organisations that point the finger at going to prison. They also said the number of presumed dead is still at 79. They think that will go up. They say there may be hidden victims, people who were not co mforta ble hidden victims, people who were not comfortable about coming forward to the authorities, worried about their Immigration Status, worried about other activities in the life that they say are on the wrong side of they say are on the wrong side of the law, but they say nobody is interested in their Immigration Status at the moment. What they need to find out is who was in those flats at the time, living near a visiting, and the need to know who was there so they can work out exactly who has lost their lives. The london fire brigade, and later the governments Chief Inspector of fire services. Thank you very much for being with us. Thank you very much for being with us. We are hearing that scotland ya rd us. We are hearing that Scotland Yard are saying that cladding on the building failed initial fire safety tests. They are considering possible criminal offences, including manslaughter. Does that surprise you . Manslaughter. Does that surprise o manslaughter. Does that surprise you . Im very pleased indeed that the Police Investigation is not only running at a pace, but it is releasing very early information that can be used elsewhere, and a huge effort is taking place to make sure people are saving other blocks of flats around the country. That effort that Early Release of information is very welcome, to allow us to get on with the job that needs to be done. We are hearing 14 other tower blocks around england have failed safety tests. What is your reaction to that . have failed safety tests. What is your reaction to that . I think its very sad. Its sad they have failed at all, but im equally pleased that every fire and rescue service has been notified how to help the residents. All the local authorities are actively involved in the work. A series of very simple advice measures, so that if they find they have that kind of cladding that failed the test, that can be put in place immediately, and that list of Measures Results in them being safe in their own homes. In the event that those Measures Cannot be met, it has been quite clear in the advice issued that the residents may have to be found a new place while there are more steps to be taken. But thats a fairly long way down the list. We have to wait for the enquiry into what happened at G Re Nfell Tower, enquiry into what happened at Grenfell Tower, but what is your sense, more than a week on. Is It Building Regulations that are not strict enough . 0r Building Regulations that are not strict enough . Or is it a failure to comply with the Building Regulations that do exist in this country . cant comment on the five itself, it was such a terrible tragedy We Saw U Nfold was such a terrible tragedy we saw unfold in front of our eyes, and ive never seen anything like it. But i am concerned that we make sure that the effort is making people safe in their homes now. Its fairly clear to me that the tests that resulted from the other blocks would demonstrate that the cladding would be unlikely to have met the Building Regulations and buildings over six stories high or 80 metres. What are your thoughts then on Building Regulations as they exist at the moment . Do you think they are tough enough . I think the Building Regulations and the guidance that goes with them will come under huge scrutiny during a public enquiry. So im not sure id want to comment on that note, but at the moment, i think theyre pretty clear to the train professional, how to apply Building Regulations. Can i Say Something about the cause . I think its helpful the police have announced the cause and the Consumer Protection department have so quickly announced not only how they can help, but issued a help number. I know the nationalfirst can help, but issued a help number. I know the National First use council have made that Number Available to every fire and rescue service, so anyone in any doubt should either look at the number on the website or bring their local fire and rescue service to be reassured about their Fridge Freezer if they think they have a similar model. Thank you very much indeed for being with us. Thank you for your time. Theresa may has said shes offered a fair deal to guarantee the rights of eu citizens living in britain after brexit. She wants anyone whos been in the country for five years to have similar rights to British Nationals provided the eu offers a comparable deal for britons abroad. The president s of the European Commission and the European Council have both said the offer does not go far enough. 0ur europe reporter adam fleming is in brussels. Adam, this was supposed to be one of the easier issues in the negotiations, but its already proving a little bit tricky. Thats true. What theresa may did last night was make a brief proposal to her fellow eu leaders about how the uk intended to tackle this issue of what rights eu nationals living in the uk would have after brexit and in return, what rights you the nationals living abroad would have after brexit. She called the offer is fairand after brexit. She called the offer is Fair And Serious, but its fair to say her fellow leaders have responded in a fairly lukewarm way to what they have hired. Officials are waiting for more details to be published in parliament on monday, and then negotiators here at brussels will go through it line by line, work out the things they like and the things they dont like, we got today from the man who chairs these summits is the president of these summits is the president of the European Council donald tusk. Heres what he had to say. We have made our position clear. We want to ensure the full rights for eu and uk citizens after brexit. My First Impression is that the uks offer is below our expectations, and that it risks worsening the situation of citizens. But it will be for our Negotiating Team to analyse the offer line by line once we receive it on paper. And the president of the European Commissionjohn and the president of the European Commission John Claude Junker was a bit more specific about what was worrying him, he said it was unimaginable that any future deal not include a role for the European Court ofjustice, which basically is a red line phone number ten. Anyway, theresa may left here a couple of hours ago, but before she went, she gave a Press Conference, where she was clear that she was sticking to her guns about the offer she has made. Ive been very clear all along that the issue of Citizens Rights should be addressed at an early stage of the negotiations. It will be, its one of the first issues that the formal negotiations will look at. As i say, i think weve made a Fair And Serious offer to all those. Confirming and giving reassurance to all those eu citizens living here. In the united kingdom. But i also want to see that certainty, that reassurance given to uk citizens who are living in the european union. You wouldnt expect me, as british Prime Minister, to say anything less. Adam, interesting that todays Evening Standard carried a story saying that theresa may was trying to block what David Cameron was proposing shortly after the brexit referendum on eu Citizens Rights. Yes, today, the Evening Standard newspaper said David Cameron wanted to make a unilateral offer to protect the rights of Eu Citizens Street after the Brexit Vote A year ago today. That seems to come from an impeccable source, because the editors of the paper is the former chancellor George Osborne, who was there. He writes today that theresa may blocked David Camerons plans to make that offer. The Prime Minister was asked about it at the news conference. She said that was not her recollection about what happened, and the bbc has heard of the wreck it from another former Cabinet Minister who said it didnt seem to chime with their recollection of events. What is clear that George Osborne is yet again happy to use his new position in the newspaper trade to have a pop the Prime Minister. Thanks very much. This is bbc news the Headlines Police say theyre examining a range of offences including manslaughter after cladding on the Grenfell Tower block failed fire safety tests. The Prime Minister says her proposals for eu citizens living in the uk are fair. In northern ireland, a loyalist supergrass has pleaded guilty to 200 charges, including five murders. Coming up in sportsday on bbc news. Englands cricketers have won the toss. The tourists were 25 1 in the third over. Southampton have appointed Maurizio Pellegrino as their new manager. And the 9 4 favourite won the big race of the day at royal ascot. Ill be back with more on those stories just after half past five. Police investigating the fire at G Re Nfell Tower Police Investigating the fire at Grenfell Tower has said it did start ina Grenfell Tower has said it did start in a Fridge Freezer. With us is a representative from the company which owns hotpoint. What of the company told you about the Fridge Freezer . First, on behalf of of the whirlpool corporation, words cant describe this situation. We offer our condolences to the victims, the families, those who Lost Property and their homes. I would also want to give our thoughts and prayers for those involved, especially the emergency services. Today, we did learn that the authorities said the fire may have started in a hotpoint unit. We want to work with the authorities and inspect the unit itself. Do the testing and analysis and give the facts we need to give and give the facts we need to give and work with the authorities. Have you or your experts looked at the actual unit involved in this fire . No, wejust actual unit involved in this fire . No, we just learned to deal the situation, in terms of what the police were indicating that they find. That is why were here today. Flew here last evening to join my collea g u es flew here last evening to join my colleagues on the ground, to get access to the inspections and the testing. We want to make sure consumers know these are safe units. We wa nt consumers know these are safe units. We want for them to go online, to call our free number, to we want for them to go online, to call ourfree number, to register information about their units, so we can have contact with them and give them peace of mind. So we dont yet know that this Fridge Freezer was faulty, because it could have been Something Like a power surge into the unit . I dont want to speculate on anything until we have done the work and on the analysis. But were here to make sure we are transparent and fully cooperative and working with the facts. Because i think eve ryo ne with the facts. Because i think Everyone Wants with the facts. Because i think everyone Wa Nts A Nswe rs with the facts. Because i think Everyone Wants answers and thats what were here to work with today. The Consumer Group which says if it does turn out it was a fault in the Fridge Freezer, there would have to bea Fridge Freezer, there would have to be a full product recall. Are you in a position to say whether that would happen . I think were here to get the answers, to get the facts and do the answers, to get the facts and do the analysis on that particular unit and see what might occur in this isolated incident. Do you know how many of these Fridge Freezers of this type there are in the uk, roughly . Is that possible to say . According to the unit model number, they were manufactured between 2006 and 2009, which means there are approximately 64,000 made. But given the age, that are probably quite a few units no longer operating in homes, so a number somewhat less than 64,000 in peoples corps of drums today. Just to be clear, when they were first manufactured comic you were not running this bit of the company. We acquired the Indus Business in 2015. The model number was last produced in 2009. Were here to work and get the facts and and then share that. I know the fire brigade in london have said that fridges in general can quite frequently be of fires. What would you say about that . I think we work with the regulatory agencies and stand by guidelines and in those very rare instances where there may have been a fire, we attempt to isolate that and learn from it and make sure it doesnt happen. Thank you very much for being with us, Corporate Vice president for communications at whirlpool, which owns hotpoint. Thank you. Thank you. Police have charged Darren Osborne with terrorism related murder and Attempted Murder, after the attack at a mosque in Finsbury Park in the early hours of monday morning. The 47 year old appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court earlier today to hear the charges against him. Our Correspondent Helena Lee is at court and can bring us up to date. It was a very short appearance, it only lasted for four minutes, which is fairly typicalfor a only lasted for four minutes, which is fairly typical for a first appearance. Darren osborne is the father of four, 47 years old, was brought into dock at court one. He had a Police Officer sat on either side of him and he had a black eye. He was wearing a white Police Issued t shirt. He was asked for his name and his date of birth, which he told the court. He was then asked to confirm his address and he said he didnt have one. Then those charges we re didnt have one. Then those charges were read out in court, one of murder and one of Attempted Murder, and they are being treated as terrorism related offences. In court, the crown said it was their case that Darren Osborne had been motivated by extreme political views and a personal hatred of muslims, and a personal hatred of muslims, and he acted to kill, maim and terrify as many people as possible. Nowjust to remind you, the Finsbury Park attack happened in the early hours of monday morning. If white van was driven into a number of people returning from prayers. A 51 year old man died in that attack. Nine people were injured. This afternoon in court, Darren Osborne was told his next Court Appearance is going to be on tuesday, and the case will take place not there, but at the old daily. Case will take place not there, but at the old bailey. A former loyalist Paramilitary Commander who became a so called supergrass has pleaded guilty to 200 terrorist offences, including five murders. Gary haggarty the former head of the Ulster Volunteer forces North Belfast unit appeared at Belfast Crown court this morning amid heavy security. Its one of the most complex cases ever undertaken in northern ireland, as our correspondent chris page reports. During the troubles the uvf took more lives than any other loyalist paramilitary organisation. It killed more than 500 people. One of its commanders was this man, Gary Haggarty. Hes pleaded guilty to 200 offences. The Prosecution Case Document runs to around 12,000 pages, covering 16 violent years from 1991. Gary haggarty the former head of the Ulster Volunteer forces North Belfast unit appeared at Belfast Crown court this two of the five men who haggarty has admitted murdering were gary convie and eamon fox, the catholic workmen were shot dead at a Building Site 23 years ago. Haggarty was an informer for the Security Forces at the time. Eamon foxs son believes his death was preventable. I dont care about the uvf, theyll meet their maker someday. But its the police, the people that were in authority to protect and serve, they didnt protect my family. They didnt protect this mans family or this mans family. Theres never been a more Complexe Inquiry into loyalists, its focused on haggartys base of North Belfast where his organisation had a particularly murderous reputation. This investigation into the uvf is set to go on to another level. In 2010, Gary Haggarty signed an agreement in which he offered to give evidence against other paramilitary leaders in exchange for a shorter sentence for his own crimes. Hes the most senior loyalist ever to turn supergrass. Its understood up to 15 uvf members could be charged if prosecuters accept haggartys evidence as credible. Former Police Officers could also be prosecuted. We understand that at all times throughout his tenure as a Special Branch agent that he was fully debriefing his handlers and it is the examination of their conduct and their directions and their criminal liability which will now be assessed. Police have said they are committed to the investigation. I can understand how today is a very significant and sad moment for the families of Gary Haggartys victims. The families of uvf victims will have longer to wait. In future Gary Haggarty may well be in the witness box, not the dock. But getting to that stage could take years yet. Chris page, bbc news, belfast. The population of somerset will soar this weekend, as the 35th Glastonbury Festival gets into full swing. More than 100,000 music lovers have been arriving at worthy farm, where radiohead will headline the Pyramid Stage tonight. There is extra security at this years festival, which opened with a minutes silence, to remember those affected by the recent Terror Attacks, and the Grenfell Tower fire. Heres our entertainment correspondent lizo mzimba. The festival began with a minutes silence. Musicians and fans remembering those who died at Grenfell Towers and in the Terror Attacks in london and manchester. Recent events mean already significant security here has increased even further. As thousands of people have come into the festival, bag searches and body searches. And its notjust at entry points. Across the festival site, random checks as well as a Police Presence thats hard to miss. The organisers try to make sure festivalgoers feel safe without affecting their enjoyment. People here feel theyve got the balance just about right. Its a self policing place. Everyone is here for everyone else. Looking after each other so im sure well all be fine. So, you feel safe . Yeah, definitely. Although there was a bit more security and a bit more time getting through the gates, its for a really good reason and i think everyone isjust having a great time and behaving really well and everyone is being so kind to each other. None of it seems to have taken away from the reason, of course, that people come here. The music. With performances now happening across the site and, of course, glastonbury is a festival thats not just about music. Hundreds of people have marked the start of the event by coming together to form a huge peace sign. Many people leave here with powerful memories, but few can say theirs are as special as this. Dan surprising his girlfriend, emily, with an onstage marriage proposal. Can you tell me what it means to you, this happening here of all places . Its where we met. Its the most beautiful place ever and it means so much. So much. With the increased security, some festivalgoers may be feeling more anxious than in previous years, but so far, those worries dont seem to be showing. Time for a look at the weather. Not even a hint of a muggy puddle so far at glastonbury. There could be a few showers, but before we get there, lots of dry weather around. Quite a lot of cloud around central parts of the country, with outbreaks of rain. Further north, clear skies for scotland and parts of northern ireland. Certainly not as hot and muqqy ireland. Certainly not as hot and muggy as it has been over the last week or so. Apple makes sleeping more comfortable. Showery rain then, cleaving to the south east in the course of the afternoon. Further north, blustery showers across parts of scotland. Many try into northern ireland. During sunday, another day of sunshine and blustery showers. The wind is not quite so strong and fewer showers on the cards for sunday. In the lighter winds, it should feel pleasant. In the lighter winds, it should feel pleasant. This is bbc news at 5. 30. The Headlines Police say they are examining a range of offences including manslaughter after cladding on the g Re Nfell Tower Manslaughter after cladding on the Grenfell Tower block filled fire safety tests. It failed to pass fire safety tests. The Prime Minister has defended her proposals for eu citizens living in the uk as Fair And Serious, following criticism they are below expectations. I think we have made a Fair And Serious offer, confirming and offering reassurance to eu citizens living in the united kingdom. Gary haggarty, a former loyalist Paramilitary Commander Turned Supergrass, pleads guilty to 200 charges, including five murders. Darren osborne has appeared in court charged with terrorism related murder and Attempted Murder in connection to the ban attack at Finsbury Park in north london. The van attack. Time for a full round up of the days sports news. Lets go to the bbc Sports Centre and will perry. Lets bring you some Breaking News that Britains Dan Evans failed a drugs test in april. He tested positive test for cocaine. The british number three hopes of playing at wimbledon in doubt, because he withdrew from the acorn international. He held a Press Conference confirming he has tested positive for cocaine, and condemned his behaviour. He did not take questions but said it is a sad and humbling day for him. That news coming through that dan evans testing positive for cocaine. We dont know yet as to where his participation stands for wimbledon, but Breaking News in the last 15 minutes or so. Southampton have appointed the former alaves coach and liverpool defender Mauricio Pellegrino as their new manager. The argentine replaces claude puel, who was sacked after one season in charge earlier this month. Pellegrino stood down as alaves boss in late may, after losing the spanish cup final to barcelona and finishing ninth in la liga with a club that had been promoted the season before. The big race of the day has just finished at royal ascot. Odds on favourite winter was the winner as the fillies took centre stage in the coronation sta kes. Winter, winner of the english and Irish 1000 Guineas was ridden byjockey ryan moore and trained by aidan obrien, who won the Commonwealth Cup earlier with caravaggio. The first test between the British And Irish Lions and the all blacks starts at 8. 35 tomorrow morning. The lions will have a fight on their hands new zealand havent lost at eden park since 1994. Our Sports Correspondent Katie Gornall is in auckland. Auckland is undergoing a transformation. The lions are coming and what started as a trickle has become a flood. Everyday is getting busier. We are like minions Walking Around here with red tops on but some fans have struggled to find an affordable place to stay. Until locals came up with a solution. They have opened up their homes forfree. Were young so we are on a real tight budget i would say, so just the ability to have somewhere to stay for the night and not have to break the bank for it, means we can have a much better time. At the end of the day, theyre guests in our country, so it seemed like the right thing to do, and its been a lot of fun, actually. I think its going to be a 3 0 sorry to the lions . No, no, to the all blacks. I hope its not. History is against the lions. This was the last time they tasted success in new zealand, way back in 1971. We havent beaten them in new zealand since then, in any series. I look back and that was one of the great sort of feats of the lions, no question about that. And it had a profound affect on the lions kiwi coach. You know, i thought rugby was invented in new zealand growing up. I didnt think the all blacks could ever be beaten, so did have quite an impact on me in 1971 when the lions beat the all blacks in that series. It was the first time that i kind of realised that the game was played in other parts of the world as well. So began his love affair with the lions. Gatland has named an attacking side for the Series Opener based on form not reputation. It will be captained by peter omahony, who three months ago, could not even get in the ireland team. This is where it all begins tomorrow, eden park which is a fortress for the all blacks. They havent lost here since 1994, before some of these current players were even born. The all blacks may win the game before they even take part, because theyve got this aura about them, but i think what has happened so far in this lions tour, a slow start but momentum has definitely built over the last maybe two or three games. I think theres a real energy there that if they do battle, they do believe in themselves and they can definitely win. Rugby and the all blacks are revered in new zealand, but by the end of this tour, the lions hope to have made their mark. Thats all the sport for now. You can keep up to date with all those stories on the bbc sport website. Thats bbc. Co. Uk sport, and ill have more in sportsday at 6. 30. Lets return to the news that the Prime Minister has told eu leaders that the uk will create a new Settled Status for European Citizens Living in the uk. But eu leaders have criticised the plan, saying it falls short of what they wanted. Lets take a look at what we know about the proposals and its not a lot. The pm has suggested those who have been living in the uk for at least five years will continue to be allowed to do so. Its understood that theyre likely to keep their access to the nhs, education, benefits and pensions. But number ten says the deal will have to be reciprocal uk citizens elsewhere in the eu must be allowed to enjoy the same rights. But its raised many questions lets look at the unanswered questions. We dont know when the five year cut off date for remaining will be will it, for example, be the date of last years referendum, or when article 50 was triggered . We dont know what will happen to the relatives of eu citizens who remain in the country will spouses be able to stay too . And we dont know how the rules will be enforced ministers have told the bbc that a new International Court could be the arbiter of Citizens Rights, but some eu leaders have said it must be the European Court ofjustice. Lets speak now to professor catherine barnard, an expert in european law at the university of cambridge. Thank you for being with us. What are the things that strike you as very important that we have not really got full answers to at the moment . Good afternoon. And thank you. The good news is for eu citizens that those who have been here for five yea rs those who have been here for five years will be entitled to stay, and crucially they do say that the paperwork will be reduced. It will bea paperwork will be reduced. It will be a light touch administrative regime. That is all good because at the moment there is an 85 page form to battle with and that takes time. But that is all very well to save five years, but how do you sure you have done five years . If you work for a university or the nhs, you will have a contract of employment, paperwork to wave under the nose of the home office. But what if you have done various agriculturaljobs out in east anglia, where the paperwork may not be so good . How do you sure you have done five years . Will it be the burden on you to show you have done five years, or the burden on the home office to show you have not . What about relatives and spouses and children and so on . What is your view on that . That is a really good question. It is. It has not been clarified today and it is something eu nationals want to know, because at the moment the eu regime for bringing in spouses and families is more favourable than the regime that applies to British Nationals. So if iama applies to British Nationals. So if i am a polish National Living in the uk, witha i am a polish National Living in the uk, with a pakistani husband, he can come in and my children can come in, all under eu law. If i was a British National with a pakistani husband, i have got to show a minimum income of £18,500 before my pakistani husband can come and join me. So eu nationals are in a better position than uk nationals, and they want to know, can they keep their pakistani spouses, for example, in the uk with them . And then, if they can on the more favourable terms, mikey burgess say, actually, we should be able to enjoy those more favourable terms to . They might say this. It is quite complex. And there is complexity as well about who arbitrates all of this. I know there is an idea could be the European Court of justice, know there is an idea could be the European Court ofjustice, but a lot of brexiteers are very hostile to that idea. Because it could be the European Court of justice that idea. Because it could be the European Court ofjustice still has some sort ofjurisdiction in this country for decades, generations to come, potentially. Absolutely, and this is where there is something in the dialogue of the death, because the eu set out its stall over a month ago and said very clearly that in respect of eu nationals in the uk, and uk nationals in the uk, and uk nationals in the eu, those rights would have to be enforced by the European Court of justice would have to be enforced by the European Court ofjustice throughout the lifetime of the eu citizen. And if that applies to babies who are born to eu migrants in 2019, Life Expectancy of 9100 years, European Court ofjustice would have jurisdiction the entire time, but thatis jurisdiction the entire time, but that is unacceptable to the uk. The uk is talking about another court or enforcement body. But the crucial thing the eu will want is that there has got to be an easy access to the courts, and the uk would say, well, actually, there is nothing to stop eu nationals going to the british courts or the british courts, independent, and they will enforce the right. But even still, the eu will say, we still need to have overview and the overview being done by the European Court ofjustice In Luxembourg and the European Commission in brussels. That talk to you. I think you have maybe raised more questions than given us answers, but thank you. We might get some clarification on monday. We might indeed on monday. Thank you, professor, at cambridge university, an expert on the european union. Thank you. Now, the long running legal battle of a father who fought to take his children on holiday during term childreg gg iggjgigy gjjggg £52; it being found if i; jr guilty. He was found guilty of failing to secure his daughters regular attendance at school. He has been given a 12 month conditional discharge and ordered to pay £2000 in costs. The planned Nuclear Power plant at Hinkley Point is both risky and expensive, according to the National Audit office. Public spending watchdog says the government has not significantly considered the impact on consumers. Here is our business reporter. It will be britains first new nuclear place in a generation, Hinkley Point c has been plagued by delays but work has started on the somerset coast. When up and running, this plant will produce a 7 of britains power, replacing older and 30 offline plans. They should give a guaranteed price for electricity, which would cost up is as much as £30 billion. The Public Spending watchdog is critical. What we found is that the government is committing consumers to a risky and expensive deal with uncertain economic and strategic benefits. The governments case in The Review Last September was not clear cut, and it will be several decades before it is known whether this is value for money, but we have concluded the government did not do enough to consider the costs and the risks of the dealfor consumers. The government maintains nuclear should be part of a Diverse Energy mix, pointing at a provide clean, reliable electricity. The projects majority shareholder, edf, insists it is good value compared with alternatives, and says costs of future plants will be lower. Hinckleys construction and operation is attracted to create more than 26,000 jobs and apprenticeships, boosting the local economy. But its impact could be national. That means new nuclear pla nts to national. That means new Nuclear Plants to follow. Robert young, bbc news. Youre watching the bbc news at five. Our latest headlines. Police say theyre examining a range of offences including manslaughter after cladding on the Grenfell Tower block failed fire safety tests. The Prime Minister says her proposals for eu citizens living in the uk are fair. In northern ireland, a loyalist supergrass has pleaded guilty to 200 charges, including five murders. Now on bbc news a look ahead to sportsday at 6. 30 tonight. The wait is nearly over, with the British And Irish Lions ready to roar against the all blacks, that first test in aukland tomorrow morning, a matter of hours away. Well also look ahead to the womens cricket world cup, with hosts england starting things off tomorrow against india in derby. Well keep you up to date with the latest from taunton, where englands men are taking on south africa in the second twenty20, and well hear from a legendary voice of the game, after tms Henry Blofeld announced hell retire at the end of the summer. Thats all on sportsday at 6. 30. Now on bbc news, its time for the film review. Hello and welcome to the film review on bbc news. To take us through this weeks Cinema Releases is mark kermode. So mark, what do we have this week . Very interesting bunch this week. We have in this corner of the world, a very impressive japanese anime. Transformers the very impressive japanese anime. Tra nsformers the last very impressive japanese anime. Transformers the last knight, the saga rumbles on. And hampstead, a film which does exactly what it says on the tin

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