Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Five 20170615 : comparem

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Five 20170615

she was on the news. it's horrible for me to hear that they're missing, or they're dead, or they're in hospital or something. the local community have been leaving messages for loved ones as they try to come to terms with what has happened. good afternoon from west london. with smoke still rising from the burnt out grenfell tower block behind me, we have even seen flames at times, and the fire brigade training their hoses on the flames. relatives are still searching for loved ones. mps at westminster have been meeting to ask questions of government ministers. how could this happen? the prime minister theresa may announced there would be a full public inquiry into the blaze. the first victim has been named by his family, mohammed alhajali, a 23—year—old refugee, who fled from the civil war in syria to come here, to what he thought was the safety of the united kingdom. 70 people have been confirmed dead so far. —— 17 people have been confirmed dead so far. but the london fire brigade chief says there are still unknown numbers of people in the building. 37 people remain in hospital — 17 are critical. 0ur correspondent richard lister reports now on the latest — and a warning that you may find some of the images in his report distressing. the smoke—blackened ruin was still smouldering today. it took more than 2a hours to get the blaze under control. small pockets were alight in areas that were too dangerous to reach. there are bodies too, nobody knows how many. finding them is a challenge. this will be a very slow and painstaking process. this is a large building. there will be a large amount of building work required internally, structures will need to be built to ensure the floors are safe. before we do that, we are going to utilise some specialist dog teams that we have, in conjunction with the metropolitan police, that will go through the building and surrounding area looking for identification of people. the search could take weeks, and police say the number of dead is expected to rise — but how much still isn't clear. 0ur absolute priority for all of us is about identifying and locating those people who are still missing, and it would be wrong of me to give a number that is not accurate. one person has been reported 46 times that they believe to be missing. the family of mohammed alhajali said today that he is among the dead. he is the first to be identified. an engineering student who fled syria for what he hoped would be a safer life in the uk. he and so many others died in a fire that should not have happened. the cause is yet to be identified. understanding why it spread so fast could take weeks, months, and for those affected, the grief is turning to anger. if you had seen that building go up, like i saw it from my back window, you would know it was not fit for purpose. someone made a catastrophic error. we are grieving, but there is public anger underneath, and we want to see someone held accountable. i feel angry that i saw people dying in front of my eyes. i saw kids and women, and kids this age hanging from windows with teddies. that angered me, and nobody could help them. that really angered me. this wall has become a reflection of a community confused and upset. some have left messages for loved ones, and others are thanking the emergency services. there was a message from the queen, who said, my thoughts and prayers are with those families that have lost loved ones in the grenfell tower fire and the many people that are still critically ill in hospital. the prime minister went to see the site for herself this morning. she praised the work of emergency teams and the response from the local community. she had already promised the investigation. now there will be a public inquiry. the area around the tower is littered with these burnt remnants of the building's cladding. survivors will want to know why it was so flammable and why their concerns were not taken more seriously. it was obvious at the time, when i worked here in 2015, that the tenants were very aware of multiple problems with the building including potential fire—safety problems, and i worked with that community — the tenant management just didn't listen to them. the contractor did not listen to the tenants' concerns. as fires continued in parts of the building today, those responsible for grenfell tower insisted it complied with all the relevant building codes and regulations, but it stands as a monument to a fire—protection policy that clearly failed in the most devastating way. richard lister, bbc news. all day we have been meeting incredibly distressed people looking for loved ones, friends, relatives that are still unaccounted for. we have just heard from the metropolitan police commander, stuart cundy, who said six victims of the blaze have so far provisionally been identified. he has also said that there is a risk that, sadly, we may not be able to identify everybody. the police saying they may not be able to identify all of the victims of the blaze. at the moment, the death toll stands at 17, but that is expected to rise. 0ur correspondent richard galpin is at the wall of condolence. so many heartbreaking messages, but also messages of anger? yes, you are right. it is a real mix. we have been here for several hours. as you can see, there is a lot of people here. there are people coming from the local community, but also we have been talking to people that have been talking to people that have come from all around london, who want to pay their respects, pay their condolences to those that have been killed. this remembrance wall is getting bigger and bigger. we have seen extra panels put on here. it goes right away around the corner. 0ne it goes right away around the corner. one person was saying that they want to make this a permanent memorial, if they can. it is going to get bigger and bigger as the day goes on. the majority of messages are in remembrance of those that have been killed, as you can see. a lot of messages, rest in peace. there have been a lot of messages about the community solidarity, which we saw so strongly coming out over the past few days, everybody pulling together in the community. we know that many people have been volunteering to work to distribute food, clothes, and all sorts of things that those who need things after losing everything. but there are some pretty angry messages. there is one you can see written here, jail those responsible. there are several messages like that, also angry with the government. there is angry with the government. there is a real sense of anger, inevitably, given how devastating it has been, how many people we think have been killed in the fire, and the whole question about what was going on with the regulations, the fire regulations, in the building. was there anything to protect people? questions of how it could have broken out and spread so quickly. thank you very much indeed. richard galpin, from the wall of condolence. there are many people missing, whole families who are unaccounted for. heartbreaking stories of last phone calls and messages from people trapped in their homes. relatives and friends have been travelling from hospital to hospital trying to find their loved ones. tulip muzumda reports on the desperate search for the missing — and again a warning that viewers may find this distressing. afamily and a family and the depth of despair. they have been going from hospital to hospital, frantically searching for a 29—year—old and her 12—year—old son. their loved ones are not here, and they are desperate. this is a friend of the family. she has just desperate. this is a friend of the family. she hasjust been desperate. this is a friend of the family. she has just been visiting a 12—year—old who was also caught up in the fire and is extremely unwell. she's not in a good position. she is in thei she is in the icu. how are you, how isa she is in the icu. how are you, how is a community? i don't know what to say, iam really is a community? i don't know what to say, i am really stressed. i could not believe what happened to them. i couldn't believe it, it was like a dream. many families have come here since wednesday morning. as the hours passed, the search becomes ever more agonising, with the realisation that, at this stage, they are unlikely to get the news they are unlikely to get the news they are unlikely to get the news they are hoping for. this man is desperate. he was separated from his 12—year—old daughter jessica during the fire and is still going from hospital to hospital to try to find her. i was at home. i was downstairs with a friend. the fire started, and i tried to go upstairs and the firefighters were already there, and they would not allow me to go up. she was out of the flat at 1:30am. she was making her way down with some people. her phone cut off. we do not know. adel is searching for his cousin's family. they have found two of her children in hospital, but they have not located the others. even if they tell me they have identified everybody in the hospitals, that is a start, that lets us move forward and not have to trawl hospital at the hospital. many more remain missing. the search and the anguish continues for their families. we are hoping to hearfrom we are hoping to hear from the mayor of london, sadiq khan, who we are expecting to give a news conference. we will bring you that, as unwell it —— as and when it begins. like many others, he is saying there has to be a nswe rs others, he is saying there has to be a nswers to others, he is saying there has to be answers to what happened. theresa may is saying there will be a full inquiry into this disaster, a full public inquiry into the blaze. that is after the prime minister visited g re nfell tower is after the prime minister visited grenfell tower earlier today. jeremy corbyn also paid a visit to the scene and told volunteers that the truth about what had happened he had to come out and would come out. this afternoon, mps have been meeting to ask questions of government ministers. chris mason reports on the response from westminster. the prime minister visited the area this morning, to see the remains of the tour herself and speak to firefighters. she then returned to downing street and said this. firefighters. she then returned to downing street and said thislj firefighters. she then returned to downing street and said this. i am ordering a full public inquiry into this disaster. we need to know what happened. we need to have an explanation of this. we owe that to the families, to the people who have lost loved ones, friends and homes in which they lived. the labour leader has also paid a visit. somebody has to be held accountable. summary has to be held responsible. we do not want this kicks into the long grass, the government to hide this with hollow platitudes that lessons will be learnt. it is concern and anger, like this, that thejudge—led public concern and anger, like this, that the judge—led public inquiry will to address. i will speak up for you. we have to get to the bottom of this. the truth has got to come out, and it will. and mr corbyn tried to comfort those desperately still waiting for news. a construction of a tower block is, essentially, a series of concrete boxes, which are the flats. the fire is not supposed to spread from one flat to another. it is supposed to be contained. it wasn't. it is spread and it spread upwards, and it spread and it spread upwards, and it spread outside as well. through the cladding. this afternoon in parliament, mps reflected on what had happened. we must secure security and dignity for those that have survived. what they want is the certainty of knowing a date when they will have a roof over their heads, a date when they can get their children back to school, and when they will have access to cash so that they are not relying on the kindness of strangers, however well intentioned and loving that kindness may be. when we talk about this as a tragedy, we are talking about it like it is an act of god. the truth is, it was not some natural disaster. this is a man—made disaster. this is a man—made disaster. it is really important that there is utter clarity today about whether people should stay in their flats in the event of another horrific fire, which could happen this afternoon, as we speak, or whether they should leave. the government tried to offer reassurance. we're going to be working with the local authority and the government will guarantee that every single family in grenfell house will be rehoused in the local area. that is a very clear reassurance that i hope colleagues would feel is useful. we have two act and think as if it was our friends, our family act and think as if it was our friends, ourfamily in act and think as if it was our friends, our family in there. we have to have that emotional attachment, because there is no room for plodding bureaucracy. a rising death toll, hundreds left homeless and so, so many questions. ijust i just have an ijust have an update on the casualty figures, those being treated in hospital. 30 are still being treated in hospital, originally more than 70 people were taken to six london hospitals, including st mary's and chelsea and westminster. currently, 30 people are being treated in hospital, and 15 of those are in critical care. the last figure we had on that was 17. two are of the critical list, 15 are still in critical care. we are also expecting to hear from the mayor of london, sadiq khan, with a news c0 nfe re nce mayor of london, sadiq khan, with a news conference in the next few minutes. let's show you the scene there. quite a large number of people, some pretty angry people. as well as grief and shock here, we have been hearing a lot of anger about what has happened at grenfell tower, particularly because many residents warned of what they believed were the dangers of a fire. you can hear raised voices. there are quitea you can hear raised voices. there are quite a lot of police there and some pretty angry local people, some placards as well. really, grief mixed with anger. we are expecting to hear from mixed with anger. we are expecting to hearfrom sadiq khan in the next few minutes. we will bring that to you as soon as it happens. really, tempers are occasionally... flaring up. there is sadiq khan. the mayor of london, who has said, along with jeremy corbyn, the labour leader, that there have to be early answers to the key questions about why this happened. let's listen in to sadiq khan, the mayor of london. can i thank you all... i have had a chance to visit the site of the horrific fire a couple of days ago. it is still a very distressing sight. as you will be aware, the firefighters, the search and rescue teams, and the forensic teams, are working through the building as we speak. there will be working through the course of the day. the fire commission has confirmed that it will probably take a number of days, if not weeks, to go through the entire block. i have also had a chance to visit westway sports centre and go to the church behind me come and speak to a number of the local residents and the community affected. the response from the local community has been amazing. they have come together and they have shown their support for they have shown their support for the victims, the families, the friends all those affected by this. we've seen nobody! as you'll see, understandably, the residents are very angry and concerned and have genuine questions that demand a nswe rs. genuine questions that demand answers. somebody needs to be held accountable! these deaths could have been prevented! well, we welcome the call from the prime minister, the independent public inquiry. we need a nswe rs independent public inquiry. we need answers now. now! not a year, not two years from now, we need it now! that is why we are calling on the judge that conducts the inquiry to make sure there is an interim response this summer. we can't afford to wait a number of years. eitherfor afford to wait a number of years. either for the afford to wait a number of years. eitherfor the inquiry, orfor the inquest. that is why it is important there is a response this summer. it's also important that checks i asked the government for yesterday, in relation to other tower blocks across london and the country, they need to be done as soon as possible. a number of residents will be concerned about their safety, firstly in tower blocks, but also in tower blocks that have been recently refurbished, like the tower block behind me. it is important that the questions are answered sooner rather than later and the reassurances are given. i have met residents and friends and family, angry at the lack of answers as to what help the council can provide them. it is really important that the council provides housing to those residents that have lost their housing. it's really important council provides guidance to all of those that want to help, that are turning up with vanloads of goods, that are turning up vanloads of goods, that are turning up with offers of help and not being properly coordinated. 0ne up with offers of help and not being properly coordinated. one of the things i saw westway sports centre was the frustration from volunteers that are not being properly coordinated. it is really important that we properly coordinate the response to this crisis. i will do my bit in city hall to make sure we help the council, if they need help, to make sure we are signposting people where they can go. finally, i wa nt to people where they can go. finally, i want to say this. the way the firefighters, the emergency services have responded has been breathtaking. their heroism, running into danger. the fact that they have gone above and beyond the call of the duty most of us would expect is quite remarkable. actually, one of the reasons why we should be proud to be londoners is a combination of their response, and the response of this community, coming together, helping brother and sister, helping their neighbour, showing the world their neighbour, showing the world the very best of london. i'll take some questions. i will take one first. how important is it for the community, the families affected? inaudible since 2010, as the shadowjustice secretary, i was campaigning against the reduction of legal aid. many residents here need access to justice. when there is a public inquiry, it is important that the local community is properly represented by lawyers. it is really important that the questions they have answered. you can see the anger from the community, justifiably so. many members of the community... not just the community, everybody outside as well. many people have been saying for some time, their concerns about the housing we are talking about. other tower blocks across london as well. that is why it is important that the community has an opportunity to raise these questions and are properly legally represented. inaudible well, one of the things the public inquiry will look into is the refurbishment of the tower block and whether the tower block was refurbished in a safe way. there are obvious questions about value for money, questions that will be raised. those questions that demand a nswe rs , we raised. those questions that demand answers, we cannot afford to wait many years for those answers. that is why i am calling for an interim report to be published this summer. we need emergency legislation that insists sprinklers, fire alarms, basic safety names in council homes. we need more than one emergency exit. you absolutely for the need to be reassured about tower blocks now, rather than waiting for many years. that is why yesterday, when we had meetings with ministers, the ministerial meeting, i called upon government ministers to do the checks now of all the tower blocks. notjust checks now of all the tower blocks. not just across checks now of all the tower blocks. notjust across london, but across the country. there are tower blocks across the country and we need to be reassured they are safe. notjust tower blocks that have been recently refurbished, like the one behind me, but all powerbooks. we need those a nswe rs but all powerbooks. we need those answers as soon as possible. —— all tower blocks. they need to be sped up. jeremy corbyn has been saying that for ages, why didn't you support him? why didn't you support jeremy corbyn? the things we need to do is make sure we get to the bottom of what happened. any other questions? are you going to apologise for not supporting him? 0h, apologise for not supporting him? oh, my god, there are bigger issues than that! there are big concerns about community is being split because of changes made. it will be moved away because of so—called regeneration. we need to make sure we understand their concerns and any regeneration taking place, it makes sure that people that are local stay local and benefit from any improvements that are made. it is really important that the council rehouse people in the short—term, but also that they are rehoused locally. we can't afford people that are local to be moved, either because of this tragedy or other reasons as well. the people that lost their houses, they will definitely come back to this area? they will not be rehoused elsewhere? that is one of the things i have asked of the council. 0ne that is one of the things i have asked of the council. one of the things the government has assured me is that the government will make sure that anybody that is local and needs to be rehoused will be rehoused locally. thank you for your questions. we don't need these politicians, no handshakes! we want action, not handshakes. there are more pressing issues thanjeremy corbyn. i'm down here fighting for the people, and your... you could hear some of the voices raised in real anger, people saying they want a nswe rs real anger, people saying they want answers now. sadiq khan saying that his message was the thought government inquiry, the inquiry announced by the prime minister, it has to come soon with an interim response. saying that we cannot afford to wait four years for the results and the recommendations of this disaster. that there has to be an interim report this summer, with some preliminary answers. there are some preliminary answers. there are so many people living in tower blocks close to here, across london and the united kingdom. sadiq khan, with a lot of police officers. tempers, as you can hear, pretty frayed. tension, not surprisingly, along with the grief and heartbreak. there is really raw anger on the streets of this community about how the 24 streets of this community about how the 2a story tower block, in 2017, could have gone up in flames in such a short period of time and claimed so many lives. we still don't know how many lives exactly. the death toll is 17 at the moment, but we know that is going to rise. with me is daniela, whose friend is one of those missing, that is unaccounted for. thank you for talking to us, i know it is a very difficult time for you. what is your message? what are you. what is your message? what are you trying to appeal for calm in terms of information? we just want to make sure she is ok. if anybody knows where she is, make sure there is contact. her and her mum are both missing. they did say that they had found her, but it was mistaken identity. at the moment, we are trying to find her to see if she is 0k. trying to find her to see if she is ok. i have worked with her since the age of 13. it is a tragedy that this has had to happen. we need answers, to be fair. so many children, they probably passed away in there. it is probably passed away in there. it is probably more than 300 people that has probably passed away. nobody has given us has probably passed away. nobody has given us answers. has probably passed away. nobody has given us answers. for me, that is what is annoying me the most. nobody is saying anything, there is no information. they are saying how the people they have found, however, there is no information. it needs to be sped up. the fire brigade would say it is very difficult working in there, it is difficult to identify bodies when they do find them as well. tell us a bit about your friend, khadija? well, khadija was an artist. she was just a really good girl. great personality. never got into any fights or nothing. her career was just starting up. got into any fights or nothing. her career wasjust starting up. she got into any fights or nothing. her career was just starting up. she was so young, i think she was 25. it is just a shame that this has had to happen. there were not things put in place beforehand. you know, the sprinklers, fire alarms, they should have been checked beforehand. it shouldn't take a tragedy like this to happen before people start to act, you know? they are saying that they spent £10 million during the building, where did that go? that is my answer. if the simple things aren't in check, where did the money go? as sadik khan the mayor was talking, we could hear some of the anger on the streets. do you share that?|j we could hear some of the anger on the streets. do you share that? i do share that. a lot of lives have been taken. i'm just angry that there was nothing in place beforehand. this was a disaster that didn't have to happen? of course. today when i was leaving my block, there was somebody in the stairwell is looking at the property. why does this have to happen before you come and check other buildings. this is from the same organisation as tmo. they should have put things in place. as simple as that. theyjust need to check all their buildings now. make sure everything is up to scratch. no more lives taken at this time. in terms of your search for khadija and information about her, i know a lot of people are in that situation. how are you going to go about that? talking to us, talking to people on the media? keeping in contact with the media? keeping in contact with the friends that we share, basically keeping in contact. instagram and facebook. if anyone has any news, let them know, show awareness of who is where and are they alive. it is more about surging. at the moment, i can't go in the building to go and search. the only thing i can do is help the community with clothes, putting clothes into vans and things like that. at the moment, it's all i can do. you're doing great work trying to find your friend. i know it is an incredibly distressing time for you and many others so thank you very much for your time injoining us. you're welcome. thanks. there is an emergency number set up for anybody who has concern about loved ones, missing friends or relatives. that is the latest from here in the shadow of grenfell tower. 0ccasionally smoking and smouldering through the day. we've seen flames, the fire brigade have been training their houses on those flames. at the moment, the death toll remains at 17. we've just had a statement from the company that did the refurbishment at a cost of £10 million to the grenfell tower last year. this is from their chief executive. he says they welcome the hurricane enquiry. "in the medium term, we have offered ourfull support to the relevant authorities investigating the causes and we would like to praise the tireless effo rts would like to praise the tireless efforts and bravery of the emergency services. " he says that they completed a partial refurbishment of the building in 2016 on behalf of the building in 2016 on behalf of the council. it meant all required building and regulations as well as firing relations and safety standards and handover took place when the completion notice was issued by the royal borough of kensington and is the building control. he says, i am kensington and is the building control. he says, iam personally shocked and devastated by the fire and for the families and friends of those affected. safety and quality are integral to everything that we do at rydon and all i can do is assist the investigation and cannot make any further comment at this time. a statement from robert bond the ceo of the rydon group. commander stuart cundy has been speaking outside new scotland yard. following the tragedy of the fire at g re nfell tower, following the tragedy of the fire at grenfell tower, we following the tragedy of the fire at g re nfell tower, we have following the tragedy of the fire at grenfell tower, we have experts from london fire brigade working with collea g u es london fire brigade working with colleagues from the police service asa colleagues from the police service as a priority to gain access and recover those that are inside. it is going to take a considerable period of time. the intensity of fire is likely to have created significant damage in there. we need to make sure it is safe for those going in to locate people and recover them and then we need to identify them and then we need to identify them and support families accordingly. i don't think that is just going to be a matter of days. it's likely to be a matter of days. it's likely to be a matter of weeks and potentially longer than that before we have concluded everything at grenfell tower. in terms of recovering the number of body still in there, you are talking about weeks rather than daysis are talking about weeks rather than days is to mark it's difficult to say. i can confirm that there are 17 people who have died. six of those have been taken to the westminster marjorie. a further 11 are still within grenfell tower it self. i can't say, fires are still building in there, they are being put out and we need to make sure it is safe before people are being recovered. it's really difficult to say until we get in there and truly understand the damage that the fire has caused. how long once you have recovered the bodies due expect the identification process to take? i think this will bea process to take? i think this will be a very challenging police operation. identification is absolutely key for the families and for the corona meal process working with doctor wilcox. with fire damage it's going to be much more challenging than dealing with other incidents where tragically people have died. we will use things like dna and fingerprints. we are likely to use dental records as well. it can take some time. we do a formal identification for the coroner but we look to use other forms of identification as well. some people might have personal possessions with them that we will use as a preliminary identification which means we can speak to families as quickly as we can but it is going to ta ke quickly as we can but it is going to take some considerable time. commander stuart cundy speaking outside new scotland yard. we will return to the tragedy shortly in this programme. theresa may has been talking to other parties about the prospects for power—sharing at stormont. gerry adams of sinn fein said she was in breach of the good friday agreement. in agreeing to share power with the dup. this isn't going to be easy, is it? it was never going to be easy even without the question of a deal with the dup overshadowing this whole process. use various degrees of annoyance and anger from the parties as they came out after their bilateral meetings with the prime minister this afternoon. president of sinn fein gerry adams talking about the fact that he believes the government is in breach of the good friday agreement at the moment. i've just finished a meeting with the british prime minister and her secretary of state. we told her very directly that she was in breach of the good friday agreement and we itemised those matters in which she was dellatorre reorient default in relation to that agreement. —— or in default. the last person to come out was the deputy leader of the dup nigel dodds. he suggested that there was no reason they couldn't get on with the power—sharing executive even though there was no formal deal to keep this government in power in westminster. he was absolutely clear that he thought particularly the timing of the queen's speech next week didn't impact what his party we re week didn't impact what his party were trying to do. i'm not going to get into timelines and deadlines which can be counter—productive. there is no deadline as such. the fa ct there is no deadline as such. the fact that the queen's speech date has been set suggests that the tories think this is a done deal with the dup. they are not saying that and we are not saying that. it is quite proper that the date for the queen's speech should be set. that is separate from the discussions that we are having now. there is a deadline to get this power—sharing executive up and running, the 29th ofjune. two weeks from today. the tone that you got from today. the tone that you got from the parties this afternoon is that they are not going to go towards a deal until they see the ink on the paper from the towards a deal until they see the ink on the paperfrom the dup arrangement and can judge ink on the paperfrom the dup arrangement and canjudge it ink on the paperfrom the dup arrangement and can judge it on the basis of that. there are still a lot of work to do and the time is running out to do it. reports from the united states saying the man leading the investigation into russian involvement in the presidential election is looking into whether president trump attempted to obstruct justice. robert muller is expected to hear from intelligence officials in the next few days. the new rules for roaming charges using mobile phones abroad come into force today. the new rules say that people can browse the internet for the same price as they pay at home. 0fficial the internet for the same price as they pay at home. official figures show that store prices saw their steepest jump in four years show that store prices saw their steepestjump in four years and with the exception of food, we bought fewer goods last month than in any previously. it suggests that consumers are pulling in their horns a little bit. even though wages have not been growing as quickly as prices, consumers have kept up their spending. retail sales have not slowed down. they have kept growing. we have had more people coming into the country, they spend money. more money being spent. this time round, those trends aren't so obvious. things seem to be slowing down. this leaves the bank of england with an interesting dilemma. if the economy is slowing down, you don't want to be raising interest rates. but, on the other hand, inflation, at 2.9%, looks very close to getting above the bank of england's target rate. it shouldn't go above 3%. interestingly enough, three members of the bank's monetary policy committee voted to raise rates. that is the most we've had voting for a raise for ten years. so, potentially looking at an interest rate rise in the next year. let's have a look at the weather forecast. 0ver let's have a look at the weather forecast. over two let's have a look at the weather forecast. 0ver twoj wynne. some fresh air coming forecast. 0ver twoj wynne. some fresh aircoming in forecast. 0ver twoj wynne. some fresh air coming in today, temperatures have dropped back a little bit particularly towards the north and west. we've also seen some wet weather in the north and ireland. showers drifting through northern england. the main focus over night is the west of scotland. elsewhere, dry spells and light winds. not quite as warm it was this morning tomorrow morning. still, starting friday around about 12 or 13 degrees. the northern half of the uk will see a little bit of cloud. a little rain for a time. by the afternoon, largely dry. it will be quite a warm afternoon. probably up to 23 also in the london area. into the lower 20s in aberdeenshire. getting higher in the south—east on saturday. welcome back. we are in the shadow of g re nfell tower welcome back. we are in the shadow of grenfell tower as the death toll so far is confirmed as 17 and the prime minister promising a full public enquiry. you can see hundreds of m essa g es public enquiry. you can see hundreds of messages on the wall of condolence, messages for those who have lost their lives and have been injured. you can see people saying, "to all the ones lost in this tragedy, my heart is broken for this community, we stand together". m essa g es community, we stand together". messages saying "pray for our community". also messages of anger saying those responsible for this disaster whoever they turn out to be should be sent to jail. never forgotten is a common message. forever in our prayers. pilgrim tucker was the community officer for grenfell tower in 2015 and heavily involved in the building's fire safety campaign — shejoins me now. the council block had been allowed to decline. the council had deliberately managed the decline almost, you could say. yet they spend £10 million refurbishing it. they spent £8 million and paid directly to a private contractors to do mainly cosmetic works on the outside of the building. meanwhile, the residents concerns were regarding safety, alarms, sprinklers, emergency lighting, problems with electricity which the council's management organisation ignores and actually persecuted the te na nts ignores and actually persecuted the tenants who tried to raise that as an issue. that does seem extraordinary. we know that there was a blog from a resident bat said it would take something catastrophic for their concerns to achieve the addressed. yes. now, it's too late. they were warned and warned again so many times. the residents were angry den. they had had enough then. 0nce they started organising we managed to get some improvements to what was being planned but at the same time, residents were threatened with legal action by the council. what in particular were your worries? we know the issue about the cladding but there has to be an investigation into whether that was why the fire spread so quickly. sprinklers, alarms... emergency lighting, potentially problems with the electricity. the refurbishment was putting in boilers in very narrow corridors, right in front of front doors. that is what the residents objected to when i was working with them. it was a fire hazard. as you can see, residents were talking about it for a long time. i'm not surprised residents are furious now. to be honest, this is an absolute tragedy but it is not dissimilar to what is being allowed to happen to social housing across london. it's not being maintained because there is profit and value to be found in that land. it is very valuable land. and very powerful property developers and building contractors are making lots of money and its resulting in lives lost. thank you very much for being with us. a community organiser here in this pa rt community organiser here in this part of kensington borough. as you can see, emotions and anger very part of kensington borough. as you can see, emotions and anger very raw at the moment. that investigation of course at very early stages. the firefighters are still in grenfell tower is trying to get access to all the floors and find all those who are unaccounted for. they don't believe there will be any more survivors. the prime minister has promised a full enquiry into this report from simon gompertz. tower block fires — an international pattern is emerging. in france in 2012, when a barbecue blaze spread rapidly up the outside, like at grenfell tower, the cladding was a factor. again in melbourne, three years ago, similar cladding burning, contributing to a fire which shocked australia. on new year's eve at the end of 2015 in dubai, the flames spreading like wildfire across aluminium composite cladding. for fire—safety experts, there were warnings. there is enough evidence from fires in australia, abu dhabi, france and others to show there is a problem unfolding. external spreading fires are an emerging issue, and it is coming on the back of modern methods of construction which are leading to the introduction of new combustible materials, voids, even combustible structure. it is natural people who live in tower blocks should be seeking reassurance because you only have to look at the website, for instance, of the company that supplied the cladding to see plenty of other examples of projects where similar—looking cladding has been going in. there is a big job for councils, calming people's fears where appropriate, but taking action where it is necessary. the visits are starting. in derby, fire officers going into buildings today to resasure residents about safety. there will be detailed inspections demanded by the government from councils across the country, but that will not deal with concerns that materials meet regulations still be factor in a fire. there is a minimum requirement for the materials used and the installation of those materials. to say it was directly the fault of the cladding... it will soon come to light, but it is very difficult to speculate at this time. it was the most shocking blaze firefighters had seen, which spread at unprecedented speed. experts have honed in on the cladding, faced with aluminium which may have peeled off, exposing plastic material inside. there may have been flammable foam insulation behind. a grim and painstaking investigation is still to come. joining me now from leicester is solicitor sophie khan — who represented one of the families killed in the camberwell lakanal house fire in london in 2009. a lot of people have drawn parallels between that and what happened here and want to know why recommendations made at the time by the coroner haven't been implemented. thank you very much for being with us. what are your thoughts after this terrible tragedy here? the government should have taken into account the rule 43 report that had been prepared by the coroner after thejury verdict. had been prepared by the coroner after the jury verdict. had that been done, it's very unlikely that this would have happened or if there was a fire it wouldn't have been at this level. in terms of recommendations, what in particular should have been done here in kensington that wasn't done? one of them was about having sprinklers in all the tower blocks. that was one of the first and most highlighted issues which could have prevented a lot of loss of life. even though it wouldn't have saved the building it would have given people time to leave the building safely. that basic amendment and that basic change to the tower blocks, i don't believe has been done because clearly if it had been done, we wouldn't be talking about this fire now. of course, all these measures people might say cost money. sprinkler systems cost money. do you think money was a factor in this? i think money was a factor but the other amendments and the other changes that needed to be made may have taken more time but the sprinkler system would have been something that in the meantime while other changes made could have been made and while they could have cost money as taxpayers we need to look at the safety of residents rather than the bottom line of the contractor companies. thank you very much for being with us. we can speak to ines now and her dad miguel. you came out of the building and the next day you had to set your gcses. the first thing i grabbed was my chemistry notes. it was horrible. we we re chemistry notes. it was horrible. we were on the 13th floor. what time did you know that the fire had started and did you manage to make your mistake? right at the beginning. about ten past one. where you asleep at the time? yes. how did you asleep at the time? yes. how did you realise that the fire had started ? you realise that the fire had started? luckily, we arrived at one o'clock and got inside the lift and stopped at the fourth floor. that is where the fire starts. you were just coming back to the block.|j where the fire starts. you were just coming back to the block. i came out of the lift, running the staircase just to go up and wake them up. my daughter and my son. and just bring them down. i also knock on the doors of the 13 level and tell them that there was a fire. theyjust came out very slowly. there was a lot of time. the official policy in the blog is to stay in your flat. 0bviously, blog is to stay in your flat. obviously, you are glad that you didn't obey that advice. yes. my wife was outside. when she got the fourth floor, i told her to come out and for me to go upstairs bring them down. the fire people said, for her to conduct me —— contact me and for me to stay in the flat. i didn't get the information that there was no point for me to be inside, it was better to be outside and safe, even though it was the regulations of the building. ithink though it was the regulations of the building. i think i did the right thing. you are homeless. have you got to sleep? yes. i have wonderful friends whojust got to sleep? yes. i have wonderful friends who just gave me got to sleep? yes. i have wonderful friends whojust gave me somewhere. 0bviously, friends whojust gave me somewhere. obviously, this is so traumatic for anyone, especially of your age. you will be incredulous that you were able to sit your exam after a terrible disaster? what was the exam? it was chemistry. considering, ididn't exam? it was chemistry. considering, i didn't have time to go over my notes, i think i did 0k. i didn't have time to go over my notes, i thinki did ok. and life has to go on. obviously. you must feel relieved that you were able to come out but you must feel awful for the people who weren't able to get out with you? it was one of the worst nights of my life. we can see from the people outside and the people who helped, whojust try from the people outside and the people who helped, who just try to get help and nobody can do anything. are you angry that so many warnings we re are you angry that so many warnings were ignored apparently? yes. and the one thing, when i came out of the one thing, when i came out of the fire, the fire brigade was already there. they did start to put water on the windows. first, before the fire broke out. i think they should do something better. i am angry because a lot of people lost their lives. thank you so much for being with others. incredibly, sitting your chemistry exam just after this terrible fire here at g re nfell tower. after this terrible fire here at grenfell tower. here at the wall of condolence, hundreds of people have been leaving their messages. the death toll currently at 17 but expected to rise. let's pause and look at the latest weather forecast. with jay wynne. behind this cold front, some slightly fresher air coming in with our whole rash of showers across scotla nd our whole rash of showers across scotland and northern ireland. some might creep down into northern england but the focus is for the rain to be in western scotland. it's not going to be as warm as it was this morning tomorrow morning. temperatures down by three or 4 degrees. still, 12—13d will be typical. it will turn into a north — south split. some cloud and patchy rain in the north, elsewhere largely dry. in the south, temperatures to 20-23 dry. in the south, temperatures to 20—23 celsius. in the south—east on saturday, it's going to be a hot one. 28 degrees in the south—east. tonight at six — the number of people killed the number of people killed in the london tower block fire is now 17 — and it's set to rise. specialists are making the grenfell tower safe enough for fire crews to recover the victims. we know there will be more. it's the upper floors that will be more challenging and we will need some additional shoring for us to be able to get in there. the size of this building, it could take weeks. i want to be realistic. this is a very long process. the writing on the wall tells its own story — dozens of people are still listed as missing jessica is a 12—year—old vibrant young girl who will turn 13 next month. she's a lovely little girl with a bubbly personality. we're just worried and concerned about her and we just want her home. it happened in front of their eyes — first there was shock, then there was grief — now residents want answers .

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Building Go Up , Turning , Danger , Someone , Kids , Front , Underneath , Back Window , Eyes , Purpose , Catastrophic Error , Women , Wall , Windows , Teddies , Reflection , Prime Minister , Prayers , Thoughts , Message , Queen , Response , Site , Emergency Teams , Concerns , Public Inquiry , Cladding , Investigation , Survivors , Tower , Remnants , Fires , Tenants , Problems , Parts , Fire Safety Problems , Contractor , Tenant Management , 2015 , Regulations , Fire Protection Policy , Grenfell Tower , Monument , Building Codes , Way , Bbc News , Ourfamily In Act , Stuart Cundy , Victims , Metropolitan Police , Six , Risk , Death Toll , Condolence , Everybody , Correspondent Richard Galpin , Yes , Mix , Lot , Condolences , Respects , Around London , Remembrance Wall , Corner , Panels , Memorial , Remembrance , Peace , Rest , Majority , Things , Clothes , Food , Sorts , Volunteering , Community Solidarity , Everything , Jail , Sense , Anything , Question , Fire Regulations , Friends , Stories , Phone Calls , Search , Afamily , Viewers , Tulip Muzumda , Son , Despair , Depth , 29 , 12 , Friend , Position , Thei , Icu , Iam , Lisa , Dream , Man , Stage , Realisation , Agonising , Firefighters , Daughter , Flat , Cousin , Phone Cut Off , Adel , 30am , 1 , 30 , Children , Hospitals , Family , Two , Start , Move Forward , Anguish , It , Sadiq Khan , News Conference , Disaster , Nswe , Answers , Truth , Visit , Jeremy Corbyn , Volunteers , Scene , Nfell Tower , Chris Mason , Explanation , Morning , Remains , Tour , Downing Street , Thislj , Somebody , Summary , Accountable , Kicks , The Labour Leader , Thejudge , Judge , Concern , Platitudes , Led , Grass , Lessons , Construction , Bottom , Series , It Wasn T , Flats , Another , Concrete Boxes , Security , Spread , Parliament , Dignity , Access , Back To School , Certainty , Heads , Roof , Tragedy , Kindness , Intentioned , Act Of God , Strangers , Afternoon , Event , Clarity , Colleagues , Reassurance , Authority , Grenfell House , Fact , Family Act , Hundreds , Room , Bureaucracy , Attachment , Casualty Figures , Ijust , Update , St Mary S , Chelsea , Figure , Care , List , Critical Care , 15 , Mayor , Of London , News C0 , Nfe Re Nce , Residents , Shock , Dangers , Voices , Placards , Tempers , Hearfrom , Flaring Up , Labour Leader , Chance , Couple , Teams , Sight , Search And Rescue , Course , Fire Commission , Block , Support , Church , Westway Sports Centre , Deaths , Demand , Nswe Rs , Call , Nswe Rs Independent Public Inquiry , The Independent , Summer , Inquest , Eitherfor The Inquiry , Either , Orfor , Eitherfor , Tower Blocks , Country , Safety , Relation , Reassurances , Council , Housing , Guidance , Friends And Family , Black , Help , Offers , Goods , Frustration , Up Vanloads , Vanloads Of Goods , Crisis , City Hall , Hot One , Most , Running Into Danger , Duty , Above And Beyond , Londoners , Reasons , Neighbour , Combination , World , Helping Brother And Sister , Inaudible , Secretary , Shadowjustice , 2010 , Justice , Aid , Reduction , Lawyers , Members , Opportunity , Inaudible Well , Refurbishment , Money , Value , Report , Emergency Legislation , Sprinklers , Fire Alarms , Council Homes , Safety Names , Meetings , Ministers , Emergency Exit , Notjust Tower Blocks , Checks , The One , Notjust , Powerbooks , Didn T , Wages , Didn T You Support , Issues , Changes , South Split , God , Place , Improvements , Regeneration , Benefit , Stay , Elsewhere , Houses , Anybody , Handshakes , Politicians , Action , Thanjeremy Corbyn , Nswe Rs Real Anger , Government Inquiry , Recommendations , Results , Four , Police Officers , Streets , 2a Story Tower Block , Heartbreak , Tension , 2017 , 24 , Lives , Missing , Daniela , Information , Contact , Calm , Mum , Identity , 0k , Age , 13 , 300 , Khadija , Personality , Girl , Artist , Nothing , Career , Fights , Shame , Career Wasjust , 25 , It Shouldn T , 10 Million , Â 10 Million , Answer , Check , Talking , Buildings , Organisation , Stairwell , Property , Tmo , Theyjust , More , Situation , Anyone , Media , Keeping , Show Awareness , Instagram , Facebook , Thing , Vans , Injoining , Thanks , Emergency Number , The Shadow , Smoking , Smouldering , 0ccasionally , Company , Statement , Chief Executive , Term , Cost , Hurricane Enquiry , Ourfull , Grenfell Tower Last , Causes , Efforts , Authorities , Bravery , Tireless Effo Rts , Behalf , 2016 , Building Control , Firing Relations , Kensington , Completion , Handover , Safety Standards , Notice , Royal Borough Of Kensington , Quality , Comment , Ceo , Robert Bond , Rydon Group , G Re , New Scotland Yard , Police Service , Intensity , Nasa , Collea Gu Es London Fire Brigade , Matter , Damage , Daysis , Body , Westminster Marjorie , 11 , Fire , Identification Process , Will Bea Process , Police Operation , Fire Damage , Corona Meal , Doctor Wilcox , Dealing , Records , Dna , Incidents , Fingerprints , Coroner , Eforms , Possessions , Programme , Outside New Scotland Yard , Ta Ke , Parties , At Stormont , Prospects , Gerry Adams , Sinn Fein , Deal , Agreement , Power , Breach , Dup , Isn T , Of Sinn Fein , Degrees , Annoyance , Secretary Of State , Default , Matters , Dellatorre Reorient , Deputy Leader , Nigel Dodds , Power Sharing Executive , Reason , Queen S Speech Next Week Didn T , Westminster , Timing , Timelines , Party , Impact , Deadlines , Deadline , Set , Speech , Fa Ct , Discussions , Running , Queen S Speech , 29th Ofjune , Sink , Tone , Paperfrom , Arrangement , Paper , It Ink , Basis , Canjudge , President , Election , Involvement , Russian , Rules , Intelligence , Officials , Robert Muller , Home , Internet , Price , Store Prices , Mobile Phones , Figures , Roaming Charges , Force , Steepestjump , Exception , Bit , Consumers , Prices , Horns , Spending , Retail Sales , Trends Aren T So Obvious , Growing , Bank Of England , Interest Rates , Target Rate , Hand , Economy , Dilemma , Inflation , 2 9 , 3 , Monetary Policy Committee , Rates , Bank , Raise , Interest Rate Rise , Voting , Ten , Three , Weather Forecast , Look , 0ver Let S Have A Look , 0ver Twoj Wynne , Showers , North , Temperatures , Focus , Hair , Northern England , Forecast , Weather , West Of Scotland , Aircoming , Ireland , Winds , Spells , Half , Rain , Cloud , South East On Saturday , The Shadow Of G Re Nfell , Lower 20s , Aberdeenshire , 20 , Enquiry , Shadow , Tower Welcome Back , Ones , Heart , M Essa G Es Public Enquiry , Es Community , M Essa G , We Stand Together , Community Officer , Pilgrim Tucker , Shejoins Me , The Building S Fire Safety , Decline , Contractors , Outside , Works , 8 Million , Â 8 Million , Issue , Emergency Lighting , Electricity , Te Na Nts , Management Organisation , Alarms , Blog , Resident Bat , Fire Spread , Whether , Worries , Corridors , Boilers , Doors , Fire Hazard , Profit , Land , Resulting , Property Developers , Lots , Emotions , Part , Community Organiser , Pa Rt Community Organiser , Stages , Pattern , Barbecue Blaze Spread , France , Simon Gompertz , 2012 , Factor , Cladding Burning , Australia , Melbourne , The End , On New Year S Eve , Warnings , Aluminium , Fire Safety Experts , Evidence , Wildfire , Dubai , Problem , Abu Dhabi , Materials , Methods , Back , Structure , Introduction , Voids , Councils , Projects , Examples , Instance , Job , Plenty , Website , Fears , Fire Officers , Visits , Inspections , Derby , Installation , Light , Requirement , Fault , Blaze Firefighters , Speed , Experts , Plastic Material Inside , Foam Insulation , Leicester , Sophie Khan Who , Parallels , 2009 , Haven T , Rule , Jury Verdict , Account , Thejury Verdict , 43 , Level , Particular , Fire It Wouldn T , Wouldn T , Loss , We Wouldn T , Amendment , Change , Cost Money , Sprinkler Systems , Sprinkler System , Amendments , Contractor Companies , Line , Taxpayers , Dad , Gcses , Chemistry Notes , 13th Floor , Mistake , Lift , Floor , The Block , Staircase , Fire Starts , Block J , Policy , Advice , 0bviously , Wife , Point , Somewhere , Friends Whojust , Ithink , Exam , Notes , Ididn T Exam , Weren T , Whojust , Water , Chemistry Exam , G Re Nfell Tower , Pause , Jay Wynne , Let , Rash , Cold Front , Western Scotland , Northern Ireland , 4 , South , Celsius , 28 , Grenfell Tower Safe , Specialists , Shoring , Vibrant Young Girl , Size , Story Dozens , Writing On The Wall , Lovely Little Girl , 5 ,

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