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Away from a bad deal. What happens if we dont get a deal . Our argument in those circumstances is youve got to be able to walk away. Youve got to plan for that even if you dont intend it. Business leaders warn of a drop in confidence following the election saying Political Uncertainty could be disastrous for the economy. Its five oclock. Were At Westminster where theresa may stands accused by labour of presiding over a government in chaos following news that the queens speech, setting out the governments legislative programme, could be delayed. It was meant to take place in a weeks time. The conservatives are still negotiating with the Democratic Unionist Party, to support mrs mays Minority Government, after she lost her majority in last weeks election. Labour says the possible delay to the queens speech is because the government has no idea what it plans to do. Right now, theresa may is addressing the 1922 committee of Conservative Backbenchers well have the latest on the reception she gets there. Our Political Correspondent chris mason has more details. Theresa mays cabinet. No mood of celebration here, just an understated welcome for new members. The most seniorfigures in understated welcome for new members. The most senior figures in a governing Party Without a majority tasked with delivering brexit. Their firstjob . Tasked with delivering brexit. Their first job . Announcing their priorities in the queens speech. It was due next monday, but. Obviously, we are in talks with the dup, to see that the deal that we can put together, and im very optimistic that will happen, but until we have that, we cannot agree the final details of the queens speech. As soon as we the final details of the queens speech. As soon 3s we agree the final details of the queens speech. As soon as we agree that deal, well be able to say when the Queen S Speech will be. Deal, well be able to say when the Queen S Speech will be. The other task for senior ministers was insisting talk of toppling mrs may is. The height of selfindulgence, the british people gave us an instruction, a result we wouldnt have chosen ourselves and it is our job to get on with the work of government and organise arrangements and we can get through the business of the House Of Commons and run the country. She is very good at that. Foreign secretary borisjohnson said that it was time to get a grip. Right now, mrs may is meeting conservative mps to explain herself. I think it is a very good sign of theresa may recognising the importance of cohesion in the party and the importance of us all working together, if we are to make the government work in difficult circumstances. I do not think there is uptight in the country for another General Election or is there any demand among my colleagues for a Leadership Election either. Theresa may wanted to return here with a majority that proved she can be a poll dominating political figure of her age. Now she is diminished, bruised and we can. She called the election with the explicit intention of tebay chancy turbo charging her authority, now it is a wheel clamp on her future. Her authority, now it is a wheel clamp on herfuture. After a turbulent few years, labour are upbeat. We will make sure that we hold their feet to the fire. Where we can, on the Queen S Speech, we will try to ensure that we hold them to account, there may be things we disagree with them on, we will put out amendments and do our best to keep parrying. Out amendments and do our best to keep parrying. The Prime Minister left Downing Street to address conservative mps a few minutes ago. Like never before, theresa may will be reliant on others to prop her up. The votes of Northern Irelands democratic unionists, in the commons, and the support of ambitious colleagues like boris johnson. Politics with its twists and turns have yet again proving its capacity to lead us all out of breath. Chris mason, bbc news, westminster. The meeting is underway, the Prime Minister is meeting the 1922 committee of backbenchers, convincing them she has listened to the message of voters. Their leader is graham brady, conservative mp who was saying to us earlier that he expected the Prime Minister to deliver a message that convinced them that things were going to change. Our chief Political Correspondent vicki young is outside the Houses Of Parliament now. A thought first of all on that meeting and how important it is, and then maybe a thought on the latest of the timings of the queens speech . Conservative mps have come back here today, any of them in shock about what has happened. I spoke to a senior conservative who said that they have the weekend to calm down and now they feel like grumpy teenagers about what has happened, rather than pure vitriol. Some are very angry about what has happened and they want theresa may to ta ke happened and they want theresa may to take responsibility for that. They expect her to do that in that meeting going on in the corridors of this building behind me. Apparently it is completely packed, some mps are trying to get in but could barely get in because it was so busy. Early rivals were critics of theresa may like nicky morgan, trying to get a front row seat. She will have to show theresa may that she understands what happened and she understands what happened and she will change. We know that she agreed to change and have a more collegiate government. That has gone on this afternoon. We had a two hour political Cabinet Meeting where im sure they discussed what went wrong. When it come to the queens speech, there has been utter confusion here today. The bbc learned there would bea today. The bbc learned there would be a delay, when they set out the programme of government, that is supposed to happen next monday and we we re supposed to happen next monday and we were told it would be delayed while the agreement, of some kind, with the dup was thrashed out. Then we heard it may be back on. Then a Senior Cabinet Minister comes out and they think there will be a delay. On that there is confusion but until the deal is done with the dup, how can they lay out their programme of government . Theresa may needs to know and be sure that she has those votes to get it through parliament. And meanwhile, there is a lively and intense debate over the factors that fed into the result and the Hung Parliament we have following that election last week . You Prime Ministers new Chief Of Staff features in the debate about this practice . Yes, interestingly, a man called Gavin Barwell used to be the conservative mp in croydon. He lost his seat on thursday and has since been brought in by theresa may to be Chief Of Staff. A popular former mp, he knows the Conservative Party well. He has some views about except you what happened at a time when mps are trying to work out what went wrong, they did not see it coming. They pointed out their vote share went up but they wanted to know why labour appealed to people so know why labour appealed to people so much. On one of those issues, Gavin Barwell suggests that austerity had something to do with it. Its a conversation i remember with a teacher, who voted for me in 2010 and 2015. And said, i understood the need for a pay freeze for a few years to deal with the deficit but you are asking that he go on for ten and 11 years, that is too much. Jeremy corbyn could tap into that. Others wondered whether it was to do with the brexit fate and whether theresa may spent too much of the last year talking about what 52 of the population voted for and airbrushing out those who had a very different opinion. Many people said, does this mean there will be a different kind of brexit . Could the uk end up staying within the Single Market . Mr conservative mps do not agree with that and they pointed to the fact that the labour and conservative manifesto said that they would leave the Single Market. Gavin barwell talked they would leave the Single Market. Gavin ba rwell talked about they would leave the Single Market. Gavin barwell talked about the appealJeremy Corbyn had to voters. The real thing that we need to understand is how the Labour Party Got 40 of the vote and how they were successful in motivating large numbers of people who do not normally vote for them, and what we can do to make sure people that are conservative minded, who voted to remain in the referendum, are happy to keep supporting the party. We look at the higher effects, the high turnout and in strong remain areas labourdid turnout and in strong remain areas labour did well. And how in the next election, we can address those concerns. Gavin barwell will be at the centre of government in Downing Street trying to wrestle with those issues and how theresa may can broaden her repeal. That is part of an interview on panorama this evening on bbc one at 8 30pm broaden her appeal. Lets talk now to the former Conservative Minister and mp rob wilson who lost his seat in reading east on friday. Thanks forjoining us. Thank you for coming in. Lets talk about your area first. You digest of the disappointment, but what did you piece together in terms of the factors involved in the resulting. In yourarea . Factors involved in the resulting. In your area . It was going very well indeed, and then the manifesto came out. It shot our main fox, older people were upset about the social ca re people were upset about the social care policy and many did not properly understand it. It went downhill from there. But other factors were clear. Public Sector Workers and people at the school gates, school gate mums, they were upset about some cuts that they felt we re upset about some cuts that they felt were taking place in education. There was feedback about the Health Service and pressures there. Also, there was the issue over remain as feeling that they can not vote for the conservatives. Remain. They wanted a softer brexit. There was the additional factor of young people who caught on to theJeremy Corbyn message, and turned out in numbers, especially in university areas, like never before. If you ta ke areas, like never before. If you take out the manifesto issued for a second, the social care issue, what could the party have done about other factors that you mentioned . Given the Prime Ministers stance on those things . We could have run a much more technologically slick campaign, especially for younger people. I think that we were absolutely beaten at every stage by the social Media Campaign that labour ran, in terms of Targeting Seats we targeted the wrong seats, it turned out. Even when the information began to come back, we did not adjust quickly enough to target seats where we could put defensive positions in place. There we re defensive positions in place. There were things we could have done. That is pretty damning . I dont think i am saying anything people would not recognise, it was probably the worst general Election Campaign ive ever been part. When graham brady, your former colleague, sat in that seat on friday afternoon, he made it quite clear he thought the Prime Minister didnt have the right message out when she came back to street after the visit to the palace on friday and said there needed to bea on friday and said there needed to be a change in style and how the government was wrong. Do you agree . What should the changes be . |j government was wrong. Do you agree . What should the changes be . I think the Prime Minister recognised that there needs to be changes and her two chiefs of staff have already gone. I think there is a drive towards a more cabinet style of government today. There was a long Cabinet Meeting and the Prime Minister is meeting the 1922 committee, and there will be a number of questions and answers at that meeting which i think well ta ke that meeting which i think well take things further forward. When you talk about the kind of people that you do not appeal to, i want to give them the news today that there are still talks going on to establish some kind of arrangement, whether formal or informal with the dup, how will that help or not help matters in your view . I think the most important thing in the National Interest is to get stability. Businesses are feeling the uncertainty and stopping investing and Consumer Spending is beginning to dry up. What we need is a period of calm and stability, where we do not have another election and where we certainly do not get into the sort of situations where the government is unstable. If it means for a period of time we have to go toa for a period of time we have to go to a supply and confidence arrangement, we will do that. You touched on two things. You imply strongly that there should not be a Leadership Challenge and you, personally, think the dup arrangement is one that should be exercised . I think the dup arrangement has to be, because we need stable government. I think that, because a challenge to the Prime Minister now would be something that not only the Conservative Party would regret, i think the country would regret it. Having a leadership contest, and probably another General Election, would not be the right thing in the National Interest. Rob wilson, good to talk to you. Thank you for coming in. Former Conservative Minister and former conservative mp for reading east. The brexit secretary david davis has insisted that talks on leaving the European Union will begin next week, despite the uncertainty surrounding theresa mays government. Downing street says the governments position on brexit remains unchanged, despite calls from some mps for theresa may to be more flexible. Negotiations on leaving the eu are to get under way next week. Meps and european commissioners are in strasbourg to discuss the way forward. This report from our Political Correspondent Eleanor Garnier contains some flash photography. Brexit the vote to leave the eu almost a year ago, but the debate on exactly how we accept, the terms and the priorities, has been reopened, just days before brexit negotiations begin. Some tory mps are demanding theresa may has a rethink. And in scotland, where the conservatives there had their best election result for more than 30 years, are promising to pile on the pressure. We will be looking to make sure that our influence is felt. We played a significant part in ensuring there is a conservative Minority Government after this General Election, with the fantastic result in scotland, winning all those seats, getting the second in the popular vote and putting our vote up so significantly. A manifesto to see us through brexit and beyond. Theresa may had wanted a much bigger mandate from voters for her vision of brexit, to take britain out of the Single Market, Have Control Over Eu migration to the uk and to get new free trade deals with the eu and other countries. But, left without a majority, she is facing calls for compromise. This isnt new. Just before christmas, the Scottish Government put together a pan uk compromise document, to put independence to one side, to look at the document, remaining members of the Single Market. That is what we need to get behind. It is perfectly possible to stay within the Single Market, to keep all the benefits of that and it is possible to have a degree of management of migration, if thats a central issue, countries like switzerland do it, so that is the kind of compromise you should be looking at. Buoyed by their relative success, labour stand in a rare moment of unity and are adding to mrs mays problems. For her to get through any legislation relating to brexit, never mind a vote on the deal, she will need a degree of cross party support, simply getting the dup support is not going to be enough. But the government maintains its Brexit Strategy has not changed and is sticking to its tactics, insisting no deal is still better than a bad deal. You have got to plan for that, even if you dont intend it. It is not the central aim, it is simply what we will go for if it doesnt work out. Thats it, and that doesnt change. What we will be doing, of course, as i have said through the last ten months, is listening to all the contributors and say if you have better ideas, tell me and we will consider them. For many britons, brexit was about taking back control but now it is mrs may who has been left without the control. Nevertheless, those around her are holding their nerve, insisting it will go ahead as planned. Theresa may might still be in power, but she is no longer pulling the strings. All the while, brussels is waiting to negotiate, and the two year clock is ticking. Eleanor garnier, bbc news, westminster. Theresa may is due to meet the dup leader Arlene Foster tomorrow, as talks continue between the two parties. A spokesman for the Prime Minister says the talks aim to work towards a stable government. The leader of Sinn Fein Gerry Adams says any deal between the dup and the Conservative Party cant be a good thing and will undermine the good friday Peace Agreement in Northern Ireland. We can speak to our correspondent jonny dymond who is at stormont. What is the latest thinking there on the progress here and what it is likely to lead to . Well, the problem, as you know, here is that the Power Sharing Executive Set Up by the good friday agreement all of those years ago has been suspended for months now. Various parties have been deep in talks, trying to find some compromise whereby they can necessitate the Power Sharing Executive, and get devolved government in Northern Ireland setup again. Theres a three week deadline for that now. Juanmi 29th, and it is over and direct rule takes over again. June at the over and direct rule takes over again. June at the 29th. The prospect of a deal between the dup, one of the two main parties in the Power Sharing Executive here, and the conservatives to create a government At Westminster throws a shadow into the process. The problem being for some of the players here that in some way it gets in the way of the British Government being an impartial player. It of course gives the dup, in their eyes, too much power. We heard from the leader of the dup, eventually today, Arlene Foster, talking about what a deal maybe. Foster, talking about what a deal maybe. We foster, talking about what a deal maybe. We had a meeting with the sinn fein leadership this afternoon. Again, we reiterated that we want devolution back up and running again, as quickly as possible. Of course, the dup has always been a devolution party. We believe in it, and believe it is the right system of government for the people of Northern Ireland. We want it back up and running to deal with health and education. We are bringing better jobs to Northern Ireland and to deal with the infrastructure of our country. As i say, we had a good and constructive meeting, and we continue talks later this week. Arlene foster said that any deal that the dup may make with the conservatives At Westminster would bea conservatives At Westminster would be a tremendous opportunity for Northern Ireland. That is not how the nationalist parties here see it, the nationalist parties here see it, the sdlp and sinn fein have both said that the British Governments role as an impartial arbiter would be over, and the British Government minister comedy secretary of state for Northern Ireland, should no longer chair the talks taking place here and bring the executive back together. Gerry adams, leader of sinn fein, said any deal should be opposed by nationalists. If we dont believe that any deal between the dup here and the english tories would be good for the people here. And any deal on their cuts undercuts in any way the process here and the good friday and other agreements. We have a long standing view that the reddish government are players, are partisan and have their own interests in this. In terms of whether Arlene Foster should stand to one side, that remains our decision and are subject to the talks we have. It doesnt become an issue unless we have a deal. On the surface, it looks as if the different parties are as far apart as ever. However, if you look carefully at their words and talk to people behind the scenes, there are signs of a very slight softening that may improve as the deadline ticks away. Jonny dymond, thank you. Some very important points made by jonny dymond, alistair ross, a formerJunior Minister jonny dymond, alistair ross, a former Junior Minister and member of the Stormont Assembly with the dup joins me now. Thank you for coming to talk to us. On the main point here that sinn fein and some others are making, if the dup formed some sort of agreement with theresa may, the good friday agreement is in peril, what do you say . There are two responses, that nationalist parties in Northern Ireland have always held the view that the uk government are not mutual actors in Northern Ireland, that has not changed and secondly, for sinn fein, an all ireland party, their Primary Objective at the moment is in the irish republic, an actor in the good friday agreement structures as well, particularly north and substructures. It is a disingenuous position from sinn fein who i believe are under pressure at the moment. The prospect of direct rule, when the government is reliant on dup votes to get crucial legislation through the House Of Commons, i think it is a daunting prospect for sinn fein voters and for sinn fein members. To spell it out, you say that if there is some kind of confidence and supply deal, as we call it, between theresa may and Arlene Foster, you do not think that will have a Material Impact on the basis for devolved government in Northern Ireland . The basis for devolved government in Northern Ireland . I dont think there would be an impediment to getting structures back up and running again. The only party who are not willing to set up the assembly set up an executive tomorrow morning are sinn fein. There is a huge incentive for them to get on with that now if they are worried about direct rule. I think this agreement arrangement, whatever it turns out to be, i would imagine it turns out to be, i would imagine it would be fairly loose. The dup would want flex ability to vote against things that arent in the interest of Northern Ireland, that could damage them in future. It could damage them in future. It could be good for Northern Ireland. If we get more prominence in National Issues and if there is increased investment in Infrastructure Projects and we know what brexit will look like and support the porous border the dup have in their manifesto, everybody in Northern Ireland, whether or not they support the dup, could benefit from such an arrangement. And you gave us from such an arrangement. And you gave us a from such an arrangement. And you gave us a quick reference to things that the dup may vote against. What would they be . Again, if you look at the dup manifesto and the document produced two years ago by the dup, when they thought Hung Parliament was a likely outcome, you will see that there is a pledge to protect spending on public services. Of course, the triple lock is something the dup say that they want to keep. Money going to pensioners is a key dup priority as well. Some of those things will be important. Some of them could help the Conservative Party get off the hook in some of the difficulties they get into during the Election Campaign. It may work as a benefit to the Conservative Party and those living in scotland and wales. I think that the dup will want to be seen as serious actors on the National Stage and would relish the opportunity to not only act in the National Interest by supporting the formation of government but promoting policies that could advantage of the uk as well. And a final thought, do you think they will reach a deal tomorrow . I think so. The dup made it clear over the last few months that if the conservatives need support, they are willing to do that. The prospect of either a Jeremy Corbyn leadership of the Labour Party Going into Downing Street is not one the dup would relish and i do not think anyone Wa Nts Relish and i do not think anyone wants another election. I think that there will be a loose arrangement where the dup will support the queens speech in budget and any potential motions of confidence in the Prime Minister and they will wa nt the Prime Minister and they will want flexibility to come to arrangement is on an issue by issue basis on other votes. I would imagine the dup want as much tax ability as possible. Its good to talk you for speaking to us want as much flexibility. James brokenshire, the Northern Ireland secretary, will speak at a news co nfe re nce very ireland secretary, will speak at a News Conference very shortly in Northern Ireland. We will bring back to you when it happens. One of the biggest winners of last weeks election, the scottish conservatives. Its leader Ruth Davidson has joined the cabinet today in Downing Street. Shes also been speaking and has called for the economy to be made priority, rather than controlling immigration. I wanted a face to face reformation of the assurances i was given at the weekend that any deal with the dup, weekend that any deal with the dup, we would stand strong in the Conservative Party to make sure that there was no erosion of Lgbt Rights In The Uk and use the influence that we had to advance lgbt rights and women rights in Northern Ireland. At the Cabinet Table there was unanimous support and a suggestion that we may bring forward that. We will not short term on that. When forward the review of the gender recognition act. Just as we showed with turings law and equal marriage in the House Of Commons, we want to advance the agenda. I wanted to speak to her about what the election taught us as a party. It taught us that the country want us in government but do not want us to have the majority. It means we must work with others and some of the big issues of the day, and for me, that includes brexit. Ruth davidson there talking to Laura Kuenssberg earlier. So where are we today . Given all of the uncertainty about the potential for the queens speech, meant to be happening one week today, we have a Cabinet Minister saying that there was a lot of work to be done on potential content of the queens speech. One area of uncertainty and doubt at the moment. But a lot of other areas as well. Someone who knows the Prime Minister well. With me now isjoeyjones, who worked for theresa may at the home office. Iam bound i am bound to ask the first question, giving your knowledge of her as home secretary, how would she have responded to be set back she experienced on thursday night . think that we could all see it in herface, to be honest. It felt like intruding on private grief. Even when you saw the interview she gave in the cabinet office, in the cabinet room last night. It was very difficult to watch. She looked shattered. As i am sure she must have been. Emotionally, if nothing else. I think the scale of the ambition that she would have set herself and her team had set her, not much more than 48 hours ago, for that to lie in wreckage around her and be scrambling around, trying to reconcile the positions of Ruth Davidson on one hand and the dup on the other, get it written on goatskin, whatever it is, and fit it into the queens diary. It all feels chaotic at the moment. And the last thing she could have imagined. Looking at the make up of the new cabinet, bringing in michael gove, switching people in those keyjobs, does it tell you that she is doing her best to try to balance opinion within the party . Or, are these moves forced upon her . It tells me the party has told her that this is the party has told her that this is the only that she will stay in government. Or in Downing Street. She is currently basically a prisoner of the Conservative Party, a hostage of Downing Street. It is miserable and does not feel sustainable in my point of view. She had that pound of flesh extracted from her, with nick timothy and fiona hill as her closest advisers. Rights and wrongs aside, that would have felt very, very cruel indeed. For whatever reason, probably from a sense of public duty, really, almost as though, i got us into this mess, i will see us out. She will stay there. What they used to call the men in grey suits are working in the background and trying to come to an agreement in working forward and there will be a rap on the door and she will be on her way. One policy area, i was talking to just a moment ago to a conservative mp. One of the soft supporters of brexit, mounting a charge at the moment. They say they feel there is the opportunity to jettison the hard they feel there is the opportunity tojettison the hard brexit rhetoric. I say, tojettison the hard brexit rhetoric. Isay, doesnt tojettison the hard brexit rhetoric. I say, doesnt that mean that you have to open up a discussion around the area of immigration . Access to the Single Market means admitted Free Movement as well. The mp said, absolutely. You will prosecute that argument . Theresa may, honestly . From the Tens Of Thousands positioned . Theresa may, honestly . From the Tens Of Thousands positioned . No way can she become the figurehead of a soft brexit conservative Party Without being completely humiliated and humble. Humbled even more so than she is today. Interesting, i am being told that reuters is reporting that the Prime Minister told the 1922 committee that she will serve them for as long as you want me. It does not sound like a statement from a position of strength . She is not ina a position of strength . She is not in a position of strength and ultimately, as we have been being discussing, it was made clear to her on saturday, if it was not clear already, no way would she wanted to have been stripped of her closest advisers. Nick timothy has been with her since 2005. They are an indissoluble unit, the kind of unit where you do not know where one ends and the other begins for her to be alone, and i must say that at the moment she must feel alone and friendless in Downing Street. It is a horrible position for anybody who has, as i do, having worked with her, real affection and respect for her, real affection and respect for her as her, real affection and respect for heras an her, real affection and respect for her as an individual. It is sad, watching this situation right now. So even bringing in someone like Gavin Barwell, someone with experience as a campaigner and a minister, you do not think he could replace what they will provide . Its more about the quality platform. Is she going to credibly be frontwoman for a bunch of policies that are not necessarily diametrically opposed to where she is personally, but in certain cases, will be a complete rowing back on what she was laying out during the campaign. In certain areas, in terms of net migration for example, she has stood by for many yea rs. Example, she has stood by for many years. Is that credible, for her to be upfront doing that . Does she just allow the other ministers, people like michael gove, who have accordingly despised one another over a long period, to become the figureheads of government . That does not feel a comfortable or sustainable arrangement, or indeed the one that people would think would be palatable to the parties and all those mps in the 1922 committee. Sorry to interrupt but im being told some more reports in 1922 Committee Taking Place right now, the Prime Minister appears contrite and genuine. But not begging for support. Appearing to be contrite and genuine, which of course would be a contrast with the statement we got in Downing Street, when she returned from the palace on friday, which did surprise lots of people . She is genuine. That statement said to me that she was and her colleagues were, genuinely at sea. That was not a statement that reflected considered, controlled ways of assessing the situation. For that reason, controlled ways of assessing the situation. Forthat reason, clearly was not good enough and you need to go back and do something that was more appropriate to the scale of the events later on. But she clearly, in that statement, had been shattered. That shatters your judgment as well. I have a lot of sympathy for that andi i have a lot of sympathy for that and i think, to be honest, most people watching it will have felt the same. A final point, an impossible question but what is your hunch . You have worked In Westminster for a long time, hunch . You have worked In Westminsterfor a long time, i want to wonder what is your hunch about this prospect of a second election, given lots of conservative mps have told us recently its the last thing they want . Thats the reason obviously that she might stay in power. From her point of view, she remains in power of course. But with the title of bremen stub and without the title of bremen stub and without the authority. With the title of Prime Minister and without the authority. Mps are scratching their heads and try to work out what the alternatives may be, there are no great ones. At some point it may be unavoidable. In the autumn may be, what do you think . Dont ask me, im just recovering from this one. Good to see you, joey. Joeyjones there for us, a former adviser to theresa may at the home office. I mentioned earlier the issue around business confidence, Business Leaders today warning of a dramatic drop in confidence following the election results. They say there is no desire for another election this year anyway. Our correspondent has more details. No Industry Needs to know more urgently than the car industry what brexit will mean, in detail. 80 of the cars here at Aston Martins headquarters in warwickshire sold abroad. Without free trade, tariffs could be imposed, boosting the price of cars that go to europe and making them less competitive. Aston martin had hoped the election would bring greater certainty about brexit. Instead, it brought the opposite. That naturally creates a degree of stress for us, a degree of worry. If you think about the typical car, a typical car requires about 1 billion of investment to create a car of this nature and you are making a ten year bet. When you are making those big dollar bets, doing it in an environment when you dont know next week whether or not trade barriers will exist or notjust makes the whole thing more stressful. Before the election, 700 directors were asked if they were optimistic or pessimistic about the economy. 37 were pessimistic. But today, a majority, 57 , were pessimistic. Uncertainty has gone right up the Richter Scale and that does matter, it matters for all of us, because it makes Companies Put the pause button on investment and investment today isjobs in the future. Uncertainty can have a deep economic effect. If businesses dont have the clarity and the confidence they need to inch backlit invest large sums in technology and training, productivity, the amount we produced per person, doesnt improve and without those improvements, employers cant afford to pay as Inflation Beating pay rises. Businesses can also no longer count on the supply of labour, skilled or unskilled, to be as free flowing as it has been. They are by no means ready for the change. The onus should be on the government not just wait for the brexit conclusions back of the late negotiations to conclude that are set out where they want to get on migrations, where they will rely on things like temporary workers to keep migrants coming into those sectors and which wont, because the ones that wont be able to need to be investing now in training other staff, paying more to recruit british workers or investing in machines. The Brexit Uncertainty is already having an affect on one industry which relies on skilled workers from abroad, health. A number of nurses registered to work in the uk is then 90 on a year ago. Down more than 90 on a year ago. It is notjust work is already here but also those thinking of coming who cant know what the future holds. On friday it will be exactly a year since the murder of the labour mpjo cox. She was stabbed and shot by a man who supported the far right. Her husband brendan cox has spoken since about how he wants her to be remembered for what she achieved and aspired to in life rather than the way in which she died. Its one of the reasons he has just written a book called jo cox more in common. His proceeds from the book will go to a charity that supports the causes she believed in. Hejoins me now. Tell us a little more about the book. Im reminded that more in common was part of the maiden speech you made in comments. What is the purpose of the book, what you wanted to tell people . What it came from was this sense that so many people suddenly had Heard Aboutjoe and lots of people, both that knew her really well and strangers got in touch to say they wanted to know more. There was a danger that she became seen as this one dimensional politician that used to hang out in a place like this. I did not want people to be left with that impression. She was a mum, a sister, a campaigner, an activist. I wanted some of that to come across. From a personal point of view, i also wa nted personal point of view, i also wanted to capture some of the memories for me and my family. For memories for me and my family. For me on an even more personal level, just dealing with the pain and making sure you take time to process it. For me, actually having a deadline and the process of the book felt like one of the best ways of doing that. Some of the most moving parts of the book and some of the most painful to read, im sure lots of viewers will agree, is where you talk about managing the process of grief for the children. You go into that in some detail. What did you wa nt to that in some detail. What did you want to share in that sense . Write in the aftermath, i knew i could not do anything about what had happened. I knew i could not do anything about the fact thatjo could not come back. What i could do was try to manage the process as much as good for the kids. To try to make sure that her pain the pain this would inflict, to make it less bad as possible. I threw myself into that in the weeks and months, doing lots of research, talking to parents that have lost children. Talking to kids that have lost parents, trying to understand the best way of coping with it. One of the really clear pieces of advice was about making sure that you are honest with them, open with them. But you involve them in things. They came to the House Of Commons when the House Of Commons have a special sitting. They went to Trafalgar Square when Tens Of Thousands of people gathered. For them, what that showed them was that other people were feeling similar to what they were feeling. After you lose someone, what they were feeling. After you lose someone, you what they were feeling. After you lose someone, you feel quite isolated and like the whole world continues as before. In this case, they could see what was happening. One of the things, one of the stories i recall in the book, is on the way to her funeral. There were thousands of people all the streets. My thousands of people all the streets. My son turned to me, now six years old, turned to me and said i knew lots of people loved mummy, but i did not realise this many people dead. That public outpouring that there was, as well as feeling nice, actually had a positive impact on them. You make the point the access lots of advice, just wondering, was their advice that you acted on which went against the grain . Maybe something that people were suggesting you did which instinctively you would not want to do . And yet you did it. Im wondering if you then found that was also beneficial . Yeah, i think most of the advice is broadly in line with how i would have responded anyway. I nuanced it because of that. The level of honesty, not talking about going to sleep or anything like that. The most difficult piece was around seeing jos body after she had died. That for me, as a dad, all of my instincts were not to do that. The brutality of that. But i spoke a lot Toa Brutality of that. But i spoke a lot to a variety of child psychologists and the advice was very clear and very consistent, that that would help them understand what happened. At that age, they were three and five when it happened, you do not have any of the squeamishness. You also do not really have any conception of death. So although i hated the thought of doing it and i hated the thought of doing it and i hated doing it, immediately afterwards they became really clear that for them, that was one of the things that made the biggest difference in terms of them understanding what was happening and starting to deal with it. And express feelings about it and just disgusted . Yeah, and move from, the early days the conversation was very much about could they have a new money, could we bring me back to life, all those things. After that it moved onto a conversation about why did the person do it, which is not a question you can answer. why did the person do it, which is not a question you can answer. I did mention that proceeds go to the charity, and id like to ask you about that. The foundation, what you wa nt to about that. The foundation, what you want to achieve with that . What i was worried about, obviously, jos killing was designed to set back the thing she believed them. Me and a group ofjos thing she believed them. Me and a group of jos Friends Thing she believed them. Me and a group ofjos Friends And Family wa nted group ofjos Friends And Family wanted to make sure that actually the causes she cared about whether that was kids with autism, older people in her constituency, refugees from syria, those causes would advance. So the jo from syria, those causes would advance. So thejo Cox Foundation which the proceeds of this will be going to was designed to advance that, and make sure that although somebody has killed jo, actually the cause and the beliefs that she espoused will go forward and gain strength rather than weakness. How much comfort or strength has given knew that there has been, and still is, an astonishing amount of goodwill towards jo . And is, an astonishing amount of goodwill towardsjo . And the work she achieved in a relatively brief Apology Career . Its an amazing outpouring of kindness and compassion. Personally its made a huge difference to me. We are marking the anniversary this weekend, by getting communities together, were calling it the great get together. People are going to share food, the idea is, its a moment to celebrate the things we have in common and a moment where all the politics and nastiness in the air, we need that more than ever. The scale has been incredible. I think we have 116,000 events across the country. The factjos killing was designed to destroy communities and the response has been to come closer together, i think thats the best possible response to this sort of attack. Its a great idea. I willjust remind viewers again, the book is called jo cox more in common. That is to say more in common than divides us. Nice to meet you, thanks very much for coming in. I mentioned earlier the talks between the dup and theresa may, James Brokenshire Making A Statement at stormont. He has been speaking in the last few moments and this is what he has been saying. Good afternoon everyone. Im here to start a series of meetings with the parties in Northern Ireland and also with the Irish Foreign minister. To seek to re establish devolved government in Northern Ireland at the earliest opportunity. There is a shared endeavour between the uk and irish governments to support work to see the devolution is restored as quickly as possible. Before the General Election there was a defined process in place which was making progress. We want to see that taking further steps, we want to see that moving forward quickly. Such that we can see devolution really happening here. I believe a deal is possible, within the time period we have, through to the 29th ofjune. With goodwill, with that sense of intent. I look forward to meeting with parties to undermine the uk governments commitment to seeing that that happens. Also to underline our strong desire and intent to work with all communities here in Northern Ireland. As a government, we are very clear of our responsibilities under the belfast agreement, to act fairly for the benefit of all communities. It is that message that i will be underlining today. In times yes, the discussions that may be taking place between ourselves and the dup in relation to an In Westminster, but that being entirely separate from our intent and desire. To see devolution restored here at the earliest possible opportunity. I have a series of meetings that i now need to get back to, and it is with that clear endeavour that we will be taking discussions forward and i very much look forward to that engagement with the parties, seeing that we respect that will of the people here in Northern Ireland to see devolution restored and actually, the responsibility is on eve ryo ne actually, the responsibility is on everyone here, to work to that effect, to work to see that an executive is put back into place, working for the benefit of everyone here, in Northern Ireland. Thank you very much. That was James Brokenshire, the Northern Ireland secretary, that Statement Instalment laying out his hopes for a restoration of the executive there. Clearly there are some significant obstacles and of course the complication of a potential agreement in formal or otherwise between theresa may, and Arlene Foster of the dup. Arlene foster will be At Westminster for talks with theresa may tomorrow but she is coming into night to talk to some of our parliamentary colleagues. All of that to play for. As far as mrs may and Arlene Foster are concerned, we will talk a bit more about that in a second. One of the biggest surprises of theresa mays post election reshuffle was the appointment of michael gove as environment secretary. Its just under a year since mrs may sacked the formerjustice secretary and her rival for the conservative leadership from the cabinet. Mr gove has referred to himself as a shy green, who believes in conservation. But campaigners say thats at odds with his record of opposing measures to combat Climate Change, as our environment analyst Roger Harrabin explains. The highlands of scotland, michael gove has sung their praises. He has called himself a shy green. Conservatives, he said, tend instinctively towards conservation. That instinct was tested in his own constituency. He said the eus strict laws protecting places like this had forced up the cost of housing, so those laws should be relaxed. Environmentalists oppose his appointment. This is a really concerning appointment for young people. Michael gove tried to take Climate Change out of the National Curriculum for schools. We know young people are really concerned about the environment. If this is an attempt to engage with the youth vote, it is a bad start. It was over Climate Change mr gove most enraged environmentalists, notjust by 20 y bit off the geography curriculum, notjust by 20 wiping it off the geography curriculum, but by trying to prevent a colleague from attending Climate Change talks. He has voted against amendments to reduce emissions. Clean air strategy. It is a tremendous opportunity to do a job at the heart of government which will ensure we enhance one of our greatest assets, our countryside. I want to do everything i can to make sure we pass on the environment in a stronger condition to the next generation. He will face formidable challenges over the countryside and farming as the uk withdraws from the eu. Farmers are hopeful. He is a big hitter. I am looking to michael to champion british food and british farming. We have got the brexit negotiations. The Farming Industry have got the most to lose through a bad deal. Michael gove faces the unenviable task of negotiating britains countryside, wildlife and farming, through the thicket of brexit. He seems to be doing it facing two directions at the same time. On the one hand, in favour of conserving nature, on the other against laws which do exactly that. It will be an interesting path ahead. Roger harradine, bbc news. More now on the meeting currently going on inside the Houses Of Parliament as the Prime Minister tries to regroup after the election. Theresa may is meeting with the 1922 committee of Conservative Backbenchers after holding talks with her re shuffled cabinet earlier. A very important moment for theresa may, trying to underline the message she has heard from voters that she is taking the message on board. The Prime Minister of course in the sense of really having to regroup, thats the important thing here. In the meantime, we arejoined by two colleagues. Lets talk to the journalist and former conservative advisor Jo Anne Nadler who worked in David Camerons office and the deputy Political Editor of the times sam coates. First of all, the latest we are hearing . I have just walked from the Committee Corridor where theresa may is addressing the 1922. Its been a muted banging on the way in, but when she was in, she pretty much did the business to buy her till the end of today. She told the packed meeting room, iwill get of today. She told the packed meeting room, i will get us into this mess, i will get us out of it. Its quite a striking phrase, a little bit more humanity, a bit more emotion and perhaps we have seen over the last 36 hours. She said, i have been a conservative since the age of 12, the thing envelopes, i will serve you as long as you want me. An indication that she knows she is on borrowed time. Throwing herself on the mercy of the Conservative Party to stay on. She needed to do that and shes done it. They will probably say yes for now, provided you can get the numbers to secure a majority in the House Of Commons after the deal with the dup. Yes folau, is that right . commons after the deal with the dup. Yes folau, is that right . I think so, ive been trying to think on the way in, is there a more difficult moment to meet the 1922 committee than since the Ids Leadership . We know it did for him, as it were. I think sam is absolutely right, she needed to stroke contrition, she needs to emphasise that she is there to do her best for the party now. In so to do her best for the party now. In so faras to do her best for the party now. In so far as she has got some collateral, it is essentially that there is not anybody to line not to ta ke there is not anybody to line not to take over from her. The Conservative Party does not want to go into another General Election right now. There is a bit of time to play for, but it could be day by day, could be week by week. Lets get through the next 24 hours and see where we are. We think at this point that there are serious concerns in the Conservative Party about a potential understanding with the dup, are those concerns containable . Understanding with the dup, are those concerns containable . understanding with the dup, are those concerns containable . I think The Big Picture of whats been going on over the last 72 hours is, having looked at the electoral oblivion, conservative mps had thought, and now decided that a bad Prime Minister is better than no by minister. As a result, they have decided they do not want a General Election because jeremy decided they do not want a General Election becauseJeremy Corbyn could get in, and therefore they dont wa nt get in, and therefore they dont want a leadership contest. Amongst the concerns of tory mps, im told fairly low down the list is some kind of original with the dup. They know that you stay in power they need one. Without that they dont have the three to 2,323 votes you need to command the commons. Theresa may has bought herself weeks, months. 323 votes. It will scupper this government, it is in stable, a short term affair. The lack of a succession, the lack of a plan, means that many conservative mps are exhausted after that long campaign. Very dispiriting seven week campaign. There is no plan, so Everyone Needs to buy some time and rest. But they do not have any time because brexit negotiations start in about two weeks and maybe we have a queens spieth in a week, we have a queens spieth in a week, we do not yet known. Doubts about the dates on the Queen S Speech. Is it about the dup not being in place . We should not read too much into the fa ct we should not read too much into the fact this speech has been slightly delayed. If anything, fact this speech has been slightly delayed. Ifanything, it fact this speech has been slightly delayed. If anything, it suggests proper soundings are being taken and plans being made. What was in the manifesto cant really be turned overnight into the queens speech, for obvious reasons. In a sense i think this shows some sensible preparations, which is howl think this shows some sensible preparations, which is how i say, she needs to, a maybe a bit late, but we need to be seeing more of that. This whole period reminds me, when i did work for the Conservative Party underjohn major, where there was a very party underjohn major, where there was a very small majority, at least we have a majority, but it was chipped away and what really did for the conservatives then was its lack of unity. It was an open door to lots of internal strife and wrangling. I think maybe mps will look back to that period and realise, with the spectre of corbyn around the corner, they actually do need to pull together now behind mrs may. I like the idea that we are asking the queen to keep maybe monday, thursday, the following tuesday on holding his we get a deal. Who would be the two gavin s, gallon two Gavin Williams and gavin ba rwell, gallon two Gavin Williams and Gavin Barwell, who effectively run the country right now . They have an extraordinary influx of coalitions to manage. They have to keep the ten dup mps, socially conservative is happy. Then they have to keep the 13 scottish conservatives, overseen by Ruth Davidson happy. Then you have all the factions in fractions existing within the Conservative Party, most notably the hard core brexiteers led by steve baker. Then you have the hard core remainers, nicky morgan, alistair burke. It is a mess. On the one hand, it might not be that the Queen S Speech is delayed, on the other hand i can quite see that you have to have a bit of time to work out what you can do. That noise in the background is most of the tory manifesto being thrown in the bin. I would predict this government does as little as possible in the coming weeks, coming months and years, but it does not really have the option because of brexit. Exit is virtually impossible to do with 100 strong majority, it does not have that, and thats why it will fail. Brexit is virtually impossible. Thats why theresa may has two create a narrative which reaches out to the public and essentially goes back to war we had heard talking about in the damage was first elected. As ever, interesting to talk to you both. Just hearing from brussels that the first meeting of british and eu officials has ended without a date being set for the formal start of the brexit negotiations. An announcement on the start date for the full negotiations taking place had been provisionally scheduled for next monday, but we are now expecting another announcement in due course. Thats all i have, but clearly, that is something we will wa nt to clearly, that is something we will want to revisit later on. Still on the theme of the last few days. Tonight on bbc one at 8. 30, you can see a panaroma special with Nick Robinson election 2017 what just happened . In the meantime, lets catch up with the weather and join ben. Big contrasts in our weather as we had to the next of this week. The country really split in two. The further north you are, we see outbreaks of rain at times, towards the south and South East It will be mainly dry. At times we will see some pretty humid weather as well. Northern areas have the lions share of the cloud. That was stirling earlier on. Some sunshine, southern areas have the best of that. As we had this evening we will see some clear spells across the south and east, turning habitually away from towns and cities. For Northern Ireland, the west and north wales, some patchy rain from the west. For the west, it will be southern areas that have the best sunshine. The south coast down into the channel islands, plenty of sun. You will notice a bit more cloud as we spread out across east anglia and the midlands, could be some rain in north wales. Certainly for northern england, a cloudy and damp start to the day. Similar story in Northern Ireland and much of scotland. Still the Odd Burst Of Rain at this stage, could be heavy. Through the day, that rain across Northern Areas will tend to beat out, it will break up into something more like showers. Hepi showers though, especially towards the north of scotland. Hefty showers. Temperature isjust beginning to nudge up into the south east at this stage. That takes us south east at this stage. That takes us into the middle part of the week. An area of low pressure squashing its way in from the west but bumping into this high pressure, that will force this very warm and humid air up force this very warm and humid air up from the south. The effects of this will be felt mostly across england and wales on wednesday, a lot of sunshine across england and wales on wednesday. Strong sunshine. High uv wales on wednesday. Strong sunshine. High uv levels. Northern ireland scotla nd high uv levels. Northern ireland scotland more cloud, splashes of brain, a breeze in the north west. 26 in london, just six in aberdeen. What we have a warmth and humidity across the south east, it could spark off a few thunderstorms as we head through wednesday night into thursday. But this one from will bring ina thursday. But this one from will bring in a band of rain and fresh airfor most of bring in a band of rain and fresh air for most of us as we head to the end of the week. Theresa may says she will serve as long as her backbenchers want her to. This afternoon she headed to a showdown with her mps and told them, i got us into this mess and i will get us out. Next mondays queens speech could be delayed the government needs to reach a deal with the Democratic Unionist Party first. Were in talks with the Democratic Unionist Party to see the deal that we can put together and im very optimistic that that will happen, but obviously until we have that, we cant agree the final details of the queens speech. So what will the dup want in return for keeping theresa may in office . Were in Northern Ireland

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