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Children he murdered. And why does this tiny island in the South Pacific have more plastic rubbish washing up on its shore, than anywhere else in the world . Its 5 oclock. Our main story The Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn has officially launched the partys General Election manifesto, describing it as a Blueprint For What Britain could be. He chose bradford for the event saying it was a radical and radical and responsible plan for government. Ben brown has been at the launch event and is in bradford for us now. Im ben brown live in bradford where The Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn has officially launched the pa rtys General Election manifesto, some of the details of which were leaked last week. We now know that it includes proposals to renationalise the Water Companies as well as the railways and the royal mail. There would be more Free Childcare for two year olds and some one year olds. And University Tuition fees in england would be scrapped. 0n taxation, it proposes a 45p tax rate on earnings of over £80,000. And a 50p rate for those earning more than £123,000. There will also be a levy on companies which pay staff over £330,000. Mr corbyn called the manifesto a radical and responsible plan for government. From bradford, where the manifesto was launched, heres our Political Correspondent iain watson. Jeremy, the country is behind you they say its often better to travel hopefully then arrive. Labour is still behind in the polls so its leading politicians are crossing their fingers that the official launch of a detailed manifesto will turn things around. The labour leader says his manifesto is radical and responsible. The emphasis was on the former, not the latter. Labour will take our railways back into Public Ownership and put passengers first. We will take back control of our countrys water by bringing them into regional Public Ownership. And we will take a public stake in the Energy Sector to keep fuel prices down and ensure a balanced and green Energy Policy for the future. Jeremy corbyn chose to launch his manifesto at the university of bradford. Its hoped that young people will be registering to vote and be more radical than their parents. His commitment to abolish tuition fees in england will be used as a rallying cry. Labour will scrap tuition fees, lifting the debt. Cheering and that will lift the debt cloud from Hundreds Of Thousands of young people. You might have a sense of deja vu because much of this manifesto leaked last week. But how they will pay for it, didnt. Jeremy corbyn Set Out The Labour Approach to tax and spending, but did not provide estimates as to the cost of Renationalising Key companies. All this is costed as the documents accompanying the manifesto make clear. The Revenue Making Plans ensure we can embark on this Ambitious Programme without jeopardising our national finances. We are asking the better off and the big corporations to pay a little bit more. This is a Programme Of Hope. The tory campaign, by contrast, is built on one word fear. What are the key tax changes . People will start paying tax at 45 when they earn more than £80,000 per year, not £150,000 at present. And those earning more than £123,000 will Start Playing at 50p in the pound if labour is elected. Companies that pay employees more than £333,000 per year will also be subject to a new levy. The message has gone down very well indeed with the activists but labour is insisting that the policies, even nationalisation and higher taxes for the better off are popular with the wider public. The problem is, quite frankly, that he, the party leader, isnt. So unless labour can have a campaign focused on policy rather than personality, its a huge challenge between now and june 8th. For the many, not the few. Thank you very much. Hes off on the campaign trail. Whether radical or responsible, or a bit of both, his manifesto will give a clear choice for the public between the government and the opposition. Iain watson, bbc news, bradford. Here in bradford i am joined by norman smith. How different is this Labour Party Manifesto from the previous manifestos in recent elections . It is a marked change because previously, going back 30 yea rs or because previously, going back 30 years or 0, because previously, going back 30 years or so, there has been an a cce pta nce years or so, there has been an acceptance of the market economy, try not to impose too many burdens on business, very careful about any talk of higher taxation, a sense that the private sector was by and large best to be encouraged to do more in public services. All of that, he has done a swift boat to man gone completely in the opposite direction, so what we now have is a massive extension of the role of the state, not just in massive extension of the role of the state, notjust in buying back Key Utilities, be it the railways or the national grid, but also in terms of local government, asking local authorities to look at bringing back services which have been contracted out, bring it back into Public Ownership, and the nhs, trying to marginalise and limit the roles of the private sector, and in terms of the private sector, and in terms of the attitude towards business, he is envisaging a very different business environment, where businesses will be told to pay their staff more, a rise in the minimum wage which will affect 25 of private Sector Workers and they will have to double the amount of Paternity Pay on offer. They will be expected to pay considerably more in taxes, so this isa considerably more in taxes, so this is a significant manifesto which the left have long craved but for successively bromley retires been put to one side as they pursue a more centrist strategy. The question is how do they pay for it all . As well as the manifesto will be the least a grey book which had about the figures of how they are going to pay for it. They know that the litmus test of this manifesto is whether at the end of the day people will be convinced Jeremy Corbyn can deliver the time to pay for it which is why they have produced a separate Document Setting out all their Spending Commitments and tax raising messieurs. They say the balance. They do but the issue as they dont include borrowing, and the signs are labelled as poised to really borrow very significant amounts of money to carry through its nationalisation programme. You look at his Single Company like thames water being valued at around 10 12,000,000,000, so valued at around 10 12,000,000,000, so just taking the Water Industry backinis so just taking the Water Industry back in is Tens Of Billions, and some of the long term decisions pending the increase in the age when accessing the state pension, meant to go up and up, labour say we are pegging that at 66. The former Pensions Minister as saying that will cost Something Like 90 billion. I assumed that will come from borrowing but labour today have not spilled out to begged the Borrowing Board and will be. Jeremy corbyn got in rapturous reception from the Labour Supporters. The question is how it goes down with the voters out there. As we were hearing from norman there labour says its Spending Commitments are fully costed but do they really add up . The bbcs chris morris has been giving the figures a reality check. So where does labour say the money is coming from . It estimates an extra tax take £48. 6 billion. Lets break that down. Income tax, higher earners will pay more, the top 5 , around 1. 2 million people. Earnings above £80,000 will be taxed at 45 and the new 50 rate on earnings above 120 3000. Labour says this will raise £6. 4 billion per year. The biggest increase in tax teak or come from an increase in Corporation Tax, a tax on business profits. It is currently 19 and labour plans to raise that to 26 by 2021. After that labour said that is Corporation Tax plans will raise an extra £19. 4 billion per year. One really important thing that labour acknowledges is that companies and individuals change their behaviour when tax rates change and you also have to take into account the health of the overall economy, so raising tax rates doesnt always increase the tax take as much as predicted. There are other measures including a levy on what labour calls excessive pay starting with a 2. 5 levy on pay packages over £330,000. There is also vat on private school fees. Then £6. 5 billion will be raised on an aggressive programme to crack down on tax avoidance. Political parties always say they will do that and it can be done but it is inexact. Labour says it can fine and lots plans through changes in the tax system. £48. 6 billion owed and £48. 6 billion end but does it add 7 £48. 6 billion end but does it add he £48. 6 billion end but does it add up . The increase in tax, if it were to be implemented would take the tax burden in this country to the highest level it has been earned about 70 years, but theres an awful lot of uncertainty about whether you could actually raise that amount of tax. They are talking about very large increases in taxes on companies which likely reduce the amount of investment they do. The actual amount you can get runs into the Tens Of Billions but probably doesnt reach the 50 billion they are claiming. So that is taxed but there are also big plans for the investment spending. All the nationalisation programmes. Water companies and the royal mail. Labour says it will borrow money to paper future investments talking about a National Transformation fund of £250 billion, but the theres no detailed costing. Thatll be the cost of controversy and debate but labour makes one bold promise. It says it is committed to ensuring the National Debt is low at the end of the next parliament than it is today. Lets talk now tojonathan portes, professor of economics at Kings College london he was Chief Economist in the Cabinet Office under gordon brown, hejoins us from edinburgh. Good to see you. First of all, you we re good to see you. First of all, you were ina good to see you. First of all, you were in a Junior Position in the treasury during water privatisation . I was indeed. I was on the team. And how difficult is it going to be potentially for a future Labour Government if they wind to reverse that . It will be quite difficult because you will have to set the price at which the shares are brought back, with reference to the market price, quite a lot of money, or determined some other way. You will have to borrow money to pay for it but you will of course get ownership of the companies. I should correct chris morris. This does not score as Public Sector investment. It is purely a financial transaction to buy shares, so when the government borrows money to buy shares ina government borrows money to buy shares in a private company it doesnt count in the annual deficit figures. It adds to the National Debt but does not count as investment and doesnt count in the official Deficit Target either under this are under labour plans. So to be clear that its part of Capital Expenditure to privatise utilities . It would not be because there is no new Capital Expenditure, just a financial transaction. Below the line and doesnt affect the deficit. So labour have got that wrong because they are seeing it as part of Capital Expenditure. If they are saying that it is wrong because theres no new capital investment. Capital investment already been made, first of all in the Public Sector when the Water Companies were in the Public Sector back before we got some of them off, and then by the private sector. That Capital Expenditure has already been made. What would be happening is that the government under labour would be buying that Capital Stock from the private sector. It would be purely a financial transaction. The would be no impact on net investment or the annual Public Sector net borrowing figures. We are talking to Emily Thornberry a little later on so we can try to clear that up. How much do you think buying backjust the Water Utilities for instance would cost . It would depend on the market price at the time but we are certainly talking about Tens Of Billions of pounds, and that would go on the Public Sector net debt although of course it would also turn up as an asset on the overall balance sheet, and it is worth stepping back. The question of whether we should borrow money to buy an asset should not be determined on whether we the public, the government, should spend public money to buy an asset, should not be determined by how it affects the debt or the deficit because overall, the question is whether the asset would be run better in the interests of taxpayers and consumers in the Public Sector of the private sector . Matters the argument we should be having. My view is we did a pretty terrible job of privatising the industry and that has led to consumers and taxpayers being ripped off but i dont think theres a strong case for Thinking Renationalisation is the right way of dealing with that as opposed to better regulation. That is what a lot of people think and what Labour Supporters believe, that the ra i Lwa Ys Supporters believe, that the railways are not working the way some people think they would. The Water Industry and utilities, again not working the way people would think and want saul renationalise. Energy another example. It seems pretty straightforward what theyre trying to do, addressing public concern about these utilities . M trying to do, addressing public concern about these utilities . It is quite reasonable to try to address public concern but utility regulation is very different. If it werent difficult these companies would have been in the private sector right from the beginning. The reason was because they are natural monopolies and cant just let the Market Operator and you have to regulate them. We certainly mist up the regulation for water. Some aspects of Rail Privatisation were not well handled. Telecoms by contrast nobody seriously suggested we renationalise british telecom, and although the regulation is not perfect it works pretty well. The question is do you deal with this Bike Renationalisation or better regulation. Most economists think whatever you think of the rates and bronze youre better off trying to improve the regulation rather than trying to spend a huge amount of time and effort in the nationalising and then maybe not running the company very well. You work Chief Economist in the Cabinet Office under gordon brown. Do you believe these policies are simply political, that they dont make economic sense . This is a Party Political manifesto so this is a Party Political manifesto so it would hardly be. Pretty astonishing if it werent political. The question we have to ask is do they make economic sense humour in that we shouldnt really be worried on the impact of the debt or the deficit. Do we think the government could run these assets better in the Public Sector in the interests of consumers and taxpayers than in the private sector . For that you have to go to the detail of what labour is proposing and i am not sure we have seen proposing and i am not sure we have seen that. What is that labour are saying they are going to do which means Water Companies or the Railway Industry would be better run and the Public Sector than they currently are in the private sector . That our arguments both ways. Perfectly good State Run Companies and other European Countries and equally we have had negative experiences in this country what nationalisation in the past. A little less cynicism about politics and manifestos. Thank you. Meanwhile, theresa may has been on the campaign trail, taking questions from members of the public in the West Midlands. 0ur Correspondent Eleanor Garnier is in Stoke On Trent for us. Theresa may getting at and about a ordinary people again. She has been in the West Midlands and started the day at a Primary School in birmingham, ofa day at a Primary School in birmingham, of a sikh ethos. The conservatives say it is one of the first free schools developed in the country. She moved on to Stoke On Trent, travelling from birmingham to Stoke On Trent, where she came to the Screwfix Factory and took questions from workers on things like immigration, low turnout and why shes not going to be debating Jeremy Corbyn. And with inflation up today, One Worker Wa Nted inflation up today, one worker wanted to know how theresa may and the conservatives were going to be helping with the rising costs of living. The cost of lighting has got high since brexit. I am from a family of seven. What are you going to do to bring the Cost Of Living down . You are right. We are saying inflation has gone up slightly, the impact of what has happened to the currency is partly about that, but there are things we can do. I see too many people paying over the odds for their energy, which is an important fundamental for you if you have family and looking after your family, so doing something on Something Like that is important, but longer term, it is about actually making sure that we have got the Strong Economy that can supportjobs. I got the Strong Economy that can support jobs. I would got the Strong Economy that can supportjobs. I would like to see higher paid jobs, more investment in this country so that we can create this country so that we can create this environment where people are able to see a Better Future in terms of their Cost Of Living, but also Better Future for their children. Much of the focus today on the general Election Campaign has been on the labour party and they are publishing their manifesto. We not expecting the tories to publish layers until later this week but inevitably it was something that theresa may was asked about and she simply said the labour figures dont add up. I think the people who should be worried about labours ma nifesto should be worried about labours manifesto are the ordinary Working Families who will find themselves paying the price for the Spending Commitmentsjeremy paying the price for the Spending Commitments Jeremy Corbyn paying the price for the Spending CommitmentsJeremy Corbyn has put forward. The sums have been dreamt up forward. The sums have been dreamt up by forward. The sums have been dreamt up by diane abbott, and what we see is that actually these policies, they are nonsensical economic policies and would actually damage our economy. If you damage the Economy Businesses go on that and you have fewer jobs Economy Businesses go on that and you have fewerjobs and less money to put into the nhs and other public services. It is a very clear choice at the election, which is Me And My Tea M at the election, which is me and my team with a plan and a vision to bring a storm of economy and labour with plans that i believe would wreck the economy. I spoke to some of the workers after theresa may left and they had been told a special guest was coming but they were not told it was the Prime Minister until the last minute. It is interesting theresa may has visited this Stoke On Trent south constituency. Labour won it at the last General Election but only with the majority of around 2500. And in 2015, ukip took around 8000 votes and not standing this time around, clearly this is a seat the conservatives will hope they are taking when the voters go to the polls in just over three weeks time. Thanks for that. We will take you straight to pudsey. Jeremy corbyn is speaking they are. He is about to speak and looking at his notes, pondering what he is going to be saying. He launched his manifesto this morning in bradford, what he called a radical plan for a fairer britain. He will be speaking in the next couple of minutes, we think. If he gives us a few words later on we will tell you. Lets cross the pond to the United States. The white house finds itself in more controversy today, after a us newspaper reported that President Trump disclosed highly Classified Information to the Russian Foreign minister at a meeting last week. The intelligence, about the so called Islamic State group, came from an ally of the us who had not given permission for it to be shared with russia. In the last hour, President Trump has defended his actions on twitter, saying he had an absolute right to share with russia facts pertaining to terrorism. Wyre davies reports. Did he or didnt he . In the latest travels to hurt the President Trump white house, allegations that he revealed highly Classified Information to the Russian Foreign minister during the Oval Office Meeting last week. According to the Washington Post, while discussing threats from so called Islamic State, the president inexplicably told the russians details about from where The Americans got certain information. It was considered too sensitive to share with other friendly companies. One report said the president was almost boasting. The information related to the use of laptops on board aircraft but, said the report, Us Intelligence agencies were later alerted to the fact the president may have compromised sources in his meeting with the russians. And that set alarm bells ringing in washington. Its disturbing. Lets find out what the details are, whether it actually happened or not. Weve just had an initial report, so its very difficult to comment until we get all the facts here. Taking to social media this morning, mr trump said he was merely sharing facts with the russians in their mutual fight against so called Islamic State and terrorism. He said it was his absolute right to do so. But do the words appear to contradict earlier denials from senior aides about what happened that the russia meeting . At no time were intelligence sources or methods discussed. The president did not disclose any Military Operations that were not already publicly known. Donald trump often shoots from the hip, ignoring diplomatic norms an approach popular with his supporters but nonetheless embarrassing giving his stance on Intelligence Matters during the Election Campaign. We cant have someone in the oval office who doesnt understand the meaning of the word, confidential, or classified. Its a big week for mr trump. Turkeys president erdogan is already in town for talks at the white house, talks which might prove to be delicate given recent tensions between washington and ankara. Then mr trump sets off on his first overseas visit as president , with stops in saudi arabia and israel, a week in which Donald Trumps diplomatic skills may be put to the test. As one senior republican senator put it, they could do with fewer distractions and a little less drama from the white house. In the last few minutes, hr mcmaster said he stood by his earlier state m e nts said he stood by his earlier statements that it had been wholly appropriate. What i will tell you is that in the context of that discussion, we are at what the president discussed with the Foreign Minister was entirely appropriate and is consistent with the routine sharing of information between the president and any leaders with whom he is engaged. Was it received from an intelligence partner . |j he is engaged. Was it received from an intelligence partner . I am not going to be the one to confirm that because that is the sort of information that could jeopardise our security. Do you have these types of Intelligence Sharing Relationships, could they stop . |j types of Intelligence Sharing Relationships, could they stop . I am not concerned. It was wholly appropriate to the conversation and wholly appropriate what the conversations with Intelligence Partners. Hr mcmaster, the us nationals in the adviser. Kate williamsjoins us nationals in the adviser. Kate Williams Joins us from washington. We heard hr mcmaster trying to defend what happened with President Trumps comments, but the bottom line is he as the Commander In Chief and the president can declassify whatever he likes to whomever he likes, cant he . The president has Broad Authority to do as you say, declassify government secrets that his own discretion. The question youre hearing amongst intelligence and National Security experts should he . The concern i am hearing now on capitol hill and amongst Intelligence Experts is that by exposing this information that the intelligence partner who provided it a p pa re ntly intelligence partner who provided it apparently had not given permission for donald trump to share with the russians, by exposing that, as he effectively burning a partnership, and that going to make other Intelligence Partners of the united less likely to trust that america can keep the secrets and therefore cut america out of some valuable Intelligence Sharing Relationships . It is not just Intelligence Sharing Relationships . It is notjust americas allies who may be concerned about all this. This is certainly what the president s critics are saying, but we are beginning to hear rumblings within the upper echelons of the Republican Party about all of this, and that potentially for the president could spell a lot of danger . I think one of the things you are starting to see especially amongst capital hill republicans is some frustration with a lot of the chaos that has been coming out, or drama, of the white house. Remember this Bombshell Report from the Washington Post last night follows on the heels of the president s decision to dismiss former fbi directorjames comey, and that was just tuesday last week all over some of us it feels like a lifetime that is quite a bit of frustration you are feuding amongst senior republicans, certainly Mitch Mcconnell said that they is a bit too much drama coming out of the white house and he wants to see things settle down so they can get back to work. Thank you. Some Breaking News and that is that Lloyds Banking group is returning to private hands, nearly nine years after we received a government bailout, paid for by taxpayers during the financial crisis. This is according to sources. Lloyds Banking Group is returning to private hands, nearly nine years after it received a Taxpayer Bailout during the financial crisis. More on that perhaps later. The party plans to scrap tuition fees, expand universal childcare and boost wages of the lowest Earning Workers but it has given no details about how it would pay for the plans to nationalise Key Utilities such as water and national rail. We are joined by The Labour Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry. Your brief is Foreign Affairs but we must touch on the manifesto launched today obviously. Lots of pledges and promises, all to be paid for primarily by tax rises on the rich and companies and so on. How confident is the party that it will be able to raise the funds needed to cover a ll be able to raise the funds needed to cover all of the promises, and most £50 billion . We have a bit of flexibility so we have a certain proportion in it. Some of the taxes for example in order to, for example there is one about foreign businesses owning properties and we are going to put. On that. Part are going to put tax on that. Part of the reason for that is to raise the money but part of it is also to stop them distorting our Property Market. If we are successful and stop them distorting the Property Market we wont raise as much money so there is some flexibility and we understand we will not necessarily raise all the money we have hoped so weve gone for the more conservative estimates and given ourselves flexibility. If you see that at the end of the list there is a certain amount of money as a safety net. You have a safety net, 3 billion or 4 billion. The institute forfiscal have a safety net, 3 billion or 4 billion. The institute for fiscal is to say is that is frankly probably going to be too small. You are talking about raising the tax burden to its highest level for 70 years according to the ifs and the 0br when it predicts future tax receipts has a when it predicts future tax receipts hasa margin when it predicts future tax receipts has a margin of error of 30 . 3. 4 billion as a safety net is nowhere near enough for the amount of money you want to raise. The first thing i would say is that the Institute For Fiscal Studies did say this when we introduced the higher band of tax and said we would not raise the amount we said we would and actually we did. I think also its interesting what the ifs is saying today seeming to be different to what the Rowntree Foundation says. What i would like to do and what labour would like to do is what we Wa Nted Labour would like to do is what we wanted to do at the last election because there will be always this argy bargy when manifestos come out and what we wanted to do was to get the Office For Budget Responsibility who are independent, paid for by government, theyd only to attract anyfundraising, government, theyd only to attract any fundraising, they dont need to get their spokespeople on television, they are simply independent. Get them to look at our ma nifesto, independent. Get them to look at our manifesto, the tory manifesto, cost them and see if the sums make sense. We asked them at the last General Election to do that and they said no, and guess what, this time they are saying no. They will not debate us, they keep slinging mud around and they wont let the Office For Budget Responsibility look at their Ma Nifesto Budget Responsibility look at their manifesto and it is up to the public to decide what they make of that. Indeed and you have detailed costings for a lot of things in their manifesto, no question about that. But there are costings missing for lots of other things, the nationalisation of Key Utilities, for instance. To one estimate for renationalising the Water Industry is £70 billion. 0k, renationalising the Water Industry is £70 billion. Ok, so this is one of the tory attacks that have, do them some of the things they have said that we dont have costed our ridiculous. But what we have said is that where we are going to be investing in infrastructure we are prepared to borrow to invest and thatis prepared to borrow to invest and that is a principle. The 48 billion is about day to day spend and so thats why we have given precise costings in relation to that. When it comes to the Water Industry we have said that this is what we want to do. We will do it and we need to look at the details of how it is best to proceed. We cannot at the moment talk about how much we would spend on nationalising it because we need to negotiate. So you might not do it . No, we are going to do it. The question is going to be what the best way of doing it is and at this stage we are not in a position to give the details. Even if it is going to cost £70 billion which is one estimate you are going to do it . Lets see, 70 billion, that estimate come from . Some estimates i have seen are come from . Some estimates i have seen are much less and it depends how you do it. The other thing you must bear in mind is once is in public hands it makes money for us in that we then. It will be the government or the people who will get the water rates into the coffers. 0k. Get the water rates into the coffers. Ok. So essentially you are suggesting that the debt burden will rise in order to pay for the renationalisation of the utilities. Talking about the debt burden, let me talk to you about the debt burden. What we have said about the debt burden is that we will, over the time of the parliament, get day to day funding down. At the moment i think it is 50 billion. We will be getting that down over the course of this parliament and we will continue to go back to the 0ffice will continue to go back to the Office For Budget Responsibility and say, this is our plans, this is how we are getting our day to day spending down and we would want them to endorse it and we would want them to endorse it and we would want them to say, yes this is the right way to do it in order to give the public some confidence that that was what good work. Absolutely determined to do this. Capping railfares good work. Absolutely determined to do this. Capping rail fares will cost money. Any idea how much . That is not costed. We will cap rail fa res is not costed. We will cap rail fares and we will also. How much will it cost . I dont know how much of the top of my head. No one in labour seems to know because it is not in the document, it is one of the pledges that is not costed. As the pledges that is not costed. As the franchises come up and people are bidding for them we will say to private companies we dont want you to bid for it, we want these Rail Companies to come back into private hands and they are not up for re franchising and that way we can have some control over network rail. It is ridiculous that at the moment are Rail Companies are making profits for private companies, very often private companies owned by the germans or the french or the dutch. How can it be that Nationalised Companies in holland i getting money out of the british passengers . 0k. Asi out of the british passengers . 0k. As i say you are the shadow foreign secretary, so the latest problems with the white house in washington, mrtrump sharing with the white house in washington, mr trump sharing information that was classified with the russians. Would you as a future foreign secretary if you win the election have misgivings perhaps ensuring information . This is a really big problem because our Security Services have always worked very closely with The Americans. There area number of closely with The Americans. There are a number of countries across the world where we all benefit from Pooling Information but it is done entirely on trust. And so clearly if the president of the United States has breached that and has given secrets to the russians i would say that was unforgivable. Emily thornberry speaking to us from westminster, thank you forjoining us. Westminster, thank you forjoining us. Time to look at the weather, nick miller has all of the details. There is a big range of it, the highest temperature of the year so far in the uk, 26 in gravesend, 22 in lossiemouth in scotland, the highest so far but some will have rain overnight across parts of england and wales, the Cloud Holding the warmth of the day, some of it, in. Mild and mcgeechan night but cool and fresh across scotland and Northern Ireland and largely clear skies muggy. There will be a few showers in the western isles, North West Scotland and developing in Northern Ireland, though fairly hit and miss. In Northern Ireland, though fairly hitand miss. A in Northern Ireland, though fairly hit and miss. A broad swathe of wet weather will affect parts of england and wales, not the far south east and wales, not the far south east and much of east anglia with and humid weather again. The Westernmost Fringes of england and where a dryer for the afternoon, may be brighter before the end of the data. Underneath the rain it will feel quite cool. That rain will push into east anglia and South East England the evening. Very wet and potential for some thundery bursts before clearing way for thursday. Cool and fresh with sunshine and a chance of a shower. This is the bbc news at 5pm, im clive myrie, top stories now. Jeremy corbyn has launched the labour manifesto, calling it a radical and responsible plan for government to help build a fairer society. Billed as Programme Of Hope promised billions for schools, the nhs and Free Childcare. 0ur our proposal is a government for the many not the few. 0ur Proposals are of hope for the many all over this country. The Prime Minister has been campaigning in Stoke On Trent, where she promised workers at a Hardware Shop that the living wage would continue to rise under her government. Plaid cymru unveiled its manifesto today, in which they promised to give wales a strong voice during brexit. In other news, inflation has risen to its highest level for nearly four years. The Consumer Prices index jumped last month from 2. 3 to 2. 7 driven partly by the fall in the value of sterling. Donald trump has been defending what he calls his absolute right to share information with russian officials. The us president shared Sensitive Information about terrorism during a meeting with russias Foreign Minister. The coronor at the inquest into the death of moors Murderer Ian Brady has declined to release the body until he receives assurances that bradys ashes would not be scattered on Saddleworth Moor. Senior coroner christopher summer said he knew he didnt have the legal power to enforce such a request but he believed it was the correct moraljudgment to make. Greater Manchester Police say they wont stop searching for the remains of Keith Bennett, who was the only one of his five child victims never found and is believed to be on Saddleworth Moor. 0ur Correspondent, judith moritz, reports. His name will always be notorious, his face the image of evil. Ian brady, the moors murderer. His crimes are among the most reviled of the 20th century. He took children and tortured them, murdering and dumping their bodies on the moors above manchester. Police searched for their remains. One child was never found. Bradys accomplice was his girlfriend, myra hindley. She died 15 years ago. Bradys death closes a chapter of criminal history. The pair murdered five children. Lesley ann downey was just ten years old. I would not say he was a person. He is not, a monster. He is a monster. He is not human, not human. You know. No. I just. Like all the family, ijust despise the bloke. At their trial, the pair were met with publicjeers. Sentenced to life, brady was at first taken to prison but, in 1985, he was transferred to ashworth, a high security hospital. From there, he wrote letters which gave some idea of his state of mind. People always say ian brady showed no remorse for the crimes and the pain he subjected the families to. I had an insight into the way his mind was working in one letter in particular, in which he said that in his case, remorse was, in his words, painfully deep. But brady never showed any remorse to the family of 12 year old Keith Bennett, whose remains were never located. It consumed the life of his mother, winniejohnson, who spoke to me before she died. I am going through hell, i have had over 40 years of it. Over 40 years. I want it coming to an end, i want to keith found. I want keith found. I have asked him before, when i found out i had got cancer and i said i want to know where keith is before anything gets me. Winnie often went to the moors and never gave up hope that her son would be found. This morning, police said a week hardly goes by where we dont receive some information which purports to lead us to keith. But ultimately only two people knew where keith is. Whilst we are not actively searching Saddleworth Moors, greater Manchester Police will never close this case. Bradys death does not change that. After more than 30 years here at ashworth, it seems ian brady knew his death was imminent and asked to speak to his solicitor, but did not leave instructions on how to find Keith Bennetts body. At a Court Hearing in 2013, brady fought for the right to die in prison. Now that he has gone to his grave, he has taken the secret of Saddleworth Moor with him. The mystery of Keith Bennetts remains his last cruelty. Well our correspondent danny savage is on Saddleworth Moor. This is a very interesting intervention from the coroner christopher summa deciding he will not release the body yet. You would almost assume that an inquest into virtually any death is an important event but one that is usually pretty routine and pretty quick. Not so this afternoon at Southport Town Hall where the local coroner raised a few important questions which he wa nts a few important questions which he wants the answers to before he is prepared to release ian bradys body to the people looking after his estate and his affairs from now on. The most important one was that he wa nted the most important one was that he wanted a reassurance that ian bradys ashes would not be scattered here behind me on Saddleworth Moor under any circumstances. He believes it would be morally wrong to do so, said the coroner this afternoon. He said the coroner this afternoon. He said feelings are running high, particularly in the manchester area and he wanted to know what the intentions were going forward. He a lwa Ys Intentions were going forward. He always wanted to know also wanted to know that there was an undertaker prepared to take ian bradys body. Another step at least as far as the coroner goes. He wants some information to come forward from those looking after ian bradys affairs. What there isnt a suggestion of, though, is ian brady left instructions at the end of his life in a will or some other document to say that is what he wanted. That doesnt appear to be the case, it just wanted. That doesnt appear to be the case, itjust appears to be the coroner raising the question keeping one step ahead saying ijust want coroner raising the question keeping one step ahead saying i just want to make sure there is no instruction for no suggestion that is where his ashes will be scattered, which is where four of the victims are buried and where one of them, Keith Bennett, his body was still there. It hasnt got any easier in the last 24 hours. There was no Deathbed Confession from ian brady giving any more information about where Keith Bennett could be. Many thanks, danny savage on Saddleworth Moor. We have more Breaking News before we go to the next item. Patients are known under being diverted away from hospital and Emergency Units, hospital accident and Emergency Units following the cyber attack last friday on nhs computers, according to nhs england. 48 trusts and Health Boards were affected by that ra nsomwa re virus. Boards were affected by that ransomware virus. And a lot of cancellations and delays in treatment were the result. There was a fear, of course, yesterday at the beginning of the week there would be a second spike in problems for computers in the end it is in the nhs of computers affected but that didnt happen, thankfully, we understand from nhs england patients are no longer being diverted away from hospital and accident and Emergency Units, thats the latest following the cyber attack at the end of last week. Inflation has risen to its highest level for nearly four years. The Consumer Prices index jumped last month from 2. 3 to 2. 7 , driven partly by the fall in the value of sterling, as well as a rise in airfares, Electricity Prices and clothing. 0ur Economics correspondent andy verity has more. Airfares, clothing and electricity. Just a few of the reasons the Cost Of Living is now rising faster than it has in three years. Prices in the year to april rose more quickly than most economists thought they would. Please dont ask what that has to do with the price of fish, its up by 8 . And then theres the price of books, up by 7 . Then theres Passenger Transport by road, up by 10 . Of course, other prices are falling, but the average price rise is now 2. 7 , and there is no doubt prices are rising faster than wages. A businessman, a young nurse on maternity leave, and a retired miner all have their own ways of adjusting to that. If your memory is long enough, inflation of less than 3 doesnt sound threatening. It might even be welcome. Its in everybodys interest to keep inflation to a bare minimum. A small amount of inflation is quite healthy. It creates a competitive world we need to live in. We, as a company employing people, i think in uk manufacturing we have to get smarter at what we do and get more out of what we have got. For those whose costs are growing anyway, the renewed squeeze on Living Standards is doubly difficult. You have to be able to afford to live. You do 12 and a half hour shifts. You do night shifts and really short staffed shifts, and its knackering. Then you come home and you have to put food on the table. Price rises seem to take place every single week. If its not the rise in price of a brand, its also the fact you get less for your money now. One of the big reasons inflation is on the up is the weaker pound. It takes more pounds to get the dollars, euros, or yen you need to buy imported goods. Thats driven up the price of imports. Wages are low and slowing, only going up by about 2 per year, yet prices in the shops are rising 2. 7 and probably rise by more than 3 . That will reduce the amounts of goods and Services Consumers can buy and bear down on economic growth. What the Bank Of England wants to avoid is inflation that catches fire by triggering higher pay rises, paid for by employers, who then charge higher prices, the so called wage price spiral. But that hasnt happened for many years and there is little sign of it now. The banks convinced this renewed inflation above the 2 target is temporary. Andy verity, bbc news. Youre watching the bbc news at five. The top stories. Jeremy corbyn has pledged to change the country for the better as he launches labours General Election manifesto in bradford. As we have been Hearing Inflation has jumped to in bradford. As we have been Hearing Inflation hasjumped to its highest level in nearly four years at 2. 7 pushed up by energy price rises, higher Clothing Costs and airfares. Donald trump says he has an absolute right to share information with russia after controversy over him giving the Russian Foreign minister Classified Information. And here is an update for you on the markets. This is how the ftse in london ended the day, another day up for the ftse, almost a full point, the dax down ever so slightly, hardly any change, and in early trading in America The Dow and the nasdaq in positive territory. Plaid cymru has launched its General Election manifesto, promising a strong voice for wales during brexit. For wales during brexit talks. The party wants the Welsh Government to have a say on any Future Uk Trade Deal and says it wont rest until every single penny of lost eu funding is replaced. Sian lloyd has this report. Penygraig in the rhondda valley. Its been a Labour Stronghold at westminster for more than 100 years. Plaid cymrus leader, leanne wood, represents it in the Welsh Assembly and the party has the parliamentary seat within its sights. So, no coincidence that leanne wood chose to launch her partys General Election manifesto here. It includes a promise to give wales a strong voice during brexit. The party wants all future trade deals to be signed off by the National Assembly for wales. Theres a lot of talk in the manifesto about defending, about protecting wales, its interests, its communities. Protecting wales from brexit. But wales voted to leave the eu. Weve accepted that wales voted to leave the eu. We accepted that on the day of the referendum. What weve put forward in our action plan today is for a positive post brexit plan for wales. There are things that need defending but we also need to develop our economy and develop our country. Plaid cymru is seeking to persuade welsh voters that it, rather than labour, can protect wales from what it calls a cruel and reckless tory party. I can see the conservatives winning with a landslide. Corbyn isnt the man i thought he was. Definitely consider voting plaid cymru. I have been here 18 years. I have seen no change. But, if plaid cymru is to alter the Political Landscape here, it will need to change the Voting Habits of generations. Scotlands First Minister and the leader of the Scottish National party, nicola sturgeon, has been marking a decade since the party got into power at holyrood. She told voters in South Queensferry to stand up for scotland against what she called tory cuts and the possibility of an extreme brexit. My my message today is this, we must resolve to keep scotland moving forward and in this election it is vital that we elect strong snp mps who will stand up for scotland and protect scotlands interests at westminster. We know the biggest risk to scotland in the years ahead is an increasingly hardline tory government intent on more austerity, more cuts, and Intent Notjust on brexit but the most extreme form of brexit but the most extreme form of brexit possible. So we need to make sure that after this election scotlands voice is heard loudly and clearly. It is more important than it has ever been before for scotlands voice to be heard, for mps from scotland to stand up for Scotla Nd Mps from scotland to stand up for scotland and protect our interests. 0njune The Scotland and protect our interests. On june the 8th scotland and protect our interests. 0njune the 8th the message is clear tory mps will be rubber sta m ps clear tory mps will be rubber stamps for whatever Theresa May Wa Nts to stamps for whatever theresa may wants to do. Snp mps will be there to stand up for scotland and protect our interests. Its nicknamed Plastic Island and you can see why 38 million items were washed up on these beaches on henderson island. Its an uninhabited Remote British territory in the South Pacific and has been found to have the highest density of plastic rubbish anywhere in the world. Hywel griffith reports. A Desert Island thats become the final Resting Place for the worlds waste. Henderson island is uninhabited. Years can pass without any visitors. But its beaches have become strewn with the everyday items people throw away. A Research Team sifted through the sands to find more than 17 tonnes of plastic had been deposited here. Decades of debris carried by the oceans. The top offenders on the beach were, by and large, everyday Consumer Items that most people dont really hesitate when they use them to think about what it really means and where they might end up. Things like plastic toothbrushes, plastic cigarette lighters, even babies dummies. The australian Research Team travelled to the island to spend three months surveying its beaches. Henderson is one of the british Pitcairn Islands that lie more than 3000 miles off the coast of south america. Distance doesnt protect it from a global problem. While large waste items make the issue visible, it is feared the impact of small Micro Plastic Particles in our oceans may be even worse. 0n henderson island, the wildlife has had to adapt, making plastic tubs and bottle tops their home. And, with thousands of new items washing up every day, this World Heritage site is set to remain the planets dumping ground. Before we go to the weather, a world war ii bomb that caused a major Transport Route in birmingham to close footie days has now been detonated. The bomb was discovered by Construction Staff near aston yesterday. The unexploded shell caused long delays for drivers, cancelled Rail Services and led to the evacuation of hundreds of homes. It took 13 lorry loads of sand to create an igloo around the device before it could be detonated. Big old shower of debris. What is the weather holding . Hopefully not rain. Nick miller. That rain had us talking yesterday, today its been the warmth for some of us, in North East Scotland Up Into east anglia and South East England, in fa ct anglia and South East England, in fact it was scotlands warmest day of the year so far, the uk had its highest temperature of the year so far into the low mid 20s for some in the sunshine. Clearly not everybody had the sunshine, there was a bit of rain as you can see on the picture, currently stretching from South West England across parts of the midlands to the humber and the wash and this cloudy and wet zone will expand across other parts of england and wales as we go through the night, another mild and muggy night, whereas in scotland and Northern Ireland there is pleasant sunshine to end the day but its already turning fresher and it will be a cooler night to come and some spots in sheltered scottish claims it will get close to freezing in the morning but some pleasantly warm sunny spells for many in scotland and Northern Ireland tomorrow, a few showers in North West Scotland developing in Northern Ireland, the Westernmost Fringes of england and where is turning dry in the afternoon and perhaps brighter but a large part of england and wales with a swathe of wet weather including heavy bursts of rain at times. Here is how it looks at 4pm. North west scotla nd is how it looks at 4pm. North west scotland and Northern Ireland seeing a few showers, if you avoid the showers it will be nice, some sunshine. It is going to be quite cool within this wet zone in parts of england and wales, 10 13 degrees, some heavy bursts around 2pm, but particularly for those parts of South East England and east anglia that avoid the rain until the evening, and a very warm evening again, there could be torrential thundery bursts for a time, standing water on the roads, difficult travelling conditions but 20 40 millimetres of rain after being so dry it could be very useful and that system will pull away on wednesday night, it will turn cool across all parts of the uk through the night and into thursday, but some sunshine on thursday, some showers developing particularly for scotland and Northern Ireland, just dotted about into england and wales but quite isolated here. Those temperatures have come down but again in some sunshine it will feel quite pleasant. I will show you friday, swirling winds around low pressure so swirling winds around low pressure so staying on settled with that mixture of sunshine and showers, temperatures quite nice in some sunshine, dipping away when you catch a shower. Low pressure staying close bike into the weekend so the picture doesnt change much, sunshine, showers, pleasant in the sunshine, showers, pleasant in the sunshine, cool in a shower and bennites will turn cool again and turning out to be quite chilly, the Cold Est Turning Out to be quite chilly, the coldest spots end up close to freezing. 0nce coldest spots end up close to freezing. Once again paying, worth paying attention to that, the forecast as ever online. Tonight at 6 were in bradford where labour has launched its election manifesto promising policies for the many, not the few. Jeremy corbyn unveils what he calls, a radical and responsible plan for government, to help build a fairer society. Whatever your age or situation, people are under pressure, struggling to make ends meet. 0ur Manifesto is for you. The proposals include nationalising the railways and scrapping tuition fees labour plans nearly £50 billion of taxes on business and the highest earners. Ive been talking to people here in bradford about the manifesto and finding out whether it affects their voting intentions. I feel its very very important that the state does have a bigger

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