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And the First Lady Melania Trump receives an apology and damages from the daily mail over allegations about her work as a model. A meeting is underway in moscow between russian president Vladimir Putin and us Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson just hours after President Putin claimed relations between the two countries was at its lowest ebb since the end of the cold war. Earlier Rex Tillerson held talks with his russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov. Rex tillerson wants russia to withdraw support for president assad following the chemical attack ona assad following the chemical attack on a rebel town which killed more than 80 people. Our correspondence is travelling with Rex Tillerson and sent this report. This is not the kind of meeting that once seemed to be on the card. Long gone talk of a grand resetting of relations with russia, producing is encouraged by donald trump was replaced by tensions over the Chemical Weapons attack in syria and russian anger over the military response from america. Translation is important for us to understand your intentions. The intentions of the us and the real intentions of this administration. The theft of state said both sides have some explaining to do. We can further clarifying areas of common objectives, of common interest, even when tactical approaches may be different. And to further clarify areas of sharp difference so we can better understand why these differences exist. The Trump Administration has raised the stakes by publicly and strongly blaming russia for the actions of its syrian ally. It is a major shift in approach and not clear what the larger strategy is. Relations have never been easy but moscow says they have not been this low since the end of the cold war. The strike on a Syrian Air Base seemed like a game changer but the americans said they we re changer but the americans said they were taking a stand against the use of Weapons Of Mass Destruction and not taking sides in the civil war. Yet President Trump is now pressing the russians to back away from support for the syrian leader bashar al assad. Support for the syrian leader bashar alassad. Frankly putin is backing a person that is truly an evil person andl person that is truly an evil person and i think it is bad for russia, bad for mankind and very bad for this world. That has reinvigorated Western Allies who met yesterday. Theyre hoping this means the us will make a more forceful step in pushing for a solution. But in moscow President Putin has only deepened his show of solidarity with assad and blames the rebels for the chemical attack. The relationship between the us and russia is as bad as it has been in a long time in the aftermath of these air strikes. Russia is of course a key backer of assad and Rex Tillerson is going over with the hope he can somehow persuade russia of the critical importance of the us and russia not come into conflict in syria. Rex tillerson has a lot of experience working with the kremlin but in Cutting Business deals when he was head of energy firm exxon mobil. His task as the american top diplomat is a whole different matter and this trip will be an important test of whether he is up to the challenge. Lets just take you to that News Conference is scheduled to begin in the last hour but clearly delayed with news that the meeting about underway between president clinton and Rex Tillerson. Also attended by Sergei Lavrov we understand. We can speak now to the news editor of bbc russia. Vladimir putin is involved in talks and that must be a positive . The understanding is that he would not meet Rex Tillerson and generally the visit to moscow was under question altogether. But at the moment they are meeting which is good but there is a long way before we can get closer to any possible agreement at all. That said, for Vladimir Putin it is all going his way of the moment. Can he afford to bea way of the moment. Can he afford to be a bit more magnanimous perhaps . Magnanimous is not the way to describe the tactic, the political clout they use when they deal with abroad. Russia has invested too much in syria and the assad regime to give up and to compromise too much to the americans and the west. 0n the other hand the us is watching how dominant russia is becoming in the middle east and syria as now it is time perhaps for russia to leave some site some space for the us. The russians are frustrated with the west, and it is about what would happen if the west got its way and removed assad. Well there is a point, there has to be a plan if you move someone out of power, point, there has to be a plan if you move someone out of power, what will fill the vacuum. Weve seen what happened in iraq and libya. And that is what the russians have always said. The point is there has got to bea said. The point is there has got to be a plan and seems to be nothing like a plan at all. The Body Language is going to be important because Rex Tillerson is known but not as a diplomat, which she now is. So it is going to be interesting to see how the role changes. Well he has been dealing with russia for quite some time and he knows how to negotiate with the russians. He is probably not a personal friend of mr putin but he was awarded a medal of friendship and so that is quite important. The fact that mr putin has also actually met him is also important. We lived in the Body Language from Sergei Lavrov, smiling and quite relaxed, so i understand the businessman and Master Dealer will meet and have something to discuss. And possibly with a positive result. For now, thank you very much. Pj crowley was an assistant Secretary Of State under president 0bama. He now teaches Public Diplomacy and Crisis Communications at George Washington university. Do you think the fact that there is this meeting now between president clinton and Rex Tillerson suggests there may be room for progress. Clinton and Rex Tillerson suggests there may be room for progresslj think there may be room for progress. think it is important, i think it is a useful meeting, i would not necessarily suggest it is an indication of progress. Barbara a moment ago talk about the past of Rex Tillerson as a deal maker but here it is unclear that there is a deal to be made. Prior to coming to moscow Rex Tillerson said he wanted to see if russia would make a different choice. The fact is russia made a different choice and number of years ago when it chose to back the assad regime and theres no indication that russia is going to change that view. In fact the russian strategy has been successful from their point of view, assad is a Fa Ct Of Life from their point of view, assad is a fact of life in syria and notwithstanding the setback of the Chemical Weapons and the us strike, there is no indication hes going to leave the scene any time soon. President putin some would say appears to be running rings around everybody because after the chemical attack he pointed out that actually this had a familiar ring of the wmd debate before the iraq war and he questioned what the west would want after an assad regime and he appears to say anyway that he knows better than they do what would happen. think for russia, the nuns is better than the unknown and that is a fair point. When you talk about the Syrian Opposition and the west and support for the Syrian Opposition we do not see a clear alternative to assad. We see alternatives, but not the case of if not him then what. For russia then what is chaos and they think in the broader fight against violent political extremism thatis against violent political extremism that is the worst thing you could do. I do think the Trump Administration has turned the corner, the rhetoric, that a number of figures including nikki haley had been using in trying to oppose impose a cost on russia for its blind support for assad and try to rush on the defensive. I think that isa rush on the defensive. I think that is a worthy strategy but it does not necessarily mean that russia is going to change its point of view. It isa going to change its point of view. It is a difficult strategy because donald trump criticised the 0bama regime about a red line being crossed and no action being taken. He wrote a book about it. But in terms of what happened last week, donald trump was that a game changer, the american response . donald trump was that a game changer, the american response . I do not think it was and on the one hand the administration was clear that this was for a specific person, a specific purpose, to deny syria the use of Chemical Weapons in the syrian war. And in Factjames Madison reinforced that line yesterday. I do think it is interesting that donald trump in his most interesting that donald trump in his m ost rece nt interesting that donald trump in his most recent interview spoke about the fact that assad is an evil person. That has been clear for a number of years. But i wonder if he is backing himself into the same frustrating corner that barack 0bama found himself in in saying rightfully that there is no future in syria led by assad. But not having a clear path as to how to actually change the status quo on the ground. Is thisjust then a pr exercise . I do not think it is, it is important to keep the channel of communication open between the us and russia. It is a significant relationship, it is going to have to be managed. I think this is going to be managed. I think this is going to bea be managed. I think this is going to be a test of Crisis Management over the next four years. Certainly the events of the recent past has dented the Trump Administration narrative that there can be a constructive relationship between the United States and russia. Perhaps donald trump is beginning to recognise the bad things to be highly unlikely, it does not necessarily make the us choices any easier to take. We are waiting for this News Conference, we have already discussed the Body Language. Rex tillerson is a known quantity to Sergei Lavrov and President Putin, what do we want to see, a lot of smiling . I think the opposite. Certainly as we have seen prior to the meeting between Rex Tillerson and Sergei Lavrov, Sergei Lavrov started quickly in terms of restating the russian view that the us strikes were illegal and they do not want to see a repetition of that. Rex tillerson has got to be more forceful in public in reinforcing the United States points of view. That has not been his experience in a first couple of months in thejob, hes experience in a first couple of months in the job, hes tried to ta ke months in the job, hes tried to take a lower key approach to being Secretary Of State and now this is the moment wearer as Sergei Lavrov bushes, Rex Tillerson is going to have to aggressively pushed back. Thank you very much. The moment where as Sergei Lavrov pushes. The Health Secretaryjeremy hunt has ordered a review at an nhs trust, after concerns were raised over a cluster of baby deaths. The bbc has learned there have been at least 7 avoidable deaths over 20 months within the shrewsbury and Telford Hospital trust in shropshire. Five of the deaths were contributed to by the same problem a failure to properly monitor the babys heart rate during labour. In response, the trust say their Mortality Levels are in line with the national average. 0ur correspondent, michael buchanan, has this exclusive report. Basic errors of this trust have caused healthy babies to die. As a mother i do not want to feel this, i do not want any other mother or father to put the lid on gotham. Promises to learn lessons have not been kept. They were interpreting my heart rate as her heart rate. They missed the opportunity to see that there was any distress. But now a family long denied justice themselves have prompted the Health Secretary to act. How many more babies need to die at this trust before someone somewhere says enough is enough. We now need to investigate. It is all ive got left. Bits of hair is not enough. A memory box is all that kellyjones has offered twin girls. Her daughters were stillborn in 2014, the trust admitted that the deaths we re the trust admitted that the deaths were avoidable. But failed to spot their heart rates were deteriorating so their heart rates were deteriorating so the twins suffered fatal brain injuries. That midwife came in crying saying, im so sorry, im so sorry. Too late. Damage is done. My girls are gone. Hospital staff ignored kellys repeated calls for them to deliver the twins leaving her now utterly bereft. They had for missed opportunities to deliver my girls. And they did not. So now i get to spend the rest of my life going, what if, what if. Following the death of the twins the shrewsbury and Telford Hospital trust promised kelly that they had improved how they monitored Baby Heart Rates during labour but the m ista kes heart rates during labour but the mistakes continued. Errors with little Heart Monitoring contributed to the deaths of five healthy babies. The most recent of which was ivy morris. I never saw her smile, it wasjust something ivy morris. I never saw her smile, it was just something that she could not do. Ivy died last may aged just four months. A brain injury at birth gave her a little quality of life. The hospital had mistaken her Mother S Heartbeat for her daughters and failed to spot the baby was in distress. I have had an apology from the hospital, i had assurances that this will not happen again and i acce pt this will not happen again and i accept those. But other families have had those assurances and those apologies. And if they were followed up apologies. And if they were followed up in the way that they said they would, in the way they had assured those families then i would not be sitting here talking to you and i would have my daughter. Foetal Heart Monitors are commonly used in women in labourto monitors are commonly used in women in labour to ensure that the baby is not in distress. Mistakes are made but the repeated errors at the shrewsbury and Telford Hospital trust have prompted the Health Secretary into taking action. Jeremy hunt has ordered a review of death that other maternity units, a move prompted by the tireless campaigning of one family. Richard and rhiannon has fought the trust for years following the avoidable death of their daughter kate. Isabella s big sister died in 2009 the following numerous mistakes during labour. After seven yea rs numerous mistakes during labour. After seven years of fighting their determination eventually got them a full apology. They say the trust could have avoided more deaths if they had not been ignored. They have not just killed my they had not been ignored. They have notjust killed my daughter, they have disregarded the value of her life, her memory, her life had value and meaning because there was so much from it that they could have learned and improved on. The shrewsbury and tougher trust have promised they will cooperate fully with the upcoming enquiry. The medical director admitted to me they had made mistakes. Sadly there are cases where losses occur. What families expect when that occurs as a minimum is that lessons are learned. I would acknowledge that in the case of foetal heart rate monitoring, we have identified a number of cases where that has not been fully implemented and where we have lent both in terms of human error and in terms of analysis of monitoring. Too many families have been failed by this trust. The upcoming review will hopefully stop such upcoming review will hopefully stop such unnecessary upcoming review will hopefully stop such unnecessary heartache. This is Bbc News At Five the headlines. The us Secretary Of State and President Putin meet in moscow following comments by putin over at the deteriorating relationship between the two countries. The Health Secretarys ordered a review into the shrewsbury and telford nhs trust in shropshire after concerns were raised over a cluster of baby deaths. A suspect with Islamist Links is detained in connection with the bomb attack on the Borussia Dortmund Football Team. And the dortmund players have now arrived at the stadium for their match with monaco. That match due to kick off injust match with monaco. That match due to kick off in just under half an hour. Leicester city manager Craig Shakespeare says the team are still out to get a result in their historic quarterfinal first leg against Atletico Madrid tonight. And ali bacher wins silver on the opening day of the world Cycling Track Championships in hong kong. Police in germany have detained a suspect with links to islamist extremism after three explosions hit a bus carrying the Borussia Dortmund Football Team. One player was injured when three explosions went off damaging the teams bus as it was on its way to a Champions League match. The Chief Executive of Borussia Dortmund has urged his team to show they wont give in to terror. Gavin lee is in dortmund. In the next 30 minutes behind me 80,000 Football Fans are arriving for this game that was postponed yesterday. The chancellor of germany Angela Merkel said the disastrous events yesterday caused unity between the fans. Theyre playing amongst the Biggest Police security for many years here in germany was up for many years here in germany was up one arrest for many years here in germany was up one arrest was for many years here in germany was up one arrest was made today in connection with those three explosions targeting the team bus yesterday. This is the latest on the investigation. A narrow escape from a targeted attack on the Borussia Dortmund Football Team. Three roadside explosions triggered at the same time last night as the coach left its hotel in the south of dortmund. The Spanish International marc bartra was sitting close to the window. He is being treated for a broken wrist. Translation marc bartra is being operated on right now for a broken bone in his right hand. And he has various glass shards that had been blasted into his arm. The team through their captain Marcel Schmelzer just rang me. They are still very shocked and thinking about marc. We hope he recovers quickly. Also injured was a Police Officer escorting the team to the stadium. Federal investigators have detained one man, suspected of links to islamist terrorism. One of two suspects whose apartments were raided this morning. Authorities are attempting to verify a letter left at the scene claiming jihadists were behind the attack. German state media says the note left in the road claims that high profile german figures and sports stars would continue to be targeted until the withdrawal of german aircraft from Coalition Bombing operations against is in syria. Monaco are the other team due to play tonight and they are staying here at a hotel near the stadium. I have spoken to some of the players, some of the staff inside, they say they are worried, they say theyre checking developments from their mobile phones. But that they trust in German Security and there is an extra Police Presence here, especially checking the other coach throughout the day. The kindness of strangers in the aftermath of the explosions overnight was evident. In hundreds of germans offering through social media to take in french fans for the night. Florian dubois and his friends took up the offer. We had the possibility to rest in dortmund today. So it is fantastic because we really want to see the match. Earlier today footballs governing body uefa confirmed the game will go ahead this evening with heightened security. And amid an Ongoing Police operation to find those responsible. In the past hour or so of the federal prosecutor s office has confirmed there looking at three letters left by the flight where the explosions happened. They say the same thing, they are claiming this isa same thing, they are claiming this is a sympathiser of so called Islamic State, they called on tornadojets from Islamic State, they called on tornado jets from germany to Islamic State, they called on tornadojets from germany to stop the bombing against so called Islamic State in syria and called for the closure of an american bay american airbase. Celebrities are well known figures in germany would be targeted otherwise according to the letter. The police and Authorities Say there has been one arrest and now theyre to manage one of the biggest sporting events, 80,000 people here for the biggest sporting occasion and to keep them safe with this ongoing operation. We can speak to alexander ritzmann, from the European Foundation for democracy a policy Institute Based in brussels and berlin, which has been looking at the prevention of radicalisation for more than a decade. Hejoins me now from our brussels newsroom. Listening to what gavin had to say, are you surprised that this kind of Modus Operandi by Islamic State, if indeed it is them . To a degree it is a surprise because it does not fit any pattern so far. That could be an indication it is not so called Islamic State but could also be that it is just Islamic State but could also be that it isjust a Islamic State but could also be that it is just a new Modus Operandi. There seems to be a strong lead but the federal authorities are investigating and they have arrested a personal ready. But really it is too early to determine anything final. It could be Something Else . It could always be Something Else, we always have to ask yourself who has a benefit from this kind of attack. The letter that was found is really confusing to a degree, it is not referring to the so called Islamic State in the proper way, theres no oath of allegiance, the demands are very precise and at the same time wrong since germany is not bombing anyone anywhere. So from the air anyway. So this is very confusing as a statement to the degree and that could indicate that It Isa Degree and that could indicate that it is a sympathiser of the so called Islamic State who is a skilled bomb maker and this definition would be something new. What about the target which also appears to be new, a Football Team . Absolutely. From the logic of Terrorist Organisations they would rather hit soft targets usually, meaning the fans, the stadium, Public Places as weve seen in the past. Targeting a specific Football Tea M in the past. Targeting a specific Football Team is strange and really is something that is also throwing if we look at the letter claiming this is not a new Modus Operandi for so called Islamic State, it really does not fit in and so we have to be hesitant and keep an open mind of who is really behind this until we have all the facts. Countries including germany have been on high alert for attacks like this but the difficulty of course is the difference between someone who has radicalised but has not yet done anything criminal. Absolutely and we are missing out, the focus is on police and intelligence work, Hard Security which is important but empowering Civil Society, the good guys, empowering Civil Society, the good guys, who live in these communities that sometimes produce extremists and terrorists, is as important. People who want to speak up against Recruitment Networks in their neighbourhoods, people who want to offer alternatives for people who might be interested in some Adventure Story or narrative. We are focusing too much on the hard side of security and missing out on prevention by not empowering Civil Society enough. Thank you very much. Unemployment has fallen to its lowest level in a decade. The number of people out of work fell by 45,000 to 1. 56 million. 0ur Economics correspondent jonty bloom is with me. Wage increases continuing to slow. There is a political and economic problem growing here. There is, you would think it was all good news on unemployment, it is falling, the number of people in work is at the highest level since records began. And yet we cannot get average earnings to increase fast enough. The increase of Something Like 2. 2 , only just above the trend the increase of Something Like 2. 2 , onlyjust above the trend rate of inflation. And that means anyone who gets an average pay rise this year is no better off than last year. And around 40 of the workforce do not even get that. Civil servants for instance have had their pay frozen and that will remain the case for some years to come. So they are worse off every year. When unemployment goes down everyone says good news but it depends what kind ofjobs. It is good news good news but it depends what kind of jobs. It is good news and we have been successful at creating jobs but we re been successful at creating jobs but were not so good at increasing productivity and therefore earning enough to pay ourselves more. That is the conundrum, ever since the credit crunch, almost ten years ago now, we have failed to increase productivity to make more of the same amount of goods and materials and that means we cannot afford to pay ourselves more. So we are creating jobs but there are low paid or thejobs we have not creating jobs but there are low paid or the jobs we have not getting the pay rises are used to in the past. The problem is people at the start of the year earning more at the start of the year than at the end compared to everything else. Yes because we select we expect inflation to rise in the coming months. There will be increased energy costs, edf put up gas and electricity prices today for the second time this year, an 8. 5 increase for customers. Anyone with an average pay rise will have difficulty finding the money for that. And inflation caused by the low value of the pound and High Energy Prices will kick through. Many goods and products on high street will be affected and we do not think average earnings will keep up not think average earnings will keep up with inflation. So there will be a squeeze for people. A terminally ill man has won the right to bring a high Court Challenge over the law on assisted dying. Retired College Lecturer noel conway who has Motor Neurone Disease took his case to the court of appeal. Hed been refused permission to bring a judicial review over the blanket ban on providing a person with assistance to die. He told judges he feared becoming entombed inside his body. The ruling means there will be a full hearing of the case in the next few weeks. Customers of the Energy Company edf are facing a second price rise in four months. Its standard variable price for electricity will increase by nine percent, and gas by five point five percent. The hike has been described as difficult to justify by the energy regulator. It follows price rises by other leading energy companies. Time for a look at the weather. A bit of sunshine, bit of cloud, its quite fresh, anything you like, really. 0ne quite fresh, anything you like, really. One thing we are missing is really. One thing we are missing is real warmth, the thing we had last weekend. It doesnt look like it is going to warm up any time soon. Showery, as well. Weve had some april showers and somewhat rainbows as well. Temperatures around 11 or 12 degrees, which for this time of year is decent enough, i guess. The sun was quite strong. Lots of clear spells, maybe a Touch Of Grass Frost first thing before the sun rises. Tomorrow, a few april showers across North Western areas of the uk. Staying dry. Sunshine coming and going. 0verall, staying dry. Sunshine coming and going. Overall, a dry day for most others and similar temperatures. 1114 others and similar temperatures. 11 14 celsius at best. This is Bbc News At Five. The headlines the us Secretary Of State is meeting with Vladimir Putin and his counterpart with Vladimir Putin and his cou nterpa rt after saying trust between the two countries the Health Secretarys ordered a review into the shrewsbury and telford nhs trust in shropshire after concerns were raised over a cluster of baby deaths. Police in germany have detained a man they say may have Islamist Links, over last nights attack on the borrusia dortmund Football Team. A man has beenjailed forfour months for making threats to kill mp Caroline Ansell in a facebook post. Time for a look at the sport with hugh ferris. After last nights attack on the Borussia Dortmund team bus forced their quarterfinal against monaco to be rescheduled for this evening, both squads have arrived and prepared at iduna park ahead of kick off in the next 15 minutes. This is the Dortmund Team bus arriving about an hour ago with a heavy Police Presence. The fans of both teams wont be segregated as normal. Dortmund faced into making a change with defender marc bartra having surgery on an injured wrist. Uefa has said Security Measures will be tight around all of this weeks european matches, including leicesters quarter final first leg against Atletico Madrid tonight. The leicester players will have to focus on matters on the pitch though, as they embark on one of the biggest days in the clubs history. Last years premier League Winners are the only english club left in the competition. And the manager Craig Shakespeare says the players will relish the occasion. Walking through the stadium in terms by the changing rooms, seeing the cups, its a lovely, traditional ground. It gives you a little tingle. Im on this side now. You have to make sure you enjoy these moments. I think to enjoy it you have to make sure you try and get the result. Next month championship semifinals will use Goalline Technology for the first time. Its been used in the Premier League since 2013. It will be adopted in all Championship Games next season. It uses fast Frame Cameras that are analysed by computers to see of the ball has cost the line. Warren gatland will name his lions squad for the tour of new zealand a week today. Among those in the frame to be picked is the england captain dylan hartley. He was selected for the original 2013 squad but eventually missed out because of a ban for verbally abusing a referee. For anyone selected, im sure its a great honour. I have been previously selected, so yes, it is a great honour. To tour, im sure its a great experience as well. Not counting my chickens. I dont want to build myself up for possibly a setback in my eyes. Im just taking it as it comes. Im happy where i am at the moment. If it comes its a bonus. If not, ive got other things to look forward to. Cycling, and Great Britain have won a silver medal on the opening day of the world track championships in hong kong. Elinor barker finished second in the womens scratch race. The 22 year old won gold at the rio 0lympics as part of the team pursuit and it looked like she might get her hands on another gold, but was pipped in the closing stages by italian rachele barbieri. It worked out pretty well. When i came around, i thought, i thought id pick tune macro this. The fastest sprinter. It doesnt always stay the same. You need to watch out for different people. Im disappointed. Fernando alonso will miss the Monaco Grand Prix next month, so he can race in the indianapolis 500. The double World Champion has the full support of his formula 1 team mclaren and engine partner honda, who have had a difficult start to the new season. Alonso will race in the indy 500 for the honda powered andretti team, and the car will be branded a mclaren. Well return to football, and to one of the fastest goals ever scored. It came in scotland over the weekend in an amateur game. Maryhill midfielder gavin stokes scored this. Straight from the kick off it was against clydebank. And was timed atjust 3. 2 seconds. I cant even take it that far to be honest. Thats all sport for now. Americas First Lady Melania Trump is to receive damages and a public apology from the daily mail after it published a Story Questioning the nature of her work when she was a professional model. The newspaper ran an article which included allegations that she provided Services Beyond Simply Modelling it later retracted the story and apologised. The sum of damages has not been disclosed. With me is our entertainment correspondent lizo mzimba. When did this all start . Melania trump brought these proceedings in the high court because of an article backin the high court because of an article back in august 20 16. The allegations were basically talking about her time working as a model in the 1990s. About her time working as a model in the 19905. It about her time working as a model in the 1990s. It basically said that she provided services that went beyond simple modelling. That she was working as an escort. The newspaper accepted that those allegations were absolutely untrue and they apologise to mrs trump for any distress that the article may have caused. It was also online. It was published in america 0nline. The high court in london has no jurisdiction in america but an agreement has also been reached between Melania Trump and associated newspapers, the publisher of the daily mail and mail online. Theyve retracted the allegations and mrs trump, the first lady has had an apology in the high court today. The Daily Mail Print Edition will publish an apology and mail online in the United States will also publish an apology retracting the allocations. They have agreed to pay mrs trumps legal fees and undisclosed damages. The total of the legal fees is said to be somewhere around the £2 million mark. A man has beenjailed for four months for posting messages on social media threatening to kill an mp. Mark sands pleaded guilty to sending grossly offensive messages to eastbourne mp Caroline Ansell. 0ur Political Correspondent alex forsyth was at brighton magistrates court. Mark sands was sentenced to an immediate custodial term of four months for the messages posted on facebook. The court heard he had been angry at proposed Disability Cuts and he put on his facebook page, if you vote to take £30 off me, i will personally come around to your house and stab you to death. The police were alerted. They said it was a credible threat and subsequently charged mark sons. I spoke to Caroline Ansell about the impact the threat had on her and her family. I remember where i was when i picked up the call from my local police to say that they had had a credible threat against my life and a local man had been arrested and was in custody. I was at home, sunday morning, and wasnt expecting that. Whats been the impact on your family . I sat with my 12yearold son and his eyes widened as he read the message and saw my photograph alongside the man whod been charged and so did have an affect on them. This threat came after what happened tojo cox. This threat came after what happened to jo cox. How this threat came after what happened tojo cox. How do you think that changed things . I did know her, The Sound Of Her voice and her smile. I related to her as women at a similar age and stage of life and with the connection through children. That did change my response to this experience because of what had happened to her. Also, perhaps it made the Police Rather more concerned and to take the action that they did. There was mention made in court about the current climate where mps are receiving online abuse but marian Priestly Mitigating on behalf of mark sands said he never had any previous convictions and this was an empty threat born out of Frustration Due to concern about cuts to his disability allowance. The judge didnt accent that. He said that there was an ethos of hatred on his wider facebook page. He had referenced the death of other mps including jo cox who was murdered last year and the districtjudge said that the comments made were thoroughly unpleasant, vitriolic, and gave a sinister context of the threat he made against Caroline Ansell mp. As a consequence, he sentenced him to four months in prison. President trumps spokesman, sean spicer, has apologised after saying that hitler didnt use Chemical Weapons. Sean spicer made the remark during a White House Press briefing, as he answered questions about the war in syria. Journalists pointed out to him that gas was used to murder millions ofjewish people, and others, during the holocaust. David willis reports from washington. Asked about the syrian governments use of Chemical Weapons, The President S Press Spokesman made this surprising assertion. We didnt use Chemical Weapons in world war two. You know, you had a. You know, someone as despicable as hitler who didnt even sink to the. To using Chemical Weapons. Asked to clarify those remarks, mr spicer dug himself in even deeper. He brought them into, um. To the holocaust centre, i understand that. But what im saying, in the way that assad used them where he went into towns, dropped them down to innocent. Into the middle of towns, it was brought. So the use of it, i appreciate the clarification. That was not the intent. In a statement, the Anne Frank Centre on Mutual Respect accused mr spicer of engaging in what it called the most offensive form of fake news imaginable, by denying hitler gassed millions ofjews to death. Calls mounting for his dismissal, the spokesman went back in front of the cameras to offer this apology. I made a mistake. There is no other way to say it. I got into a topic that i shouldnt have and i screwed up. It really is painful to myself to know that i did Something Like that because obviously it was not my intention and to know that when you screw up intention and to know that when you screw up you possibly offended a lot of people,. I would ask for forgiveness to understand that i should not have tried to make a comparison. There is no comparing atrocities. On monday, mr spicer suggested the use of barrel bombs by the Syrian Regime could merit renewed Military Action on the part of the United States, only for the white house to deny its policy had changed. Now the Trump Administration is facing further unflattering headlines amid suggestions that this mans days at the lectern could now be numbered. Tesco has reported its first annual sales growth in seven years. But profits fell by nearly a third to £145 million because of fines and compensation related to an accounting scandal. Tesco is still paying the costs of past mistakes but things are moving in the right direction for the retailer. Sales up, so to our profits, once you exclude its penalties and costs. Fresh food has done especially well. The boss also told me he detected a shift in spending by shoppers. We see customers being very savvy about what they buy and when. Subtle shifts back to more fresh food, everyday essentials. Some subtle savings on what might have been luxuries in the past have been things theyve chosen in the first pa rt things theyve chosen in the first part of this year not to buy. After yea rs of part of this year not to buy. After years of falling prices, the cost of food is an arise. All retailers having to cope with the fall in the pound, putting pressure on costs. Tesco says it is passing on less inflation than its competitors. The question is, where . The Current Trends are putting up the price of nonessential items, candles and light bulbs have seen a 13 increase. Customers are less likely to notice these price increases. If they put up the price of essential everyday items like milk bread, customers might notice away and shop elsewhere. Are you using stealth increases to pass on price rises . Absolutely not. I look at the claims and it is not what we are trying to do. What we are trying to do is lower prices and make them more sta ble lower prices and make them more stable and predictable, not to be playing with promotions in a way that skew the way that people buy. 0ur that skew the way that people buy. Our intention is to keep inflation away across the whole basket. Can he do that and also keep improving tescos profits . This business still has an awful lot of hard work ahead. This is Bbc News At Five. The headlines the us Secretary Of State and Vladimir Putin meet in moscow following comments by the russian president about deteriorating us russian relations. The Health Secretarys ordered a review into the shrewsbury and telford nhs trust in shropshire after concerns were raised over a cluster of baby deaths. A suspect with Islamist Links is detained in connection with the bomb attack on the Borussia Dortmund Football Team. The Chief Executive of United Airlines has appeared on American Television to apologise for what hes described as The Truly Horrific Removal of a passenger from an overbooked flight and to promise it will never happen again. 0scar munoz had been under growing pressure after initially defending what had happened. The family of the passenger say hes being treated in hospital and they re grateful for the outpouring of support theyve received. Simonjones reports. Oh, my god no its the footage that has gone viral, caused widespread revulsion, and led to shares in United Airlines falling. David dao is dragged from a plane in chicago after he refuses to obey officials who tell him he must give up his seat. United insisted it needed four seats for crew members. There has been condemnation on social media. The video clips have now been viewed more than 100 million times. Oh, my god look at what you did to him when immigrants are under attack. And people have protested outside chicago airport calling for a boycott of united. The boss had at first defended what happened, saying the passenger had been disruptive and belligerent. But now a shift in tone. The first thing i think is important to say is to apologise to dr dao, his family, the passengers on that flight, our customers, our employees. That is not who our family at united is. And you saw us at a bad moment and this can never, will never happen again on a United Airlines flight. That is my premise, and that is my promise. The family of David Dao Have issued a statement expressing gratitude for the outpouring of support. Hes undergoing treatment at a chicago hospital. But some passengers want convincing that the airline really will learn lessons. I hope this never happens again to anyone. And i will continue to fly united, i will continue to also check on other airlines as well. Ijust got asked to volunteer to give up, but travelling with two kids, i said no. So im hoping it is a better situation today. Pr experts believe the belated apology should have come much sooner. They have done all the wrong things really, really well. And i think, you know, people in pr will be looking back at this for many years as the perfect way to explain what not to do in the social media. Performing together with a single, united purpose. The slick adverts seemed a world away from what was caught on camera phones. The company now needs to unite to limit damage. Pauline cafferkey, the british nurse who survived ebola, is returning to sierra leone. She contracted the disease while volunteering there in 2014 and says the trip to raise funds for orphaned children will give her closure, after what shes described as a pretty tough couple of years. Shes been speaking to victoria derbyshire. When i was first told that i had it, i thought my chances would be pretty good. Certainly more so than had i got it when i was in sierra leone and been treated when i was out there. So i knew that having access to the nhs and being treated in the nhs, my chances would be much higher, and they were. Because without a doubt, if i wasnt treated here, i would be dead now. You saw people dying in large numbers of this disease as part of your charitable work. 11,000 people died in total. And now youre going back . Yeah, yeah. Why . Im going back next month with a small uk charity, street child. They are doing some great things out in sierra leone. Im planning to run 10k. I think psychologically its important as well that i go back. Thats where things kind of standard from me and i had a terrible couple of years since then so it would be good to go back, just for things to come full circle for me and a little bit of closure. And end up with something good, something positive as well. How do you reflect on the fact that you were investigated . I dont hold anything against the nursing and midwifery council, they were just purely doing theirjob. It kind of came at a really bad time, it was very difficult for me with my physical health. So it was a massive stress on me when i was already going through a difficult time. I guess if anything i just feel disappointed with Public Health england and how they looked after me when i was in heathrow. Is this trip to sierra leone the start of you travelling again because you had done a lot of that and a lot of volunteering in the past . Do you think this is the start of a new phase . Im not sure if i would go and volunteer to work again, im not sure about that. Though im still smiling and. I plan on just carrying on and just smiling. Pauline cafferkey. Just taking you over to the home of brusher evenin. The against monaco this evening. The game hasjust against monaco this evening. The game has just kicked against monaco this evening. The game hasjust kicked off. Youll never walk alone was belted out by the capacity crowd at the start of the capacity crowd at the start of the game. Commentators saying it was as fitting as it gets. The club saying they wanted to show that terror and hatred could not influence their actions. The players wearing the picture of marc bartra the defender injured in the attack. The score at the moment 0 0. A Steam Locomotive has been driven at 100 miles an hour for the First Time Since steam power was abandoned by british rail, nearly 50 year ago. The locomotive, tornado, reached the speed as part of an experiment, to assess whether steam trains can safely run faster than the current limit of 75 miles an hour. Judith moritz reports. It may look like something from a bygone era, but the tornado Steam Locomotive is a very modern train. To run competitively on todays railways it must hit top speeds. Which is why in the middle of the night, its Volunteer Crew did something that has not been done since 1966. 0n the line between newcastle and doncaster, they took the train to the max, past the normal running speed, past 90 miles an hour and beyond. Right up to the top of the dial. We did what we set out to do. We need to see, we have not got it home yet, so it really only counts when you get it home. But the guys have had an inspection and we seem to be all right. This is all about gathering data, that is the difference with this, then we will take the engine to the shed and put to bed and put ourselves to bed. This class of steam train was common throughout the 1950s Until The End of the 1960s when it was scrapped in favour of diesel. The tornado was built in 2008 at a cost of £3 million and it runs a charter service. But to fit into the modern Rail Network Timetable the crew had to show that it could cope at more than 90 miles an hour. A lucky few were on board last night as the train hit the 100 mile an hour mark. Cheering. Ive every confidence and faith in them, to be honest, theyre wonderful people and they have done us proud. Just amazing. Absolutely incredible. Shesjust the only loco that could have done it. Brilliant. If there was any problem they would have backed off immediately and they were Just Cruising in the high 90s. As smooth as silk, amazing. Its an achievement built on soot, steam and sweat and for the crew, huge cause for celebration. Rather than champagne though they were gasping for a cuppa. The tornado was the first Steam Locomotive to reintroduce a timetabled service to england. Now it has shown what it can really do, the hope is that by the end of this year it will operate regularly at express speeds. And viewers in yorkshire can see more about that story in tonights edition of look north, at 6. 30 on bbc one. 0ver over to moscow. We are still waiting for the start of that News Conference with Rex Tillerson and sergey lavrov, delayed considerably because of a meeting with Vladimir Putin this afternoon. All three men at that meeting pushing back the scheduled News Conference. Whenever it starts, will bring you coverage of that. Coming next, its bbc news at six. Time for a look at the weather. Heres tomasz shaffernacker. Its pretty fresh out there and its not going to change. Last weekend, temperatures up to 25 degrees. Nothing like that coming up this weekend. Very cool for some others but the sun is pretty strong. The clouds moving from the north west in a south easterly direction. That is where ds dream is coming from, all the way from the north atlantic. The very far north of the north atlantic. It is pretty chilly out there. Scotland, north west england, could be a Touch Of Grass Frost first thing in the morning. Tomorrow, this is the rush hour. Not much of a rush with the weather. A few sunny spells, temperatures around 9 degrees. A few showers sneaking through here. You might need your brolly briefly. Some showers across Western Parts of scotland. Aberdeen, edinburgh, newcastle, probably drive. The Western Parts of the uk picking up the showers. They cant quite make it over the pennines. You can tell that the weather is pretty slow. Thursday afternoon, temperatures up to around 14 degrees in london, depending on the amount of sunshine. You could catch a few april showers. Into good friday, a slight change. The sky is more overcast. The dollar day across the uk. Some spots of rain across scotland. Some sunny spells around as well. More april showers on the way for the northern half of the uk. Friday night, more spots of rain across the south and north. Through easter, a bit of a mess on the weather map. The key is this High Pressure across southern areas of the uk. Basically, the further south you are, throughout the easter period, the better the weather will be. To be honest, its going to be more or less the same. Around 11 12 in london, just that little bit warmer. Thats it. A cluster of avoidable baby deaths at an nhs trust in england the Health Secretary orders an investigation. Many of the babies died in shropshire following failures to monitor their heart rate properly during labour. This mother lost her twin girls. They had four missed opportunities to deliver my girls. And they didnt. So now i get to spend the rest of my life going, what if, what if . At least seven babies died in the space ofjust over a year and a half we have an exclusive report. Also on the programme tonight the us Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson holds talks with Vladimir Putin as the russian leader says relations have worsened since President Trump. A rapturous welcome for the german team Borussia Dortmund a day after a bomb attack on their bus. A suspected islamist has been arrested

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