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Has a right to control who enters oui has a right to control who enters our country and to keep out those who would do us harm. Security services explain how theyve prevented 13 potential Terror Attacks in the past four years. In france, pressure grows for Francois Fillon to withdraw from the president ial race, but former Prime Minister alainjuppe says hes not prepared to step in. And 30 years after the zeebruge ferry disaster, relatives, survivors and rescuers return to remember the 193 people who lost their lives. Its five oclock. Our main story is the question over the future of thousands of vauxhall workers in the uk, following the news that the business has been bought by the French Motor Group Psa, which owns peugeot and citroen. Vauxhall has two factories, in luton and Ellesmere Port, and many morejobs rely on the plants. The business secretary, greg clark, told the commons that psa would honour its commitments to the workforce. And the head of psa said he had confidence in the british workforce, but said they would have to build a Sustainable Future for themselves, based on performance. Our correspondent ben ando is at the vauxhall plant in luton with the latest. Good afternoon. Here in the plant at luton, they employ around 1500 workers, also in the town there are rough out there are a further 1000 people who work in the head office and eight parts centre. People coming and going today have told us they are unsure about the future. In some ways, they are confident, in others, uncertain. It has been confirmed that the sale has been going will be going ahead, but that has not answered many of the questions they have, as Richard Wescott now reports. Its a deal to create a european car making giant. Second only to vw in the scale. But big deals can come at a price. Fears the new setup could leave thousands of uk jobs vulnerable. The new boss sought to calm nerves. I trust my vauxhall employees in the uk, i trust them. I know that they are skilled. I know they are dedicated. I know they are committed. And i trust that they will be in a very good position by working in a constructive and open manner with psa group colleagues to improve performance. As long as we improve the performance and we become the best, there is no risk they should fear. A500 people work at two uk plants. They make astras here at Ellesmere Port on merseyside. Although the current deal runs out in four years time. A deal to make vivaro vans just outside london in luton runs out a few years after that. 30,000 people also rely on those factories. People working in car showrooms, for example. The new combined group actually has 2a factories across europe, all of them now fighting for survival. Im asking the government to make certain they are at the table because the french and the german governments will be. Batting for our british plants and making certain that peugeot are committed to us. Britain is one of the most exciting places for innovation and research a new technology. The future of the Motor Industry is britain is bright is Motor Industry is britain is bright is bright in britain, and we will do everything we can to make sure it continues to be so. But the new group boss wants to cut costs. £1. 5 billion worth. And soon. Almost certainly hes going to have to close plants. He has too many, running at Underca Pacity. Plants use huge amounts of money unless they are really operating at least 85 capacity and the average of his plants now is closer to 70 so he has got to make hard decisions and he has made it clear he will make the bulk of them by around 2020, 2021. Vauxhalls uk future relies on a strong post brexit trade deal. Most of these vehicles go to europe. And most of the components come from europe. A good deal will leave the uk better off. Any new tariffs or red tape could make it harder to compete. Richard wescott, bbc news. At Shift Changeover a couple of hours ago, i spoke to an employee who said he has been here for 30 yea rs, who said he has been here for 30 years, since he was 19, and he said he has seen this sort of thing before. Vauxhall has always survived, in some ways, workers here are quite sanguine and philosophical about prospects for the future. They know they are among the most efficient plants in the new group stopped they also know that they have a deal here to carry on Manufacturing Plans for at least eight years. Nonetheless, there is the great unknown, and that is brexit. What type of deal will the government do with europe, and given that many of the components that make up the vehicles here are produced abroad and brought in, what will any new tariffs do to their efficiency and Cost Effectiveness . Back to you. Many thanks, ben. The labour mp iain wright is chair of the business and industry select committee. Your reaction, first of all, to todays news. I think it provides a degree of optimism in the short term, especially in terms of commitments made in Respect Ofjobs and pensions, but as we go closer to 202021, and pensions, but as we go closer to 2020 21, there is considerable uncertainty, and i think a true test of the governments newly Launched Industrial Strategy has to be that, in common with other european governments, we have to fight hard to retain this productive plant in oui to retain this productive plant in our country. One expert said that there was no worse time, in a way, to be talking about the Motor Industry in the uk because of all this uncertainty around the brexit negotiations. Is that too pessimistic . The Automotive Industry is in pessimistic . The Automotive Industry isina pessimistic . The Automotive Industry is in a position of strength at the moment. We are strong, productive and efficient, with a great workforce, which is in ourfavour. The Chief Executive of the new company has said that cutting costs isa company has said that cutting costs is a key thing he wants to achieve. He will want to simplify Assembly Lines so that different brands will be able to be produced on a similar assembly line. People want to cut costs in terms of Raw Materials and components, and that will have an impact in respect of our industry in the uk. As your piece said, we import Something Like 75 of Raw Materials and components, which comes at a cost, so any uncertainty about a deal for brexit undermines the confidence we can have going forward. Another factor, listening to another expert this morning, was that traditionally it has been easier to sack workers in the uk than in france or germany, for example, which is a cause for concern for some. That is true. It is difficult to sack workers in france and germany. And forget, there are key elections in france and germany this year, so the idea that those candidates going for the french presidency and the german chancellor ship wont be pledging to sack workers in those plans but rather to support them. We have to fight hard. This is a good plant and a good asset in terms of manufacturing. In a fierce continent that has Underca Pacity manufacturing. In a fierce continent that has undercapacity in their car plants, we have to make sure that we go every inch to make sure we can safeguard this for britain. Do you expect psa to look for some reassurances, if not some quiet deal in line with other things we have seen in line with other things we have seenin in line with other things we have seen in this industry in the past six months . I would like to see interest in Research And Development. I would like to see support for the new astra model, which is due around 2020. And business rates. If a car plant wants to invest in new plant and machinery to invest in new plant and machinery to make it more competitive, it faces an additional tax bill when it comes to business rates. The chancellor has an opportunity to deal with that in the budget in two days. I hope that he does something about it. As you say, you are underlining the exceptional performance of these british workers over the past few years, and that must be underlined, but if there is no certainty about membership of the customs union, around the single market, it doesnt matter how brilliant those workers are, it is a considerable disadvantage, isnt it . Absolutely, that is spot on. The Prime Minister said in relation to the nissan deal that no deal is better than a bad deal, well, that is not true when it comes to the Automotive Industry, because if we dont have a deal, we will have to go to wto oh rules wto rules. It might wipe out the profitability and undermine the survival of these pla nts undermine the survival of these plants and others across the country. Ian, thanks forjoining us. Within the past hour, President Trump has signed a new temporary travel ban to prevent citizens from six mainly muslim countries from entering the United States. But iraq has been taken off the list after his controversial first attempt was blocked by the courts. And its thought it also wont apply to green card holders. This was President Trump signing the Executive Order that brought in his original travel ban. It was the end of his first week in office, and it immediately caused controversy, confusion, and at some airports, chaos. It stop those from seven muslim majority countries from travelling to the us, leaving some already on their way with valid Travel Documents in limbo. There we re Travel Documents in limbo. There were protests. Those opposed to the measures called them unfair and discriminatory. President trumps supporters saw them as necessary to protect the country from terrorism. In the end, the ban was blocked by the courts. Now, a new Executive Order has been signed. There will still be a 90 day ban on travel for people from six countries instead of seven. Iraq has been taken off the list. Those from the six countries will already have valid visas will hold green cards wont be affected, and the new measures are to take effect in ten days, not immediately, as was the case last time. The Executive Order signed by the president earlier today protecting the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States is a vital measure for strengthening our national security. It is the president s solemn duty to protect the american people, and with this order, President Trump is exercising his rightful authority to keep our people safe. There was no high profile ceremony this time. Instead, seniorfigures in the administration set out what it meant and said those involved in implementing the ban had been fully briefed. Lets go to washington. The circumstances of this and the likelihood of opposition to it, how do you assess that . I think there will certainly be opposition. We already see groups like the American Civil Liberties union saying this is a watered down version of the moslem band we saw at the end of january and they will challenge it in the courts the same way they did that first ban. The Trump Administration took into account some of those legal challenges. They crafted this order somewhat more narrowly, not talking about giving preference to religious minorities when they begin reprocessing refugees. They took iraq off the list. There was a lot of protest about not allowing iraqi translators to come here. It is circumscribed, but there will be challenges over whether this is a muslim ban because of the countries covered. It could violate freedom of religion here in the us. The politics and political scenery and showcasing today, no great thing with the president in the oval 0ffice. With the president in the oval office. We saw the three senior figures in the press conference. What do you make of that and the way this has been presented in contrast to the first one . I think it is fascinating. It seems like the lawyers have ta ken fascinating. It seems like the lawyers have taken over the process rather than the political operatives, like steve bannon stephen miller, who were reportedly do people spearheading the first, rather broad, fake band that was issued in the first week. Vague ban. Some people will see it as a Campaign Promise that was not fulfilled, but the fact that they are doing it on a quiet level, where donald trump did not even do a public signing, and hed voted to officials to answer questions, they are being much more careful. But they want to have at least something they want to have at least something they can claim is an accomplishment on the immigration issue. Given how busy the president has been on social media over the past few weeks, anything around this in terms of his activity of what he is saying . Is he being unusually quiet . After saturday mornings outburst on barack 0bama and wiretapping, he has been relatively quiet, just a few tweets on sunday morning. He has backed down a lot, so i think he may let this order speak for itself. He defended the first order, saying how important it was that it happened immediately, because otherwise people would sneak into the country. This one has a ten day delay. I dont think he wants people to nit pick the differences. We will see how long that lasts. I would not be surprised if he took to twitter ra nt be surprised if he took to twitter rant was more aggressive. To pick up on one thing, if i may, because lots of people are still interested in the events of the weekend and the way that the attack on barack 0bama played out. How do you assess that today, and what is the considered view after a few days . There is still a lot of concern, particularly in congress, about it. His tweets changed the dynamic of the debate in this country and the topics of conversation to being much more about his unfounded at least at the moment, allegations about the previous administration. The republicans in congress had planned on this being a week where they would focus on health care reform, and now they are having to defend their president , or back away from their president , or back away from the president , in many cases. It is changing and undermining the messages, so i think that the travel order is going to change the subject a little bit, but i dont think theres going to completely change theres going to completely change the conversation away from Donald Trumps saturday morning tweets. Good to talk to you. Thank you. This is Bbc News At Five. The headlines trade unions are calling on the government to fight for british Jobs At Vauxhall after the Car Manufacturer was bought by the french owners of peugeot and citroen. President trump has signed a new ban on travellers from six mainly muslim countries, after the us courts blocked his original order. 13 potential uk Terror Attacks have been prevented in almost four years, according to Counter Terrorism police, as the public is urged to be vigilant. Slattern ibrahim of each and another player have been charged with misconduct. Asim wenger has denied reports that Alexis Sanchez was involved in a Training Ground row in the run up to saturdays defeat to liverpool. Speculation over the players future growth. The fa have tabled a series of proposals to increase diverse city, including reserving three board places for female members. I will be back with a full update around half past. The former french Prime Minister alain juppe has announced he will not be a candidate in next months president ial election. There was growing speculation that he was preparing to step in to replace Francois Fillon, the Current Centre right candidate, who is under growing pressure to drop out because of corruption allegations. Joining me now to talk us through the twists and turns of this election is pierre haski, former Deputy Editor of the French Daily Newspaper Liberation and co founder and ceo of the french independent news website, rue89. Com. What should people make of the current state of this race, given that mr fillon is still there despite all the forecasts that he would be gone by today . Mr fillon inaudible he organised the big event in paris, and the rally was big enough to make you feel that he could continue, big enough to convince people that the real problem today is that there is still nothing convincing in the right wing party that has dominated him. That he can win. So, there are still a lot of discussions after mr zhu pei decided not to run, to see how to deal with it. Alainjuppe. It isa how to deal with it. Alainjuppe. It is a real deadlock for the right. When we look at the kind of people involved, three big figures, mr fillon, alain juppe, and involved, three big figures, mr fillon, alainjuppe, and Nicola Shakur Rosie Nicolas Sarkozy what do you make of this . He lost heavily in the primaries, Nicolas Sarkozy, but he is still someone who carries a lot of weight. He has a lot of followers and the leadership of the party, and obviously, the fa ct of the party, and obviously, the fact that he is a former president gives an extra weight. At the moment, there is a key role for him in trying to keep the unity of the party. There are three radically different factions in the party, and the unity of the right is really in danger. You could hear this morning how deep the bitterness and resentment is within the republican party. Thank you for talking to us today. A little glitch on the sound, for which we apologise, but we certainly got the full message that pl was giving us on the state of the Election Campaign in france. 13 potential uk Terror Attacks have been prevented in almost four years, according to Counter Terrorism police, as the public is urged to be vigilant. The uks most senior Counter Terrorism Police Officer has also revealed that more than 500 investigations are being carried out at any one time. He disclosed the figures as he launched an appeal that aims to get members of the public to report any suspicious behaviour. Our home affairs correspondent, daniel sandford, reports. Checking on a huge bag of fertiliser he planned to use for an alqaeda Bombing Campaign against nightclubs and shopping centres. This was 0mar khyam in 2004, unaware he was being watched by police. A Woman Working at the Storage Warehouse had tipped off detectives, potentially saving hundreds of lives. If you have a concern about something you have seen or heard that could identify a terrorist threat, report it. A new Police Campaign reminds the public of the Important Role they have in fighting terror. It could be anything that strikes you is unusual. Detectives say in one third of the most high risk recent investigations, information from the public has helped. In the background are the devastating attacks in mainland europe. The trucks driven into crowds in berlin and nice. The mass shooting combined with Suicide Bombs in paris and brussels. Also so called Islamic State or daesh attacks, inspired or even controlled from a distance. You have to go outside. We see increasing use of encrypted communications which can instantaneously and dynamically link terrorists across the world. That brings about a greater danger for us in our communities that someone in our community could be influenced by someone working in a Terrorist Stronghold on the other side of the world. Counterterrorist police are working with the threat level of severe, which means that an attempted Terrorist Attack is considered to be highly likely. It has been like that since the end of 2014 and there is no sign of the level coming down in the coming months or even years. An analysis of where most convicted terrorists lived has identified london and the west midlands. 0ne tenth of all those convicted in the whole of the uk came from just five wards in birmingham. It is not surprising that big cities like london and birmingham which have very large and diverse populations, pockets of deprivation, will have a significant number of terrorists but that should not take away from the fact that a Terrorist Attack can take place anywhere in the country. Police said today they have thwarted 13 Terrorist Attacks on the uk in the past four years and they are currently running around 500 counterterrorist investigations at any one time. Daniel sandford, bbc news at new scotland yard. A 79 year old man is being questioned for a second time on suspicion of the murder of a schoolgirl more than 50 years ago. 14 year old elsie frost was stabbed from behind as she walked through a Railway Tunneljust off a Canal Towpath in wakefield in West Yorkshire in october 1965. The man who was arrested this morning in newbury, berkshire hasnt been named, but its understood hes peter pickering, who was arrested in september last year and bailed. Talks are underway in belfast to try to form a new power sharing government. The two largest parties, the democratic unionists and sinn fein, are still divided over a Green Energy Scheme that led to the collapse of the previous administration. 0ur ireland correspondent chris page is at stormont. How much progress are they likely to make in these talks . There has been a lot of activity today. The members of the assembly who were elected last week are moving into their offices today, but there is no guarantee they will be able to take their seats in the Assembly Chamber just over a able to take their seats in the Assembly Chamberjust over a there. The future of devolution remains uncertain. Today has been the start in earnest of talks to try to restore devolved government here. James brokenshire, the Northern Ireland secretary, has held bilateral meetings with each of the top five parties here at stormont, and in the last hour, there has been and in the last hour, there has been an meeting which has the most important of all the democratic unionists and sinn fein, the two parties who did form a Power Sharing Parliament here that collapsed in january have held a meeting themselves. They havent given much away as to what they talked about, to the mood was like to stop one sinn fein member said the mood was businesslike, but it is the start of talking, the start of a process, and in spite of the fact that the rift is very deep, and everybody says it will be an uphill struggle to get an agreement, what we have heard from the parties today has been conciliatory, in contrast with the harsh rhetoric of the Election Campaign. Both of the two big parties, sinn fein and the dup, say they are serious about getting power sharing back, that they believe a deal can be done. Whether it can be done in the three week time frame which the legislation officially allows for remains to be seen. Officially allows for remains to be seen. There is no deal after that, the Northern Ireland secretary has to call yet another election. The legislation says he has to do that within a reasonable time frame. There may be some leeway, and in the Northern Ireland political process, deadlines do come and go. When we talk about the deal, lets spell it out, is that to do with the main jobs, or is it based on the Policy Programme . Ideally, the parties would want to get into a position where they negotiated a programme for government, settling for pieces of legislation they would pass. For example, same sex married it is not legal here in the dup are against it. Brexit is not likely to feature. Many complicated issues, but the key Sticking Point seems to be that sinn fein said it will not serve any power sharing executive headed by Arlene Foster as First Minister until a public enquiry investigating her role in a controversial Green Energy Scheme reports, but that is at least six months away. The dup have resisted that the man, but this afternoon, Arlene Foster had a brief word with the media and said it was Reg Retta Ble The Media and said it was regrettable that sinn fein were setting up red lines. She said her party werent setting out any will stop she wasnt ruling out the possibility that she would remain leader of the dup. It is possible that someone else could take over the dup in a caretaker role. Plenty of talking still to be done, plenty of talking still to be done, plenty of complex matters to be worked through, and we are at the start of what is likely to be a three week process at least. Chris, understood early stages. Thank you very much. I will bring you up to date with the headlines at the moment in a moment. Time for a look at the weather. Heres nick miller. Clear spells and showers tonight. Showers will move into North West Scotla nd showers will move into North West Scotland North West England and south west scotland. 0ne scotland North West England and south west scotland. One or two fog patches around going into tomorrow morning, and there will be A Touch Of Frost in many places. A lot of fine weather to be had tomorrow. Early showers in North West Scotland, not many left by the afternoon. Some rain moving from orkney to shetland. Good sunny spells elsewhere. Northern ireland, South West England and wales, a Freshening Breeze with outbreaks of Rain Building in through the afternoon. The wet weather pushes towards the east tomorrow night, so we will all get it at some stage. It stays unsettled for the rest of the week. Not a wash out. There will be drier, brighter moments, particularly on thursday and friday, when it will be mild, with temperatures in the mid teens. This is Bbc News At Five the headlines. The head of french Car Giant Psa has played down fears of british Plant Closures after its takeover of vauxhall saying he has faith in the uks 4,000 workers. As long as we improve the performance and we become the best, there is no risk they should fear. President trump has signed a new Executive Order imposing a ban on travellers from six mainly muslim countries iraq is no longer included. 13 potential uk Terror Attacks have been prevented in almost four years according to Counter Terrorism police as the public is urged to be vigilant. A zoo in cumbria has lost its license after almost 500 animals died there in the last four years. A good time to catch up with the sport. Good afternoon. Manchester uniteds Zlatan Ibrahimovic and bournemouth defender tyrone mings have both been charged with violent conduct following their Premier League match on saturday. Mings appeared to catch the head of the player with his studs as he lay on the ground. The striker then caught the defender in the face with his elbow moments later. Mings could be faced with a longer ban above the standard three matches, after the fa said the standard punishment would not be fit in his case, if found guilty. Both incidents, were missed by the match officials the two players have until tomorrow evening to respond to the charge. The arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has denied striker Alexis Sanchez was involved in a Training Ground row in the lead up to Saturdays Premier League defeat to liverpool as speculation surrounding the players future grows. Sanchez took part in full training this morning having only featured in the second half of arsenals 3 1 defeat. Its believed the incident was behind his omission from the first team, something wenger dismissed. Completely false, but i understand that you have to feed the newspapers and we respect that. When you do not win the games, it is not always down to real stories. We have to accept that. Alex sanchez has 15 months on his contract, said the decision about whether he is here or not depends on Arsenal Football Club not anybody else. The fa have today tabled a series of proposals to reform the organisation. They include reserving three places on the Fa Board Forfemale members only and adding eleven new members to the fa council to better reflect the diversity in english football. Heres the fa chairman greg clarke. I think it is important that the fa is representative of the society we are in, we need ethnic and gender diversity. Boards that are diverse are more effective throughout the Business World that is a drive for diversity because boards make better decisions and that is also drop also true football. Therell be no Champions League football On Terrestrial Tv from the start of the 2018 season after bt sport secured the exclusive rights for both live matches and highlights. It has cost bt £1. 2 billion for a three year deal, and includes all Champions League and Europa League live games, highlights and in match clips of both competitions. The bbc has secured the rights for the 2019 womens world cup which will see them broadcast coverage of every game. England came third at the tournament in canada two years ago after they beat germany in the play off. That tournament reached more than 12 Million People on bbc tv last time round. England will attempt to succeed the usa as champions in two years time. And tony bellew says hes not sure whether hell fight again. After victory in the all british Heavyweight Bout against david haye on saturday, a rematch had been talked about. But bellew said hes not sure he could put his body through it. I dont know. I hope he gets healthy as soon as possible. I will take some time out to recover and spend time with my family. And then we will see. Im not sure if i can go through this any more, i will be totally honest, im not sure if my body can go through with it. I have far exceeded what i set out to do in business and game. I really have. So, it will take take Something Special to bring me back out. I am being totally honest. Thats all sport for now. You can keep up to date with all those stories on the bbc sport website. Thats bbc. Co. Uk sport and ill have more in sportsday at half past six. More on the main story, the questions over the future of thousands of vauxhall workers in the uk following the news that the business has been bought by the French Motor Group Psa which owns peugeot and citroen. Vauxhall has two factories in luton and Ellesmere Port and many morejobs rely on the plants. The business secretary, greg clark, says hes cautiously optimistic about their future. The head of psa said he wanted to Return Vauxhall In Britain and opel in germany to profit but said workers would have to build a Sustainable Future for themselves, based on performance. A heavily qualified statement of confidence. Our Business Editor simon jack is at the geneva motor show. What is the mood music and what do people make of this deal . Everyone would prefer them to be talking about their shining new models which they are rehearsing behind me to unveil tomorrow but no chance of that, everyone talking about this deal which is redrawn the Car Manufacturing Map of europe. General motors is leaving europe after 100 yea rs, motors is leaving europe after 100 years, and psa which owns peugeot and citroen moving into it and moving in different directions. What eve ryo ne moving in different directions. What everyone agrees on is moving in different directions. What everyone agrees on is that the 24 pla nts everyone agrees on is that the 24 plants that this combined company will have across europe is too many and referred there is no immediate threat tojobs, and referred there is no immediate threat to jobs, commitments will be honoured through to 2021 or 2025 in Ellesmere Port, but after that up to every side to prove its worth in the company and of course carjobs have a political residence resonance. Uk government will be up against french, german, polish and spanish governments to make supportive noises about the industry in their country. So expect some car friendly noises from the chancellor of the exchequer on wednesday around things like battery technology, Electric Cars, and the head of nissan will have to be at the head of his game. Interesting the way the statement of confidence were expressed today. Going back to the statement by the head of psa, talking about workers having to build a Sustainable Future for themselves, very much based on performance. When is that im confident in their ability he then added, as long as of course they are performing and doing really well. So heavily qualified at this point. Performing and doing really well. So heavily qualified at this pointm is if you like a rather sinister gau ntlet is if you like a rather sinister gauntlet being thrown down saying your destiny is in your own hands but we will have Performance Thresholds that you will have to meet. An implied or else in that. I think people will take comfort from the fact that there is no change any time soon. And there will be a chance to adjust to the new realities of life outside the eu for example because of course that is on peoples minds. I spoke to the Chief Executive of volkswagen and he said i have no advice for the Prime Minister but i forget terence, people will pay more. So a bit of time for some of those uncertainties to bed in. But after 2021 it will be every plant for itself and 24 plants thatis every plant for itself and 24 plants that is too many and there will be inevitable cost cost cutting. They want to triple Profit Margin is and you cannot do that without trimming some fat and National Governments will be keen that their workers will not be amongst those which fall by the wayside. You mentioned of course the budget coming on wednesday with much pressure on the chance not least in social care and health, so what you expect he might be able to say in terms of the Motor Industry given that we are seeing acute interest in it this week . I think were going to hear a lot of what seem to work with nissan and that was saying look, the money that we do have we are going to target towards things Like Research and development, additional skills, Technical Training and all thatis skills, Technical Training and all that is good news for the car industry. There will also be a focus on battery technology, Electric Cars and actually the uk has developed something of a Leadership Position in that, sunderland have a battery plant, dyson spent a lot of money and peugeot and psa citroen are lagging behind their rivals a bit in the electric car stakes. So if they can say to them you need to go further in this direction and we can help you do that, nissan believed in that and maybe, given the chance to heed to help you achieve those goals. So an interesting story to tell when it comes to Research And Development and battery and electric ca Rs Development and battery and Electric Cars and he could play that card very strongly on wednesday. Professor peter wells is head of business and sustainability at cardiff business school. Thank you for coming in. Greg clarke says he is cautiously optimistic about the future of these vauxhall jobs, do you share that optimism . must say i would emphasise the cautious rather than the optimistic. If you strip away what was said today by the ceo of psa, he was not really offering anything new or anything concrete that you could build on other than the fact the plant has a project underway with astra and until astra finishes there is work for the after that is not clear. What will that depend upon . A lot of factors come into play, fundamentally it is about how much capacity the group in its combined form has, relative to its sales. At the moment that is an equation that does not work out too well. Theres more capacity than they can use at the moment and if they can build a stronger Market Presence than they might be able to use that plant as well. If there is no certainty about membership of the customs union, no certainty around access or membership of the single market, how does that then affect the equation is looking ahead three or four yea rs . Is looking ahead three or four years . I think there is a concern, what is going on is a policy vacuum. And that is bad news for investors. They do not like that kind of situation at the best of times and i think the sooner the cabbie clarity and a coherent industrial policy, the better for this plant and the rest of the industry in the uk. What would make sense for psa to maintain these plans in the uk that same five yea rs these plans in the uk that same five years time, what would be the factors that would convince them to do that . It might notjust be a case of retaining the plants, for example they might look to find another buyer whose portfolio needs the augmentation of the uk presence. It may be a uk group would be interested in taking them over and so interested in taking them over and so there are other possibilities. Always important to bear in mind. When we look at the overall picture, the industry across europe today, of course we have now seen a the industry across europe today, of course we have now seen a major change in terms of patters of ownership, what does that lead you to think in terms of the shape of the industry europe wide . To think in terms of the shape of the industry europewide . Notjust europe wide, one interesting aspect of this story is General Motors has pulled out of europe. We are rather neglecting that aspect. This industry has pushed the idea of a Global Business for many years. No one has yet achieved it. General motors is the latest to retreat from that strategy and at the moment i do not see anyone really becoming a global player. That is interesting, this is a sea change in Industry Strategy in a sense. What could the government do, particularly now with the budget this week and the chancellor, the kind of signals he could send out by the kind of help that he could offer. When we see what happened with nissan for example, what happened with nissan for exa m ple, clearly what happened with nissan for example, clearly there was some understanding achieved there. What but the government be trying to look at in terms of psa and vauxhall . Notwithstanding what was done with nissan, what is needed is a cohesive policy dealing with the whole industry on a reasonable basis. And the concern right now is it is piecemeal, ad hoc, case by case and that leaves everyone guessing and uncertain as to what the outcomes will be. This budget, i cannot see there is a lot that could be done to solve the problem other than perhaps indicating future investment in training and Research And Development. When we hear the head of psa saying uk workers will have to build a Sustainable Future for themselves, based on performance, do you read into that the positive challenge or a slightly threatening message . To be fair for anyone plant in the group, their nearest competitor is other planets in the group. It has been like that for vauxhall within the opel group will be like that within the psa group. That is what has been the case but think the challenge now is greater especially with us being outside of the eu. Thank you for coming in. There has been condemnation of Test Missiles launched by north korea. South korea has asked for a Swift Deployment of us made Missile Defence systems due to be installed later this year. A zoo where almost 500 animals died in four years has been refused a new licence by councillors in cumbria. South Lakes Safari Zoo was heavily criticised by inspectors who found that a tortoise had been electrocuted and Healthy Lion Cubs were put down because there was nowhere to put them. In 2013 a keeper there was mauled to death by a tiger. The zoos owner has 28 days to appeal. Our correspondent danny savage has been following the story. Councillors have been meeting here all morning to decide whether or not to grant a licence to the south Lakes Safari Zoo which is about 45 miles from here, a popular tourist attraction. People who visit it have mainly posted positive reviews of it in the past. But it had a very damning inspection by government appointed vets in january this year and reading their report, well over 130 pages long, it is no surprise, really that the councillors here have now decided to refuse permission for this zoo to continue. 486 animals died over a three year period up until september last year. They include tigers, giraffes, lemur. David gill, the owner of the zoo was singled out for criticism and basically he saw no problem with what was going on there with the number of deaths. Inspectors say they were dismayed, that an employee of the zoo told them that he was told to just dispose of any dead bodies and not tell anyone about them. So it was a pretty appalling catalogue of criticisms singled out by the inspectors injanuary. And the zoo will no longer have a licence to operate and equally the owner of the zoo could now appeal this decision and so things could continue. They say things have now approved at the zoo, the people who own it say that things are better so the Animal Welfare is really at the heart of this from now on, what happens to them, do they get taken into local Authority Care and dispersed to other zoos or do we now have to wait for an appeal from the owner to see where they go next and whether a new company could come in and run the site from now on. This is Bbc News At Five the headlines. Trade unions call on the government to fight for british Jobs Forecastle after the Car Manufacturer was bought by french owners psa. President trump assigned a new ban on travellers from 6 million was in countries after the us courts blocked his order. 13 potential uk Terror Attacks have been prevented in almost four years according to counterterrorism police. The public is urged to be vigilant. A former british soldier has been shot dead by Rural Herdsmen in kenya. Tristan voorspuy served as an army officer in the 19705 and had spent nearly 30 years as a rancher and safari operator. The killing comes amid continuing unrest over the invasion of large farms by armed herders. They say drought has forced them to find land on which to graze their cattle but ranch owners have accused local politicians of inciting the violence in the run up to the general election. Our correspondent Richard Galpin reports. Friends have described Tristan Voorspuy as a true officer and a gentleman. He was shot dead yesterday as he went to check the remains of a lodge which had been burnt down. For almost 30 years, he and his wife had run a Luxury Safari Company and ranch in the Northern Region of laikipia, one of the most important Conservation Areas in kenya. But recently this beautiful region has been turned into a Battle Ground for resources. Cattle herders driving their livestock, Tens Of Thousands of them, onto private farms and branches. The herders, armed and desperate, have pushed owners off their land. Already it is estimated at least a dozen people have been killed in clashes. Last month, a group of Foreign Tourists was evacuated by helicopter. At the root of this conflict is one simple thing. The need for water to keep both cattle and people alive. Kenya is in the midst of a drought which could soon affect 4 Million People. Translation we are very scared because our animals are dying. We are losing entire herds. If this continues, we fear we will die as well. As you can see, there is nothing here. We have no food. But it is also alleged this movement of cattle is being encouraged by some politicians to secure votes in the election in august. The conflict in which Tristan Voorspuy lost his life may well intensify in the coming months. 30 years ago 193 people died in one of the worst maritime disasters since the second world war. The Zeebrugge Ferry Disaster was britains worst Peacetime Disaster since the sinking of the titanic. The herald of Free Enterprise capsized within minutes of setting Sailfor Dover in 1987 because the ships staff had failed to close the bow doors. Today events are being held in the uk and in belgium to mark the anniversary and this morning, some of the survivors, rescuers, and families of the victims went out to sea to place flowers on the water where the ferry overturned. Our correspondent Duncan Kennedy reports. Diane bunker. Nadine bunker. Lynda burt. Daniel burthe. It is one of the iconic, tragic images of britains maritime history. The Upturned Hull of the herald of Free Enterprise, ship, people, too. Tomb. First, the plates slipped gently off the restaurant tables. With the poignancy of poetry, the bbcs kate adie captured the unfolding horror. Then suddenly the tables, the chairs and people crashed sideways and downwards. The windows were underwater, the water burst in, and the ship was in darkness. It was that darkness that those on board remember most. All the lights went out. It was completely pitch black dark. We could hear the inrush of water. Brian gibbons was that lorry driver on his first ferry trip. He was the last to be rescued. With the screams, the shouts and everything else, and unfortunately some people did not make it. The reason i am talking to you today is, i think, people need to know what happened because of the 193 who did not make it. Sorry. Gets me a bit. Today, in dover, three decades of memories and regrets were on the collective minds of 200 relatives and friends. Peter martin. Catherine mason. John millgate. Ivor moat. Christopher moy. The sheer number. It took six weeks for many relatives to learn their loved ones had died. Agonising enough for adults, an eternity for children, like kim spooner who was eight, and who lost her aunt and uncle. Oh, my goodness i remember it so vividly, sitting in our front room, hearing something terrible had happened in belgium, and my mother saying, i think billy and mary were on that ship. I did not really process what it meant at the time, to be honest. Sitting up all night waiting to hear them call and hoping they would get in touch and it did not happen. The herald of Free Enterprise had sailed with her bow doors open. An attempt to prosecute crew members and the Company Later collapsed. The victims may have been british but the horror was universal and profound. In zeebrugge today, wreaths for belgiums shared and prolonged anguish. The salvaged ships bell was brought to its final Resting Place in dover. An artefact to go with recollections of a maritime disaster whose wake endures. Its estimated that 40,000 people in the uk are dying prematurely due to Health Problems linked with air pollution. The World Health Organisation says more than 90 percent of people worldwide are breathing polluted air. All this week bbc news is looking into the issue as part of our so i can breathe series. One problem is the pollution caused by cars keeping their engines on when theyre parked or waiting in traffic. John maguire reports. At schools right across the uk there is a Quiet Revolution under way and it sounds like this. The problem is idling, parents leaving their engines running while they wait at the school gates, so now they are being targeted by anti pollution patrols. Of course, i understand. Obviously we are trying to educate people. Its yet another success for this anti idling patrol. These volunteers in islington have been trained in what to say to drivers to persuade them to switch off and to deal with some of the inevitable excuses. Campaigners say this is about local people cleaning up their local streets. Today its about this street in this area, trying to reduce Pollution Levels for the pupils at the school. So just how much difference can switching off your engine make . Testing in one location saw that by Stopping Idling Pollution Levels dropped by a third. The bigger message is that it helps people understand the impact of small actions on the larger problem. And theres always this approach. Im sorry to bother you but your engines running. You wouldnt turn it off, would you . Im just thinking of emissions. For the past six years as he walks to work in the theatres of the west end of london, the actor nigel havers is a man on a mission. A lot of the drivers dont know who the hell i am. Theyve said some pretty choice things to me. But generally speaking people are really aware, they go, oh, no, i hadnt thought of that, 0k, and they turn it off. Lets hope they remember. Admittedly, this is a drop in the ocean, or a particle in the air if you like, when compared to the global problem of air pollution, but new Research Shows changing habits, switching off engines, can make a difference in protecting our most precious resource. All this week well be covering the issue of pollution and what can be done to improve air quality as part of our so i can breathe series. And you can watch and read plenty more online at bbc. Co. Uk soicanbreathe. Time for a look at the weather, heres nick miller. Sunshine and showers for many today, most of us will have seen some blue skies at some stage of the day. It couldve been a different story, low pressure gave a glancing blow to South West England, and made for a wet start to the channel islands. And we had some strong wind to exposed parts of north west france. 120 miles an hour. This system continues to pull away from us and we have light wind overnight. Still some showers around, across parts of Western Scotland and into the midlands, they continue well into the night. But with any clear spells trumpeters mean that A Touch Of Frost as possible. Temperatures. But look at the extent of the vine of the fine weather tomorrow morning. Some outbreaks of rain in shetland, continuing drive for many but notice this area of rain coming into Western Parts of the afternoon goes on. Not making much progress into scotland at this stage but it will be across Northern Ireland giving a wet end to the david gauke we continue with sunny spells at this stage for the north of england, the midlands, south east. At this stage the range is pushing on across cornwall and into south and west wales and again with the starred in to freshen. Further east holding on the fine weather. Going into the evening, we have a lot of wet weather further east of the evening goes on. Sam hillsnow weather further east of the evening goes on. Sam hill snow across scotland. Much of that has gone by wednesday. Elsewhere you get some sunshine, quite windy. Gales in the north of scotland with showers moving through. And then on thursday quite a bit of dry weather to begin with. Then the Weather Front starting to push north, a warm front, the leading edge of milder air reaching us during thursday and friday with term which is widely into double figures. Some spots reaching into the mid teens. But with plenty of cloud. So wet at times during the week, there will be some drier moments, not a huge amount of sunshine after tomorrow. But it will be telling milder briefly for thursday and friday. Turning milder. Check out the forecast wherever you are online. Concerns for thousands of Jobs At Vauxhalls uk plants after its sold to a french car maker. The new owners try to allay the fears of more than 4000 people who work at luton and Ellesmere Port but many are concerned. Weve all been worried, of course. Were all going to be worried because weve all got families. I myself have been here nearly 30 years. Disbelief because no one really knows whats going on. As again, we havent been told. Ministers say theyre cautiously optimistic about the future well be asking if they are right to be. Also on the programme. President trump orders a new travel ban on citizens from six mainly muslim countries this time iraqs left off the list. Advert voiceover dont worry, dont delay, just act. Call the police in confidence. The new drive by Counter Terrorism police to keep the public alert as they reveal theyve thwarted 13 potential plots in four years

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