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She said in the eyes of many, the wealthy appeared to be playing by a different set of rules and extremists were seeking to exploit these fears. Addressing leaders at the World Economic forum in davos, swizerland, the Prime Minister said the uk was facing a period of momentous change and must forge a new role in the world. Our Business Editor simonjack has the story. Theresa may stepped out to face the global elite she has been so scathing about. An audience she acknowledged was still struggling to understand the referendum result. I know that this, and the other reasons britain took such a decision, is not always well understood internationally. Particularly among our friends and allies in europe. Some of our European Partners feel that we have turned our back on them, and i know that many fear what our decision means for the future of the eu itself. But she reassured them it was about taking back control rather than turning our back and said the uk remained a faithful partner. Britain will always be open for business and open to investment in infrastructure, open to businesses, open to those who want to buy our goods and services, and open to businesses. Breaking straight afterwards, the dutch Prime Minister insisted this there would be a cost for leaving. The uk is making a choice, to control migration, and they are paying a huge price, the economic welfare of the uk will be impacted negatively, they will be leaving the biggest market in the world. After hsbc and ubs announced jobs will be leaving the uk, better news today from barclays. I think the uk will continue to be the financial lungs for europe. We may have to move certain activities and we may have to change the legal structure that we use to operate in europe but it will be at the margin and will be manageable. She saved her sternest language for business. At the same time as promoting this openness, we must heed the underlying feeling that there are some companies, particularly those with a global reach, who are playing by a different set of rules to ordinary working people. And so it is essential for business to demonstrate leadership. Did the audience get the message . Business leaders i speak to really do understand that not everybody gets the benefit of globalisation in a practical sense or an understandable sense, but i sense a real determination to fix that. She made it clear that the government will intervene to improve behaviour if necessary, a hint, perhaps, of what we get from her industrial strategy unveiled next week. A short while ago our economics editor kamal ahmed spoke to the Prime Minister at the World Economic forum in davos, where he started by asking theresa may what she thought of the decision by large banks to move thousands ofjobs out of the city and across to the continent. Is what i have described in my speeches i have spoken about brexit and actually overambition as britain, our ambition for a Global Britain, our ambition for a Global Britain, notjust britain, our ambition for a Global Britain, not just with britain, our ambition for a Global Britain, notjust with a good Free Trade Agreement but is trading around the world, and we have seen a number of countries that want to do Trade Agreements with us and today the australians have confirmed their commitment for a trade deal with the united kingdom. I want to be ambitious for the uk van damme ambitious for the uk van damme ambitious for the uk van damme ambitious for what we can achieve, trading with the eu and around the world, a truly Global Britain. What have the banks said to you about why theyre moving jobs . have the banks said to you about why theyre moving jobs . I have had positive discussions about benefits from the City Of London and what has brought them to the City Of London and how we can continue to build on that for the future. There are huge benefits for investment in the uk with a fundamentally Strong Economy and the Service Sector that is important to us and valued around the world. I believe a truly Global Britain can bring jobs and prosperity to the uk. britain can bring jobs and prosperity to the uk. I wasjust wondering if you agreed with the Prime Minister of malta, the head of the International Monetary fund, european commissioners who also say, whatever deal britain manages to get with the european rain, it will be poorer economically than what we have at the moment. I think it is in the interests of not just the have at the moment. I think it is in the interests of Notjust The Uk but the interests of Notjust The Uk but the european rain, the 27 countries who will remain, to have a good Trade Agreement with the uk which allows benefits for uk businesses to be trading with an operating within the Single Market, but also for businesses from those 27 countries to be operating within the united kingdom. I believe that is for both oui kingdom. I believe that is for both our benefits and then the Trade Agreement i negotiate i believe we will be able to do that. It will be different, we will not be members of the european rain, but i believe i wa nt the european rain, but i believe i want to build a strong Strategic Partnership with the eu because were not leaving europe. We want to continue to cooperate on security and defence and to get a good Trade Agreement which isnt all our interests. Lets go live to davos. She has had some bad news over the last couple of days, hsbc followed through on their threats seeing if we leave the Single Market they will move 1000 jobs to paris. Ubs have said they will move some jobs, as many as a thousand, but better news from the boss of barclays today. We have had Firm Commitments to move up to 2000, so it is a trickle rather than a flood, but dont be fooled. Some of the big players are making Contingency Plans and Goldman Sachs could move thousands to europe, Russell Coutts jp morgan. Could move thousands to europe, Russell Couttsjp morgan. What could move thousands to europe, Russell Coutts jp morgan. What they are going to do is wait for the fog to clear a little bit. They will see what kind of deal we can get and if she is through to her word and get a decent amount of access to european clients, they would like to stick around. She makes the point mark carne has made. London is the wholesale bank for the whole of europe and it will be very disruptive for them of the accesses to finish, so she has a chance but a lot are hovering around Contingency Plans, apart from hsbc and ubs they arejust plans, apart from hsbc and ubs they are just Contingency Plans. And the notion of a truly global vision, our european leaders buying that . L notion of a truly global vision, our european leaders buying that . A lot of them are still scratching their heads not sure what happened in the uk but they have been shot by a number of things. It is a global elite where the cat has been set among the pigeons, they didnt expect donald trump to become president or the uk to leave the european rain, so globalisation for people here is almost like an article of faith. But as we have seenin article of faith. But as we have seen in america and the uk, a lot of people have said we have seen what globalisation does and we dont like it. We had this stand . Somewhere in the middle. I am all for a globalisation and free trade but you have to clean up your act and if you dont, i am have to clean up your act and if you dont, iam prepared have to clean up your act and if you dont, i am prepared to intervene. A hint of what we may see from her industrial strategy that she gales at the beginning of next week. The Scene Atjoint Base and is on the outskirts of maryland and this is the aircraft that is bringing president elect donald trump from new york, just landed in readiness for the inauguration tomorrow. By this time tomorrow donald trump will have been sworn in as the 44th president. The Inauguration Ceremony will take place on capitol hill and is expected to draw hundreds of of to lee on their telezfision on their teieeision screens event on their Television Screens and other screens around the world. The Transition Team already in place. Hundreds of members of the Transition Team putting together thousands of appointments. They will need to be thousands to get this and tired administration into place. While we look at these images i would like to welcome our guest, the former worldwide Vice President of republicans overseas, now a member of the Transition Team and she is in oui of the Transition Team and she is in our studio of the Transition Team and she is in ourstudio in of the Transition Team and she is in our studio in washington. Thanks for joining us, i know it is a busy time. We will stay with you and see the images in maryland in the hope that we may catch a glimpse of the president elect. Give us a sense of the kind of activity going on behind the kind of activity going on behind the scenes. Tomorrow, they are getting ready for what they expect, up getting ready for what they expect, up to 900,000. In the security area, people who have standing tickets and setting tickets, there will be a quarter of a million people, and they have put 500,000 and two security. 0ne they have put 500,000 and two security. One of the things that came out when you were told you could come is you do not bring any self respect is. They are really very restrictive. Selfie sticks. We are actually feeling comfortable about it. When you say feeling co mforta ble, about it. When you say feeling comfortable, it is an event that is a Landmark Event in the history of the United States and there will be massive interest in the world. What kind of tone do you expect the president to strike when he makes a speech . I actually think it will be a rather down to earth speech. I know that he really wants to bring all sides together and he needs to put a stop to this animosity that is happening with the democrats. I love the british expression, throwing their toys out of the pram. These are leaders and they have a responsibility to represent their people, not just stomp responsibility to represent their people, notjust stomp their feet because they dont like what has happened. Donald trump is very concerned about the inner cities. He really believes. He is focusing on four different policy areas which she will talk about. One is tax reform, mostly for corporations, which we hope companies will read patriot the money over as we lower vat tax. Education. If those in the inner cities level with failing schools he wants to create the opportunity for people to find the right school for their kids. Whether it is vouchers are saving accounts there will be a variety of ways. The military is a very important issue for him, exceedingly important. The other thing i would say is this Infrastructure Bill which will make the democrats very happy because we like to spend money, that is something i would encourage people to follow because one of the other interesting things that happens in the first 100 days of the presidency, historically since 1993, and perhaps nothing has been historical or conventional wisdom, but it is the energy drilling, construction and financial stocks that generally go up in the first 100 days, so for investors i would encourage them to follow the news. We are still on the images as you speak to us because the daughter of the aircraft opened, then it goes again, so we may get a glimpse of donald trump and the family as they emerge from the plane in a few minutes time. You made that set of comments about the democrats and talked about unifying people. There is surely a great duty on the president himself to set an example and maybe abandon the kind of divisive tone he adopted in his campaign. 0k, divisive tone he adopted in his campaign. Ok, the campaign is over and he has one and i agree with you and he has one and i agree with you and he has also had that kind of talking. What i would really love is for 90 days the Liberal Media who absolutely cant stand him can just get him a chance and report things accurately instead of rehashing things from 15, 18 months ago. We are seeing some of the Family Members emerge from the plane, we will stay with you because we are all waiting to see whether the president elect himself emerges because we are having quite a few generations of the family and other relatives emerging from the plane. A us airforce relatives emerging from the plane. A Us Air Force Plane just landed at joint base andrews, not far from washington, dc itself, and this is an air base that will be very familiar in months and years to come for President Trump as he then will be. It is known by the callsign air force one, that is where they are kept. This really is the start of president elect tromps first taste of official transport, an airport closely associated with the sea wall of the presidency itself. You were saying the media needs to forget the campaign and get to grips with this new presidency. If we see him emerging, cani new presidency. If we see him emerging, can i take it from you that you think they will have something new to go on . Can i put it that way, that he will strike a different note because lots of people, not just the different note because lots of people, notjust the Liberal Media, have doubts over whether he is capable of striking a different note . When we say lots of people i really have to wonder because yesterday i was at the airport flying from chicago to ec, and they saidi flying from chicago to ec, and they said i am going to the inauguration, and this is illinois, a very blue state. He said, i dont understand why people are still upset, he won, get on with it and showed respect. Let me stop you. We are now seeing President Elect Trump and his wife. They emerge and are now in sight of power because this time tomorrow, they will be probably on their way to the white house, or at least in a few minutes time, this time tomorrow, 5 20pm london time, that Inauguration Ceremony will be drawing to a close on capitol hill and he will by that time be 7 . Some of 71 some before £5 ii £ if 2 . ,l l in, 7 lee ii e ls li l ll l lsz 7 trump lee i1 e ls li l l1 1 i lsz 7 trump gee lee 11 e l. l li l l1 1 i lt1l trumpg hisj dc, l; can i ask ou, because long time. Can i ask you, because g made long time. Can i ask you, because 7 made some remarks in past uqllmadq some remake . the least any different uetumede same lreteetkeih the fleet any different capacity about Donald Trumps state of mental preparedness. Are those remarks that you think now are ones we should forget . Heres the thing, i made the comment for two reasons. I was very about his behaviour but i. About his behaviour but i itrump ut his behaviour but l l l the l l l the assessment take the president ial Assessment Tool use 42 president s, and temperament was such a big issue that nobody wanted to speak about what i wrote because they preferred to argue fit or unfit, good, better, best, rather than the right temperament at the right time and we are all born with a temperament. 0ur behaviour, that is personality, and that comes from Social Environment and upbringing and values. I was exceedingly concerned mostly because he had no puts 16 very established politicians out and he took the nomination and i couldnt figure out why he was not related about it, and then what happened was on august 17, i made the comment on august three, he announced he was changing his staff. Two days later for the first time in his history ever, he ended up time in his history ever, he ended up apologising. He was surrounded by syco p ha nts up apologising. He was surrounded by sycophants who just want to write his coat tails not telling him the truth. What happened was steve bannon and Kelly Anne Conway came in and said guess what, you have a problem. That press conference, he said, i really regret that i have offended me, iwas efifig and mlet l vrfffirrnnlvrlmn he mlet l . l|f|. Lrnnlv. ln n| ll he could change mlet l . l1 . 1. L1r1. 1|. lmn1ll he could change his believe he could change his behaviour and they have to tell you i watched it so closely that i did not even vote until november seven because i really wanted to be sure that these changes really werent going to continue once he took office. I have a great belief in him. Just to underline the point and to be clear with our viewers, you no longer think there is any danger of evidence of him being psychologically unbalanced, and i think those were your wards at the time . I said the is an element of him that psychologically unbalanced andi him that psychologically unbalanced and i am very concerned because i dont know what is causing it. We go through a period in our lives being psychologically unbalanced. For me, it was understanding what was going on behind the scenes causing it to see if it was a very serious long term thing or if it was short and what i found out was there was such conflict going on between his staff and the rnc that he didnt even have time to thejoyce in getting the nomination and instead he took action. He got rid of the problem and put in people who really ran an Incredible Campaign for him from the middle of august on words. He is on his way and they are leaving joint base andrews, one last question, where will you be tomorrow . I will be seated in the section able to watch the inauguration. Enjoy it. We will hopefully talk to you in the weeks to come but thanks forjoining us today. Thanks for asking me. Thanks today. Thanks for asking me. Thanks to Herforjoining Us from today. Thanks for asking me. Thanks to herforjoining u you n today. Thanks for asking me. Thanks to herforjoining u you can today. Thanks for asking me. Thanks to Herfo Ofining U You can today. Thanks for asking me. Thanks to herfo ofinin inauguration of elifeei l l 1 the 1257553 The Lia States 114th president of the United States here on bbc news, our Coverage Sta Rts here on bbc news, our coverage starts tomorrow afternoon at 3pm british time, live from washington. He is due to be sworn in at 5pm british time. 3pm we will begin the live coverage and a couple of hours later we see the Inauguration Ceremony on capitol hill. After that the president will be making his way in that traditional cavalcade to the white house, plenty to see tomorrow. Lets talk about more of the days news. Three people have been killed and about 30 people are still missingm after a hotel in Central Italy was engulfed and partially destroyed in an avalanche. Specialist Mountain Rescue teams are having to shovel through huge mounds of snow and debris, to try to find survivors at the Hotel Rigopiano on gran sasso mountain in the central Italian Region of abruzzo. The building was struck yesterday after a series of earthquakes shook the region, as Frankie Mccamley reports. Buried in snow, barely visible, this is the three storey hotel hit by last nights avalanche. Now inside, the extent of the damage is becoming clear. Here, what looks like a reception with corridors leading to nowhere. Packed full of snow and debris. Translation the hotel was reached at 11 30am By Courageous Men who faced unbearable situations. We saw the video of rescuers reaching the hotel and these videos bear testimony to the sense of duty of the rescuers and the very Heart Conditions they are operating in. 0n skis, in the early hours, Mountain Rescue teams faced snowstorms to get to the area hit. With routes blocked to emergency vehicles, only manpower could save those trapped. One man is led to safety. Nearby, relatives faced an agonising wait for news. They are extracting them from the hotel and bringing them to hospitals, i think, but i dont know because its impossible for us to go up. 0thers text loved ones inside, urging them to stay calm. This morning, roads to the site are slowly carved out, reopening the area which is popular for skiers. Its thought yesterdays avalanche was caused by four major earthquakes in a region already fragile. This last year, three magnitude six tremors hit villages here between august and october. One of which left nearly 300 people dead. For those who have managed to reach the hotel, conditions have begun to ease, but dozens, including children, are still missing, as the extent of this tragedy begins to unfold. Im joined now by Tommaso Della longa. Hes from the Italian Red Cross and coordinating the response with the rescuers on the ground from rome. Can you bring us up to date with what is going on. The latest from the team that is used to working in mt scenarios, they are still working, and during the day, survivors were found on the latest news is one body was found but it is not confirmed. It is a Situation Thatis not confirmed. It is a situation that is changing every half an hour. That is understood. Do you have the latest figure on how many people you think are missing at this point . M is very difficult to say because it is very difficult to say because it is something that is in the hands of the colleagues trying to rescue people. Numbers in the middle of an emergency are always very difficult to tell. 0n the other situation, we are arranging support for people who could be alive and need medical treatment, and even if needed, support for the families coming in to understand what happened. We have been concentrating on this one the hotel and we see images of the damage to the hotel now. Do you fear that in this region that could be other buildings affected that we dont know about . Actually i dont think so. All of us, we are speaking about the hotel because there are a lot of people missing there, but the main issue since yesterday as the whole area, because as you said in your broadcast, it is a big area that was how it since last year several times, so it is difficult for people to live in a situation like that. You have two imagine that since last august these people are living in an emergency, so this is a big point, and on the other side, images of people who need assistance and lots of issues that we are trying to deal with. Thank you. Thanks to him for the update. The french yachtsman Amel Le Cleach has won this years vendee globe, the only round the world solo yacht race, which is sailed non stop and without assistance. Le cleach clocked up a record time for the race, spending 711 days, three hours and 35 minutes at sea. It meant second place for britains alex thomson, who is expected to finish in the early hours of tomorrow morning. Thomson recovered from a disastrous start and went on to break two world records, coming close to victory. 0ur Sports Correspondent Natalie Pirks has been following the race from the finish line at les sables d0lonne on Frances Atlantic coast. Hes battled everything the ocean has thrown at him, eating only freeze dried noodles and jelly, and survived on as little as 20 minutes sleep every few hours. Its a fair bet Alex Thomsons last few weeks have been very different to yours. When he set off with 28 other boats on the 6th of november, the Hampshire Yachtsman waved goodbye to his wife and two Young Children and attempted for the fourth time to become the first briton to win the vendee globe in the races 27 year history. We await the arrival. In fact, the only briton to win any kind of solo nonstop round the world race was thomsons mentor, sir robin knox johnston, in 1969. When thomson arrives back here at les sables d0lonne in the early hours of tomorrow morning, hell have racked up between 25,000 and 30,000 nautical miles, been past point nemo, the furthest point from civilisation on earth, and battled 23 foot waves. Hes making it look easy but its far from it. Probably the most difficult Sporting Challenge left on the planet today. When people ask for a photo we always say several thousand people have now climbed Mount Everest and over 1100 people have been into orbit, into outer space, but less than 100 people have managed to sail single handedly nonstop around the world. For alex there have been good moments. This is the Southern Ocean and its sunny. Bad moments. I do wonder why i do it, sometimes. And moments over christmas where his family worried he was going slightly mad. e 1eel lee; 1 1 eel1 it helps that earlier this week he smashed the world record for the greatest distance sailed solo in 211 hours. A new record. His rival knows hes been hot on his tail. It seems he will get his wish, a win from thompson now looks impossible, barring a major Technical Problem for armel le cleach. But when thomson arrives back not only will his family be waiting for him, but his team also have promised to have one hand the two things he has craved during his epic voyage, a hot burger and a cold beer. Natalie pirks, bbc news, vendee. With the celebration going on, lets talk to natalie near the finish line. This has been an amazing race on so many line. This has been an amazing race on so many levels, hasnt it . It has been absolutely remarkable. There was a huge cheer when the winger crossed the line. He is very popular, a frenchman, no other nationality has ever won this race in its 27 year history. They know how close alex thomson ran him. Fireworks were going off as he crossed the finish line. As he came down the canal but takes an hour to come into port, 100,000 people came to watch that. For alex thomson coming second, it cant be overstated how much of a feat that is. He is only the second briton to have come second in this challenge. Ellen macarthur did that in 2001. Lets put into perspective what this race involves. For ten weeks, alex hasnt seen another soul face to face. He hasnt had a toilet, or a kitchen. Face to face. He hasnt had a toilet, ora kitchen. He has face to face. He hasnt had a toilet, or a kitchen. He has been out of Helicopter Range for most of the race. If anything had happened to him, that would have been that. People have died. That is something his wife has had to come to terms with in her darkest hour. She had to put it to the back of her mind as to what could be happening to her husband. She has two Young Children with alex, george, two, and a six year old. Alex missed his six year olds birthday, and he has missed his daddy. They look forward to getting their hands on him. He will be given a little bit of time to sleep before he comes down the canal and greets everybody. 0f course, the first hug he will get is from his wife and children. Thanks very much, natalie. It has just turned 17 30. We will talk time for a look at the weather. An unusual situation, High Pressure across the country, so a very slow moving weather situation. With the High Pressure, we have a variety of weather, cold and frosty, and sunny in the cell. Underneath the cloud, quite grey and murky. But then some beautiful clouds and sunshine in the north. A cold night in the north and east, with frost, and an icy night in the south, with temperatures down to freezing. But well below, down to 60 7 in the countryside. Cold areas meeting cloud, freezing fog for east anglia, the midlands and wales. The good news, sunshine should become more abundant. Wales and the midlands, parts of Northern Ireland willjoin in as well. But it will not be warm. Temperatures around six or seven. Sunshine over the weekend, and if anything, it will be a bit colder still. But at least it is dry. Very usable weather. This is bbc news at five. The headlines llll ll llll el sgll e free markets and free trade but theresa may warns that the World Economy must work for everyone, not just the wealthy. A Rescue Operation is underway to find up to 35 people still missing following an avalanche in Central Italy, which buried a hotel. Asi as i was saying a short while ago. By this time tomorrow, donald trump will have been sworn in as the 115th president of the United States, after the Inauguration Ceremony on capitol hill, which is expected to draw hundreds of thousands of visitors to washington dc. Millions will watch around the world. Preparations are in full swing, two months after he won the president ial election. This week, weve been taking a road trip through the heart of america on route 115. Today, our correspondent jon kay is in tupelo, in the state of mississippi, the birthplace of Elvis Presley. Jons been speaking to the people there about their hopes for the next four years. Tonight, the Tupelo High School band will be travelling 900 miles for the first time. Geeeqel §; eeee l ummm. Donald trump got 60 of the votes in this state. The students might be playing for him, but that doesnt mean theyre all fans of the new man in the white house. If youd been able to vote, put your hands up if you would have voted for donald trump. Not exactly overwhelming. Three . I think some of his ideas are actually pretty quick, and i think he can make America Great again. Wejust have to believe in him and see what happens. You didnt put your hand up. No. Why not . I dont like him. Youre about to play him. I know, but im full too. Forced to. I like washington. I dont like him. Youre going for the trip, yeah . Basically. Lots of celebrities said no to performing for him at his inauguration, why did you say yes . Im not really a fan of him, but im going for the experience and for my band. Im not going for him. Im going for me. Music matters in this small southern town. In fact, it put tupelo on the map. Just off route 115 is the tiny house where Elvis Presley was born. But were not here to talk about the king, we want to talk about the new president. Because as well as producing rock n roll stars, tupelo produces cars. Look at this, 1957 chevrolet. I wish wed hired one of these for our road trip. Donald trump has promised a return to the heyday of american manufacturing. He says hell create jobs and improve trade deals. This local Steel Company supplies the car industry. They believe the new president will cut red tape, cut taxes and boost growth. I feel very optimistic. The boss here hopes donald trump will fill his government with tough business people. And then, if they dont do it, hell fire them but its not the apprentice, is it . No, its not politics is more complicated and more nuanced, is he going to be able to cope with the political diplomatic challenges . That remains to be seen. I think he has introduced something into the Political Landscape that has never been done before. Anything that you take to the parade is subject to being searched. The students are ready to go. Jon kay, bbc news, tupelo, mississippi. And tomorrow on the final day of his road trip following route 115, jon will be in alabama, at the uss alabama, a Second World War battleship which is now a museum. That will be the climax of the road trip for that will be the climax of the road tripfor him. That will be the climax of the road trip for him. That is on the day that mr trump becomes the president , the 45th that mr trump becomes the president , the 115th president of the us. Richard ford is a distinguished american novelist and writer, awarded the Pulitzer Prize for fiction for his novel independence day, hes in our studio in new york. It is very good to have you with us, thank you forjoining us today. Ijust thank you forjoining us today. I just watched trumps thank you forjoining us today. Ijust watched trumps plane banked over new york as i was coming down here, it had an eerie familiarity to it, i have to tell you. What was your sense as you saw it sweeping in ready to leave and go towards washington, dc . Say that again. My earpiece is falling out. Are you with me and happy now, richard . Iam Doing Richard . I am doing my best. Thank you so much. What was your sense as you saw it take off, bank and head for dc . What was your sense of the moment . It reminded me of september 11. That is what it first reminded me of. The prospect of trump becoming president is like finding a friend on the street, and put in a mental institution. In this case the mental institution, yourfriend is the architect of america. You have written memorably in the last few months about your sense of failing to understand what motivated people, or even at a more basic level, failing to understand your own country, is that still where you are today . I think the last have, eeee failures g reaching 5 g reaching that increment of. Hi e american that Lllll Lelll Lell Ll American 7that Voted R 1 the american electorate that voted for trump. Many that voted for barack 0bama for trump. Many that voted for ba rack 0bama voted for trump. Many that voted for barack 0bama voted for trump. These are people that simply dont have jobs, people who have been priced out of the housing market. There are a certain number of nihilists involved as well. But i still think i understand that very well. It doesnt make him a better president , it doesnt make him a better candidate, as a matter of fact. He isa candidate, as a matter of fact. He is a disruptive, but a lot of americans, and this goes to your point, a lot of americans wanted a disruptive, rather than what they perceive to be government as usual in the United States, which is what mrs clinton portrayed. I think i understand, but i will tell you something else. Even though progressives and conservatives feel about government different, and they feel about trump differently as well, they still depend on government. They still want government. They still want government to provide what government to provide what government has always provided, which is to say security, sense of continuity, a certain number of essential services, and a sense of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Those are things that trump is not going to be able to allude. There are those that say the result of this election, this outcome, was driven by hard economic factors, others say it reflects a shift in values, a more fundamental shift in cultural values, if you like, which can spill over into all areas of life. Where are you in that spectrum of reasoning . I loathe to say that it reflects a shift in values, just because i dont think that donald trump is particularly representative of values of any kind whatsoever. There is no doubt, and of course, mr trump got nearly 3 million votes fewer than mrs clinton, so that is one reason i did see a shift in values. Imean, the reason i did see a shift in values. I mean, the hard economic news, as you have just said, i mean, the hard economic news, as you havejust said, is probably the thing that caused him to get as many votes as he did. But a shift in values, you know, in the United States, it is a diverse place. All of these states, many of them very farfrom washington, so of these states, many of them very far from washington, so the diversity of these values is such that you cant talk generally about them. Every president , you know better than me, talks about unifying, uniting people, putting divisive campaigns behind them, about being a president for all americans, and mr trump is no exception to that. Do you detect anything in the preparation so far which leads you to believe that he will move away from the kind of patterns of rhetoric that we have seen over patterns of rhetoric that we have seen over the last 12 months or so . No, i actually dont, if you are talking about these in century two weeks tweets that he comes up with everyday. Dont see immediately that it. Four. I am with everyday. Dont see immediately that it. Four. Iam not with everyday. Dont see immediately that it. Four. I am not an astrologer here. I have noticed there is a discrepancy between his public pronouncements and his private pronouncements. I think when he gets into the context of government, around quite a large number of smart people, some of whom he is appointing himself, then we will have unifying effect on him. My theory is that what he is going to do is use interest in governance, lose interest in being 57 some of these responsibilities over to some of these monkeys that he is appointing, the attorney general, the head of the epa. So that for me is an even more bothersome eventuality than what trump himself might do. He is appointing some actually quite good people in some insta nces. Actually quite good people in some instances. But some really dangerous people in other instances. We have a man to run the Environmental Protection agency who is a climate denier. Go figure. How do we know what is going to happen . Just to pick up on several interesting remarks, richard, the remark about losing interest in the presidency, to what effect or purpose . He is in the white house, he has the entire apparatus of the presidency around him, if he is not being president at that moment. What is he being . Hes being donald trump. That is the Dichotomous Problem that we have here. He doesnt seem to be able to separate himself personally from the responsibilities of his job. Separate himself personally from the responsibilities of hisjob. I think his default position is always to be donald trump. Thats how he runs his business, thats what it means, in essence, for him to run government like a business. 0nly, essence, for him to run government like a business. Only, the problem is, dismisses have customers, governments have citizens. Businesses have customers. Business is run for profit and money, government is run for services, security, and i dont think he has any understanding of that. Maybe he will learn, but it will be a steep climb. I very much, hope we can talk in a few months time to see what has turned out to be right and what is less tha n turned out to be right and what is less than white. But great to talk to you. I hope there is something good that turns up, believe you, we need it. Thank you for coming in, richard. Pleasure. The distinguished brighter richard ford in our studio in new york. 0ur thanks to him for contributing on the eve of inauguration day, with some forthright and challenging thoughts on what the trump in a row will bring. At the time of 17 118, we join 0llie for the sport. Englands cricketers have lost the one day series against india. Yuvraj singh and ms dhoni hit brilliant centuries in cuttack as they closed on 381 6. That set up what would have been a record run chase for victory, but england fell short. India winning by 15 runs to go 2 0 up in the series with one to play. Eeeeel l e}; terrible india in cuttack. It looked against india in cuttack. It looked that way when virat kohli was caught off the bowling of chris woakes. India were 25 3 at one stage, ms dhoni changed all of that. Yuvraj reached a record breaking 150, while dhoni did not do badly either. 134, including as big a six as you will see. And there was more pain to soak up, too. Ben stokes did not like that. And he wont have liked englands target of 392 either. Joe root did his best, but when he went, things did not look good. Time for eoin morgan to produce a special innings, Drinking Plenty of close. But when he was run england close. But when he was run out late on, it was not close enough. This aid targets simply too pig. Enough. This aid targets simply too pig, no flipping fortune here. Defending champion ronnie 0sullivan is through to the semi finals of the masters snooker at the Alexandra Palace but he was far from his best. The six time winner was up against Neil Robertson in the pick of the quarter finals, but 0sullivan needed a lot of luck and a couple of flukes to pull clear, this in the eighth frame when he moved 5 3 up. The standard was rather poor, lots of fouls from both players in the last frame and eventually it was the rocket who pulled clear, 6 3 the final score. Scrapping win. I dragged him down, to be honest with you. I did, that is what i am doing, dragging them all down. They seemed to be missing balls, or something happens for me, but that is all you can do sometimes. I have had a good 11 5 years where i have been consistent. This has not been a great spell for me, but hopefully, it will turn around. Thats all sport for now. The latest on the australian open. Novak djokovic, six time winner in melbourne, he was knocked out by wild card overnight. More on that at 6 30. Several British National s were injured in cloudy arabia the victims cloudy arabia,

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