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Level for more than a decade with 1. 6 Million People now out of work. The Supreme Court rules bus drivers must do more to accommodate Wheelchair Users, after a disabled man couldnt board when a woman refused to move her buggy. And record breaking weather Scientists Say 2016 was likely the worlds warmest year the third in a row to top the charts. And tributes to former england womens cricket captain Rachael Heyhoe flint, who has died aged 77. Borisjohnson has warned eu leaders not to give the uk Punishment Beatings for brexit in the manner of some world war ii movie. He said that Penalising Escape was not in the interests of the uk friends and partners. The president of the European Commission Jean Claude Juncker has told the European Parliament that he will do everything he can to ensure that the negotiations over britains exit from the European Union end in a good result for all concerned. But he also said the negotiations would be very, very, very difficult. And this afternoon its been announced that the Supreme Court will announce its verdict on tuesday whether theresa may can trigger article 50 without consulting parliament. Our Political Correspondent iain watson reports. If newspapers had a vote, theresa may would be guaranteed a landslide election victory. They liked her willingness to walk away from a bad deal with the eu. Butjust 2a hours later, the foreign secretary controversially used rather more colourful language, comparing the french president to a world war ii prison guard. If mr hollande wants to administer Punishment Beatings to anybody who chooses to escape rather in the manner of some sort of world war ii movie then i dont think that that is the way forward. I think actually its not in the interests of our friends and our partners. Downing street defended the comments as a theatrical comparison and denied mrjohnson had compared the french president to a nazi. The Prime Minister then faced mps to defend her own words in yesterdays brexit speech. She was attacked first of all, for not what she said, but the fact she hadnt said it in parliament. Restoring parliamentary democracy whilst sidelining parliament. Mr speaker, its not so much The Iron Lady as the irony lady Jeremy Corbyn didnt just attack the venue for the speech, but the content. Particularly, the Prime Ministers warning that britain could become a low tax, low Regulation Economy if she failed to get a good deal. Can i urge her to stop her threat of a Bargain Basement brexit . But the Prime Minister quoted Jeremy Corbyn himself to argue that labour had no brexit plan of their own. She has said leave the Single Market and at the same time says she wants access to the Single Market. Im not quite sure how thats going to go down in europe. I thnk we have to have a deal that ensures that we have access to the market. Laughter. Ive got a plan. He doesnt have a clue. But one of her own mps urged her to debate each part of her plan in the house of commons. Would she please consider at least publishing all those 12 objectives in a white paper so that we can debate them here in this place on behalf of all our constituents . What we usually see at Prime Ministers questions is the opposition attacking the government and the government responding. But brexit cuts through party lines and party loyalties. So there are some conservatives who are worried about theresa mays decision to come out of the Single Market and within the labour party, some ofJeremy Corbyns own backbenchers think he isnt taking a Strong Enough stance in opposing the Prime Ministers approach. This former Shadow Chancellor says his own Party Leadership should have been more vocal in standing up for membership of the Single Market. For me, that is a pretty black and white issue and its something that we should call out and say it is bad for our economy. Thats our duty as labour members of parliament and i will be doing that if we get legislation shortly in the house of commons. The snp argued that leaving the Single Market would hitjobs and incomes. Does the Prime Minister believe that this is a price worth paying for her Little Britain brexit . I repeat what i said earlier. We will be working to ensure we get the best possible deal in terms of access to the Single Market and continuing to co operate in partnership with the 27 remaining Member States of the European Union. So divisions within and between the Political Parties were on display today and thats even before the formal process of leaving the European Union gets under way. Webber has been more reaction to theresa mays speech. This afternoon the European Union Council President , donald tusk, said theresa mays speech underlined that the uk would not be able to pick and choose the best elements of the eu. Yesterdays speech by Prime Minister may proved that the unified position of 27 Member States on the indivisability of the Single Market was finally understood and accepted by london. It would be good if our partners also understood that there will be no place for pick and choose tactics in our future negotiations. At the same time. Applause. At the same time, i want to underline that we took note of the warm and balanced words of Prime Minister May On European Integration which were much closer to the narrative of Winston Churchill than that of the american president elect trump. And we can speak to gavin lee now in brussels. Everyone being careful in europe about their language. I wonder what they make of what borisjohnson had to say. Well two reactions to two different speeches. Theresa may and borisjohnson. Very different. From the french so far diplomatic silence. There has been a comment from a former belgian Prime Minister and the even negotiator for the European Parliament on brexit who said today that the words were deeply abhorrent and unhelpful. And theresa may should condemn Boris Johnson and taken to task this. Those i spoke to, a senior diplomat in the European Commission, he was to some degree surprised but asked if Downing Street did not have a drawer full of responses ready made for borisjohnson drawer full of responses ready made for Boris Johnson given drawer full of responses ready made for borisjohnson given the amount of diplomatic gaffes he is known to make. So i think there is an a cce pta nce make. So i think there is an acceptance and it is whether they draw the line that on the one issue do not mention the war and then going too far. I am sure we will have some french reaction today. But what he was responding to coast of the heart of theresa mays speech. One of the french Delegation Team said that the uk cannot have a better deal outside the eu on a trade deal than the Single Market. There has been unanimity on that, josef muscat, a former aide to Tony Blairand josef muscat, a former aide to tony blair and now Prime Minister of malta, he said in the European Parliament today that he wants to make sure the uk gets an inferior deal because he said it is not out of antagonism, it is about making sure no one else leaves the eu and the uk does not get the best deal for that. So if yourfriends the uk does not get the best deal for that. So if your friends today, and one notable exception, the Hungarian Foreign minister said he believed the widest possible deal should be agreed swiftly because he said if the uk gets a deal with the us or china or india the eu may fall flat if they lose out on a deal. So a few friends as well for theresa may. Our Political Correspondent, carole walker, is At Westminster. Well theresa may condemn Boris Johnson . I do not think so because that would create even more of a ferrari over the comments. You can sense a bit of irritation in Downing Street after those carefully crafted words yesterday from the Prime Minister, they will have been revelling in some of that Newspaper Headlines from that and then exasperation that borisjohnson has given the media some very different headlines in india. Theyre trying to play down the significance of it, Downing Street said they still have full confidence in the foreign secretary. A spokeswoman for the Prime Minister saying it was all hyped up by the media and Boris Johnson never spoke about the nazis and saying we should look to what reaction there has been from france. Well, nothing yet. She went on to say it is not government policy to said to not mention the war but i think that some mps At Westminster think that some mps At Westminster think that some mps At Westminster think that perhaps it might not have been such a good idea to talk about the war in that context, about the leader of a country which was occupied during the war at a time when we are going into these tough negotiations with other european leaders. I think the hope and expectation amongst many mps in that this will be seen as boris not choosing his words perhaps as carefully as he done but something thatis carefully as he done but something that is unlikely really to shake the negotiations. What is at stake is how much those other 27 are prepared to give us. The Prime Ministers set out very ambitious expectation for the negotiations and she wants to get as good a deal as she can. Theyre saying youre not going to get anything that is better than you have at the moment inside the European Union. I think that is what is going to be central to these very tough couple of years of negotiations. Thousands of british holidaymakers are being flown home from the gambia after a State Of Emergency was declared there. The Foreign Office is advising people to avoid all but Essential Travel to the country, after its president refused to accept that he lost last months election. Richard lister reports. It is not very good news, it is basically that we are going to evacuate everyone back home today. Today . Yes, today. It is not what they wanted to hear, tourists in the gambia have been told it is not safe for them to stay. Thomas cook has sent five aircraft to bring almost 1000 of its package tourists home. For those now gathering at banjul airport, its been a stressful day. We just think really it is overkill and they are just trying to frighten people. To me, it feels stupid, because this will all be over within 2a hours to 48 hours. Asking us to leave is unnecessary i think at the moment, but i understand that we need to do it. Tension in the gambia has been building for weeks. Residents are fleeing the capital, as are some government ministers, as the political crisis threatens to become violent. At its centre, this man, president yahya jammeh, who has refused to accept the results of last months elections and declared a State Of Emergency. If the situation is allowed to continue, it may lead to a state of public emergency. Opposition leader adama barrow was due to be sworn in tomorrow. A group of West African Nations has threatened Military Action if he is not given power, so last night the British Government issued this warning to tourists. It is disappointing for the customers but when there are safety and security is the number i priority then we have got to ensure without we them home. The gambias reputation as a Safe Haven In The Sun is now injeopardy, with thousands of tourists queueing up to leave, and the Country Edging closer to instability and conflict. Richard lister, bbc news. On the line is Colin Freeman a Freelance Journalist who is currently in the gambia. News just newsjust breaking, news just breaking, senegalese troops are moving towards the Gambin Borderjust adding to that picture of pressure that you have been feeling over the last couple of days. That is right, the president ya hya days. That is right, the president yahya jammeh has been warned numerous occasions that if he does not step down by midnight tonight, a force will be sent in by the regional states to make him do so. You have been talking with diplomats about this, is there a sense that this is an overreaction and that things will come down soon . L this is an overreaction and that things will come down soon . A lot of the tourists will be speaking to earlier, they come here a lot, they tend to be repeat visitors. Some have been coming here 20 years or more. As a result they feel they know the country well. Many of them have married partners out here and set up businesses and so on. There are around 5000 permanent expat residents here. So they feel well plugged in and they are generally fairly sanguine about what is happening. They are anticipating that if there is any military intervention it will purely be between the outside force and the president and his inner circle and that neither tourists nor the majority of ordinary gambians will be caught up in that. Also sense the president , his support has effectively dwindled. And it is not likely that all his supporters are likely that all his supporters are likely to come out on the streets to engage in civil disturbance. So that movement of troops towards the border in senegal, a bit of Sabre Rattling . It could be. What we have been told, if yahya jammeh does not step down tonight, it is expected there will be up force sent in to ta ke there will be up force sent in to take him on and it will happen in a matter of days rather than weeks, is my understanding. The Regional Heads Of State will not want to leave this hanging in the airfor of state will not want to leave this hanging in the air for weeks. Of state will not want to leave this hanging in the airfor weeks. It is thought that he is holed up in state house, a government building in the capital banjul. And they seem to think it would be a relatively straightforward procedure to besiege that and engage him either by force, in which case with a maximum of 300 loyal fighters, they may just in which case with a maximum of 300 loyal fighters, they mayjust give up loyal fighters, they mayjust give up and along with an alternative is they hand him over themselves without a shot being fired. Although many think if that was the case it would have happened already. This is Bbc News At Five the headlines. Borisjohnson has warned eu leaders not to punish the uk for brexit saying it would not be in the interests of our friends and partners. Hsbc has confirmed plans to move 1000 staff to paris a day after theresa may said the uk believe the Single Market. Thousands of british Holiday Makers are flown out of the gambia amid concerns over unrest in sport baroness heyhoe flint has died at the age of 77, she was usually influential in the womens cricket game and was the first woman to be elected to the mcc committee. Dan evans has produced the first major shock at the australian open, knocking out the seventh seed marion cilic in the second round. And andy murray bid the russian teenager andre will bless in straight sets, the world number one faces the american sam querrey in the third round. Europes biggest bank, hsbc, has been giving details of its plans to move jobs out of london after britain leaves the Single Market. Speaking at the World Economic forum in davos, hsbcs chief executive, Stuart Gulliver said staff responsible for generating around a fifth of its uk based Trading Revenue thought to be around 1,000 employees were likely to be relocated to paris. Our Business Editor simon jack joins us live from davos, with more details and simon is this all down to brexit . They have been saying for months now but if the uk left the Single Market they would move around 1000 jobs to paris. And the day after theresa may could not have underlined the fact that were leaving the Single Market more clearly, they are pressing ahead with those plans. We have learned a bit more about how much business they would be taking with them. They will take 20 of hsbc non uk, european banking revenue. They would not split the number out for me but it is come to be in the billions. That is revenue of cause and not profit but there will be a hit to the exchequer because these are some of the highest earning people in the country. And in hundreds of thousands of pounds each and they pay a lot of income tax. So what were once contingency plans, as they become reality there will be a hit to the exchequer. And not the only bank to be talking in these terms . Ubs which has about 5000 bankers in london has previously said they would move 1500 out depending on what deal or how looked after we left the Single Market. They think that number may be a bit lower, around 1000, and theyre saying that is worst Case Scenario and we will see how things pan out. But privately a significant number ofjobs are said to be going and again very high paying and so we lose that tax revenue. A Wheelchair User has partially won his case at the Supreme Court against a bus company. Doug paulley took legal action because he couldnt board a bus in leeds when a woman with a pram refused to move. Our Disability Correspondent nikki fox reports. As he makes his way to the Supreme Court on one of the most important days of his life, doug paulley is about to find out whether his nearly five year legal battle will end in victory for all disabled people who need to use a Wheelchair Spaces on buses. Hi, jeff, nice to see you. This all began back in 2012 when doug was unable to catch a bus because the space for wheelchairs was occupied by a mum and her pushchair. She refused to move, which meant that doug could not get on. Inside court, all sevenjudges unanimously agreed that first groups policy of requesting and not requiring a person to vacate the wheelchair space was unlawful. But it is only a partial victory. As it does not go as far as insisting someone move from this space. I feel like it will create a cultural shift and that is what they said in court as well. So people will be aware of the fact that the wheelchair area is for Wheelchair Users and that they should take priority. The impact of todays judgment will still have wider implications. For example, any Service Provider with a space for disabled people will notjust have to request that a non disabled person move, they will have to pressurise. For example, a bus driver may refuse to move from a bus stop in order to shame somebody off the bus. First group admit they may have to amend the training they provide their bus drivers following the verdict today. We really welcome the fact that the court has confirmed that a driver is not required to remove a passengerfrom a bus if they are refusing to move from this space. That is really important for drivers to have that clarity. Im really happy with todays ruling. Its great that after five years of fighting and campaigning by so many people, that we have got a ruling that says that disabled people to have the right to catch a bus and that the bus company must make all reasonable efforts to make that possible. Todays Supreme Court ruling is not clear cut but it does pave the way for a closer look at legislation when it comes to prioritising access for Wheelchair Users. Nikki fox, bbc news. An inquest into the deaths of 30 british people who were killed in a Terror Attack on a beach in tunisia has been ruling on security. What else to the courtier. There has been some very shocking details of the total lack of security at the hotel which was attacked. The Imperial Hotel near sousse. This came from the barrister who represents the families of those killed. Andrew ritchie qc. For example he said that both the gates leading from the beach into the hotel were open at the time of the attack and of course the time of the attack and of course the gunman carried out an attack first on the beach and then came straight into the hotel from there. He was saying that there was only one bad at those beach gates, he did not even have a mobile phone left alone a Walkie Talkie so he could not raise the alarm quickly. He went on to say that none of the four private Security Guards who were all unarmed, which is required under tunisian law, they could not be armed, but he said none of them had any training whatsoever. They had barely had any education. And he also went on to say that they had no means of actually monitoring cctv footage. There was no live feed and no room to be able to do that. And as for the cctv, he is saying that in the hotel just as for the cctv, he is saying that in the Hoteljust Eight Cctv be cameras existed and on the day of attack two of them were not working and crucially one of those was at the entrance to the hotel and that was obviously a very big issue. We also heard a comparison between the Imperial Hotel and the kind of cctv protection of hotels had. They said that some hotels have more a0 cameras. In terms of who is appearing today on the witness stand, we had two managers from the Holiday Company responsible for booking holidays for those who were killed. They were pushing back and think they had no responsibility for security, not even for monitoring security, not even for monitoring security and if they had been any improvements in security in the run up to the attack. An update on the situation in gambia. The Gambin Parliament has extended the term of yahya jammeh following his defeat in elections. But were Senegalese Forces are poised to enter at the border of gambia if no solution is reached by midnight tonight. This comes as thomas cook prepares to fly british tourists home after the Foreign Office said all travel to gambia should be withdrawn. We will bring you more on that if there are any developments. The latest figures for A E Waiting Times show departments in wales have failed to hit their target. In december 81 of patients spent less than four hours waiting to be admitted transferred or discharged, compared with 82. 9 in november. The target is 95 . Lets cross to cardiff now and speak to our correspondent tomos morgan whos at the University Hospital of wales. The service is under pressure . Exactly right and that was the line from the Welsh Government today, they said Winter Pressures are not unique to wales and happen across the uk. But the Nuffield Trust that carries out analysis said Winter Pressures affecting wales more than other areas across the uk, the financial restraints put on the uk since the recession has affected wales slightly more than the other countries, scotland, Northern Ireland and england and also patients that go into accident and emergency tent to stay in hospital for longer in wales and that is one reason why over the past few years wales has been doing slightly worse than the other countries. But as we heard from the latest figures, also deterioration is in england. One key issue that has cropped up with these figures today is that those waiting for 12 hours or more in accident and Emergency Departments in wales have significantly increased since the same time in the previous year. It was one of the busiest times ever for the Welsh Ambulance service in december. And as the Winter Pressures continue to inflict problems for accident and Emergency Departments in the uk the situation is the same in wales, deterioration on these statistics from year. Climate Scientists Say 2016 is likely to be the warmest year on record for the third time in a row. Last year is on track to be warmer than 2015. The El Nino Phenomenon played a part in the rise but the biggest cause was human activity. Time for a look at the weather. Heres helen willets. It is interesting how the weather can vary it is interesting how the weather can vary so it is interesting how the weather can vary so much from day to day. In europe it is bitterly cold. In the uk we had frost across the southern half of the uk. A beautiful frost across berkshire there. And for most of it say weve had some cloudy weather. Promise today. It is under the clear skies were we can expect some frost overnight. But for most of the uk the cloud acts like a blanket to prevent the temperatures from falling. Well we have the frost it is quite a sharp frost as well. Only slow changes tomorrow, perhaps a bit more cloud for east anglia and the south east but still quite bright. Temperature is still on a par with today. This is Bbc News At Five. The headlines uk should not be penalised for escaping the eu, the foreign secretary says. Speaking during his trip to india Boris Johnson warned eu leaders to avoid Punishment Beatings. If Francois Hollande wants to administer Punishment Beatings to anybody who chooses to escape in the manner of some World War Two movie, i dont think that is the way forward. Butjean Claude Junker tells the European Parliament Brexit Negotiations will be very, very difficult. What i call, it is a fair deal, that is valid, we need a fair deal. That means obligations for everyone who is taking part. Hsbc confirms plans to move one thousand of its staff to paris a day after theresa may said the uk would leave the Single Market. Thousands of uk tourists are being returned from the gambia after the Foreign Office issued new Travel Advice amid a State Of Emergency. Now its time for the sport with olly foster. Baroness Rachael Heyhoe flint has died at the age of 77. One of the finest womens cricketers in a 22 year england career, she was also hugely influential in the development of the womens game. She captained her country for 12 years and was the first woman to be elected onto the full mcc committee. The ecb says cricket was hugely enhanced by her fearless approach and pioneering spirit. Lets speak to Claire Connor from the ecb. You knew rachael very well. Such a sad day, he was hugely influential in the development of the womens game . Yes, she was. She obviously left an enormous mark on the sport for everything she has done as a player, everything she has done as a player, everything she has done for the lady taverners, the charity, the mcc and latterly as an ecb board member. The game has progressed hugely in recent years and rachael paved the way for a lot of that progress. We use the word kind of pioneers and Trail Blazers quite lightly, but she was one of those women who was fearless and had unbelievable strength of character. She campaigned for nine years for women to be allowed in the mcc in the membership ranks in the mcc. So she has done so much for our sport and for women in our sport particularly. She did Break Down Barriers after her playing career, but as a player, he broke new ground and she was a Terrific Bats Woman and she was a Terrific Bats Woman and captained the team to that 1973 womens world cup. Yes, that was the first world cup mens or womens eventin first world cup mens or womens event in 1973 and it was rachael who got it off the ground and almost single handedly organised the world cup, let alone played with it. With the support of jack hayward, who responsored the event. Between them they put on the first ever world cup for cricket. And it was the mens world cup that followed two years later in 1975. She led england in their first ever later in 1975. She led england in theirfirst ever game later in 1975. She led england in their first ever game at lords. She was the first woman to hit a six in a test match and you know she led the side, she batted for the side, she wrote the Press Releases for the side. She probably did the laundry as well no task was too great or too small for her and she has devoted her life to our sport and its development and progress. You know, the generation of female cricketers playing the game now, whether theyre taking cricketers playing the game now, whether they re taking up cricketers playing the game now, whether theyre taking up the game at grass roots level or playing cricket for england as a profession, you know, rachael has done so much for all of them. Claire connor, thank you. That is about ba ness Rachael Heyhoe flint who has died at the age of 77. Well turn attentions to the fa cup now and Plymouth Argyle will look to join the list of giantkillers from the third round when they take on liverpool later. We can join our correspondent Katie Gornall live at plymouth now katie they held liverpool to a goalless draw at anfield ten days ago, can they go one step further tonight . I think there is going to be 15,000 plymouth fans packed in here later, full of belief. They call this place the theatre of greens. The fans will hope the atmosphere will help them against liverpool. It is not what liverpool are used to. I looked into the away Dressing Room cosy to say the away Dressing Room cosy to say the least plymouth held liverpool at anfield. Jurgen klopp fielded his youngest eleven and he may done the same tonight. But he may play daniel sturridge. Plymouth are contender for promotion and unbeaten at home in five games. So they come in with a spring in their step. Thank you. That is all the sport for now. Im back at 6. 30. Have a look at the bbc sport site between then and now. Thank you. Lets return to our top story and get more reaction to the speech made by theresa may setting out britains objectives ahead of their negotiation to leave the eu. We can speak to jan zahradil, a mep from the czech republic, who sits on the International Trade committee of the European Parliament. Thank you forjoining us. Having listened to her speech, do you think it is possible she can get the Free Trade Deal that she wants . Well fist of all, i have to say that it is good that the uk cabinet and the Prime Minister said clearly what are the intentions concerning brexit and now we know the subject, the matter on which we can negotiate and that isa on which we can negotiate and that is a basically good dhing and i hope thing and i hope if there is positive will on both sides, a future deal would be mutually beneficial. Would you back a Free Trade Deal . Sure. I have no problem with that. I think that basically generally Free Trade Deal, any Free Trade Deal is good for both sides, because it helps to boost economies. So if it is just about free trade, i would be in favour of that arrangement. Do you think what you say reflects the mood of other european leaders, who seem in some way to make sure that britain doesnt benefit from leaving the eu. Well, of course, some people and some members of the European Continental Political Establishment are politicking a bit too much over that. I think that what we need is realism and pragmatism, less politicking. I understand that maybe some people here are a bit scared that if everything goes well, some other countries might be encouraged to leave the eu as well. I dont think that this is the case. I think that we should be mature and responsible and we should try to reach the best possible deal for both sides. The italian Finance Minister was saying earlier that while he may not agree with the brexit policy, he said at least there is a vision. He says the problem with europe is it doesnt have one. Well, europe or the European Union, because it is a bit different thing than europe as a continent or a civilisation. The European Union as an organisation faces a couple of problems and i think brexit was a wake up call or some kind of warning that we shouldnt let things go this way further on and that the European Union has to change. I hope we will be able to take the lesson. Realistically there will be those in europe rubbing their hands at the prospect of being able to get on some of the Financial Service areas that london dominates. Do you sense that london dominates. Do you sense that there is a lot to play for here . Well, im not saying that it would an easy task, im not saying that those negotiations will go smoothly, but i firmly believe that at the end we will get the deal that would be acceptable and beneficial for United Kingdom and for the European Union as well. Thank you very much for that. Thousands of british holidaymakers are being flown home from the gambia after a State Of Emergency was declared there. The Foreign Office is advising people to avoid all but Essential Travel to the country, after its president refused to accept that he lost last months election. Thomas cook is one of the Travel Companies affected. They are due to fly back 1,000 uk tourists from gambia. Earlier i spoke to their Group Director of operations, paul hutchings, who said it wasnt an overreaction to bring tourists home. We have been monitoring the situation in the gambia for quite a number of weeks now and we have been working closely with the Foreign Commonwealth Office and the uk government to make sure that we have taken the appropriate steps to assure the safety and security of all of our thomas cook customers. That is our priority. There is a risk that the airport will be closed, how confident are you that you will get everybody back . We have introduced a programme that is well planned and it is controlled. We have to be aware of how many aircraft we can get into the airport at any one timement we have three and a half thousand customers in the gambia. About a third are package tour customers and the remainder are flight tour customers and the remainder are flight only. We are putting on additionalflights in flight only. We are putting on additional flights in the flight only. We are putting on additionalflights in the next flight only. We are putting on additional flights in the next three days and providing enough Airline Seat Capacity for 3,500 customers and we should be able to complete that programme by the end of friday afternoon, which is when the last flight afternoon, which is when the last flight is planned. Why are you differentiating between package and flight only passenger . We are hearing from some who are concerned that you are prioritising those on package deals. No we are not prioritising package customers, all our customers are equally as important us to. The difference that we have is of course when you provide accommodation and a flight we know where our Package Tour Passengers and customers are. We know where theyre accommodate and it maybes it is easy for us to make contact and starting the plan. The difficulty with some flight only customers are some are gambian nationals, others are there to stay for extended periods over the winter and it is more difficult to make contact with those customers. We rely on them to make contact with us and we put a lot of information on our web site to make sure that they contact us so we can appropriately make the Airline Seat Booking for them and the reservation for them so we can get them all back as quickly as we can. On the line is steven routledge, a british tourist who is currently in gambia. When are you hoping to get home . Well at this moment, i dont know when im going to get home. Because i still have to be called by My Particular tour operator. We have been here on holiday on a thomas cook flight. While i have heard the ceo of thomas cook saying that theyre not prioritising package customers, that is what seems to be happening. We have had people coming in and going out straightaway. That doesnt seem quite fair. Because some people are actually frightened of what may happen in the gambia. Im not saying that applies to me or my party, but some people are, because they dont all understand the gambia. We all understand that we have to leave, because of political situation. We understand that. And we applaud that. I would mention you know, you said that the powers that be have been monitoring the situation for weeks. Well i have been monitoring it for weeks, the Foreign Office, and up to 3 oclock yesterday, there was nothing to be said. Ok, iunderstand yesterday, there was nothing to be said. Ok, i understand the amount we have here, the 90 days emergency. Not everybody understands what that meant. And i didnt find out that anybody was sending any planes into the gambia until after 7 oclock this morning when another member of my family this morning when another member of myfamily in this morning when another member of my family in the uk had heard it on the radio. So people were finding out and before we did. Somebody who was in germany yesterday and he heard about it, the evacuation, before he left yesterday evening. And so these people were better informed than we are. I watched this morning people were beginning to panic and even in the hotels. It was chaotic. When we heard what was going on at the airport with the coaches, people stuck for hours on coaches, people stuck for hours on coaches wheel they were waiting processed. They were only being processed. They were only being processed on the coaches. So if thomas cook knew about their customers and their passengers, why did that happen . I dont know, i may be going home tomorrow. Steven, safe journey, thank you very much. This is Bbc News At Five the headlines borisjohnson warns eu leaders not to punish the uk for brexit saying Penalising Escape was not in the interests of our friends and our partners. Hsbc confirm plans to move one thousand bankers to paris a day after theresa may confirmed the uk would leave the Single Market. Thousands of british holidaymakers are flown out of the gambia amid Safety Concerns over political unrest. An update on the Market Numbers for you heres how londons and frankfurt ended the day. Pearson shed almost 30 . They were the days worst performing stock. Unemployment has fallen to its lowest level for more than a decade. The jobless total dropped by 50,000. Average earnings were up by 2. 7 . But as our economics correspondent reports, the figures also show that after yea rs of reports, the figures also show that after years of growth, the number of people in employment is no longer growing and has not done so since july. This farmer and Food Processor in norfolk supplies vegetables, but it is being squeezed. Its being forced to offer higher wages. It says because the supply of workers from the eu has gone into reverse. We are struggling to fill positions. It isa we are struggling to fill positions. It is a Fluid Market Place with inflation in wages in our sector, which is being driven by some eu citizens going home and moving from the uk market place and it is creating a vacuum. In the three months to the end of november, the number of Unemployed People dropped toi. 6 number of Unemployed People dropped to 1. 6 million. It remains at its lowest rate in 12 years, a. 8 . The average pay pact was £a77. Up 2. 7 . Businesses cant always pass on the higher cost of labour by charging higher cost of labour by charging higher prices, simon will have to renegotiate his contracts with the food retailers. They wont want big price increases. All of us are trying to recoup some of this back. The load should be shared by all and thane fluids the condition and that includes the consumer. If tighter markets are offering workers the chances to bid up their wages, many economists will see that as positive. We are seeing a robust end to the economy and hiring has not slowed down and people are finding jobs and jobs that are at improved wage levels. There has been a marked change since brexit, for 20 years the number of people in work in the uk has been hitting new records. In the three months to the end of november it dipped and it is now no higher than it was injuly. During the Us Election Campaign donald trump pledged to make America Great again, but as he prepares to take office can he deliver on that promise . In the week that donald trump will be sworn in as the a5th president of the united states, jon kay is on a road trip through the Heart Of America On route a5 to find out how americans are feeling about trumps presidency and whether he can deliver what hes pledged to when it comes to rebuilding america. Today, as he continues on his journey south, jons in tennessee. If you want to understand Donald Trumps election win, this is a good place to come. Next to route a5, the ohio river meets the mississippi. Its an Essential Artery for the us economy, carrying 18 million tons of cargo every year. But things arent what they used to be. The locks which boats pass through here have seen better days. Nearly 100 years old, they regularly break down, causing long and costly delays. So around 52 hours at one time. A boat could be waiting out for 52 hours before coming through . Yes, sir. Mark, the lock keeper, says its a struggle to keep trade moving. The concrete is starting to break up and crumble. Every time it gets hit by a boat as it lands on it, it puts pressure on it and causes more cracks and more stress on it, we patch it together and try and keep it going, but its not going to last forever. Donald trump has pledged 1 trillion to rebuild americas rivers, roads and railways. A promise thats won him plenty of support round here. But he hasnt said where the money will come from. We drive on, into americas rural south. There are two million farms in this country. Willa Property Developer president understand this business . At the university of tennessee, students are learning how to weigh and vaccinate cattle. Stick it in, press it forward, pull it out. There are going to be some are gonna be more willing to go forward and some are wanting to hold back. Sounds like politicians i guess so donald trump won nearly 80 of the vote in the martin area. They like his confidence and in turn they have confidence in him. He might have a few mess ups on the way, but eventually hell figure it all out. But is farming compatible with trumps plans for building . What about the land, the environment . Donald trump is a man you associate with skyscrapers and new york city, not with farming and places like this. Do you think he understands you and what you want to do . I think hes going to help the small town people also out. I dont think hes just going to be the big city man when he gets in office. What about farming, does he understand farming . Not as well as some agriculture people. Whether its agriculture or infrastructure, in these communities away from washington, many feel trump will be a president who finally speaks for them. Someone not just following the political herd. Jon kay, bbc news, tennessee. And tonight barack obama gives his last News Conference as us president. We expect him to defend his decision to shorten the sentence for chelsea manning. Our correspondentjoins to shorten the sentence for chelsea manning. Our correspondent joins us, President Obama has come under stick for that . Yes and i expect him to be asked to explain the decision to commute the sentence of chelsea manning. She will be freed in may and it is controversial. That is not good when that happens we will try and re establish contact with barbara, but that is not looking hopeful. We will of course watch that final Press Conference with President Obama on the news channel. Scheduled for 7 oclock. Now, lets see. Barbara if youre back with us. We are expecting barack obama to defend that decision, but donald trump is hitting the road running on friday . Yes his spokesman said he will possibly issue four or five Executive Orderses on friday, the day he takes office after being sworn in. That means he is eager to start putting a stamp on the promises he made during his campaign. We know his team and he wa nts to campaign. We know his team and he wants to make a difference in the first 100 days, as most president s do. He seems particularly impatient to do. We dont know what the Executive Orders might be. What he has talked about in the past is he would quickly notify intent to withdraw or no longer be part of Trans Pacific partnership, which is the Pacific Trade Deal that President Obama made a priority of his office. He has talked about Lifting Regulations on American Energy sources is like Lifting Regulations on Coal Mining And Shale Exploring and that sort of thing. It is possible he may be making those decisions on friday. But we dont know exactly what it will be. Thank you. A waxwork of donald trump has been unveiled in london. Mr trumps figure replaces barack obamas. He willjoin other leaders including Vladimir Putin and the late South African leader, nelson mandela. Now the weather. It is a bit chilly tonight across the south of the country. Milder elsewhere. We have quiet, settled weather conditions, but it is not the same weather script across the country. Let me explain. We have got some sunshine as we saw here from our Weather Watcher in wiltshire. But further north despite the sunshine, further north despite the sunshine, further north it is just cloud and low cloud and hill fog. It only takes one weak Weather Front ott this time of year to spoil the day in terms of sunshine that. Stays with us tonight and for the next couple of days. We will be plagued by a bit of cloud. The the cloud at time makes a difference. Without it we can expect a frost in the south of the country and in the glens of scotland. For most milder. Even if it is milder tomorrow, it will be cloudy and we wont see as many shots as we in berks shah. Berkshire. Now, where the cloud and the sunshine come together, there could be a little bit of fog where there have been some breaks in the cloud during the night. That is something to bear in mind tomorrow morn being chl we could see fog where we have seen some breaks in the cloud in North East Scotland and we have rain and drizzle in orkney and the highlands and islands. It should pull away from shetland. Here is how it looks under the cloud. But lacking sunshine again tomorrow. So we turn the clock forward 2a hours and we have the same weather and we see more cloud in east anglia and less cloud perhaps in the South West Of England and the north of scotland. But again nothing special temperature wise. Eight or nine at best. On friday the cloud will sink i further south. So less sunshine, but less frost. But it is the same throughout and with this High Pressure holding on, that dominant High Pressure giving that cold weather across much of europe, except the uk, the High Pressure holds on. So it is mainly dry. See you later. Borisjohnson adds his brand of diplomacy to the Brexit Debate as eu leaders spell out the problems ahead. The foreign secretary is hoping for new ties with india and he is accused of upsetting old friends like france. If mr hollande wants to administer Punishment Beatings to anybody who chooses to escape rather in the manner of some sort of world war ii movie, then i dont think that is the way forward. At the eu parliament, first formal reactions to Theresa Mays Brexit speech and theyre spelling out the challenges ahead. We want a fair deal for the United Kingdom, but that deal necessarily needs to be inferior to membership. Well be asking what this means for Brexit Negotiations

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