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That this country belongs to you. To all of you. From every background and walk of life. If you or your pa rents a re and walk of life. If you or your parents are immigrants, no that you are part of a Proud American Tradition Toe infusion of new cultures and ideas, generation after generation that, has made us the greatest country on earths. If your family doesnt have much money, i wa nt family doesnt have much money, i want you to remember that in this country plenty of folks, including me and my husband, we started out with very little. But with a lot of ha rd with very little. But with a lot of hard work and a good education, anything is possible. Even becoming president. Thats what the American Dream is all about. Cheering and applause. And if you are a person of faith, know that religious diversity is a Great American tradition too. In fa ct Great American tradition too. In fact that is why people first came to this country to worship freely and whether you are muslim, christian, jewish, hindu, sikh, these religions are teaching our young people about justice these religions are teaching our young people aboutjustice and come passion and honesty. So i want our young people to continue to learn and practice those values with pride. You see, our glorious diversity, our diversity of faiths and colours and creeds, that is not and colours and creeds, that is not a threat to who we are, it makes us who we are. Applause. So the young people here and the young people out there do not ever let anyone make you feel like you dont matter. Or like you dont have a place in our american story, because you do. And you have a right to be exactly who you have a right to be exactly who you are. But i also want to be very clear. This right isntjust handed to you. No, this right has to be earned every single day. You cannot ta ke earned every single day. You cannot take your freedoms for granted. Just like generations who have come before you, you have to do your part to preserve and prothe effect those freedoms and that starts rights now, when your young. You need to prepare yourself to add your voice to our National Conversation and prepare yourself to be informed and engaged asa yourself to be informed and engaged as a citizen, to serve and to lead, to stand up for our proud American Values and honour them and that means getting the best education possible. So you can think critically, so you can express yourself clearly, so you can get a good job and support yourself and yourfamily. So good job and support yourself and your family. So you good job and support yourself and yourfamily. So you can be a positive force in your communities. And when you encounter obstacles, because i guarantee you you will, and many of you already have, when you are struggling and you start thinking about giving up, i want you to remember something that my husband and i have talked about since we first started this journey nearly a decade ago. Something that has carried us through every moment. That is the power of hope. The belief that Something Better is a Lwa Ys Belief that Something Better is always possible if you are willing to work for it and fight for it. It is our fundamental belief in the power of hope that has allowed us to rise above the voices of doubt and division, of anger and fear that we have faced in our own lives and in the life of this country. Our hope that if ework hard enough and believe in ourselves, then we can be whatever we dream. Regardless of the limitations that others may place on us. Limitations that others may place on us. The hope that when people see us for who we truly are, maybe just maybe, they too will be inspired to rise to their best possible selves. That is the hope of students like ciara, who fight to discover their gifts and share them with the world. It is the hope of School Counsellors like terry and these folks who guide those students, refusing to give up on even a single young person. Shoot, it is the hope of folks like my dad, got shoot, it is the hope of folks like tup shoot, it is the hope of folks like my dad, got up every day and did his job at the city water plant, the hope that one day his kids would go to college and have opportunities he never dreamed of. That is the kind of hope that every single one of us, politicians, parents, preachers, all of us, need to be providing for our young people. Because that is what moves this country forward every single day. Our hope for the future. And the hard work that hope inspires. So. That is my final message to young people as first lady. It is simple. Applause. Thank you. I want iwant our i want our young people to know that they matter. That they belong. So dont be afraid. You hear me young people . Dont be afraid. Be focussed. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered. Empower yourselves with a good education. Then get out there and use that education to build a country worthy of your boundless promise. Lead by example with hope, never fear. Boundless promise. Lead by example with hope, neverfear. And know that i will be with you rooting for you and working to support you for the rest of my life. That is true i know for every person who is here today. And for educators and advocates across this nation who get up river day and every day and work their hearts out. I am so grateful to all of you for your passion and dedication all the hard work on behalf of our next generation and cani behalf of our next generation and can i think of no better way to end my time as first lady than celebrating with you. So i want to close today by simply saying thank you. Thank you for everything you do for our kids and for our country. Being your first lady has been the greatest honour of my life. And i hope i have made you proud. Thank you well clearly an emotional first lady, Michelle Obama in Herfinal Speech as first leady. She was a first lady. She was addressing young people, saying this country belongs to you, dont be afraid, we can be whatever we dream. Anything is possible, she said, even becoming the next president. She also praised what she called the glorious diversity of the United States. Lets go to Our Washington Correspondent who has been listening to that and aleem, as so often, she has been talking to young people, as she did when she came to london and inspiring, trying to inspire the younger generation. That has been her focus throughout the last eight yea rs her focus throughout the last eight years on inspiring young people and the number of School Children who have traipsed through the white house is extraordinary. Herfocus particularly on girls education. She never mentioned of course donald trump by name or the current political climate, but she did keep on saying to young people that they neednt be afraid. She talked about inclusion, diversity of hope over hate. And anger. And it is Herfinal Speech there, as Barack Obamas final speech next week. If you look at the news agenda, these message have been superseepeded by what is superseepeded by what is tom. To become. Now it is all about donald trump and his tweets and his way forward and his supporters and the way they see america. Not the way barack obama and Michelle Obama see this country and where it should head. Thank you for the moment. But we are going to come back to you in a moment to talk more about donald trump. Because in the next hour or so trump. Because in the next hour or so mrtrump is trump. Because in the next hour or so mr trump is due to meet the heads of Us Intelligence services over claims that russia interfered in the American Election. The heads of the cia and fbi all insist that the kremlin ordered a cyberattack to help donald trump. But the President Elect has made his doubts very public and fold the New York Times that the claims amount to what he called a political witch hunt. Us intelligence is convinced russia tried to influence the American Election by hacking Democratic Party e mails. President elect donald trump has not only dismissed that, but set himself on a Collision Course with the Intelligence Agencies. Their determination to show that theyre right was made clear at a Congressional Committee hearing. The hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news. The claim is that a hack designed to help donald trump win was authorised at the very highest level in russia, something he has rubbished from the start. I think it is ridiculous. It is just another excuse. I dont believe it. I dont know why. Once they hack, if you dont catch them in the act, you are not going to catch them, they have no idea if its russia, or china, or somebody. It could be somebody sitting in a bed someplace. Earlier this week, he appeared to support comments made byjulian assange, the founder of wikileaks, who has denied russia was involved in any hack. Later he wrote on his twitter feed, the media lies to make it look like i am against intelligence when, in fact, i am a big fan. But then in another tweet, he has again questioned their judgment. So how and why are they so sure about hacking, if they never even requested an examination of the computer servers. What is going on . Today, some of the most senior figures in Us Intelligence will brief him on what they know. I am hoping he is going to be respectful of the profession. Respectful of the agency as well as the rest of the Intelligence Community and looking forward to a rather robust, if not sporty, discussion on this issue. And there has been blunt criticism of mr trumps approach from his political foes. For a president not to have confidence in, not to be prepared to listen to the myriad of Intelligence Agencies, from defence intelligence, to the cia etc, is absolutely mindless. An unclassified version of the intelligence findings is to be released. Whatever the American Public makes of that information, the relationship between the President Elect and the Intelligence Community is already strained. Daniel boettcher, bbc news. Our washington correspondent, aleem maqbool, joins me now. That meeting we think will start in the next few minutes between the President Elect and the heads of Intelligence Agencies. He has been dismissive of them, so this could be quite a tense meeting. Certainly and evenin quite a tense meeting. Certainly and even in the last hour or so, he has once again been somewhat disparaging about this and given a Telephone Interview to the New York Times and called the focus on the Cyberattack A Political Witch Hunt and said the news is being spun by those who have been bitter, because of his election result. We have the head of the cia and the fbi will sit in front of him and the fbi will sit in front of him and they have said that russia did hack into the e mails of Democratic Party, they did try and interfere with the election and these instructions to do that came from the top of the russian government. Now donald trump is saying why focus on this, the there have been hacks before and russia has hacked the white house he said. Well the focus on this is because of the intent to influence the direction of the election that took place in november of course. But the Intelligence Community has not said that it can identify precisely how the election was changed by this hack. But what it does say is if this did happen then russia should, needs to know there are consequences for hacking american accounts. Thank you very much. A terminally ill man has begun a legal fight for the right to die. Noel conway, whos 67 has Motor Neurone Disease and says he fears becoming entombed in his own body as his muscles gradually weaken. Mr conway, who is being backed by the Campaign Group dignity in dying, wants a doctor to be able to prescribe a lethal dose when his health deteriorates. The case will be the First High Court challenge since mps rejected an attempt to introduce assisted dying in 2015. Our medical correspondent fergus walsh has this exclusive report. My name is noel conway. I have Motor Neurone Disease. It is incurable and terminal. I fear very soon i shall be entombed in my own body and the thought of that fills me with absolute horror. Got your beans on toast. Day by day, noel is losing all strength in his body. Increasingly he relies on his wife, carole. He is too weak to take his own life, so, when his condition gets worse, he wants a doctor to be allowed to give him a lethal dose. Its my body, i have a right to die. I have a right to determine how i should die. And more importantly, when i should die. And i want to do so. When i have a degree of dignity remaining to me. Noel often relies on a ventilator to help him breathe. He is registered with the swiss suicide group, dignitas, but will soon be unable to travel, so hes challenging the law here. Our current law condems people like me to unimaginable suffering. I mean, i dont have acute pain. Imjust heading. Really on a slow, slippery slope to hell. Noel was a keen walker, climber and skier. His Family Support his right to die, but dont want to play a part in his death. It places me in an intolerable position. I cant help him to end his life. That would not be possible. I cant do that. I wouldnt want to do that. We need the assistance of professionals, of medical staff to ease that passing. The courts have shown leniency with relatives involved in assisting a suicide, but campaigners, most recently tony nicklinson, have never been able to persuade judges that doctors allowed to end a life. This issue stirs huge passions and when mps last voted, they rejected a change in the law. So does that mean this latest high Court Challenge is doomed to fail . While it is parliament that makes the law, it is judges who interpret it. So when the case comes here, noel conways legal team will seek a declaration that the current law is not compatible with his basic human rights to live and die with dignity. Under the 1961 suicide act, any doctor who helped end his life would face up to 14 years in prison. Baroness Jane Campbell has spinal Muscular Atrophy and has been close to death on several occasions. A disability rights campaigner, she says altering the law would send dangerous signals. If the law were changed, it would feed into societys fear that to be severely disabled, to be trapped within your body, which i really practically am, is a state worse than death. It would be a huge burden to us. We already have to fight for the right to live. Please dont help us to the right to die. But that is exactly what noel conway wants. Canada and california have introduced assisted dying in the past year. Noel is determined it should happen here. It is not a bad day actually. But knows he may run out of time before his case is settled. Hundreds of people have attended the funeral of Yasser Yaqub Who was shot dead by police on monday. The service for the 28 year old was held at a mosque in huddersfield. Mr yaqub died after Police Stopped a car nearjunction 2a of the m62. An inquest into the death was also opened and adjourned in bradford today. Danny savage reports hundreds of people came to yassar yaqubs funeral at a moss income huddersfield today. Many didnt know him personally, but were here to support his family. His father, mother and sisters were deeply distressed. The consistent thought from those present is they want a nswe is from those present is they want answers as to why he was shot by police on monday night. The parents have lost their son, them sisters have lost their son, them sisters have lost their brother. They need a nswe rs. Have lost their brother. They need answers. His friends, family, we all need answers and i think we need a nswe rs need answers and i think we need answers quick. We hope within the week we shall have a proper report. Do you think that may calm tensions if you get the facts . Definitely. I mean we have a proper investigation and proper justifiable answers. Mean we have a proper investigation and properjustifiable answers. Yes, why not . One key question was a nswered why not . One key question was answered today the police have said a gun was found in the car yassar yaqub was shot in. He know he was the front seat passenger at the inquest today, it was revealed the gun was found in the front passenger foot well of the vehicle. Exactly where he was sitting. The inquest was told mr yassar yaqub was shot by a Police Officer in the execution of his duty. He was listed in court as being a 28 year old office clerk. But many people in huddersfield believe he was a renowned drugs dealer. He was in 2010 accused and cleared of trying to murder two people and a firearms offence. His family people and a firearms offence. His Fa M Ily Stress People and a firearms offence. His Family Stress he was never convicted of anything. The inquest into the yassar yaqubs death was adjourned with the coroner saying he wants to be kept up dated with the investigation by the independent Police Complaints commission. An iceberg a quarter of the size of wales is close to breaking away from the Antarctic Ice shelf. If and when it happens, it would be one of the 10 largest ever recorded. Scientists have been monitoring the break up for months. And even though the crack in the ice shelf has got significantly worse in december, theyre not blaming it on Climate Change, but calling it a natural event. Heres our environment correspondent, matt mcgrath. Stretching for around 100 miles in length, the 100 yard wide rift in the Larsen Ice Shelf has grown rapidly in recent weeks. Just 12 miles of frozen material is keeping this enormous iceberg from drifting away into the sea. Collapsing ice shelves are common in antarctica. As these pictures show, these fragmentations can dramatically affect the landscape, creating icebergs of all shapes and sizes. A team of british researchers have been travelling to antarctica to monitor the growing rift in the larsen Sea Ice Shelf for several years, but they have been surprised by the dramatic expansion in the rift thats taken place in just two weeks in december. What weve found is that the rift thats been in this ice shelf for a number of years has broken through another 18 kilometres and is now at risk of giving birth to an iceberg about a quarter of the size of wales. And the significance of that is it is a very large iceberg that will go out into the open ocean, but the remaining ice shelf we believe will be less stable than before the rift was there. When large icebergs break off the edge off an ice shelf like the larsen b in 2002, it can have a dramatic effect on the stability of the whole structure. At larsen b, most of the remaining shelf disintegrated in less than a month. Experts at the British Antarctic survey are worried that any new Iceberg Formation could have long term consequences. When the ice shelf loses this ice, it may then start to collapse and if that were to occur, then the glasiers that feed the ice shelf could flow faster and contribute more to sea level rising over the next few decades. When it shears away, the new iceberg will be one of the biggest recorded around 50 times the size of manhattan island. But despite concerns about the impact of global warning, researchers they receive no evidence evidence that Climate Change is playing any significant role in the new icebergs formation. Joining me now from southampton is Professor Robert marsh, an oceanographer who studies icebergs at the university of southampton. Thank you for being us with. How significant do you think this is potentially and what could be the consequences . Well, its. Potentially and what could be the consequences . Well, its. As you have heard in the report, a natural phenomenon and it will be a spectacular event. The consequences immediately will be that the iceberg will likely start to move away in the coastal currents. It may get snagged on the sea bed. It will break into smaller but still very large icebergs. And moving at the speed of the current, these fragments will begin to move away from the Antarctic Peninsula at the rate of maybe 10 kilometres a day. If you look at the geographical scene, then it will take maybe a few weeks for the fragments to reach the atla ntic weeks for the fragments to reach the Atlantic Sector of the southern ocean. Over a few more months they may be expected to arrive in the vicinity of south georgia, a place that has become known as the iceberg graveyard. They become snagged on the the sea bed and melt. If they avoid south georgia, they will progress into the South Atlantic and melt more quickly. There are other interesting consequences for the plankton around the iceberg. It is a marvellous natural experiment if you like. You say it is a natural phenomenon, it is not Global Warming oi phenomenon, it is not Global Warming or Climate Change . We cant say that, no. It is certain lay grand event certainly a grand event and in the context of other changes, the antarctic has experienced extensive warming. If you like the conditions forice warming. If you like the conditions for ice shelf collapse are perhaps more favourable than they were before this warming, which we may attribute to our activities, so if you like it is a natural phenomenon which may lead to consequences which we have helped to exacerbate. Thank you very much. Now the latest weather. Speaking of ice it has been icy here. Yes, it was a cold start today. There was a bit of ice around. But things have been turning much milder through the day. So we are not looking at frost and ice by tomorrow morning. We have had a lot of cloud piling in with the warm front. The cloud also producing some rain across the southern half of the uk. Further north, some clearer skies, but through the night, it is looking pretty murky. We will have some mist and fog around, a bit of frost in scotland. But for most of us frost in scotland. But for most of usa frost in scotland. But for most of us a frost free start to the weekend. A bit of low cloud. So some mist and hill fog around. During the day, things will brighten up, particularly in the north. Some sunshine for scotland and Northern England and further south that cloud and fog lingers through the day. Milder and back into double figures. No great changes on sunday. High pressure still around. Grey and cloudy, but milder than the past couple of days. More details on our web site. Youre bbc news and our headlines. Us intelligence chiefs are expected to begin donald trump on claims that russia carried out a Hacking Operation that interfered with the american president ial election. A new legal challenge to allow the terminally ill the right to die at a time of their choosing. Noel conway, who is terminally ill, has begun a legal fight who is terminally ill, has begun a legalfight for who is terminally ill, has begun a legal fight for the right to die. Who is terminally ill, has begun a legal fight for the right to dielj have a right to die. I have a right to determine how i should die. And more importantly when i should die. Gori hundreds of people have attended the funeral in huddersfield of a man shot dead by police on the m62 motorway on monday. An inquest has been opened and adjourned into the death of 28 year old yasser yaqub. Scientists say a giant iceberg will soon split off from the most northern ice shelf in antarctica, after a long running rift grew suddenly last month. It could leave the whole shelf vulnerable to breaking up in the future. Time for the sports news now, Lizzie Greenwood hughes has the latest. Good evening. British cyclist chris froome says he turned down the chance to use a therapeutic use exemption in 2015 because of moral concerns. The three time Tour De France winner has twice previously used medications under the tue rule but when given the option during a race two years ago, he chose not to. They basically said, your condition is severe enough that you need medication and the medication you need would require a tue and that did not sit well with me at the time, idid did not sit well with me at the time, i did not feel that having a tue in the last week of the Tour De France was something that i was prepared. It did not sit well with me, morally, that that was something i was going to do. Do you think it is right that we are asking questions, three critical steroids in the run up to big races . Questions, three critical steroids in the runup to big races . It is only healthy to ask those questions, but obviously, i am not going to give a commentary on his situation, thatis give a commentary on his situation, that is something that he will have two a d dress that is something that he will have two address himself. Have to. That was our Sports Correspondent Natalie Pirks asking the questions. Its important to add, theres no suggestion sir Bradley Wiggins has done anything wrong. He was prescribed the tue for his asthma. Fa cup third round weekend. Teams from all levels of football come into the competition so potential for giant killing. Not tonight though as the first tie is between the Premier Leagues west ham and Manchester City. Its live on bbc one and itll be the first taste of the fa cup for city boss pep guardiola. We play against west ham, away from home, and after what happened with them in the last game, i will try to win the game. They are a Premier League team. It will be tough and we will try to continue in that competition. Big game for us, big game for them, fa cup, big game for both clubs. For the fans. Im sure that they are going to try their best. Manor racing Formula One Team have gone into administration after failing to find new investors. The british based team finished last in the 2016 world championship. Staff were informed of the situation earlier today. Our formula one reporter jennie gow has more. Im afraid it is going to be pretty tough for them, the administrators, frp, have said that there is a very limited window of opportunity, the season begins on march 26 in australia. There really is not much time to get this sorted out. There is people interested in buying the team, nobody has actually put the money down on the table, it needs somebody to come in fast, for the job is to be secured and for the racing to continue. Sir mo farah is back in action tomorrow for the First Time Since being awarded a knighthood in the queens new year honours list. The two time double olympic champion is running in the International Cross country in edinburgh. But he wont be signing any autographs with sir mo as he told our atheltics commentator steve cram. Yeah, no, its an amazing honour, to be called sir. It is unbelievable, from where i have come from, from where i started. When you sign an autograph now, is it mo farah or is it going to be. Mad mo has it sunk in . I have had great messages from all around the world. Particularly people in the uk. I am so happy to get the support and the honour that i have. Andy murray is 41 up in the semifinal against tomas berdych, at the qatar open, you can keep up to date with those stories and many more on the bbc sport website. We will be back at 6 30pm, for a special fa cup sportsday, with ollie foster. As weve been hearing donald trump is due to meet his intelligence chiefs about now to be briefed about russian agents being behind alleged hacking ahead of the president ial election. The us President Elect says the claims amount to a political witch hunt. With me is our security correspondent gordon corera. I say, that meeting about to get underway in new york, how significant is it, and is donald trump, do you think he has an open mind, as he goes into this meeting, to hear this evidence from his intelligence chiefs . Oh, to be a Fly On The Wall in that meeting, as a journalist, it is going to bristle with tension, no doubt, knee has gonein with tension, no doubt, knee has gone in before, i was before talking to the New York Times saying it is a political witchhunt, intelligence chiefs saying, this is real intelligence, both of them cannot win. They can both come out saying the other is wrong, but in which case, it is like neither side wins, because both credibility is damaged if the political spat continues. You can really see this clash between the spy chiefs who think their credibility is on the line, with their belief that the russians did try to interfere in the election, and donald trump believes his legitimacy is on the line because he does not want to be seen to have been helped in any way by an outside power. You have two big clashes and i think that you cannot see anything else but tension. We are reporting that they are going to present him with evidence, do we know what sort of evidence they think they have of russian Cyber Attacks during the election . There has been leaks, donald trump has criticised those, he says he wants them followed up. Intercept of russian officials celebrating his election, that is not necessarily conclusive, they may also have details of the koreas, the intermediary is, cutouts, who delivered some of the material that had been stolen. To the websites that then published it. Couriers. If they can trace back to russia, that would be quite significant. Whether it is conclusive, whether there is a smoking gun, then i doubt it. If he has fallen out all is about to fall out with his spy chiefs and intelligence chiefs, that is not great, even before he has set footin is not great, even before he has set foot in the white house. A lot of these intelligence chiefs will be gonein these intelligence chiefs will be gone ina these intelligence chiefs will be gone in a few weeks, he is going to appoint his own, below that, any Intelligence Community, they will be worried if he continues with that policy of attacking and trying to undermine the credibility of intelligence in general. That tension between him and the Intelligence Agencies could be quite significant and could have an impact on american intelligence and american security. Russia says its reducing its Military Presence in syria, including bringing back its Aircraft Carrier and other warships. The head of Russias Armed forces said the defeat of rebel forces in aleppo, and the current ceasefire, meant that its mission had been fulfilled. Heres our correspondent in beirut, alex forsyth. Russian military forces have played a key role in the syrian war since 2015, providing support to the Syrian Regime with heavy air strikes in rebel held areas, so much so that moscow is credited with helping turn the tide in favour of its ally, the syrian president bashir. But a week or so ago, at the end of december, the russian president Vladimir Putin announced a partial pull out of its forces, in light of the ceasefire russia helped to broker, and which, despite some violations and ongoing violence, is largely holding, and today the Russian Foreign Ministry Said that its Aircraft Carrier and some smaller warships based in the mediterranean would be the first to leave. Smaller warships based in the mediterranean would be the first to leave. Russia will retain a significant Military Presence in syria, but for some this is a sign that moscow sees the syrian conflict entering into a new phase, after it helped the Syrian Government take control of the key city of aleppo, and with peace talks planned for later this month. But this comes with an important caveat this isnt the first time russia has announced a withdrawal from syria. It did so in march last year, only to ramp up its presence when the fighting continued. Nicola sturgeon has suggested a so called soft brexit could postpone another vote on Scottish Independence. Scotlands first minister was speaking on the bbcs Good Morning Scotland programme. She said she believed scotlands Direction Of Travel was still towards independence, but that could be put aside in the short term. Our scotland correspondent, Glenn Campbell is in holyrood for us. Nicola sturgeon is opposed to brexit but the position she has developed is that she is prepared to compromise, in other words, that she is prepared to accept brexit in certain circumstances. In december she set out the compromise that she would be prepared to accept, if the uk would stay within the ruby and Single Market or argue for a special arrangement that would allow Scotla Nd Arrangement that would allow scotland to stay in, then she would be prepared to take off the table the possibility of a second vote on Scottish Independence for the period of the brexit negotiations. England and wales voted to Northern Ireland england and wales voted to leave, Northern Ireland voted to stay, scotland voted to leave, voted to stay. There is a proposition that the maximum number of people can get behind. She has put together a paper exploring these options, that has been sent to the uk government. Nicola sturgeon is effectively saying that the ball is in theresa mays court. If he doesnt want there to be a call for the Scottish Government from the Scottish Government from the Scottish Government for a second vote on independence, she wants theresa may to move on this agenda, otherwise she says that she will push for question of Scottish Independence to be revisited. Some of her opponents think that she is making demands that she knows will be rejected to strengthen her argument for independence, Nicola Sturgeon insists she is genuinely trying to achieve consensus around a compromise. Glen campbell reporting. A Whistle Blower has claimed that people lost their lives as a result of a technical meltdown at the London Ambulance service. Bbc news can reveal that at least one 999 patient died during the Computer Failure in the early hours of new years day. The service said staff were trained effectively in using a manual Back Up System and continued to prioritise patients in the same way. Jon ironmonger reports voiceover with an investigation under way into the technical meltdown at the london and berlin service, one death is now being looked at to see if the Computer Problems were a contributing factor. The bbc has heard damning claims from a Whistle Blower, that the real picture could be much worse. London ambulance service. The people of london were failed, watching loved ones and friends suffering, waiting, not knowing if and when help was going to arrive. Do you think there is a chance that people might have died as a result of this computerfailure . Might have died as a result of this Computer Failure . Without a shadow ofa Computer Failure . Without a shadow of a doubt. If you had had a cardiac arrest, we aim to get you within eight minutes, it would not have happened, you have died. Shortly after midnight, when The Streets Of London were packed with people, the multi Million Pound Computer System which locks emergencies and assigns ambulances collapsed. Logs. For five hours, control staff were forced to Process Hundreds Of Calls by writing them down. The servers say they had been given effective training. Leaked photographs have been seen by the bbc, of the internal staff Facebook Page which suggests some employees felt under extreme pressure on new years day, one member questioned why so many patients had to suffer, workers are described as being in tears, shell shocked, frustrated and angry. Staff are trained to cope in the event of technical difficulties and it is not the first time the Computer System has file. Never before, we understand, for such a long period, on the busiest night of the year. We are very sorry to anyone who experienced delays during thoseissues anyone who experienced delays during those issues on new years day. We are fiercely taking that matter very seriously and to that end we have launched a full and comprehensive external investigation. In 2015, the London Ambulance service was placed into special measures, since then it has taken steps to improve. The Care Quality Commission said that it will follow u p Quality Commission said that it will follow up concerns about Control Room Problems during a planned inspection next month. Studio latest headlines intelligence chiefs are briefing President Elect donald trump on claims that russia interfered with the us election. A man who is terminally ill with Motor Neurone Disease begins a legalfight terminally ill with Motor Neurone Disease begins a legal fight for the right to die. And hundreds of people attend the funeral of yasser yaqub, who was shot dead by police near the m62 on monday. An update on the Market Numbers for you heres how londons and frankfurt ended the day. And in the the United States this is how the dow and the nasdaq are getting on. Now on bbc news, a look ahead to sportsday, at 6 30pm. Coming from east london, the london stadium, the first of 32 third round ties in the fa cup here, west ham united against Manchester City will be a fairly historic night as well, this stadium is known for super saturday, four and a half years ago, when we had the three gold medals won by team gb at the olympics. It will be historic because tonight it is the first time this stadium, now the london

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